.Don’t miss “ Uncle Tom's Cabin," 10 be given in the Masonic Hall on New Year's evening, The Fire Brigade showed them- eelvea to be made of the right kind of ma- terial at the ï¬re last week and it is hoped‘ xbe citizsnn will FhOW their appreciation of their services by giving them a bomber house to-morruw night. The Thornhill Methodist Sunday School will hold their annual tea on New Year’s Day to be served from 5 to 7 o’clock. An eutertammsnt consisting of recizmions, singing, etc, by the school. will follow. Miss Emma “'ilaon, elocutiouxstpf Toronto, and Mr. John Wilson. of 'I‘nnruhill, WI†assist. in the prngramme. Tickets, 25 and .15 cents. Mr. Jas. Mchugall, County Engineer. is adreztising fur tenders for the construction of mo stone nhutmeuts for a steel bridge at York Mills on Yonge street. Contractors are to tender on or Delete tue 5th 0! January. The Oyster Supper to be ans-n in connect- ion wilh Hope Methodist church on New Yen’s Day promises to be 5 dm fling card. At the entertainment wh-ieh follows the supper l-here will be snlos, recimliunu, read- ings, and addrnsaes. Chair to be taken at 8 p. m. Admissiun, 50 and 20 cents. The Municipal Cuuucil for Markham Tp. were on Monday elected by acclumatiou as follows :â€"Reeve. W. Scan; Isl. Deg-Reeve, J. Lawne; 2m! D:p,-Reeve, A. Quautz; 3rd Dep.-Eeere, â€"- Dimme; Councillor, John Eckardz. Atkinsond! Switznr intend lo begin 1897 with a stock of Dry Goods and Groceries the very been, and prices that. cannot. be beaten, A roast fowl dinner, from4 to 7. follnwed by an entertainmentrwill be given on New Year's Day at Victoria Square, in connection with the rhurch. A lecture will bergiven by Rev. W. F. Wilson on the eul~ject,“Mialnkeu Men." and appropriate mum: will be fur- nished by Mia {duly’l‘rench and Mr. A. J. Hume. Switzer Private funds to loan on ï¬rst-clue tnrm properly at 5 per cent. No commission rhfll'gell. Apply personally or by letter to Bolan & Granary, room 44, Canada Lfld Building, 46 King SL, west, Toronto. 919 taking dnwu [he " High Schnol [HUM (and. In Me meta Heard in “ Notice entrance. warning January Delineator. ~Wllh the new year The Delmeator begins a feature of pgrsnnal intereut to women in 9he 301165 of "Talks on Beauty," by Dr. Grace l’urkham-Murmv. -“ Social. Life in America," is ably Inkemup. and there are many oLhPr nudes of unusunl interest. Subscrimiuns to this excrucm magazine are received it 81 a year. running to m evening mail he 18 to be hnyf‘d ). be made C‘me as he .Tlla roguhr ms wili be bah] in church on Fridm‘ Hutchison will tie †Tree of Lifv." hers bring Muir p colleckiun. Boiled On mrnt v. Brigade. You can p and fancy 1 1397, at the Mr. W. ’1'. :nrey wishes thrnugh Tm: LXBERAL so thank the ï¬wmen anj citizens gene-ally (or their macersfnl eï¬â€˜orls iu eatingghis propcr‘y when “:9 High School was on ï¬re. EIec‘io'zs iu the Council Chamber next Monday. Einclm; will vote for two county councillor-w. fuur vnluge eouucmnrs, and three scbovl trnm‘ees. Great bargains in Winter Dress G Underwear, Hmiery, Hunderkercbiefs, broideries. Liming Jauumy,1897. The wry l7 crnls, [c & Swimrr. Gospnl Tem‘ ï¬rmed iu {Em’ afternoon at 4 Atkinson a Switm-r onstomvrs :\ H» ppy N: F. Mchar drapde m umh (r and 4th \‘ mmm'vgm 3!) )nd Annual Monday 6 Unmaron The person who returns THE Lmnlun': a with mu new handle. loss an the recan ‘e, will aux'u out rincu‘e thunku. No more 1'? the i0 1i M05 btgiuu EA ("Pi at th'- biggest 25 cents woflh of .VLmuL Flakes, or Com Men'- at ng of 1897, at Atkinson .6: Thompson’s bus having stnpped me oily. there has hes-n no | here for the part few days. It -d new armhgemenrs will sown Cauctete‘ nr meeting of‘tbv Jnmor Lnagne in thn school room of me tidm‘ufleruoou at 230. Dr. 