The Junior Epwonh League will hold a meaning in tho school room of the Methodist «a .urch from 4 lo 6 p. m.. to-mosrow, Ftidav. Parents of the children. and members of the Senior League invnedu Yesterday‘a World says that on Saturday next the Toronto Bicycle Club will take a spin to Richmond Hill. leaving the city at 3.45 p. m. This, the World says,is a special run and a big turnout. is expected. The Superintendent of the Spraï¬ng De- partment m oocnecnon with the Govern- ment, will give Elbe second experiment of apple tree spraying, in Mr. John Brown‘s orchard to-motrow at 10.30 a. m. Just to hand at. .the Concrete stylish gents‘ Ties, new shades. Atkinson & Switzer. Seedaâ€"Mangel, Carrot. and Turnip Seeds. Onion. Sets. etc. Nanghwn Broa., Elgin Mills. Primate funds to loan on ï¬rst. class {arm property at 5 per cent. No commission charged. Apply personally or by letter to Holmes & Gregory, room 44, Canada. Life Building, 46 King St. west, Toronto. 19-6111 Have you examined those Cresent Bicycle: H.A.Nicholls is agent for? It not, why not. They are the best in the markez. Up to dale in every particular, and din cheap. (A) Hundreds of people are singing the praises of Kudo Tea; sold only 3‘ the Fire Preof. We are sorry to learn as we go to press the: the house of Mr. D. C. Steele, lot 24. 21111 cm. Markham, was burned to the ground this morning about 7 o’ctock, Fur- ther particulals we have not learned. Good Corn 5-3. per on. good Pumpkins 7c. per mm, Wax Beams 8c. pet can. at Atkinson a Switzer‘s. Mr. F. J. Gullauough, V. 3.. is gatting out iarge curds announcing that on Fair days (ï¬rst Wednesday of every month) he will be at. the Palmer House from 10 a. m. until noon. 0:: other Wednesdays from 2 to 5 Fi'ere Chamois gives the best. satisfaction as 311 interliuiug; new stock just to hand. Atkinson a Switzer. RICHMOND Hun, Thursday, May 14, ’96 Remedial Fibre 0101!). the great interlin- iug. cheap at the Fire ‘Pxouf. :Kado Tea, best 250. tea. ever sold. put up in pound packets. green, black and mized, for sale at the Fire Proof only. ‘ Mr. A. Moodieis getting ms store and dwelling re;paiuted. thereby much improv- ing its flppeurunce. Extensive imnrove- ments are also being made in the Falcon- bxiuge store and residence, both inside and outside. Buy a tin of the White Swan Baking Powder and get one of the White Swan Cook Books. Atkinson w Switzer. Just to hand a the Concrete 3 ï¬ne lot of California Dried Peaches at 80. per lb. 'The Concrete is noted for SSylish Millin- erx; Lhe orders this seauon are numerous. if you want to save money buy an Oil Stove at G. Mason‘s, 50 centsmp. .Ludies‘ Hygeian Vesta at 100. each are a Lg seller w'uh us. Atkinson d: Switzer. You can keep on good terms with yourself if you wear Atkinson-r3: Switzer'e Clothing. Baking Powder at all pncea frum 120. per lb. to 250. for a 6 oz. can. at.:he Fire Proof. Five oure puuud bars of Eclipse Soup for 23 cents. Atkinson & Switzer. You can get a Bicycle from H. A. Nicholle (or 647.50, and one equal to the so-ceHed high grade wheels for $60. All up to date. Cell and examine at the Repair Shop. (a) Melwa Blend IndiavCeylon Tea 15 selling well and pleasing; there is no better tea at the price. Azkmson .2 Switzer. At a meeting of the Noxtb York Teachers’ Association held in Newmarkev. last week, it. was decided to hold the next annuulmeeting in this village. Richmond Hill will be pleased to weicome the teachers of this district. I‘wo one pound czms of Baking Powder for 250., and two pounds of Bartun’s Baking Powder in bulk for 25c., at the Concrete. Some of the pnliliuul dark horses prove to be chestnuts, Luz there is nut‘liug of that Ihnde in the Spring Suitings “(Atkinson J: Sniwcl’a‘. Courts of restiï¬n for the revidiou of the assessment ml 3 will he held for Richmond Hill. Markham sud Vaughan on Tuesday, the 26th of May. The cheapest p|ace to buy all kinds of tin and hardwnra is at C. Mason's. «Splendid Cotton Shiniugs 100. at the Fire Proof. Dr. F. J. Gallnnough. V. 8., viexts Rich- mond Hill professionally on Wednesdays only, until further notice. Sofar this season the fruit crop gives