Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 May 1896, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, May 2‘ Dr. F. J. Gallanough, V. S , viefls Rich- mond Hill prufesaiouzflly on Wednesdays only, until further nosice. Eiontbly practice and meeting of the Fire Btigade ou Mommv evening next. Half ml bars beat 01mm Soap 55c. "per dozw. Atkinson & Switzar. Good Shoukk and 10c. per lb; Mr. T. H. Riley received a terday informing him of the brother John in Chicago. if you want a purierten at 25¢. per 1b., buy K1do, for sale at. the Fire Proof. Mr. John Bruwn, Pakou candidate for West Yurk,wasa visitor to the Exit on Mazduy. Those who try our Malwa package Indit Ceylon Ten gaunrnlly want it. again. Atkin son a watzer. garton’s Baking sealing jnra coma Atkinson & SWitZPr A picnic in Cuuuection with St. Mary's Boman Catholic Church, Richmond Hill. will be held at Bond‘s Lake on the 13th of June, of which further notice will be given. Oswego Com Starch, Oaweao Silver Gloss Starch, St. Lawrence Corn Starch at. the Concrete, 4 packages No. 1 Corn Starch for ‘25 cents. Mr. F. )3. Demon, who acted as chairman at the concert on Monday evening. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T.F. McMahon. Goon Bosnia Prunes 4&0. per lh.. and hast. Goon Bosnia Prunes 4&0. ver lh.. and bpat. Dried Apples 40. per lb. Atkinson 6: Swilzer. A meeting of the Diroomrs of the Agricul- tural Snclety will be held in the Dome Hall Lext Wednesday at 2 p. m. Whitchurcb may now be called the tom- perance luwnshm as there is not a. hotel li- censed to sell etmug drink within its bor- den. Mr. B. F. Irwin, of Shank). Dismal Deputy Grand Master Workman of the A. O. U. W., paid an ofiiciul visit to me iodge here on Tuesday evening. . Richmofilmige, A‘ 1“, & A. M“ meets next Monday awning, the let of June. Go to the Concrete for the biggest 25 cts. worth of Rolled Oats, Flake Wheat, and Gold Dust. Commeal. Fibre Chamois gives the heel. satisfack'nu as an inlvriiuing. There is always a good mock at the Concrete. Mrs. W. H. Orr and Miss Moody, ofi‘fl‘o- Canto. spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. carviu. Mr. H. F, Dun-ell also spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Garvin. Kado Tea is taking the lead over all pack- age teas at 30c. per lb. Price only 2555;; put; up in 1 lb. pucLels; cannot. be bong “ ny- Where but. at ‘lne Fire Proof ' Kado Tea m 25c. per ID. is Certaluly the beat tea. fur the price ever put on the market, in 1 ll). packets, green. black and mixed, packed expreaaely for 15330 Crosby, proprietor of the Fire Proof. Mr. Grant. Cooper left 'I‘oromu Tuesday evening with the Varsity ficmabe team on their annual tour to the Uuned States. This tenm will may wixb Leblgh University, $55.; Steven Institute, Jersey City; Brook- lyn and Harvard. All the lat-est. things in Genls' are to be fuund at Atkinson 62 the latest shades in tics, latest. {611: Dale, 52c. The followini'; are among the... who visited YGIutiW-S and hieuds here War the Queen's Birth-Day :â€"-Mr. and Mrs. A. G. F. Lawrence and childrhn. Mrs. C. Savage and 600, Mrs. J. Swage, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wiley and daughter. Mr. Wm E. Wiley, Mr. '1‘. Brown, Mr. C. P. Wiley. Mr. and Mrs. C. Souk-s, Mrs. J. E. Knox and children, Miss Eva Wiley, Miss L. MeLellan. Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker and children, Mrs Fleury, Miss banning. Miss Graiuger, Miss L. Hopper, Mr. 0. MoLeun, Mr. S. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. T. Moves, oi Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thorodike,of Oakwood. PrivMe funds to loan on first-class farm property at 5 per cent. No cnmmission charged. Apply personally or by letter to Holmes d: Gregory, room 44, Canada Life Building, 46 King St. west, Torumo. 19-6m The closing entertainment in connection with the Epworth League will be held in the school room of the Mmhodist church on Friday evening, May ?9Lh. Chair taken at, 8 p. m. Adluluslun. 10 cents; children. 5 cents. It is hoped thtre will be a good at.- tendance at this closing entertainment. Factory Cotton, White Cotton, Cottonade, Shining. Sheeting. Printsâ€"extra value this week. 011! 