'lll deliver nu address on the Iv." All are welc‘vne. Mem- uir pledge cards auJ mounhiy 111 HILL th Wm‘ui’dï¬Ã©cza '3 in coudliinn thzre will he rink on the afternoon of va H band mi; Ive prrSvDL L pure Lard :iu the Nn-w Humce MeeSings will be con- ‘ ~ n emperauéadul! ucxt Duudaj u’clcck. h an In!" East. has S“cnl'l‘d the job of icks In the quSS uf Hm 1g at 75 cents a lhmls- ilue tun Inna-ea have 3 [Dre-“passer: †at. {be respassers of danger. from onah wést pxices on all staple ‘s, at the beginning of our evening horsdav, D M‘nerun V. S . viazts Rich r lul Wednesday 0 593916369 to 12; 2nd, 3rd mo pounds for Year. ALkiusoa again] Mr. W. Yuk, hua been their gslpy an '1 numcrm: mail waI ands next Diphtheria has rnteiely disappeared {10m .‘Japle, owing to the strict cure which has been taken to prevent its spread. Dr. Sialev, the lust victim, who contracted the disease while in nthendunce on one of his patients, is uguin Welland attending to his practice. Hi3 menyl‘riends will be pleased to once more see the Dr. on his rounds of dutv and danger, but hopu that he may in future escape any such calamity as lately betel him in his faithful attention to his patients. a faithfulness which is not lessened even be diphtheria . . . . . . . . The folluWing ofï¬cers of Vnughan Lodge, No. 54. A. F. dz A. M., were installed on Monday of this week :â€".W. Bro. Eustun Sisley, I P. 51.; J. T. Saigeon. W. M.; N. Snuuk. D'. W ; J. Hanna, J. W; \V. Bro. R. Rumble, Chap; W. Bro. Jns. H._Kirby, 'l‘reae ; W. Bro. C. H. Kvï¬er. Seo’y; W. Bro. Leeds Richardson, 8. 1).; W. Bro. T. Cumin, J. D; W. Bro. F. Smelsor, S. 8.; W. Bio. G. High. J. 8.; W. Bro. R M. His-liven, I. G; W. Bro. A. Carley, Dir. of Gen; W. Bro. Juahua Kaiser. l‘yler. Mir um“! family gnhnring; MI. and Mrs Elia) 1w. of Vi , nrir! Squaw, Mr. G. (.‘uuk and Mia. Mr. 'l'imums Cook. Min Baud, and several OUiPlR ehjayed the day with them. Rev. Mr. Sanderson went to Bran:ku to spend Christmas with his parents. . . .qu‘ teacher. Miss Evans, went to [be borne of her intents for the holidays....Mr. E. Uoombs bud Xmas dinner with his parents. . . . .Some of our sports were out with thnir guns and dogs on Tuesday to help ï¬ll the pot and own for New Year‘s Day.....\1r. James Baker was elecred 8(‘huol trustee in place of Mr. Wm. Cook, whose term of oï¬ice had expired. . . . “Laud Mrs Arthur Coombv, visited at his father‘s last Sabbath... .Mr. George \Vonds and Wife waul to see Mr. Jon. Smeiuur law Sabbath. Joe is very sick.â€" Com The Christmas Canadian Magazme. The crumb and prosperity. of our Nutienal Magazine has been a subject of much com- ment. during the past year. The Christmas number has a striking cover. and is exceed- ingly taking in its general appearance. Among the contributors eraLieuL-Governor Mackintosh of Regina; Joesph Pope, author of the †Memoirs of Sir John Mac- donnld "; and John Charlton, M. 1’. Fred- erick George Scotï¬, Arthur J. Stringer, W. D. Lighthnll. Jean Blewett, and Charles Gordon Rogers contribute the poetry. Gordon Wuldron writes a severe criticism of Canadian poelry as HXnmpliï¬ed in the work of Campbell, Roberts. Carmen and Lamp- mun. George Tate Blucketoek. Q. C., writes sulcaatically of the Venezuelan settle- ment, showing how Lord Salisbury has disregarded Canadian interests. John Mc- Crue, Jetua. and Kathleen F. M. Sullivan contributes short szorit-s, each of which is illustrated. Prol. William Clerk reviews “In the Days of the Canada. Company." and John A. Cooper (Editor) writes of inns. Ward‘s new bunk. “ Sir George Trissady." Bunnies this, mm are six pegesdevobeu to ",liuuks and Authors.