Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jul 1896, p. 5

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fixefiuo§b HILL, Thursday, Ju’y 16, ’96 EM fiimml.‘ Dr. F. J. Gnllanough, V. S‘. viefls Rich- mond Hill professionally on Wednesdays only, until further notice. _'Nn prices quoted can i‘comgairre rwizh At- kwsou dz Switmr's. CRichmond Hi1] . . . Bolton Toronto Junction. Tecumseh The power of price is Atkinson & Switzer's “motive power. California Apricots 70. per lb. Atkinson ~65 Swilzer, ' The annual meeting of King Plowmeu‘s Association will be held in Hogan‘s Hall. tSprimghill, on Friday. the 17th of July. at 3 p. m. At this meeting the inception of the nudé‘uors'ieport'for'tlxe-pasl. year. ‘the elect IOD of ofiicers for the ensuing year, and olher business Will be taken up. The meet- ing is open to the public, and a large at- tendance is requested. Blacksmith Shop and chlling. The Carrvilie Blacksmith Shop and Dwell- ing will be ofiered for 89.19 by public auction by the auctioneers, Eckardv. & Prentice. at the Dominion House, on Saturday next, the 18”) inst, at 2.30 p. m. The 10! contains about 8 acres 0f land, and there is good young orchard. plenty of first-class watcri This is a mod busine‘Sa stand, and is con- venient to church, pan: ofiice and school. The lacrosse club purpose holding an Ice Cream Souial on the beautiful lawn of Mr. John Brown, on Friday evuning. July 24th. The Band'will be‘xn attendance, and a good programme may be expected. Pure Lard, very best quality, 720. per 1b., in 20 lb. lots this week. Atkinson dz Switzer. A largely attended and enthusiastic meet- ‘iug of he friends and supporters of ex-Ald. H. R. Franklund. (be defeatedubiberul can- didate in East York, was held at. Mmhhnm 0n Monday, when it. was unanimoust de- cided to prmest. the election of Mr. W. F. Macleau. The following is the standing of the lacrosse teams iu'tbe Ymk Districts: Richard’s Telephone Soap 26 bars for 61 Atkinson :fi Switzer. The last championship lacrosse match here this season will be played in the park next Saturday between the Bolton and the" Richmond Hill teams. Ball to be faced at 8 o'clock. This will in all probability be one of the best games of the season as both teams have a good record. Admission 15 cents; ladies, 10 cents; ticket-holders free. Don't miss this last championship match. A Notable Publication. H. L. Hastings. 47 Cornbill, Boston, 31355., issues in :onnection with " The Anti- :lInfidel Library,” his able essuy on " The "Wonderful Law.” The author demolishes Hie arguments of skeptics, and their oavils against the Mosaic Code, in this excellent .publicatiou, which at. the low price of 30 cents should have awxde circulation. It is really one of the best. of Mr. Haatings‘ able essays. Cash buys a big {Silo 9f goods these days at Atkinson & Switzer’a. Mr. Devid‘Murrey, one of the wealthiest men in the townshtp oi Vaughan, died at his home near Edgely on Saturday last at the advanced age of 80 years. 5 months, 18 days. Deceased had been a successful farmer and accumulated a large amount of property in- cluding land to the extent of about 1000 acres. He was berm-in the County of Somer- set. state of Maryland, in the year 1816. The old gentleman had been confinedto the house for about 8 months beforehis death. He was a member of the Lutheran denom- ination and-was a:Reformer in politics. He leaves a widow, two eonsâ€"George and Isaac ~aud twovdaughtereâ€"Mre. John Julian. of Nellore, and Mrs. Geo. J. Kefi‘er, of Maple. Extra quality Currants 56. pct lb. AI.