Se)! rising Buckwheat Flour, 100. pel packet. at the Fu-e Proof. Dingmnu's Electric Seep, Ammonia Elec- tric Soap. Russian Elecuic Soap at Atkinson & Swilzex‘s. We will send both THE LIBERAL and the Weekly Globe 3 months for 25 cents. Or we will send the Weekly Globe 3 months for 15 cents. Now that. the Dominion campaign is actively inaugurated, everybody should have a any paper. Send your name to Tm: LIBERAL ofï¬ce and have sent. to you the best weekly paper in the Dominion. Good judges say tum Kaï¬ï¬â€˜en is the best 250. Lee they ever drank ; Lu be had only at. the Fire Proof. A meeting of the members and friends of the Methodiet church will be held at. the close of prayer meeting this, Thursday, evening to make arrangements for the ap- proaching 24111 of May. A full attendance is requested. We sell full ï¬nished varnished handled Brooms for 2330., worth 250. Atkinson dz Switzer. P. dc L. Baking Powder, 120, per 1b., at the Fire Proof. Mr. Joseph Uomisky, of Headford, has sold his farm to Mr. David Hislop, miller. of that place. We understand the price is 35000. This will be a very desirable farm {or Mr. Hislop to work in connection with his grist-mill. Big sale {or Richard's Pure Soap since ‘he price was reduced to 5c. per bar. Atkmson a Switzer. We understand that the Falconbridge store and residence has been rented by a Mr. See. of Newcastle. wbu purposes opening out a general store in a few days. Mr. See formal} resided at Patterson. The Prize Lists for the Agricultural Fair to be held on the Queen’s Birth-day, have been printed and are ready for distribution. Any person interested, not. receiving a copy, can procure one ty dropping a card to the secretary, Mr. H. A. Nicnoila. Twenty-ï¬ve cent Brooms sold (or 20 cents at the Fxtej’roof. You get the best value in all Dress Lin- ings, Canvas and Trimmings at Atkinson dz Switzer'a. Private funds to loan on ï¬rst. class farm properly at 5 per cent. No commission charged. Apply personally or by letter to Holmes 8: Gregory, room 44, Canada Life Building, 46 King St. west. Toronto. 19-6m Men’s Flanneleue Shins 200. each, at the Fire Proof. The public school is closed to-day, the teacbets being in attendance at. the anunul meeting of the North York Teuchers’ As- sociation in Newmarket. The Milliuery department at the Concrete is taxed to its utmOat to ï¬ll the orders ‘ at present. Dingmnu's Elec Rev. L. M. Isitt, of Christ‘s church, New Zenland, who had been in Toronto. came out on Monday and spent the day with his (mend, Miss McClenuau, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. Gtav. Lace Carmina from 30a. per pair at the Fire Proof. A puhhc meeting to be addressed by Mr. N. C. Wallace will be held in the Masonic Hall, Mapleï¬bie (Thursday) evening. Chair to be taken at 8 o'clock. Discussion is in- wited. Tm: LIBERAL is planned to acknowledge a friendly call on Tuesday from the Very Rev. Dean Egan, of Barrie, who attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Teefy. See the Ladies’ Hygpinu Vests with short cleaves that. Atkinson & Swilzer sell for 100. Floor at the E Stouï¬â€™ Sunâ€"W carriage Hill, on Two cans Lyux Brand Salmon (or 25 ate. in good buying. Atkinson & Switzer. As it has been incidentally remarked, every member of the Board of Education was conspicuous by his absence at the Arbor Day exercises in connection with the public school on Fndav. California Prunes. ï¬nest goods you ever new, for sale at the Fire Proof. Mrs. Wiiliums, mother of Mrs. P. W. Garvin, is mading a. three weeks’ visit with relatives and friends in Toronto and HA :11- ï¬lter). Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lloyd. of Aurora, made a visit yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchinson, parents of Mrs. Lloyd. Tl'v a package of Malwa Blend India Ceylon Tea; it. is good. Atkinson & Switzer. Canned Pumpkms and Canned Beans. prime, 80. per can, at. the Fire Proof. RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, May 7, ’96 Mr. D. Blouqb. auctioneer, King City, was in the village yesterday. and made (overall culls among his friends. .Csnned Aaplea 180. per gal. mm at the Fire Proof. Dr. I". J. Gallanongh, V. S., viaus Rich- mond Hill professionally on Wednesdays only, until further notice. The Liberal and Weekly dlobc Mr. and Miss Fears, of anoqu, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason. Elm ï¬gwmnl. The best. pure Lard in 10 |b. lots 9 cents per lb. Atkinson & Swilzer. and Table Oilcloths, good patterns, 'ire Proof. 