Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1896, p. 5

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FF, o- la chuurmn i17LL,Tllll!’5tlE‘y’ rev Eidnio‘ H;€b(7 zkldafi. Mr. T. Iii-rlrert llrvnnox will he at Kelly‘s fictel awry \‘w’rdnesday. 1 Dr. F, J tlrllrrmtugh, V. S , visits Rich. 1 mond llill trrllfefiririiiully on Wednesdays only, until firth--r nn'icu. REV. A J, i’nlil, ii. A., (ll Ulllt‘llvlll?, puid , us a mink \ixir on Thursday lust. Trv our Ell} cent Coffee, Alkimion dz Bwiluer. Mr. N. l‘vlmpn an, the Sherwood merchant. Was in town on Wudulsdny. New shipment of Salado Cuylon Tea at. the Concrete. Extra R-ll (l Currants, for 5 cents per lb at the (‘orvcrrtru Snow showing has been the popular exer- else around here for the pvisl wee-k. Good llii-‘aiirwl’r-iiriev, 5 cents per lb. at Atkinson & Srvilzvr. Fridav of this Wt't‘k mill lm Quarter Night at Court Richmond, No. 70-16, A. O. F. Thu late~t in Gent‘s Linen Collars, Ties And Felt Huts. Atkinson :2: Summer. for. filiner E Law started for Winnipeg and the N )th “fast on Wednesday morning. Grand lllililirrorvioperring ut Atkinson it Switzer'e. Wednesday and Thursday, April 1st and 2nd. Mr. O T. Hopkins. the Aurora baker, died on Monday morning of la<t week after an illness of only a couple of duvs. Apricots, correct Fruitsâ€"Cuiifornia Peaches,- Pluins, Prunes. Prime quality, prices. Naugliton Bros, Elgin Mills. York anetteâ€"MrSIVKt'rswell, of Rich- mond Hill, has I‘rturDPd home after spend- ing a few Weeks at. Mr. P. H. McKenzre‘s ol Willowdalc. Apron Gingham-s, Oxford Shirtiogsfilylish Prints. Tlit‘re goods are the best value we've ever offered. Atkinson & b‘witzer. A meeting: for the purpose of reorganizing the Lllcrmse Club .vill be held in the Lorne Hall on Monday evening next, at 8 o‘clock All intereeted are requested to attend. Don‘t fall to see the Hats for Ladies in all their beauty and piettiuess at the Concrete, lot and 2nd of April. Atkinson dz Switzer. Slate-keepers in this secrion of country need not go to the city for piper bags as they can get the best. made (Kilgour Brosf at. city prior s--‘20 prr cent. on regular prices st 'l‘ni: LIBERAL Oflice. Gents In ordered Suits Atkinson and Switzer are prepared to give the pru- onruble in value, style, and fit. Olive us a trial order. Private funds to loan on first class farm property of 5 per cent. No commission charged. Apply personally or by letter to Holmes it Gregory, room 44, Canada Life Building, ~16 King St. west, Toronto. 19-6111 We nre among those who believe that Par- liament will expire on the 25th of April. We believe it not. only on account of the fact that the Gonrnmcnt has decided it, but because “ Sir G.iVer Moivat said so." Easter Millineryâ€"Do you want a new Hot or Bonnet in lule~t style for Easter? Leave your order with Miss Chambers at Atkinson a Switzer’s. Good Friday and Easter Monday being statutory brink holidays, the Toronto Fi- nancial Corporeticn here will be closed on those days. Notes maturing on either of these days will not be due until the day fol- lowing. California Fitted l’luurs,Wnile Nectarines, Peaches, Apricot-r, and Silver Prunes at the Concrete. Coed l’eachos, 8 cts. pcr lb. At- kinson dz So'llzcr. Parties linving stuck, or any articles to dispose of are requested to communicate with Mr. J. T. Saigon” on or before Thurs- day, the 2nd of April, at) that they may be advertised for the monthly sale at Maple on the 10;h of April. Miss Chambers will be pleased to have her numerous pltrons and friends examine her artistic display 0‘ pattern Bonnets and Hats at the Mil=inerv Opening at the Concrete, let and 2nd of April. Reeve Prrgsley, of this village, and Reeve High, of Yrtuglrun, a few days ago accom-J panied a deputation to wuit on Han. Mr. Hardy relative to certain changes in the Assesement Act. The drputatiorr was intro‘ duood by Mr. E. J. Davis, M P. P. A large shipment of Worstede, Trouser- ings, Block and Lllue Berni-s, Arlington Cos- tume, French S rgcs‘, S. \V. Alpaca, Figured Alpaca, Pul'ustrlfi, Musliiie, Cambrics, eto., ex. s. s. Pumvriau fro-n Glascnw, now pass- ing customs for Atkinson dz Swilzn; MLJohu deuge a. few days ago purchased lot 26. 