great promise. but there is yet. reason to fear the May frosts. Fine Scaled Earrings 70. per box at the Concre‘w. See the latest in ladiea' T163 3‘ & Switzer‘s. My: gihewm Specinl meeting of the Fire Brigade this (Thursday; evening at 8 o’clock. Good Fresh Butter and new laid Eggs can be had at the Fire Proof. Door and Window Screen, and Spring Hinges cheap at. C. Mason‘s. ' I; ()(3 ALS. per yard Atkinson On Sunday morning last Rev. J. A. Grant, Mr A., preached in the Presbyteriun church . a very mteresliug'and insiructive sermon L0 { the childrru of the Subbnlh school. The ‘ text. was tn‘ken from Mark iv.3ti: " And ‘ there were also with Him (Jesus) umer little ships.†The church was decorated with ‘ beautiful plants and flowers. The sale of Prints at the Fire Proot has been exceptionaily lame this season; the assortment is kept complete and panel-()3 all good. from 40. up. the West York License Commissioners met on Saturday afternoon to consider the applications held over from 1M! meeting. Licenses were granted to Peter A. Lamphier, Toronto Junction, and T. Sullivan. of Pine Grove, Vaughan township. Chades Stone. 0! Walton. was given three months to make some improvement. to the shed of his hotel. Arrangements Complete. The directors of the Agricultural Society have completed all arrangemeuts for the Annual Spring Fair to be held here on May 25th. Besides the performers which have previously been announced to give exhibi- tions in {rent of the grand stand in the afternoon, Pref. Bondo has been added. who is said to be one of the heat actors of the day. Everything points to a good (air. We will send both Tm: LIBERAL and the Weekly Globe 3 months for 25 cents. Or we will send the Weakly Globe 3 months {or 15 cents. Now that. the Dominion campaign is actively inaugurated, everybody would have a cilv paper. Send your name to Tim LIBERAL oflice and have sent to you ihe best weekly paper in ma Dominion. We have received {mm the publishers a copy of Stovel's Pocket Directory. for April. This neat little volume, which contains about 150 pages of useful matter, gives muoh valuable information concerning Winnipeg and the North West. The little book is up to date. and every intending tourist to that country should see a copy. The publication contains maps, time-“blag, and facts relot~ iug to the population. public institutions, banks, fraternal societies. railways, school boards, &c., £0. Methodist Church. Anniversary services in connection with the Methodist church will be held (in Sunday and Monday. the 24th and 25th a! Mny. On Sunday patriotic sermons WI†be preached morning and evening by the superintendent and assistant. Appropriate music will le luruiabed by the chair. On the Monday following the ledles oi the congregation will provide a sumptuous dinner and tea, the former to be served from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m., thelstter from 5 to 7 p. 111. Tickets, 25 cents. The ladies hope to have a lnrge number of their friends with them on that day. Mr. J. J. Manren, chairman of the Do- minion Alliance for the suppression o! the liquor trsï¬ic. has issued an address to the electors of Canada with s View of getting a pledge from candidates [or the coming general elections. The suggested questions to candidates are: 1. Are you in favor of the prohibition of the traflic in intoxicating beverages? 2. If elected to the House of Commons, will you do all in your power. in co-operution wlth the other members a! Parliament who favor prohibition, to secure the introduction and enactment of prohibit- ory legislation at the earliest possible oppor- tunity 3 Suspected of Theft. On Saturday afternoon last two able- bodied characters, who might be counted as belonging to the society known as "trampu’. came down Yonge street on foot and stopped at the Dominion House for refreshments. A short time afterwards the bar tender. Mr. J. Ellson. Jr., was called to the stable to direct a horseman where to put a stallion, leaving the two pedestrians alone in the bar. On returning from the stable he missed a $5 bill which he had left in the drawer. The two tramps