Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Dec 1896, p. 1

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5:51 per annum, in advaiiCel “[7: Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; lllCHI‘ilOND HILL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, l896. “‘3”? “#5,”! 5 r: l "r -v 4‘ l L \42, ,ia‘N 7,", ll. @153 (asylum/ills ml is. PUBEJSHED EVERY , 7?: i? 71‘ ’53:.“ 1:4; Eng? ' . ~ A. a _ . . . » Q THURSJ‘AY NTORNENG AT {BE LiB-ERAL PRlllliNG ll FUSLISH‘u‘iG H'DUSE Humour) HILL, our. F. McMAHON. EDITOR & PROPRIETOE. BU SIKES S CARD 8. Bil. LANGSTAFF. RIOHM’OND HILL. Oi’i‘ECE groups Brzr£9=umz 6398952: Elli-i. J. ll. ‘ liU’llEiial-Sfigll {Succesmr to Dr. w. J. wzrsoni, RICHMOND HILL, Ont. HOURS 8 to N} n m; and 6 lo 8 p m errors Cheap Dental Uflice. Heprririnfl Ir-vii llcplubiug. Good Work. Once. is: corner store east of Queen St. Svrbwsv “133.1. Efifiififiilg‘i, Tommi}. $17i'h‘i‘iiiiirg . T. EricElrcy, VETER NARY SURGEON â€"-«M:n-â€" VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma from the Snmrio Velei'inzrry Dental S ‘lrool, will visit Msplo on Monday and Friday of each weiak, null Concord on Friday rum 1 to 3 p. in. Gulls promptly attended to Discuscs or horses. cattle and other iluirrestii-at- ed animals treated by the latest and most ap- proved methods. @QEEfie, 158 KING s'rmcn'r EAST. TORONTO very accommodation to guests. Board, 31. Dci'day d. "T. SAEGECN, 3‘1»? . Agent for the follnwinq stock Fire Insurance Cmnparries, viz.: Manchester, of London.Eng,. BRITISH AMERICA, 0F TORON '1'0, CANADA. â€"â€"ALSOâ€" GOR 1., ()F GALT. A First-class Czish Mutual. YORK MUT U AL,- 0f Toronto, Carradnâ€"llre coming com. pm.y for this farmch of York Co. Business S >licited. E61138 to Rent. Brick House adjoining: the Fire Proof Store. For particular: :ipyly [o ISAAC CROSBY. â€". 1â€"3 G A r _, O .. , _, l J ix c511 l . L. Largo trawl of pond (hrr‘iiou ernil in 11: um Florida. Alllix'l‘s \\'.J.I\“l'lil) i options. .-\pplyi1uic‘:;. FLQEEEEA GARDEN Lfllll] 0%., EEOC H ESTE B, N. Y. : K (JI‘A RY PUBLI (.7. l crimnrssxormn IN THE HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, tic. . . “‘P‘ r ' Issuer or iii arrlage Licenses. RICHMOND HELL POST OEFIl E. W S ()muis'rrm, L L B .ls'i‘rl/BEl‘lCE & ORl‘llSTUl‘l. 5 A G ‘ LAWRENCE l ' r“ , bill LE ’ I i H I? m 0 H .4. ('3 >â€"- .4. t) n: (O 9': S" Tcrcmc Officerâ€"No.25 Toronto Street, Richmond Hill Ofiicc open Saturday. ‘il'flfli'i’ T0 L. every __0_, AlLUll- ST CURRENT RATES G.G. S. LEYDEI‘V LYON LINDSEY (HARLES J. R. Bli'l'llfbl‘. LINDSEY, LINDSEY & BETHUNE lltll'llthl’S. Solicitors, lxoluiius and (forer rm-ers. Pucillr' illilillugs. '23 Scott St. Toronto. Icler-liunotursi Money to Loan ROBINSON, LENNOX & MACLEOD Bur-winners, Solicitors, 6m. TORONTO AND AURORA. lllr. T. B!“ be: L Lorrrrox will be at Kelly's llctol Riclrnioii-I NW 0 cry \‘r'edncsduyJor tlic ruins» ucuonol bu M 1 GllIll/IN & GAsV‘iN, Barristers, Solicitors. Conveyancch oturias. d'c tmrrrr 10, York Chunrbvrs I) ’l‘urori» loSt. Toronto. rind zit lnltltllCP, I LqulTiccs -(' ‘ Ire St, Richmond H il. crvrv cvoni * uud Dominion House oi] \‘Cillltbllllv. Mr, Fred. \‘v’.