FALL FUN. f'I tell you. these little trips do a fellow an immense amou vacation at of good.†“so they do; I feel braced up enough to bluff emery creditor I hat/e.†Winksâ€""Do you believe in hypnoâ€" tism!" Blinksâ€"(“Of course I do. Don’t you see this necktie that the clerk induced my wife to buy the other day l" "I tell you,†cried the author, “I’m going to rise in this world.†The edi- tor eyed him doubtfully for five seconds, and then asked: “Bailoon, or elevator? Miss Daisy Mciders, coyly.â€""Do y. 0: love me, Jason 2" Jason Huckleberry â€"“Coursc I love youl DO you s'pose I'd have been actin’ the. foul over you all this time if I didn’t I" "Doven't it strike you that the tom; perature of this room is rather-high? "There isn’t any doubt about it." reâ€" plied the frugal young man. "Every ton of coal costs 356." "Blinker. you ought. to be ashamed to wear such good clothes when you owe me so much money.†"No; you ought to be proud to lend money to a man who wears such good clothes." She sweetly bears the burdens ’I‘hnt'd kill man were they his; Yet she flies quite all to pieces If her hair gets out of friz. “Country‘s gone to the dogs; no hope for it 1" "Too bad! Just had an election. haven't you i" "Yes." "W'ell, wasn't it a. fair one ‘6" "Oh, yesl But I was heat. sirâ€"plum beat." "You don't make allowances for our boy." said the fond mother._"'l‘liat shows how little we are apprecrated," . said her husband, as he finished draWing a check. "I don't do much else." Sagemanâ€"“That waiter's hand always reminds (me of a race-horse shortly after the beginning of the race." Seeker -â€"“And for what reason, pray 3" Sage- manâ€"“Because it's on the nuarter stretch." . “You are the sunshine 0!; my hfe." he murmured. And at that instant hen father burst into the room With the remark: “Young man, do you knowi the sun will be up in a few minutes i" Little Sister, studying her grammar lesson,â€"â€"â€"“How can you compare the words 'beautiful girl?’:' Big brother, absent-mindedly,â€"~“I’osrtive. you call; comparative. you propose; superlative, she accepts.†. l . . “Now, boys," said the new school- teacher, "I want; you to be so quiet that we can hear a pin drop." There was a cavernous silence for a second. then a ivoice in the rear muttered. “Now. then, let her drop 1" “My wife was rather worried when I left her this morning." "What was the trouble 'l" "\\'ell, she had been worrying about something or other last night, and this morning she could- n't remember what it was.†Dablinâ€""The members tell me that Fadway is one oi; the best [members of the LRockrib Athiletic Assocration.†VVablinâ€"“VVhy, he's no athlebel" linâ€"“That's true; but then he pays his How It May Be thained by Young and Old. People With Watery Blood and Flihhy Nerves are the 01188 W110 Stiller-lint Diseases are Due to These Causes. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Renew the Blood and Re- store the Nervesâ€"~Read the Evidence. was quite ambitionlllesm I was clerkmg in a store at the time and I thought I Would have to give up my poxition, as it. was with difficulty I could wait "win customers. I took medicine from doctors but ' 0t no permanent relief, and I became ow spirited and thought there was no help for me.» One day a lady who came. into the store_ to purâ€" chase some of Dr. VViltliams‘ I’Lnik Pills said to me, "Frank, why don't you try Pink Pills ’l“ \V’oll I fonlnwod liar adâ€" vice and the result is I am now as well as ever I was in. my life, and bolicvmg as I do that Pink Pills saved me loan- not say too much in their praise. AFTER EFFECTS OF LA GRIPPEâ€" CUllhED. Mr. D. Ilcfron. dwell known farmer liiving near Charleston Lake, says:â€"“I had a. severe. attack of la grippe amd was unable to recover my former healilhl I lust; all ambit ion and even the lightest There are very few diseases afflicting mankind that do not. have