having started down the street, and Mr. Ellteon suspecting them of taking the money, he at once informed Constable Brownlee of his suspicious when they se- cured a horse and rig and started in pursuit. They caught up to the suspects about half a mile below the village, brought them back to the lock-up, and searched them, but the missing money was not found. You can learn to ride a wheel in three lessons, but you can loam where to buy the best Groceries by going once to Atkinson & Switzet’s. In roply to inquirer relative to the fam- ball competition at the Richmond Hill Fair on the Queen's Birth-Day, we Would any that, the prizes of 315 and $5.50 for senior and junior teams respectively. will be given either in cash or in goods, as the Winner: may direct the committee. Saturday evening a. gentleman lrom Vaughan was driving north through the villuge. Just at the same time another gentleman from Markham was driving south. They met In the vicinity of Atkinson & Switzer‘s store. About the same time an equestrian and an equestrienne came down street on their saddle horses. The spirited steeds of the latter being animated by a " quick march " which the village band just struck up, shot past the Markham cart, when one of the hitched up horses awn-wed to the left. The result was a collision between the two townships. The trout wheels of the buggy were smashed to smithereens. but the agile driver, who was pitched headlong. elighted on his feet about 20 feet from the scene of the accident. The mishap might huve been more series“. The Question now as who wl.l_pay the bill? It Isn‘t economy to try and get. along with- om things 30m really need, but it in economy to get the things you need at; Atkinson a Switzex's. The ladies of the Presbyterian church ngniu invite leil patrons and friends to be with them for 3 HM Dinner and Tea on the Queen’s Birth-day (May 25th). Meals served [ram 11 to 2. and from 5 to 7. at the usual price. See bills. » About Winmpeg and N. W. T. The Liberal and Weekly Globe. West York License Board. Presbyterian Church Dominion Aliiance. All by Accident. Cash or Goods. Envelope Committee, W. A. Sanderson, C. Mason, and J. H. Sanderson. Auditors, Messrs. I. Crosby and R. E. Law. Organist. Mrs. A. J. Hume; Assistant, Au-Iin Law; Committee 0! Management. Messrs. John Sanderson. P. G. Savage, and J. A. E. Swilzer. Resolution: of condolence and sympathy with the families of Mr. Wm. Atkinson and Mr. Wm. Trench. late members of the Church Trustee Board, recently called away by death were passed, and the ï¬lling of the vacancies caused thereby deferred to some fumre meeting. Mrl. M. B. Hemingway. of Unionville, is visiting in the village for a week. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Trustees of the Richmond Hill Methodist Church was held on Tuesday. May 121b, Rev. J. Vickery, Superintendent of the Circuit, in the chair. The ï¬nancial report (or the years 1895-96 was presented by the auditors, read. adopt- ed. ordered to be primed and circulated among the members 0! the congregation. The election of ofï¬cers for the ensuing year was as follows : Secretary, Wm. Harrison ; Treasurer. J. A. E. SwitZer; Pew Steward, Wm. Harrison ; Ushers. Thou. Trench and Jas. Wright; Collectors, Messrs. Savage, Glass, Crosby, Sanderson, Hopper, Hicks and Storey. The church hall to be rented a! formerly Iorï¬villagq purposes. Dr. Elliott and Mr. A. Bridle, of Toronto, spent last Friday and Saturday with Dr. Hmohinon. Mr. Alfred Powell is in Toronto acting as a juryman in one of the com-ls now in session. Rev. G. L. Powell was yesterday called to Toronto. where Mrs. Powell has been severe- ly 111 at the home of her lather. Boots and Shoes ia cons. will ï¬nd our Bram, Elgiu Mr. E. J. Hitchcock taught the school north of Victoria Square last Week, the reg- ulnr tencher, Mr. A. Smith, having been ab- lent mrough illness. MLGSO. Glover goes to Markham on Monday. where he has secured employment. as u blacksmith in Spelght’e wagon factory. Mnrkham‘slncrosee team will, in conse- quence, be greatly strengthened for the coming mason. Resolution of Sympathy. The following