'villo horse to \\ -.,nt bros Monday of lam n ck. mix-“t to Markham : a handsome black n: 1403., of Richmond It makes us feel goud to hear customers say. I want another lb. of your 800. 00569, fresh ground; 1 want another lb. of your 30o. Japan Tea; another packuge of Mulwa Blend Tea at 150. ; It is beuer than Salads. Atkinson J1 Switzer. Lloyd. the youngest son of Mr. D.Hill, scarcely three years old. had an experience on Saturday last which, apparently, was en- joyed by the little tellow more than by his parents. Mr. Hill left a team of horses hitched to the bake waggon at the door of his bakery and took a walk with a friend down into the garden. While he was gone, his little son. who Is passionately fond of driving horses, climbed into the waggon and picked up the lines. This started the team, which went through the gateway. turned west, then north up Yonge street and start- ed to run at a lively pace. The horses ran to the Elgin Mllls. turned west, and were caught near the tannery by Mr. John Clift. with considerable risk to the latter. Fortu- nately no damage was done. When the horses were stopped the little jockey stood by the dashboard, whip in hand. his little face beaming wuh pleasure alter his fast ride. The father quickly lollowed with another horse, and was pleased to ï¬nd that his little eon was unhurt. The only loss was a few loaves of bread which tumbledx out of the waggon. We never sold better valué in Shirtmg; that going fast now at 11c. per yard is a marvel. Atkinson dz Swilzer. on Monday,'the 4th inst..â€"Moved by Bro. Glass, seconded by Bra. S. Brown, of Vic- toria Square. that in view of the removal from among us through the arrangements of Conference, of the Rev. John Vickery, to other ï¬elds of labor, we, as members of the Quarterly Ofï¬cial Board of the Richmond Hill circuit. desire to express our apprecia- tion of our pastor‘s labor among us use minister in the pulpit. leader of the prayer circle, and as an active member of the Ep- wurth League. and that this board cordially recommends him to the ()ï¬'iciel Board of any circuit wherever in the Providence 0! God his lot may be cast. The {allowing resolution was passed unan' imously at th Quarterly Board of the Rich- mond Hl_1l C can. ol the Methodist church Kado Tea. will surprise you byriie splendid drawing qualities. Put up in one pound 19nd packets at 260. per lb., (or sale at the Fire l'roof only. A May Wedding. The Methodist church was well ï¬lled at 7 o’clock on Wednesday evening to see the ï¬rst wedding that has ever been celebrated in théichui‘nh‘. Thegroom was Mr. Frank Summers, ot Melton, and the bride > Miss Sheppard. of Cerrville. They were assisted hy Miss Elva McMurray. of London, and 311'. Ernest Coomos, M. A., of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Summers, of Lansing were also present at the alter during the ceremony. The church was suitably decorated with flowers, and both bride and bridesmaid looked exceedingly pretty as the rays of the setting sun shone softly across the church. Everything puss- ed 03 most happily, Mr. and Mrs. Sum- mers will reside in Melton. Just to hand, Kriukle F1bréaiT5c.per yd., Fibre Rammie at. 250. per yard, and Fibre Chamois at 350. per yard. Atkinson dz Swilzer. Dairy Town. At a meeting held on Wednesday evening of last. week the Dairv Town Football Club re-otgnnized [or the season of 1896. with the following ofï¬cers :â€" Hon. President. D. Lynelt. President. D. 0. Steele. 1st. Vice-President, Fred Lvnelt. 2nd Vice-President, Louis Wideman. Captain, Archie Fraser. Sec-Trees" Walter Ever. The club will be known as the Dairy Royals, and the secretary, whose address is Richmond Hill. will be pleased to correspond with surrounding clubs with a View of ar- ranging matches. Caunpd Salmon, Sunflower brand, 100., at the Fire Proof. At a meeting of the congregation of the Presbyterian church of Aspen, held last Sun- day evening, 3 unanimous i'avimtion was ex- tended to Rev. Dr. Percival, of this city. to take charge of the church in Aspen. The Dr. has expressed his intention to accept, and will probably remove up there in June. His church here will part with him with re- gretI and the citizens of Glenwood will learn of his contemplated removal from their midst with unfeigned sorrow.