_ ' . , ,7 J. TIME TABLE. N] R! RI GOING NORTH. TORONTO. Mail Accom. Ex Union 8.30 1.40 l‘hernhill ..... .. -- .6; +26 memos!) HILL 24.43 ILOG cling ....... Zulu 6.18 Aurora... 250 Newmarket 3.00 5:10 Accom. Mail. . 11.10 6.9.") . 11.18 6.35 11.40 3.50 '.. 11.52 7.00 'i‘liorghill ............... 9.06 ------ 7-07 TOR \ITO Uiiion............... 9.50 12.10 7 i5 Puocroiï¬â€˜s‘ï¬os LINE. Connects with rill trains, leaving the Palmer House Richmond Hill, as follows ' Mail & Express,horth & South... ....9.00 a m. accommodation, north and south. .91‘150iyllijn ‘ O. - ‘ xpiess North. 0-00 P. m. Mail South....... fl“;â€" POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" Monmxo :â€"Going North. south East. and \Vest, including Thornhill, r Maple, Toronto, Markham ,&c. 7.4.) EVENING zâ€"Going south East and West (as r above) o._30 N. B.--Begistered Letters must he handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. HUBBAH FOR THE Richnlond IAIill ROLLER MILL! The undersigned having purchased the Richmond Hill GRIST MILL From Mr. J. T. Stephenson is now prepared to tristing tinnitung At all times on the shortest notice. Bran, Shorts and Flour For sale at the mill. Solicitingashare of public natronage, I am, yours truly, R. L. Penï¬eld. June ll-lm " The Lorne GROCERY STORE. . . Is the place to go for your Candies, Raisins; Currants, Figs, Dates, Nuts, etc. All new Fruit. Also a full line of General Groceries always in stock. Prices right. - Patronage Solicited. Miss TIT.“ Ross. hogan. Richmond - Hill, 0n the Side Road Lot 45. 1st Concosflon Vaughan, there is A FOUNDRY \V '8 ST 0 F Where all kinds of Threshing lilngiiics‘ are made at. lowest prices, Also lliigiuesrepa' ed in good workiuuulilto manner at louest I‘l'lCCa. Implements of all liinis i’olliLli'c‘II and put in good running order. MOW'ER KVEVES For all kinds of Homer at very low prices, I’Iovv 1)0iir1 rs Atcost forull kiiris of Pluws. Sole Plates in- CrllL0i1.I|.i:U Laud Sides. Grain Grinders Manufactured for all kinds of Grain, that willdo the work as good as the best. PRICE, - $30M). w. Magâ€"er, MM 2135, but". - Prop. @dvediszmmts. EIer Auction Sale ._ 0F.â€" BLACKSMITH SHOP -â€"-ANDâ€"â€"â€" Dwelling Ilouse In the Township of Vaughan. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in the mortgage which Wlll be produced at the time of sale, there “ill be offered i‘or_ sale by public auction by Salem Ecliurdt, Auctioneer, (it the Dominion Hotel, BIOIIMON D HILL, â€"â€"()N â€" Saturday, July 18, 1896, Athnlfpnst two o'clock in the afternoon, the following property being part of lot number frrtyame in the first concession of the said township of Vaughan, containing eight. acres more or less and as more fully described lll said mortgage. [pen the property is u Blacksmith Shop. Dwolliiig House, Stable. good Orchard and well water, the buildings all in a fair state of repair. TERMS OF SALE 1â€"Ten per cent. on the day of sale and the balance in thirty daystliercniler with interest. The vendors have a. reserved bid. Condition»: and further terms will be made known at the time of sale. For further particulars apply to J. C. MCQUARRIE, Administrator, 52-4 Maple, Or to W. T. BOYD, 15 Toronto St,, Toronto, Vcndors’ Solicitors. Datcd Juno l7tli, 1906. FOR SALE . The