Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jul 1896, p. 1

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VOL. XIX. IS PUBLISHED EVER-Y THURSDAY MORNIL‘ AT THE LlBERALPRlNTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ON'I‘. DR... LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. A'uora. lst.8th. 16th, and 22nd Richmond gm 9119 3.11.1 24th (at the Palmer Hou Sfioufiville . Kleinb nrg ... . o‘)1etou.. $1 per annum, in advance} eliable Gum Applications used when re'quix‘egL KEG“ your Cheap Teeth of Robinson. RICHMOND HILL, Ont. ormcu “(was StolOamtand 6 [08 p “I 6‘ Cheap Dental Office. Repairing and Remaking. Good Work. Office. Is: corner store east of Queen St. Subwav MRS. WELLS, ENTIST, RICHARDSON HOUSE, MAPLE, lst Wednesday Each Month Toronto Addressâ€"6?}! Spavlixm Ave” near Har- bord sc. Has had permanent dental rooms fitted un. next door south of the High school. Richmond Hill. where he will receive patients every Thurs- day and Friday. The Dr. will be in his oflice on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, when he will be pleased to make engagements for the fol- lowing days. Patients are requested to call as early as possible. The Dr. leaves at 3 p. m. on Friday. Graduato of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School. will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday rum 1 to 3 p. :11. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of horses. cattle and other domesticat- ed animals yregted by the latest and most ap- Address A ROBINSON L.D.S. Aurcua'Ont §;6§ed methods VETERINARY SURGEON Thisfiue hotel is fitted up with all the modern appliances for health and comfort. Best brands of liquors and cigars. Sample rooms for com- mercial travellers. ’Busaes meet all trains. Rates 51.00 per day. -Aw‘v "ru- 7 n n“_“._=.L_“ THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. BUSINESS CARDS. very accommodation to guests. Board. 51. not day 81010212“: WM. ROGERS, Toronto. Time 33%me DR. S. F. B. REID, VITfllLLZEQ 32!? E. figmeng Gfifififi EQ‘E‘Efla, Succeswor to Dr. W. J. W VETERINARY DENTIST, fiICEMOND HILL, . T. McElroy, OFFICE “OI/W25 158 EDITOR & Pnomumon . McMAHON. USED BY Dr. A. llmhiuson. ma Eitcdirnl. SURGEON DENTIST weterinnrg 532nm. and 22nd of each~ month STREET EAST. TORONTO ‘JOHN KELLY Proprietor. se) 6:0 8 p m .18th. .2051: 14th :22m: 2961; .3oth if Sunday,215t I .91, mggonfili‘ .: . meiséjic ‘ ' do 3:1;1': u‘ 60, «a. N G NOTA RY PUBLIC, HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, 8x. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. A G F LAWRENCE Barristers, Solicitors, 85c. Toronto Officeâ€"No.15 Toromo SheeL Richmond Hill Office open every Saturday. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES LAWRENCE & URMISTON. mg:ng ‘5‘ gm”ch Toronto Ofl‘iceâ€"34 Bank of Commerce Buildmgs, 19 King Street West. I‘homhxllOfl'iceâ€" Pos! Office every Wed- nesday from to to 12 a. m. Gollectionain City and Countrv promptly attended to. Money to loan LINDSEY, LINDSEY & BETHUNE I‘elephoue 2984 ROBINSON, LENNOX& MACLEOD > Mr. Herbert Lennox will be at Kelly's Hotel Bgchmug Hm every Wednesday, for the transv Law Offices Baxiiabers. Splicitor's. Cépvéyancers. Notaries. &c MrgFred. W; Gmin ivill be at Richmond Hill all day every Wednesday, and at each sittmg of the Court. SALEM Ecmn‘r. Unionville. Licensed Auctioneers for the Counties of York Ontario and Pool. Goods sold on consignment GenerQJsales 0 stock. etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. J 0 STOKES Licensed Auctioneers for theCounty of York,re- spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and a reasonabe rates. P. 0. address King Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at rea- sonable rates. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General sales of implements, turnituremtanding timber. etc.. attended on the shortest; notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand BAREISTFBS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES G.G. B. LINDSEY THE SUN Life Assurance 00. OF CANADA Asaures on all the modern plans, and is 9116 01 the most vrosgerous qnd progresswo companies in exmtence. New life applications in 1894.. ..810.290,204.10 Assets. 316$ 13%.. .. 4,616,419.63 Life assurance in force. lat Jam. '95.. 