Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jul 1896, p. 8

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Ne wmarket ........ Aurora... King...,........... Brouuoxn HILL ‘L‘hornhill TORONTO Union Union l‘hornhill,‘., ixeamasfi Bud... King ...... Aurora... Newmarkefl ....10.05 GOING SOUTH Ex. dewmarket.” .. 8.25 M011me : -â€"(zomg North. souih East apd West, includin Thomhlll, Maple, Toronto, arkham , &c. Emma :â€"Going southEast and West (as above) N, B.--Registered Letters must be hands M: least Flfteeu Minutes earlier than the a mentioned hours for clggiggh‘ n“ n-..L~...n4 Connects with all trains. leaving the Palmer House Richmond Hi]l._ns~tollp‘yvs: n M n m lAvtnav AVA“ Mail & Ex 1313s,"); mh afébuth ....... Accommo ation, north and south pnm further notice Mailsâ€"will b3 dosed at the Bxchmond Hill Post Office as followa:â€" _ Bibi-ass North M ail South ...... ROLLER MILL! From Mr. J. T. Stephei‘zison is now prepared 0 onow'ro. PROCTOR’b STAGE LINE. June ll-lm Bran, Shorts and Flour For sale at the mill. ____4 Solicitingashare of public nattonage, I am. yours truly, Gristingsochopping GROCERY STORE. . . Is the place to go for your Candies, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Nuts, etc. All new Fruit. Also a full line of General Groceries always in stock. Prices right. - Terms Cash. Patronage Solicited. MISS M. ROSS. Richmond - Hill, Where all kinds of Threshing Engines’ Grates are made at lowest prices. Also Engines repaired in good workmsnlike manner at lowest prices. Implements of all kinis repaired and put in good running order. A: cost Ior all kinds nt Plows. Sole Plates in- cluced. also Land Sides. W. Mager, - mp. flauumctured for all kinds of Grain. that willdo the work as good as the best. GRIST MILL LOB THE Riclunond Hill POST OF’FE‘CTE'NQTICE The undersigned ha'ving purchased the ichmond Hill R. L. Penfield. For all kinds of Mower at very low prices‘ Grain Grinders 0n the Side Road Lot 45, list Concession Vaughan, there is Mav Blst, 1696. At all times on the shoxtest notice‘ A FOUNDRY Ploxv Points EURBAH HALF A MILE WEST OF The Loffi‘é- ? “ NOTICE. NIOWER KNIVES GOING NORTH. Mail _ A‘ PRICE, - $30.00 mam 880w 1,11%. EEFY, Postmaster. Accom Accom. Mail 12.40 11.10 ll.18 11.40 11.52 48in) 2.26 2.35 2.50 handed in the above Ex‘ 6.18 6.4 7.07 745 7.45 5 .80 Auction Sale â€" 0Fâ€" BLACKSMITH SHOP The undersigned offers for sale his commod- ious residence and about ten acres on Mill street. in the village of Richmond Hill. This property is situated on what is known as Wilâ€" son’s Pond, than which a. prettier spot for a home cannot. be 10mm. The house is solid brick, with six rooms. woodshed 26x35 it. good barn and shed, hard and soft water, well fenced, {shag orchard 0t apple.pears, plums, and small 1 . Pursuantto the power of sale contained in the mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there W1“ be ofl'ered for sale by public auction by Eckardt 6; Prentice, Auction- eer-a, at the Dominion Hotel. luv: nun.-. y... nun...» “fr. 'I'Essn GOODE Richmond Hill, June 22nd, 1896. 2m Manchester, of London.Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, RICHMOND HILL, ._ON .â€" At half past two o’clock in the afternoon. the following property being part of lot number icrty-nne in the first concession of the said township of Vaughan. containing eight acres more or less and as more fully described in said mortgage. Upon the property )5 a Blacksmith Shop. Dwelling House, Stable, qood Orchard and well water.the buildings an in a. fair state of my“... TERMS OF SALE :â€"Ten Ear cent. on the day 0! sale and the balance in t ixty days thereafter wnh Interest. The vendors have a. reserved bid. Conditions and further terms will be made known at the time of sale. For further particulars apply to J. C. MCQUARRIE, Administrator, 524 , Maple, Or to W. T. BOYD. 23 Toronto Sc" Toronto, Vendors' Solicitors. Dated June NHL 1896‘ re pajt‘ GORE, ()F GALT, 0f Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany fur the farmers of York Co. SHERWOOD STBRE Having bought the property from Mr. W. A. Clark, known as the Sherwood Post Office, I am now prepared to furnish my patrons with almost everything to be found in a. general store. I have a new stock of GROCERIES At low prices, and the old stock is greatly reduced in price. A call solicited. MONOTON1~Thorn' bred