In withdrawing from the Conservw ative party a few days ago, ex-Mayor Mulhern, who was the organizer of the Conservative Association in Corn- wall, addressed a long letter to the local press giving his reasons for casting in his lot with the Hon. Wilâ€" frid Laurier. In this letter he refers to the unfair treatment of Sir Macs kenzie Bowel], says he is in accord with the Liberals for an adjustment of the tariff, and spealgsl with horror of the corruption in connection with the ï¬nancing of the ' Curran Bridge, Sealanges Canal, &c,, The ï¬rst [paragraph ,of his letterreads as fol- lows :â€" ' ‘ To the executive of the Liberal-Con- servatichssociation of Cornwall and Stormont: Gentlemen,â€"-I hereby tender my resignation as president of the Liber- al-Censervative Association of Corn- wall and Stormont, and also desire to state that I have decided to with- draw i‘rom the Liberal~Consewative party. I feel that I should express to my many warm friends in the Conservative ranks in Cornwall and Stormont my appreciation and gratim tude tc them for their kindness and Joyalty to me while president of the association. Before deciding to retire from the party I have given the matter fufl and deliberate consider- :atlon, and I have come to the con- clusion that I cannot consistently,“ with the views I now hold, endorse the policy of the Conservative party, as developed during the last session of Parliament. Almost eVery day prominent Con- servatives are leaving their party, and signifying their intention of fol- lowing the leadership of Hon. Wilfrid Laurier. Among the recent:eonverts are ex-Mayor A. F. Mulhern, presi~ (dent of the LiberaLConservative As- sociation of Cornwall and Stormont; :and Mr. J. A. Chipman, one of the fleading merchants of Nova Scotia. Among many others may be men- tioned Mr. H. A. MeK‘eown, barrister, of St. John, N. B., who stumped for the Conservatives in the last election ; John R. Forbes, head of the Forbes Manufacturing Company of Halifax, N. S. ; Mr. Calvin, the late Conserv- ative member for Frontenac; and Dr. MeLennan, who was the Con- servative candidate at the general elections of 1890 for the Nova Scotia Legislature. Many others are re-‘ ported, Mr. Howell, Q. C., of Winni- peg, being one of the latest to sever his connection with his party. 15. Usler, a Conservative nominee, who his supporters say is a man of wonderful business ability, declared that nothing could be more absurd than the idea of building the railroad in question. No one knows better ‘Itzseenis that; Sir Charles ’Tupper is prepared to promise anything and everything to everybody if" he is only allowed to become premier of Can- ada. At; Winnipeg a few days ago he declared himself in favor of the Hudson Bay Railway, promising large sums of money for the con- strnetzion of that wildcat scheme. In Toronto, a few evenings ago, Mr. B. Oslex than Sir Charles that the scheme is ridiculous, ’but as he proposes taxing 'the people of Manitoba with two sets of schools, he hopes to counteract the adverse feeling against him by squanderng money in that section of Court of Reviiionâ€"M. Teefy. ’Cour‘n o! Revision-J. M. Lawrence‘ Clerk’s Noticeâ€"John'Stephe1}§oP;n RICHMOND HILL. Tlnm'da-y. May 14, ’96 COMING OVER TO ME. LA URIER um“; a u uunuovu Mu“ gmâ€... Not-ice to Creditorsâ€"Lawreicerdz Ormiston‘ Ghana'sâ€"Atkinson dz Switzer. @1112 ï¬iheml. .‘Jtl'? New Advertisements. I Nessrs. E. F. Clarke and E. B. Oaler, were nominated lam; Friday night as Conservative candidatea for “’ent To- ronto. Hun. N Clarke Wallace, speaking at Wcsmn last Friday night, deï¬ed l‘hu Con- servative machine Lu bring out a candi- date in opposition to him. Mr. D’Altun McCarthy will speak at St. Thomas on Friday eveningiuthe interests of the Mr. J. P. Martyn, the Patron candidate in East. Elgiu. MLG. R. R. Cockburn, was unani- mously l‘euomilmtcd on Monday evening at the Centre Tumntu Cnnservative con- vention. Mr. Coukburn declared against the remedial bill. 0n the evening of Wednesday, May 6th. the 0. R. T. held an open meaning in the scliOnl house. The prugraiume consisted of readings by Miss Lydia Clubine and Miss Aggie Boyle; reci- tatinns bv lsie Weidrick and Ruby Marsh ; songs by Mr. James, of Toronto; mnuth-orgnii duets by Messrs. Tumpsnn and Mulouk ; violin P0108 by Miss Lang- atafl'; charndee, tableaux, and the reading Mr. Speighr, of Toronto, ï¬lled the chair in a. must. admirable manner. A hearty vote of thanks being tendeled to those who assisted the members of the order. the meeting closed by amging God Save the Queen. of “ The Tattler.