Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 May 1896, p. 7

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Hood’s Pills Is the One True Blood Purifier. $1;610r$5. 00d ’3 faking cold, is a common complaint. It ls due to impure and deficient blood and lt often leads to serious troubles. The reuagdy is found in pure, rich blood. _ “I am not very strong and sometimes need a tonic to help me battle against sickness. I find that two or three bottles of Hood’sASarsaparilla jg just what Iueed: l have taken it. occasionally for several years and do not have any doctors’ bills Lopay.” MISS JANIE HIGGINS, 55 Beau- fain Sh, Charleston, 5. 0. Remember \Vomen are acknowledged to be real- ly braver than men. The anticipated peril of pain they shrink from is fem- inine timidjty, but if they are lung- ed into the midst of a. great anger you seldom find one that is not brave and helpful. The woman who has by»- sterics at sight of a mpuse will be the Last one to leave a smk'mg ship, or will, with dogged courage. defend her home against burglars, her child against the fury of a mad dog. The light of love in lover's eyes; Age than: is young as well as wise; A mother's kiss; a. bahv‘s mirthâ€"â€" These are the sweetest things on earth A heart where auger neVer burns; A gift that looks for no returns. Wrong's overthrow, pain's quick release; Dark footsteps guided into peace; Two weeks ago in midocean the crew of the British steamer Mourne, which has just arrived at Baltimore, were aroused ‘by the sight. of a hark whose appearance excited their suspicions. The suggestion that it was the famed Flying Dutchman spread quickly am- ocng them. Nobody could be seen up- on the strange vessel when she was first sighted a few hundred miles off the coast of Ireland, yet» the fore and maintopsails were both set, the mainâ€" yard was squared, and the vessel was moving at the rate at two knots an hour. This was just like the Flying Dutchman. What are the sweetest things of earth? Lips that can praise a rivaJ’s worth; A fragrant rose that hides no thorn; Riches of gold untouched by scorn; weep; A brother's cheer; a. father’s praise; The minstrelsy of summer days; leaving over the bulwarks the sail- ors discussed the strange visitor, while the officers on the bridge above pointed their glasses at her and tried to learn more of her. The suggestion that the vessel “as the Flying Dutchman far out of its southern latitude increased their curiosity, and when thd Mourne had draw/m near enough Capt. Aiken sent Chief Officer Smiley and a boat's crew to investigate the mysterious craft. \Vhen Mr. Smiley boarded the bark the silence was awesome. and the only noise that broke the stillness was the creaking of the gear high above. In the cabin the otfioer found that the vessel was the Norwegian hark Julie of Larvig. and that she, had been abanâ€" doned the same day Mr. Smiley boardâ€" ed her. The ship’s papers also showed that the Julie was bound from Minei Bridge, \Vales, with sand ballast for \Vest Bay, New Brunswick. The hold was nearly filled with water, but with. this unusual load the. Julie was sailing alongr serenely, without a human being to direct her mm emenls and guide, her into a safe haven. Mr. Smiley, after some. study of her movements. name to the conclusion that she was simply drifting with the currents, with posâ€" sibly some aid from the wind. As she was direetly in the. path usualâ€" ly followed by ocean vessels, Mr. Smi- ley determined to burn her. His men spread oil around the cabin and set the bark on fire. After this had been done his boat returned to the Mourne. and the latter started once more [or Bal- timore. v As the deserted craft disappeared beâ€" hind the horizon the, flames‘ had not made great headway, and she was still gliding along on the ocean waves with the same mysterious, lonesome air which first attracted the attention of the Mourne's crew. REPAIRING \VOMEN. There are few things about the hu- man frame that a Viennese surgeon does not know. If man had not been created as he has been, he would have been eventually made by a Viennese doctor. The faculty in the Austrian capital think nothing of doing him over, or. one should say, of doing her over. It seems that women in Vi- enna can go and be done up fresh, and especially retrimmed to look better than before. Several physicians make a specialty of womanâ€"culture. One of them, a doctor, Robert Fischer, says that his day is not long enough for this practice. Continues this frank speaker; "Numbers of mothers put their daughters through a whole course of beautification when they are in the marriage market. That’s the time when the most elaborate preparations of the hunian form are ordered and un- dertaken. 