(1.m'vur willbe (it llichmonl Hill all day every Wvdnesilny, 91:41 at end) sitting of LlieCuurt. ; 5123:5395, Glidin- £5 fihEi‘ll‘lf‘i Burrisli‘rs, Solicitors, 6:0,. 25 FIN} STREET WEST, TORONTO. East Toronto (lilies, Mr. Grant‘s residence, \\'i:i;::liiril;ii, every evening. Thoruhili, each \Vedueflday from 10 lo 12. Money to L'IILD Tclenliorre «i? MACDUUGALL & JONES, Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Room 1, MSLSOIJU‘ Building, 18 Toronto St. forunto. ALFRED MACDOUGALL, FREDERICK c. JONES. Solicitor to the Treasury of Ontario. Sier EcKAnDT, F l H J.H.1’ItENTICE, LllUllV'l c. Currville. Eckardt & Pr earlier.- Licensw Auctioneers for the Counter: of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment Genorulsnlcs 0 stock. etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. J C STOKES Stokes a: Blougir. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York,re- spociiully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. Sulcs attended on the sLortest notice an 1 d i‘eirs'inalierutcs. P.0.udunss King D BLOUGB J. '1‘. Sziigeon, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Suics attended [0 on blrorlcstuotice and at reu- sonalilerutes. Patronage solicited. Residence Ample ' .11. D. Honduran. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. (lerreral sales of implcrriel ts, lurnituru. standing timber, cti'..utt<-nilci1 on the shortest notice and at rensumihlc mus. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. BROS, Under-miners (k Errrlrzrlmrrs. Firm: 1:! Furnishings Always on Hamel Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA. fissures on (L11 the modern plans, and is one of the most |ll’('.1rci‘!llls and progressive conipumcs in cxistoni'c. New life lthlir-utinrh in 150.1 .......... 910.040.20.110 AS\ "’l>tlieir.,l.\lll . . .. . 4,! MW}? Lilo .rs rzinci-in liil‘i'kl.15t Jun. “.11 311..r~ .174 l‘rcriiiuurs low, policies unconditional and rionfoiicituble. Take a policy \\ ill; the district rigcrrt, T. F. EVICBIAEIQN, l LIBERAL Ol FICE, â€" RICHMOND lllu mm l i Thornhill Mr .li.lm Thompson, the veteran ’bus il'lrlit‘5, em, 5111)“ ii‘ler Uhristums. the business As a quick W-ll'rll liislimnri once said to :r Puritan \rlro Humming. his (lishclii-f in Purgatory.- l‘Eivy may do furthcr arid fore “one.” A short from 515’“ two aCCi-mplislrul organism (musical friends of Miss Hiiuulrtoli) gave a brief 50an private rchcarsul ou the organ in Trinity Church; glrl that 116‘. 1.4 3;l\"lir_' up \iiih the exquisite Ii):i!ll:0l‘ 113 which lhir St‘ltCllllllS were rc'iil- ri-il. Last Friday evening .he rector of fli- parish gave the cm L; 0" his course of leclllr'es ('11 Language, in which he (lis- cirssed [he Humor-s and character of the l’li-asurcs of llro limigiuitri-u. cht Friday tho lectures will no lrroiigrl to u close uniil aflrr the litlllll'lyb. “Uh ! bl‘lil! me a garland iif holly, Rosemary, ivy, iii (1 biiys', For schooling is rrolhmg hut fon Till after the Christmas d'~y.~i." Another of those ploi-snrit socier re unions was held at. the Miiiirul Springs liikil work, thr- u'euul arriusrmouis on such occasions being [ll‘UV-Hlldw mimic, Ctl'iiS, iliillcillg, sic. A rrmfroiily Lilly “ll‘r was present. at llllfl and the preriui-s unsorrsbly spoke in very high (trim: of the. true piiiilrritss of the young men, irlmost all of whom are furmcrs' sous; :iu-l Eirld that their hllllllll’, iiusoplrruricuii-il manners were prifeml'ile to those of yiiiiugmcn fran town, cvi-rr :Eioso M'lli) hurl the priv- ilcgu of air ilcildklllllilal training. She ccriziiiily i3. quirc (Nl'tllll‘ of forming an opinion on tho rrmliier. lll) lcs.