†packing. shipping, of lrniln. etc., 630 , and is in clings of a praclival liuit grouer. This is u muntliiyjonrnal of 48 pagea. and con- tains numerous illuslmlilnm; it will ‘00 en- larged with January number, to onulaiu a floral dep‘trlmeut. Each subscriber will u!so rrvceive the annual report with report of Fruit Experiment Stations. hunull in cloxli, all {or $1.00 per aunum. Sample cr'py free. Address L. WoomER-rux Gximaby. Ont. ShouH have the Canadian Horticulluxist, publisbpdhy the Onlano Fluit Gruwus' Association. Incousninn picfnres of frnits and flowers every mnmh: instructions about cu‘tnatmn, pruninr, harvesting, Prompkiy Adjusted Inspectors fur The Mercantile. iml Imursnce GODJpflUitfl wer Monday and adjusted :l:e claims ï¬lms on the when] kuiiding destroyed ’by ï¬re. The [urma order for the fun claim. $20 latter alhmedi$57 for de'Kgl: do Public School building. he E xeuecu to lban lbe insurance Public School building. he xeuecu to lban lbe insurance {or the promplness iu wmeh were settled. as wall as Mus. Red agent fur both etumpauies. The marvelled at the good work d< ï¬remen in snving the aurroundir carrying « have reu‘I be hum, ‘ be well ti: (mm the to date 5(- iu ptxsilio wiH erOpcn on Monflav as if nu f occurred. The rent of the hull i: 1m)thde the seats and desks are delivered and net Up at 32 95 ouch. «ii; 4 to 7. RM. ML Gill-ray V and the brimming nrï¬stF Htemry pmgrnmme :»~~IJ Miss Annie McNHl, Mrs Gemhhwum. Admmdun will and wi†tn DES H establ teen Businnas circles! We†known ï¬gnrp 11601) C bniaimaa D‘Pse J'ear. Mr my cvlobm wauda‘ Sunday preach Fruit (growers and Gudeners 1n)in unl's nlu! . the St. Paul's Church. Pns:-yterian Church, anmhnu. is its 8:): anniversary on Sunday the Nth and 11th of January. Rn". Alex. Giirny, of «Torontu, «111 n. m. and 7 p. In. On lhe Mr Giasi‘ Dem he Board at We of Eliuufltiflu run to he cum- lle energy and zeal Hle are llmkinR nrrnugumams [or the ll the High Scbuol Wulk. The) until a new Pcbool huuse can ’l'amprrnnce Hall, which will up. and they have ordered vmurket N.:w|'y Wurle 60 up~ mud desks, “hich will he placed lis week, so cllnl the school N2 Dinner \ML Gill-ray \‘ wing nrtista r The Mercantiugand Imper- Gompnuita were here on iusted :l:e claims for insur- when] kuiidingzs recautly ï¬re. The former gave an fun claim, $2000, and the 57 fordumwgu done to the nildiug, he B'vmd have lbe insurance cnmpmvieï¬ )lness in much tLe claims wull as Mus. Redd)â€, who is mmpauies. The inspectors a good work done by the )g the allrrounding buildings. Carrvme Maple. very quip Mrs. \\’L ug. he I insurance s in wmeh as st.Red mies. The n] work do huit grower. This 48 pagew. and con- "una; it will ‘00 en- Sec‘y 0 disappeared fxom cure wluoh has 13 spread. Dr. contracted the on one of his Mending to his lwol unï¬t-ea in we term of ofï¬ce Arthur Coombv, Sabbath . . . .Mr. be «cued from dummy 9 lecture ill assist iu :1 Laura Wallace, )r.) Sisluy, Mr. Hy «IV-u end will Ina denh nf Mr G on Swan's) nus Glam: snved his 1' an 1!!- native of F'. 'G. A ï¬re hmi is 86 a e to be six ma N.) one cnn tell tho result of a word spoken fnr Christ.