WEI-Wmm TDTTEN PREDIUTS m. HE THINKS THAT THE END OF THE AGE IS AT HAND. icon All the Planets Will [to on the other .siile of line Sun Tugging Togcilicrâ€"A Lesson From [he in Louis Tornado. Lieut. C. A. L. Totteu, U. S. 44-. Whose interpretations of the Bible and proâ€" phecies have won him fame in the past, thinks that the end of the age is at hand, and that the St. Louis tornado, the political situation, and other-pre- sent conditions prove that he is‘right. In a statement of his vieWs, which be has just issued, he says: "It will‘not be denied that if amag~ net revolves in a circular orbit about a central core that is in connection with a register, the register will in~ dicate no variation during the revolu- tion, while, if the revolution be eccen~ tric, as, for instance. in an elliptical orbit. the register will inevitably in- dicate maxima and minima, as the out~ Ward magnet draws near to andaway from the central core. Now, the earth is just such a magnet, revolving about the sun, which is another, and rotating about its own axis. Hence the needle points to the north. because of the therâ€" mo-electric action of the sun upon_the whole magnet. As the earth's orbit is elliptical, it is a. well-known scientific fact. that we have periods of marima. and minima in electrical phenomena, during both the diurnal motion andthe yearly revolution, as Well as a secular rise and fall. v "So with all the planets. V\ hen they are at their nearest to the sun, or in perihelia, we have a manimum, andvthe reverse obtains at their aphelia: \_\ hen two or more planets are in coiiiCident relation the cosmic resultant is mcreas- ed. "Let it now be noticed that we (hu- man beings) are the dgnlzens'of our lown terrestrial magnet, its subjects, so to speak, and are bound to show forth the influence in our COLLEG'IIIVE CAPACITY. And not only we, but the atmosphere and the sea, aye, and the depths bo- neath, ea, and the ph sical currents in the uman body an all that this implies must and will and do respond to the varying influences of the solar system, as a whole. and as expressed at the solar centre, and then telegraph- ed outward to all of its elements. “Now, I am advancing no new theory, but one founded on the works of no less authority than Noah VVebster,'whose disquisition upon storms. pestilences, their history and periodiCit , was con- sidered important enough y our an- cestors to be published at Government ex ense about 100 years ago. He was folliowed by Dr. Knap of Chicago, who, in 1882, propounded t' e perihel antho- ory, and anticipated all that, is now go- ing on in the solar system. So also Ben- ner, famous among all stock brokers, financiers, and grain merchant: for his prophecies as to the cycles of trade, the rise and fall of prices, elaborated the idea from another standpoint, and a host of other specialists have treated it along the whole range of religion, politics, business, crime, insanity. life and mortality. “Twice in the Christian era three of )the greater planets _exterior to the earth have been in comcident perihelia, in the sixth and sixteenth centur ' They were famous eras of plague, pea ilence, and erturbation among men, and now yfor the first time in the history of man ‘ali of the planets, exterior as .well' as interior, su erior as well as inferior are approac ing a. comeident period of ominous and I cannot but believe mal- ific influence. It will culminate only at the very end of this century, and may extend well over into the .next. At that time all of the planets Will be in line, conjunction tugging together at the sun, while t e earth, upon the opposite side of the sun, will )6 sub- jected to their united action. I speak in general terms and upon premisesihat havebeen broadly published in standard journals. From the physical standpomt alone thi condition of affairs cannot but resul in WIDESPREAD DISASTER. ‘ expressed in all the terms that nature knows, cyclones, earthquakes, tidal waves, etc., and among men, such an unbalancing of the normal condition as will try to their deepest foundationsthe institutions upon which the false system of modern society lives and moves and has its being. "Already we can hear the mutter of cosmic pewcrs that are conspiring a ainst us. I would have no difficulty is St. Louisian of this. I o convincin robably w I be branded as a bald- eaded fool by some, Eastern paper, whose locality is reserved for parallel disaster in due time. “The world is in