‘ ll’iiiu rhrcc of lrcr HHIIS having ciiriipletcd 4 Course of sluiiy zit one of lire ’l‘oroulii colleges. Elf. and Mrs. V’lrltl‘t‘ll, accompanied by award firinds fri-Irl Richmond Hill, p'illl :r risit m the Rectory on .‘tlUIIdZtV evening. Next (-‘my tiny left for their new home in ’l‘i runtn, folluwed by prayers and good wishes for Llrcll‘ pros perily. 1t 13 on. (lit here that 21. ffiislriirliablt- Wedding is m be celehrntei’l n: the Church of St. Mary rho Virgin, Richmond Hill, on the l“i‘SLlV:il of the CerlHUCiSlUIl. In the List notes from this plncc “dis interested people” should have been ‘ discontented people." Bcl’cr still lurd it been “disaffected people.” But your compositor does remarkably Well curr- Sidcrmg yoJr correspondent's almost irrâ€" decipherable hieroglyphics .%_.â€"â€" ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL Men or Women to travel for re- sponsible established house in Ontario, Salary $780, payable $15 weekly and (Ni!) expenses. Position permanent. Refer- ence. Enclose self ‘dddI'EESL‘d stampcd envelope. The National. Star Building, Chicago. ____«,_____ \VANTEDâ€"BRIGHT MEN AND WOMEN cairvzisscrs for Currzidir and Australia. “Queen Victoria, her Life and Reign.” lutroduc‘tiun by Lord Uufl'urm. A thrilling new book. Sales marvellous. The Queen us girl, wife, mother, monarch. Reads like l'omulico. Grainle illustrated. lfiig commission. _Books ondrmu. Prospectus tree to can~ lvasscrs. Exclusive territory. Lots of monev in it. THE BRADLEY GAR RETSUN CO, Ltd , Toronto, Ont. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".O.-‘ Ancient History. To Tho Editor of Tun menAL: Simâ€"One of the most important cun- sidcriitions of tho gorermnaut of any Village, town or city, is a well equipped lire engine workrd by an clliciciit wcll ll'i‘rllItd brigade. 1t able sutislucliou to know that We have such an organization in iliis which for its ciliclcucy is not behind [hut of any oilrci‘ \‘lllitgd of its emu iu the l’roviucc of Ontario. Howover perfeciion our present Compiiriy may b *, it iirosc from small beginnings. of two Wtk‘liS ago, gave us il. resiirrecud report from rhe York Hcr‘idd of thirty years ago of the formu'iou of tho lirst . Fire Engine Cir. m iu‘r village. As a iormr-r member of that organisation 1 recollect Something of its history. Thirty years ago our Village structures, many of their! the worse for lllalclrWUUd. Brick buildings (hell with )us were “ an unknown quantity,” and insiiruiicu scarcely chr thoupht of. The Lnly apparatus in the shape of tire i i Ilirlls, rlieu i.ii cuterprisrug riilugc with us L'XlL‘linU iziriricry, lz-iruc. lllilcl, lofty llour null in Hill blzrsr, wiLh its scares of cmploycs under the supcrviaicn of lllill, mun oi charm and pllSllâ€"rlllu lute Uou. P. Dickson, Earp, the Laird of Elgin Mills. ‘ security in 186.3. v, swept OWIH‘I‘ mid dllVl‘l. iuiiuds selling: off his‘ Ter 1 people from 15.1mm Mills to the city lrzi‘re' ill“i\.y"‘ found him \i‘ry oliliging, '4: <1 [8* ‘ ,n [allure bccziusc not seconded by the : pcoplc, many [)l'tfel‘rlllg to risk $500 , men (‘1 the Village alill those present, wore qlich, L'liurnieil .Criieby, Cuirltcr and Jenkins, warmed us 1 Australia. ispnnsiblc cstablishcd house ilr Ontario. ‘ Salary $7811, and l is u comforL-. exprusrs. Position permanent. cuce. Enclose Boll :uldrcssei] stamped ‘envclope. 