-x BITS OF MERRI M EXT. "Louise, where does the intellectual exercise COlllt? in in playing whistl" "O. in getting 01 llt'l‘ people to pay at- tention t0 the. gunk." Motherâ€"“No, Bobby; money doesn't make folks happyâ€"bur I'll tell you what does.†Bobbyâ€"“I know, 1113; it's the stuff what you get with it." Mrs. \\'ick\\ ircâ€"†“'liy don't you ever wash your foam“ l)l\'llllll Dawsonâ€"- “Don’t. want the sun to git a chance to spilt: me complexion." “After all, man is a generous be- Ing." “Yes, he is; I never saw a hus- band yet who wouldn't let. some oth: er man teach his wife to ride a wheeL' Hipsonâ€""Layson is the laziest man I know." Jugglerâ€"3‘ Is that so I" flip- sonâ€"" Yes. “'liy, that man won’t even curry life. insurance." To Fit the Appetiteâ€"." \Vhat do you charge for board!" “Do you ride a bicycle ?†"Yes: what difference docS. that: make 2" " It'll be $1 more a week 1" Generally that's the Hardest of Work. â€"" Uncle Tom, what is executive abil- ity 7" †It's knowing how to make oth- er people work without domg anything yourself." It is not the proper thing to say that a. man will make a good husband. It is the wife who makes the good hus- band. The bad ones only are the self- made article. "The trees are leaving," remarked Mrs. Snaggs. “Nevertheless, they are not packing their trunksï¬f replied Mr. Snaggs. who objected to his Wife's comâ€" ed verb. Heâ€"“ You should not worry so much about dress. Set your mind on higher things." Sheâ€""I had set my mind‘on higher things than you seem Willing to buy for me." ‘Lieut Periâ€"“ I am afraid you could- u't stand the rigor of an Arctic expe- dition. You never have been on one before, have you i" Travelsâ€"“No. but 1I1 halve spent a winter in an English ote ." He.†Oh, dearl I Wish I could get hold of some good biscuits like mother used to make for me!" Sheâ€"" And I wish I'could get some good clothes like father used to buy for me." Fatherâ€"" Johnny, come open the door for your poor, tired father; your moth- er's locked me out and I want to get in." Johnnyâ€"~“\Vell, she's looked me in, and I want to get out." Johnnyâ€"“You're the meanest. hate- fulest, spitefulest thing I know 'I' Tom- myâ€"“ An' you're the crabbedest, ug- licstâ€"" Fatherâ€"“ Boys. boys! 'iou forget that your mother is in the room.††Hello. Sappy. where have you been?" "I've been to the gyniuaSiuin exercis- ing, old chap.†“ You exercising?" "Yes; watching the rest. Exercising my eye. don't you know." _â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"‘ CARPETS OR BUGS. While this question. which confronts the housekeeper with every recurring spring, is one which she must settle ac- cording to her own notions and neces- sities if she be one whom experience has guided to a. choice. there are still many of the inexperienced who will be interested in having the best points of each set‘ before them. Briefly, then. for the housewives of moderate means, living in a small house, it will be readily seen that rooms can be kept clean with 1&3 labor if the floors, or a. margin of them. are stained and the center covered with a. rug. .which can be lifted. every few weeks and taken to the yard to be shaken and tharou hly brushed. A good Smyrna. rug wi 1 stand hard wear fonten years. longer than the best carpet will present a respectable appearance. For bedrooms, whether for city or country, it has long been conceded that matting is the best. cheapest and most Sanitary and artistic substitute. An article at twenty-five cents a yard will give satisfaction for three years if turned once durin that time and wiped once a month wit a cloth wrung out [of warm water containing a handful of salt to a, pail of water. It is more than possible, however, that matting, which has so long held the field, will be superseded by a compar- htlvel new material called “floor fib- r." l: is as flexible as the best Chinese tting is neat and unobtrusive in design, comes in many soft colors and can be sown together and bound like carpet. It forms one of the best back- grounds for rugs, and, it is said, will be lar ely used for dados. as well as for cei ings. For hammock and floor and piazza. cushions it is cool, durable and unrivaled from any point of view. A woman whose floors are covered with rugs and mattiiigsof this “floor fiber" can welcome the house cleanings with a smiling face, for they have no terrors for her. The entire house can be cleaned, one room at a time, while the children are at school and her lord at his office, without martyrdom or anâ€" noyance to any member of the family.