‘-,;pr..v I NfRT‘R. GOING NORTH. TORONTO. Mail Accom. Ex Union 8.30 1.40 5.1.? I‘hornhill.... . on. RICHMOND HILL. om King... hug Aurora... 13.5.3 ‘ Newmar e . (1.4.; Mail. Newmarket... (33,15 Aurora... (3.95 Kin;.... . boll ’ulCKMOND HILL. if“; ‘r‘iélaornhilb. .............. 9.0 ...... “U RO‘I’I‘ UIiion ............... 9.50 12.40 7 15 PROCIORK‘STXOE LINE. Connects with all trains, leaving the Palmer House Richmond Hill. as {(illoivs: MaiI & Express.l\ortli & South ..... .800 a m. Accommodation, north and south. .. lléflll a :11 Express North... .5.I.) 1'. ml. ....0.00 r. in. Mail South ....... POST UFTï¬ZE NOTICE Until further notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows;â€" Monn‘mo zâ€"Going North. soulh East and West, including Thornhill, Maple, Toronto Markhani,&c. Evnxmozâ€"Going south East and West (as above) 5,30 N.B.â€"-Registered Letters must be handed lll It east Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. V M. TEEFY. Postmaster. 7.45 A BY-LAXVNO. A By-an to raise by way of loan, the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars' over and abloie the sums required for the ordinary expenditure of the County of York. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the County of York deems it necessary to raise. by way of loan, the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars for purposes over and above the sums required for the ordinary expenditure of the said County; AND \\ HEREAS it will require atotnlainount of $1804.00 to be raised annually. by special rate. for paying the said debt of Twenty Thousand Dollars. and interest thereon at four per cent per annum, payable half yearly; AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole. ratable property of the County of York accord- ing to the last rev‘sed and equalized assossment roll is 529,74“ 653.00; AND WHEREAS the existing debenture debt of the County of York is $30 ‘ 7.9.74. and th are Is no principal or iiiteiest in ar nisthercon: IT IS THEREFORE DI’ALTEI) by his Mii- , nicipul (‘nuncil of the Corporation of the tummy of York :â€" (II It shall be lawful for the Warden of the County of York to raise by way of loan in in any person or corporation who may be \villxw’l 10 advance the same upon the credit of the do- bentures hereinnlter mentioned, the win of Twenty Thousand Dollars for purposes over and above the sums required for culinary ex- penditure. (‘2) It shall be lawful lot the Warden to cause a series of debentures to he made for the Rim-Wilt of the said sun] of Twenty Thousand Dollars according to the iollowing schedule :â€"~ +3 >~ oocoooocoo: a 13:10:: cocccocoo:c 5 55533 I Eg:gg«gg::: S -«n m,o m; 05-5- : Baas: E geï¬ï¬uegï¬efla q __ __ c a 6 Cu 2 E O u 9 s c a 3-4 '< a | - -:"’ 5:3...ng ‘ cu '4 Hire: °-- Iv Ceagi’ éâ€"zuo .: «53: ~05 <2: g l “E C.-. moo HF. .. .2 l a. g â€"’> I e: g g a Q B a I noocgogcoccoaoo *' g, adccotodcccczcrs l 2: ,, _£’> b (h o a: 3- H o 5 i a’ 2 u :1 gocccoCCccc:CCO G 0 g gtvd'ccvccu'ccvstcc <3 o Q S 5 Heimvmzohmao~m~tvm ‘z .â€"..â€".....â€"-.-..-. and the said debentures shall be sealedwitli the sad of the Municipal Corporation of the County of York and shall be signed by the Warden and eountersigned by the Treasurer thereof. 