VOL. XIX. 6'71 ; ‘ w ‘ I n “ we 33mm! IS PU LISHED EVERY THURSDAY I/[ORNING AT HIE LIBERALPRiNTING & PUBLISHiNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. DR. LANGSTAFF BET 3. 1h EWGEESON Aurora. lst,8th, 16th.:mr1 2 Richmond Hill 9th ands ' (at the Pal ’ House) Shouffville Markham Mt. Albert .. \Voodbridge Kleinburg . onleton RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE HOURS 8 m 110 a m; and 6 l0 8 p In $1 per annum, in advance. Cheap Dental Ofï¬ce. Repairing: and Replating. Good Work. Ofï¬ce, 1st corner store east of Queen St. Subwav Toronto Addre MRS. WELLS, DENTEST, RICHARDSON HOUSE, MAPLE, enable Gum Applications used when fGet your Cheap Teeth of Robinson Hus had per! next door sou! Hill. where he day uni Frida WedneaJay u willbe Eleaaec' , Graduate of the Ontario with diploma. from the (' Dental School, will visit Mal: Friday of each week, and 4 tom 1 to 3 p. 11:. Calls pron Diseases of horses, cattle 3.: ed animals heated by the 1: proved methods. m VETERINA THE o'ti max-61211 Bates {H lst “’ednesdny Each Month )roato Addressâ€"623 Spagina Ave., near Har- RICHMOND BUSII StolOam; GIoSpm J. “IL. EflcElroy, WM . DR 3.3911131. Vtzgmggfl mg 9 imamâ€, @flï¬ï¬ï¬ EWE‘Efl (Successor to Dr. W. J VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, £13m? USED BY Dr. A. lKobinsun. Tl€ [:06 E R5, Toro nto. 15th. a. PALMER HOUSE S. F. B. REID, IcMAHON. QESS CARDS. :modaï¬on iltt‘iirnl. ï¬nierinarg h. and 22nd 93h and Qith RY SURGEON STREET EAST . TORONTO Pmmnmron EEON DENTIST [0ND HILL. ‘orll St. “017 RS Mio Veterinary College, the Ontario Veten‘nary sit Maple on Monday and and Concord on Friday :3 momptly attended to mule and other domesticat- the latest and most up- ‘EN- KELLY Prom-ietor. .20th 14th .‘28th .29 (-11 18th, if Sunday, 21“ 20th of each month 30th to guests. Board, 31. day m with all the modern comfort. Best brands nple rooms for comâ€" mas meet an trains. ed when required evenin Wilson) of each month do £19 HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 84¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RECHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. NOTARY PUBLIC. Barristers, Solicitors, 860. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No.x5 Toronto Street Richmond Hi1] Ofï¬ce opcn eve Saturday. LAWRENCE & ORMISTON. _0_- MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES A G F LAWRENCE Mug/4m: d? flawaazm Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"34 Bank of Commerce Buiidmgs, 19 King Street West. Thornhillomceâ€"PostOfï¬ceevety Wed- nesday from to to m a. m. Gollectionsin City and Country promptly attended to. Money toloan. LINDSEYI LINDSEY & BETHUNE Telephone 2984 ROBINSON, LENNOX & MACLEOD Mr. '1‘. Herbert Lennox will be at Kelly's Hotel Riqpmoqg Hill evezv Wednesday, for the transâ€"- action of business Law Oflices Barri stars, Solicitors. Conveyancers, Notaries, dzc Mr, Fred. W. Garvin will be at Richmond Hill all day every Wednesday, and at each sittmg of the Court. SALEM Ecxum'r, Umonville. Licensed Auctioneers for the Counties of York Ontario and Pool. Goods sold on consignment Genaralï¬sles 0 stock, em, promptly attended to at reasonable rates. J O STOKES Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York,re- spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest. notice and a reasonabe rates. P. 0. address King LicensedAuctlonear for the County of York Sales attended Lo on shortest notice and at rea- sonable rates. Patronage solicioed. Residence Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Yoyk. General sales of implements, fumiture.utandmg timber. etc., attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage aolicibed. P. 0. address Maple. Funeral Furnishings Always on [land 0.6. S . LINDSEY Life Assurance 00. OF CANADA. BARBISTPRS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES Assures on all the modem plans. and is one of the most prosperous and progressive companies in existence. New life applications in 1894.. ..$lO.290,‘20L10 Assets. 3151; Dec.. 1804 ............. 4,616,419.03 Life assurance in for . let Jan , . $1,628,569.74 Premiums 10w. policies unconditional and nonlorfeitable. Take a. policy Wm: the district agent. J. R. MILLER LBERAL OFFICE. Stare and Ewe!!ng TO RENT. Ricln For Paciï¬c Buildings. 