stallion, the pronerty of F-J.Gsllanough. V. 8. Head quarters, Thornhill. Will travel through Richmond Hill,0ak Ridges.Aurora, Newmarket. Vic- toria Square. Unionville, Hageman.Lansing and Fisherville. Terms $12. Archie Mc- Lean. manager. INGRAM'S Hamâ€"Pure-bred Clydesdale, the property ofF. J. Gallanough, V. 8. Head Hatters Thornhill Will travel through icbmond Hill. Oak Ridges, Aurora. White Rose.Victoria S uare. UnionVille, Hager- man, Lansing an Fieherville. Terms $12. Archie McLean, manager. HA'MON's PRIDEâ€"Purebred imp. Clydesdale. the propert of M.A.Ramsav. Head quarters Richmond ill. WilltraveltoBend's Lake. King City. Teeton, Maple, Ed ely and Thorn- hill. Terms $10. J.Campbe l.mana2er. BLANEFIELD STAMPâ€"Purebred imp. Clydesdale. the propeity 0! Donald Watson. Head quarters Ma 16. Will travelthrou hSpring- hi1l.0ak Ri gee, Aurora. Newmar et, Hol- land Landing. Bradford, Bond Head.Schom- berg. Nobleton. Kleinburg and Tee-ton. Terms 59. David Stenhenson, manager. _ KENTUCKY WHIPâ€"The Kentucky-bred trotting stallion. the pronerty o! H. F. Hopper. Head quarters Richmond Hill. Goes to malplaEdgely and Thornhill on Monday. an Wednesday to Victoria Square and Brown'sCorners. Terms 55. ST.LEGERâ€"â€"Pureâ€"bred imp. Clydesdale the Eli-loperty of D. C. Steele. Home stablelot 24. (1 con. Markham. Will travel through Richmond Hill. Oak Ridges. King. Aurora. Whitchurch, Victoria Square, Brown's Corners and Thornhill. Terms 311. Allan McLean, manager. PLAIN Borâ€"Pure-bred Imported Clydesdale, the property of W. J. Gould. Will stand at his y own stable, Richmond Hill. Terms. $5.00. ‘ Holmanâ€"This Kentucky-bred Trotting Stallion. ’ the property of Thee. Cannon. Aurora, Will 50 to Richmond Bill. King. Kettleby, Vanâ€" \ orf. ueensville. and Newmaxket. Home i stand, emon’s Hotel. Aurora. Terms 610. ‘ PRINCE ALEXANDERâ€"Imported carriage l the Froperty of Alex. Marsh &Son.will i stam during the season at his own stable. lot 42, lst con. Markham. Terms. $10. 01:89 For further particulars applyfl; Dwelling House THE LIBERAL A.L.SKEELE, Also dealer in Groceries and other Staple Annalee” Prlces right. Patronage Solicited. E. CHAPMAN. Saturday, July 18, 1896, .T. SAIGEON, BIAPLE . Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: YORK MUTUAL, a;er gavertmmtuts. \Vatch-Maker & Iewcller. FOR SALE A First-class Cash Mutual. OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€" ALSOâ€"â€" In the Township of Vaughan. Stallion Register $1.00 'oer Year. Business Solicited. â€"=â€"ARDâ€"â€"- A LARGE STOCK OF PURE REMEMBER . . . Hood’s Root Beer Extract a"? dds , x 77A. J. HUME, 3: WM. HARRISON’S HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT If so come and select from the following: WHIPS A large assortment~whale~bone. raw-hide. and Java. from 10 cents each up to $2. In great variety. Fly Nets and Screens Very low. Halters Leather, web, rope and ties. Snaps Champion. Bristol and German. [mp Dusters. Water-Proof Knee Bugs and Blankets in great. variety Harness Oil. Dressing, :Soaps Polls . and Bickâ€" mom's Gall Cure. Housings, Fronts. Rosettes. The Daisy, McClain’s and other Sweat Pads. very cheap. Bits of all kinds, and other supplies. Trunks. Valises. shgwlt-Straps, and Hunting el s. Having laidin elm-go stock of the above, and believing in small profits and quick returns. ashsre of your custom is respectfully solicited by WM. HARRISON A To sell Canadian and U. 8' grown trees. berry plants. roses, shrubs. hedges, orna- mental trees and seed. potatoes. tor the oniy nursery having testin orchards in Canada. We givezyou the benefit 0 our experience, so your success ls guaranteed. If you are not; earning $50 per month and expenses. waite us at; once (or particulars. Liberal commissions paid an time men. Farmers' sons should look into t is! It pays better than working on the farm, and offers a chance for promotion. Apply now and get choice of territory. Brick House adjoinin the Fire Proof Store. Possession given about he 150 of May, 1896. For articular»; a. l to p pr y ISAAC CROSBY. A House and Lot. on Yonge street, quarter of a. mile south of Richmond HUI. House and stable in good repair. Also 1 acre of land. Applgvtgo Do You Want To Buv ? VVantedA For Sale or To Let Richmond Hm, June lst. 1696. CURRY COMES & CARDS In a Nobby Sult made by us in_ the latest styles. House to Rent. I guarantee my Pans Green STRICTLY PURE. Call and get my prices before purchasing else- where. 