confusion,_ and I cannot escape the firm conViction that it is to be worse confounded as the years roll on, and I also believe that man, who has wasted his resources and belied his mission, is responsible, both indiâ€" vidually and as nationally collected, for his institutions, and will be held rc~ sponsible for their failure in the com~ inï¬ crisis." _ ‘he probable result of haying all the lanets on the other side of the'sun ugging away is thus stated by Lieut. rotten: “I have never posed as a prophet, nor do I believe that the end of the Take Care Of your physical health. Build up your system,tone your stomach and digestive organs, increase yours petite, out and enrich your blood an prevenit) sic ness by taking Hood'l Sarsaparilla. “We have been using Hood’s Sarsa a- rilla for a number of years, and it as never failed to be most efï¬cacious. All our children are troubled with boils, but Hood's Sarscparllla removes this trouble and restores their skin to a healthy con- dition.†E. C. SCOTT, Columbus, Miss. Be sure to get Hood’s and only 00 ’s Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Puriï¬er. 81; 8 for $5. Hood’s Pills with 250. a“ harmoniously Bood'n Busspuills world, or of the nation, is at hand; but I do believe that they are to be tried to a limit, and straightened out, and that then the literal rule of the re- turned Messiah is to usher in an era in which the poor, the true, the cod. the honest, the simple minded wi liiihcrit til? earth, and a new order of ages will be sei u by Him in person. Who i511“? desire 0 all the Ages. “Aside from the 'i-uncvrt of history and chronology thit testifies as to the fl_l’DF‘W~.‘liing end of the. age, is the prin- mph ~ ‘ “miioiziy in the universe, which never puts wit until tOâ€"inorrow what l“All be, done 10â€"day, In other words, the entire energy of the system we inhabit conspires with prophecy as har- monized to history in offering such an Opportunity at consummation as will not be repeated by the cycles for ages an! ages, and it is toward this present situation that, upon whatsoever lines men have, hypnthecated their judgments in the. past, all have agreed to unite. Hence 1 am with the concensus of_ all the past ages in my belief, and believe it will be borne out and justified. In the international arena, agreeably to prophecy, I believe that the confusions now formulating will wind up at Jeruâ€" salem, and in Winding up end the times of_ the Gentiles, after which that city will cease to be trcdden under their |feet and become the centre of an everâ€" Widenin circumference of right rule and ,ius ice until the whole world is inâ€" cluded." HUMAN. Tho†wise, the owl is like some men Existing since the fall; For when the daylight comes to him, He cannot see at all. COSTLY NUPTIALS. ‘A Wedding feast is an important ceremony in France among all classâ€" es of society. Even among the very poomst of the Parisians a wedding banquet is the occasion for a reckless expenditure of money in the purchase of Wine and viands. In Brittany a wedding is even a more gorgeous affair than in Paris. At a recent Wedding ceremony in Brittany the guests num- bered 1,200, and three bullooks, lllil‘lV- six calves and five sheep were slaugh- tered to provide them with moat. Wino] was consumed in large quantities. and. = in addition, forty barrels of cider Were emptied. Piles Cured in 3 to 6 Nightsâ€"Dr. Agnewfs Ointment will. cure all crises of Itching Piles in from 3 to 6 nights. one application brings comfort. For Blind and Bleeding Piles it is peerless. Also cures Tetier. Stilt Rheum, Eczema, Barber’s Itch. and all eruptions of the skin. 35 cts. Sold by druggists. To have a ‘ laugh at his wife, John Ahrcns, a farmer. of Kingman Coun- ty. Kansas, disguised himself use mask- ed tram , and advanced to his own door. \Vhen l\ is. Ahrens a peared, he rudely demanded lunch. an the woman was so terrified that she dropped dead. 10 cts. Cures Constipation and Liver IIls.â€"Dr. Agnew’s Liver Pills are the most perfect made. and cure. like magic. Sick Headache, Consti ation. Bilious- ness. Indigestion and a1 Liver Ills. 10 cents a vialâ€"40 doses. Sold by druggists. . _An eg swallowing contest was lately witnesse in Dallas, Oregon. The win- ner ate twenty-five raw eggs in a little less than two minutes. Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes. â€"Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Organic Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 min- utes, and speedin effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation. Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by druggists. The Colosseum in Rome could accom- modate eighty thousand spectators. It was in the form of an ellipse; its longer diameter, 615 feet; the shorter dia- meter, 510 feet. Rheumatism Cured in a Danâ€"Soth American Rheumatic Cure. for Rheu- matism and Neuraln'ia. radially cures in l to 8 daist Its ao'ion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis=ippears. The first dose greatly benefits. 7.3 cents. Slld lie druggists. I Chicago is to have a needle factory, the first in the United States. In it will be used machines made by a De- troit man. each of which can turn out 2,500 needles an hour. Relief in Six Hours.â€"Distressing Kidney and Bladder Diseases rciiovcdl in six hours by the “South AanI‘iL‘ilIlv Kidney Cure." This new remedy is :1 great surprise and delight on account' of its ext-ecding pri-mpliicss Ill reliev- ing pain in the bladder, kidneys. biiwk, and every part of th“ urzn-Ii‘y [)‘I‘RauES‘ in male or female. I! rclleYes rmenn tion of uoter :in‘. pilill ill passing it? almost imme'liarwly. If you want qu’ck relief and (‘llrv’a this is your rem.- eily. Siid lie druggists. A single pavingstonc, forming part of the llr‘lVPmPnl' before the residence of. Wm. K. Vanderbilt, on Fifth avenue. New York. iQ the largest known. Its, cost was $9,000. ' Hi." Fey-1r and (‘nlarrb Relieved in 10 to 60 Minutesamic short puff of ll’lip biwiih through the Blower, SUP-i pl oil with mob bottle of Dr. Agnew‘s' er over 1h" surf-Ice of th'- nasal W15!- S'iues. P‘iinlvss and delightful to use. 1' Mai Vas inxt nlly. :-nl ie'm-inn‘ly run» (“it-ri‘b. [lay l-‘ewr. C:ilx|.<,licarl- ache, Sore Throat. Tousililis and Derif- noes. Silil le druggists. I A pinch of saltpeter put in the water in which cut flowers stand will keep them fresh for a long lill’lP. To f‘H'Ill-i tale absorption of the fluid the stalks should be cut off a little every day. Remedialists‘ vs. Antiâ€"Remedialists. The strife between lh‘if‘. two parties has been lone maintained. but they still agree to disagree in regard ‘mihe "Roms-dial Bill, Lillfl the result of illi‘ll‘ contention \'.'lll nnl I»: known untiltlie June elewt ion return: are in. Al'hwurh they differ in political matters. they unanimously agree that the best rem- edial agent for the relief of suffering humnnily is Nature's git-at blandâ€"purl. fier and nerveâ€"ionic st. leon mineral water- Used freely, it thoroughly rc- [\‘ll"< 'illvl builds up the shattered cou- st‘ilu‘io": of the I'i'ii‘ri-workinur priliilni- :iu luszni-ssâ€"m-in. Insomnia is banishâ€" ml nil in ‘ .IcLixiLy regained. ll". . doomed to live and die a cripple. CURED OI;_SOIATIGA. The Experience of a Bruce Co. Farmer. Suffered Sc Severely Thnt llc Became Al- most A Helpless (‘l‘lpple-IS Again Able to heAlmuI. Ills Work as “'9.†as Ever. From the VValkertUn Telescope. During the past five years the Teleâ€" scope has published many Statements givmg the particulars of euros from the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. they were all so well authenticated as to leave no doubt as to their complete truthfulness. but had any doubt re~ unlined its last vistage would have been removed by a cure which has recent- ly come under our personal observation. Ibis the case of Mr. John Allen, a pro- minent young farmer of the town ship of Greenix‘k. Mr. Allen is so well known in “'alkor‘ton and the vicinity adjoining it, that a brief account of his really remarkable recovery fromwhat seemed an incurable disease will be of, interest to our readers. During the ear- ly part of the summer of 1895. while working in the bush, Mr. Allen was seized with what appeared to him to be rheumatic pains in the back and shoulders. At first be regarded it as but a paying attack, and thought that it Would disappear in a day or two. 011 the contrary, however, he daily continued tn grow worse. and it was not long before he had to give up work altogether. From the back the pains shifted to his ri ht leg and hip where they finally sett ed and so com- pletely helpless did he become, that he was unable to do more than walk across the room and then only with the aid of crutches. Of course be con- sulted the doctors, but none of them seemed able to do him any good. Peo- ple in speaking of his case, always spoke pityingly, it being generally tiought that he had assed mm the world of activity, an