their origin in a depraved or Watery condition of the blood, or in weakened and shattered nerves. To be healthy the blood must be kept. rich and red, and the nerves strong. To secure this conditionthcre is no remedy known to medical science that has met. with such great success as Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. They act, promptly upon the blood and nerves, and thus drive disease from the sysâ€" tem. The following strong statements from persons who have been cured. prove their efficacy:â€" RELEASED FROM RH EUMA’I‘ISM. Mr. A.T. Gallant, of French: Village P.E.I., writeszâ€""About the beginning of October, 1894, while I was digging potatoes, one wet chilly day. I contract- ed- a very bad cold, and rheumatism shortly followed. For a time I paid but. little attention to the pain in my body or the stiffness in my limbs. But-0r my fan†work .lvf’l‘. me wmk and in the course of a few weeks I was con-Hired. out, I would have spells of diz- fincd to the house. 1. HOW began lolllllé‘is accompanied by. Dam-s In my apply rheumatic remedies which I coil-‘1};an tllmt would sometimes last for tinned for several weeks Without any. days. Frequently I could not got to {igngfig resulitiitilg fromd their useelf/sieep .Pftih mar mqrmilgmagrl “112:? I . 9 “WW 0111 an Save H Y5 arm». 0 . more tiret ‘ '1 w into the hands of a doctor for treat- went to bed, I [mil tried several medi~ f‘hi'lt‘m‘l’l‘lcfl"k“lf‘lyc$aï¬.â€Â§l“$§oil' flm‘s' {ml 2*“ “'0 €101“ fig“) 33ml??? “.3811 ‘r ' Ion perminet o.’ . - plishing afforded no relief. My body‘i Iiams’ Pink Pins. After 1 had tried a was blistered and burned so that. l couple of boxes there. was a (lf‘leli‘Jl im~ CuUltl get no relief. My legs were stiff promnmnt. I mum sleep better, my and helpless and I was as sore as a spirils mgr-,Ilwgun tolook for my. meals b0“. my strength was entirely gone half. an hour before the usual time. I and I had to be turned over by the“ continued the use of the Pink Pills use of sheets and blankets. I was da- 3 some time Iongor and found my llifial’t-h ily growing weiI‘iIker al’fld my conditï¬oa‘ fully rgstonidbfl 33m r‘igulrran purifying more serious. ope 0 recovery ‘3 ‘astic rienr ' r. 1 iams' in almloiEt vtalnished. excï¬pt thaggz'hile Elliere Pilusfagd xii-ill alwgcakéook to them for 15 16 ere is o . er ree re ie i ll mess at. me." months of such tortuprg I was induced I D IVFR TROYBI ES_ to give Dr. W'illiams' Pink Pills atrial. K DNEY AN L I ‘ I I gave up all other treatment and beâ€" CURED. gun the use of the pills. Not a great Emma Maison. Mrs. wife. of Capt. many days had passed until there was a marked improvement in in condition and Icontinued the use 0 the pills until I was cured. I have as good use dues regularly." He squandered $10. for roses, you seeâ€"- Her joy in the gift was immense; But little she dreamed that his dinner would be of my limbs as ever I had; my health Three buckwheats that cast him ten is perfectly restored and it is all due cents_ to the wonderful power of Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills which released me from pain iiifid have given me a new lease of l e." DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER TROUBLE CURED. Mr. Mark J. Kennedy. of Ridgetown, says :-â€""I can conscientiously re- commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to these who may be suffering from dys- pe sia or liver trouble. For years I s fered from this complication of tranâ€" bles and so bad was the dyspepsia that I could not touch a morsel of food of any kind. I often found it difficult to obtain sleep, and what little I did get at these times was often broken by horrid dreams. This of course was the result of the dyspepsia. But in addiâ€" tion to my discomfiture was added liv- er com laint. I was subject, to dizzi- ness, I a. pain in the back and bloat- ing of the bowels and was