7-16 Only IO cts ior 2 gallons. Healthful, non-intoxicat- ing, and a delicious sum- mer drink. RICHMOND HILL Bury Yourself . Sanderson STO NE & WELLINGTON, Works. ALEX. MOODIE. 3. 49-2111 Toronto. Canada. Formed for the especial benefit uf farmers, has now received a charter from the Gov- ernment and is prepared to write policies on the mutual system on farm and isolated property. By insuring in this company you are practic’uliy insuring at a minimum of cost, and in case there are profits, these prnfiis will return tn you. and not. paid m stockholders. Your patronage is respectfully solicited on behalf of this A HOME COMPANY. Ir 1 nm.~ ul.‘ 111......»l. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Apply to the nearest agent for rates, Street, Toronto. Agents wanted. 44-14 BARGAINS . . . . . . J. L. RUSS & Edna (t BANKERS, OFFICE: YONGE ST.,AURUBA. acted: . Notes Discounted. . Special attention paid to the collection of Notes and Accounts. BANK - OF - TORONTO blfioneyfi’vadivanced on Notes and Mort. gages for any length of time to suit the borrower. Salé flutes cashed or taken for collec- tion. mfibte Forms furnished free of charge on application. J.L.ROSS, - - Manager. Maple Pump Works Mr. W. B. Gram havmg gone out or the busines in Maple. I am agmu repared to supply customers on s ortest notice. Postal notes promptly attended to. W. H. JACKSON, MAPLE THE LIBERAL and Weekly Globe to january Ist, 1897, for 75 cents. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Mail to January 1st, 1897, 90 cents. THE LIBERAL and Toronto Daily World to Januaty Ist, 1897, for $1.50. 'MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL ~ SOLICITED A general Banking Business is trans- The York Mutual Fire Ins. 00., Clubbing Rates THE LIBERAL ” OFFIGE. At Savage’s in \Vall and Ceiling Papers and Bor- derings to match from 5c. per roll and up, and cheaper than any house in Toronto. Call and see our 1896 patterns. Painlts,‘Oils, Varnish’es and Turpentine. Ready Mixed Paints in all colors. Paint and Calcimine Brushes in all sizes. Painters’ material of all kinds on stock. Glassâ€"all sizes. Furniture of the latest designs and patterns, and will be sold cheap for cash. General stock of Groceries. All goods at the lowest possible price. payable at par on all the leading points; ' ‘)= :5 Drafts issued on the THE FARMERS OF YORK COUNTY. NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE or write or call at Head Office. 65 Church P. G. SAVAG E. Toronto Financial Head Office, 86 King St. E., TORONTO. J. K‘ Kerr. Q. C. 7 77131135.; Robert MgClujq Depos its received and interest allowed at carton rates in the Savings Departmont. W. J. NICHOL, i7o King St. E. flur Prices Please the People The undersigned has for sale at Richmond Hill Station, Buled Hay, Maize (corn) Meal Whole Cow and Seed Grain of all kinds. au-ct J. R. CAMPBELL Moth Camphor p'er lb‘...... Patagonia per ounce.. Sunset Dyes per pk“ .. Condition Powders reg.,6 pksior 1 Dodd's Pills, reg. 50c. per box, for ......... Williams Pink Pills. reg. 5tc. per box, for Quince Cough Cure.reg. 25c. per bomfor Casthe Soap. reg. 5c. per bar, 2 bars for Toilet Soap. reg. 50. at clke, 3 calms {or All other Drugs an Patent Medlcines the same rates as the above. You cannot afford to overlook this list. Our prices are the lowsst-â€"out goods are the best. A fresh supply of pure MIXED PAINTS and ALA- BASTINE at lowest prices. now received a charter from the Gov- e mutual system on farm and isolated e practic’aliy insuring at a. minimum ixs will return to you. and not. paid m \V.J.NICHOL, J. G. WILGAR. Manager-Secretary pecial attention given to the collection of sale and other notes. Mahmud E211 Bnneh. lVIoney to Loan (Between the Clyde & Nipismg Hotels.) FEED & SEED JAMES M. LAWRENCE, Manager Corporation Our sales increase daily because we use our customers well and Bull them goods cheaper than they can buy them any other plgcp in the city. Subscribe for Capital Authorized. $2,500,000. Capital Subscribed. $627,400. x70 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. r. Q. 0. EJ. Davis, M. RR. Pros. : Vice»Pres.; feCluin. Jno. Richardson, M.P.P Daniel Spry. Edward Cronyn. George Dunstan. General Manager DIBEC TORB

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