Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Nov 1896, p. 4

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1i evv Advertisements. aoilougall d: Jones. flotiro to Creditor.“ -M (Juri'i â€"'.\lrs. Skinner. 1 Boots (c Shoes~l<oht Sivers. Cbniigegw. A. Sanderson. @itt difiiirriil. erijlâ€"IMHNI) HiLL. Thursday, Nov. l2, ’96 2.4 I L WA Y. N0 TL‘S ()N THE A gang of men started work at the southern boundary of the village on Monday morning, and made a good showing during the day. The plowing was a diflicult task owing to the many large stones wedged in the side of the road. There were three strong men to hold each plow. The plows which are well adapted for the work, were made at the Wilkin- son Shops, Toronto Junction. The steel rails, which are T shaped, are from the well known firm of the Carnegie 00., Pittsburgh, Pa. The rails are 30 feet in length, and each rail weighs about 600 lbs. The teams haul 6 rails at a time from the Jiiehinond llill station, G. T. P. \l'artlcn Slater was in the village on Monday, looking after the in- terests of the county, relative to the laying oi" the electric railway track. County Engineer llchougall finished surveying the line on Tuesday to the ‘-northern limit of the village, and Manager llloyes was here Tuesday forenomi iii the interests of the rail- Way company. Reeve I’ugsley has been kept busy seeing that the in- terests of the county and the village do not clash. We trust his efl‘orts to please will be satisfactory to all con- ccriicd. ._...___â€"â€"-- At a meeting of the Board of Edn- cation on Tuesday a proposition was made to lower the teachers‘ salaries in the lligh and Public Schools, on the ground of economy. But it \Vilb clearly shown that all the teach- as «as are doing excellent work. that the number of candidates passed at the recent departmental and entrance examinations was exceedingly large, that the High and Public School ln- spectors‘ reports prove that the schools I are in a flourishing condition, and‘ that there his not been a single com- plaint against any of the teachers, it “has decided to run no risk in in - p“ll‘lllf‘;‘ the efficiency of any of tlic departments. That the trustees acted wisely in I‘D-C‘igflg‘lllg‘ all the teachers, {10-- in'. of no donllt. Wamâ€" is SCCLlull toil, still-ace. iila, Consol- da‘icil I‘dunicipai Act, Ontario Statuter, Lilli, page 422., Council of an iiicoi‘poi‘aieil provides that the village. may pass a. l,y-l:iw “ for preventing cliarivaries and other like disturb- ances ol the peace.“ Again THE Linen. i. asks, how is it that our council will not provide It is a sliaii:c and a disgrace, that a marri- sueli a liy-law for the village? age raginot take place in our midst lui that the family must be disturbed by a pack of hoodlunis whose. object seems to LU to annoy and insult. W The second chamber in Canada is lry no means popular. If we are to continue to have a Senate, however. it is well that good men are appoint oil when vacancies occur. The three arripointinciits made since the Laurier Hoveriiinent came into power cannot l'ail to give general satisfaction, as. they are all gentlemen of exceptional 1 ability who have had honorable pub- iic careers. Mowai, and the recenth appointed The first was Sir Oliver ’ it'lliitCll'.i are llon. David Mills and Mr. ileo. A. Cox, the Well-known lin- iillclJl' and president of the Bank of l‘oizinieree. mg [hirglais have been at work at Li‘adlord, Stouti‘ville, Toronto