9.3 Scott St. Toronto. Underlakers dz Embalmers, Barristers. Solicitors, &(‘. GA RVIN & GARVIN, T. F. McMAHON, Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries and Con veyanoers. Eckardt a: PI entice WRIGHT BROS, e and Dwel‘ing to rent in the Vi] 10nd Hill. Possession given April 1‘ particulars apply to n. ISAAC C] COMMISSIONER IN THE TORONTO AND AURORA [NDSEY LYON LINDSEY CHARLES J. R. SETHUNE. Stokes dc Blough. J. D. Readmnn, Room 10, York Chambers, 9 Torom to St..Toronto. and at residence. Centre St. Richmond Hill, every evening. and Dominion House on Wednesday. J. 'l‘. Saigeon, HE SUN $mnl. “In Essentials, Unity; RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1896. W S Onms'ron, L L E. J. B. DUNCAN RICHMOND HILL Money to Loan J. H. PRENTICE. Can'ville. ISAAC CRO§B 1 D BLOUGH “ Busted ! †Yes, that applies to my- self and the Government. In the one case it is perpetual; in my own case it is to return home busted after a. two weeks’ holiday after our great victory. I had to commemorate the event with that pro- verbial u ell earned holiday. But we have busted that wretched, dishonest combination we have fought to rid the country of for the past 18 years. It has been deposed by a. verdict of the people. Don’t you feel proud of the part. you took in it 1’ I do. Even the eloquence and magnetism of Sir Charles, together with the corruption fund extorted from the manufacturer and contractor and the threats of the bishops, failed to win for them this time. Some say it was Tupper’s egotism that killed him. But the great “ I am †has been relegated to a. back seat. At Cornwall the day before the elect- ion in speaking of Mr. Lsurier’s claim to the premiership when compared with his own, Sir Charles said:â€"" Mr. Laurier wishes you to make him premier. Well, his ambition is for a position which must be ï¬lled by an able man.†011 that ground Sir Charles disputed Mr. Laurier’s claim, but advanced his own. The day after the election Sir Charles furnished a tvpe Written interview to the Montreal Star, in which he said:â€"“ When I came to Canada last winter I found the Con- servative party utterly demoralized.†Conservatives are now asking whether his presence as leader has improved that condition. Now that we have driven them from their ambush, it does not follow that the battle ï¬eld has been cleared. With the same tenacity and unscrupulous tactics which has enabled them to hold on to oflice so long, they will ï¬ght to recover the ground they have recently been obliged to surrender. They are desperate in their misfortune, and will leave no stone unturned to recover possession of the treasury benches. n n 1 .I,. It was a narrow escape for Canada that Tupper and his followers 'did not secure another lease of power. They had de- termined to proceed with the expenditure of money on public works on a. scale that would have astonished the country had the verdict been in their favor. Since the result of the election was known I had the pleasure of spending a day with our new premier at his country residence at. Arthsbaskaville, a town 108 miles east of Montreal on the line of the Grand Trunk railway. A more charm- ing spot for a. holiday it would be im- possible to imagine. At the foot of a long range of hills stands the country home of Mr. Lauriet, a large brick build.- iug surrounded by a. beautiful grove of hardwood trees. I did not wonder at his saying he would dearly love to rest there for a week or so before entering upon the responsibilities the people of Canada. in their wisdom have imposed upon him. ‘ -- v . ..l uyvu ...... Discussing the future Mr. Laurier said the country had nothing to fear from hasty, radical or revolutionary changes in the tariff policy at his hands. It was his intention to have the tariff question fullv investigated before any attempt his intention to have the tariff question I fully investigated before any attempt ‘ would be made in the direction of recon- struction, Whatever changes it might be found necessary to make would be in the interest of the consumer and the people generally, and not framed for the sole beneï¬t of the manufacturer and monopolist as at present. Nothing, however, would be done in the way of tariff Chang"; this session, and upon this point the country could rest msured. Speaking of the honor the electors had conferred upon him, Mr. Laurier said that if he could be made the instrument through which racial and creed prejudices could be made to disappear in Canada, the highest point of his ambition would have been reached. It the moment of writing it is impossi- ble to say when Sir Charles will hand over the keys of ofï¬ce. Since his defeat he has made several hundred appoint- ments of his friends to ofï¬ce, but the