It is said that runaway horsas are almost unknown in Russm. No one drives there without having a. thin cord with a. running noose around the neck of the animal. When the horse bolts the cord is puued, and the horse stops as soon as it feels the pressure on its windpipe. ‘ I would be deaf and sh’orhsighted was told of Dodd's Kidney Pills. I one box. and I have used part of boa}. 341d I am completely cured. urine Ls natural now. You my [3 ï¬sh“ this if you like. that it may 1: others. h It is said that the X-rays have been mccessfully applied in France to the detection of adulterations of food. Vhere the adulterants consists of cum kind of mineral matter. The food a be examined is reduced to powder 1nd spread thinly upon glass. An X~ ray photograph of the glass reveals tho presence of the mineral particles by the failure of the rays to penetrate them as they penetrates the other con- stituents of the powdered food. “ "Gentlemen,â€"-I have been troubled over two years with the ï¬rst stages of Bright’s Disease. I have used other medicines. but to no avail. I was so bad that I passed blood, Doctors told me I could get no rehef. I heard of the wonderful cures Dodd's Kidney Pills had done I concluded to try them. have used ten boxes. and I am com- pletely cured. You may publish as you see fit. so as to "help others. "Theodore Young, “Smith’s Falls, Ont." “Gentlemenâ€"I have been troubled for over one year with: female weakness and urinal trouble. I have consulted a, doctor, whb gave me medicine that seemed to make me worse at» times; The following are copies of letters written the Dodd’s Medicine Company, of Toronto. the makers and distribu- gqrg of this wonderful proprietary me- name:â€" Dodd‘s Kidney Pills Did “‘hlazt Doctor‘s Failed To Do. Gives Way to this Marvellous Reme~ dy. as Do All Afflictions Arising from-Impure Blood and Disorder- ed Kidneys. Did you ever after weeding in the garden, or working over a. low bench or table. in a. steeping posture. try fco straighten_ up, and feel a sharp pam as of a kmfe th‘xust through your kid~ neys'.‘ I That 15 lumbago. When it becomes chronic it is one of the most agonizing forms of rheu~ matism. Sufferers from it have been known to commit suicide. Th‘ey would gladly pay any price for snrcease of rwlu~ Did you ever have. it? Do you know what will cure it? Do you know that the same remedy that has made mar- vellous and many cures of Kidney Dis~ eases of all kinds and description§ apts as magic charm upon the excruclatmg affliction? TRAINS W'ITHOUT RAILS. Experiments vn‘hdch are described as mtisfactory have recently been made .11 the suburbs of Paris with a. train, drawn by a steam locomotive, running not on rails. W on an ordinary road. Dhie train used alt present consists of only two cars one of which contains who locomotive machinery, togethe; with seats for fourteen passengers. while the other. has twenty-four seats. The enâ€" gine is of .16 bursa-«power apd the aver- age spegd }3 about Seven [111188 an ‘hour. The trap xsï¬ble to turn in a. circle only 23 feet m diameter. Another train has beep construpted for the conveyalice of frelg'hlt..1t ls hoped. by the inventors that trams of this kind will be extenâ€" mvely employed in and near cities. pain GLASS TO KEEP ROOMS COOL. An Austrian inventor. Richard Szig‘ mondy. is said to have made a. new kind of window» whose chief peculiar- ity is that it prevents the passage of about nineâ€"tenths of the heat of the sun’s rays. It. is well known that or- dinary window-glass allows nearly all 012 the heat derived from the sun to pass through, but on the other hand luterCepts nearly all heat coming from nonaluminous sources. such as a stove. or the heated ground. This is the rea- son why heat accumulates