Junc- tion, and other places. Every village should he on the alert so as to guard midnight depredatoxs ,as :9. raiust intmli as possible. THE LIBERAL extends its deepest synipathy‘to Brother CorSon, of the Markham Economist, in his recent sad bereavement. The loss of an only daughter at the age of :25 years is an afiliction which draws forth a fellow-feeling from every manly breast. May the bereaved family be comforted in their hour of trial. :anigetefi“ The Order of the, Round Table held a. most successful meeting in their Chapter rooin, li'iiigstafl', on the eVeiiing of Nov. llth. After the viewing «as Called to order plans for the Winter were talked over. The members have entered upon their winter term with tho inleiition of making it the most successful in lhu ex istence of their Clmpler. 'l‘liev rxnect to have eight or ten lnlliflliiilis iii-xi Chapter night. Miss Maggie Wakefield is spending a month With her uncle, M r. 'J. llioinpson, of Scarboroi. Miss Sarah Pearson is spending a few weeks with friends in King. Miss Mary Clubine is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wiamer, oi Pottugcvllle. Miss J‘Hle Henriiy i-i spending the winter With friends in On. What we would like to know: How long the Italian colony to remain in our neiglibornooill VVliu ran away with the red light} Who those ladies are who wait for the night watchman l When the sidewalk commissioners are going to get to work again l M Where the O. R. T. found their goat 'l â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-&0>â€"â€"â€"â€" AN FEDâ€"SI“. VER X L FAI'I‘HFUL Men or Women to trawl tor ie sniiiisible epinblished house ii. (lntario. Salary £780, payable EH5 weekly-ind ext chaos. Position permanent. Refer Enclose self addressed stamped The National, Star Biiildinq, is going :i‘cu. envelope. Chicago. “- Sale Register. SATI‘ni'i.n'.2\'ov. llâ€"C‘milit sale of Stock. iin. pleuients. &r.. at Honii‘s Lake, tlin property of the late Wm. lleii. Sll/l!‘ at i o'eloek. Twins 12 months. Also ho.:se and lot. Stokes & lllougli, auctioneers. TrEsnAi. NH\'.17-)Ti"llli loot standing tini- ber on lot Si, 4th eon. \ . in”, the pini. i ty of Alex. (Yaiitei‘oii. Solo. o'r-l- rel; ’l'iii'iiis 3 months Stokes it; l);llll,;ll, .unnioin-ers. Ti‘FsoAY. November 17(vl"‘(l edit. hue ( [7 1h res of first-class standing 'l'iiiiiier, maple and beech, in ,1; arm lot' the plum ' (if c. d’ .\l. l’lleni dliiiel on lot in ('(il within 1) of Si-arboro'. ’l‘wo seasons to remune- :ho tini- hi 1', ‘l‘welve moiitlw~ credit. Fine at 1 1'. iii P‘rknrrlt ii' l’reiiiie. aziwtioiieeis. Wuiv aspiration15â€"(‘rcilit sale of first~elu<s leUillnfltllllhal', maple and lwewli. in} acre lots, on lot. 7.4%“) i‘Ul). Markliai iiiu propâ€" eitis oi Jorii Hurry. Sale at l lit” 1;, Term; l1: months. F urilt & l’l'L'llll“ iiii'ts. \\'i:i).\i-:sriAY,N . â€"(‘ic.iii mic ei uni stock implements, &c., on lot Htli van. .‘lliirkâ€" bani (near Stiid’i'vizli-xti . I)l“l't'_\' of Jul)“ li.R'd,VlH€i'. Snlont 1 1 cm. . ‘l'erius 12 months. lickurilt (V l‘i'eiil We, .. La‘l’urties getting their l‘rll .~. prin Uilire “‘lll receive a notice siuiiiur to the above Fin-r. or CHARbE. MOUSE to Lift iii. tile ti Till;â€" -â€"l‘.\' Viilage of Edaple A firstâ€"class frame house. six rooms, hell. (to, 1.