Governor-General has remonstrated against his conduct. It is said to-day that he wlll probably resign to morrow You will feel proud when you see the cabinet slate Mr. Laurier will announce. It will be one ot the strongest govern- ments ever formed in Canada. Now that our friends are coming into power, it does not follow that they can do no wrong, for they are not immacu- late. That which we have condemned in our opponents during the past 18 years we should not condone if it should de- velop among those we have been support- ing. It is to be hoped that our friends in Parliament will set up to their pro- fessions of honesty and economy. If they do not their lives will be short, and I for one will contribute towards making their term of ofï¬ce a short one. What we want is good, straight, honest govern- ment. If we get it our country will go ahead. The press can do more in keep- ing a government straight and in securing ‘ clean government than any other agency. ‘ As regards myself, if I ï¬nd any Curran Our Ottawa Letter. m 1 N on -E$$entials, Liberty Bridge steeds, Fredericton Bridge frauds, ($0., cropping up among those we have assisted to place in power, I wish '2) be in a position to show them up as I have shown the other chaps up. and of that I think I have done my share. Richmond Hill Defeats the Tecumsehs One of the most interesting and 'excit- ing games of lacrosse that has ever been witnessed was played on the Island Oval, Hanlan'a Point, on Saturday last, be- tween the Tecumseh II. and Richmond H111. Both teams had come prepared for a. hard ï¬ght. and both played in ï¬ne form. The Richmond Hill team was ex- actly the same as that which defeated the Tecumsehs here on June 6th, but no less than eight changes had been made in the Tecumsehs, which fact made the To- ronto buys conï¬dent, of success. The weather being cloudy was unpropitious for a large crowd of spectators, neverthe- less Richmond Hill sent a goodly number of spectators to laud their boys to vic- tory. The match had been adverlised for 3 p. m.. but owing to an unavoidable delay it was 4 o’clock when Referee Hodgson blew his whistle, and the teams lined up as folluws: RICHMOND HILLâ€"P. Powell, J. Mcâ€" Conaghy, J. qus, F. Sims, A. Powell, \V.|Sa.vage, G. Cooper, R. Glass, Jno. Ough, W. Trench, A. Shierk, W. Powell. W. E. Wiley, captam. HTEdUMSEï¬Ã©.â€"Baker, Irwin, Tozer, Cameron, Laurie, Dewar, Jack, Mathers, Irwin, Atwell, Baker, Bunsell. H. B. Clemes, captain. Game 1.»-Cooper and Jack faced; the former secured the ball and passed to R. Glass, who threw to Ough, he to Shierk, who shot, but I‘ozer intercepted and re- lieved and the rubber travelled into Richmond Hill territory, where the Tecumsehs indulged in some neat. com- bination play. Finally Bunsall threw at the flags, but. Sims cleverly stopped. am! ran to the side to throw, closely followed by C. Baker, who in checking him was struck on the throat by the ball and time had to be called. When play was resumed. Sims drew, and threw to W. Powell who in a. neat shot scored. Time 11 minutes. Game 2.â€"This was the longest game of the match. Neither men secured the face and a scuï¬ie ensued from which Jack emerged with the ball and ran up the ï¬eld until stopped by A. Powell. He then threw to Dewar, who gloat to Jno. Glass and the ball went out to centre, where cooper was waiting to receive it; he passed to Shierk who shot. but lrwin neatly caught and threw up the ï¬eld to Bonsall. He however shot wide and P. Powell secured the sphere behind the flags and threw well down the ï¬eld. B. Glass obtained possession of the ball, but on the point of shooting received a nasty gash on the head and the progress of the game was delayed. Glass pluckily took his place again. and when the game was recommenced the ball went up the ï¬eld to Savage, who threw to Ough, who made a hot shot which Baker batted out, but Trench swiped through. Time 27 minutes. Richmond Hill 2; Tecumseh 0. Game 3.â€"Richmond Hill appeared in all t/zi: Gama 3.â€"Richmond Hill appeared over-conï¬dent and anxious to test their pugilistio abilities rather than to play scientiï¬c lacrosse. While the attention of the Richmond Hill players was thus agtVéECteâ€"cifltivxgrTééuinseEs gave a. brilliant exhibikiou of combination play, and shot and up went the umpire’s hand. Time 10 minutes. Game 4.â€"I‘he Tecumsehs rushed the play from the start, and Richmond Hill defence was somewhat rattled, with the result that. the Tecumsehs again scorgd. Time 5 mmutes. Game 5.