The One True Blood-Puriï¬er. $1; 6 for $5. Hood's Pllls are mild and effective. 26°. Hood’s “I have taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla and it has built me up increased my appetite and accomplisheé What I desired. My oldest daughter was nervous and not very rugged, but her health is good since she began using Hood‘s Saraaparilla.†JOHN L. PINGREE, 172 Ha 'den Row, Hopkin- ton, Mass. Get H00 '8 and only l‘roubles are caued by impure and im- overiwhed blood because the nerves, sing fed by the blood, are not properly nourished. The true way to cure ner- vousness is to purify the blood by taking ngd_’s Sarsaparilki. Beagl this: 7 "We are apt. many of us, to think," said Mr. Gratebar. “that we could do better if we had a better chance or could get started in some new field; but. t'he fact is that. the man who is likely to succeed at all is pretty sure to sue- ceed wherever he may be. Success is a crop that depends for its returns less upon the 5011 that is cultivated than upon the manner of cultivation." Who is the oldest person in the world? The German statistician does not credâ€" it‘ the recent story about a Russian 160 years old. Russia has no census, he says. and except in cases of special offi- cial investigation the figures of ages in Russia must be mistrusted. The old- sst man in the world is Lhen,in his opin- .on, Bruno Cotrinx. a negro born in Af- rica, and new resident in Rio Janeiro. Courim is 150 years old. Next to him comes probably a retired Moscow cab- man, named Kustrim, who is in his 140th year. The statistician says the oldest woman in the world is 133 years old, but neglects to give her name and address, possibly out of courtesy, or erhaps in View of the extraordinary igures which came to his hands from the Balkans he thought a subject only 130 ears old was hardly worthy of par- tic ars. Newaus oentenarian. but Spain, with but 18,- 000,000 population, has 401. The most amazing figures found by the German statistician came from that troublesome and. turbulent; region known as Lhe Bakan Peninsula. Servia has 575 pensons who are more than 100 years old; Roumania, 1.084; and Bul- garia, 3,883. In other words, Bulgar- ia has a centenarian for every 1,000 in- habitants, and thus holds the interna- tional record for old inhabitants. In 1892 alone there died in Bulgaria 3521 rsons of more than 100 years. In the Ewan Peninsula, _ moremjer. a per: son is not regarded as on the verge of the grave the moment he becomes a centenarian. For instance, in Servia. there were in 1890 some 290 persons beâ€" txveen 106 and 115 years, 123 between 115 and 125, and 18 between 126 and 135. Three were between 135 and 140. A German statistician has studied the census returns of Europe to learn a. few things about the oentenarians of the old world. He has found, for in- stance, that high civilization does not favor the greatest length of life. The German empire, with 55,000,000 populaâ€" tion, has but 78 subjects who are more than 100 years old. France, with few- er than 40,000,000, has 213 persons whq have passed their 100th birthdays. Eng- land has 146; Ireland, 578; Scotland, 46; Denmark 2; Belgium 5; Sweden 10, and Norway, with 2,000,000 inhabitants. 23. Switzerland does not boast a single oentenarian, but Spain, with but 18,- 000,000 population, has 401. Interesting Facts and Figures About the l‘eult‘nariuln ul‘ Europc. OLDEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. farmer's son, a] after the cattle ‘ them home to be A year or two hawk’s nest. Afte he took the yo raise& one as a. Slim then the hawk has been sent after the cows each evening. and the boy has lost ajol). The fame of the bird has spread. and neighbors for miles around have gone to see the hawk drive the cattle. Clo A year or two ago the boy found a hawk’s