'l‘lic Niiliorral,SLur Building, ‘ Chicago. village. 1 lltlnl‘ to 1 Couucrllur Salldt‘l‘fllbll, in This LIBEh‘AL' _ ‘ the son of Mr. Wallucc Michael, of this aliUltllt‘ consisted of a couple of rows of wooden . ‘ Rev. Mr 'l‘hyurie i tiiciirled, the ceremony riiuny yous of nisiory, and all as dry us i L’xllllgiilslie'l‘s were the cummis’ water“ pail brigade :rnil u smull but ris. iirl lrziiid' ‘uigiuc I...lou,;:rrg to the people \VE Elgur. \‘Ce begun to arise to a sense of our in- Waruings from fire villagus and towns around us cream (1 lettllllgs of alarm. Owners of property and ( fhcrs interested began the :igllitllirll hr 1 ettcr prolcctiun, and num- erous meetings were held, but all proiel Worili of properly rather than give $0 toward preventing a. Czrlaslrophe. So difficult 1L rs to run such uriitiers without, lliillllclpal control. The scouril effort in 161313 was about equally slow, but on Sunday, April liih, wlrcu nearly all the were attending the f-iucral of -.r much esteemed citizenâ€"Mr. John Lirifootâ€"a $15,000 fire, which swcpr, ii“ at) the business places of Messrs. up to git: rfr’!‘ activity. Cauvassers were sent out and a subscription list fairly \rcll nigncd. At a. meeting held at Dol- iriwi; s lroLil, then known as the \Ybite Hart liru, on the site of the present Grand Central, Mr. Amos \Vl‘iuht, M. l). l‘,, occ rpicd the chair, and Mr. Geo. A. ll. ll'li'AI‘bl, merchant, acted as secretary. The following geritlcmcu were appointed as a. commuter: on the purchase of a airiiziblo lire engine: Amos \Vright, M P. P , David Boyle, Esq, Messrs. Wm. Trench rind A. Mic-Beth. At a sub- sciiiiuut riicviiug the treasurer, \Vlll. DANISH”, reported the receipts of sub scriptrou money lo the amount of $300 Mr. Jviurcs Newton and Mr. \Vrn. 'l'reuc'ii wero instructed to purchase the engine, and l‘lUSJH‘S. Pt. Heuisiiu, A Law, J.l’., and \V.Warreri,J l’.,wcre to supcr- irircud the putting doWu of the necesâ€" sary tiriks. As stated in THE LIBERAL plcvli usly, the first Engine Co. was or- L'illliZUl in August, 1800'. The engine, though SUC’lUd hurid. cost c-msidcrubly murr ilniu the amount subscribed. The thin upon itliiiidered the purchase of proper limo and other requirements, and engine and company WErU fir-rt becoming ililipiilntud, when 1111873 we as a. Village sur. up municrpul housekeeping for our- arlves. \Vc gathered in about $3000, our share of ill: Clergy Reserve and the film icip.r’i L'iau Funds, arid found our- si-lvva in ciriirlirl‘tabze circumstances and able to provide the necessary furniture. 