Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jun 1896, p. 1

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SHE LIBERAL? mam. DR, MiG-STAFF: Mt. . RECHMOND HILL, Ont. Etolaa HUB RICHARDSON Toronto Addr next door Hill. whel Jay and t Friday $I per annum, nll b1 owin‘ VETERI is! W'ealncs BICEB ut m V DR. S. F. 5?. OFFECE HOURS .VIOND TERI 1MOND emu. HOUS )IIN KELI “()Ui ficfllroy, SURGEON jfitofipm NAR 6I08 2) MGR B. REID, £33 \TD HILL. in advance. Each Month BIL L RY DENTISTI HON. HII (“'0 “'0. $11312 . MAPLE. Suuday.215t ING HOUSE a m IOUSE a required 3.111 neur Har- fitted 1101’ Vet 9’ 3.11 tr a0nt M. TEE FY. JG 1 NOTARY FUEL] C, eaticnt met up ruth mid Issuer of Marriage Lice ses A G F LAWRENCE LAWRENt’ZE & ORMISTDN. MONEY T0 3551434334371? 4‘ Toronto Officeâ€"34 Ban]: of Commerce Buildlngs,19 King Street West. Fhornhxllomceâ€"Postoffice every Wed- nesday from 10 to 52 a. m. LINDSEYI LINDSEY & BETHUNE BOBiNSfiN, LENNom MA-c’LTmb {ollectionsin City and Countrv promptly attended to. Money toloan, C n (Em-iakers .1; Embnlmcrs, ~ Funeral Furnishings Always on ‘ Hand Law Office Ontario :3 Generals to at rem Licensed Auctionaers iormhe County of Yorh,re- spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest notice and a reasonabe rates. P. 0.0.(11LI’SSS King HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c Licensed Auctioneer for the County of ’York Sales attended to on shortest. notice and at res.- srgnahle rat Patronage solicited. Residence Mr. 'I ichm‘ Life Assurance So. OF CANADA. fn'l‘ I3 J53 RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE BAEIHSTT'RE, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES Barrietm's, smmitcrs, éxc. GARVIN & GARVIN, all the ERAL OFFICE, :ed Auctinneer for the (‘onnty of York. [1.] sales of implements, t\:rnimre.smnding r. em, attended on the Shortth notice and stumble rates. Luge solicited. 4’. 0. address anle. Mristers, Solicitors, Notaries and Conveynneexs. WRIGHT BROS, viu THE SUN Jerbert Ioeznnox will I‘Eilleverv Wedues TORONTO AND AUROE W and Dwelling to rent ud Hill. Pnssaasion I Lrticulars apply to CHARLES J. R. BETHU ckm'dt & PI entice Auctioneers for the Countxes of York Ld Peel. Goods sold on consignment ,les 0 ntock. eta, promptly attended munle rates. Siokes dk Blougll. Buildings, ‘23 Scott St. Toronto. n all the modem; nest nroagerons companws in e applications in 16 st Dec.,1894.. ..'.. mum.- in force. 1 .uns 10w, poliuil- nonforfe )AN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES F. MCMAHON, J. D. Reudmsun, phli 1‘, De evening, mid Dominion H( Wednesdnv. a policy with ‘licitors. Conveyancers, Noun-1 Garvin will be at Ri‘ very Wednesday, and sitting of the Court J. '1‘. Saigcon, Him; SSIONER IN THE RICHMOND HIDL, THU n 10,Y mm mm RENT. In Essentials, Unity; in Now-Essentials, Liber'ty W S ()mus'r E. J. B. DUNCAN 1a RICHMOND HILI listrict agent, ven April {st-.7 189E Money t .b-Kelly’s Hotel ,for the trans- ISAAC CROSBY l at each and is propre I. PRENTICE Carrville. l( 4.616 31.026 no.1 an BLOUGE 25W ‘ive 41 111] Ste 4.10 THE TUPPER PARTY ROUTED! Tuesday‘s voti shows clearly Lh Liberai party opponents, and majority. The to all those wln tally for the C'Al} gmernnnent. ’L to hear from, bu nut be mn‘erial reported. J cept New Bx Government suits “I few icverses. and among chem! rniglit he mentioned the defeat of Mr. Patterson in Suutli Brant, Hon. David Mills in Bath- We”, and Mr. Martin in Winnipeg. The results frnm the principal cities were very encouraging, each of the following having given from 1 to 3 Liberal meniâ€" bers, viz.: Montreal, Quebec. Toronto. Hamilton, Kingston, Halifax, Vancouver and St. Jnlm. The defeated ministers are Messrs. Angers, Taillon, Dcsjardines, and probably Dickey. 