d'ewmarket.†Aurora. . King... ... thmzoxn HILL Thornhill Union .. l‘bornbiu... mcauorzb HILL King ..... Aurora.†flewmnrket . T0} Connacï¬swi‘bh a.“ tube, leaving the Palmer Hogse Rxohmtmd Hill. as follnwa : Mall & Ex 1-053.th & Sou‘hw 8.00 a. m, Accommo ation. north and. south .1100 a :11 Ex ress North. ..5.15 p. 111. Ma '1 South“ 0.00 p. m, Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" MORNING zâ€"Goiug North. south East and West, including 'l‘homhill, anle,Torouto,MMkham,&c. 7.45 EVENING :â€"Going south East and West (as ' above) 5.30 N. B.--Registered Letters must be handed in M least F1fteon Minutes earlier than me above mentioned hours Ior closing. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. TORONTO PROCTURTSET‘XGE LINE. ROLLER MILL! From Mr Bran, Shorts and Flour crising “hopping Soliciting a. share June llâ€"lm GROCERY STORE. . . Is All new Fruit. Also a full line of General Groceries always in stock. Prices right. - Terms Cash. Patronage Solicited. WSSW; 3055: NOTEGE. ‘BONTO Union. Richmond - Hill, Where all kinds of Threshing Engines' Grates are made at lowest prices. Also Enginesrepnired in good workmunlike manner at lowest. prices. Implements at all kiu‘ls repaired and pub in good- muniug order. GRIST MILL At cost for all kinds of Plows. Sble Plates in- cluccd. also Laud Sides. FOR THE Ri011111011(1 IIill POST OFï¬â€˜CEâ€"NDTICE W. Mags Manufactured for all kinds of Grain the work as good as the be The undersignedâ€"hgviug purchased the Richmond Hill the place to go for your For all kinds of Mower at very low prices Candies, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Nuts, etc. Grain Grinders At all times on the shoxtest notice‘ 0!: tbs Side Road Lot 45, let Concession Vaughan. there is May 215:, 1‘ A FOUNDRY ETTRRAH Ploxv Points; J. T. Stephezason is now prepared to o HALF A MILE \VEST OF The Lorne NIO‘VE BI ICNIVES For sale at the min ,. 5 GOING SOUTH Ex. ..... 8.25 of public natronage, I am, yours truly, . Penï¬eld. 63.49 3.59 ,ICE Accom 1.40 Accom. Mag], 11.10 11.18 11.40 11.52 12.40 .26 35 that willdo 5.15 mmwu ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ 7 .45 A ï¬rst-ohms lax-m containing 103 acres is for sale in the Township of Vaughan. Eight acres 0! $0011 standing timber well uuderdrniued and we 1 fenced. Good builémgs. Apply to 2-1:! JOHN H. PRENTICE. A“ an- I) n W Auction Sale _, OFâ€" BLACKSMITH SHOP Pursuantto the power of sale contained in the mortgage which will be produced (Lt the time of 5310‘ there Will be offered for sale by public auction by Eckmdt & Prentice, Auctionâ€" eers, at the Dominion Hotel. RICHMOND HILL, Dated June 17th. 1896 SHERWDBD STBRE Having bought the property from Mr. W. A. Clark, known as the Sherwood Post Ofï¬ce. I am now prepared to furnish my patrons with almost everything to be found in a general store. I have a new stock of GROCERIES At low prices, and the old stock is greatly reduced in price. A call solicited. E. CHAPMAN. PRICES AT runway WAGans. Wheatwhite, per bush. ........ S 0 ’70 Wheat, red, per bush 0 09 What“, goose, per bush 0 52 Oats. per bush 0 21 Pens, per bush ‘ 0 48 Bax-15V, Der bush 0 30 Turkeys, per lb 0 00 Dressed Hogs. pe cm: 5 00 Geese. per la 0 06 Chickens. per pa‘ Ducks. per pmr . . . . . Butter, in pound rolls Eggs, fresh .............. Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bbl . Hay, clover Hay, timothy . Straw, sheaf. .5. C CO OQOHOOCOO °°888888 H vacllin g 1101150 M33. B. HEBDITT; Saturday, July 18, 1896, London & Lancashire Llfe Assurance 00., OF LONDON. ENG LAND ; Mercantile Fire Insurance 130.. ()F WATERLOO, 0NT.; NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE 00., 0F NORWICH. ENGLAND; Imperial Fire Insurance 00.. OF LONDON, ENGLAND. Mrs. B, Redditt, ACCOUNTS COLLECTED. BUSINESS SOLICITED. ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬iï¬ï¬ THE LIBERAL ï¬ï¬imï¬iï¬s gmwimu A comfortable S-roomed brickclad dwelling with large kitchen, woodshed and stone cellar situated in the centre of the Village of Rich. mond Hill, near to High and Public schools bulls and churches. Size of lot 81 feet; front. bx Largest circulation of any scientiï¬c paper in the world. 8 lendidly illustrated. N0 Intelligent man shou u. be without it. Weekly $3.009. ear: $1.5051xmonths. Address. MUi‘iN git 00.. vausnzns, 361 Broadway. New York City. CAVEAYS. ; 'l’RADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHT3. etc. For information and tree Hand bog; \vrly‘, to MUhN & CO. 361 BROAD‘VAY. NEW ‘1 ORR. OM05: bureau fox- aecurlng patents 1n Amerlca. Every vacant taken out by ug ls brought before the public by a notice given tree or charge in the Residenag Em Same Farm for Sale The above are all ï¬rstrclass mock companies 913w gdvtttismruts. AGENT FOR THE FOLLOWING In the Township of Vaughan l Hill, near to Hugh and Jâ€"‘uvuc 5011001 and churches. sze of lot 81 feet front. r at in depth. mm o! the Proprietor of THE LIBERAL Eurnnto wnrm‘tg. $1.00 '09P Year. Or to W. T. BOYD, 23 Toronto 817,, Toronto‘ Vendors' Solicimrs Richmond Hill. â€"â€"â€"AND~â€" ._0N _. Egï¬-vv'iiie P 0 “0900 00 1020 00 00001090 1. Méple PURE REMEMBER . . . Hood’s Root Beer Extract W. A. Sanderson WM. HARRISON ’S I! so come and select from the following “’HIPS A large assortmentâ€"whnle-hone. raw-hide, and Java. from 10 cents each up to $2, Leather, web. rope and ties. Snaps Champion, Bristol and German. Lap Dusterq, WaterPron! Knee Bugs and Bluiikets in great, variety. Harness Oil, Drebsiug, 3600.195 Polish, and Sick- more’s Gall Uni-e. Housings, Fronts. Rosettes. The Daisy, McClaiu's and oLher Sweat Pads, very cheap. Bits of all kinds, and umber suppiies. Trunks, anises. shï¬wlgSnrups. and Hunting on 5. Having laid in ï¬lm-go stock of the Above. and believing in sun.“ proï¬ts and quick returns. nshure of youg_cgst91.q is rcspecbfully WM. HARRISON A MAN Do You Want To 3le ? A To sell Canadian and U. S grown trees. berry plumJoses, shrubs. hedges. unm- menml trees and seed potatoes, in: the only nursery havmg testiu orchards in Canada. We giveiyuu the beneï¬ts 0 our experience. so your success is guaranteed. If you are not earning $50 per month and expenses. write us at once for particulars. Liberal commissions raid part time men. Funnel-5' sons should look into this! It pays better than working on the farm, and offers a. chance for promotion. Apply now and get choice of territory. Brick House adjoining the Fire Proof Store. Possession given abous the lst of May, 1896. For particulars :1 ') 1 no u y ISAAC CROSBY. For Sale or To Let. A House and Lot, on You e street, quarter of a. mile south 0! Richmond H11. House and stable in good repair. Also 1 acre at land. Apgl'yjo Richmo.xd Hill, June 156, 1806 ’s Dye Works. gang??? ‘W-l-Z-TmEIâ€"EE {gamw- ; CURRY COMES dc CARDS In a Nobby Suit made bv us in the latest styles. ARGE STOCK OF I/Vamfed I guarantee my Pansl Green STRICTLY PURE. Call and get my prices before purchasing else- where. Only 10 cts for 2 gallons Healthful, non-intoxicat ing, and a delicious sum- mer drink. House to Rent. 7-10 HAE AGENT FOR It’s a, Pleasure to Bï¬ry Yourself In great variety. I-‘Iy Nets and Screens Very low. .-J. HUME, RICHMOND II ILL BNESS ESTABLISHMENT '101'. r£3111 n ulna-go stock of the above. and 1 small proï¬ts and quick returns. of your custom is rcspecbfully solicited by 5T0 RE & WELLINGTON, Halters ‘ALEX. MOODIE i. i‘J-zm Toronto. Canada. V-l .