uiirlcrsigiicd offers for sale his coinniod’ ious residence and about ten acres on l\llll street, in the village of Richmond Hill. This property is situated on what is known as Wilâ€" son’s l’oLil, than which a prettier spot for a homo cannot be found. The house is solid brick, with six rooms, woodshed 26x35 it,. good barn and shed, hard and soft water, well fenced, young orchard oi apple, pears, plums, and small fruits. For further particulars apply to JESSE GOL-DE. Richmond Hill, June 22nd, 1696. 2m strayed to the premises of the undersigned on or about the 1st of June. 1306, a rod furrow Cow with star on forehead. Owner may have the same by provmg property and paying expenses, J. SAVAGE. \Vost half of Lot 25, ' 2nd Con. Vaughan 37E. eAieEoN, EIAPLE. Agent for the following stock Fire Iiisuiauce Companies, via: Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"ALSOâ€" GORE, ()F GALT, A First-class Cash Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany for the farmers of York Co. Business Solicitcd. Sinus Sis Having bought the property from Mr. \V. A. Clark, known as the Sherwood ' Post Ofï¬ce, I am now prepared to furnish Terms Cash.‘ Gratos I my patrons with almost everything to he found in a. general store. I have a. new stock of I enoossrss At low prices, and the old stock is greatly reduced in price. A call solicited. E. CHAPMAN. Stallion Register Moxo'roxrâ€"Thorn' Iii-ed stallion, the proucrty of II‘.J.Giillanour;h. V. 8. Bond quarters, ’I‘iiomhi’ll. \\'illtru\'el through Richmond Hlll,01tl\’ IlltlgeS,Alll'Ui'1lv, Newmarkct. Vic- toria Square,I‘nionviilc, Ull‘oelluILD,IillllSilig and Fishorville. Terms 312. Archie Mc- Leun, iiiiiiizrger. ISGRAM’S 1‘)!"llt#l)lll'(‘-l)1'ell Cl)’lt"illlll8, the pippvrtyoi‘ F. J. (lulluiiough, V. Head quarters ’l‘liu‘riiliiil Will travel through liivhmoiid Hill, ()uli Ridges, Aurora, \Vliitu I'UDSO,\-I’JCOI'IIL Square, L'Iiioiivillo, )‘lancr- iiiun,Luiisiiigaod L'islimvillc. Twins :12. Arr-hie McLean, manager. [ITATTON’S T’ItliiliAPure-lured imp. Clydesdale, tl.c property of M. \.1'.uiiisziv. Headquarters Richmond Hill. Willtravclto Bond‘s Lake, King City, ’I‘cston, Maple, lidgely and Thump hill. 'I'eriiis SlU. J. Campbell, manager. liLAXEX‘TlllIDSTAT“?"1’lll‘U-Iil'dlI Illll). Clydesdale, the propcity of Dondd Watson. Head quarters Muplo. Will travel through Spring- ll‘ll,()ili{ Ridges, »\lllUl'fl., Ncwiiiai'liot, llnl- liuid Landing, lll‘aflfwl‘d, lioml Head, Schoniâ€" be" Nohloton, liloinburg and 'l'ceton. '. David Stinllelriou, iiianagor. . 'I‘Ii‘; “Vllll’lelC Kcllillntliyrbl'ell trotting stallion. the property of II. F. Hopper. Head gunners Richmond Hill. Goes to Muplcd-Idgcly'nnd Thornliill on Monday, l l and \chii I)" to Victoria Square and , lirow'n'sflorii r. Terinsm'n. lST.LIIthltâ€"Plii'li~l'l'ell imp. Clydesdale the proparty of l). (1. Steele: Home stiihlclot :31, :‘ii l con. i.i:.rlr‘iiaiii. \Vill ti'uvcl tliroullli lliv-limond llill, (ml: Rid; ~_ King, Aurora. l \\'lii1I-liurc!i, Victoria more. Brown's (‘oin null 'J'liorhliill. Terms $11. Allan {\ch. I:I,Iii:izm 1' PLAIN I’llv‘i'AAI'lllC-III'L‘II Imported ('lydcsdulc, the propur'r u! W. .I. Gould. V\'ill stiiiirl utliis L \\ ii 'll'lt‘. iii. liiiiotid llill. 