} storeys l1i:,li, cailur, wood-shed, hard and soft \vami. stable. and tll'lVllifirlJUUtu, With gin-om; and orchard. and about 2:, ("Vita 0: land, is for suie or to rent in tliiâ€" vnla;e of Maple. lui- uiriliate possession. Terms easy. This is ii good comfortable house in firstâ€"class repair. Apply to 18â€"3 “’1”. BAILEY. Maple Money to Loanâ€"â€" Money to Loan on li’uriii l'ioptrty at if. and 5 percent. Apply to is»! Auction Sale W Of Vi‘llllllilt‘: lil‘ei hold FARM PROPERTY 1 Under the plural oi Hue, eoiiteiirerli'ii acniiiii: inileiitiireoliiii'i'tmn» ulnl llilll’liLlJ'l‘ of “L, ineiit tinfoiii‘iiiu‘iiirii-f i piiviiiciit of mint; . lmili oi \~lii:-li will hr [ll'll‘illL‘L‘il at the tune of salmibmemllbe ruiercd tor sale by public uiiation at W'EBBElZ‘S HO'J.‘EL, In the VILLAGE OF UNIONVILLE Markham Township, (‘ounty of York. on Saturday, liov. 14.1896, At the hour of one tin-Welt in the afternoon, bv J. 'J‘. Sii‘ui Hil, twp, Aurtioniier, the ll'l r “114.: lauds, i-iii'iiely: The west hull of lot iiiinilrt-i 1o, concession 4. hl‘lilil'lllu 'l‘r wvislixp, "will" ruin: "no hundred new. more or li-rs, a nil nearly forty acres of the west tyne-lit”) oi iii! number eleven. concession 4, in soil '1 miii>iiip. ’l'lw aborn pi‘niliei'ly is well located, and well \vutoreil, llllil i-oiit-ii .a lt55~lll(‘!l(‘i‘, oreliiiiil. AWL. and said to be -,_im.l luml. 'll property \wlll, in, on‘eroi‘i subject to IL reâ€" v hiil. 'i lxlixlfi :â€"'l‘en w r ci nt. of the pure] use money to lie paid at iiino of sale, and Ilm balâ€" llllk"till‘ti1lll\ll Klillillli’ill'fv ilms thereafter; piii'eliuwi' may in “our have the privilege of leaving ii certain imitioii of the purchase money as it first )1)ni.’L‘i)L.’:!U)*llI) lllk"ll'1i)‘L‘l‘lV. li iili piii'ti~'-lni's niiil l‘flliilllltlll: of sitle Will he niiiue lil‘ in at "the. iiino oi sale. or may be ob- taiuetlco i-ppliezitiziii i0 lJr..\‘l‘i lN d;l)01)fl, 103 Aileluiilr Street liast,'l‘oronto, Vendoi's Solicitors. 1‘43 4. I Who can think of some simple w ‘ thing to patent? Protect gour ideas: they7 may bring you wealth. Write J HN WEDDERB RN & 00.. Patent Attorâ€" neys. Washington. D. 0.. for their 81,800 prize otter climbs: or mohundxed inventions wanted. 0 Dated ‘thl {)i'tflliei, l‘ifii’i, J \.S. ll. KlltllY, an‘e 1' llui-i super pa'r .. outbuildings. A BY-LA‘W o. A Bit-Law to raise by “"LV of mun. tliu sum of Try-anti." lhoiisinil Donal s over and llll‘i‘ e the sums ri 'luil'iMl for int: ordinary expenditqu oi the c'oiinty of York. Wll FIRE-\S the Municipal Council of the , County of York demos it new. ni'v to I'lll‘fi, iiv , way or loan, the Sum oi Twenty ’l noiisni... llii'lnm for purposes ow“. and alime the sums required {or the ordinary en] en lituro of tln- blllll (iciintv? ANT) liliREAS it willrt-qiiiie attitnlnmouni v-f 31501.00 Li‘lfiel'rll'ullltl|lll1it‘i\.l'l§ spin-nil r-ito. Fir paying the .~.:i,iil iiplit oi 'l‘wenty Thousand Dollars. an 1 interest inereoniit four per cent l‘er niii‘iuni, puvnolo hull S'G‘Wl‘v". AI\J) \‘v'lllilltrl \h the amount rumble property of the (,‘oiiiity of ing to the lust rev. Bil and C'i‘il'llllf" i'oli is -. 19.746555 l'li’; ' AND WHERE \H the Misting lent-attire debt of U c County of \‘v k lrl .5:io,-.’.'l.?l. and tli2re is no principal or iiitei est. in iirreiiis Llioieon; IT is ’l‘l-lldltlfib OLE rZNAtf'l'r‘l) l»_\ the Mu- nicipal Council of the Util‘llhl‘llll'vn of the County of Yul; :4 ill it shall be. lawful for tho Warden of (‘iiiinty of York to ruise liy woy of loan from any person or coipoimion \ilio innv lie “'llllllLI to .iilvniicethe .