2nd Concession Vaughan, consisting of NO auto-1.. The price paid was 31350. As Mr. Savage owns lot 25 adjoining, the two places will make a geod 200 acre farm. This farm was formerly owned by Mr. John \Yatkins, of the United States. Getting Readyifor the Fair. The following members of the Executive Committee of the Agricultural Society met yesterday afternoon to revise the prize list and make arrangements for the. annual fair on the Queen's birth-day :â€"â€"\V. H. Clubine, '1'. H l’ugslcy, 1.). Lyneit, G. Leek, '1'. F. McMahon, '1'. Lloyd, B..Elliott, and H. A. Nicholle. eecietuiy. Several chnuges were made in the list Which Will be laid before the. directors at the nrxt meeting. Besides lricyclo i'r-cl-s, flirt rriCtS, qlioit matches. etc, the executive will recommend a foot-ball tnurnsmrm for both senior and innit! flame, to commune; at 10 u. m. Uzi thr- afternoon of Goad-Friday a Thank Olieiinu Service Ulltlrr the auspices of tho Woman’s Missionary Auxrliury will be bold in the school room of the Methodist church. What prurniwa to be it very interuztiirg pro- gramme is bring [irl‘fnflirL This is ii public Hurting and to all a hearty imitation is rEWurlsd. Owing to the snow storm on Thursday night and the high winds on the following dny. the snow was greatly lit-inked up in this section of country. It in said that in some piaovn the drills were 12 and 15 feel lllgil. l‘lir» schools more Ill'tinst deserted, and from Thursday :rn'il Saturday evening there was no mail service. lleV. A. U. [nor-rm. student of Victoria Urlivtrsiry, on i‘lrl way in Lv‘inonville to supply llin‘. circuit during the remainder of the Conference year, wan show-hound a couple of miles north of hero on Saturday afternoon, and remained in [nWll nvr-r Sun- tlwy and two or line» foilowtng days no the guest of new, (l, L Pom-ll. Mr. Ingram no- cupied tliv pulpit. of the Methodist church on Sabbath evening, and prrnrlied an t-xcollent sermon from the text, " None of us livr-tli to himself, and no man dietli to himself.“ Free Scrlpturier Address. Mr. B. C (lrcprrrnan has nguin engaged the Masonic Hall for Friday night of this work. Mr Tho Someivillc will give. 22. Fun Scripture. Address on the subject “ Man'» Ruin and God's Remedy." All are cordially lii"ll.Pli, and people are rrquested, if con~ venienl, to bring their bibles. (s) Refined Entertainment. 0.) Good Friday evening Richmond Hill Mnsrrnic Hull will witness the most amusing and refined entertainment that has for years been seen in a villuge of its size. Every newspaper publisher in the United Slater: and Canada have given the palm to Signor Illilz and his company as having the most amusing programme ever witnessed. Come early to secure seats. (a) A Magazine of influence. The enormous circulation of such a mags- zine as The Ladies' Home Journal can, in a dense. be understood when H is said that during the last. six months of 1395 there were printed, sold. and circulated, over four million copies-â€"(iu exact figures 4,058,891). Figures such as these give one some idea of the influence which may be exerted by even a single one of the modern magnziues. Movements of Hiâ€"llites. The Willowdale correspondent of The Lender and Recorder says: â€"“ Mr. Harold H. Gibson, 0. L. 8., C. F... has entered into contract with L. Innes 6t alone, of Richmond Hill, for Ihu building of A solid brisk resi- deuce." The Pine Grove correspondent of the «nine paper says that Mr. J. ’I‘. MoElroy, V. 5.. of Richmond Hill, was a guest of Mr. James Marshall, of that place on Sunday last. Fire near M aple. Mr. Archibald McQuarrie, near this place, had his residence burned to the ground shout six o'clock on Wednesday morning of last week. Mr. Mt‘QllHrrlB had risen early and made a fire, after which he started for Toronto. He was not long gone when the tics broke ut. Scnrcelv any of the contents of the house Were saved, and the fumili barely escaped with their lives. There was $200 insurance on contents. A defective due is supposed to have been the cause. Appeal