- kinson & Switzer. A splendid Broom this week for 10 cents. Atkinson & Switzer, Harriet Beecher Stowe‘s Last Letter. The last thing written by Mrs. Heniet Beecher Stowe, only a few days before her fiealb, was a loving acknowledgement to the public for fond remembrances and tokens and expressions of nfi‘eciiouuie esteem, on her 85th birthday, which she sent to The .Ladiee’ Home Journal. In the next issue of this magazine it Will be published in fur: simile. It reflects the beautiful nature of the gifted aunhoress. and by her death has become her last message to the American public. Half pound bars best quality Oatmeal or Castile Toilet. Soap 50. per bar. Atkinson 62 Switzer. The York Mills correspondence to the -Weekly Tribune last week contained the following elegant expression : " The secre- tary of our football team challenged the Richmond Hill boys, but they are afraid to come down and play. Our boys would knock the stuffing out of them and they know it." We think that the rule in sport- ing circles is for a team to follow the chal- lenge. It the Hill boys feel disposed to send a challenge to the enterpneing team that is thirsting for gore at the Hollow, they wi.l expect to play the match among the picturesque scenery at York Mills. Floor ‘Oilcloth, good quality. 24c. per square yard. Atkinson Se Switzer. Lacxosse N ext Saturday. W111 Protest East Yor'k. Death of David Murray. A Model (9) Challenge. King Plowmeu. York District. LOST. «1‘0 PLAY Articles on “ The Bare Fallow." on " Curing Hay," " The Compost Heap," and on “ The Proper Time to Cut Hay and Grain? are to belfound in the July issue of Farming. ‘Duirymeu will be interested in the articles on “The Home Market for .Cheese,” "The Cold Storage Service." ["Duiryiug in British Columbia," and Most women. all girls andsomo men take pride in keeping their teeth wbi‘e, clean and healthy. They have to use good Touth Brushes. of course. A grvm many of them buy from us. Do you ? Atkinson :2 Smtzer. “Dairying in New Brunswick.” Aaketcb of the Straxhroy Duiry School, with some excellent innsmztions, serves to make the dairy-department of flex) greater interest than usual. Send {0! a sample copy to The Bryant Press, Toronto. The New Marriage Act. On the first of August next the marriage act passed at the lust session of the local legislature will come into force. The act provtdee that before procuring a marriage license each of the contracting parties shall make an ei’fijevit stating the date on which the ceremony is to be held. that they are each full eighteen years of age, and that there ls no leqnl but to their marriage. A resort] of these aflidavits will be kept by the iSE‘l‘lfl‘ of the licenses, and he will for- ward to the registrar-genernl'e department the names, ages. occupattonn. and religion of the contracting parties. These new fea- tures of the marriage law were added at the suggestion of the ministers, who dis- cussed them pretty freely at their meetings. The annual picnic of the Methodist Sun- day School of this place will be held in Vicinria Park on Thursday, July 28rd. The officers and teaohers confidently ex- pect a good time, and would like to see a large turnout. on that date. Basses will leave the church at 7 a. in. sharp. Arriving in North Toronto the rest of the trip WI“ be made on the electric cars. Fares for the round trip as follows : Bible class. 25 cents; all other scholars oi the school. 