1840 to 1855: The Canadian Freeman, edited by “F. Collins, 1830â€"31; The Cuurier, of Upper Canada, edited by L. \(friirnett. 1837; The Colonial Advocate, ion'lited by Wm. Lyon Mackenzie, from 5.328 to 1836; The Christian Gnardinn .fr-un 1828 to 1835; The Palladium .hy TFnthei'gill. 1838. Besides these he has Nulumes of other Canadiin newspapers, .includinq 'l‘he.Patr£ot, The Mirror. The ~Brllinh Whig, The Examiner Mid Mac- kenzie’s Message Mr. Tee‘fy’s cullvciinn is not conï¬ned tn :Canhdiiiii piiblicntinns. He has n Cflpy of The Edinburgh Meicni‘iiis Cnlednnius of {December 3!, 1061. The Dublin Journal May 23. 1741: Clnvponle’a Daily Adver- Hvzeltu, of October (5, 18m); The flu YaJLcr, edited by Horace Gnaer & Cu (of it. he‘has the whule of tllgï¬rsr. year’s Issue, 1839: T_hre Bljtish Coluniutgfmm Gazetté, of April 13, 1811; The Album ofUpper Canada. which was the ï¬rst darin Paper published inf-Upwr Canada In The Globe of last Friday I noticed an item stating that one of your readers' had a copy of The Globe of 1849. A few days ago our esteemed postmaster, M r. M Teefy, asked me to c-vme into his uiï¬ce to see his’collectiun of old newspapers. In his collection, which I have no doubt is the beat. of any private Individual in Canada, there are bound in volumes the whole issue of The Globe from 1845 to 1853‘ Amongst other Canadian news papers he has a copy of The Niagara Herald, of October 24. 1811; The Yurk "The following letter which gives a partial list of Mr. M. Teefv’s vduahle old newspapers appeared in The Globe, Hf Saturday last, under the Signature of =Rev. J. A. Grant. M. A., of this village: sCornwall. That being the ease, the Conservative leaders, who will not .let the school question die, ought to reconsider the situation very speedily. .Asa matter of fact, when the Re- -1nedia‘iist Government made its ap- peal to the people in Quebec in June last, they only got sixteen seats out of sixty-ï¬ve. Who is it that wants Remedial legislation besides Arch» bishop Langevin and his brother bishops of Quebec? Conservatives have now to realize what the situ- ation is, to reconstruct in some di- rections and to get down to a fight- ing policy. ' 'The elections on the 23rd of June 'showed conclusively that remedial legislation by the Dominion Govern- :ment was not wanted, and the recent bye-elections since that time point to itlie fact that the Roman Catholics approve of Mr. Laurier’s peaceful :settlement. If this agitation were kept up in "Quebec it would be bad enough, but tunfortunately there are ï¬re-brands in our own province who are con- stantly stirring up the smouldering rashes. The Toronto World, after the Cornwall election, gave some wholesome advice to the Conservative party in the following words: Even the Remedialist Conserva- 'i-lVGS must be surprised at the vote in Cornwall and Stormont on Saturday. Here was a constituency half Catho- lie and French that endorsed a gov- ernment which will not 'make coercion of Manitoba in the matter of education a part of its policy. 'The Liberals themselves must be surprised at the result. They gain both a seat and approval of their school policy in a constituency with a large French and Catholic vote. .We are inclined to believe that the same issue, if raised in a Quebec constituency, would go as it did in The Roman Catholic Bishops of Quebec have issued a mandement against L’electeur newspaper, (1c- :nouneing its publication and warn- ing their congregations against it as «a dangerous influence. Roman 5Catholics are forbidden to read the paper orenco‘urage it in any Way, and the result is that the paper has suspended publication. The editor, however, Mr. I’eeaud, will appeal ifrom the condemnation, and will lay )his case before the Roman court. In the mandement Mr. Pacaud gets the ‘blow, but evidently it is meant for Mr. Laurier owing to the recent settlement of the Manitoba school question. This episcopal interdict is t) be regretted as it is a stroke at .eivil liberty ,in this country. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday. Dec. 3], ’96 @112 gamma. Ne W Advertisements. May 7. 1739 >1 SERIOUS MA TTER Old Papers. The f’hiladeEphia The BMW“! 01 new Store um} Dwelling to rent in tha Village 0 Ricbuu Llil Hill. Fur particulars apply $0 271i ISAAC CRO . Stars and wsiiing TO RENT. mmwv in it THE BRADLEY GAR- RE‘I‘SON CU , Ltd , Turnmo, Ont. WOMEN canvassers for Canada and Australia. “Quueu Victoria, her Life and Reign." [utrnduction by Lord Dufl'erin. Arhrilliugnew bunk. Sales marvellous. The Queen us girl, wife, mother, monarch Reads like romance. Graudlv illustrated. big cnnmission. Bwoks on limu. Prospectus free to can- vasSris. Exciusive territory. Lots of VVEDNEEDA!,J8.I1. L’s-Auction sale of a 100 acre farm in 4011 con Markham. bein" lot 30. at the Palmer House, Biennium? Hill. the property of June East. Sale at 2 o'clock. rickarub & Prentice. auctioneers. E‘Parties getting tliuir bills printed at this Oflice will receive a. notice similar to the above FREE OF CHARGE. ML and Mrs G ing Xmas week at, Mr. Leunaral Klinck has been engaged as teacher of the Gcl'umn MIHS Ecluml Mr. John Tran has returned {rum TUX‘UDIOJUlmHun where he has Men at tending the Model Suhuul. 'He has been successful in passing Ins eXaLu. Cun- gratulatious. John ! Rev. Mr. McCullnch was present at the Christmas entertainment and made an excellent chairman. He expressed himself as surprised and dolighted with the etfnrts of the S S. pupils. Mr. James \Vrlflit, 0t Richmond HIâ€, tank in the Christmas Eve festivities. Mnund Mrs. Wm. Tum, ()f Sunni- dalr, are visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss Jessie Brawn is away spending hur vacmun With friends in Ringwoud. Stouflvilie and Lemunville. Mr. and Mrs. S'ephen Lawson and fami'y are visiting at the home of Mrs. Lawson’s wrench-Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sanderson. evmeut that all were phased wit gifrs. Christmas Lime is indwd rejuiciug. After the presems \. mbnted the National Antille w; the benediction prnnounced a audience dispersed wiahing mch Mar-'y Christmas. Gnat pum- tu Mpsdamcs Friuby and Niulwh F. Crusby and Mr. Ed. FUl‘HSLï¬X'i snccesa uf the entertainment. smiies, IauD-hiug Eyes, z marks hf the reuipinn evident that all were pl gifrs. Christmas “an1 gronned under the load If pre: had been brought. fur Stu distribute. 'l‘osay that “.6 the Sabbath School excelled in entertaining the aurllc: hardly be praise enough for I} the cantata, “ A Gnnd 'l‘ime Claus," they pe:f.)rmed Lhz ir 1 fully and well. S-mru Ctn Brownies were the central ï¬g! cantata, and Our Si. NMqu Forester, did himself prniid a sonatr-d the patron saint ui UL perfection. 'The singing w could be desired, and anh Claus, Mrsi LlKeon, aml M :1 Jenkins were especmllv gnnd. must. not forget lhe “ 'l‘my '1 opened the proceedings, f- exeeedingly well. At the clu entertainment Santa Claus. the pnsents in his umul l graceful manne‘, and by i The Christmas Tree m: ment on Christmas Eve wu cessl'ul event, and “nu app present The church v~ decumted with evergreens a a beautiful scene to lllu 9y: ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL Menur Women to travel for re spunsibluestabhshedhnum in Ontatiu. Salary $780. payable 315 weekly and expenses. Pnsition permanent. vaer- ence Encluse srlf addrtsm-d stamped envelope. The National. Smr Bulldmg, Chicagu. JAMES L The Manse, Richmond Hill, ch me Ummdnu Unvernmeuh. Canadian Puatmnsler Guner Hun. James Morris, uppmm Ml. Teefy is still hale and he: hope that he may be Spur/dd years n discharge ‘he respuus he has 811 well perfurmcd in Should there be a postmavnev held uï¬jCH longer than Mr. T:- to any of your readch we “iii to hear from him. Canada, having been Decembrr. 