13) The said debentures shall be payable upon the days and times hereinbefore specified, at the omce of the Treasurer of the County of York, in the City of Toronto. and shall have at,â€" tached to them coupons tor the iiiyinent of interest. (4) The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of four per cent per unnuni from the date thereof, winch irterest shall be payable half yearly on the 30th .lav of June and the $15!: day of December in each \‘eul‘, at the said Treasurers Oflice. (5) There shall be raised in each year, during the currency of the said debentures, the sum of S 1804.0L, which annual ruui shall be suilicient to discharge the several instalments or [)l'llir'illitl and inteiest accruing due on such debentures. and the said instalments and interest shall. re- spectively. become payable according to the terms thereof. (6) The said annual sum of 31904.0†shall be raised and levied in each year by a special rate sulllcient therefor, on all the ralabio property in llie Municipality. (7) This l;y-Law shall take eii'oct. and come into operation the let day of March. in the year of our Lord 12597. The above is a true copy of apixposed By- Law to be taken into consideration by the Municipal- ity of the Count} of York, at the (louncil Chain- bei, in the Court House.in the City of Toronto, in the said County. on Monday, the lst day of February. 183?, at the hour of eleven o‘clock in the foi‘eiioon. at which time and place the members 0! the Council are hereby required to attend for the purposes aforesaid. GEL). EA KIN, Clerk of the County of York. 1% MIMI-«scribe for- ??? Eel-331351}: Farm Sale A ï¬l‘lt»"1.'lf-> :‘uim (‘I‘liI‘llllll'C 101; acre ‘. sill: ll} ll .x 'I on ship of Wad. York. 1:11 : ‘ Wili‘L' llIIlI/t’l', in ll underdruined and (ii‘tul I'llli linz’s. eon. Wis: York, second 1.x Apply to '. Li JOHN H.1’IillNTICE. Currvule P 0 Who can think or some simple rennin Ide Protect our idcu~ thev may brin you wealth wins idnn WEDIiERBUBN a CO..gPatent Attor- neyu Washington, 1). 0.. for their 5L8!) prize otter aui lint 0: two hundred. inventions wanted. SKATING- W'lieat,white, per bush... .5: 0 (>0 5 0 88 Wheat, red, per bush . . .. 0 Mi U 87 Wheat, goose, per bush. 0 (26 0 lie Oats, per hush 0 23 0 25 Peas, per hush . . 0 44 U 45 Harley, nor bush 0 3‘}. 0 34 Turkeys, per lb ..... 0 07 " (l8 Dru. ed Ilo‘gs. percwt. 5 00 5 30 Gee . per lo . . . . . . . U 06 0 (l7 (liilL‘iiellb, per Patll' 0 2.5 0 ill) Ducks.por pair .. . 0 40 (I 'iU Butter, iii pound roll 0 15 0 iii Eggs. fresh .. 0 Pl) 0 ‘22 Potatoes, prr D 0 30 0 4†Apples, per hbl .. 0 40 1 hi) Hay.c|ovor 0 (i0 0 U0 Hay, timothy 13 (i0 13 00 Straw, sheaf . . . . . . 8 00 9 00 1 9%? OQGOWOOOOOMOOOQOMOO O ï¬gugamï¬atmmtg. SKAIING THE RICHMOND HILL {IN II “ill be open for skaters (in the evenings or Monday. ‘ Wednesday, , and Saturday During the skating so:1son,_ir<uu 7min to lo o'clock. Band in Attendance Satan-day Evenings. Admission IO nuts; Children Cents. Season Tickets may be had from the oifrctdkor, .J. llronnloe. ordinance...