10 cents; those not belonging to the school, adults 50 cents; children 25 cents. Come and enjoy a good day. The committee would be glad if Ihose not belonging to the sohcol, and in- tending to go, would leave their names With Mr. W. A. Sanderson or Mr. A. J. Hume, not. later than Tuesday night next. Junior III to Senior IIIâ€"Emma Peter- mau, Douglas Derry, Ralph Vanderburgh, Laura Duncan, Charley Wiley. Louie Naughtnn, Maud Chamberlain. Mabel Smith. Annie Startup.Arthur Vanderburgb, Tory Brown. Flossie Mhrsh. The following is the result of the pro- motion examinations of the Richmond Hill Public School: Senior 111 to IV~Frnnk Storey. Norman Barker, Milton Langslaff. Earle Newton, Georgie Boyle, Harold Proctor, Elln Mc. Lean. Dana Glover, Beulah Brydon. Eddie Murphy, \Iay Lillie,‘Leon Proctor, Maggie Mapes, lice McDonald. Senior II to Junior '"IIIâ€"‘Pearl Barker, Murray Sheppard. Freddie Lndford, Olive Chamberlain, Rulph Goode, Genevieve Harris, Flossie Cnoper, Winnie Newbery, Harry limes, Ethel Wiley. junior II to Senior IIâ€"Mabel Marsh, live Switier. Lorne Miulurn, Fred Lillie, Cliarlea‘Glover, Birdie Hicks, Flossie Stan- up, Jack Naughtou, Onna Brydon, Lome Glover, Sydney Boyle, Otto Mimuru. - Junior Part II to Senior Part IIâ€"Wlilie Lindsay, Elsie Brillmger, Ellis Wiley, Frank McDonald, Hazel Switzer. Florence Cnnmbs, Keith Hill. Clara Tee], Geraldine Harrie, Elsie Palmer. Jean Boyle, Frank Lynett, Frank Dolnu, Stanley Vickery. Senior Part. II to Junior IIâ€"Slarr Mcâ€" Mahon, Karl Storey, Bertie Sliney. Bennie Reddiu.‘ Herbie Cinfley. Lnnm Lyons. Baldwin Miumm, Josephine Uoombs. Jennie Hicks, John Leeoe. Senior I to'JuniorvPan. IIâ€"T‘mnk Lyons, Lizzie Putermau, Pent) Gould. Cassie Hill, Carmina Clafiey, Wiuuifred Hume. The best. remedy for a sick headache is to buy your Groceries at Atkinson & Switzer‘l and avert dyspepsia. For Admission to High Schools. The followmg is the report of the Board of Examiners for the Public School Leaving and Entrance Exnminationa held in Rich- mond Hill on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th inst. Thiais'eubiecl lo the approval of the Edu- cation Department, and certain changes may be made, especially in the case of those who are recommended. The decismn of the Department vull be announced later. Of the 53 candidates who wrote the follow- ing have passed : Name Darling, G . Clark. M . . . . . . . . Concord . . . . . . . . .. . . Bowes, l“ . . . . . . . . Concord . . . . . . , . . . . . Storey, V. .. . ..Riohmond Hill. .. . .. .. Troyer,E . . . . . . . . Uoncord............ Cooper, A . . . . . . . . Concord . . . . . . . . . ;.. Teasdale. 0......Concord Brydon. V.... Richmond Hill . .. . Wood, F . . . . . . No. 10, Vaughan . . . . . . .. Richards. E . . . . . . Headfnrd . . . . . . . . . . Redditl. Rm. . . .Richmnnd Hill. Mnlloy, C . . . .’No. 10. Vaughan. ‘ Sawdon, T..........Edgely Hutty. M........ Thornhill ,Andereon. N . . . . . . . . Edgely Humphrey, V. . . . No.11. Vaughan . . . Homer, A . . . . . . . . Headford . . . . . ., . ..i Wileer. . . . i . . .Ricbmond Hill 4. . . . Banker, E . . . . ~ . . . . Headfm'd .. .. . . . . Sheppard. J. . . . . .Richmond Hill ,. . . . . Gordon, H. . . . . . . . ..Thornhill . Crawford.0 . . . . . . . . Maple........... Empringham. A. .No. 8. Markham. . . . . McDonald, W. . . .No. 11. Vaughan . . . Madden, G.... ....Goncord Atkinson,E . . . . . . . . Edgely Vanderburgh, E . . . . Hope . . . . . . Wylie,A.......... Maple........,.. ..Kirby,Roy . . . . . . . . Maple Brown.J . . . . . . . . Richmond Hill McNeil,L..........Edgely Whitmore, (in... .,..Edgely The follovnng. having failed in one jeot. and having made good marks on other subjects, are recommended»: Barr,E.......... Hope............. Gal-bun, H . . ;. Richmond Hill . . . . . . . Johnston, 1.... ....anle . .. Hope..............504 ,H...‘.BichmoudHill ...444 u, I........anle ............442 E. Coouss, Ch. Board of Examiners Sunday School Picmc. Punmc Scuoox. LEAVING. Maximum 1225. School :‘v......Lnngstaff......, ENTRANCE. Maximum 815. . . . . . . . Concord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concord . . . . .. .1..'