†In the early part of the evening an address was dellvured by Mr. A. C. Thompson. Sec. of the Single Tax Association. Toronto. During his remarks he said :: T Fnduy in behalf of Mr. McNeil, at Meafurd un Saturday in behalf of Dr. Spronle, and at Mansï¬eld on May 20 in behalf of Lieur..-Col. ‘l‘yrwhitt. J. Leslie Hopwond, ‘26 years of age, was found dead on Monday in the Ar- mouries, Toronto, with a rlfle bullet in his heart. He had been missing from home since Saturday. The judgment of the Privy Council of England handed down on Saturday in connection with the series ofqueations relative to Ihe power of a. provincial leg- islature making proliibitory liquor laws, seems 'to ho -in accord with the former views of Sir ' liver Mow-at. By the judgment a province can prohibit the manufacture of liquor but. not the sale of it. The report also shows that Local Option is valid where the) Scott Act-is nut in force. Mr. Clarke \an‘mce will speak at \Viartun on Thursday and at Tara on Fnduy in behalf of Mr. Meli_eil‘,_\at Conservatives nominated for the Commons are every day declaring against it, among the rest being Messrs. E. F. Clark and~E. B. Osler, in West Toronto, and Mr. Cockburn, in Centre Toronto. Sir Charles Tupper’s address to the electors of the Dominion of Can- ada is not one which will likely in- spire the people of this country. The premier still praises the National Policy, but he is evidently weaken- ing on that question, as he says that the Conservative party is committed only to “a. continuance of a fair measure of protection.†The new premier also pins his faith to the en- forcement of separate schools for Manitoba, although many prominent Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripuns R‘pan s Rims Tabules assist digestion. Tabules cure biliousness. Tabules cure bad breath. Tabules: one gives relief. Tabules cure indigestion. Tabules cure torpid liver. Tabules: gentle cathartic. Tabules cure const'pation. Tabulesnfor sour stomach Tabules: plaisant laxative ’I‘abules cure Iivxer trouLie.. Tabules Tnbules Tabules Tabules ’I‘LLbules News Notes. Langstaï¬ Persons are warned against negotiating for the following notes drawu m favor of the under- signed. as they payeheeq lust or 'slaid â€" . 4.“. n...“ 0115 Pack, May I. C. U. Home; one Pack Escort ; one Pack. Flirtntinn; one Pack, Hold to the Light: one Pack, Our Sofa. just holds Two; one aampln book full of Novelties. Send 5 came silver, for postage. A. W. KINNEE. B. H. L., 44-4 Yarmouch. N. S Dlï¬uvu‘ no .uv, n...- ..~~_ w.†V. A note againï¬t Wellington CluEiwbre" for One Hundred Dollars. engorged by .[o-lgn (“upma- uuuunv\A y... ... mm. A note :13 inst Fu anon Gl Ennirfor One Hundred Dollars;mnd also an order of Ninety- Five Dqllurs, payable on germmd'~ ~_-, . Ln ‘1 Mr. W. B. Gram havmg gone out of *be businau in Maple, I am auaiu_1' 3.9 supply Having bought the property from Mr. W. A. Clark, known as the Sherwood Post Ofï¬ce, I am now prepared to furnish my patrons with almost everything to be found in a. general store. I have a new stock of GROCERIES SHERWWD STGR property Ul 1:.u. uu..u...u_°«, .. m , ’ quarters Thornhill Will t avel througï¬ lenruond Hlll,Oak Ridges. Aurora, Whlte Rose,Vict0ri& Square, Unionvllln, Hagar. man, Lansing and Fisharville. Terms ~$12!. Arnhie McLean. manager. HATTnN's anEâ€"Pure-hred imp. Clydesdale, the property of M.A.Ra.msav. Head quarters Rxchmoud Hill. \VilltmveltoBond's Lake. King City, Teston, Maple, Edgely and Thorn- hill. Termsslfl. J. Cnmpbell,msnmer. BLANEFIELD STAMPâ€"Purebred imn. Clydesdale, the propelty of Dode Watson. Head quarters Maple. Will travel through Sprmg- hull,()ak Ridges. Aurora. Newmarket. Enl- land