under the glass roof of a hothouse, If covered With Szigmondy's glass 3 hotbouse would become most decidedly a cold hougse. since the heat could not get in- to it. One advantage claimed for the new glass is that a house whose win- dovys were furnished with it would re- ;nain delightfully cool in summer. But In winter, perhaps the situation would not be so agreeable. Indeed. the panes would have to be exchanged [or .others of ordinary glass. since otherwxsa no, sun-heat could enter the house. RUNAWAYS PREVENTED CHRONIC RHEUMATISM NEXV USE FOR X«RAYS LUMBAGU SHRED. ' Mrs. George Barnes." ENJOY LIFE A8 3-,. THEY OUGHT. Many are mum-able wank and sickly, an sufl’er untold nuuriel through ailments penul- lar to the}; get; 1 T I S W R O N G. Mme nll the" ills re. sun. from womb trouble of some sort. No wo- man can remain Walk or All who use: g got ; the pub- help of all 'enjoyment and sucoess.u To be weak 13 to be miserale It is thereâ€" fore fundamental to every interest of humanity that life's red, red stream be kept pure and healthy./ Owing to neglect of these particulars many Young Women have allowed life to be- come 1? burden and a. wearlsome round of duties. Faint and weak very aptly describes their condition after venturâ€" mg to Perform some ordinary household dutY-n What can be done to accomplish the rejuVenation of these unfortunate ones? There is a. remedy Widely known and loudly .mpplauded, w hose virâ€" tues arq proclaimed on the house "VHS and Whispered on the streets. Ten §housand mothers have recommended 1t .and twice ten thousand daughters praise it. Read what; one of them has '30 Sï¬Y- In the village of Lancaster there lives Mrs, A. J. Malcph~ arson. Widow of the late A. J. Macpherson. She is well and favorably known in the community. Some four or frvo‘years ago Mrs. Mangbersogjeglt herOel‘dest daughter to New York‘. While there she resided with her uncle and attended school, being then only about Sixteen years of age. The social life of her temporary home made raâ€" ther severe demands upon her time. and WE ambitious she was anxious to make rapid progrm in her studies. In each particular she enjoyed a. covet- able measure [of success, but at no small cost. Many remarked rher pale- ness and loss of color. She began to feel tired and weak after a. little ex- ercise. such as a short walk. Miss Macpherson's stay in New York last- Macpherson’s stay in New York last- ed about two years. All this time she'ate and slept fairly Well. In the spring of 1893 she came home, and her mother could not but remark’ how changed her daughter was-«pale and langumd instead of being bright and ruddy. Thinking that nourishing iood and perfect quiet, with 'udicious exer- plse, would restore the lost vigor and rudd glow, it was participated in to the ullest extent. For a month this was tried, but still Miss Macpherson was as pale as before, liable to turns of weakness and with an unsatiable de- sue for sleep. ‘At this juncture the family doctor was consulted. Iron pills were prescribed and a. trip to the Thousand Islands taken, the stay last- ing about six weeks. during which time everything Owes done to help her recovery. The friends with whom she stayed came » to regard her recovery as extremely doubt- ful, and { when she returned home her mother mw no im- provement. One day while making urchases from a dealler in vegetawa ‘e (the dealer) took the liberty of mak- Lng some remarks email; the health of MIS Macpherson. which was obvmusly not promisin . He strongly urged the use of Dr. iï¬liams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Macpherson was not over credulous of the qualities of the Pink Pills, but they were purchased and used to the best advantage. Soon after beginning the use of