- If every Chrintian will do ‘his duty and endeavor to bring sinners to dhrist ha can rest assured his eï¬orts will not be fruitlr-su. In “ The Guiding [Innd " a collection of helpful anecdotes gathered to- gcthnr by H. L. Hastings, of Bustnn, is the following account of a mistake. which had a fur bettar result than was probnblv expected by the prison who made it, and which shows how the Holy Spirit sometimes works in the conversion of sinners : " One (1le as Felix Nrï¬, the SWISS Evanguliat‘ wu walking in a streetLlnsmne, a city in bwi'zm‘land, he saw in the distance, as ho snppused, a perron with whom he was acquainted. [16 run up behind him, and overtaking him, tapped him on the ehuulder and said, ‘ What is the state of your roul, my friend?’ The person turned quickly about at the abrupt query. and prong-1m he an entire stralvgvr. Neï¬ saw hiu ermr, apnlugized, lull. him, and want hi3 Wn'i. Sauna lhrve or [mt ymr: afterwzird. at person came t!) N ii and al-coâ€"t ed him. saying that he WM indybmi to him for his invsttmalde hindnesu N ff did Lwt rwugnize himI and desired Lin: [0 explain his meuning. ‘l‘he stranger answered, Mr J. E. Skeele,»B. A.. who was classical master in the Unledonin High School for a m-uple of years may spent a law of his holidays with his parents here. Mr. Skeele goes to Ca) uga next Monday as principal of lbegfligb SchooL of mu town. The following are among those from To- ronto who spent Christmas with relativoe and friends here: Mr. and Mia. Bert. Whey, Messrs.,’Fultou and Herbert Soulel, and Miss P Sunles. Mr. A. S. Savage. Mr. T. Brown, MisaJ. Grainger,Miss L. Hopper. Miss F. Tyneâ€. Miss Stella Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. MuBride,Mr. S. Savage. Mr. Wilbur Sknnle, who spent the past. summer in New York Slate. returned home a fem da) s‘ago. Mr. and Mrs. G. Chapman and ohildrrn, of Lnngstuï¬, returned home on Monday after spending the Xmas. holidays with her auntie in the city. Mrs. J. Long, acOnmpanit uiéd by her sonI Niliiam, and her duughtors. Maggie and Kalie,is the guest of her sister, Mrs J. Savage, of Sunny Hill Farm. Mi-vs Jennie Palmer is spendinga few days in Toronto. Mr. T. Eiliolt, of Lambton Mills, paid a visitto his sister, Mrs. J. W. Elliott, last Week. Tui'unlu. ware the guasts of Mr'. and Mrs. P. G..Suvuge on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Conner and other members of the family spent Cbris:m-- a Day with Dr. and Mrs. Coulter in Aurora. Miss Mattie Harrison. starts on Saturday for b‘essermu, where she has been engaged in the junior department of the Public wrek. a very sweet .consolntiun, that of knowmg that it. has the love of its readers, a love such as yet no other Canadian journal has been able to secure. That facL, now established bayond all doubt. is the greatcut success which our worthy Englidh confrere could have dreamed of ï¬fty yuura ago ior‘hs gulden wedding of 1896‘" ‘ Have you forgotten an unknown person. whmse shouldva‘you touched in a street. of Luusuuflf’. And whom you asked, ‘ Haw do you ï¬vd ywr soul ? ’ Is was I; your question led to aetio‘us reflections, and now I ï¬nd it is Wail with my soul.’ " Mr. nuJ“3h’a. John Piper,.o{ Toronto, are spundiug the week here. Mr. S. Savage, of Toronto Junction, is spending the holidays with his son. Mr. J. Savage, Sunny Hill Farm. SonouL Mrs. (Capt) Craudall, 9! Lindsay, 19 making a VlbiL with relatives here. Miss Florence Lymburner. of Sparta. Miul)., in visniug Mm. Juo. Palmer. Under the above heading the Cullivnteulh the [.mng at which the Hon. Mr. Tune in editur, pulrishes the following item : “The year that is now drawing near to a close: will hâ€"mnin a red letter data in the annals of the Montreal Witness as being the one in which the ï¬ftieth anniveisury of ils fullndflllun occurred. 