1 have a great deal more to do in the spring and fall than for the most fashionable balls of the year." The )lournv‘s l‘rI-w “‘ln-n Thu-y Saw Iln‘ Abandoned .lullo Sailing Along. A happy little child asleep; Eyes that can smile though they may S‘VEETEST THINGS OF EARTH THOUGHT OF THE DUTCHMAN. Sarsaparilla easy to buy easy to takI easy to operam. 25c. Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills act directly upon the blood and nerves, building them anew and thus driving disease from the system. There is no trouble due to either of these muses which Pink Pills will not cure, and in hundreds of cases they have [restored patients to health after all other remedies had fail- ed, Ask for Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills: and take nothing else. The genuine are always enclosed in boxes the wrapper around which bears the full trade mark "Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills for Pale People." May (be had from all dealers ‘ or sent post paid on receipt of 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by ad- dressing the Dr. \Villiams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . l To be proud and inaccessible timid and weakâ€"Massillon. STATE 0]" OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO. L LUCAS COUNTY. FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that, he is the senior partner 0" the firm of F. J. CHENEY 8: 00.. doing bum‘ness in the City of Toledo. Countv ands ate aforesaid, and that. and firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DUL- LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that. cannot be cured by the use or HALL'S CATARRH .s‘x. Hall's Cuban-h (‘ure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucouH surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials. free. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and >ubscribed In my presence. this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886. F. J. CHENEY 8: (‘0 Toledo, 0. WHOM by Druzgists. 75c. had to give up work altogether. From the back the pains shifted to his right leg and hip where they finally settled and so completely helpless did he be- come. that he was unable to do more than walk across the room and then only with the aid of crutches. Of course he consulted the doctors, but Dome of them seemed able to do him any good. People in speaking of his case, always spoke pityingly, it being generally thought that he had passed from the world of activity. and that he was doomed 4,0 live and die a cripple. We are free to confess that this was our own View of the matter, and our sur- prise, therefore, can be readily imagin- ed when some few weeks a, 0, we saw this self-same John Al en driving through the town! on the top ofa large load of grain. Great however, as was our surprise at first, it became still greater when on arriving at the rist mill. he proceeded to jump nimny rom the load, and then with the. greatest apâ€" parent ease began to unload the heavy bags of grain. Curious to know what it was that had brought this wonder- fulchange.we took the first convenient opportunity to ask him. “\Vell." said he in reply, "I am as well a man as I ever was, and I attribute my cure to Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills, and to nothing else." Mr. Allen then gave us in a very frank manner, the whole story of his sickness, and his-cure. the chief points of which we have set forth above. After consulting two physi- cians and finding no relief, he settled down to the conviction that. his case was a hopeless one. He lost confidence in medicines, and when it. was suggested that he should give. Pink Pills a trial, he at first absolutely refused. How- ever, his friends persisted and finally he agreed to give them a lrial. The effect was beyond his most sanguine expectations, as the Pink Pills have driven away every trace of his pains and he is able to go aboult his work as usual. As might be expected Mr. Allen is loud in his praise of Pink Pills, and was quite willing that the facts of his case should be given publicity, hoping that it might catch the eye of someone who wassimilarly afflicted. Sllfl ,'e:l So Sew-rely That "1- Ih-vnlllt‘ AI- Inosl a Helpless Crippleâ€"L lgziiu Alm- lu lu- .Ilmlll lli~ Work us- “1-” as liver. From the “'a‘lkerton Telescope. During the past five years the Teleâ€" scope has published many statements givmg the particulars of cures from the use of Dr. “'illiams' Pink Pills. They were all so well authenticated as to leave. no doubt as to their complete truthfulness, but had any doubt re- mained its last vistage would have been removed by a, cure which has recentâ€" ly come under our personal observation. It is the 08.561 of Mr. John Allen, a proâ€" minent young farmer of the town- ship of Greenock. Mr, Allen is so well known in “'alkerlon and the vicinin adjoining it. that 51 brief account of his really remarkable recovery from what seemed an incurable disease will be of interest to our readers. During the ear- ly part of the summer of 1895, while working in the bush. Mr. Allen was seized with what appeared to him to be rheumatic pains in the hack and shoulders. At first be. regarded it as but a. passing; attack. and thought that it would disappear in 211 day or two; On the contrary. however, he daily continued to grow worse. and it was not. long before he The Experience of a Bruce Farmer. O'COMWOOWO‘GiWCâ€"Oe-‘S-J'C = 34 3‘ 3‘:¢C'3‘3‘3‘3°$¢C SEAL CURED 0F SGIATIGA. A. W. GLE ASON N otdry VP'uinc. is tobe HROVIM'I; 0F ONT mo,‘ Uountynf \\ entworth. » ’l‘o \Vin: ‘ 1,, Ann Caffery. wife of Owen Caf- fery, of the City of Hamilton, in the County of \Ventworth. Province of Ontario. do solemnly declare that I am forty one .years of age and live Eaitt No. 227 Ferrie street east, in said [c1 y. Three [years ago I was afflicted with severe pain in my head. So great was this pain that. I thought I would lose my reason. I also be» ,came very despondent, my general [health was poor, and l was as tired "when I awoke in the morning as when I went 10 bed. (About a year anda half ago my left. side became paralyzed which caused it to he numb land cold. Everything was done to ihring back warmth and circulationlmt all was in vain until I began taking Mr. .R'yckman's Koolenay Cure in Ap- rill. 1895, of which I have now used two and one half bottles, and have recover- ed my health. My side is free from Par- alysis, the numbness has left me. and .I fieel like a. new womam I cannot speak‘ tgo highly of the medicine. DOUGLAS BROS, slateflravel and metal reefers, meLaJlic ceilings, Rky lights, sheet metal workers. 124 Adelaide W..Toronto STAMPS Bill and Law S'amps: 71}; \VM. IL ADAMS,T Ann SLATE, SHEET-METAL. TILE & GRAVEL ROOFER§ Sheet Metal Ceilings. Terra. Gotta. Tile Red Black and Green Roofln Sluts. Metal Cur ujces. Fell. Tar. Roofing itmh, Etc. Gutters Downpipea. &c.. flupplied the trade. Telephone 1936. Aclelaida & Widmer Sts TORONTO Ryekman's Knotenay Sure. G. DUTHIE &. SONS Heart Disease Exiledâ€"Over Fifty Members of the House of Commons Tell of the Virtues of Dr‘ Agâ€" new's Catarrhal Powder. catarrh. \Vhether the trouble is in the air, or where. it is a satisfaction toknow that, in Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder is the medicine that, gives red lief in ten minutes. and has cured some of the. worst vases. where deafness and other troubles have followed the dis- ease. Geo. E. Casey, Michael Adams. Donald \V. Davis, A. Fairbairn. C. F. Ferguson. \V. H. Bennett, and all told some fifty members of the House of Commons have borne testimony tothe effectiveness of ‘this remedy. Ask your druggisL for Agnew’s re- medies, and see that you get them and not worthless imitations. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same’ force and effect as it made under oath, and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Taken and acknowledged before me at the City of Hamilton, in the County of \Ventworth, this 13th day of December, 1895. (Signed), Ann Caffery. (Signed), ‘617Fl‘8d \Vaixer. ' 5 Commissioner for? tilihg affidavits and Notary Public. The name of Dr. Agnew is one that deserves to rank with Jenner, Pasteur and Rontgen in the good done humanâ€" ity. Dreaded ms it is by everyone heart disease has no terrors where Dr. Agnew's Cure has become known. Mrs. Roadhouse, of \Villscroft, 0nt., has saidâ€"“Cold sWeaT would stand out in great head‘s upon my face so intense were the attacks of heart: disease. I tried many remedies but my life seemed fated until Dr. Aignew's Cure for the Heart became known to me and to-day I know nothing of the terrors of this trouble." It relieves instantly, and saves many lives daily. It has been said that everyone in Canada suffers. to some extent. from catarrh. \Vhether the trouble is in the air, or where, it is a satisfaction toknow that in Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is the medicine that gives red There is no malice like the malice of the renegade.