1850, before department came uqu the Cmmdnu GUVern‘ Canadian Pustmnster C \VANTEDâ€"BRIGHT MEN AND of June 24. 1837: The Naw~ anv‘k Tribune, by Horace Greely, two years; eupy, 1855 56. These are only sume n“ the valuable collvclirma of which Mr Teefy is justly proud. Fur the past ten days one UK the Judges of the Supreme ‘Court has had a typewriter at. ka copying matter frnm some at these old newspapers in Mr, 'l‘eefy'sutï¬ue, fur u Canadian work that. is suon tn be pub liu'ued. Wlule Mr. Tueiy is always pleased to show anynnr his papers, 3; d is ever ready to give any llllnrluallun from them that may l'ellitel‘t‘SLlllg tu visitors, he will nut lend rlmm, lmr, men. to a Judge. Mr, ’l’eufy claims to be the semur postmaster uf the Dvlnininn of nucrsigned has for Sand of good qumlity Victoria. Square Sale Register. G. '1‘. HENRICKS‘ Honey Locur ell. b-nnru L, m3 and his a the cen'ral ï¬gures in the our Si. Nichnlad, Mr Ed. himself pruud and imper atrun saint of Clix-15m: :u to ’The singing was nll that aired, and gains by Sullhl HKEUU, and M 33 Mmired espet‘mllv good. The“ “e at the “ Tmy ’1" in.†‘wfm Mustard are ‘zyend' Whitby. mul. Scar Bulldmg, .__.. Square Be and Entertain- ve was quite a suc- lu apphciult‘d by all ch was tastefully eens and presented In eye. The trees ld uf presenn whxch fur Santa Giana to hut l|.e pupils of xcelled llwunelven u aur‘lcuce Would gh for them, fur in nd Time “M1 Santa Nurseryth and Fruit Growers pa 1‘ flown: CAN. '3 0 l , Over 700 Acres Under Cultivation. {MENTIUN THIS mrznl a .. ‘ N ’ » \A'ewunt one or two - men in each County to take orders fur Nursery Slur-k. and are willing to [my well for good work. Weugwu m REPLACE FREE anything that dies from natural causes, We also have n choice line of DEED POTA- TOES. GiVE US A TRI \Tl. THE E! AH’IC’E HEIRS!) KY (10.. ROCHESTER N.Y. Sep 3 4m sale Gravel and The pit is aasy ISAAC CRO n Y mt Faun. headland P 0 quite. Ila; the ulfd INS Ust nmrmin ‘ (lune I Lheir “he of ney dxd of 1hr- “'01le ‘y and bright In re- I grace- md his in the known pleased Sill) many duties RA NT )y all fully 3n:th trees mu :Lst . has Residence one door south of Dr. Hutchison’s. Champion, Bristol and German. Lap Duster“, Water-Front Knee Bugs and Blankets in great, variety. Harness Oil, Dressing. LSoaps Polish, and Bick-. mom's Gall Cure. Eonuinus, Fronts, Rosettes. The Daisy, McClain'S and other Sweat Pads, very cheap. Bits of all kinds, andobher supplies. Trunks. Valises, shgwlt-Strups, and Hunting ex 3. - Havinglaidin alarge stock of the above, and behaving in small proï¬ts and qmck returns, usbure of your custom is tcspeobfully solicited b_y M R's. SKINNER,’ Walt: Teacher and Dress Maker. WM. HARRISON A large nseortmontâ€"whale~boue. raw-hide. and Java. from 10 cents each up to $2. W. A. Sanderson WM. HARRISON ’S HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT Columbus. Indiana, Oct‘ 30.