that he was We are free to confess that this was our own view of the matter, and our sur- prise, therefore, can be readily imagin- ed when some few weeks ago, we saw this selfâ€"same John Allen driving through the town on the top ofa large load of grain. Great, however, as was our surprise at first, it became still greater when on arriving at the grist mill, he proceeded to jump nimbly from the load, and than with the greatest ap- parent ease legan to unload the heavy bags of grain. Curious to know what it was that had brought this wondcrv ful change, we took the first convenient opportunity to ask him. “\Vell." said he in reply, "I am as well a man as I ever was, and I attribute my cure to Dr. \Villiains' Pink Pills, and to nothing vise." Mr. Allen then gave us in a very frank manner, the whole story of his sickness. and his cure, the chief points of which we have set forth aI-ove. After consulting two physi- cians and finding no relief, he settled down to the conviction that his. case was a hopeless one. He lost confidence in medicines, and when it was suggest- ed that he should give Pink Pills atrial, he at first absolutely refused. Howâ€" ever ,his friends persisted and finally he agreed to give them a l'I‘iill. The effect was beyond his ‘ most sanguine expectations as the Pink Pills have driwn away evary trace of his pains and he is able to go about his work as usual. As might be expected Mr. Allen is loud in his praise of Pink Pills, and was quite willing that the facts of his case should be given publicity, hoping that it might witch the eye of someone who was similiurly afflicted. Beware of minimum for Catarrh tha Contain Mercury, an mercury will surely destroy the sense of amell and completely deronge the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. such articles h iild never be used except on prescriptions li‘Ulll reputable physicians as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possiblyiierive from them. Hull's (intarrh tum manufactured by F. .l. Cheney & (10.. Toledo, 0., comm us no mercuri. and is taken internally. actirgdirectly upon the blood and “income ‘ul'fllf'lb' of the system. In buying lialls Ceiiirrh Cure be sure you get the genu- ine. IC‘IS taken internally, and made in Tel- Eden; Oliio. by F. ‘. Cheney 8: Co., Testimonials 3550M by Drugglsts. price 75c. per bottle SAFE FROM CUPID‘S DAR’I‘S. Vi<itor (at. si’iiiliulâ€"l do not we how an artist could piiiiil siicii a beautiful ‘ would“ \l'ltllhlll fzilling in love with hi‘I‘. (ii-mt Artistâ€"l assure you. madame. that while painting that picture I never once tir'ugbl of love. Is it possible.) _Y(‘S. You see. the model was my \viie. Recipeâ€"Foi- Making a Delicious. Health Drink at Small Cost. Ademi‘ Root Beer Extrecli..-..... one hot“. Floiiohmnnn‘s Yeast . . . . . "bill a. cake Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .two pound! Lukewarm Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two gallon: Dlsiolve the sugar and you! in the water. odd the extract, and bottle; piece in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it fortunate, hen place on ice, when it will open Ipsrkllnl and delicious. The root beer can be obtsinod in Ill di- and grocery more: in 10 and u cant bottle- mako two and ï¬ve xenon. better than allâ€"security from germs of Consumption and an escape from a thousand aches and pains which cling to a poorly nourished body. Scott’s Emulsion of Codâ€"liver Oil with Hy- pliosphitcs will make thin pec I: not ovtr-fat but plump. t smooths: out the wrinkles and 'ngs the dimples back. soc. and 31.00 at all Druggists. Cold in the Headâ€"Nasal Balm gives instant relief, speedily cures. Never fails. I was nervous. tired. irritable and cross. Karl’s Clover Root Tea. has made me well and hop . MRS. WORDEN. A genuine diamond, when photograph- ed by the X-rays, casts no shadow on the picture; the imitation diamond, when thUs treated, casts a deep black blot. Diseased blood, constipation. and kidney, liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. Consumption can be cured by the use of Shilch's Cure. This great Cough Cure is the only known remedy for that terrible disease. London's pepulation increases 70,000 each year. ‘ W.P.C. 820 And it is the aim of a good wife to keep It clean and at traciive. Nothing will help her more than the use of Sunlight Soap Like a ray of sunlight it brightens and cheers, en- courages and comforts. It makes homes bright and heartsligh! . . . . . BOOKS FOR WRAPPERB For every 12 "Sunlight" wrappers sent to LEVER BR05., Ld., Toronto, auseful paper-bound book will be sent, or a cloth-bound for so wrappers Provinces, United States; also Bill and How S amps bought. Good Prices, \VM. R. ADAMS, 7 Ann Toronto, Ont. Will make your or. dlnary suit perfectly waterproof. withogt alteringthe appearance In the least. Sand ‘11. 