31,628.56934 Premiums low. policies unconditional and nonforfeimblo. Take a policy with the district agent. J. R. MILLER LIBERAL OFFICE, Store and Dwelling Store and Dwelling to rent in the Village of Richmond Hill. Possession given April lst, 1896. For particulars apply to 27-“. ISAAC CROSBY Pacific Buildings, 23 Scott St., Toronto [linden-takers dc Enlbulmers, Barristers. Solicitors, &c. TORONTO AND AURORA. T. F. McMAHON, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries and Conveyancers. Ecka rdt a: PI entice WRIGHT BROS, COMMISEIONEE IN THE INDEEY LYON LINDSEY CHARLES J. R. BETEUNE. TO RENT. Stokes & Blougll. J. l). Readman, Bnom 10, York Chambers, 9 Toron- to Sc..’l‘oronto. and at residence. Centre St... Richmond Hill, every evening. and Dominion House on Wednesdav. J. '1‘. Saigeon, “In Essentials, Unity ,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity." RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1896. 2m“. W S onus-ran, L L B E‘ J. B. DUNCAN RICHMOND HILL Money to Loan J. H. PRENTICE. Can-ville. D BLOUGE Address and Presentation. The members of the Curling Club. and 1 their wives and other relatives met on‘ the beautiful lawn of Mr. W. Sanderson nn Tuesday evening and presented their Chaplain. Rev. J. Vickerv, who IS about. to take his departure for a new field of labor, with a handsome goldheaded ebony cane. The presentation was ac- companied by the following address which was read by Mr. T. F. McMahon, the secretary of the club. Richmond Hill, June 30th, ‘96 To REV. J. VICKERYâ€" It is not olten that a curling club meets at midsummer, because they seldom have occasion to do so. And we are de- parting from the usual custom to-night, not because the wintry element has seized us and made us cold. For to-nightl we feel no chill of body, and least of all no chill of soul. For our feelings were never warmer towards you than at present. And this accounts for our meeting. We are here to say farewell to you as a member of the Richmond Hill Curling Club. \Ve regret to say that the duties of your calling take you from our midst For in losing you we are losing a highly honored member, and one who we all admired for more things than one. We admire you because you always aimed at the tee and sent your curling stones straight to the mark. So in your influence. Like your curling stones, you are straight-forward, your influence was aimed at the tee of our character and has come straight. Then we admire you again because you seldom made a hog. This showed strength. It showud that you did not stop half way to the goal, ‘ nor do things by halves. It symbolized your strength of character. It made us feel that you were solid and unwavering for the right, and we like this in any man. And last of all. we think you are a good sweeper, you are very active with the broom, and allowed nothing to ac- cumulate which would keep your curling stones from the mark, and you have dis- played this characteristic everywhere. Nothing has been allowad to keep _ your influence from reaching men. Your course has been kept. clean. You have been active and thorough to this end, and you stand toâ€"night among your associates esteemed and honored by all. wuyv_...- ...__ __ , We regret your departure, and when you are gone we hope you will remember us as very true friends. We ask you to accept this Cane as a memento. Look upon its meaning, not upon its value, and let it remind you that of all your friends the Richmond Hill Curling Club are not the least sincere. Signed on behalf of the club, P. H. Puasmv, Vice-Pres. T. F. MCMAHON, Sec’y. After the address was read, Mr. H. A. Nicholle, treasurer of the club, made the presentation with a few choice and ap- propriate remarks, referring to the enâ€" thusiasm of Rev. Mr. Vickery as a curler, and to the many pleasant hours spent to- gether in the rink. Rev. Mr. Vickery, although taken completely by surprise, made an able and eloquent speech, in which he referred to many pleasing incidents of the game of which he was so fond. He thanked the members of the club for the respect they had always shrwn him, expressed his conviction that such harmless recreation as curling was good for the refreshment of strength and spirits, and thanked the doners for the beautiful present, saying he would always look upon it as One of his most valued gifts. 77v. .nn,| mi A private picnic was held in the pines last Frlday evening by the young people of the village. Among others who were present. were Miss Nettie Forster. of Newmarket, and Mr. W. Brown, of Richmond Hili. â€" “nun. Luna-nun...