Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Nov 1896, p. 1

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V’aL. XIX. ng «3: W iICEâ€"IMOND HILL, Ont. LIBERAL PR1 Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, GORE, nduat :1: di! uICHMOND HILL. FLG 53m 10am; atoEpm :13 "537.! ‘. ‘ mama! RICHM £0 a we; and 6 m 8 p m ace YORK MUTUAL flame to Rent. 0F VICE EEO‘URS EDITOR em. for Insura 0F TORONTO, CAN JANGSTAFF. mum, in advance irst‘class Cash Mutual WE SS CARDS. Busme fiAiGEGN, â€"-â€"â€"ALSO ITBEET EAST. TORONTO LEMQM mam Pnopmmnn 5.2M h-Howing stock Fire Companies, viz.: {ILL}, ONT. iAHON if: {W 55953.8 ()F G n to guests. Board, 51 zrdny MCRNIN UIHI'S SolicitLd JEN SALE the cominL' 3553mm 4E. ISAAC Cl HNG HOUSE ‘ire J ALT, ADA mm um, cum ‘ HIGH mum OF jUSTICE, &c. lIssuer of Ix’iaqzriag‘e License". 3 RICHMOND- HILL'POST OFFH'E. £a1risiera,$alicitors, 8w. i‘uronto Officeâ€"~No.x5 Toronm Street Richmond Hill Office open every Saturday, LINDSEY, WONEV T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RA ROBINSON, LENNOX& MACL EDD E'fif‘éfifi East Tomntr) Office. 11!. Grant's residence, \V‘nuubndup, evexy awning. Thombiii. each 'Wednemluy from 10 to 12. m -« r- q...“ 5““ - Licensau Aucfiionpers for the Counties of Ymk Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment Generalsules a stock. etc., promptly (“Landed to at reasonnule rates. Licensed Auctioneers for the County 01 Yorkto- spectfully solicit your patronage und friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest notice uni A reasonubo rates. P. 0. address King ' Life Assurance Co. . OF CANADA. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York saws attended to on shortest notice and at 1‘sz- snnablerates. Patronage solicited. Residence son able rate: Maple Pam- 25 KING STEEIaT WEST. TORONTO (“um-r3! Furnishings Always on Hand ml Fred. \V’. C a.s.Lans1-:Y “if. Burriflrrs, Solidi and «makers d: Enibzllm 01's, RENEE & URMI'STUN sed Auctioneer for the County of York. m1 sales of impleme' ts. innfitnre.stazu1iug 3r. atm. attended on the shortest. notice and movable rates. ‘unge solicited. P. 0. address Mn ple. EOE-L IOND HILL, THURSDAY, TORONTO AND AURORA WRIGHT uke Stokes & Slough. AL OFFICE most xislor We .l. D. Readnmn, “LES J. R. BRTHUNF LINDSEY & BETHUNE SSIOHEB KN TEE J. 'l‘. Saigeoaa, a policy wink: the Ecnnl. HE SUN “ In Essentiais, U?! Solici‘sm‘s, Notaries ma [:0nvcyuucers. ltL ml 3 low 23M"? 84 1., 1894. in mm Mi mmx will be at K911 y Wednesday. for t 'S, Conveyance 10.1’ork Chamlm! Toronto. and at a St, Richmond ' Ig.und Dominion fidnfol'fe willhe at Richmm sdnusduy.m:d at en uni McMAHON, & GARV of the‘Cuurt, é; Pawn“? PUBLIC, Scott St. Toron- W s ()BMISTON,L L B inl dam p19 u‘ous U )S )D. exx icilors, BROS, )4 N LINDSEY &c.. fiKEs’éE‘iS tri eytoI D BLOUGE 3 Hotel HES 'IICI &c ill In the days. when “tor and 5‘ stiliml euslnuud‘d the minds of the pie, when mental darkness covered face of Eurhpe as palpable as tin Egypt, it was snnthlllxs thought neces- sary l0 dnye away (‘Vll spirits bv “ bell, lvw k and candle; ” but, in our day, sub- stituting modem impruvemema fur the light of utl-H (laya,itisfuun(1 that the NW lam me all (but is necessary, afid limt. they will do it quite as efficiently, for those; “ho durum their spare muâ€" ulents to the pelusal of useful and enter- taining works, “ill have no time for superstitious Iht-nglxcs or the recupnon of nnaginary visitors. M.» k and cur-db slimlng mndel light of utI-sr d hm last me all line-t they will c for thou) uho um:sz to the 1H ‘I‘be P39ésures of Reading How wpmable m-mpany! Sun a gruuLer trui: “ Reading make Bunks ale fne his llbral, a mu taste for rendin him by their \\ 11 his 111mm) :1 mam who has acquired a taste for reading finds those who instruct him by their “1de11!, chgriu him by thcir wit, refresh him when weary, counsel when pvrphxm}; and thnse who, under all circuu.stnncas, are ready tn sympa’ Lhise with him. From aume he hears the voice of naming, fruui other}: that of ehumrugeuient,â€"â€" Diviues, Lawyers, Physininns, Poms, Philusupheis and Politicians. All we ready in impart instruction to the mind. “lllCll solicits their assistance. The reading uf history teaches us to galher wiulum from the pnsn; if “a are without this advantage our understand- ‘ ing would scarce exceed that of a chi d; fur past txpexieuce trachea us mt only how in immune the “Intuit, but how to mind. “INC The reading gther wisdt without this imitate, and also our duny to avoid m-iely lack, xverse 11f )1 