â€" New York Herald. ._.___\.-____ "But why did you refuse Prof. Gruebâ€" ling, Miss hIelanie? He is such an able and noted mathematician." †That '5 just the reason! He would always be mathe- matically demonstrating the errors of my milliner’s bills." Is what gives Hood’s Sareeparllla its great popularity and constantly increasing sales. it perfectly and permanently cures cutarrh, rheumatism, scrotula, salt rh‘t‘auBlDf in tact 9.111210%? diseases. core my us and be an nsi Hood’s Sarsaparillu he was negrvous airiigi had scarcely any a’potite, but when he had taken it. a wee he felt better, and by the time he had taken one bottle he was entirely well.†SON, Mention, Mass. Mes. G. A. PARKIN- Renzréiiiber Sarsaparilla [s the One True Blood Puriï¬er. $1; 6 for $5. ._._ Hood’s Pills cure all Liver ills. 25 cents. llooks lice cream l I i tastes almost like Q l womacâ€"‘acâ€"‘am‘a’c A’NEW hEASE OF LIFE. Obtained It. A Suffer-el- From Acnlo [Dyspepsia and n (‘omplicnlion of Troubles Follmvlngz an Attack of [in GI'IIHN‘AIII‘ “'21s Forced lo Quil Business and Wm Hopelessly Ills- couragcd When llclp ('nmc. From the Amherst. N.S., Sentinel. Mr. Charles Tucker, who lives about two miles from Loekport, is one of tho best known men in that section. lie is engaged in business as a lobster pack- ‘er, and dealer in flour and salt». and in iaddition has a fine farm. During the. past three years Mr. ’l'ucker has been lan almost constant invalid. being the i victim of a complication of troubles fol- ‘ lowing a Severe attack of la gpippe. Reâ€" cently he has been restored to his old time health and having learned that he gave the entire credit to Dr. \Villiams' ‘Pink Pills concerning which so much ‘ has been said through the press. a. reâ€" porter interviewed him in the matter, land was cheerfully given his story for publication. Mr. Tucker said:â€"“Ahout :four years ago I had a severe attack . of la. grippe, which left me in a fearful condition. I had for a. number of years before this attack been a sufferer from dyspepsia, but following the la. grippe it took a. more acute form. and to add to my distress my liver appeared not to perform its usual functions, and my heart troubled me greatly, and there we re as well other complications which baffled the skill of four doctors whom I successively Icall- ed in in the hope of regaining my health. From the. knees down my legs were as cold as ice; my ‘bowels would bloat and I suffered great pain. My case went from bad to worse despite the medical treatment I was undergo- ing and at last. I got so bad that I was forced to give up business. I could hardly eat anything, got but little sleep at night, and as you will readily under- stand my condition became one of de- spair. My father urged me several tunes to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. but I was so discouraged that I had no further faith left in any medi- cine. However, more to please him than from any hope of beneficial results. I began the use of Pink Pills. The first beneficial effects I found was that the warmth and natural feeling began to return to limbs. my bowels ceas- ed to bloat, and with the continued use of the pills my appetite returned. I slept soundly alt night, and the. action of my heart again became normal. I continued taking the Pink Pills until I had used in all fifteen boxes, and I have not .felt better in years than I do now. I did some particularly hard work last fall, and was able to stand it with a strength and vigor which sur- rised me. I consider Dr. \\'illiams’ ink Pills, not only a wonderful medi- cine, but also in the light. of what my other treatment cost, the least. expen- sive medicine in the world, and I sltroug- ly recommend Pink Pills to all in need of a medicine. Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills act directly i ifiows like cream l lI-low 8. Cumberland 00., N. 5.. Man SURF, l i l l Dollars for any case that it fails mure. Send ‘car. and refreshments can be obtained ‘en route. if desired. 133M111 the blood and nerves, building: them anew and thus driving disease from the system. There is no trou- ble due to either of these causes which Pink Pills will not cure. and in hunâ€" dreds of cases they have restored pa- tients to health after all other reme- dies had failed. Ask for Dr. \\'illiaiiis' Pink Pills and take not hing else. The genuine are always enclosed in boxes, the wrapper around which bears llie full trade mark, “Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills for Pale People.†May be had from all dealers. or sent post .paid on . receipt of 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the I.)l‘. \\'il- liams‘ Medicine Co., Brockvillc, Out. Recipe-For Making a. Delicious ' Health Drink at Small Cost. l l Adams' Root Beer Extract.... ..... one bottle Flel-schmrnvi‘a Yeast. . . . . . .hall' a cake Sugar . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . two pound: Luuewarm Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two cullou DIEKOIVQ the sugar and yeast in the water. add the extract, and bottle; place in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it lei-merits. then place on loo. when it will open sparkling and delicious. l'ha root beer can be obtained in alldrug and grocery stores in 10 and 25 cent bottloa to make two and ï¬ve gnllona. â€"+___ .A selfish person who gives away the biggest. share of the best. STATIC or Oiiio, CITY or TOLEDO, ‘ LLH'AS i‘onm‘Y. } 33' than: J. (‘IIHNEY niiikos oath that he is the senior pzu‘tn \r e“ the, Ilriii of F. J. CHENEY t‘ 0),, doing budness in tlie (Iy ot‘ ’l‘olcdo, - CQuntv and 8 (UK) aforuaii’, and limit <zizd Ilriu Will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED lltlli- LARS for each and evcry civic of Cuittl‘l'll that c ‘llllOIi be cured by the use hf IIAI.I.'S L‘A’I'AEUIII t i'icrz. FRANK J. ('HEN EV. Sworn to‘ before me and ~ubscribed in my .: \CnCO. this flth day of December. A. D. 1380'. 4‘ l SEAL} A. \V. GI. ASON. l ‘Vd thuw I‘izlill'c. †ill'd (‘ni‘nrrh Cure is taken internal; :1 acts directly on the blood and mucous etizfaidig of tho Syniclll Send for 'csliinonials. free I“. J. l'lllu‘NE 8380111 by Druugists, Tito. nâ€"â€"â€"iâ€"â€"â€"â€"_m TO NUMBER THREAD. The. question. "\Vhy is spool cotton .numbered as it is, and why are the ‘figures Ilnl used in regular order ii" is :ot'ten asked. The explanation is this: ’l‘h-i numbers on tho spools express the ‘ number of ' hriuks" \\’lll\‘li are required to wind a pound. The very finest Spinning rarelyexcccds2301i lieiilistutlie 'nfi'l'i'fli wail. : a- 1’ It feeds your strength as cream would feed it .Q I _ I . . ‘ _ . pound, \\Illl0 ll] (be. coarsest thch is If You could aSSImIIa‘te about half a pound to each bank. The it You can more common qualities: however, lli- so 0 -from which sewing thread is usually Y 8: C0 Toledo, 0. ‘ Scott’s Emulsion. 50c. and $i.«»o at all druggists. ï¬nifl’é‘lï¬ï¬‚ï¬iï¬"ï¬.‘5ï¬Ã©ï¬'7§\"5‘ Wï¬i' LEE! l GREAT REMEDIES. SPFCIFICS FOR KIDNEY, RHEUMATIC ANT.) STOMACH DISEASES. These remedies are not a cureâ€"all for all the ills that flesh is heir to. 'l‘he' great South American remedies each haw their particular purpose. South Allll‘l‘lt'all Kidney Cure. does not cure! rheumatism. nor is it a spa‘ific for in- digestion. but no remedyâ€"pills or pow- dersâ€"will give. relief in the most. dis- tressing cases of kidney trouble as will. South American Kidney Cure. 1\'[r.. I). J. Locke. of Slierbrookc. Qua» Sllf? ‘ {ered for three years from kidney trou- ble, expending in that. time 5100 on doctors and medicines. He got no re- lief until he used South American Kid- ney Cure, and four bottles. he says, ef- fected a. permanent cure. When a remedy is needed for rheu- matism. it is very much neededâ€"and quickly. \V'illiam Pegg. of Norwood, Ont.. was nearly doubled up )vith rheu- matism, and suffered intensely. This was in 1893. He took three bottles of South American Rheumatic Cure. and now says: "I have, had neither aches nor pains