â€"Macaulay. Positive (‘nre fur Rheumatism TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Agnow’s Triumphs Medicine. and I dating before 1870 of C Provinces, United State Svamps bought. Good MS, 7 Ann 5b.. Toronto, ll‘ :llysns “2 [’17. 8 l7. efflfimmnm Prlc Ont. an ad a, also Over 2,000 'ih'EfiééEésnffii"Jerauon. @ “if?” you to write us before buying. Pamphlet/rte. Afllr supply of second-hand and tom E R O engine- a: model-me prim - UNEXOELLED in Simplicity. Efl’ecflve Working Qualities and Durability. GUARANTEED TO GIVE FULL POWER CLAIMED WEST SHORE THROUGH SLEEPING CAR TO NEW YORK. One of .the handsomest sleeping cars that had ever been turned out of the factory is now running from Toronto to New York without change via the pop- ular \Vest shore route. It is a buffet car, and refreshments can be obtained en route, if desired. This car leaves Union Station. Toronto, every day except Sunday, at 455 p. m., reaching New York next morning at 10.10 a. m. On Sundays thesleeper runs from Hamâ€" ilton only, connecting with the through train from Toronto. Call at any Grand Trunk office in Toronto for information 01‘ Space in sleeping car. Reservatlons can be made in advance if desired. An Australian paper contains an adâ€" vertisement of an enterprising trades- man. who at the end of it announces: Ministers supplied with goods at cost price. if they agree to mention the fact to their congregations, H._ w. ‘PEATRIE, Lulu-warm V‘Vntrsr . . . . ‘ . . . . . V . . . . . ‘ . Ivm yak om Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the waLer. ndd the extract. and bottle: place in a Warm Mace for twenty-four hours uncil it fox-manta. then place on ice. when it will open sparkling Ind delicious. [‘he root, nem- can be obtained in 311 drug and humor)" :4 I "25 in 10 and 25 cont bunk-w make two um; fl va annual. Offloo & communion Railing and all kinds of o‘mm WMQ I ModbrhtETy- ~ . Skim-1"1‘0rvt;nlr;' “ G. T. PENDRITH. Manufacturer. 13 to 81 Adelaide SI. W.. ’l oronm. TORONTO FENCE AND ORNAMENTAL WORKS TORONTO. CAN. 1.040 V\§ A 9 . ¢ § - wamefi j DON'T 3mm In muck mulicimw '1»!' r . lrcrlri'n‘ BiGYGLES--”fi UPRIGHT and H0 FA R M Stationary, Portable&: fi.uu:‘ifi:.2o I'llnlul-nmrfgf Adama' Rnoc New Exm‘act Fleischmnn 1'-’ Yeflut....... Recipe-For Making a Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. IRON AND WIRE WEEK. Iron Fencing, Toronto: can Eh; ninja brighl‘mfi Busy wives who use SAP (9 L! Q ngygr seem to grow oldfl‘ry a. cake A complete wreck of domestic happiness has often resulted from badly washed dishes, from an unclean kitchen, or from trifles which seemed light as air. But by these things a man often judges of hi: wife’s devotion to her family, and charges her with general neglect when he finds her careless in these particulars. Many a home owes I? Grocers often substitute cheaper goods for SAPOL10, to make a better profit. Send back such articlel, and insist on having just what you ordered. a large part of its thrifty neatness and its consequent happiness to SAPOLIO. 6 63:9 age/WWNS? AN EYE TO BUSINESS “s . \N - ome vaqaméue like= ENGINES AND 10 BE As REPRESENTED . n. Adjoining New Union nation CAT-A-LOG Fva ASKING. NEW & SECOND‘EAND ALL KINDS OF 1' n m: gu r9314 strict];- ‘H. N. ‘ Hume: at. “I . ref. [07 (mm. 0‘ “so: mung. r KIRK. AND P. D. 110118 It 00.. 188-190 M63111 8L. Montreal. USE 'ssk‘. Office and Works are weak a: Wheel two poundi lwn pa) rnnl BELIE one bottlc half a cake UPRIGHT and HORIZONTAL. Stationary, Portable&8emI-Portable ISLAND BETY FLWR MEETS! ill dx‘y hard over n ghL with n hard u‘ms finiah IT IS DELICIOUS. The excruciating pain of RHEUMATISM OR NEURALGIA When you can buy a bot Me of II by‘s Rheumatola For ‘25 cenrc and have immediate when Subscribed Capital Paid-up Capital . . . . . Assets, over . . . , . . . CANADA PERMANENT LOAN AND SAVINGS EOMPANY WANTED everywhere- to handle a. New Prep. aration. Liberal remuncr, anon. Scamv for particulars. ALL WHO WOULD Dough 1“; 1181's Send for A sample card THECOOK’S BEST FRIEND 'I'P'nrrl‘d "mu- I huh“ I? dumlou3§j LARGEST SALE IN CANKSAI FOR TW ENTYâ€"SIX YEARS. The Leading SOLD BY DRUGGISTS OEYLON TEA. HAVE YOU YASTED R. W. HANNAH. TORONTQ BRANTFORD. CANADA BAKERS Sold Only In Lead Packet. SUFFER s 5.oooyooo 2.600.000 I2, hnknr huh}: kind ofntmde

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