is another expression of sympathy soul. in to Mrs. Trench and family: To Mas. ’I‘RchH : DEAR “mugâ€"At the last regular meet- ing of Richmond Lodge. No. 23. G. B. 0., it was unanimously resolved that we, the mem- bers of said lodge, convey to you and your family our sincere and profound sympathv in the lose you sustained by the death of your sfleutionete husband, who for so many years was one of out most honored and highly esteemed members. Our late brother and treasurer was beloved by every member of our lodge. and and were our hearts when we learned that he would meet with us no more in this transitory abode. Words we know can be of little comfort where sorrow like you have experienced exists, neverthe- less we tender vou our sincere expression of condolence, and commend you to the merci- ful care and protection of The Great Archi- tect of the Universe who in his wise provi- dence doeth all things well. Signed on behalf of the lodge. T. F. MCMAHDN. W. M. H. A. NICHOLLS, Secretary. Isssc CROSBY, P. M. Richmond Hill, May 9th, 1896. Mr. A. 8. Savage. clerk in the clothmg de- partment. Simpson’s store, spent Saturday mum. and Sunday here, and returned thh Mr. J. Pritchard on flunday evening. Mr. Hutton, general agent for the Canada Life Assurance Company, has been in me village this week assisting Mr. H. A.Nichol|s, thn local agent here. Mr. Button is suc- cauor to Mr. Such, formerly at Newmarket. Mr. Edward Coltham, of \Vhilohurob, spent yesterday with his sister, Mrs. George Hooper, who'has been very ill for some time. Mr. Oollbam was accompanied by his mountain-law, Mrs. Harman, who is 100 years of age. and in the beat of health. BARKERâ€"Ab Headford, on Tuesday, May 5th,the wife of James Barker, of a. daughter. OLIVANT~M Elgin Mills. on Tuesday, May 5th, the wife of Henry Olivant,of a. daughter. OTHANâ€"At Paterson, on Sunday, May 10th, the wile of Daniel Obbau. of a. daughter. TEomaouâ€"At Oak Ridges, on Sunday. May 10th, the wife of Charles Thompson,of a. son. BanoNâ€"At Maple. on Tuesday, the 12011 of May,the wife of J. T. Snigeon, of adnughter. WELLMANâ€"At Dollar. Markham. on Saturdav, the 9th of May, the wine 0! David Wellman, of a. son. BELLâ€"MCKITEBICKâ€"At the Rectory, Thornhill, bv the Rev. W. W. Bates, M. A.. on Wednes- day,Msy lath. H. Bell, of East York. to ï¬ï¬llggie Sterling MoKiterick. of Richmund With 8 acres of land (more or less). is (or sale at the Villuue of Can-ville. 0n the premises are a. good blacksmith shop. good nouae on stone foundation. 7 rooms. flue cellar. plenty of hard and soft water. Stable and other outbuildings. Also a. number of fruit trees. A beautitul stream of water rung through the place. It is convenient. to chmch, school, store and poet; orï¬ce. I Good reasons for selling. Apply to 'WM. WRIGHT, 43-4 ' ~Uarrville P O A GOOD Blacksmith Stand PENNYROYAL WAFERS. La and Shoesâ€"Om- trade is constantly increasing. FOR SALE PERSONALS. price! Mills. IVIARRIAGES Aspeciï¬cnwnthly medicine for ladies to restoro and regulate tho menses: Sroducing tree, healthy and painlels lachugo. No aches or pains on up- roach Now used by over 30,000 ladies grace used Mfluse again. 111lele these organs. Buy or you: druggisl only those with our signature acron gm atlnbeL Avoid substitutes. Benlod MW“. .E“°2.C~£;§.‘.‘Pv;_fl; ' ' qulars waned 2c alumna-£1.00 >01. Adm-en, 81mm“ C all 001mm 1. 7 Dlnon. m BIRTHS. interesting u Boots and Cash buverl Naughtou We will give yeu close prices on any Hardware you may want. Wire and Cut Nails, Locks and Hinges of all kinds, FflUR PHINT GANABIAN BARBED WIRE $2.90 per 100 lbs. White Lead, Oils & Glass. Mixed Paint from $1 per gal. IF YOU WANT A BICYCLE Thos. eredith 85' 60., Next Clyde Hotel. ISAAC CROSBY $2.50, $2.75, $53 NEW SPRENG GOGDS NOW Arriving: AT THE “013â€". SUCCESS 3 Selling what the People Want; and Quoting Popular Prices. 156 KING STREET, E, TORONTO. fl nunumuu 06 DWIBZBI‘, ‘ DRY GOODS MERCHANTS AND GROCERS, DO JUST THAT. HENCE THE MAGIC CIRCLE Are You Going to Build?†BARREL CHURNS, Write to us for prices. .00, $3.75. Creamers and Milk Pans. ;' What the People Quoting Popular I CHE; I.