+i 3*“ 4% BANKERS, FFEGE: YBNGE SIAURGM. Formed for the especial beneï¬t of farmers, has now received u charter frc ernment and is prepared to write policies on the mutual syslem on farm 1 property. By insuring in this company you are practically insuring at of cod, and in case there are proï¬ts, these pruï¬m will return to you, and stockholders. Your patronage ls respectfully solicited on behalf of this EIREI FIRE! FIRE! COMPANY. \JULYLL nL\ J.- Apply to the nearest agent for rates,,or write or call at Street, Toronto. Agents \leled; » A mvrA BARGAINS! . .. .., “THE LIBERAL†OFFIQE LL. £83881. Bail; BANK - OF - TORONTO acted._ Notes Discounted. Special attention pai¢ of Notes and Accounts v: A‘Vï¬vv .0.“ __V Money advached on Notes and Mort- gages for any length of time to suit the borrower. Sale Notes cashed or taken for collec- J.L.EOSS. - â€" Manager. Maple Puma was tion. Note For application. Mr. W. B. Gram havmg gone out of fhe busiue in an‘o. I tun again prepuad to supgly customers on shortest notice. Postal notes prompuly attended to. The York Mutual Fire Ins. 60., THE LIBERAL and \Veekly Globe to january ISt, 1897, for 75 cents. 44-14 THE LIBERAL and Weekly Mail to january ISt, 1897, 90 cents. THE LIBERAL and Toronto Daily World to January Ist, 1897, {or $1.50. MISS [3, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A ~ CALL - SOLICITED. At Savage’s in \Vall and Ceiling Papers and Bor- derings to match from 5c. per roll and up, and cheaper than any house in Toronto. Call and see our 1896 patterns. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Turpentine. Ready Mixed Paints in all colors. Paint and Calcimine' Brushes in all sizes. Painters’ material of all kinds on stock. Glassâ€"all sizes. Clubbing Rates general Banking Business is txfa Furniture of the latest demgns arm pattern will be sold cheap for cash. General stock of Groceries. All goods at the lowest possible price. TO THE FARMERS OF YORK COUNTY. H. JACKSON, LMAPLE payable at par on all the leading points. Drafts issued on the 'ormshxmished free of charge on JOB PRINTING DONE AT n paid to the collection NE} EAT AND ATTRACTIVE {the latest designs" and patterns,’ and Temnm Financm W. J. NICHOL, i7o King St. E. Head Oï¬ce, 86 King St. E.,. TORONTO. J. G. WILGAR. Manager-Secretary J. K. Kerr. Q. C Pros‘ Gm Paris as Please ma Mme Robert. 11901an Deposits recejved and interest allowed at curren rates :11 the Savings Department. Moth Ca: Paragon Sunset 1? Paragon", per ounce. Sunset Dyes per pk. _ Condition Powders reg. - .p Dodd’s Pills,reg. 500. per box Williams Pink Pillssreg. 5Lc. Quince Cough Cure, reg. 250. Castile Soap, reg, Sc. per bar Toilet Soap, reg. 5c. per czke, All other Drugs and Finley You cannot afl'urd to overlook this list. Our prices are the lowest ~â€"our goods are the best. A fresh supply of pure MIXED PAINTS and ALA- BASTINE at. lowest prices. FEED for SALE \V.J.NICHOL, The undersigned has for sane at Richmond Hill Statinu, Buled Hny, Maize (corn) Meal W hole Corn and Grain of all kinds. 30-“ J. R. CAMPBELL m be LIB E pecinl attention given to the collection of sale and. other notes. Richmnd Hill Branch. (Between the Clyde & Nipismg Elena-y to Loan JANIE§ RI. LAWRENCE, Manager Our aides increase daily because we use our customers well and Br†them goods cheaper than they can Buy them any other place in the city. Camphor per Corporation Subscribe for Capital Authonzed. capital Subscribed $5555 ydï¬t‘i‘vl’iieu}: Medic the same rates as the above. 17o KING ST. EAST. TORONTO. Dafuiel' Spry, Edward Crouyn . SAVAG E. George Dunstan, General Manager Head Oï¬ice DIRECTORS E.J. Davis. M. RP... Vice-Pres: Jno. Bighardson.M.P.P iLc. per box‘ :30. per bot bar. 2 bars pk.,_6pks. am the Gw- and isnlaten? a minimum 1 not. paid to 66 Church, A HOME. 2 Hotels.) Y0,00‘). 400. EAL. 1:00 for for for :ines