- “n... Last Sunday evening Rev. E. McBrieu preached his farewell sermon to a. large congregatian. The best wishes of the circuit. go with him to his new field of labor. u n An Miés Ada Thompson has resigned her position as assistant teacher in the Pub- lic School. _ _ nu Nuuv v.- Miss Lillie Clarke,of Toronto,is spend- ing a few days with her friend, Miss Eva. Johnaton, and Miss A. Gohu, of Mark- ham, is visiting at Mr. E. Andrews’. Maple mm The roads in the village have been much improved by the loose stones being removed from them. The annual strawberry festival held yesterday and evening (Domimon Day) in connection with the Methodist. Church was as usual 3 great success. The shower early in the afternoon settled the dust, making it very pleasant for the visitors. The attendance was very large, the tea was excellent, and the entertainment was interesting from beginning to end. No cusier spot need be secured for such a gathering. The church grounds are nicely sodded, there are lots of shade trees, and the space is just sufficient to keep the crowd in close quarters. The ‘ entertainment was given in front of the ‘ church, the Rev. A. Bedford, superintendent, occupying the chair. After a. few introductory remarks by the chairman he called upon the various pertormers who were to take part in the programme, the greater part of which was given by the Richmond Hill Band. Those musicians more than pleased the large audience by their many contributions which were ap- propriate and well rendered. Vocal selections were given by Prof. Dennison, Measrs. A. S. Savage. A. J. Hume, and J. T. Shunk, all of which were highly appreciated. The latter, whose songs were of a humorous nature, was forced to respond to sevelal encmes. The addresses by Rev. A. P. Bvace, Rev. C. A. Camp- bell, and Mr. F. W. Garvin were patriot- ic, and well adapted to the day that was being :elebrated. '17}; proceérrlvaigf the festival amounted to about $160. Late returns from different parts of the Duminion give Mr. Laurier a. majority of 23. The parties now stand as follows:â€" Liberals . . . . . . 118 Conservatives . . . 84 Independents Patrona............ Liberal majoritv over all . . . .... 23 Total majority against Government” 45 According to the ofiicial returns at) far as in the standing of the parties is as above, while the position of the provinces is as follows :â€" Ontario . . Quebec ....... New Brunswic Nova. Scotia . 1’. E. Island ..... Manitoba . . British Columbia We feel sure that all who were at the garden party at “ Hillcrest” on the evening of Thursday, the 18th of June, had a good time. The weather was fine and everything passed otf harmoniously. The refreshments were provided in bounty, and were daintin served and much enjoyed. . "u. n - I "A: n”... “J r,-_v The Richmond Hill Baud played a large number of pieces, all of which were highly appreciated. In fact, the music was excellent, and we do not wonder that the Richmond Hill Band is greatly in demand. The chair was taken by Mr. Ernest Coombs, M. A., Principal of Richmond Hill High School, who also contributed one number to the programme. But those who gave the most of the pro- gramme were Misses Smith and Brook, of Toronto, and Miss Duncan, of York. All these ladies, both in singing and in reciting, performed their parts well and were loudly encored; Every part of the programme was a treat. and the Heedford people are to be congratulated on the success they scored. Mr. and Mrs. Leek deserve much credit for making the party a succes, for be- sides throwmg open their house and grounds for the occasion, they had no- glecied nothing which would add to the pleasure of the visitors. I' .1 _.Lt-L _..£Il "$2308. Ehh'fié’réulized, which will be handed over to the Sunday _Schqo_l. _ 833;}; farmers in this vicinity have commenced hayinq:_ Mrs. J. D. Trip and children, acbom- panied by Miss Smith, of Toronto Junction, spent afew days last week at “ Hillcrest.” BITE" Wright, of Richmond Hm, wheeled through the village on Sunday evening and called on some old friend}. vvuuuus uuu nun-n..- v“ ....._v v-.. -, Miss Ada. Dnmond spent A few days last with Miss Monkman. Some of the cottagers amused them- selves on the evening of the garden party by chasing a flock of sheep to and fro during the entertainment, and as one “Misrsn'fgéédale is {pending he: vacation with heILp-ireujs: Total ....... L ate Returns. By Provinces. Lib. Con ........43 42 .,......49 15 Headford ...10 118 . 