pale. hag- gard and despondent. It will be read- ily seen that I was in a bad condition. I kept doctoring and dosing myself without the slightest benefit, and fin- ally gave up in disgust, feeling that I would have to live out my life in this miserable condition. A friend sug- gested Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. but so great was my disgust at medicine that I felt tempted to be profane. But my friend was persistent and in the end handed me a box of pills, and [took them more to please him than from any thought; of benefit. I took a sec- ond box and to my astonishment Iwas deriving benefit from them. I con- tinued ‘taking them and I am cured. Do you wonder therefore that I now consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the greatest medical discovery of the 19th century, and will always recommend them. I urge those who are suffering but may he as skeptical as I was to try them and learn their virtue. SVVOLLEN AND DROPSICAL-CUR- ED. Mrs. Alex. Ross, Broad Cove, N. S. saysâ€""Early in the summer of 1898 I was taken iltl. Prior to that I had alâ€" ways enjoyed «good health. I seemed weak and tea/silty tired. Then my arms, hands and legs became swollen and pained me terriblly. My trouble seemed like drcpsy. I tried several (loclorsaud took their medicine, but got no relief In fact one of them told me [could not, be cured. Do this state. I suffered for some time ulntib I was adv ised by ;. friend. who had llt‘l‘sul'f experienced great benefit from the use of Dr. \Vilvâ€" lliinnis’ Pink Pills, to try them. I did Ssn, and after taking a couple of boxvs jL‘OuiId hoiice no improvement and was idiscouraged. Howaver, of the earnest continued Mrs. Billusâ€"“Johnny, if you don't go to bed right. nowI won't wake you up toâ€"morrow morning at all." hIr. Billus, looking at her over his glassesâ€""What good do you think that'll do, Maria V" Mrs. Billusâ€""It will bring h1m._He has made arrangements to go fishing to- morrow morning." (It did.) -â€"â€"-â€"â€".â€"1â€"â€"â€"â€" MEN AND WOMEN AGREE ' That cams are painful, not easily cur- ed. and quite useless. Men and wo- men who have used Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor testify that it is the best, acts without pain, and cures. Use Putnam's Painless Cam Extraptor: MUCH-RELATED QUEEN. The Queen of Denmark, who, ali- tbough '78 year's of age, is still pretty and retains her Vivacity, affirms that she is aunt to alll of Europe to which she is not grandmother. â€". Howsoâ€""I can do rhyfbest work when- it is hot." Cumsoâ€"“ hat a great fu- ture you have before you I" oman’s ork 15 never done, and it is especially wearing and wearisome to those whose blood is impure and unï¬t properly to tone. sustain and renew the wasting of nerve, muscle and tissue. The only remedy for tired, weak, nervous women is in building up by taking a good nerve tonic, blood purifier and Vitallzer like Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. For troubles Peculiar to Women at change or reason, climate or life, great cups are made by He Sarsaparilla the One True Blood Puriï¬er. All drugglsts. $1. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & (30., Lowell, Mass. Hood’s Pills do not cause pain or L'i-‘iie. All druggists. 250. lso'iiritation of my friend, 1 their uve and was on my sixth box when the ' longed for improvement came. if we“ wumnwup From that out it: was steady and rapid. My limbs assumed their normal size and shape, my appetite. improved, and ’by the time I had taken eleven boxes I was :i Weill woman. I make this statement to cncouragv those in doubt as I was, about taking this medicine. I believe ii the best on earth. and that under Providence it curediiie. (‘ONII’L ETELY Til UN DleVNâ€"(‘URI/ll). Mr. Frank Dunliaiii, \Veltlandporfy Ont, saysâ€"I feel. it a duly l. owe to you as well as to other sufferers to dure her