'l'h.e following list uf dates we have culkcte apera. There may be the result is pmctxcully apers. the result below :â€"â€" Constitue Addingtun Bothwell Brant South Brockville Bruce, North Bruce, West Bruce, East TardWell ...... Carleton Cornwall .3: h Dundas Durham, East Durham, West Elgin,Enst .. Elgin, West .. Essex. North. ESSex, South Frontenac Glengarry Grenville Grey, South Grcv. North Um Middle Middle :lnrcm Hmon Kent :flngston .s feared (‘he his} due influence. N JIUC A mc Jid( aldiunnd & Muuck altou ,aruiltun Vamilton . . ,astings, “fest. Ratings, East ,astings, NmLh u.... [1 l' ill The Liberals h u d: Niagar EEEE. E’EWM. MB WBTBY! WUSL. South North . South . Greuyil UL Liberalism Triumphant. Scurmuut North Suuth East ONTARIO Member Elected. Maj .......... Bell. 400 . David Mills in Bath- tiu in Winnipeg. The principal cities were each of the following 1 to 3 Liberal memâ€" ‘eal, Quebec. Toronto, 3n. Halifax. Vancouver Nafu ra” n'.l over 1h ".01; ..‘.w Slvubhnr Hudgix Bunnar I‘olmle Jamil]. Corby Hurle Ht Cnrsczillen. Macdonald Gammon, McMillian, Campbell, L Britten, L .Fmsel', L... .Lister, L Rosamund. Gilmour.( Calvert, L McG succe fru u few the an Bennie Hutchi “excl I) C ncy d, C )H gins, m, ( 1111.18 BS ave a good ‘ssful candx- m the city changes but we as given DAY, JUNE 25. 1896. M00 nd, C 247 100 1000 150 300 HHH‘W‘Q 300 81 1000 300 256 accl 204 700 157 300 400 360 MuskoL Simcue, North. . Simcoe, East..... Simcoe, South .. Tornutn, East. Turonto, West .. Turonto. West . Toronto, Centre chmria, North Victoria. South. Waterluo, North Waterloo, South Waterloo, South Welland... . . . . . . Wellington, North Wellington, South Wellington, Centre VVeutwurth Nd: Br Wentwortll . . .. York. North Yurk, ’et in all thin Argentenil Bengot . Uennce ..................Uudl)0ut,, L Beauhanmis "Bergman, C Belleclnsse .Talbot, L. . Berthier. . .. . "Beausnleill Bonaventure . . ..Fauvel, L." Brome. . . . . ..........Fislmr.. L.. Chamny & VerchuresGeofl'rion, I Champlain. . . . Marcutte, C Chaxlewix. . Angers, L. . Clmteaugnuy... . . . . Browu, L .. Chxcuutimi d; Sagua- nay . . . Compton . Dorchester ‘ Drumumud baska . ate babe Lapr Lotbiniere. . .. Maisummuve, Maskinonge Megantic .... Missisun .. Montcalm Montvmngny . Moutmorency JBVIS Iochelaga . luntmgdon ucques Cartier ullutte . {umunraska . Maj or' 1 tv 0 v er A 11 :lle . . . ‘aix ie and ville....... momptiuu 1 Sr, Pa‘rry Sd \Vest qwrth South est ut th ud. )rth uth nd Napier- & Art;th 'e ......Lr>unt, L [1 .....Hughes, 0 h. .McHngh, L. . th . ....Seagram, C .. t-h ......Livingstune. L ....McCleary, C... orth ...McMnllcn, L. )uth ...Kleopfer. C.. entre ...Semple, L ...... d’: BrantSomervnlle, L. ..Bain, L ......... .........Muluck. L LW QUEBEC C harity ..b'erguson, U. ..Edwards, C. .McCarthyflUc‘ ‘..Bennett, C . ..Tyrwhitt, C. Rubcrtson, I ..Osler, C McCormick, C ‘Kluck, C ...... Charlton, L... 'I‘iadale, C ...... Cochrane. C... Unlilut, U.. MuGillivmy hruett. L Edgar, L Belconrt, L Hutchison, Sutherland, ,Cartwrighr, Feathersmn .Maclarcn, C Enb, L Lang, L Kehdry, Proulx. ] Permit, P Mackie. 