the fills, says Mrs. Macpherson, I thought saw a. reddish tinge upon her cheek and in the course of aweek or so my daughter felt better. The tired feedin began to vanish and the abnormal see-pian began to yield‘ to the influence of Dr. \ illiams’ Pink Pills, Continuin the use of. the pills the progress of er restoration was continuous and complete, and her imâ€" proved looks were the subject of (aver- eble comment for some time. Toâ€"day her healthisall that could be desired, and both the young lady an dher mother are firm believers in the medi- cinal‘ virtues of Pink Pills and often recommend them.‘ The world is full of change. _Th9re are changes that effect the constitution of the individual, changes that Will come, We cannot. avert their coming, but we may parry the unsalntmy char- gictgar of their influence. Womanhood im Its inception is susceptible of changes What demand the most judicious atten- tion and prudential care to ensure 13er- fect development and happy maturity. These changes are so vital and so sub- tle in their character that hnle§s the utmost vigilance and discrimination. ls exerciséd in the choice and application of reputed remedies the worst results may accrue. The constitution may be undermined and the germs of disease fostered. Vigorous life is at the basis of all enjoyment and. success». To be Weak is to be misemblev It is there- Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills create new blood, build up the nerves, and thus drive diseasa from the system. In hun‘ dreds of oases they have cured after all other medicines have failed. thus establishing the claim that thay are a. marvel among the triumphs of modern medical science. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxeshbearing the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Peeple." ~. Protect yourself from imposition by refusing any pill that does not bear the registered trade mark around the box. is about to be sued by "Count" Sidney O'Dann as damages due him for eight years and a hwllf of wrongful imprison- ment in Germany. He gives himself as rightful King of Ireland and Chief of the Irish National]. League, and asâ€" serts that he was handed over by the Swiss authorities to Germany on the charge that he had taken part in in- trigues of Generafll Boulanger which. might have led to war_between Germany and France.. Accordlng to the London Daily Chromcle, he was at one time an officer 1n.the ijusslan service. distin- guished himself In 1866, was appointed military tutor to the present Emperor, and was degraded and imprisoned dur- ing the Franco-Prussian war {or plund- erlng. _Hq brings suit in France, as he says It IS hopelesq to obtain justice from the German Courts. Thirtyâ€"seven mh‘Jlion six hundred and fifty thousand trams is the modest sum for which the German Embassy in Paris Mr. Happyâ€"Yes, sir, I make my wife a regular allowance every Week. Don't you yours? At Last Wlth mm a Gralu of Fallh Her Mother Admlnlstercd Dr. \Villlams‘ I'an Pills and She Is Now tux-ed. From the Montreal Herald, FRIENDS THOUGHT THAT THE SPAN OF HER LIFE WOULD BE SHORT. Mi. FI A YOUNG LADY’S ESCAPE MODEST DAMAGE CLAIM ALLOVVANCES -â€"N0â€"o. She makes me an n I earn enough. Garland Base Burners & Ranges are no higher in price than other first clmï¬ goodq. but are superior in many ways. Any Base Burner or Stove bearing the well known name “Gar- land†cannot be equalled. Merit al- ways tells. Ask you dealer to show you these stovas, a l I_ am a. commission merchant doing business in the \Vest Indies. “I used some of your Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor when in Canada,andl think itisthe best cure forcorns Ibave ever seen. Please send me a few dozen for friends and customers in Soth Amer- ica. and the View: Indies."