â€"Glenwood Springs Avalanche. The salary is 31800. Mr. J. Ellston, proprietor of the Dominion House, is greatly improvmg the appearance of his place both inside and outside. Mr. W. Hewieon and his men are busily engaged 1!) painting till the woodwork, and the effect produced by the different oolme is very pleasing to the eye. The Dominion. with its good stables, sheds. and oibvr buildings. is one of the neuteut hotel properties in the country. Turnip Seed, Mangle Seed, best quality prices right, at the Concrete. See the 35 inch Factory Cotton we sell at 46. per yard, and the 36 inch White Cotton at 70. per yard. Atkinson dz Switzer. The District Committee or the Canadian Lacrosse Association met at. the Bossin House, Toronto, on Saturday last. The York District win include the following clubs: Richmond Hill, Newmnrket, Toronto Junction. Bolton, Toronto IL. Tecumseh II. Lawyer F. W. Garvin, of this village. has been appointed Secretary of the District. Massey’a magazine {or April was one of the beat numbers yet issued by the enter- prising publishern, The description of the Cathedral of St. Peter. York, is most. inter- esting. as are all the articles in the Aprii number. This popular magazine has been added to those already reaeived at the Pub- lic Library in this village. New stock of Window Shades just. to hand at the Concrete. Rev. Dr. Percival Goes to Aspen A Word of Kmdness. An Exciting Rlde, The Doml'mon House Massey's Magazmc. Lacrosse District. WRIGHTâ€"At Ontario. Virginia. U.S., on Sunday. April lEchJ. H. Wright. youngest brother of the lam William Wright Gaussâ€"At. Poterboro’. on Thursday, April 30th. Alex. Gough. J. P.. furmerly of Kleinburg, aged 76 years. RENNIE-On Tuesday. May 5th. Robert S.. eldest son of Mr. Simpson Rennie. o! Scarboro'. in his 28th year. manorâ€"At Hondford. on Thuladay, the 30th of April wife 0! David Hislop, of B. sou. PRENTICB~At Can-ville. on Saturday. the 2nd 0! May. the wife 01 Edward Prentice. of a. daughter. ME'X‘CALPâ€"At Patterson. on Fliday, the 151; or May.the wife of G. H. Metcmf. of 9. son. Composition. " What was Done Inside," Clara Langataï¬. Chorus. “ Sing we of Victoria, our Queen. Concert Recitation by six girls. Chorus. The May Queen Dance. Kindergarten Song. Recitation, Maggie Mapes. Calisthenics. Composiuon, “ Our Yard and Premises and what they Should Be," Lulu Wiley. Recitation, " The Maple.†Frank Storey. Chorus, “ The Maple Leaf." God save the Queen. Cémpoaition, “ What was Done Outuide." Earl Newton. Arbor Day was ï¬ttiugly observed by the public school teachers and pupils of the village on Friday last. the let 0! May, in ac- cordance With the suggestions from the Ed- ucation Department In the torenoou the play ground was neatly cleaned by a con- tingent of the boys, the girls under the in- etruction of the teachers, beautifully adorned the principal’s room with suitable pictures. mottues. and potted plants, and a number of shade trees were planted, among them being an oak (representing the British Empire), a maple (the emblem of Canada) and several others. In the afternoon an interesting en- tertainment was given by the pupils of the three departments. A large number of visi- tors were preeent, and all appeared to enjoy the programme presented which was both lively and patriotic. Rev. J. A. Grant made a happy speech in which be congratulated both teachers and pupils on the day's suc- cess. as well as upon the general good feeling in the school. Congratulatory remarks were also made by Dr. Hutcllison and T. F. McMahon. At the close Mr. Kirkpatrick, the pricipal, thanked all the friends who had kindly loaned their pictures and flowers for decorating the school room. The following is the programme given by the children, Master Harold Proctor, acting as chairman : Chairman's Address. Chorus. “ Winter Storms have Passed Away. Expressions of Sympathy. The members of the Woman's Missionary Auxiliary desire to convev their heartfelt. sympathy to Sister Trench and family in the and and irreparable lose they have recently sustained by the death of a loving husband and aï¬ectionate father. God, who has called Hie servant to his rest and reward, has also promised to be “a Husband to the widow and a Father to the iatnerlese." He only, can comfort and cheer in their great bereave- ment, till they meet again their loved one In that land where “ sorrow, sickness, pain. and death are felt and feared no more.