1 .Lavergne, L Lcmlenx, L .Madore, L .Scdver, L... .Monk, C .Buziuet, L .Carroll, L... .Bourasau, L Frunhland Wallace, I Christie, ] anunt, C Gudbuut, Bergeron, Talbot, L Savard, L Pnpe, C. . Morin, C Monett, L Gauthier. ] Fortiu, L.. )echene infret, 600 1000 4'00 300 617 570 269 200 900 3425 349 100 199 307 150 311 550 400 Car!eton..... ‘Charlotte .‘ Glouchester Kent . . .. Pontiac . Purtneuf Quehgc. 1 Quebrc, ‘ Quebec, ‘ Quebec. 4 Ruuville. Shefl‘ord ....... Sherbrouke Soulanges ....‘ Stanstead St Hyacinthe SLJOhu’a cf: 1 Temiscouata . Quebec; County Richelieu ............ Richmond & Wolfe Rimouski . Terrebune . . . . . . Three Rivers LE St. Maur . Two Mount Vaudreuil . Wright Yamaska NIC ng's. Restignuc Sunbury St. John, St. John. Albert Victoria . . \Ves'murelan York ... ..... . Coichest Cu mbex‘] Digby . . Guysbnrou Halifax Halian Hants ...... Lnnâ€"euburg Pinon... . . King’s...... . . ...‘........Mucdnna1d, P.ince East ....Yeo, L . . . . . Prince \Vest .......... .Hackett, C. Queen’s E .st. . .........Mmtiu, C... . Queen’s West ......... D wies. L.... MANITOBA AND N. W. T ontre‘ nntre: ontre Annapolis Antignnial Cape Bret Cape Bret Proton ..... Richmond Shawn-.16 Brandon Luann..." . Marquette . Macdunald. Provenchar Selkirk Winnipeg . Assiuihoin, Assinibuia, Alberta. Saskatchew Burrard . .............\’Iaxx\‘ell, L... New \Vesfminster ...Morrisnn, L... Vancouver... . . .........McInnes, L... Victoria. .. . . . .........Priur, C . Victoria . Earlé. C . ..... YAIB Curiboo (no returns received ye Liberals Conservatives Independents Patrons uver ntrea], St. A ntreul,St.Anl ntreal. St. M ntreal,St. La ntrea!,St.Jac rfhumberlaud Mr. and Mrs. A. Skunk were vi lends in Bx'mnpton over Sunday. Conference has appointed Rm mderson as successor to Rev. E :yan on this circuit. The latter g airbank for next year. Extra pains are being taken to ma]- 9 festival on July let a. greater succe an ever. Mr. 1). Watson had the miefortune ‘ 13.3. valuable horse this week. It gt ‘ leg broken under the manger and 113 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAD‘ I‘lzl [Single copies, 3 cts, East... . \Veet Centre. County NEW Sh. Anne...Quirm St.Antnine..Ruddi< E Qu City m County ams )1] )l'l RECAPlT ULAT ION Iberville ,.............Uusugan, nd ......,.Puwell. ( .........Foster, ‘ NOVA SCUTIA ITIQH COLUM BI ..............Maxwell, East West ay two of our local politician ad over the election that L1“ nvs. One of ihem is no black eye as a result of ti: ne Maple .Brodeur, L. .Parmalee, L‘ .Ives, C... . . .Bourbonnms Ruddick, C... Dupre, L ...... Penny, L ...... Desmarais,L... Buisvert, C... ,Puupore, 0.4 .July, L....... Lunriu‘, L .. Dubell, I . . . . . ‘ LangeLier, L.. Finzpatrlck, L -‘.runéau, Stenson, Moore, Bernier. Bechard, PUUHCL Chauviu Caron, C... .Ethier, L... Harwood. L .Devlin. L... Mignaalt, L Lewis, I Hale, 0.. NSW [CK Gunung, U Blanchard, L‘ McInerney, C Dnmville, L... Robinson, 0.. McAllister, C King, L ..... Ellis, L... . . . Flynn, L Forbes, L .Bethune, .Armstmng .Macdonald .Douglus, .Duvin, C. .Oliver, L. .Lanrier, . McCarthy Richardsc Skunk were visiti Aslndowu, L...‘ Rhtherford, L LaRivicre,C...- thy,Mc( No 52 )rtune to It got 200 120 accl 517 600 500‘ 100 1400 403 500 1 )9 10':

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