.:,....1 .J......Ric Promotion Exams. n - . Lulvul ...No. 1 . . . . .Ricl ..’No. 1 ...........5 [Hill 4... 9rd «1 Hill,...... 1111“ 5 5 E E 4 4 4. .....-..-.. 1rkham......é aughau ....¢. 3 . . ~ y - . - .....‘. :33: 33...} IBM ....685 Marks .664 .605 .592 .588 .569 .563 .551 .543 .541 .539 "539 .531 .521 .520 519 .512 .501 .500 ..496 .486 .472 .471 ..468 ..461 .459 ,.457 ..455 .452 ..442 .441 ..421 sub- l the The lacroue boys are practising nightly. Their next match is with Richmond Hill at that place on Saturday. the 18m inst. 1!. I will be a Wnterloo.â€" Bolton Enterprise. A very pleasing and happy eventâ€"of more than ordinary interest to the inhabit~ ants 0! our little town-took place on Wed- nesday afternoon at " the McCague resi- dence," on the 3rd concession of Markham. The event was the marriage of Mr. Ashford Wright, of this village, to Miss Maggie. second daughter of the late John McCague. Mr Wright is lo be congratulated on his good choice. He has not only secured a beautiful woman, but one whose life in the past proves that she is in possession of those rare qualities only found in true woman- hood. Shewill begreatly missed by all ‘in the neighborhood from which she comes and where she is a general favorite. and by the church in which she was an earnest worship- per and an active Worker, but she will re- ceive a cordial welcome here, not only be- cause of her \vorth.’but because of the high esteem in which Mr. Wright is held. Ash- !ord, as he is commonly called,:is a young man of sterling moral character and loft) christian manhood and so is loved by all, which makes this event of general interest. The ceremony wasperformed by Rev. Geo. MoOulloch, the new superintendent. At lhe hour appointed the groom, attended by his brother, James, look his place in front of the assembled guests and awaited thcobjec: of his fonds-t dreams. Shortly after she appeared supported on the arm of her brother and at- tended by Miss Annie Comisky and a charm- :ing little maid of honor. She appeared a little flushed at first. but other than this was perfectly calm and lover in her bridal dress. The groom appeared a trifle nervous at first but made his responses in a clear happy voice. After the ceremony the happy company sat down to a sumptuous repast which seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed by all. The presents were numerous and costly, evincing the high regard in which both are held. After an hour or so of social chat and good cheer the happy conple left to take the train for Toronto with a plentiful supply of old boots and amid showers of rice, loilowed bv the good wishes of a large circle of friends. ’they will visit interesting points in the eastern part of the province. Miss Davison, of Newmarket, is making a visit with her aunt, Mn. \V. H. Pug-day. Miss Annie L. Chapman. of Lnngstat}, is spending a few weeks with her grandmother, Mn. A. Albin. Miss Rich, 0! Jersey City, will be the guest of Mrs. J. H. Sanderson for the next month or two. Miss Annie Scarborough started Wednes- day morning [or Muskuka to spend a few weeks wilhrfriends. Messrs. A. S. Savage and J. Pritohurd. of Toronto, drove up on Saturday evening and returned on Sunday evening. Mr. James Eckardt, Llcense Inspector for East York. paid hie quarterly ufiioial visit. to the hotels here yes‘erday. [Our friends will confer a. favor by contributing to this column all items of a. personal nature, such as the arrival or departure of friends. picnics or other social gatherings, or anything interesting 00 our readers. If the item be about vom‘self is will be none the less aoceptableJ Mr. J. E. Skeele and his mother started or: Tuesday for a two Weeks’ visit with rela- tives and friends in Buffalo and Alden in New