â€" The score was even; excite- ment intense; both teams determined to win. Cooper got the ball, sent it up the ï¬eld, and Cameron relieved by throwing out of bounds. Savage secured the face and threw to Shierk, who passed to Ough, who put the rubber through. and the score stood Richmond Hill 3; Tecum- ueh 2. Time 5 minutes. Game 6.â€"Ja.ck drew the hall and threw toward Richmond Hill flags, where McConaghy, by one of the catches and throws for which he is so well known, relieved and threw to the side. Then followed the prettiest combination of the day. Cooper obtained the rubber. pass- ed to Ongh, he to Trench, he to Shierk, who, aided by W. Powell’s splendid checking, scored. Time 10 minutes. Richmond Hill 4; Tecumseh 2. Game 7.â€"-â€"The Richmond Hill sup- porters were jubilanl: and fairly held possession of the grounds. The ball travelled towards the Tecumsehs goal, where it was secured by Tozer, who ran down the ï¬eld and tried to break through the Hill’s stone-wall defence. He how- ever found out his mistake, and A. Powell obtained the ball and dodged Bonsall, who by a. peculiar decision of the referee was given a free throw. He shot at the flags and McConaghy caught, threw up BY FIVE GAMES TO TWO- 1zgs, Charity.†the ï¬eld to Shierk, who scored. Time 4 minuses Four minutes remained to play, but neither team ‘scored, and Richmond Hill had won its third victory in the York District by 5 goals to 2. The Board met on Monday, July 6th. Members present: Messrs. Naughton, Switzer, Lynett, Newton, McConaghy, McDonald, Palmer, Storey, Harrison. Minutes of last meeting were read. and adopted. The secretary read a communication from the clerk of Vaughan, showing that the number of children in the Vaughan part of the Public school section between 5 and 16 was 12; number between 7 and 13 was 9; between 16 and 21 was 2. Also asking the trustees to send the amount of their estimates on or before the ï¬rst of August. A communication was read re Teachers’ Institutes. Also a coxï¬Qï¬Hï¬hion from Mr. Jns. McDougall, acting clerk of the county of York, re. appointment of Mr. Wm. Harrison as school trustee. 7 r _ VJâ€" ~Bï¬iriilreir, Deputy Minister of Education, wrote stating that he could not recommend a. further grant. to the High school on the report of Inspector Hodgson. On motion of Messrs. Harrison and McCongghy, Messrs. Swllzer and Newton were appointed a committee to wail: on the High School Inspector and the Min- ister of Education relative to the High School accommodation. On motion of "Iiiâ€"gsars. Newton and Lynett, an 1 'msmeut of $1100 was authorized for Public School purposes for . ......... h ,-,.. it. being pointed out that the High School fees were in some cases not promptly paid, it was moved by Mr. Newton, seconded by Mr. Palmer, that in future the pupils must pay their school fees before registration at the beginning of each term. The Board adjourned. the ensuing year. As you have not heard from our villa for some time we thought a. few notes would be of interest to your readers. The farmers around here are busy haying, and some are talking of starting harvest this week. Our blacksmith, J. J. Cameron. is nu... ' vuv u..- Onr blacksmith, J. J. Cameron. is so busy with general work and repaiiing binders and mowers that he is unable m ï¬ll the orders that are daily coming in for his Excelsior Road Cart. John A. McDonald, tax-merchant, of Vellore, who retired from business about a year ago, is going to take up his abode with his brother Samuel near Kleinburg. We are sure that John A. will be missed from this place where he has resided so long. We wish him happiness and con- tentment in his new home.‘ u‘r Lullbluuuu nu unu llv-v “Vâ€.-. Mr. Clarksnn. of Kettleby, and Mr. Ketfer, of Vellore, were visiting at Mr. Andrew McNeil’s, and report a pleasant time. Miss Mary McDonald, of Orillia, hm been visiting at Mr. Duncan McKinnon’s and we believe there will be some lad. hearts when she takes her departure. London & Lancashire Life Assurance 00., OF LONDON. ENbLAND'. Mercantile Fire Insurance (20.. 0F WATERLOO, 0mm} NORWIC}! UNION FERE INSURANCE Cm, OF NORWICH. ENGLAND; Imperial Fire Insurance 00.. (‘17 LONDON, ENGLAND. Mrs. B. Reddit'tu Board of Education THE LIBERAL Also dealer in G The above are COUNTS COLLECTED. BUSINESS SOLICITED. 19%“? [Single.copies, 3 cts. AGENT FOR THE FOLLOWING “’atchâ€"‘unker a: Jeweller. dealer in Groceries and other Staple Articles. Prices nght $1.00 Der Year. Richmond Hill. Veflore. all ï¬rstclass stock companies SKEELE, ï¬iiéhage Solicited. N012