pains and weakneu without It- toniptlng to get. mile! can get along without MILES' (0am) VEQ- ETARLE COMPOUND. But if Ihe “'ANTS to be Well, WANTl-l to be strong,WANTS to walk and work with ease and comfort. she will use MILIS' (Sam) VEGETABLE 00M- PDUND. If she can't get it at. her Druggiai's. aha will enclose lie to The “A M c " MEDICINE co . m il'e knoi' t -‘ - ‘ . . . . .l in llL‘ good I delin trwn 673 St. Paul St, Montreal. and at 31 r a hint . ' lg - ‘ ~ ‘r ‘« ' ~' I ‘ ' ‘ u If WiSE she will lose no time inedomzlitlg e i .I , UK“ “1 Dl‘ A I‘JJ’ND‘» Pink Plus†Elmamwry pam‘vmeh "woman-l Triumph†l-xO years ago I was coinilfotely run mailed free on ‘DDllCaIion. ; «E j. '1 III livrilth. l w 'lllkl not go up I ,- . i=‘i-Zlinut sitting down to rest. mu no color in my lips and. I Joseph Matson, of 10 Allen street, Hali- fax, N.S., writes:â€""For several months in the year 1895 I suffered severely from derangement of the kidneys 'and liver trouble from which found little or no relief from the medicines prescrib- ed by my physician. I lost in flesh, grew sallow. had no appetite and was much troubled with. insomnia. and though only about twenty years of age. life had grown burdensome, and it was thought by my intimate friends that my health was permanently undermin- ed. 'When I had become almost in- different ns to the future I wasper- suaded to take a. course of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. I found relief very soon. gained flesh and was enabled to sleep soundly, and with a restored appetite recovered my former complexion. I feel myself indebted to Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills for my present health, after I had expended much money for medi~ cine prescribed by physicians from which I derived no benefit. A RHEUMATIC SUFFERER CURED. Mr. Angus J. McDonald. of Prescott. Ont, sayszâ€"I have been a. victim of rheumatism for over seven years. The trouble first came upon me at my former home in Williamstown. I be~ came so bad that I was obliged to carry a cane when walking, and to go at. a slow pace. At one time I was confin~ ed to my bed for three months. I tried many medicines, some of which eased the pain. but none gave me permanent relief until I began the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. I have used in all about a dozen boxes and under the treatment my progress has been con- tinuous and satisfactory. I have dis~ carded the use of the cane and my weight has increased from 120 to 145 pounds. In a word Iain a new man and I attribute my improved condition entirely to the use of Dr. Williams" Pink Pills. J . Beware of imitations. 'I‘lic genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes the wrapper around which bears-the full trade. mark"'l)r. \Villizuns' Pink Pills for Pale People." Pills colored pink sold in bulk, by the dozen, hundred or ounce. or taken from glass jarsorsold in bozo-s which do not bear our trade mark. are vile imitations and should be promptly refused. If your dealer does not keep the genuine. Pink Pills they will be sent by mail, post paid at 50 cents :1 box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the. Dr. \Villiams’ Medi- cine 00., Brockville, Ont. Wh' Many sink into an early grave. by not giving immediate attention to a slight cough, ‘\\ hich could be stopped in time by the use of u twenty-five rent bot- lie of Dr. \Visiar's Puluionlc Syrup. "â€"â€" Old age seizes upon a iiiisspent youth like fire upon a, rotten house; it was rotten before and must have fallen itâ€" self, so (but it is no more than one ruin preventing another. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased Lu learn that there is at. least one dreaded disease that science has teen able to curo'm‘all its stages and that is (lutari‘h. Halls butarrh Cureisihc oiil_.' posltIVu curs now known to the medical li‘httll'lilly. (Iiitarrh being a con stitutioiiul disease, requires 9. constitutional treatment. llallu (,‘umi'rh Cure is taken in ternally, actingilireccly upon the blood and DIUCOUd surfaces of the system, tiieieby des troying the foundation of the disease. and giving tho patient strength by building up the cons itutlou m1" ‘ng nature in d LII! in Work. ’J‘lic pro ave so lnut‘ll faith ii. it: curative pow:,-r<_ that they offer“ Ono Hun tired dollars for any cake that it fails to lull Send [or list. of l‘cuiiiioumis. Andrew, I“. J. t‘lll’SNEY &. (50,. Toledo. t ted†Sold by Druggistsfluc. i “owoooocoeooomeuseeeeeoece 9 6 ‘999393?“49?$1‘494§®-§~9$6 3’ z ‘ mark .ne Eegivinmg wt '9 o e ecte o ' only too oi ‘ o 2 I ‘ ' beginnlov 0 o which Consumption is the and. Scott’s Emulsion of Coulin I \v j . phosphates Will soothe a. cough, heal the inflamed membranes and icsior-a -. 9 to‘a. healthy condition. It will do “’ : this promptly and crmanently if at" “hi : mm‘ime鑆“ï¬r‘w‘v’†An ounce of DTCVQF‘iii-JY' ; Don’t experiment with substitutes ' ~ 44‘ a 7"‘VW2- .â€" i § Fibenf you can get Scott’s Emulsion ‘3 a ‘50,;ng 01 i , oraewcentsmoreduï¬ï¬daï¬‚ï¬ 4.9 I i 9 me. and $1.00 at all Druggi‘sts. S ~.«. ’‘990990069600 r W #7“ “‘77 r r r [7“V‘RWV‘JRAWiWW rm“ ï¬r.:A.-rixuv:-EI. ,a-.\e_ I CAN IIlllCIWl \ I !\‘,‘.l ill: i"l ill-.l'.‘ / The application of .\'- u v ‘1 .6 pam munâ€"chub [u \~» -~ II b l‘. i'« vollous powm‘ :n' -i' til ii -!’\'. i ‘ so iii] THOUGHT. Taken on Time Dodd’s Kidney Pills Save a. Life Once More. THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. \__. and Thought Incur< greatly to row} i}... acts (in the llt‘l‘\'t‘\'. . pain out, and in it Try it and be H. ii i»... Sheâ€"“Um you Sllpwi-O hp ' L" supiorrs him I" If v"; , - told me he didn't knnn \2 l DIDPSS meant until (lIlt‘I h.‘ It was Diabetes ableâ€"But when the Proper 'I‘reatâ€" fled .. ‘ ment Was Used the Patient Reâ€" ' ..___._ wvered. . CATARRH AND ("Ob l )5 ii l‘? I. IN 10 T0 Gt) )Il.Nl"l‘l.. . One short puff of the. iil‘wiltllll’llWlHEL the Blower supplied with t‘llt'll Lollle of Dr. Agnow‘s Calarrlial Pomivr dif- fuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and de- lightful to use, it relieves. instantly and permanently cures (‘al:1.ri‘l], Hay Fever. Colds. Headache, Sore Throat, Tannilitis and Deafness. All rlruggists. FIGURING ON THE FUTURE. {How did you dare to tell father that you have a prospect of $100,000 a. year! ' she asked. Why. he answered in ri nation. I Barrie, â€"(Special)â€"-Your correspon- dent had no difficulty in locating hIr. Frederick Stokes, of this town, as he is well known and enjoys the confidence of all who know him. The particulars of the recovery still excite enthusiasm as marvellous cures everywhere do. When found at. his business, he said:â€" "It was about a year and a :half ago that I began to suffer with lameness of the back. I soon began to run down rapidly in flash, becoming in a. short time also very weak. In misery. and unable to work, one of the best. doctors in town when con- sulted told me that my trouble twas diabetes. Meanwhile I had lost, forty- five pounds in weight, and his medicine was. doing me no good. _I thought my time was about up un- til a. friend told me that. he knew of several cures of oases similar to mine by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. This gave me hope though I felt ashamed to let; the doctor know that I had changed my medicine, however, I was encouraged by the help I got from the first box and so kept on. "To shorten the stor ; all I have to say is that four boxes have completely restored my strength and I have re- covered my lost weight with something added. In short I feel better than for years and perfectly cured. The successes of Dodd's Pidney Pills have been won in just. such contests as the above describedâ€"in hopeless cases. \Vhs-n the sufferer lets go his hold on