York, and in Cowdersport, Penn. Mr. M. Ransom. toneorial artist, repre- sented Richmond Hill at the Orange demon- stration at WoodbriJge on Mommy, Mose went thh a load of the brethren from Thornhill. Masters Bertram and Reginahi Whittaker, of Toronto, are speudlng a couple of weeks with their grandmother, Mrs. W. Powell. The Misses Spraggs, of Owen Sound. are spending their vacation with their sister. Mrs. J. N. Boyle. Mr. Percy Sprngge, of Toronto, a nephew, is also making a um; at. the same place. Mr. Robertson, Commercial and Science Master in the Dunnville High School. made 8 Vin“ with friends here this week. Mr. Robertson taught. the Jefferson Public school some years ago. Mrs; R. L. Baker and two children, of Toronto, are spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. G. Wiley. Mr. Baker accom- panied his wife and children up on Saturday evening and returned Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker, of Toronto, spent yesterday with Mrs. Powellâ€"mother of the latterâ€"mid this morning started on the Mackinaw trip for ten days. They purpose returning by Buffalo and Detroit. The following members of Richmond Lodge. No. 23, are attending the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, A. F. J: A. My, held in Belleville this week :â€"P. G. Savage. Isaac Urosbv, T. I“. McMahon, Thos. Newton, H. F. Hopper, J. E. Glubine. Dr. J. Elliott Langstafi‘, wife and two sons, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. are making a. visit at the Mineral Springs, Thornhill, the home of Mr. J. Langstafi. The Dr. will remain with his parents only a few days, but his wife and sons purpose remaining for the summer months. The Dr. was in the village on Tuesday and~oalled on a. number of his oldlfriends here. Go to the Concrete for the biggest $1.00 worth of Sugar and best value in Fruit Jars. WRIGHTâ€"McCAGUEâ€"At the residence of the bride's brother, Victorm. Square, on Wed- nesday, July 15m. bleev. Geo. McCullooh. W. Ashford Wright, of Richmond Hill. to Mn gie,, second daughter of the late John gue, of Victoria Square. VANNosLTRAun-Atvmudorf. township of Whit church, on Monday.13th of July, Mary Shep- pard, relict of the late Cornelius Venâ€" Noah‘and, in the 75th year of her age. MFuneml yesterday to St. John’s church, York ills. ‘ BODELLâ€"On theflnd. Con. Vauglmn, on Monday, July 13m. Mrs. Andrew Bodell,a.ged 85 years. Funeral to the R. ‘C. Cemetery, Thornhiu, yesterday morning. Hermanâ€"0n the pd__Con. Markham. (\n Sunday July 12th, Jacob. Homer. aged 68 years. MURRAY-On the 4th Concessmu of Vaughan, on Saturday, July nth, Davxd Murray, aged so years, 5 months, 18 days. New patterns in 5-4 and 6-4 Table Oil- clothstjust to hand. the beat value we have ever oflered. ,Agkius-un & Swizzer. PERSONALS. Wedding Bens. [VIARRIAGES DEATHS I896 HARVEST Section Knives and Guards for any machine made. Scythes, Forks and Wood Rakes. Barrel Chums, $2.50, $2.65, $2.90, $3.65. Barbed Wire, $2.90 per 100 lbs. Thos. exedith £3 30., Next Clyde Hotel. ISAAC Ruddy Harvester Machine Oil, NEW SPRING GOGDS 15G KING STREET, E., TORONTO. BINDER TWINE PURE ENGLISH PARIS GREEN. Don’t be humbugged. Before buying see our ire of. The best way to follow this excellent ad- vice is to trade at Save the Gents DRY GOODS; DRESS GOODS, DIILIAAINERY, READY- DIADE &' ORDERED SUITS. And a splendid assortment of Dress Linings and Trimmings. Prices the Lowest. Come and Reap the Benefit. We will please you. The Finest Stock, The Largest Choice, The Truest Values. N OW Arriving: And the Dollars will Save Themselves. At 6%c. per 1b. Also in stock ATKINSON & SWITZER’S, by the barrel or gallon. lliclunond Hill, 'FFT'F‘;

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