â€"- William Gould. New York City. .A large deposit of discovered at Codroy, coast of. Newfoundland St Thomas, Ont. This flourishing College will revopen on Jan. 7th. with graduating qouyses 1n piano, pipe organ. violin: pamtmg‘. drawing, ekocukion bookâ€"keeplng. phono- gTaDhY. the public school teachers’ courses.a.nd se’lect courses. Rates are moderate. 60 pp. Announcement free. Address. Principal Austin, B. A. Wayworn Watsonâ€"{phase here news< paper: writers is too hlgh- f_or_ me. What 1s the difference between lhvm’ and ex- istin’, I want to know?" istin’, I want to know 8‘" Perry Patetticrâ€"Heaps. Mikes. Oceans. A man can exist on bread and nag-at, but he has to have booze to reaRly llve. ca; Evil}; bonipi-ehend, must have a, very long head or a very short: creed.â€"-Col- ton. . The work is entirely voluntary; no salaries are paid the workers, and no personal appeal made for funds, but ,the expenses are met by what 13 sent Ln_freely by the friends of the needy children to sustain this work of faith :and love. Children are received grom any part of Canada. the only condition hemg that they are in need of 9. friend. Great care is taken in selecting the homes for the adoption of them, and Mr. \Vatch keeps careful oversxght of l_ns_ charges until they reach their maâ€"‘ Jorlty. At present there are about. a dozen little ones awaiting homes. Thqse childxjen are of various ages. Pa'I’tlBS knowmg of a. child in need or desn‘ing a child. ,sbould correspond with Mr. Watch. Funds and clothing may also be sent to him to help support the work. Be Not Deveived. A Cough, Hearse- ness or Group, are 110: L0 be trifled with. A dam in time of Shiloh's Cure wfll save you much; trouble. Sold by all druggists. Gents:-I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tem. I was troubled with Constipa- tion, Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea. soon cleansed my system so thor- oughly that I rapidly regained health and strength Mrs. S. A. Swat, Hartâ€" ford, Conn. Sold by all druggists. Karl’s Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels. pun- fles the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Sold by all dru‘ggists. The tints of autumnâ€"a. mighty flower garden, blossoming under Qhe Spell of the enchau ter. frostâ€"Whither. It is not 3 Husky work. this same “im- possible-5' no good comes of those who Illaive it so often in their mouthâ€"Carâ€" y e. There are but three pla§e$ of men. the retrogade, the statmnary and the progressive.â€"â€"â€"Lavater. What in the worï¬d have you been marryung for? asked Caablovy’s stern fagbqr Lyou 933.113; suggort g; vylfg. '7 Ndim'dgv said I cou'iH. . wife that can support me W. “hum. of Brighi meeting with marked the past month he ghildren for adaptxoh? homes He that will! believe only What he The work carried 1 f needy Canadian ct ' Suffering MR Women. Alas! women do suffer. Why, we often cannol tell,but we know there is one great cause, and that is weakness. The headaches, the : depressed feelings, the pains. the discouragements, indeed, alrnost all the miszry has a. common causeâ€"wealmess. At such times a. woman always needs a friend that canbe relied upon, and such a friend, for more than twanty years,_ has been that greatest of all ALMA LADLES' COLLEGE xpensés are met eely by therfrier DREADFULLY NERVOUS. iemedies, WAYSIDE SUBTLETIES By its purity and its power it furnishes a prompt relief for Women in their hours of need, and if the grateful expressions which come up from the homes of the land about What SAFE CURE has done were tinted, they would fill volumes. you, reader, are a sufferer, can you not tal-ge hepe from this sug- gestion P FROM N YORK CHILD EASY ARRANGEMENT SAVING WORK (16 for funds at ’by What i: Sends of the this work of are received the only con 11 need of 9. f in selecting Ly voluntary workers. an a for funds, m in the interest ildren by Rev. C. .on. Ontario. is éï¬bcess. During has placed eight in good Christian coal has been on the West But I got a by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased pomon of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that, in by conatitup innal remedieal Deaf ens is caused by an inflam- ed condition of the mu :ons lining ol‘ the Eus- tachian Tube. When this Lube is inflamed you pai-n subduing vinne neVer a. in rheumatism in the back :11 painful affecti ternal, arising tion. Unequal Cure the Cough with Shiloh's Cure. The beat Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly. One milhon bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by all druggista.‘ That man may safefly venture on his way. who is so Igmded that he can not: swan-«Walter Scott. ed condition of the mu :ons lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you bavo a rumbiinx sound or imperfect. bearing. and when itis entirely clusedlkafnesa is the re- sult. and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to it; normal condi- tion. hearing will be dx strayed turever: nine cases out or ten are caused by ca'arrh. which in nothing but. an inflamed condition of the mug u» surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caussd by eafarrh) that can- not be Billed by Hull's Cacarrh Cue. Sand for cinemaâ€. tree. 7 7 7 "‘F‘. J. CHENEY a; co., Toledo, 0‘ 53801:! by Druggists, 75c. It‘ is said that as 3 tabs that That sounds a are told. don't p everIbe‘Lng tomd W‘he ‘l'rall (freak. nasslnnd. lionlenny. B. 0.. 00ch inning him-ks, "Jo.~\e." “Mont: Crista." “01d Ironaidea." "St. Limo." "Cul- iforuin," “AJberm†and "Eldon" also “ Big Three "_ Prospectus of which win he sent on ‘pplioauon. Any stock wanted can be soonre For further pmticulars apply to A. W. R058 8!. CO.. 4 King Street, East. Ton-out: Monthly Competltlnn Commencing Jun. 1897. and Continued aux-lug the you to the tradein dozen Iota. Get ou'r cat-{Ingue 9LEI_8ctri_o_ s_upp_i0§; Ipronto Electrical --p A. 4_A_.‘._ Now is the time to order 139 secure prompt delivery. We make a. specmlcy of boilsr work! and are still taking orders at on prices. notwmhsmnding the sharp advance Incest. of material. 1 WATEROU5, Brantford, Gan. Electric Motor Wei-Kath Kigliide St.» Wéét. Toronto HO W TO OBTAIN THEM 1 m mamas , mowmnzs GIVEN FREE EACH MONTH Sgniigh‘é AS FOLLOWS: ID First Prizes, $100 Sisarns‘ Bicycles 1,000 25 Second “ $25 Gold Watch . . . 625 Bicycles and Watches given each month 1,6?3 Total given dur'g year '97, Watson’s Cough Drops 9 , v ,.,. tradeâ€"mark of 60803'9'0'90300.00°©'03 3’33 AUSAGE CASING-S. Eng American Hog Casings. alright prices. Park. In Towing. British Golumhia Gold Mines FOR SALE TRADE Soap 'ï¬ADAmimi ï¬Ã©wTE-s 134131? GORDIAL It. «I; ’l‘. W. Stamped on each Drop. For Nervous Restlessneas. Wind on the Stomoh. Colic. and ompla-inta from hing, or other Causes. u:er "sale by all Drug ists. ' ' 'anlr. of more than twenty yams experience as Physician uld Nurse. both in Europe an Amen»). DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED FACTS PAIN CANNOT STAY Wrapï¬ers For rules and full articulars. see the Toronto Long or MAIL. of Saturday issue, or apply by post-card u: we must all} pass away is told. win right; but tales that pass awayâ€"they are £0:- ‘d over again. Has been endorsed by the medical profession for twm years. (Ask your Doctor.) This is because it is a- ways palatableâ€"alwa s uniformâ€"always contains the purest Norwegian Co ~[iver 0'11 and Hypoghosphiles. Put ugin sac. and $1.00 sizes, T e smau size may 1‘- .mmuvk on