81009 the mouth of December last the Witness did nut pass a single wepk without devoting at least one: page awry Saturday to the cclebm’ion of its jul-ilae year, and the beauty of it is that the uuhscribera themselwa have. in even case, furniyhed the elements for that weekly page. The historical or literarv cuntril-u- Lions of those occasional contributurs were so much the mute interesting that, for the must put, they referred to events con- temporaneous with the found iliuu of the papvr. I! the public found a ran] intellect- ual trust in that original puhlicatlnn. the Witness itself must have found in the feel- ing whichâ€"inspired it and nurtured it every ~and thn‘ of-IL' Hm will and Has “he sun. daunh Driala addresses by Mr. Cnnmba. Dr. Hutch iann and Rev. Mr. McCulloch. A larg: number of bwutiful prevents were altar wards distributed by Santa Claus. The Info Jul OM) Vaughan death by 5 b1 the 4H) (who 5 acres in the EM had his hie in “I in pa'swnnlit sou, Gbnlla: pieuwm“, n daughter. Rt renehe 1i! ’ll'lu Ripans v‘l‘abuIeSwzure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure‘torpid liver. Rlpans Tabules: «maxim-s relief. MLand‘Mrs. J. E. Clubine. of North The lnm John A. Line, of Shorwnod, 4th 1) Vaughan. who wns rocuutly gored to mh by a bull, ownedmlï¬l) ACTPR of land in e 4!)» who aaion Value'diut $5000, and 120 res in Llw 3rd concessionwvrth $0000. He ui hi: hfe insurrd for $1000 and had 81400 Mr. Hindu Edgar. is givan the other whim the adapted duuulm‘r, metea s m hum 30 acres of land when she 5 her mnjnrity. The life Insurance Is to pay any debt» owing. The father ulhzr of the h‘almm- is remembered in PERSONAL 5. Bower Enttttainmenk nd the son is residuu daughter. and J. C. I the wxeoumra. An Esteemed Journal A Blessed Mistake Ly. He willed km 3. together with mud honaelmld Property Divided J‘rme farm to reslduny leqalee. J. C. Alerrrir, mm: to his his stock, im- effects. The éWE ARE RIGHT 1000 pairs Acme Skates at 50c. a pair; 250 pairs Plated Acme Skates at $1 a pair. A splendid stock of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Plated Table Knives and Forks, Tea, Table and Dessert Spoons. 50 Grand Rapid Carpet Sweepers at $2.50.; 50 best Sulid white rubber roll \Nringers at $2.50. See our Lance Tooth Saw at 350. per foot. See our Racer Saw at 500. per foot. Chopping Axes and Handles in great variety. Try our W'ater White Coal Oil at 7 cents per gallon. For the next two weeks a discount of Fifteen per cent. will be allowed on all purchases of‘Dry Goods and Teas to the amount of One Dollar and upwards. Groceries, Giassware and Crockery December 17/96. .1896. CH RISTMAS. 1.886. DISCOUNT - SALE _â€"â€"â€"OFâ€"â€",u Thus. Memdï¬h & 00., Next Clyde Hotel. AT THE BEGINNING OF GOOD TIMES. 156 KING STREET, E., TORONTO. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods AT THE FIRE PROOF. XMAS PRESENTS. ISAAC CROSBY. GREAT CHRISTM AS AND At Lowest Cash Prices. See our list of useful At the verge of a period of activity. 'If you wish proof of this come to ATKINSON & SWIRZER’S and see what they have Of the New Year. Their stock of General Dry Goods, Groceries and Crockery, and prices will convince you we are entering the era If things havn’t come your way for a year or two as you would like; try and forget the past and begin a New Year hopefully.