213 Ind. Pat happened to have a bell on it, it greatly annoyed those taking part in the pro- grqgnmg. _‘. .‘.-‘.: Toronto, where he has been visiting his malqy frjends. Miss Burr, of Rapid City, is visiting her aunt, Miss Leek. Mr. Dyment, Liberal, was on Tuesday elected M. P. tot Algoma by a. majority of over 1,200. The moribund Cabinet met at Ottawa on Saturday, and made a number of ap- polutments. Mr. Jameé Sutherland’s majority in North Oxford is 1,801, accordmg to the returning officer’s figures. Mr. James Somerville’s majority in North Brant and Weutworth is [,121. Mr. Muma. lost his deposit. Later returns about the Dominion elections give the seat in West Aaain- iboine, N. W. 1‘., to Nicholas Flood Davin. The Hobbs Manufacturing Company of London, are making arrangements largely to increase their manufacturing business. Hon. Hugh John Macdonald has gone to Ottawa to put his department in shape before making way for his suc- cessor. Sir Leonard Tilley, a former Finance Minister in the government of the late Sir John Macdouald, died at St. John, N. B., on Thursday last. Irregularities on the part of deputy returning officers have caused the posh- ponement of the official declaration of the result. of the London election. The number of horses killed for con- sumption as food in Paris last year wu 23,186, this being exclusive of 43 mules and 383 donkeys. ‘ Clark returned last night from The Liberals of qubec district will send audepuhationzto-‘Lhe Vatican to protest]. against. tmaénterference of the Quebecdergfihl Wekofions. - Some of shézdaiLy papers say that h in announced‘h Lohflon that Mr. Edward Blake- wil probably accept office in the new Laurie: ministry. Such a. rumor will not be believed in Canada. Information was received in Ottawa on Monday -to the effect that the first con. signment of Lee-Enfield rifles ordered from Great Britain has arrived at Que- bec in good condition. In the new House of Commons are two Presbyterian ministers, viz.. the Rem James Douglas, Patron, elected for East Assiuiboia. by a majority of 300 over the late representative, Mr.W.W.McDonald, Conservative, and the Rev. G. R. Max- well, Libernl, elected for Burrard. B. 0., .. -__, _, a new cgfiéiiéuency, defeating a Conserva- tive and an Independent. In the report of the Canadian High. Commissioner in England, which was published Monday, Sir Charles Tupper announces that last year, when it was feared there would be war between Eng- land and the United States, he received many applications from young Canadian officers in the Imperial forces, who de- sired to place themselves at the disposal of the Canadian Government. The farmers in this vicinity have mostly commenced haying; >the crop is light. ,vA Uvulwvnvvâ€" ....._,-_ , V Quite a. numberof ionna~ people attended the garden party held at Mr. D. QuanAtz’s, Bpttonville, on Saturday ,,IAA_-..|. evexiing last, time. u The Lutheran pulpit will be occupied by Rev. C. A. Campbell. of Maple, on. Sunday evening, the 5th in“, at. 7.30. Miss’lezie Gardner, of Cooksville, is in the town for a few days. Messrs. H. Rupert and W. Buddy spent Sunday eyening at. Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke, of Stout)“- ville spent Sunday in the village. A, _- v ..,..v... 4 "31:.1). \Vgééefi'has been able to re- turn home from Uniouville, after a very severe illness of eighp vyeekg: N u xrq!‘ A i) BUVul’c luuvnn u: uns-nu ..--.._. Mr. C. Riddell called at “ Silas Villa. ” a few days qgo._ _ A, a .,LA... u “my” “a- Mrs. Burkholder and her daughter, Mrs. Munsey, of Woodbridge, spent Sunday at. Mr. Henry Kefl'er’a. It caused us to smile to see Golly coma down the home stretch at the odds of 3 to l. Where is the agent who arose in (other-’3) estimation on Sunday evening last? Has he came dovyn yet? 1- ,AL There will be no service eran Church next Sunday the pastor, Rev. J. A. Du ing the O. E. Gonvanbion, ton, 1). C. [Single copies, 3 cts. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules: at druggists News Notes. and report a. very pleasant Sherwood vu...‘ w- .. _. ‘ )6 no service in the Luth- |ext Sunday morning, as 3v. J. A. Dunlop, is attend- Convention, in Washing- NO.I

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