Against Assessment. East Gwillimbury bavgiu appealed against the equalized as~easment of that township. representatives of the various municipalities in the county ware called together on Thurs- day last to see what could be done in the mutter. After holding a session an ad- journment wos mode to allow the county judge to collect information from the clerks and from other sources. The representativas will meet ngnin next. Wednesdny in Toronto. It is expcclected that the. assessment of the whole county will have to be taken up. All the assessors for the different municipalities have been summoned to appear. Judge McDougail is presiding, and it is expected that the work will take several days. Unless a municipality has a real grievance it is un- fortunate that an appeal should be made against the assessment of the equalization committees, as naturally the expenses will be heavy. Wedding at Edgcly. A very interesting event took place at Eduely on Wednesduy evening of last week at the residence of Mr. John E. Kai-er, when his daughter, Lavina, Was united in marriage to Mr. James A. Hoover. of Toron- to Junctiuu. Some rixty guests, mostly the immediate friends of the bride and groom, were in Iutendnnco. Tile bride was led into the parlor upon the arm of her brother, Dr. Kaiser, of Oshawa, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. J. ltowlfn. of Brampton, n long-respected friend of both families in- tsre~tcd. The presents were many and vul- uable. including a handsome cheque from the bride‘s father. Among the guests from a. distance were:â€"Mrs. Newcnmb, of Thumesville; Miss Annie, Mrs. and MLWm. McCleary, ex-M. P.1’., and Mr. Arnold E. Kaiser, of I‘huruld; Mr. und Mrs. E. Hill: Mr. and Mrs. James Irvine, of “'estou; Mr. Arthur E. Kaiser, of St. Cntherines; Mr, and Mrs. M. Fisher and Mr. F. Irvine, of L‘orouto. Musical Evening. Arrangements had been made (or the Richmond Hill Band to go to Thorn- hill last Thursday evening and give a mn~ical evening in the rink. Owing to the ‘ frightful storm, however, they did not go, but fulfilled their obligation on Monday evening of Ibis chlt- Our musicians report a mind time, and Bpenlt in the hlgll‘l‘t terms of the wav in which they were entertained by Dr. Gullaonuh, the prnprietor of the rink. Skating bring owr. the blind and a few friends Were invited to the Ilro'. hand- some residence where tempting refreshments Were served, after which a short musical and literary entertainment was rendered. Mia» Kate Wallace, of Willowdale, gave two readings; there were duets by Mrs. Gal- lanough and Miss Wilson, and there were solos by Messrs. A. 8. Savage, A. Shierk, and H. N. lleid, hunch-s choruses by the band. After a very pleasant time the company all joined in “flying "He's A jolly good Fellow " and “ She's 21 Daisy," after which ills visitorr; left for hours. l I A. F. at A. M. The brelhron of Richmond Lodge ripenl, u pleas-int time last Monday evening in their lodge room, W. Bro. McMahon preridinu. ’l'iVo Cuiididutes Were raisml in tho sublime drgreo of a Master Muslin by \Y, Bra. Nicholle, aszisted h. 1:. M Dir-Winn and W. Bro.Sisley, of Vaughan Lodge. l’asl Muster Kirby and W Bro. Sisley, W. M ,of Vaughan , Lodge, and his wardensâ€"limo Saigecn and ShunkApaid a friendly visit to the Lod_:e an the above occasion, and Bro. A. B. Moore, formerly a resident of the Munshaw farm, was also present. Alto-r tho closing of the l’lll pnrtuolr. of light refreshments and spent an hour in eocinl intercourse. 