Ifitabl making cm of knowlec if the the lam in move fintl Ht ) w How can an with fixch as attempt to] sensv, huw he doubts \V RITTEN paw tor the leusuuds ( M UlllCS 1'80! he du \V M . H Alv of the um‘ld, and h Minna! additions to ige cenmry after cex ruper st‘udy of [Hank aces to apply for ex; ‘lbl d also (hm I H Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.” ! huw intelligent. his siy Bacml nrver unered m than \\ luru he Said, 3 a full man." “(is {a [he fljBlIdIE‘SF; in utme ‘J‘HE LIBEBAI vror and super a that w nu! pres ;e on]: ‘ed that Inches u lives In u we may es which we may mls which it is reading we may and receive im- 0m WU have ,msidcl‘uti every centln'v.” unkind is mam, equplua are equ Th : the d bi: batislit m individu n such no] red the] that. 0“ NOVEMBEP 26, l896 ll) that “ he in some {rum the have been his stuck listen have f hold he me paws Hume [Dill] by (he young. As men grow older they lose that. relish for them which they had in their ynunger days. They have learn- »dz by expeiimice their practical worth” lessness, and forsake them, but the [danger in that by this time the mind may he an “hinted that it. has no inclination to a higher standard of literature. Hav- infl, while young, perused so: many fancy l sketches whilst the mind was unfurnished with ideas, the principles unlixed, and befnre judgment had begun to extend its away ihn effect. has been injurious, and the mind remains unsettled. How much better would it be to store our minds with knowledge which will be of advant- age to us in after life, rather than trucâ€" ing an imaginary hero thrnngh imaginary scenes, and then M is often the case. have to depend on our own imagination for his finale. cule W e The plea is sometimes urged that light reading is necessary to relax the mlnd after the fatigues 0f the day. Suppose it is, but is (here nothing of this character without resorting to writings where crime is so gilded that we fail to see its criminality, where vice and immurality are dressed in such gaudy drapery that they no lunger appear detestable. 1f truth is stranger than fictiun, surely bunks 2 making Happy BI'HUUI truth is stranger than fiction, surely i there is enough to eatiale the mind which loves to revel in the marvellous and the ‘ uniting in vnyages and travels. If we prefer the grand and the beautifui, 0b- iects are pointed out in Dick’s Christian Philosvpher, which far surpass the bold- est. atmch cf 9. Dickens or a Lyman, and grandeur cannot be eXCeHed by the pru- dnciinns of We must; fertile imagination. A sage unce said, that “ a great bunk was a. great evil.” When works of im- moral tendency are in quesiiun, we miuld go further and say, a multitude of bouks are a multitude of evils, (if the making of such there seems to be nu end Hamv \VUll'id it have been for this gen- I’ me rud o‘ d Lhe subjw A] by the W _ lhe viewu z council. 1 A sage unce said, that “ a great book was a great evil.” When works of im- moral tendency are in question, we Wnuld go further and say, a multitude of bunks are a multitude of evils, of the making 0f such there seems to be no end Happy \vmxld it have been for this gen- eration if the millions of twenty-five cent novels, uhich are scattered broadcast over the country. had shared the fate Hf many butter works. The managers of our Public Library have to cater to all inteliecmmi dwesuun. 1n the selection at reading matter our youth choose nnly such as com luatruclxnu with entrrtalmnem; am novels nre read at ull. let them be uf beet stamp. by aluhurs whose am) 1: raise tlm standard of umrality. and bentfit their readers. The result wp bvtter judgments on men and ti: better ideas (2f their responsibili bettex instruments in the hands of in the awumpiéshment of his designs Richmond Hi1), Nov. 24, 1896. Men or Women (0 travel for re~ sunnmble entubhnhed house in Ontariu. Salul‘y $780, payable $15 weekly and expenses. Posn.mnyermancnt. Refrr choc. Enclose self addressed stamped envuluue. The National. Star Buildmg, ANEEDâ€"E Men or W envelope. The National, Star Chicago. oplmou that It the in“; roaus are; abandoned by lhe county tn the. minor mnuicipulitics, no more equitable dis- Lnbulmu of the expense of keeping up the roads can be made Ihan for each minor municipality to keep’ up that portion of the n ad wilhin ur alnng (he municipuiily m which the made. are air, unte; that [he mumcnpahnes in which Hm ruads are most. expensiver main- tained Will benefit most largely by the albuliliun nf mils and market. ire-s; Thcrtfnre‘ he