‘ilHic iiiioii Ell". ermlit of tlio ile- lrcntuioa liereumlti‘r Ult‘lllliillk'Il, ti o shin oi Twenty ’l boiinmiil liolfiiis for piiipipes over and ubom the sinus required for ordinary ox- Deiiilituri’. ~ i'm It. shall be liiwlul [or the “union to enugto fly series of ilel‘ieiiiiii‘cs to lie in: 7- wr ’l i‘ amount (if the said sum of Twenty l‘l i-Il .il Dollars , according to the following soliciluic :â€" of the whole York accord. l aswsnuieiit lii‘. >~ 9e::33:c Egat: l OC:L30:C“‘ gifiég | Ezzvgrgr 933d: I d e: I (I)-.. n ,, ,H ,.: d 2‘ I5 :4 9 zâ€" 'E :1 a. l -‘l.' Interest on Amt. of Int. to: Amount whole series. Date when payable Debenturo Marchist, ism :sist Dee. Hfln‘l‘llfil‘fz- Coniitursiuucu by the lien ire- tiivreof. The said ilel-i-iitiir licll he inynhlr “DP”. lie Ilfliyhilllll times lil'reinln-ioi'tI specified, m the “time of the TH asiiier of the County of York. in the City of Toronto. t'ii-l sliiill have at~ the payment of Iii Lill‘lll‘dtt)tl10ufil coupons for interest. . ~ ‘ iii The Sfllil ilobeiiturei 321ml her-r interest at the, rate of four per i but per i min-ii from the «late tliereot'.wli.cli interest r li‘.ll be payable half yearly on the iifl'li Joy of June and the 315' day of Ili-eeniber in each year, at the said TYGIKSHI’E‘! '5 Office. (5) there shall ho riilseil in each year, during the eiin-cnev of liie :an ilvliuiillllt s, the sum of $1hl);.u., which annual suni sl ll be siit‘l‘ieient to .liselina'pr- illesevm'nl instaliiieiiti i-i principal and interest “waning lne on sin-h debentures, and the said iiisia‘;iieiit.; i-viil int ezt shall, re< spectivoly. become 1H1}ilbli3 :i.,eoiiliug to the terms thereof. (ii) The suiil uiiiinrii sum of ~<l‘s"-loc slinllhe raised and leweil in each war by n special iate sutfieient therefor on all the ill. able property in the .iliiiiieipidiiy. (T) This lly-l nw .L‘iail talc: efftet. llDil come “15‘ rip ll‘ill’lfill the 1st i'.uy cl bliiicli. 111 ;iJU )cul iif uul‘ LULll R‘UT. The above is n true copy of n '(r- pos'e‘l 115' 1m" to h.- tailttii into Ullllrllilt‘liflllr!‘ luv tlir- i‘lnlll"l['4ll- ityI-f the ("minty i i York, at We ('i uncil (linin- l'cl, in [he Court Hoiisefln l A ('11)' ot‘ 'l'oiwnto, iu Lliesuiil County. on Mliiiii.ii.1lic Isl. 41“); of i‘l’l‘rll'n‘y, 181,7, at the hour of eleven o‘clock in tlie foreiioun, zit which time lillil place the members of the (‘mini il nio he a: V required to attend for the purposes illill’t’hill‘l. Gl“! l. Es‘ KIN. (‘lerk of the County of York. Eurasia as PRICES AT FAHMXCHS‘ VIAHUI‘VNC. “Th? ., iii. i l and the said debentures shall lie Setilml With the soul of the Municipal ('i-ip. rii . in i f the Count) oi York and shall be sign? l by it." Warden and \Vlieiit. “bite. llh)‘ liusli ............... 5 (1 r7 5 U 5‘ Wheat, real. psi liii~li. ., ll so (I M Wheat, pimso. per bush 0 iii‘ Oats. per bush 0 '21? . Peas, per bush (l i? l‘iii'lcv, iier luis U ill! Turkeys, per lli I' l'(‘ Dre,qu Hoqu per 5 3‘ Geese, pir 1b., 0 ti’ “lill'henfi. per pair . Mutter, in poiiiiii rolls. ti ll Ficus, fresh .. . l) l’r-tmm p 1' bag .. (l App‘os, per lilil . . . . . 1 till . k'ldl‘fl‘l' . . . (l (l1 , timothy 12 [lb 1 ~ ', slit-at. .. 121 (ill 4 , .11! "a l' , 'P -T"»(“ : '1‘ pigs 5-; - ., . s.ti.e..i:Ei.. R $4 \\'e want (no or two . y; men in czii-li County to tiikcoiiiers ior :Viilht‘l) firm 1:, unit um willing to ]"l\' well. for pool \-.orl;. \Vi :iciei- io lll‘ll‘lmClil b lilu‘i": LLlA)hl.llll-I Lhai. dies in in iiiitiii‘iil causes. \‘Cenls’iv "flVl 'll|'l"l‘ lth‘ of Sbll'll) l’U'l‘:\~ TOES. UlVl‘} ['5 A 'l‘ltlsxli. TH E H A W 24 5 rs If It 23 E: 1’ Ci?