Advertisements. Tenders for Supplieswk. Christie. Roller Millâ€"’onticld. _ Disc iluticn of Pilltflalhilipâ€"Alllll‘ewfl & Balley. Assignee's Sale ~A. h. Willdii‘wld, Lostglra Fluui‘y. the other hand, some extreme. Protestants of Hargrave, Manitoba, held an indignation meeting and burned cftigies of Hon. Mr. Laurier and Hon. Mr Sifton. figural. dirt srthE '17 (trifle; it‘s. The Metropolitan Railway Comâ€" pany have started with the following chnnoxn HILL. Thursday, Nov. 26, ’96 I... "7 V 7' :f’ -:L.V’†T, ~5â€" V “7-7 T SETTLED AT LAST. From Ricli'd Hill to Toronto . . 40c. “‘ _ “ “ “ “ return. 650. The late Conservative Government ,, Thomhm to Toronto . 20c ‘ grappled with the Manitoba school ,, H U mmm 5% question for several years without ,, Lot 90 to Toronto 00‘: Eyeing able to effect a settlement. ,, u “ return 3,)“ x v -' - ,; , ' over . , Tilicii Mi. Lauriel cniic into p v . H Lamlng to Toronto . t . ' Inc. on the 23rd of June he pledged his ,, ,, _, “mm Wm word that the vexed question would be settled inside of six months. The limit of that time has not yet been reached, but the school question isl all the above cases include a ticket. to any point on the Torunto Railway System. the price is not exliorhitaiit. W settled, and is by most people thought to be settled satisfactorily. It cannot travel for Tt‘ Wilmer; -rsitvnnai. rim iiri‘i. Men or \Vliliieii to ' . I ‘ - . . _ . . be denied the settlement is acorn allowble“stablmhm hmm I“ “mm,†promise, but this need surprise no Sula†$781). llflyuilie :3 5 \\'(.‘i|.(l\' ninl * expiâ€"iism. Position permanent. lirfi-r one who has studied the question and , V . eiice, Enclose self addressed stamped learned the great dlï¬â€˜m'ence 0f envelope. The National, Star Building, opinion of those for and against Sep- ClllcaitO- â€"â€""-‘O- t. 4,, i ,. .. ‘ V aldm scuools. B) the. settlement the Hope Public school system is upheld, at the Same time special securities are given to Roman Catholics. Anniversary seriicesuill be h id in the Metli ulist Church Iliis yi-ir as initial, but instead of a fowl dinner "1 formerly. , t‘ Religious teaching may be given it has been decided to hire an I-ystiai . l c l l go i, 4 ' d l 1' ‘l'l’l‘er “ll New Ye'aF’H DH)" 1“ tle “c 100 S Ion] " 0 0L Lc‘ Miss Etta Graham, of Aurora, has in case a majority of the school trus- started a music chins in this place. to _ Wish her and her pupils lllllcil sll' CNSR. We are pleased to see Mr. (liiwr Nixon out again after a severe illness. \Veckly prayer meetings are living , held in the church on \Vcdiivsllny (Veil ings. These meetings should be “cl. attended. “ Lost Heir †enema to be H e- fa'mrite game among (inr young pimple just now. and it sometimes happens that Smut) Lil them gr‘ls the H Wrong buy " itecs desire it, or the trustees will be forced to grant the request on being petitioned by the parents or guardians of at least ten children at- ï¬mding the school in the case of a = rural district, or twenty-ï¬ve children in the case of a. city town or incor~ morated village. In any schools in towns and cities where the average attendance of Roman Catholic children is forty or , upwards, and in villages and rural districts where the average attend- ance of such children is twenty-five ‘or upwards, the Trustees shall if rc- quircd by the petition of the parents .» or guardians of such number of Ro- iman Catholic children,\‘§’cspectivcly employ at least one duly" certiï¬ed Roman Catholic teacher in such school. An exactly similar provision is made for the appointment of nor- Roman Catholic teachers in schools in districts where the Roman Cath- olic rate-payers and scholars are in a majority. The Lorne GROCERY STGRE. Is the place to go for your Candies, . Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Nuts, etc. All new Fruit. iii This r 0.4 12 . On Monday. the 26th of October, the ï¬rst sod of the Metropolitan Rail- [ way extension, from York Mills to this village, a distance of nearly ten miles, was turned, and on Thursday night last, the will inst, between 9 and 10 o'clock, the ï¬rst car reached here on the newlyâ€"laid rails. Natur- ally, there was a good deal of excite- ment when it was learned that the car was on the road, and many cheers were given for the Metropolitan RaiL way Company and Mr. Moyes, as the genial and energetic manager, passed through on the ï¬rst railway car ever seen in Richmond Ilill. it is needless to say the overhead wires are not yet erected all along the line, so to be tl‘llu to their contract the car had to be drawn through by instead 01' electricity, "which will follow in a few weeks if the weather keeps favorable. Two trips 3 day are new hcin made, and the roadbcd is getting in very good miidition. The arrival of every car Also a full line of General Groceries always in steel. Prices right. - Terms Cash. Patronage Solicitcd. tries iii. cuss. Tltttitgtalts. THE LIBERAL and \Vccldy Globe to Jan’y Ist, ’98, $1.50. THE LIBERAL and \Veekly Sun to Jan’y'ist, ’98, $1.50. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Mail, I year, $1.40. THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe, 2nd edition, I year, $94 50- Tiic LIBERAL and Daily World, to Jan. 1’98 $3.00. lierses THE LincirAL and Evening is watched with ilii‘ul‘cst, but tllC‘ St I , GK, opening cci'eiiiony will not he ill-i mi 1 36313 mi?)- :~.iigurated hold the electric system is l m, H _ u m ‘ t . 0 can t.i nix put in (ll/"Critiitill. 9" 80’“ Sl'ul’le V thth to patent? MW ‘ Protect our ideas: they muy bring you wealth VV rite J hi“ \\’El)llERBURN & CU., Patent ANITâ€" ney‘s. Wasnlnmmi. l). (3.. for their $1,590 prize ufl'er anu list of two hundred Inventions wanted. The settlement of the Manitoba’ s<‘h«’»ol questiln sec-ins to meet with the approval of both Catholics and 7 Rim“ Tammi; curpha‘l breath" ltipaiis Tahules: one gives relief. 1 ,.. , . , 3 .. . . m . . . 1 .irli,st.‘.ilts, {rilitiall}. Ripaiis iabules assist digestion. But that the settlement does not suit Rip?!†Tabulps mm in‘ligosnm†L _ y _ Ripaiis Taliulcs cure billonsness. O‘It-i'Cllll on both ls ("\‘lthnt Ripans 'l‘ ibules cure constipation. from the fact that Arch-bishop I‘m} Ripaiis Tubules cure liver troubles. . p ' _ , ‘ Ripaus Tabules: pleasant laxative. gW’lll, from his pulpit in St. ~ ~ rice, Winnipeg, told his people that T :1 revolutimrwould take place on the liaukssfthe. "ji‘gisvrenc-e, and on s ieakinp‘. ~6‘ has Sides Deni-- shoe tier Year. hi . BEE mamas \Vhen it is known that the rates in " 3 “"‘m 73,â€". V7“ . ,. .., , v.» . “U ‘ . ace aqua . l3 7.; 9 A By-Law to raise by way of loan, the sum of a TWan Thousand 1)(lildi‘\ over and Bl)“\i‘ tliu s V“ a sums l-Eklllll‘Cs.‘ for the ordinary QKPL‘UHAILd'fl oi _ tin; County 01 York. __ , W'lli'iR‘l“.;\S the Municipal (‘miricil of the “ M‘unmï¬mfl t lliitebwt‘l‘t' tr. raise i)\‘ l County or York deems i way of loan. the snip. oi linil'na lor prinicscs ovrr a 'l'weiily TllHURIlll" lid iilmio l'uu stiiiis 10 My Cash niers and Friends: lC‘tllllitnl for the ul'uilliu'y expenditure or llu‘ mud (‘i-iinty; V _ ,(l I h V b I“ ‘ _, . 1.; ‘ 1 ‘ i ‘ ARI) ‘»\lll“.ltE.