5 cent Print is 28 inches wide. and guaranteed fast colors. Atlunsou at Swilzer. Proclamation. Proclamation bills for the earning election for the West Ruling of York have been post- ed up by Dr. G. Rowe, Returnmg Oflicer. lamination at Weston ou the 16th of June. There are to be two polling dlSLl'chP 111 Richmond Hillâ€"No. 83 comprising that. put. of the mumcipullly south of Centre street, and No. 84, all nuth of Cemra unset. The polling place for the south will be W. H. Pugsley‘s shop. and the north vote will be polled iu the Masonic Hull. Lard, Cheese. Dried Apples, Prunes, Railins, all cheaper this week at. the Con- crele. The hash Pure Leaf Lard for 8;} cts. per lb. in 20 lb lots. 11¢)(3 A1425}. EfiiheraiJ rs and Hams (farmers? 9 ,Atkiusou & Switzer. Pink Tea Powder in glass sslf- iuing 1:} lbs. for 230. package India ‘elagram yes- deatb of his Funisbings Swnzer'e ; shapes in 25755 I 1‘ Revs J A Grant, B A, and G L Powell wlll exchange pulpns nuxt Sabbath. Rev Mr Grunt. will preach in the Mathudiqt church here at. 7 p m, Headfurd at. 10.30 a m. and VchOLlu Square in the nfu-ruuou £62.15. Thornhill. A' heavy thunder storm passed over this place )ritetday about. nuuu. There Was considerablo hail, and the lightning was ueveve. A boy by the name of Ford, Who was driving a team of horses bud one of :hem killed and Mia other was stunned. Young Ford was also stunned but. soon xe- cuverea from Hm shock. As will be seen by advertisement on an- other page Mr. John Brown. the Patron candidate for West York, will hold a series of meetings in Vaughan, commencing on Tuesday, the 2nd of June. He will be in the Masonic Hall here on Friday evening, June 5th. It. is to be hoped there will be a large turnout to hear the Patron pluliorm explained, M Mr. O. J. Brown’s buck rtsideuce, with or Without shop, is to rem. 'l‘eruis rumou- able. 48‘3 able. " 4&3 Accident. Muster Austin Law in the Inlest boy re- porled who has been experimenting with gunpowder. It. is generally LhoughL [but gunpowder is a dungemns expimive. but. the way to prove ibis by coming inl-u actual contact. A few days ago Masher Austin had quite u painful experience. Some powder that he was playing with exploded and_ his face was burned so as to keep him in the house for some days. Gunpowder bhould never be trifled with. The Concrete is headquarters for Canned Goods of all descriptions. 4 large when cans best Apples this week for 65 c:s., good Corn 5 cts. per can. and Salmon 10 013. Atkinson & Switzer. Hog Cholera. /. Until recentlv Mr. Geo. Forester, one of the well-to-do farmers in the vicinity of Gormley, Markham, bad a fine hard of hogs. Unfortunately, a short time ago they were stricken with a disease which is termed hog cholera. More than a. dozen of them died, and the case being referred to the Health Department, the Provincial Inapeotor order- ed the rest or the hog»: to be destroyed. Mr. Forester had bought. some of the bugs in Toronto and it is thought. that this is the source of the trouble. We understand the g-Wurnmeut allows a percentage on animals which have to be Jeutroyed by order of the department. The annual report of the Richmond Hxll Methodist church for the year ending May lst. just printed, shows a successful year for that body. The anditorn‘ report shows lhe receipts to have been 31413 89. expenditure 8126936, with a balance on hand 015144.53. Officers and teachers of the Sabbath school 15, scholars 137. average attendance 120. The church was erected in 1880.!be cost. being $7,000 for building. site and fumi- lui‘e. Of this sum $16 300 and imereat has be'en paid, leaving a balance of $700. The report also refers to the Woman’s Mission- ary Auxiliary and the Epworlb League. Aimeeting was held at. Victoria. Square on May' 18th. for the purpose' of organizmg a. Foot bu” Club. The following oflicers were elected : President, F. Nichols; f_Vice-Pre«idem, A4 Oster; ‘Uuptniu, B. Sanderson; Sec‘y-Treus., L. S. Ktiuck; Uommiuee, L. Caner, A. Frisbv, G. Murchul. The club will be known as the Fourth Royal Fwtbull Club. Praonce Tuesday and Thursday evening. The club is now pre- pared to receive challenges. All chaneuges would be seul. to the secretmy at, Victoria Square. Sivnrs' display of Boots and Shoes at the Fair was one of the leading attractions in the Agricultural E52111. Much surprise was eXprease-d upon learning we low price of man) of the styles uf such excellent quality, and naturally many orders were taken on that day. But. those requiring auvlhing in that line need not bu almid that the EuulllV is reduced as there is a large stock on hand. Call and see for yourselves. (a) Footballers Organize. A meeling of those interested in football was held in the Lorne Hall bn Thursday evemua. Mr. A. E. Coombs