F‘1V‘A vnur Insisf AonScoft’s Emulsion with tradeâ€"mark of man and fish. 1'0 LEVER “05., LIE, 13 Scott SL. Toma» IN THE CASE :ui. English Sheep and ; Casings. Reliable goods Park. BlackWell a 1:0,, TIIV Comm-ate with Bat; fury and Chemimh- Get one for (‘hrisv lug-s. Speciï¬] pric e W.P.C 846 $1.00 Cash For This Lead Packets oniy All Grocer! nl'wk and Mixed 250., 40c.. 50c. coo Sold at D. “I. 50 fl VwivgnjagperALEJ Aluiflï¬lï¬ii‘ BUTTER PAPER; We han- dle besn quality only said in lots to auil gurchasers, l'ark, Blackwcll a c... 141.. nronlo. YOUR CHOICE 0v T0 INVENTDBS. mi??i‘é%.f}Ԥf§é“§3 International Patent Bureau. 12 Melinda SI. Toronto Longest. axperienve, Lowemuteg Intel-marina free. 6. O. FREEMAN, Manage: a. A. KILLOND, Expenand Examiner. 191153,]? Klï¬â€"g‘nréétfï¬nt-itjv'l‘bqufo- ' Solid Gola'Specié'cL'égéedu bi'xï¬Ã©ï¬‚'ï¬Ã©} 8&00. usuu price $5.00. » A In e. flnolye uippnd. old-established 1m tauntingâ€"NONE gETTER IN CANADA. Best Business Education at Lowest Ponlble Cost. Graduates always aurceufuI. Wrim (a catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal; Iainâ€"Young men and womenâ€"â€"154 1191111 attendance at TORON’I‘uâ€"Germrd and Yonze SL8" Latest and best coursed of Busmaau Training Must; thorough and complete (Militia to! shorthand and Typewriuing are found in thin Colh‘ge. Students assisted to positions. Ggggqrglculars. W. H. SEIAW.7ErInci9 ll, 3. 9. Mine. HALâ€"A. WANTEDâ€"Man or Woman. in every Town gm; City, on start 8 KM (Hove Dye 3nd Cleaning Works at Home. No experience requi with our new Dye and Outï¬t. $12 a. \eek euil! mule. Full Partricqlarrs free. Addrev-l, r ILLS. MtLLS 81 HALES. I’lflrl‘luerm i‘éoiidlal' &c.. Abudeen whamnera. 35 Adelina S feet East, Tun-cum. Money to Loan. PRï¬TEGTION GOLD MINING AND MILLING (am-Una. Fully Paul-up shares, only 25¢. each, In blocks or not less man one hundred share: This is a. dev: Ioped claim. with aha.“ 110 real deep. and all in p -ying we, mil) tests show/Ins umgnmvenr, punts. Bron. of Minister 0 Mines very favurablg. ï¬end w GEO. H. MAURER. Sec‘y. 34 Woman Street, Toronto. Life insurance for PR OBPEL'I‘US he" 3;â€" THE MUTUAL RESERVE FUNB LIFE ASSUGIATIUN, now in attendance zeaeanemeerseemm-oeomoo Pays Promptly. hec. 1‘2 "Puma ‘ :flrm'es.’ ' M MUERAY. Manger (or Nova. SMUGGLER In is thelm‘gest natural premium life ammonia. tion in the world. It; has a Reserve or Emergency Fund 0! over mini-{our hundred thousand dollars, It. has paid policy-holders over Twentyvseven Millions of doilars. Agents wanted in all unrepresented districts, erculars sent if requested. A. R. McNIP-HOL. Manager for Manitoba. Britiah Aummem. System- PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, Eye Specialist. THE COOK'S BEST FRIENL‘: AGENTS WANTED. Steady work and good pay to men and women. No experience necessary. Write at once. Address, reehold I ‘l‘lun‘xbia and N mmpeg. Man. we. 12 Place W. J. MDMURTRY, M ï¬ts--tford, Onta1°io gm» 4 LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Standard Silverware 00. 248 St. James St. Montreal, canada. 'omimd bv'E'wbR'Ks. muouwm. 0n FOR TW ENTYâ€"SIX Y I} ARS. L: what the Family N-eiu~ when the “breadwvmuer 19 30110. Ptozides Cash When Cash is moatneeded. LIKE MY WIFE TO USE E. B. H :\ RPER. Founder. F. A. BURNHAM. President. Ceylon Tea goan u FREE I! Standard Wnrkl. It you ml: 5 on write (or particuhn. J L N10 0L8 a L 0 , 33 Richmond 77.. Torah“ (OI... Manager for Manitoba. Britinh thVest. Territuries, McIntyre Block. D. Z. BESSJETTE. Manager for Quo- d‘Armes. Monmeal. tï¬ue. ; W. .1. get (or Nova Scotia. Ha ‘u‘u. NAB. URTRY, Manager for Ontario, Buildmg,Toronto. Onu. Milla.â€"Jas. Hales. LL§ Will not travel any ‘more human: be found at aj} Lungs at his place Mu tut! Principlg MARK