Landing, Bl‘ddfnl'fl, Bond Head. Schom- berg, Noblebon. Kleinburg and Teston. Terms $9 David Stephenson, manager. KENTurysy WHIPâ€"The Kentucky-bred trotting atallmn. the property of R. F. Hopper. Head quarters Ricnmond Hill. Goes to anle,Edgely and 'Ihornhill on Monday, and Wednesday to Victoria. Square and Brown’s Corners. Terms $5. ST.LEGERâ€"Pure-bred imp. Clydesdale the property of D. 0. Steele. Home stable lot 24, 2nd con. Markham. Will travel through Richmond Hill, Oak Ridges, King, Aumm. Whiteburch. Victoria. Square. Brown's Camera and Thdmhlll. Terms $11. Allan McLean, manager. PLAIN Boy-Pure-ln'ad Imnorted Clydesdale, the property of W. J. Guuld. Will stand “his own stable, Blchmond Hill. Terms, 35.00. Hangmanâ€"This Kantucky-brnd Trotting Stallion, the property of ’l‘hos. Cannon. Aurora, wxll go to Rlchmond Bill. King. Kettleby, Vun- dart. ueensville. and Newmulket. Homa stand, emon's Hotel. Aurora. Terms. 810. Maple Pump Works At low prices, and the old stock is greatly reduced in price. A call solicited. A Avv uv......., , 182F110 above néies 651': 673:;{11â€" “in the {all of J4. MouornNyâ€"Tborn‘ bred stallion. the property ofF.J.GnHa.nough. V. 8. Head quarters, Thou-nhin. wm travel through Richmond Hill, Oak Ridflas. Aurora. Newmurket, Vic- toria Square.%niorville, Hagerman.Lansing and Fisherville. Terms 312. Archie Mc- Lmn,mnna.ger. INGBul‘s Humâ€"Purebred Clydesdale. the property 01‘ Qallanough. V. 3. Hang um! n-aunl thy-nun I, WOULD g; BURN IT /' INTO THE . That there is not ', a family anywhere to which money means so muchâ€" ,‘ï¬. ten cents means so E Kg? Sample copy irec. 0‘ a (9% ° 1‘ Me) By the year. $1.00. 5 Packs of CARDS FREE ! E. CHAPMAN. NOTES LOST Ma H. JACKSON, MAPLE V éusiomera on sï¬oriest notice. ' Pontul notes promptly attended to‘ Stallion Register muchâ€"that it can aflmd not to exâ€" change ten cents a month for the art, the refincment, the plzasurc, and the information that a 00 v of Mixme 1‘ 3 Mine will bring to t e fireside. wNK A. MUNSEY, 1'. ml: Ave.. New York. ROBERT WILSON 44172171: 8'6" Toronto W A a ' " n "fwflzrc + x. . ‘1 W -:5«-J \Jï¬ uxï¬i’tï¬ \ _ ulphgm 0'5: quiogr J: r4": " ï¬ll-n .7 RC. D. DANIEL &CO., COME AND SEEE ROBT. SIVERS, â€" RichmondHfll BOOTS & SHOES, SEEING IS BELIEV’ING. RIOIâ€"IMOND HILL: Hardware Stare . flARNESS SEGP BARGAINS . . . . . . Buggv Dusters, E‘Ey Duets, Iiubber Knee 1311,9359 Elarvesm ï¬litts †THE. MP: For your Harness. All made frnm No. 1 stock, and workmanship the best. Every part of Harness made by hand on the premises. Also in stock For spraying trees, bushes, 869. MASON, - RICHMOND HII At Savage’s in \Vall and Ceiling Papers and Borâ€" detings to match from 5c. per roll and up, and cheaper than any house in Toronto. Call and see our 1896 patterns. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Turpentine. Ready Mixed Paints in all colors. Paint and Calcimine Brushes in all sizes. Painters’ material of all kinds on stock. Glassâ€"all sizes. Furniture of the latest designs and patterns, and will be sold cheap for cash. General stock of Groceries. All goods at the lowest possible price. Some people tell great ï¬sh stories, and imagine they have caught large ï¬sh. Some merchants are apt to exaggerate in speaking of the goods they have to sell. Now, Sivers thinks he has the best stock of north of Toxonto, but before being convinced he would like you to call at his store, inspect his stock, and fOrm your own opinion. The stock is right and the prices are right. Sells all kinds of Tm and Hardware to suit the times. I have a large stock of all kinds of Tin, Granite and Hardware. Cabinet Creamers, $5 each. Chums, Eave-Troughing, Hot-air Furnaces, Metallic Rooï¬ng, Stoves, and everything in the Tin and Hardware line cheap. All kinds of repairing done promptly and cheaply. I71 JOB 71 KING ST. EAST, â€"â€" TORONTO, (30 to lï¬ichlnond Hill And all other supplies. Prices right. atdsfaction guaranteed. Repalrirg promptly attended to NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE IT l8 SURE. ET IT PURE FROM (i193 f). DICDONALD DON E AT PRINTING P. G. SAVAG E. OFFI‘CEE.