occupiod the chair, and Mr. W. Glass acted as seen-wry. The Club was organized with the following uflicers :â€" Plesideut, Mr. 1“. Sims: Vice-President, Mr. F. Grainger; Sec‘y-Treasumr, Mr. W. Glass; Committee of management, Messrs. Wye. Trench, G. Cooper. F. Graingor. On motion of Mr. G. Cooper, seconded by Mr. F. Rutherford, it was decided to leave the selection of the first eleven playei's in the bands of the committee of management. The question of sending uut challenges to surrounding clubs was left over for future consideration. Lovers of our national game will he pleas- ed to know that a revival of the spirit of the invincible Young Canadians has taken place and that our village bids fair to be the home of a championship lacrosse club in the near future. For the last three weeks the young men 0! the village have been at work at the park preparinn themselves for the season's work, and are now in condition, wind and limb. to meet all corners of their class. The first match of the championship series I will he played here on Saturday. June 6th. against the 'L'ecumsehe II. A well contested and exciting game is expected as both teams are determined to Win. There is no lack of material for a first-class team in the village and the players one and all are working like , beavers to accomplish the desired end. It ’ is hoped that the citizens will turn out in large numbers at every match to encourage the boys. as additional expense has been gone to in purchasing new uniforms and in fitting cut new dressing rooms. Season tickets admitting holder to all club matches played on the park may be obtained from any of the memlers of the club for the nom- inal price of one dollar ; membership fee is fifty cams. The investment is a good one. Don't forget the ob Impiunship match, '1 ecumseh 11 against Richmond Hill, on ‘ ‘ Sunscrday, June 6th. ‘ Methodist Church Kapott. Pomical M cetings Victoria Square. Lacrosse Patterson Lodge. A number of the members of Richmond Laige drove down to ’l‘hornliiil on Tunrsday e‘euing and spent a few pleusunt hours with the Masonic brethren of Patterson Ludge. B. W. Bro. Richard Diuuia. D. D. G. M. of this district, paid an ofiiciul visit to the lodge on the above occasion, and as the officers were also elected on that evening for the ensuing Masonic year, there was a busy time. During the election of officers the cimir Wus taken by Psi-r. Muster R. C. 'Davison. foilows: ovary which Victor the he R. W. Bro. R. Dinnis; W. Bro. McKnight; W. Bro. T. F. McMahon; W. BIO H. A. Nichulls. Bro F. J. B. Duncan, W. Bro. J. E. Francis, W. Bro. W. W. Bates, W. Bro. R. 'I boxmionI Bro. D. B. Bin-ell, Bro. Dr. Nellea. Bra. J. Ellslon. Bro. H. B. Schmidt. The Junior Warden’s toast. was given about 12 o‘clock, when the brethren separated. W. M., Bro. R. Thompson; S. W.. Bro. H. B. Schmidt; J. W., Bro. G. Fisher; Chaplain, Bro, W. Richards; Treasurer. Bro. J. C. Steele; Secretary, Bro. W. W. Bates; Auditors. Bros.J.E.ancis, Dr. Langstafl; 'l‘vler. Bro. H. Home. The ofiicers being elected, the lodge was then opened in the 2nd and 3rd degrees. After closing to the 18!. degree. R. W. Bra. Dinnis addressed the brethren. and spoke well of the intelligent and business-like way in which the aflairs 0‘ the lodge had been conducted. The regular business being over.the brethren all parlook of refreshments, which were served in the lowur part. of Victoria Hall. W. Bro. J. E, Francis eat at the head of the table. and on his right were the guest of the evening, who was accom- panied by his District Secretary. W. Bro. McKnight. The usual toast list followed, in which the following look part :â€" R. W. Bro. R. Dinnis; W. Bro. McKnight; W. Bro. T. F. McMahon; W. BIO H. A. Nicholle. Bro F. J. B. Duncan, W. Bro. J. Victoria Hall. W. Bro. J. F the head of the table. and 01 the guest» of the evening, w] panied by his Distrch Seen McKnight. The uuual tonal in which the following R. W. Bro. R. Dinnis; W. Try 6 twelve 02. bars Trilby Soap for 25c. It will not wash goods mthout some rubbing, but. the finest of goods whulber woollen or unnou can be perleotly cleansed with it without. injury. The quality is as good as may on the market. A‘kinsun & Swuzer. The Concert. Never was a better programme presented to a Richmond Hill nadir-rice than that given in connection with the Agricultural Concert in the skating rink on Monday evening. That there was a large number of people in the hall may be judged from the fact that the proceeds amounted to about $175. No better chairman could have been selected for the occasion than Mr. Frank Danton, whose'chserful. patriotic and elo- quent remarks, so appropriate at the open- ing, won for him the respect rind esteem of his h.