n, flll'Lhcl' resolved. that the By Laws and Legislathe Cummitlee be and are huru‘ny instructed to appear before the LeLialulul'c or any cnmmmee inf the Leg slaure having charge «If Ihe vf the Le mailer m UUUS (>l' fur 1‘ Mr. Davis (North Turonlv) moved 'hut the cnrnuty grunt relief to Ihe extent. uf $000 per ammm to North Toronto and $1,000 ammuin Lu Scuxburu. Only the b‘cubom and Non!) Toronto members. suppul hallx) $100K my in the I drew his u made flfler lm Resolved. Jl'll) 1h York County Council. AN i EDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL Fifty d h the IS IS ud l. \tes ed. That \his cnuncil is of that If the Yurk roads are :dbylhe county tn the minor ‘lities, no mum equitahh: dis- ofthc expense of keeping up zcan be made Ihan for each municipalin to keep’ up that :2 . _ .d uyposa any and all applica- )etinuns from any municipality or assistance: the resolution which carried at f 21 lung debate in cuunuint‘ee on or. (If Yulk roads. It was muved 'urdcn and seennd tn expxess among 1L3 ndurd an a substu .nliLd [Dull local m lhut mile I such as cumbme tamman; and _it let them be uf the ‘e result Wlu‘ he u and thinga‘ responsibilities bands of Gut med tn expxess I1 nmjul‘ity of the mal managers of cater to all noruiity and vuln mes I Markham .ense to be there in 3 acts under agree nbulini mutee on «s muved I” h arrest. The annual grant of $100 was voted to the Prisoner’s Aid Association. Mr. Humberatune’s claim of $30 was rejvcted. The county constables’ petition fur restoratiun of the 25 cents per diem additiunal allowance was referred to the new conncill A memorial to the Dominion Govern- ment for a substantial grant to the To- ronto exhibitiun next year was adapted. Ou Thursday it was decided to con~ struct a bridge at York Mills, and a com- mittee went out on the ll‘letropulitan to locate the site nf the structure. On Friday evening a. banquet. was tendered Warden Slater by the members of the council at the Clyde hotel, when the Warden was presented with a. gold- lleaded cane. Among the guests of the evening were Hon. E. J. Davis, Pm- the lent On Friday evening a. banquet. was tendered Warden Slater by the members of the council at the Clyde hotel, when the Warden was presented with a. gold- headed cane. Among the guests of the evening were Hon. E. J. Davis, Pm- vincial Secretary; W. F. Macleun, MB. - » Dr. Gilmour, Warden of the Central Prison. 0n Saturd-Iy the council was asked for a $100 grant for Woodbridge Public School, which subcul is taking up certain High School Work, for which an extra. teacher has been engaged at a. salary of $600. The contribution was not granted. some hi the members maintaining that Stuutfville, East anontn, Mount Albert, Sutton and Schomberg were similarly Snuufl'ville,j Sutton and situated. Grants of $25 each were voted to the North and Sumh Turk Teachers? Insti- tubes. Enrly in the afternoon of was eVident the Work could eluded during the day, and adjourned until Friday nex bars to receive in lieu of [in age. the actual cost of tickets, “hich will save expense. VV Me apunsible Sunny 37 expenses. ence. E Chicago A very succe man’s Auxxliur was hem ant. MI ‘ EXECUTORS’ figiiaa i9 gm evemn on d every life. \VOaV Fnduy Hflel‘_3 “ ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL Men or Wume to travel for re- sponsin at Dr. hisiry’s. Last, \Yed DAVID MU RRAY, ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL M [Single copies, 3 cts. MRS. SKINNER n or Women to travel for re- established house in Ontario. 80, vayable $15 weekly and. Position permanent. Refer- “ch-Se self addressed stamped The National, Star Building. ‘fl‘dbl. 1‘ they w small th In the master of the estate of [ICE [1883 was finished, tea was served. ' rive sat down. A collect- : up amounting tn $7.10. caduy Mr. Arthur Wham), tnis place. was married to ‘ rt Blackwater. On Friday ware serenaded by a large ssful meetin v of the Met Maple Sanderson returned last ending a holiday up north. . of Toronto, is waiting Vumen to fished hon one door south Hutchison’s. y given pursl Amendng Ac‘ urk could not be con- day, and the council riday next, the mem- lieu of the usual mile- cost of their railway vill save onehalf the toys. We fish the in their juurney Lhtou‘ Deceased were vntec‘. to the W eeting of the W0- y Methodist Church Fousina’ on Wed- After the work of ed, tea was served. down. A collect- A( JINIV am“. No.22 unrday it GALL 6: JON bar. A. D. 1896 Ye iougall & David. I“ v h mi.

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