-\Sit “Illl'f‘lllllluILLUtlIllLUlOlll) ' , ave DTUC p.~{l$lllC ll) C3 inllg )OUI altCllllOH t0 cf ï¬lsiitlm to he raise.) uriiilinily li\' special rate, ul Twenty ’l'llllllNull‘l for llrtylutl the mild drlit 1)UHZLI'S,&H.1llll(.'T9‘~L (liermiii iit four lie-1' cent per iiniiuin, pitvnliln liii‘f in lilv; A AND WH l-thEAH the amount or_ the whole rumble propu 'of the (‘iinntv of 'x «Th :‘zerivrd- , inn to uni Med and upialirml assessment AND “Ill. . . of ill-e t‘ountv of Y: _ no principal or inteii-sti V TT AS ’1 lll‘llllill' Oil it 1-1). ult'it'tll Council of the Corporati- 1) o of Yin-In :# ‘ il- It shall lie lmn'irl for the \\ lll‘lli‘h of illr‘ large and Well-assorted liner; of Boots 8; Shoes, that include r man, woman and child. hch of an) - the best grades of different Kinds The styles are the very latest not thing in the past. \Ve are showing a tail range of Felt Boots, Stockings, and Rubbera, different prices ; also West. gate Overstockingzs for Ladi: and Rinses. i". l\‘ I l qualities a the existing debenture drl.t Mk is e’llnsjgtlj‘c and (ii :ro M ii an x ~ [hfï¬â€˜x’lillf rlC'iitl) )1) the .‘ilu- ltlic Count) ‘3 Repair« (‘u untv oi York to inim- 19' \v y of loan from uh) I ‘ v r ‘- V ‘ my H J ‘ A lltï¬l‘Mrli or mirliuintii ii “ho uv lo,- \V\lilllu 1,, Custon] WorK Z1 piiCLl )ht ’ fr?“ ,V\} _,]]d pcéggd ' :nzviinee the shine ii; on rlie (radii. of Ult' de- irig neatly and promptly done. “gumâ€"arm lwiiliii a lierciiialsi-r lilt‘ll'lllllUll, tlc main or T‘L‘HHHIUU indium. for 1illillns-(‘s ovn; itiid '.|il'IV" the sums rmpiiied for miliii-i'y (1;; liciiditiire. _ ill lt almll be lawful ini the \\ iii-den to cruise {7,5(‘1lt‘hoilittbl‘llilil'l'n[.Uliclllil'l'li ill“ iiiiniii III of the said 3111†rl 'l'ii i'iity l in ‘-i\ and llu.’ according to the follmx on; >1 lLPlllllt‘ : # Respectfully requesting a cozitinuince of your esteeiirc‘d favors, we remain, V3i‘y truly 3 furs, __ :22 m. @guï¬g‘raï¬‚ï¬ .qu wivï¬mï¬g. v ‘ 4 1/ HARRY SllEl’tl’tlts‘ C I). DANIEL V]. IV'iUl’tCll lSON ; . y i D DM‘W‘EL 9; GO ‘9‘ I a I i, J: \4 Q \J 07 \‘yl 7| 555. K45“, ~1- . *6“. i c , .â€" DR JGGLDTS: 3 '7'! E i "- ’s ' g L: g i a 171 lkliag‘ Stem-001: East. .. p. a r I z; OPPUSI'Y E CL 'L‘E HOTEL, TORONTO. Kg, 9 \‘VHOLESALE \VAREHOUSE I 6 BAY ST. .w z . i 3 o .. I. E ‘5 g l The Pin-est and Best Drugs only used. 5 i Special attention given to the preparation of Household Recipes. é _â€" __ ~17 f? HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. I fl 7 _L PATENT MEDICINES AT LOWEST PRICES.§ .ind the $9.51]lll‘llpliful‘r'Sfllflil he sealed with ter will of tlie Mrnil'iiiztl ('oip ii’ll‘llill of ill (‘niiiity -'fYHl‘lii‘1))ll.~ilillihtiï¬lifllfl , flie \"- men and u'miiitei-.l':iieil hy the 'li ll'l‘l' ili--i>: In The. said delwntii h slwill hepu the ilm‘sunil times lli‘lt‘llllli‘llll“: 7‘g'l"‘lï¬{::l, at the lllliee of the 'l i'niisrirer of iijt‘ (‘oiuity (-f i'nrli, in the City of Toronto, and swlinil have rite tan-lied to them coupons tor the payment of interest. _ (-1) This said dehentiirer shall licnr interest at the rate of four per cent per uriiiiiiii from the date tlierenf,wliich interest shall be payable llllif)’e&l‘iy on the iltltli .lav vvl‘Jiiiie and the lilst day of December in each \‘Cul‘, at the Bard Treasurer’s (Milne. . (5) 'l‘here shall he raised in curb year, during the currency of the caid debentiiies, the sum oi Slwllit, which aiiuua Stu] shall be suti‘ierent to discharge the. several imtnliiirnits (it ]\l'll)('l]iltl and interest accruing lne on sin-h debentures. and the siqvi instalments and niteri-ht‘ shall. reâ€" spectively, become 1m) able according to the terms thereof. ' .