-arers. At the close of his remarks the audience, by request. rose to their feet and sang heartily " God Save the Queen.” Prof. F. E. Karn. assisted by Prof. Boudo, then commenced the programme proper by giving a number of sleight of hand perfor- mancss, and both pleased and deserved the spectators by their extraordinary dexterity. Miss Alice Burrnweu. who is a mezzo-soprano singer with a good voice and a good stage presence, followed with a selection, “ Loch Lomond," which was encored. Then Miss Jessie Alexander was introduced. and it is needless to say that applause both preceded and followed this distinguished elocutionist. Her first selection in which she related anumber of anecdotes and Witty sayings told her by Mr. Johnston, the Scotch stage driver, on her recent trip to Scotland, was very amusing and very cleverly given. Other selections were equally iutnrosting, but Miss Alexander excels in presenting good rich Scotch humor. and in portraying the symplicitv of childhood, which was proven by the recitation, " Friday Afternoon ‘ in a Primary School.” The national dances by Miss Maggi» Bunch and Muster Mishnw. ex. cuted in a quiet. modest manner, were evrdently appreciated, and they were en- cored, as were all the other performers. But the reel humorist of the evening was Mr. T. A. Baker, whose comic and harmless»; songs kept the audience in the best of humor. and he was encored again and again In fact be fairly “ brought down the house," and hundreds of both sexes made no effort ‘ to control their desire to laugh until their sides must have ached. Mr. Baker is one of the most enthnsmslic comics before the public and his efforts to please his audience is most successful. And, last but not least, reference must be made to the accomplished pianist, Mrs. lit Weir, whose accompaniments on the piano for several of the performers were admired by all. She is a musician of more than oruinary ability, and her willingness to appear so many times on the programme was very commendable. It must be said that each and every performer labored under diflicul- ties, as during nearly the entire entertain- ment the rain came down in torrents on the roof of the building, making it very difficult to hear these who took part. At the close the chairman thanked the audience for the very good attention during the evening, and really with the exception of it it little commotion in the rear of the hall the order was excellent. considering the noise of the storm outside. and the discom- fort caused by the water flooding the west part of the floor of lhe ball. A most enjoy- able concert wus concluded by singing the National Anthem. FULKRARDâ€"On the 2nd con. Vaughan, on Satur- day. May 23rd. the wife of John Folkeurd, o: a. sen. KELLYâ€"In Fichmoud Hill. on Monday. May 25th, William '1‘homus,infnnt son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly. aged 2. months. 1; days. MONTGOMERYâ€"At his home, Octumore Farm, Nottawa.ont..on Monday, May 18th. John Montgomeryanative of Islay. Argyleshlre. Scotland. and}; brother of Mrs. John Hamib A comfortable 8-roomed bricklclad dwelling, with large kitchen, woodshed and stune cellar, situated in the centre of the Village of Rich- mond Hill, nnur to High and Public schools hulls and churches. Size of lot 84 feet from; bv 100 fee", in (19ml); Residencg m Sale. 'Enquiré of fine Proprietor of THE LIBERAL. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tubules cure torpid liver. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules cure constipation Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Edd, 6t Eigin Mill The xesult of the election was as DEATHS l3”?! BIS. ;, who was Secretary. ‘ toast list 1 wing toek \Ve will give you close prices on any Hardware you may want. Wire and Cut Nails, Locks and Hinges of all kinds, WE}? WENT WWW BRRBED WERE; $2.90 per 100 lbs. White Lead, Oils & Glass. Mixed Pamt trom $1 per gal. IF YOU WANT A BICYCLE T1103. eredith & 00., Next Clyde Hotel. ESAAC :29250, 252.75, $53-00, $53-75- SPRING GOODS NEW? Arriving AT THE 156 KING STREET, E. TORONTO. m m H Going to Build?” BARREL CHURNS, Write to us for prices. Creamers and Milk Pans.

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