nest. After killing the old birds he took the young ones home and. raised one as a. pet. Since then the pet hawk has been the companion of the boy and has accompanied himwhen he went after the cows each evening. A short time ago the boy hurt his foot and that evening was not able to go after the cows. At the usual time for going after the herd there was no one who could go, but the cows came trooping in only a, few minutes late. Not one was missing, and flying around in the rear of the; herd, \E'as'the pet hawk. The next evening the hawk again Sgrgaparilla HAWK xt; evening the hawk again ut alone after the cows. This was watched and his plan of s learned. The bird first drove togeLher by assail'mg each separately. Then the entire ,5 started towards home. ' ' loitered the hawk flew at her. L her back and beat her with s. This course was fully as £011. a lad. of sixteen. to go cattle each night and drive DRIVES CATTLE Bird SUCCESS fun I re] milked person In the “'1 ‘ician does not ( I about 3. Eu: sia has no censu cases of special )9 figures of ag‘ ,ist'rusted. The :nul In )ut a. Russian as no census. he s of special offi- ;ures of ages in ‘sted. The old- his opin- gro born in Af- M HOME. is put a. herd I have ‘rdn- Ire will come sometimes, and than it is that the camper realizes that there is such a thing as rheumatism. ".Preâ€" vention is ette'r than cure," and all campers will do well to include in their supplies a mineral water which. will prevent this, St. Leon Mineral \Vater is a preventive of, and sure cure for all organic derangements and is endorsed by eminent physicians. Try it. Wife (sweetly). I thika it L; meant. my dear, as a command for Wives to leave husbands who snoa‘e. Now that the summer has comf era are making their sele‘ctions numerous picturesque spots in this country abounds. Camping lightful in fine, dry weather, I». will come sometimes, and than that the camper realizes that t] such a thin as rheumatism. vention is ette'r than cure," a campers will do well to include ii supplies a mineral water whicl Husbagd. What does this expression from Isaiah, Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils, mean? and speedin restore the rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. Men broken dawn by overwork, worry or excesses. will find in Pink Pills a cer- tain cure. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid. at 500 a, bolx, or six boxes for $2.50. by addressing the Dr. \Villiams‘ Medicine Company. Brotk- ville. 0nt.. or Schenectady, N. Y. Be- ware of iinitatiuns and substitutes al- leged to be “just as guod." at. . the drwmg strength troubles rheumat bles. eh sleepless nights, and had little or no appetite. Finally he could scarcely walk across the room without panting for breath, and would sit, all day with his elbows resting on his kneesâ€"the only position which seemed to give him ease, and at one time he never laid down for six Weeks. As it wasahardâ€" ship for him to talk, all he asked was to be let alone. During- this time he had been doctoring and had tried nearly everything, and spent over $100, but got no relief. Finally some one re- commended him to take Pink Pills. He thought they could do him no harm at any rate, and procuring a. supply he commenced taking them. After he had taken three boxes he found that he was improving, and after taking two more boxes to the astonishment of all All that is asked for them trial and the results are rare poimting. Dr. Williams, Pink Pi bles. em, th: all other tre‘ specific for t the lives of s more he \x and l he had done, asqthe asthma had left him. and they never expected to hear of him being well again. To one and all he tells that it was Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills that did it. and has recomâ€" mended them to scores