†By his death,the church has lost a pillar, the village an enterprising citizen. and his home much of its sunshine; and many will miss his genial friendship and liberal bospi tality. He has passed within the vale to be “ forever with the Lord." Ours is the loss, but his the eternal gain. In the months of March and April we have sold more Gent’s Fedora and Stitf Felt. Hats, and taken more orders for Gent‘s Fine Suite. than any previous year in these months. Atkinson (2' Switzer. Sen. pt. IIIâ€"Willie Lindsay. Elsie Brillin- get. Jenn Boyle, Geraldine Harris. 7 Jun. pt. 11.4-Frank McDonAl'd, Stanley chkery, Alice Cooper. Susie Sturtup. Sen II.;Genevieve Harris, Murray Shep- pard. Freddie Lndford, Olive Chamberlain, Pearl Barker. Jun. 11. A.-â€"Cbas. Glover, Fwd Lillie, Flossia Slartup, Olive Swilzer. 0mm Brydon. Jun. II. B.-â€"-Slarr McMahon, Karl Storpy, Bertie Sliney, Bennie Redditt. Jun. III.â€"â€"Chns. Wiley. Mabel Smith, Emma Petal-man, Laura Duncan, Arthur Vapderbrurg. Sen HIE-Dana Glovéi', Frank Stars}; Janet McDonald, Ella McLean, May Lillie, Alice McDonald. The public school report for the month of April is as follows: IV. Classâ€"Austin Law, Ralph Reddilz, John Brown, Violet. Storey, Edith Stuchdale. The license commissioners for West York held another meeting on Wednesday of last. week, and. besides those previously an- nounced, granted the following licenses: North Toronto: E. Jackson, W. H. Mnnns, William Brunskill granted. Toronto Junct- ion : 0. Heimrod. given three months to sell out; J. Westcon. granted; P. Lampbier, held over. Vaughan : T. Grifï¬th and John Dnggan, each given three months to place premises in proper condition; Thomas Sulli. nan, held over. York: Jas. Thompson, granted. Etobicoke: George Swift. three months to improve premises; 0. Sinclair and U. A. Marriott, granted; E. Smiley. held over. Woodbridge: A. B. Haystend. three months to improve house; John Emeler and A. Cameron, granted. Weston: 0. Stone, held over. The [allowing resolution was passed at the meeting of the Quarterly Board of the Rich- mond Hill Circuit held on Monday, May 4th, 1896 :â€"â€"Muved by Wm; Harrison, nec- onded by J. A. E. b‘witzer, that, whereas Providence In His in‘ecrutnhle wisdom has been pleased to remove from among us our esteemed brmher. Wm. Trench, be it there- fore resolved: that we, as members of the Quarterly Board of the Richmond Hill Cir- ca‘t of the Methodist church, desire to ex- press our sorrow {or the loeejwe have recently sustained in the duceaee ol Bro.Wm.Trench, who had been [or so many years an active member 0! this board, and that we also de- sire to convey our sympathy and condolence to the members of the family bereaved com- mending them to the care of Him who has promised to be a Father to the fatherless and the widow's God. Resolution‘of Condolence. West York Licenses. DEATHS BIRTHS. Arbor Day. P. S. Report. ISAAC CROSBY. Next Clyde Hotel. Thqs.Meredith & 00., $2.90 per I00 lbs. White Lead, Oils & Glass. Mixed Palnt trom $1 FQUR PUINT QANADIANHBARED WIRE, IF We will give 3152.50, $2.75, $3.09, $3.75. Creamers and Milk Pans. NEW SPRING GOODS N 0W Arriving AT THE 156 KING STREET, E, TORONTO YOU WANT A ire - Proof. Are You Bong to Btiild?†BARREL CHURNS, Nothing else goes in fair company. His clothes make him all right. Any man can make himself right solid, emphatically respectable, at our estab~ lishment. Our Clothing is ï¬rst-class. That makes two ï¬rst-class reasons for coming to us to be clothed. You must add probably about ï¬ve dollars more to the price of any of our suits to get as good value else» where. We can and will save money for you With- out selling cheap cotton or shoddy goods to do so. All wool is the word with us, and our Suits and Overcoats are trade Winners. THE ART OF GOOD DRESSING you close prices on any Hardware you may want. Wire and Cut Nails, Locks and Hinges of all kinds, Write to us for prices. Is a safe passport; to success in life‘ ATKINSON SWITZER. Speaking of Style. We make it right. per gal.