from rhiepmatism since that tunr." ' When disease affects the digestive or- gans and general debility takes hold of the system, these cannot. be removâ€" ed unless the medicine taken gets at the root of trouble. South American Nervine owes its success to the fact that it works directly on the nerve cen- tres. and removing the trouble there, it rids the system of disease. Banker John Boyer, of Kim-amine. who suf- fered from indigestion for years. was permanently cured by the, use of South American Nervine. He says: "I have no hesitation in proclaiming the vir- tues of this great remedy." l 1 One who blames himself as quickly as another for the same fault. $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least, one dreaded diloaao that science has been able to (‘lll‘b in all its stages. and that is Catnrrh. Hall's Canerrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medicalfrnternity. Cami-rt) beingnconstltu- tional dlhtnflt‘. requires a. constitutional treat nient. llnlfls Cntarrh uuro is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby destro ing the foundation of lhe discus". and gixIng the patient strength by building up the constitu- tion And aifllrilllg nature in doin its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they Offer One Hundred for list of testimonials. Address, » F. J.CHENEY&CO., "alt-510.0. Sold by Druggiats. 75c. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€"- l When a blunder does not overwhelml {Horse than an avalanche of real trou-., e. WEST SHORE THROUGH SLEEPING CAR TO NEW YORK. One of the handsomest sleeping cars that had ever been turned out of the factory is now running from Toronto to New York without change via the pop- ular \Vest shore route. It is a buffet . This car leaves Union Station, Toronto, every day except Sunday, at 4.55 p. m., reaching New York next morning at 10.10 a. In. On Sundays the sleeper runs from Elam- ilton only, connecting with the through train from Toronto. Call at any Grand Trunk office in Toronto for information or space in sleeping car. Reservations can be made in advance if desired. Heâ€"“I should have. been here ear- lier, but business is picking up a little. and I was detained at the office." She â€"â€""0h. I do hope your business will continue to improve, Mr. Mashman." HOUSECLEANING. This is a most trying time for the thrifty, hard-working housewife. Some- thing is required to tone up and regu- late. the system. St. Leon Mineral Wa- er will do it. If you have, never used it you do not know what you have miss- ed. Try it and be convinced. W'. VJ}. 8 I6. 800000000 0 00000008 8 MAKE UP YOUR 0 0 0 In Soap as well as in everything else. Old-fashioned Soups and old- 0 fashioned drudging washedays are not good enough for up-to-dnte people. Still†Soap using 8 n o and are keeping their homes clean, bright and cheerful with very little 0 labor. To all who use this world- famed Soap it means 0 LESS LABOR GREATER COMFORT 0 ’ _ For cvery 12 Sunlight O BOOks I‘OR l wrar pets sent to Lover r: v iros., Ltd, Toronto, 3 O ‘vRAPPTRsl useful paper-bound book 0 will be sent, or a cloth-bound for 50 wrap- pers . . . 000000000 0 0000000 00000 0000000000 0000( >000 i l l l l uâ€"-s made, run from ten to fifty hanks iii the pound, and the spools on which it} is wound are, numbered ten to fifty in‘ accordance. l 'l STAMPS i>i£l.‘-‘{f.l?§f.°lfni‘i?3 sittEé‘TZ‘ié‘a Bill and bow H amps bought. Good Prices. WM. R, Al)A)lS,T Ann at. Toronto. Ont. H. W, péTn|éls Niiw cArAIoc‘ur on NEW AND SECOND-HAND ACHIIELEfl Ofï¬ce and Works address: I4: Front St. Adjoining New Union Station Toronto, Canndl l t l Rough. on. R aim. Will make your ordinary null. or bicycle costume ' , pei‘l’ently [IAINAPROOF without nitiriiig the feel or Appearance in the least. Very simple and easily applied. If your dealer hid! not grit it send me al.00xiind I will send you I package by return mail postpaid. A paella e in suflicirnttziEAlNP 001? two suits. PrepmedbyKW. HANNAH. Toronto. IFOR TWENTYâ€"SIX YEARS. DUNN’S THECDOK’S BEST FRIEND ' m m LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Feral You are indeed if you have I‘OPPEI. BRASS. LEAD 0}! ZINI' to sell and will not write the old reliable dealer. w. G. HARRIS, 2 5-31 Wllllnm 8L. TORONTO. Ont Telephone 1129. K No.8 " "at Woman if she is content to on- dure her plina Ind weakneu Without ab- tnmptlng to get relief, can go: along without MILIS' (cam) VED- . , ETABLE COMPOUND. ï¬t But If she WANTS to j’ be well. WANTS to be strung,WANT5 to wnlk I and work with ease and comfort, she will us: M IL E 3' (Earn) VEG [TABLE 00M- POUND. If she can't get lt It her Druzgiu's, she will enclose 75c to The “A. M. C.