“ n0ttui1s ri-iu. n. Y. Sept 3 in) iiilll’tilww Men to Engage with us as Salli-smear. Ni W reason put opening; new s'ylu of Pl-nn hunk; more uttl‘gfllive and yet lightei than ever. ALL SUPELJJ‘) FURNYSELQ We are lht‘ onl) Canadian Nuri-ery pay- ing salary i‘lill upki'sis iii lL' .lie start, Lihem‘. eoniinimiaii lo p: rt tliii- mi n. Largo list of sin eii Flies, a‘l l'iiiiziy been tested at our trial ore-lining It you want a ~ure thing for ilie wintrr, wrilo in. ii, E‘TBNE {it WEE. Nurse” men and an an! Growers 'I‘OI‘? ONTO, CA “N. Rikki“: L”: was Over 700 Acres Under Cultivation. [MENTION 'riiIs metal Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules euro dyspepsia Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules: tor sour stomach. Ripnns Tabuieseure nausea. ' s» WWW i ii ii: i I I To My Custeiners and .L l have much pleasure in calling,r your attention to in}: large and well-assorted lines oi Boots 8; Shoes, thatrinclude the best grades of different Kinds {or man, woman and child. The styles are the very latest and qualities ahead of an) - thing in the past. \Ne are showing a lull range of Felt Boots, Stockings, and Rubbers, different prices ; also \Vest- gate Overstockinqs for Ladies and Misses. a Custom work a specialty, sewed and pegge iig neatly and promptly done. Wmafi Respectfully requesting a continuance of your esteemed d. l‘Zc air- ’9 favors, we remain. Very truly yours, RQBERT SEVERS. M~n-.a.~- 1nd”. >:; “‘1” 4-; a,” \m y» ii», r" _ {if y DFVUGGISTS, 1’71 Iiing Street Bias-st. OPPosriE CLYDE HOTEL, TORONTO. \VHOLESALE \VAREHOUSE. I36 BAY ST. W, Owing lo the rapid inevease in the Wholesale and Manufacturing part of ,9 the bilaliit’fis. Mr. Daniel finds it necessary ti. deVote the greater portion of his time in that deparlmeiit, and the store at 171 King, St. East “ill be in ‘9} charge (if Mr. Hurry Sherrie, who Will be glad to see all the old friends ' customers. ‘ RICHMOND HILL: Eardware Q is STGVES StOves of the very best makers at below city prices. Stove Pipes, 5,8, 10, 12c. per length. Elbows, 8, io, 15, 20, 25c... artl every- thing in the stove and stove pipe line in stock or made to oxder. Also all kinds of Hardware, Tin ware, liave-Troughing, H ot Air Furnaces, and every- thing in the Hardware line in stock or got on short notice. And all the above at bottom prices for cash. Repairingr promptly done. _ m C. MASON, - :ERICHh/IOND HELL \. i .EF.A,; n fmsâ€"ewsâ€"Zimmcégz‘giszegmes“:- Gets up Harness that can't be bent in quality and prior: (all our own make). â€"â€"No\\' l.\‘ sro _ 1 kinds ; \Yeol & Rubber Knee Rugs; -, v . ,\ ._..__. -l L‘ri llorse- clothing of tastiitliiiiiii ti iiiitiiiittitiiiisit The [Wii very llt-.~‘. Hones made for the piice. .Uso Robe Trimming and Lining. Leather Mits, lined and unlined, from 200. up. EC? Repairing promptly attended to. 3 (3 E338. §1Q1}0N 4§LLE)‘ N. B.â€"â€"â€"Robes trimmed and lined cliea ‘3. -W $26.611,71§.00 in 19¢: greet C ONF E DEin TZON LIFE ASSOC’N. Guarantee Capital and Assets, $632,143,900; ~Cash Income i895, $1,062,642.00; New In- surance mitten 1695, $3,544,920 00. The Uiicniditional Accumulative Policy and extended .r iiseiance gives immediate, complete, and unquestionable protection from date of issue. for li1l(‘lnl£.illun and rates apply to P. G. SAVAGE, District Agent, Richmond Hill. mu...

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