Yuammxn HILL. Thursday. Dec At a recent meeting of West York Liberals a new constitution was adopted, whichâ€"according to The Tribune, of Toronto Junctionâ€"â€"â€"pro-‘ vides that “members must be resi~ ‘dent Liberals and that candidates for Parliament must be members of the Association, exception being made in cases of gentlemen who have heretofore been Liberal candi- :dates in West York or who are Min- isters of the Crown.†The new con- stitution also provides that “the rule which prevents ordinary outsiders from becoming candidates may be suspended by a two-thirds vote at a nominating convention.†The editor of The Tribune exâ€" presses “himself as well satisï¬ed with "the new departure, both as to the discrimination against outside candi- dates, as well as to the exceptional cases relative to defeated candidates and Cabinet Ministers. As a rule THE LIBERAL ï¬nds it easy to agree with the comments of our able eotem., but in this particular case we fail to :see the necessity of discrimination. "We are conï¬dent that there are many Liberals Within the boundaries of 'West York who would make worthy representatives. No one will deny :that, everything else being equal, residents should have preference over voutsiders. But to say that outsiders need not apply, seems to be drawing the lines too closely. Surely the Liberals of West York can be trusted to select in convention the man of their choice. Then why tie their hands with a clause which will take a two-thirds’ majority to break. Scores of examples could be given where such cast iron rules as that referred to would have worked to the detriment of the party and the country, but one will sufï¬ce, Take the case of the Hon. Wm. Mulock in North York. Had the Reformers of that riding some years ago framed such a constitution as that adopted by a few electors who met at Weston, they would not to-day have the honor of being represented by the Postmaster-General of Canada. And no person will say that Mr. Mulock .has not been just as useful to the has not been just as useful to the people of North York as if he resided there every day in the year. sponaibl Salary 5 ACCORDING TO AGENTS†RE- PORTS “Queen 'Victurid‘. Her Life and Reign,†introductinn by Lnrd Dufl'erin, will reach high wmer mank of circulalign. cans-made; prnspecms flee w ca- If you want. a share in this an hustle. ‘ Territory is going fns B RADLEYâ€"GARRETSON Cu Last Saturday a hams driven by Miss " “napeâ€, of Sherwmvd, ran away, \Ipsauing 4281‘ and her sister Into the mud and breaking the cart. v Un Munduy of last week the Indie» hf the Woman’s Missiunwv Snaiotv Backed One agent reâ€"ported twenty-nine u £l:e day after he got his pruspeclus, many tgke orders frgm three-f†Laat Sunday was the anniversary of the opening of St. Stephen’s Church. I) ilie afternoon a semmn was delivered by Rev. F. C. Heathcute. of Tomato, and Lin Monday night. by Rev. C. S. Gond- -smm, and Hi) Tuesday evening Rev. A. ‘Vll'a‘t, of Build Head, preached. The -£l\ildren (if the Sabbath School are praclising fm‘ an entertainment, mid Christmas tree to be held between Christmas and New Years. Last. Wednesday Mr. E. Lovatt, of Vellnre, Was married to M (as Emma gBogardia‘ of this place. ' We are pleased to state that those who have been ill with diphtheria are pro- graming favurahly. A NEEDLESS xpenses :2 velnp4 hicago‘ 'oronto, Ont w Wuman’s' Missionary Societ box :2? elm-hing to he sent, nm 'v:t:ibutcd. They also gem. a l ‘ugarigs $53.61; by Eupe Sabbgl-f New den or Women to Lrav He established house in $780, payable $15 w: es‘ Position pcrmauel Enclose self Advertisements. neD MT}? 9. Maple DISCRIMINATION. if addnrssed Michal, Star a 62 Jones‘ WWW rm 6! SL991. n1 y-ld minv nst. THE )0. , LLd., number 0f Bui “mung 31y the a trusted man of ie their packe am {efer- mped ldiug. and arms Mr. I'ulxmâ€"r 11ml iZL‘d to rem-N tl‘ Municipal Worh council fur the e The follumng Chas Mason, an Mr. Suva; Palmer. tth h) refund w D/chenziee Muh-d by J’ursuau; in him All the members p The clerk rend meeting, which we The treasurer’s and disbursements 15m of Duceulber, table, viz : The Council of the Munic at the Town Hall on Saturday at 10 a. m. The reeve in the chai‘ Bryson, Kirby and Watson. The minutes of last meeti at $10 WCI‘C DI‘C Moved by Mr. Kirby, That the treasurer be ing claims for sheep killed thirds their value: Moved by Mr. Bryson, seconi That the treasurer be and is i112: accounts: a, The Council then a her next, to meet. at the JAMES M. LA WRENC By-Law Nol 657 was then passed appointing --Deputy ofï¬cers for the several polling sub-divisions as follows: Moved by Mr. 2 That the treasul mentioned collectors Recelp Dhbuz Hall, ucc nah c Moved by M1: W That the treasun accounts: District No. l~ District am Disï¬rict No Village (701111011. m, The