of people since his recovery. Pills hav mak ANOTHER GREAT TRIUMPH- The Bowmanville News Interviews Mr. John Hawkens. And In Given Particulars ofa Nine Years' Sun’erlng From Asthma, From “'lllch Ile llns Been Restored to Heal": “'hen Ills Case Was Looked 0n as Hopeless. From the News, Bowmanville. During the past five years the Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have developed in- to a household word. and from several cases that have come under our person- al observation. there is not the least doubt in our minds but that they are a boon to mankind, and in scores of in- stances have saved life, when eve thing else had laued. The cure of . Sharp, whose case we published some time ago. was one of the most remark- able that We have ever heard of. To- day he is as well as ever he was. in his lite, and is daily knocking about; in all weathers attending to his farm duties. Recently another triumph for Pink Pills came under our observation, and, after interviewing the person curâ€" ed. he gave permission to make the facts public, and we will give the story in his own words. Mr. John Hawkens,who resides in the township of Darlington, some ten mil‘us north of Bowmanville, and whose post oifice is Enniskillen, came to the county from Cornwall, England. some 45 years ago, and up to the time or his sickmfss had always been a hardâ€"working man. One day. however, while BLLEIJéliï¬g his work. he got wet, took a chill and a severe cold followed, which finally develop« ed to asthma. During the succeeding nine years he was a terrible sufferer fmm that distressing disease and gradually grew so had ‘ that he could not work, frequently spent W 1 out up a cord of Wood. He co the pills and took Lwo more king seven in all, and to-day ll as he ever was. but always box of Pink Pills in the hous lghbors all began to ask him had done, as the asthma ha. Vitl} s1 urrmg of Cod-liver Oi], with Hypophosphites, feeds the exhausted tissues and strengthens the nerves. alked ut uu ENTHUSIASTIC CAMPERS Ian DIFFICULT TEXT. 3n )I so many womep a ily restore the mob pale and sallow che ach my I‘OSS from patient 3C. and $1.00 at all druggista‘ Ill [ha 1pelas, scroiuk pills are supe ant. They are derful cures as these arts of the Dominion at Dr. Williams’P'qu ed a greater reputa- her known medlcine. l for them is a fair lltS are rarely disap- 311 the :oms‘ field the syst heal auje also hlch ma but. th e woods on tmu- camp- of the which gtrike dlsease an and and spinal :iatica. s trou make :eps Fhe hat Mrs. For flatâ€"This being so poor is terrible, isn it? Mrs. Topfloreâ€"Inâ€" déed, it is. If we could only afford it. I would have nervous prostration tnâ€"mclrrow. Union Station, Toronto, every day except Sunday, at 4.55 p. m.. reaching New York next morning at, 10.10 a. m. Qn Sundays the sleeper runs from Ham- llton only, connecting with the through train from Toronto. Call at any Grand Trunk office in Toronto for information or space in sleeping car. _ Resgsrvatlons can be made in advance 1! dean-ed. One of the handsomest sleeping cars that had_ever been turned out of the factory is now running- from Toronto to New York without. change via the pop- ular West shore route. It is a. buffet car. and refreshments can be obtained en route, if desired. This car leaves \VEST SHORE THROI CAR TO NE\V BIRDS THAT PERCH 0N BILLOWS Some of Their (Dec-nu Journopings ncllght- l‘ully anrllmll by l‘lll‘Vill Arnold. "They are vague and casual roamers of the Oman, who, spying the (great steamship from afar, have sailed close up, to see if we are arock or an island, and will then skip away again on their own tree and boundless business. Yon- der tiny bird, with purple and green plumage. his little breast and neck laced with silvesz distant 1,000 miles at this moment from a drop of fresh water and yet cares no more for that fact than did the Irish squire who 'lived twelve miles from a lemon.’ "If his wings ever grow is but to settle on the bosom of a great. billow,and suffer it for a time to rock and roll him amid the hlSSlllfl Spindrift. edge of the us at 100 knc and canvas some namele Fundypr vol a! the nerve centres at the base of the brain. South American Nervine cures stomach and nervous troubles because it acts immediately on the nerve cenâ€" tres. J. W. Dinwoodie, of Campbell- ford, 0nt., says: " I do not hesitate to say that South American Nervine is the best medicine I have ever taken; it completely cured me of nervous pros- tration and the attendant diseases of the liver and stomach that follow this weakness.†‘ at ThgTriumphantr T1110. The Three Great South American Remediesâ€"Absolute Cures For Kidney. Rheumatic and Stomach Diseasesâ€"Thousands of Grateful Citizens All Over Canada Bear Testimony. "Every day we see playing around the ship. and skimming up and down the wave-billows, companies of lovely little terns and sea swallows. the latter no larger than thrushes. :Cl‘hese fearless people at the waste have not by any means followed us from the land, liv- ing, as gulls often will, on the waste thrown from the vessel. the patient, as is done in many cases where pills and powders are prescribed. Kidney disease arises from the clog- ging of the filter-like parts of ’the system that constitute the kidneys, Only a liquid can dissolve these ob- structions. and such] is South Ameri- can Kidney Cure. Adam Soper. of Burk’s Falls, 0nt., suffered terribly from kidney disease, and treated with the most skilled physicians. His words are: "I did not dbtain any relief un- til South American Kidney Cure was used. I am now a cured man, and be- lieve one bottle of the remedy will convince any one of its great work." Many false notions exist in regard to rheumatism. Outside applications may temporarily relieve the pain. but the blond. must be purified if a per- __..__ “um. null] acts directiy on tï¬eiï¬l‘oéil 3nd mucous surfs Sir Edwin Ar old. in an acco t of n un of the system. Send for testimonials. tree his voyage to America, which appears in F J GHEVEY the London Daily Telegraph. saysfl ago†by Drimï¬nl-I‘SE “CU T°1°d‘ was completely crip] tism. She. procuret American Rheumati "It is wiï¬hbut doub lief for rheumatism and l heartily recom ferers of the disease. It is a scientific f: rangements of the sy the nerve centres a i\V may temporarily tell the blond. must be 1 manent cure is to be what South Americar does. Myst Phillip: Not one medicine doing the work of the other. but each doifng 1ts own work, wiiithuut a single failure. The keynote of the success of the South American Remedies is that they strike at the seat of disease in every case. Take South American Kidney Cure. BI; is not a. medicine that trifles with Opium and similar drugs may quiet pain to - day, only to have it return again, for these drugs weaken. Scott’s Emulâ€" sion permanentlycures because it feeds and strengthens. s most @snmg ~, Hawk Jul; this nursy r11le Iumsy,_ _im1 ay Iris] Marvel Jur un night some Ix e which [our lam again up« he pleases. a IL and aheat aunch him 01 t the hillow, JO knots an In nvas to scan nameless crm teal uul [an aspipg old .1 ou'ye ï¬fty tune im off from the jagged illow, and he flits past an hourrlaughing steam scam, and steering for crag in Labrador or i, it may be, homeward, d or marsh of the far- OBSTACLE r crlpp ocured uma tic doubt rf notio'ns exist in regard 1. Outside applications Lly relieve the pain. but at be purified if a per- a to be effected. T1113 is nerican Rheumatic Cure act affair i lfy plumes nich will milâ€"swallow )rm and gleams and upon 1he dark slopes. a stroke of the small eat of the wonderful , off from the jagged )w, and he flits past l hourrlaughing steam mm, and steering for mug in Labrador or xpres: ngine m ommé er grow wearth i [e bosom of a grea for a time to reel he hissipgrspiudrift ct that many de- tem emanate from , the base of the an Nervine cures 31"., Hamilton, ad with rheuma- a. bottle of South Cure.