'l'ire. iricuirrbriiocc was paid off and pan. of the amount irrvcsied in a new engine, and all the conciirnitants that 9.0 to make up an efficient and well equipped Fire. Brigade. one of the most. irriportaut essentials for the protection of every centre " whcre people most do corrgre‘ gain.” in “ l inking backward" I find that of all the parties Concvrried in the origin, but few are left. Messrs. Jus. Newton, John Coulter, David Boyle, \Vm. Myers, of Barrie, and the writer. Of the ladies who book part in the first concert in aid of the fund, Miss C. Campbell, Miss I. Campbell, Miss E Dickson, blrs: Har- rington, Miss U. Playtcr, Miss B Burmrrd, Miss A. \Villiainson, all but trvo of whom have changed their names, are all still livinu. \V M. HARRISON. liclirnond Hill, Dec. 16, 1896. W ANTEDâ€"1N 'l‘ELLlG-ENT MEN wiilr good edircnriuu who want to bcticr their posilii-ris and would be content for a ycirr with $600.00 and experisos, write Us, Wllll description illld occupation, and we wrll mirke a pr'irpi'rsiliou for now or the future. Also needed reluible men for \Vrite to day as we are in a hurry. THE MANAGER, 4‘.) Rich- mond St. West, Toronto, Ont. ____‘.,____ ‘ANTED . SEVER AL FAI'I‘HFUL W Men or \Vorncu to travel for re» weekly and Refcr- pzrynhle 35:5 Hymeneal. This Sun last, week gave the following account of the iiirrrriugc of two of Mark lizrui’s esteemed citizens. Thu groom is plumaâ€" The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ll‘legill was the scene: of ii \cry pretty wedding on \Veiluesday. Dcc. 2nd, when Miss Ollie, the Vrillligt‘sl’. daillglllel‘ of Mr. LUKl Mrs Mogul, wers joined in the holy bonds of nrziirmiouy to Mr. \ ’iir. Michael. taking place oil 5 o’clock iir the afternoon l-cloro lL‘lmllVUS and closest frimids only. Miss Ella Mcl’lzudcu, niccc of the bride, made 21 bt‘hlltlflll bl'l(lt:S|iiuid, while the position of gronursunu- w as well filled by Muster Jrllllt'S Anthony. The 1141pr ' couplcure both pnpuhir, and on ovm'y hand is heard \Vlalltb' for lllclr future pnmpwrlty, Tnoso present were; iiud John Michael, and Misses quurc and Emma. Michael, of Richmond Hill; Messrs. Robert - N025 .‘dr. M. Chapman and Miss Lottie Jones, Goodwood; Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Wales, Miss Nettie \Vales, Muster Charles \Vcddlc, Mr. and Mrs. James ngill, Mrs. M. Speiulrt, Miss Nellie Speight, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Anthony. The presents are exceedinuly hand- some and are as follows: Handsome Family Bible, Mr. and Mrs. Michael, 813.; pie tray, Miss J. Michael; pin cushion, Miss E. Michael; marble clock, Mr. R. Michael; berry dish, Mr. J. Miilrtiel; u down fruit knives, Mr. A. E. Mcgill; fruit dish, Mrs. M. Chapman; plldillrig dish, Miss Lutiie Jones; lamp, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cumisky; manicure box, Mr. and Mrs W. Megill, Aurora; break« fast crrret, Mr. \V, Zillcr; pair 13(9 curtains, Mr. and Miss McPlraden; set table mats, Mrs. and Miss N. Speight; scr salt cups, Miss Jessie Hopkirk, Co- bourg; sugar longs, Mr. \V. \V. Vanter, LE‘aVr‘hthrll’l. Kas; handsome rocker, Miss N. Wales and Mr. C. G. Pringle; oak rocker, Miss E A. “food; hanging lamp and carving: act, Mr. H. J. Lord; match box, Mr, C. “Waddle; bread knife and pair of blankets, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wales; silk handkerchief, Mrs. H. D. Milne; bouquet of Chrysanthemums, Mr. Chas. Gregory. Tho bride’s brother, Mr. A. E. Megill, of Leiiyeuwiirth, Kansas, presented the trousseiru and Wedding. The happy couple spent the Week with Toronto friends, and are now with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mogill. The Sun Wishes them long happiness and prosperity. PROURASTINA'I‘ION IS THE THIEF ()F TEETH.