other remedies and realizes the fact that this great kidney treatment has never yet failed, then he demonstrates its value by using it. and getting well. In hundreds of cases of Dropsy. Bright's disease, Diabetes and Paraly- 313, when friends had given the sufferer up to die, Dodd's Kidney Pills have prtuiiptly saved the patient. With such power to cure in extreme cases, can it be doubted that the small ' ghteous indig- haveâ€"if I marry you.. ITCHING, BURNING SKIN DISEASES CURED FOR 35 CENTS. Dr. Agnew’s Ointment relieves in one day. and cures fetter, salt rh‘eum, piles, scald head. eczema, barber’s itch. ulcers, blotches and all eruptions of the skin. It is soothing and quiet- ing and acts like magic in the cure of all baby Rumours; 35 cents. W.P.C 840 Pictures F0 R Wrappers beginnings of these diseases in ield promptly to the virtues of Dddd’s yKid- A pretty (“flared picture - ney P1115? for every 12_ “Sunlight†01’ g: __ ‘ every 8 “Lifebuoy†Soap é" For worms in children. be sure and wrappers (enquire for Sittzer's Vermifuge Candy. Ihe genuine article bears the signature of the‘proprietor on each box. The public; are respectfully informed that the Vernnfuge Candy can be purchas- ed of the principal druggists and deal- ers throughout the United States and Canada. 5“ is the charge against Policemanâ€""He stole These pictures are vol! 5'" worth getting. Address : , LEVER BHOS., LTD {if 23 Scott St, Toronto Judgeâ€""\‘t'bat this prisoner '6'" a. wheel, your honor." Judgeâ€""\Vhat) _~_â€"_â€"_â€"fm- ARM LOANSewg remit,» v o o 0 . \t e have no hesitation to recommend- MONEY AT LOW RATES l†"W ‘° ’ mg the Art Garland Stoves and Ranges. w‘ E‘ LONG- M““°" CREDIT F0 on vfheir high reputation for durabihgy' 28W:Illn¢10n8t.l..’roronto. economy of fuel, convenience and. artis- tic finish. stamps them as the best made. It is the constant aim of the manufacturers to make the very best .Stoves that can be produced. They are unrivaled. ‘ Stir-tiara. Ontario A large, flu ly-oquipped. old-established hub Mtlonâ€"NO I BETTER IN CANADA- aniness Education at Lowest Potsible Graduates alwa. a successful. Write in “volcano. J. ELLIOTT Principll i'I‘hlene is a burden of riches. or fear in keeping them. of temptation in 'using them. of guilt: in abusing them, and an account at last to be given concerning them. COULD NOT LIE DOWN FOR EIGHT- EEN MONTHS. The Sufferings of a Toronto Junction Resident From Heart Disease. Not an exceptional case of heart disâ€" case but very distressing was that of care in getting . Tonol'roâ€"Gornrd and Yong. an. Given the latest and best course. of train!“ In in Comma-chi, Ohonhand and Pen manohlp Departments. 28 student! um.- od mositiom in six weeks. Get sllpai-tlcu by ting for New Prospectus. Mention t paper. Address. W. H. SHAW. Principal. â€"-â€"~â€"â€"â€"_____________ Mr. L. W. Law, of 'l‘oronto Juncti Out, Who was obliged to be propgd up 111 bed With pillows for eighteen Perhathflhu novel-tr!“ months, because of that would come uve. he ut‘icm lliltl dun Agnew's one dose gave complete rel l)Ui’Il(‘ cured him, joys the pleasures of other people do. kill if not cured. smothering spells r him whenever pied to lie down. No treatment 9 any good until he tried Dr. Cure for the Heart, and here let, and one and today he en- good _health as disease will ‘Salada’ GEYLON TEA Why not now? It has no equal. Load Pack." only. Black and Mixed. All grocers. Soldat25,40t50&8008intapetlba Heart pâ€"m-u l 7,.m I I Heater At small costmtho New Idea Made in Three Sizes. V Wood Furnace has the greatest heat generating capacity. It re- quires but littlcl‘ueland attention, will burn any sized wood. It costs but little to buy and one Could czisisy be put in your house.‘ Ask about them. They are sold everywhere. Made by )A No. 19' ii 8%., Ltd., Hamilttii . (Eisner Steve and Range 00..Wiiinlpeg; Gurnerllaisei 00.. formal.