‘and says: the quickest reâ€" ‘~ha,ve ever seen. Jurl G H SLEEPING YORK. nt s of pow< hich all s and p1 and pulses deck, what : is com- and deliâ€" carry that: [es because nerve cenâ€" Campbell- hesitate to Nervine is ibout iit 3.11 51qu m not at the n able day you me )se _ -uu.-- u. u.;uuu1. Sworn to before me and subscribed in m) prusgnce, this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886‘ Over 2,006 in successful operation. W It wif‘;ay you to write us before buying. Pamphletfru. “mam-gamw WATEROUS. DOUGLAS 3808., Slate.Gravel and metal roofers, metallic ceilings. sky lights. sheet metal workers. 1:51 Adelaiue W..Toronto WM. R; ADAMS ation. Stamp for particulars. R. W. HANNAH. TORONTO. GUARANTEEDWEEWE FULL iowsn cL'A'IMEn AGENTS STAMPS in MAKES HOME BRIGHTER Bill nnd And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, etc. . JOHN LANGLEY. Declared before me at the City of Hamilton, County of VVentworth, this 11th day of May, A. D. 1895. UPRIGHT and HORIZONTAL. FA R M Siationary. Portable&8emi -Portable All sizes from x (0‘30 III I A I I I I-ni‘ï¬â€™ï¬mafl It is positively asserted that 3,873 per- sons perished In the Moscow disaster, and that 4,000 persons were injured. F. J. QHENEY 8: CU Toledo, 0‘ @5014 by Druqmns. 750. W.P.C. 8 I9 I may say that I was unable to walk, and should you require further proof of my case there are plenty I can refer you. to who knew my condition six weeks ago and. the cure it hm effected in me since that time. _, ._ _.-_...-. , FRANK J. LHENEY makes oath that he is the senior partner of the ï¬rm of F. J. CHENEY 8c 00.. doing bu-iness in the ( lty of Toledo, County and 8 ate aforesaid, and that said ï¬rm will gay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LAR ‘ for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'B Canaan the hospital all, winter in 189 unable to at cured, but aft taken the ootenay Cure 31 by S. S. Ryckman. M.P., I I am cured of that painful dis of the last six weeks. Ab? inquire or sexton? STATE OF OHIO etc. . JOHN LANGLEY. Declared before me at the City of Hamilton, County of VVentworth, this 11th day of May, A. D. 1895. FRANCIS FITZGERALD A Notary Public in and for the P1 wince of Ontario. ’l‘hiifbbtr Féor can be obttlnod in all drug and grocery storu in 10 and 26 com botzlu to make two and ï¬ve ztllonl. man. tells a story that; men with it. He was a fourteen lo years and in the city ospital. N( and the Kootenay Cure the declaration he make County of VVentworth t _ I. John Langley, of tln {ltonl in the County 0 Province of Ont that I was aff] for fourteen y< been treated b the hospital a1 Adum' Root Beer Extrwo..-.....â€"ono homo Flelaohmnnn'a Yeast. . . . . ..hnlt a. can Sugar . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..two pound. Luxcwarm Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two gallon! Dissolve thp sugar and yeast in the vuter. Idd the extract. and bottle; 91300 in a warm {lace for twentyvlour hours until I! laments. hen place on Ice. when it will open Ipsrklln] Ind dolicious. r N V Adnma' Root Beer Extnob..- Fleischmann'a Yeast. . . . Sugar . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Luxcwarm Water... ALL WINTER IN THE HOSPITAL. Ryckman's Knotenay (lure. Positive Recipeâ€"For Making a Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. After Fourteen For every x2 "Sunlight" wrappers sent to LEVER Bkos.. Ld., Toronto, ausefulpaper-bound book will be sent, or a clotbbound for 50 wrappers Hall‘s Catarrh Cure is taken internallyAand .a... Ax_“u__ »_ LL_L1_‘: . SEAL HOME VERY DEAR makes homes bri UlfflEXQELLiDâ€"ln Yes, said _the a are havmg Mr. J Working BOOKS (Testimony Unde 'ohn Langley, an 3115 a story that; .th it. He was a long years am 'i- ‘l ' I ï¬-ihi‘.