The Polling Sub-Division N0 ‘rom ‘l'om ‘x‘om To To Adam Dalziel.1 91$)“. pine p} “ J. L. Ca‘ra, for cedar peaks at, ‘1‘0 J L. Crud, for sen ted : :11 Fred Keï¬ han Mr. Savage, hat, the trvnau the subscru. orld for each I move the ire Charles Harris Villiam Grice. unt furc Fred Ke Charles :l'l'l for skins) William G] H . R Richard No. 1â€" Rose & Der lb mg John John J.JC Nu. John culv [ham and n McKenzie ui‘ Rngerson. error i Donald. collector) . . .. .. John Kinnee, n0 dog ......... (G Aaron Fenwick, dog lust; Juhn Evans, no dog ......... R L Crawfordï¬rmr 1n assess’t John Hendman, no dog. James Close, no dug ......... (D. Wm. Burton, no dog Mrs. Davis, no drag . H Rivhbell, dog burned John Cl‘x, no dog .......... . Berneth Graham, no dog, \V. H. Line, no dug Wm. 'I‘lmmaa, no dog........ J. Muinck, errur in asses't... A. Uzurns, tor repairing culvert ting in culvert opposite lot 34. Max McNaughton, {or 111 1m) per load . . J. McBride, " “ Mrs. Dalzicl, dog killed ms HSlHI per tun 904.: 50 lbs 'Lhn Mc 8th con dri )wm m )lverr W. F resent. the l I Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Watson, treasurer refund the following amounts to the under 1891‘). wa A? All“ amer 4 pieces h a ts wen Her. for 1 aheep'kmeu: Harrison. {or 2 sheep k acnptim ch men ;ure1‘ be and 18 her p killed and injlm a] u l c. in n res I'Ihvmy and re: nded by Mr m S H)! Vaughan Councn tn No. hâ€"William Bowes. 2â€"George Redditt. 3â€"Frank Smith. 4â€"J0511ua Kaiser. .Sâ€"Edward Jarrett. Gâ€"Roger Harvey. 7-â€"Henry Creighton Sâ€"Isaac Devins. djom‘ned until Tuesday, tin clekk‘s ofï¬ce atâ€"lO a. m. for 111.66 yf reePipts unwary to ad on Khe nncif met 30 eed 2 ceda {er/c Instrnc gerson. error in assessment (D, Me ‘r ] ghee )1] bl kut raking curvert wiring culvert ppnsite 1m, 34 and 111' muhur- Ln th sidelina betWLen d «mes sl10( IO ‘f the nded by last LIK 3ndcd by Mr. Arnold, is hereby authorized to I s of cedar by ' pusrs at 13‘ posts at. 13c “'C 9 him .'\‘[( (D. McDonaldï¬ollgcun ‘mbcrs p1‘( Luvi Gaby, and bar ram 830 f be It cum M« M M r. M r i11( (Geo ilk th (1 M 1' M :edar timber at $13, 57 cndar posts at 1'10. ar 20 ft. each and 12 l‘he V Mr illed wk Smm. ‘ Blanchard Hum 11ch 6th M. Division Gum‘s )k Sum. wolkz m: culvert and 1 injured Hr. Kirby, mthorized to p‘ ‘iring pile driver 5: ownlee r. Bl‘yson, mthorized ll] 0V R9. t nthers d (1 (less 7‘ H‘H II l and on motion 111d injured by ' Legge, Collectw) GEORGE W. HIGH, {LS hall 5 lltlll'a. Cm) Lt lots unc in dm spikes at 4 ‘owr and rt ravel M We ge, collector) 4L per 04 it, SC 11 30 and account the 15ch day of Decem- h MIC n m k At. U) ad r. Sm nu {or be l‘ ama Jauin injum to} )6 1b nights pma put- r11: Messrs in j med mill {IV‘ ï¬l‘llt‘ $18 aughan me A. D. 189( 16 IVEEFY tbs the valm 60 00 Returning: 05 10 turn â€"-Carried Reeve: -Carzied )V( nst valued Cartit follow tar nold [‘1 U $0.40 10w- two lk‘d by : M r. NV Dec Ll lo. MASON, - RICHMOND HILL- «w C 11A uh I b11114“.th U. U. . D. DAN unu [14 I}; u L ï¬i&3‘ï¬W&Eé Also Tinware, Eave-Tloughing, and all kinds of done promptly. [If CONFEDERA T] ON LIFE ASSOC’N. )vors, Kara-aï¬ï¬‚ R G, SAVAGE, A 130 Rube cots, Stockingg and Rubbe‘ xte Overstockings for Ladies Custom work a specialty 1g neatly and promptly done Gels up Bdrnuss that can't be beat in quality and pricelull our own ma‘m). NOW IN STOCKâ€"â€" Horse‘clothing of all kinds ; Wool & Rubber Knee Rugs; iORSE AND 'dnK \VHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, I36 BAY E HAI pectfully requesting a continuance of your e ze remain, Very truly yours, The tWU very best i Trimming and Lining. Lea Robes tnmmed and lined cheap. mUk 1 '71 King ï¬tvf 11 attention given to the preparation of Household 1h IND CATTLE MEDICINES. PATENT MEDICINES AT LOWEST ies of differént K re the very lates RICE-32M SHE RR] OPPOSITE Repalrirg promptly attended to. 55:5 (iEO. ,BICDONALLI). Cash‘Income I895, $1,062,642,oo; New In- surance written 1895, $3,544,920.00. The Unconditional Accumulative Policy and extended Insurancegives immediate, complete, and unquestionable protection from date of issue. For intormation and rates appr to Guarantee Capital aqd Agse‘ts, $6,22:;:4139.003 3,611,71 8.00 in I<‘q)1'ce. The [\‘I specialty, sewed and pegge District Agent,a Richmond Hiii. ure‘m ush mer 1f: [’3 ROBERT SWE st Rubes made for the price. Leather Mitts, lined and unlined, from D A HOTEL, TORONTO. Drugs only usec and 2D HILL... have all sizes. A large assc ment of Pocket Knives. Stoves that I will sell at cost for cash. All kinds‘of Hardware at lowest prices. Bet Eagtq mves 15 ITICHCS of Houaehold Rec eznew m: pnccs an, wom lities a1 menus. a full r W. MURCBISON 311065, t Axes Soc. 11 Tooth x-cu tenu )f 1H [lat 11 and PRICES so \Vest “EV 0t Includ Repa epalrm utche baws um a1r D Axe up