7 Easter Offering. Again we come to the readers of 'llliz LrnmrAL With a plea for the little sufferers in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. Four yours ago we made our first appeal and the hearty response on thin. occasion cuumd this offering to become a yearly event. It in not necessary to my a Word in reference to the merits of the Victoria Hospitnl. These are too well know'n to require ooininrnllsiion from Us. We hell you to kindly show your appreciation of the work and _\uur synpathy for the little Walls of rufirrirrg humanity by contributing something toward this ot‘r‘cring. )Ullfitl'lllfl of fruit, jellies. eggs. applvs, clothing, books, tnvs, etc , will he thankfully received and packed at THE LIBERAL Office on Good Friday morning, where they will be carefully packl-d and sent to the Hospital on Saturday. Let us send a ray of runshine from kind hearts in Richmond Hill and vicinity to gladden the Easter Day in tho [Iospiral for Sick Children. “ Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least. of those, ye have done it unto Me,“ High School Concert. One of the finest programmes will be pre- sented in the Muconic Hall on the evening of Wednesday, April 1st. The pupils of the high school are making every effort to please those who may attend, and we venture to say that no one will go away disappointed. In addition to a good programme of music, essavs, and fancy drill, a number of chemi cal experiments of a practical character will he performed. Also there will be an experi- ment to illustrate the workings of the recent discovery, the Cathode rays. While this in itself would Well repay those who come, it is not more than half the proinmme. For the second part will consist of the rendering of three scenes from Shakespeare's " Mer about of Venice." Evrry eflnrt is being made to make this a great success, and from what. we know of the progressvulrendy made, it will certainly be no fai!uro. An excellent orchestra will furnish music during the evening. The price, of admission is 15 cents for adults. and 10 cents for children. You will be sorry it you miss it. Junior League. The Junior Epwortb League will give an entertainment in the Methodist school room on Friday evening, at. 8 o'clock Rev. Mr. Grant, of the Presbyterian church will ad- dress the children and the fallowing pro- prsmme will be presented :â€" Opening Exercises. President’s Addressâ€"Harold Proctor, Spring Songâ€"Eight Girls. Essay, Victoria, Our Queenâ€"Jennie Shep- psrd. Chorus. League. Secretary‘s report for the yearâ€"Ida Glass. Song. Dare to be a. [)snielâ€" 10 little boys. Dialogue, The Holiday Commotionâ€"Miss- es Maggie Mapes, Violet Storey, Laura Duncan and Malel Smith. Muuth'Orgon Duetâ€"Misses Gertie Cooper and Ben Harrie. Addressâ€"~Rev. Mr. Grant. Hoop Drill â€"8 little girls. Recrhtion, Which Loved Mother Bestâ€" Verna Hulclrison. Song, Tommy Alkins-â€"-12 boys, in which the solo is taken by Albert Gloss. Recitation, My Canadaâ€"Earle Newton, Flag Drillâ€"l6 girls. Victoria, Our Queenâ€"Junior mn'l'us. SHUNK~At Maple. on Friday, 20th inst., the wife of Nathaniel Shunk, of a. daughter. GRAYâ€"0n Thursday, the 19th of March, the wife of John Grov, ot a daughter, DEATHS THOMSONâ€"At Remnant,” the residencn of his son, on Tuesday, March 24th, DdVid Thorn- son, aged 73 years. Funcrul to this village this afternoon ('I‘huro- day), 8.. 2 o'clock. TThe Lorne GROCERY STORE. . . Is the place to go for your Candies, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Nuts, etc. All new Fruit. Also a full line of General Groceries always in stock. Prices right. â€" Terms Cash. Patronage Solicited. MISS M. ROSS. G9 them from S" to $25 per usy. Some have earth-ll or». 3 .: in 4 day Euhur Fex. young or old. Capital not mantra-d. You are started l'rec Those who scan at one. use absolutely sure of sun; but. fortuneb. All is now. fiellls are scarce, hut those wnn write I Sinuson .t (‘.o.J’ortlsnd, Marne,will receive fr~e, full information about work which they can do. and lrreirt hoine.ihut will pay Atkinson &. Swilzer’s MILLINERY OPENING, XVEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY APRIL lst, AND 2nd. LATEST NOVELTIES. BRILLIANT STYLES ATKINSON _ & SWITZER i‘:-rz>'s»‘xe.‘-::v:2;sgs~' . rose Aired-Alon cilia", ill Build lime HARDWARE You may want. Locks and Hinges of all kinds, Wire and Cut Nails, Barbed and other Fence Wires. White Lead, Paints, Oils and Glass. Ont celebrated WATER WHITE COAL OIL, 16c. gall. by the barrel. Barrel Chums, 352.50, $752.75, $3.00, $3.75. Thos. eredith & 00., 156 KING STREET, E., TORONTO. Next Clyde Hotel. SPRING Goons Now Arriving AT ITHE SAAC CROSBY.

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