'J'criiis. $5.00. Illinoixwfl‘his I;('liill4'l{)'»bl't‘ll Trotting Stallion, the proi y of ‘l'ims. Cannon. Aurora, \vill 14-: to its} Ioiid lilll, hing, Iii ttleby. Van- dorf, (,‘I'I-I-iisvillo, (Ind NI-wmuiiict. Home stun l. I.».'lli'll'.-‘ Ilotcl, Aurora. Terms, $10. [’11th 1: AL! I'L‘i’. ~li:i,vorlovl carriage horse, the p: ty of Alex. Marsh A’ Son, \Iill stand duimg Lill‘:-'1‘.SOll at his own lot 3‘), is: con. 3 iilIlIum. Terms, 7510. hi able. ’i.‘ an TTIBE RAE two car Year. Wii. Iâ€"IXIIRIsor’s - Ii so come and select from the following: A LARGE STOCK OF PARIS G BEN REMEMBER '. . . I guarantee my Paris Green STRICTLY PURE. Call and get my prices before purchasmg else- where. it: Hood's Root Beer Extract I Only 10 cts ior 2 gallons. Healthful, non-intoxicat- ing, arid a delicious sum- mer drink. as 7A. Sanderson Pleasure to Bury Yourself In a Nobby Suit made by us in the latest styles. ._2 @ A. J. HUME, EEai‘lor. AGENT FOR - , + Phiâ€"f is .L earns-s. HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT Do You can To Buy ? “IRIIPS A large assortnicutâ€"whalo-bone. raw-hide, and Java. from 10 cents each up to $2. CURRY COMES & CARDS In great variety. I’ll} Nets and Screens Very low. Halters heather, web, rope and ties. snaps Champion, Bristol and German. Lap Dusters, Water-Proof Kiice Rugs and Blun kets in great, varitty. Harness Oil, Dressing, ;Soaps l’olzsh, and Bick- iiiore's Gall Cure. Housings, Fronts, Rosettes. The Daisy, McClaiu‘s and other Sweat Pads, very cheap. Bits of all kinds, aiidothcrsupplies. Trunks, Valises, shawl-Straps, and Hunting Beits. Having laid in alarge stock of tlic almye, and believing in small proï¬ts and (llllt'li returns, ashure of your custom is rusoectl‘ully solicited by use. assessor; HEM)" MON!) Iii 1 LL l/I/cmtedA A To sellCmadinn and I'. S grown trees, berry plants. roses, shrubs, hedges, oriiii~ ‘moiital trcr-s and seed potatoes, tor the only nursery havmg testing orchards in Canada. We give you the benefit of our experience, so your success 1:) guaranteed. lf you are not earning $50 per month and expenses, write us at once for particulars. Liberal commission.» paid part time men. Farmers’ sons should look into this! It pays hotter than working on the farm, and offers a chance for promotion. Apply now and I, get clioicu of territory. STORE & WELLINGTON, 7-18 Toroii to, Canada Housejo Rent. Brick House adjoining the Fire Proof Store. Possession given about the let of May, 15%. For particulars iiprly to ISAAC CROSBY. For Sale crh‘i’o iiéi, A House and Lot, on Yonge street, quarter of a inilc south of rtichmomi Hill. House and stable in good repair. Also 1 acre of land. Apply to I ALEX. MOODIE. Richmond Hill, .Tuue lst, 1896. vl'J-zm FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! TO THE FARMERS OF YORK COUNTY. .W The York Eiutual Fire ins. (30., Formed for the especial beneï¬t of farmers, has now received a charter from the Gov‘ ernment and is prepared to write policies on the mutual system on farm and isolated property. By insuring in this company you are practically insuring at a minimum of cOst, and in cute there are Drm‘iis, these proï¬ts will return to you, and not. paid to. stockholders. Your patronage is respectfully solicited on behalf of this A HOME COMPANY. Apply'to the nearest agent for rates, or write or call at Head Ollice, 256 Church Street, Toronto. Agents wanted. J. G. WILGAR, Managern ecrctary NS; 44-14 BA RGAI At Savage’s in \Vall and Ceiling Papers and Bor~ derings to match from 5c. per roll and up, and cheaper than any house in Toronto. Call and see our 1896 patterns. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Turpentine. Ready Mixed Paints in all colors. Paint and Calcimine Brushes in all sizes. Painters’ material of all kinds On stock. Glassâ€"all sizes. Furniture of the latest designs and patterns, and will beg/sold cheap for cash. General stock of Groceries. All goods at the lowest possible price. P. G. SAVAGE. 0 0 e n - mrmn ~ m NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE JOB PRINTING DONE AT M. ii. _ ANIKER [iii-28E : illiiiiE ST.,.’-ii3iltï¬Â£l. , Drafts issued on the BANK - OF - TORONTO payable at par on all the, leading point-s. III has Please its Fertile Our sales increase daily because we use our customers well and Sull them goods cheaper than they cm buy them any other place in the city. A general Bankng lions-.33 is trans- MothCnmphorperww _ acted. Parcgoi it: per ounce . Nmeg Disci,,mtedl Sunset Du»: per pk ._ . , . . . , ‘ k. Condition Powdersi'eg as . . . Special attention paid to the collection Dump,- 17,113,1-(ig. we, ,L, box, gm. _________ .31 Uf Notes and Accmmos. Williams PirikPillsï¬cg.’Lc.perbox,§or , Ouiiice Cough Cu arcs. perbot. or . Money advanced (vll Notes and Mort- dam“, 5mmâ€, we, hung burs fur .05 HHch for any length of time to suit the 'JUil-Jt Si.fl{),l'0£,. .1iei~cii;e,3cako_sror .1) borrower “ All other “rugs and Patent Medicmes at ,' '- the same rates as the above. Sale [\utes cashed or taken for collcc-l __ “on; , w I You cannot afl’crd to overlook this Note Formsfurnished free or charge on “at 0,â€. prices are the lowest _0m. "I’Pllcallon- goods are the best. A fresh supply of pure MIXED PAINTS and ALA- BASTINE at lowest prices. W. INIâ€"CHOL, _ 170 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. J.L.EOSS, - - Manager.‘ that out ain- . (Between the Clyde it: Nipismg Hotels.) Inunli Financial Corporation + Capital Authorized, Capital Subscribed, Head Oï¬ce, 86 King St. E., TORONTO. I S'l'llWGNlM DIRECTORS Mr. W. B. Grain havmg gone out of the {amines J. K. Kerr. Q C- E- J- Din'S. M- P15. in Mup!e,1iiiii iiguiu ircpurcd to nupply Plies-i ‘ Viceâ€"Pres; customers on shortest notice. RUDE†Mccmm‘ JU°~ Rlclml'\75(‘D.M RP Postal notes promptly attended to. «Du-11191 SPTY: Edward CI‘ODYD. W. H. JACKSON, LTAPLE i Oiuhhing Rates TIIE LIBERAL and \ijekly Globe to lauuary Ist, 1897, for 75 cents. George Dunstan, General Manager Richmond Hill Breach. Deposits received and interest allowed at curren rat-as m the Savings Department. pecial attention given to the ccllection of sale and other notes. THE LIBERAL and \Veekly Mail to January ist. 1897, D-EOHC‘E’ 170 Loan 90 cents. JAHES nilhwunncn, THE LIBERAL and Toronto “mung†Daily \Vorld to Januaiy Ist, . 1897, lor $1.50. £3 The undersigned has for sale at Richmond Hill Station. Baird tiny, Maize worn) Mciil Whole (Torn and Seed Grain of zul Lin. 30-ti J. i: I All MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS ~ MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. * A- CALL - SOLICITED. The LIBEEAL. . BELL @ubsserilm tor