â€"A 1 sisted in Kissing his sweetheurt. V diphbhcl‘is, is now ill wuah it, a Hambh Secretary. therefore. want all kissing, conr‘ez'niuq when he sr "I am convinced of the dimmxh Board will meet in trviug to muonq sweetheans. Although a. ous 17aat~iu1e,thoru seems to be an denzy to Indulge in it, and we have evrr hung ahlu to (1011an With in “I may have to rommmeml a All (‘1 USE QUILLEAN FLUID CALLS IT A DANGEROUS PRACTICE. The Naughiy svcrctary of n 0h! Girls, Just Think. of 'Ehis. We are the: oniy Canadian Nursery pay- ing salary and expense-s from the start Liberal comm‘ssiou N; part. time men. Large !ist nf sneclultiea, all having [we-u tesiei at cm trial nrchurdfl If you mm a sure thing for the winter. write us. Beat disinfectant and dentifx ice known new alyle of p‘ and yet. lighter Nurserymom and Fruit Growers M 0‘3! In E Savlossmon. v Io You Want To Buv 7 ’I‘OHONTQ. FAN. Over 700 Acres Under Culti EU 31%“ su onme and select from the following W HIP§ Nov.12 ‘lm OQOOMOOMOO¢OOQO¢6MQ$2 Girls there is no danger at all if you éChance CURRY (70M RS 435 CARDS llmtliln Hoard \Wnnns Kiss- ETfla’éE ALL SUPPLEE FURNISHED Martin’s ~ Sareï¬imi Feed Fl} Nets and Screens Very low. RICHMOND HILL Baby Give Leather. web. rope and ties Sun [15 E5 A “’IQS NWRSE KY (10.. irecury, therefore. wants t conremiuq when he says anvinced of the dimcuhy ‘ JH he mace nag Prï¬hibilrd . m the MENTION T For the Teeth In great variety .l ['6 {’5 VJELLï¬Ã©QTEH ale th sdien‘tiï¬c and highly preparation for infants, children and invalids. Halters 2mm; n L Aaocwseo’w ndel‘ Cultivation The only food that will build up a weak cons- titution gradu- ally but surely is HS PAPER ALESIvIEN. wilh “S as I'jnxt upPuinQ: more attractive A man who '. when she . and the S nuts to inter 1t surely is 's 6 o m. M" 'SQOQOOOOQQrMW nd highly 'or infzmts, l invalick Prnvmzvonï¬. LAAIAA .- A ‘ 5" the taboo mast little )1 m-e williulz lo REPLA( ,(urul caus‘ 's7nfectnnt 1CD PUTA to flamer- Dt ‘teu‘ Me 3 in m {TREE 2%. as" {‘5 $.P. G. S.AV.AGâ€"E. Fancy Children’s Chairs, Ladies’ and Gents’ Rockers, Arm Chairs, in fact all kindsot house furnishings. Picture Frames made to order, Photo Frames in Steak. At holiday prices. Usual stock of Groceries on hand. Room Paper at bottom prices. 'Paints Oils and Glass, all sizes, alwa)s on hand. Bargains {at ï¬a‘vage’s FOR XMAS. 5mm gash ' “Aâ€. EEEHMWHEH WE N. B.â€"â€"Robestr1mmed and lined-cheap. $askaichewan & ï¬arihwestï¬gï¬am Mes The two very best Robes made fur the price. Also Rube Trimming,r and Lining. Leather Mihs, lined and unlined, from 200. up. Also Tinware, Eave-Tloughing, and all kinds oi Repairing done promptly. 5 I have much pleasure in call :large and well-assorted lines of I ‘the best grades of different Kinds : ‘The sty‘ies are the very latest and lthmg in the past. \Ve are she Boots, Stockings, and Rubbers, d gate Overstockings for Ladies am Custom work a. specialty, sc- ing neatly and promptly done. C. BIASON, - RICHMOND HII RICEIMOND HIL. Ema; mwï¬wws â€"â€"â€"NOW IN STOCKâ€" Horse-clothing of all kinds ; ‘VVuol & Rubber Knee Rugs; D. DANIEL & CO, wors, we remaln, Gets up Harness that can’t be beat in quality and price (all our own main). The Special attention HORSE AND CAIN Respectfully requesting a continuance of your esteemed \VHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, I36 BAY ST. HARRY SHERRIS £3†Repalrirg promptly attended to. 5:] (i‘rEO. DICDONALD 1771 Iiing' ï¬treet E OPPOSITE CLYDE HOTEL, TORONTO Very truly yours, My Cush met LE MEDICINES. PATENT MEDICINES AT LOWEST PRICE given to the preparatiun of Houselwlzi Recipes Pnrest nn'd Best Drugs only used RQBERT $33} C. D. DAN [EL a Handles 3 for kKnives ISC.‘ ail sizes. A have 2 new Parlor Cook Stoves that I will sell at cost for cash. All kinds of Hardware at lowest prices. cheap, Axes 500. up, Ax ment of Lance joots m 2' YOU! & Shoe W. URCEISON Pocket Knives. I 00th attentic A large asso r... 11D 250, Butchér that include r1 and child. -:1 01 any ;e of Felt 1130 West- cut to my [ EM 6 a XVS