0 for pnc a. e sufï¬cient. for three suits, or 2 c. for s nllor dating befOre 1870 of Canada clings by mull. R. W. ANNAH, Toxomo. DON’T BELIEVE In quack medicinu. YOU DO BELIEVE that you on week and ill. DO YOU KNOW that you can euili f0- galn health, strength and vigor? @MPOUND MILES' (0am) VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Miles’ Sanatlve Wash for sale by all Druzzists at 750 and 25c, impart vital“. :1 energy. and make the life of the “Mu ycruétl’ worth living. Efl) mtory plump? at, a ice on. ï¬ogggfllgg‘promptly from the laboratory“ “A. M. C." MEDICINCZ (30., 573 St. Paul St, Montreal. Woman's 'I'i'iuml‘lh.n g i ProfessorKennedy'a Sweet Little Granules or Combinatio Pills are professionally chosen and combine be best. medlci es know to medical science. and used an prexoribe b the various schools of practh , and are not - fensive to sight, taste or smo l. and are used for diseases arising from a disordered state of the stomach. liver or kidneys. such an billnus- noes, sick headache, nausea, Acidity of the stomach, liver and bowel complaints. colic, costiveness, piles, uervom debility, etc., of». They are not a patent medicine as their for- mula is published to the world. and accompany each bottle. Sold by all Druggists. G. (i. BRIGGS dz son‘s, Wholesale Agents. Ilanilllon. Ont. Sta .1! UNEXOELLED in Simplicity, Eï¬bctive \Vorkiug Qualities and Durability. GUARANTEED TO GIVE FULL POWER CLAIME ‘. AND TO an AS REPRESENTED : Over 2,000 in successful operation. 1 It wi ',:ay you to write us before buying. Pumpkin/r “‘ WATE. Is what the People wantâ€"V summer, dry and warm l Albir supply of second-hand and rc-b engines at moderate prices Tlil$ ASK YOUR DEAL ER FOR l'Hh'M Are S_weet. UPRiGHrZaHd HORIZONTAL: mm s to ‘30 HAVE YOU TASTE?! ,,. 7“ l ‘ Plumpncss is prosperity; codename, ha pines. It is not to “H " shiver with every colcf rule; it is de ensc against cougln, IT '3 50'“ va shelter from Neuralgia, shield against nervous prostrationi ull'c'ous- In Lead Pack“. m HflME SEE XOURSIONS to MANITOBA AND THE GANADIAN NORTH-WEST, Leaving June 80. July 6 and 2|. Bond to Return August 29, September 5 and I9 respectively. For pamphlet giving rates and all information apply to any Agent, or C. E. Illcl’lll‘llfsofl, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Toronto. High Grade Wheel. Mi l Moderate Price. Send for comic no. G. T. PENDRITH. Mann! a ï¬lter, 78 to 81 Adelaide St. .. Toronw. diliiiii GREEK GOLD STOCKS. m. We tell you how to make big money in Gold Stocks. on small investments. Reliable informatlon mailed Ives. Address 'lhe Gold Stock InVestment 00.. Colorado Springs, Colo P. 0. Box 507. Agents Wanted. The Leading B No bAker hum USE OUR shy Iiind of “rule Dough Mixers b'amï¬fï¬lz‘ï¬ï¬‚‘l involving machine. . . P RIT , Rho mar, 73 to 81 Adel-Me St. .. Toronto, Ont. um RE From all Stallone In 0 ntarlo, Windsor, Sault St. Marla, Sudbury and East. "THE SUN," A Strictly G. DUTHIE & SONS SLATE, SHEET-METAL. TILE & GRAVEL RODFERO Sheet Metal Ceilings, Terra. Gotta. Tile Red Black and Green Roofln Slate Metal Oar tars nices. Felt, Tar. Roofing itI-h, Gut. Downpipea, &c.. supplied the trade. Telephone 1936. Adelaide & Widmer St. T0 RON T0 Icon Fencing, i. I Offloo & comma-Ila! nailing, and all kind! of i IRON ANILVQIIE violin. TORONT°_ FINOI AND ORNAMINTAL WORKS TORONTO. out. FOR TWENTYâ€"SIX YEARS.- DUNN’S BAKING POWER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. i - (' "The Yellow Follow'ir: Is the title bestowed on the Stem-n3 by the ad- mirers of its orange rims. In constructing the '96 Stearns we have strivcn to make the East bicycle produclble, and if best materials, super- ior workmanship, un- surpassed facilities and honest effort count for anything, we have sure- ly succeeded. Our handsome new cutl- logue. which we will mail on request. Is not more uni-tic ' than tho wheel itualf. AIRMAN NATTAII 90. manna, on. "; OMAHA! alum Mano. ’ tlonary, Portahl sizes eaten-Portable II ee. ROUS. BRANTFORD ENTILATED BOOTS keep your fest dry and cool II in wlnzer. Porspirailon dampness avoided. . CANADA