(G) The said unnuui sum of 31804.00 shullhe ra' * t and levied in each year by a special rate salt out therefor, on all the r-Ltzablc property in the .iluniI-ipnizty. (7) thin shall twice millet, and come into upon-47%» the lat (in; or" March. in the yeni of our Lem 1837. \Jli'ip‘1‘\(ln Hardware Stoves of the very best makers at below city prices. Stove Pipes, 5, 8, Io, 1230. per length. Elbows, 8, 10, I5, 20, 25c, and every- thing in the stove and stove pipe line in stock or made to order. Also all kinds of Hardware, Tin- ware, Eave-Troughing, Hot Air Furnaces, and every- thingin the Hardware line ' stock or got on short; The alinveis a true envy of npr. posed lly Law in be taken into consider: on bv the hillllll‘lllrli- ityoi' the County of Yo , .t the Council (‘hL-nr [‘01, in the Court Housmin the ("Sty of Toronto, in the said County. on Monday, ihe lst day of ll'ohinm'y, lRil‘f, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the fun-noon. at which time and place the members or the CUlllll'll are hereby required to attend for the purposes iifoi‘esnid. 2 notice. And all the above at bottom prices for cash. RepairingT promptly done. C. MASON, - RECHMOND HILL 3.4., awedï¬aï¬ai:3:a:a;iufs:ï¬t “M1 iitiiilESS SEO? 3 Lea-wrmww ' m :‘Mifékverâ€"s‘w » , GEO. EAKIN, Clerk of the County of York. S ALEEMEN. We want one or two men in each County to tuko orders for Nurse Stock. ulnl are willing to pay well icr nor-d work. Wear rec in REPLACE P lililt anything that .lir-s. from natural causes. \Vr- also have ii. Cllfllt‘t’ line of SLJLD POTA- TOES. GlVli‘. US A 'l‘ltl all. : 'I‘IEE ll A‘VKS Bill “FERRY COu 1:005le l‘li l‘», N. Y. Sept 3 1m hill Gets up Harness that can't be bral in quality and price. 1 ill our own make). Men to Engagi- with us as .x‘: is ’ I . N. w s Hi“)! 'Ii~t 0 ciiiiic; ' v V v†y ‘3 Ill shin Ii :â€" (l J p no“ IN 81001; new rule of plate hook; nioie attractive and yet lighter than ever. ALL SUPFLlES FU ISHED FREE. We are the only Canadian Nursery pey- imz salary and expenses from the start. [liberal commission to part time men. Lingo list of specialties, all having been tested at our trial orchards. If you want a sure thing Horseclothing of all kinds ; \Vool & Rubber Knee Rugs; Sastaltlnstt ti, iiiiiii‘lhtsl with Rates The two very best Robes made for the price. Also Robe Trimming and Lining. Lciiiher Mits, lined and unlined, from 2Cc. up. “" “’6 “‘1‘â€! Wm“ ‘1‘“- [IE-3“ Repairing promptly attended to. cgj QTG‘NE é’t WELLENSTUN, RIODONALDW Nurserymcai and Fruit Growers N. B.â€"â€"Robes trimmed and lined cheap. 15“ AHA 1m" $26.611.71§.00 in E‘orce. “C ON PE DE 1%? A: TTIOZV LIFE A SSOC’N. Guarantee Capital and Assets, $3,221,439.00; Cash income 1895, $I,ooz,o 2,00; surance written 1395, $5,574,920 co. The Unconditional Aecniriulativc Policy and extended insurance gives immediate, complete, and unquestionable, protection from date of issue. For inlm'matien and rates apply to G. SAVAGE, District Agent, Richmond Hill. TORONTO, CAN. Over 700 Acres Under Cultivation. liiirxriox riiis PAPli‘lll iron seavics A ’i‘iilii-oiicii-llred Ht‘lksllll‘f‘ lioar will be, kept {or run; on the promises of tlic \Hlduloluucd, lot nil l'lill hlni’hliuiii. '1 Wins 51.00. J. EYER. Ilirliinoi «l rlill.l‘0i rm $1.00 IN 2m. E messages} dill/AME. ltipans Tabulcs. Rliians ’l'ubules euro dyspepsia. Rip-ans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans 'l‘abules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Rinans Tabules curehe'idac'he. Bipaus Tabules cureiuluziuess.