‘§°&zo OELLED in Simplicity, Effective kmg Qualities and Durability. EED TO GIVE FULL POWER CLAIMED AND TO BE AS REPRESENTED .000 in successful operation. ‘ Doclorlng Koolenay u red in Cure for Rheumatism and Paralysis. NOT SPECIFIC dating bet unï¬ght SOAP my; FOR WRAPPERS And it is the aim of a good wife to keep It clean and at- tractive. Nothing will help her more than the use of Like a ray‘of sunlight it brighlens and cheers. en- courazes and comforts. It ht and hearts light . . . u . [TY or TOLEDO, 1 .Sunlight Seep WANTED everywhere- to handle a. New Prep. argplop. Liberal remuuor, pastor, I trouble in e broker; {before 1870 of Canada, nces. United States; nlsc ps bought. Good Prlces‘ Ann St.. Toronto. Ont. A Strictly High Grade Wheel at a MODERATE PRICE. G. T. PENDBITB, Manufacturer. 73 to 81 Adelaide Sh.W..Toronw FRANK ._I. CHENEY A. W. GLE ASON. Notary Public. Under Oath.) 7, another Hamilton that carries convio lid sufferer t gent _mont he 15 we I'SCY and was 1' having an to me 91 that I we inside gut-faces to say 11 urch. choir 13 The Life LIFE INSURANCE Protection H._ w. rims, ALL “5,13%? BAKERS 3‘. Doug-h Mixerq :1 "“ W" “m†am whilhho D011 11 Mixer- be mum“. “4.1;: pot-saving muhin e. G 81TH. Mum!“ mar. 73 to 81 Adelaide Bf; Toronto. Ont. MURR w. J. MoMURTRV, Manager for Ontario. Free hold Loan Building. Toronto. Ont. Prices 750 and 255. For sale by all Druzgigeg, They impure vlzality and energy, and make tho lile of the " Mother Sex" worth living. Explanatory pamphlet, "Woman'l Triumph,‘ (tea on application “A. M. C." MEDICINE 7C70.. Offloe & communion Railing, and all kinds of E. B. HARPER, Founder. F. A. BCRNHABI, President Pays Promptly. tion in the world. It has a Reserve or Emergencv Fundof over tbirt) four hundred lbouwnd dollars. It has paid policy-h. lders over Tweu ty-soven Millions of dollars. Agents wanted in all uqrepresented districts. Circulars sent if r.‘ quested. A. R. McNICHOL, Manager for Manitoba. British Columbia and North-West Territories. McII tyn- Bloch, WinnigegLMan. :7 D. Z. BESSETTE. Manager for Oua- IT IS DELICIOUS. TORONTO FENCE AND ORNAMINTAL WORKS TORONTO. CAN. sitnansgs W A THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND fÃ©ï¬ THE IRON AND WIRE WORK. § \N\\\ DUNN’S BAKING POWDER Iron Fencing, Toronto, can Assessment 3153.911, MILES' (cam) VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Mlles’ Sanatlvo Wash. LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. ’ 373 St. Paul St. Montreal. Medlclnas expresaed to any address on order. FOR T‘VENTYâ€"SIE YEAR81 KAY. Manage}? SGWUW; Few N“ 5%“? Women Is what the Family Needs when the "bread-w1nner"is gone‘ Provides Cash WVheu cash is most needed Mutual Reserve Fund Asseeiatieu. but do it carefully. There are many GOOD wheelsâ€"there are some better than others. . . There is one best Consult your interasts by reading our catalogue; u tells many truths about bi- cycles. ltn free. OMADIAN SlLLma AOINTI. argest natural premium lite assoc‘ar the world. BUY-CYCLES AMERICAN RATTAN CO- TORONTG. ONT. OMADIAN Emma Aomm. OEYLON TEA. HAVE YOU TASTE! ,n. ' Adjoining New Union sum- oAT-A-Loo ma ammo. NEW 5 “coup-nun) BRANTFORD. CANAGA There II a “ best" is! everything. ALL KINDS OF ENJOY LIFE A8 g THEY OUGHT. M sufl'e} untold nifseriZI through ailments pccul- in to thgir g}; A I T I S W R 0 NO. [one all then [113 r.- llt from womb trouble ? some sort. No wo« mm on remain wank ' ill who uses omc. and Work: Sold 0!! In Land Packs R'i'a, 1%? if“ Mutual Principlg No bnker hum any lying g! {has}! No.l