†MEDICINE C0.. 578 St. Paul at, Montreal and not I large bottle. It wise nhe will lose no time in doing it. Explanatory pnmphlet, “Woman's Triumph," mailed free on Application. learns Bic for In orange or black. Address now 6 CANADIAN s Pllllll WELS ii will readily sh D. \Vlieels all any practical mechanic, he The sale of the E. St ridersl has been phenomenal. purchase what is acknowledge wheels can be purchased for less money, But they are not E. at I). Thirty per cent duty Is saved, and this additional m ouut added to the value ‘ of Those Wheels. Qanadiau ’l‘ypog 'apli Co. (Ltd) Il'iiitlso about" mount can only be secured by the most approved meihods. ï¬nest material and skilled workmanship. The '96 Steam: will be the best bicycle it is possible to produce. Finished at your option HAVE YOU TABTEO IT IS ' Sold only DELICIOUS. In Lead Packet-i Will make your or- if. dlnary suit perfectly waterproof. without. altering the appcui‘anco in thelwi-i. Send‘l IJ‘H'iiI‘ pac. ago sufficient for three suit .-I, or be. for imuller packiigc by mail. ll. W. HANNAH. TORON'IO. A H YOUR LUNGS AWAY USE HBY'S GERMAN BREAST BALSAM AND BE CURED OF THE COUCH. Sold by Druggiats At '25 and 50 cents. ï¬tylish, DURABLE, COMFORTABLE FOOTWEAR. SOLD BY LEADING DEALER-5. MUTUAL RE8ERVE IFE flocculation EDw. B. HARPER Founder. FRED A.BUBNHA\I President. The Largest And Strongest Nntural Premium Life Insurance Company In the world. “9,000,000 of New Business In 1896. $308,660,000 of Business in Force. S.‘084,075 Death elalms Pald In 1895. 525,000,000 Death claim! Paid Since Bullnm Began. 1895 shows an Increase in arose Aunts. lot Sim- plus, Income, and Business In Force. WOW" 105,800 members interested. W. J. MoMURTRY. Manager for Ontario. Freo- hold Loan Building, Toronto. Out. A. R. McNICHOL. Manager for Manitoba, Brill-h Co'umbin and NorthrWest Territories. McIi I.er Block. Winnipeg, Mon. ; I). Z. BESSE’I‘TE. Manager {or bee. 12 Place d'ArmetI, Montreal. Que. ; COL JA H DOMVILLE. Manager for New Brunswxok, St. John. N. B. ; W. J. MURRAY. Manager for Non Scotn. Halifax. N. S. GONBOY'S IMPROVED CARRIAGE TOPS are manufactured and sold to the trade in every style and grade, from the cheuiest to the tin- est. IL isnctatrange tint the public pr“? II‘TS them, as the! “re more stylish and durable, and have patented improve- me. ts not found In any other make. In‘ vestignte and [earn the real merit of the Roller Tap and on Will use no 0t. or kind. Orderyour new Buggy With I Roller Top. Are bmdsome, light, durable. Such ace oi yC C design as is em died In this “fast, easy-run- ning, much~ulkedâ€" beautiful new calalogua. “The Yellow Fellow" AMERICAN RATTAN 00.. TORONTO. cur. ELLIII luluvn _ ‘ ll AT ANY PRICE. “You will always ï¬nd the most stick: around the best apple tree." The great Evans & Dodge 80 Gear Roadsters, With four point bearings, are to-day the best abused wheels in the Dominion of Canada. These Four Point Bearings have Struck Opponents Like a. comet. Tlieyarc patented throughout the world and used only on the E. & D. \Vlieels. Ask our opponents their opinion, and submit to ow you the absurdity of their canvas. over the Dominion (among the best class of Sgnd {or Catalogues and full particulars if you wish to d by experts to be the best wheel in the world. Other All 'J Simplicity. Effective \Vorking Qualities 21nd Durability. A9 ‘ GUARANTEED TO GIVE FULI. PDWER CLAIMED AND TO BE A; Ili.l’i‘l‘bli;~l’l.l) Over 2.000 in successful operation. 1 1‘ W5 1v you to write u: beftrc buying. I’xmplzh‘t/n‘e. Afaii' supply Ill nl't on. angina: at muu riparian mid iiohizoNrAt. - Stationary,PailablebSeml-Poriable “ from I In .J . .I/AT<>‘ {flows}: sizes. one {is A. ll" .