â€"Nei_{lect is the prime cause of bird teeth and big dentist bills. Little cavities cost less than big ones, and early filling saves the teeth. Any filling costs less than crowning and bridging, and crowns and bridges are more comfortable and convenient than plates. The triumph of modern dentistry is our crown and bridge work. 7 H. A. GALLOWAY, Dentist, > N. E. Cor. Youge and Queen Sis, Toronto. o.â€"â€"â€"- Car-I‘V’ille We are glad to say the attendance at lhe church last Sabbath was very good, considering the state of the roads. The llev. Mr. Redford preached a sermon from James 1 : 27, which seemed to arouse the whole congregation for when llie subscription list was passed for the Superannuation Fund the people reâ€" spurrde with such a. willing heart that the amount. wanted was raised and more, which caused the minister and officials great joy. We trust the sermon will do much good. Mrs. Wm. Hopkins and her eldest son, Maurice, from Pickering. have been visiting friends in this place for a. few days. \Vc were glad to see Mr. Oscar Apple“ ion irt Sabbath school and church on Sunday. He arrived home from British Columbia. last, week; he intends going back in the spring. Oscar looks well. S ime of our sportsmen went to hunt a. few days ago. We think there was not much game bagged for they keep very quiet about it. Mr. A. Keller says there are many pigs dying with a sore throat around here. I suppose it is not necessary to send for a G ircrument Inspector for the must of [he swinu breed die with that disorder, iv ANl'EDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL Men or Women to travel for re- sponsible established house in Ontario. Salary $780. payable $15 weekly and expenses. Position permanent. Refer- ence. Enclose self addressed stamped. envelope. The National, Star Building, Chicago. w Pushing, trustworthy men to reproscnt us in the sale of our i"lroicc Nursery Stock. Special- lics controlled by us. Highest Salary or Guni- nirx-siun paid wcekiy. Sturdy employment the your round Unfit free; exclusive territory; ex- lll‘l'lelll'e not ire-i-cssur'y: Di: pin assured work- ers; sneciul inducements to beginners. Write at once for particulars to ALLEN NURSERY 60., ROCHESTER, N. Y. 8. LM wsursc. A ; to 5811 Canada. grown Fruit and Ul'HI‘llleXlliul 'l’rccs, Slrubs. Roses, Bulbs rind llulbous l’iunts, Grape \‘irrcs, Small 1“riiits,., L‘ll Iotutces,etc. Wu catalogue only (Lu liurilicsr niiil urost populiir vuriLircs tliut‘. ism-Cecil in thc coldest cliniulcs. Ncw scusuu iiowcomnieircin . ompleteou‘ifif free, salary rind expenses ya 1 iron) shirt for full time, or liberal cuurniis rm for purt 1.11110, “ Apply now '.I\ll\'>51!)g th'lll‘Cr-f «hire, and get choice ol rurrriorV. Mr. and Miss Mcl’lizrdcn, and Misses Emma and Ella McPhudcn. Mr. A. Cumisky, Miss E. A. \Yuod, of Toronto; Ll‘lili liltii‘l‘lrilill‘is ('OlllPANY. International Minor-ins, Chicago, 111., or Mcntreul, Que Side [0. 4m x". .

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