†The next meeting of the Council GIIIIGV‘I'I‘VJHSIIIII , of lilaikluiiri “ill be held at l‘iiiiriivuloou i Menclay, Jan. 11th. 1897, At 11 o‘clock am. JOHN? S'I‘EI’HENSON Cleik Vaughan Council. The next meeting (if the Council «if (he Munici- puiit}: oi Yunnlvzin will lu- Ii('I-l iii the Tun H Hall, Yellow, on MONDAY, JAN. 11, 1897, a: li a. in. J. M. LAWRENCE. Clmli. ISUIIUD Ill LOAN no (‘Vllilllli‘i\I"ll Also sewn-iii (If 3 mi»; I On ï¬rst mortgage at. 5 per cent: charged: hunt-gurus pliri-Ii-esed. choice I.L\‘l'l§ for sale in the 0 uiit)‘ term; to suit. A. ‘V‘ILLIS. 1 Toronto Et. Till‘irlllU ‘ .lan'y'.‘ Qiu I : " gt‘llTP'I min the premier s of tho liiidvi‘sinued. , lot 2(1.l:li\'nn. Vaughan ioi‘ about the middle oi ('ivtolve‘ Four Henri. IIH‘ ow a may liii' property and in) in; (X) the same by JOIlzs‘v-S. JUIIN Dlllll. mus Maple l‘ () MISS c. HARRISON, DRESS - liliilllill, RICHMOND HILL. .-\- GILL - SOLIOI'I‘I1B.. Ii ï¬lth lg lain. THE LIBERAL and \Vcekly Globe to jan’y Ist, ’98, @1509 THE LIBERAL and \N’eekly’ Sun to Jau’y Ist, ’98, $.25. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Mail, I year, $51 40. THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe, 2nd edition, I year, $450- TI-iE LIBERAL and Daily World, to Jan. 1’98 ($3.00. THE LIBERAL and Evening Star, I year, $52.25. Emilia anathema; PRICES AT FARMEI ‘ WAGGUNS. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. 90060¢0900¢0909990990960§ The only food "‘3 that will build up a weak cons- cnaf‘nce 2.3122335: Martin’s Cardinal Food 2. sim Ie scientiï¬c and liiclilv P 9 o . proving ‘ @9M000006Q 60¢MW nutiiiive preparation for infants, ,1», delicate children and invalids. g .' WATSON & C0,. PnoPnizrcns. Q MONTFFAL ‘. ‘ 2 or: eat- »eoeeoeoeez e93; I‘. Ei‘ 3‘ wi.‘ BUY YOUR XM AS. Candies. Paints, If‘ig’ï¬lg l Raisinâ€".3“ -â€"AT THEâ€"â€" liar usury Slui- inrgcst variety in town. ._.,_..._._.â€" Seipooial :55an Of Clioccllaics, Creams, Xmas. Candies, Curlnels, Oranges, Lemons, also OYSTERO from Baltimore (“ice wholesale or retail, or by the dish. 01-†and be couviumd. Fresh a week, €13. sou hill gamma Hui. TIE: 97342115 ;.' , I,£§:37 Agent for Parker‘s Dyc Works. ,3 A ï¬gi ’77â€, fr», X Rays ‘ Are I/‘\‘ Not Eileede as It is xlrcuicly xiii-pending to xnerimvul with xpcnsive articles and not XliPIlelICe x ‘0' Billlnfé‘lct- r-. i V‘ inn. Taki- clothes fn-r xwinple. ‘ Ydican’l lPIi xracily i-vrn by x-nuiiimtinn WHIIX rays IA Iit‘lllt‘l‘ '- ‘ they are xtruordinnry or not. / ' To be iiac? you must wear Yliein. 'l'iizit xlrii qnzililiva xisl. in our Cioiliing we know from :ur customers wliv Xllililriiillvg- Iy xtol Ilium to an Xil‘x‘lllu xreut. No further xplunaliou need 1)) xacled. X I X A. nice. * 'j‘ailoi'. a? INCHMONDIHLL lililllllt illlIS I DOOR, siisflit BLIND FACTORY. Having added anew n-ing to our premises and put in a Grain Chopper, we are prepared to Grind Grain ON MOND YS, WEDNESDAYS, AND SATURDAYS 0t each week, at resonablo rates. First-class work guaranteed. Ixxx L. Innes 8m 55011.9- 23-“ FARMERS ' Look to your own interests and come to the RICHMOND HILL RGLLER MILL With CHOPPING & GHISTING. Chopping daily at 6 cents per bag. your Oats crushed suitable for horses at 4 Cents a bag. All kinds of lien an lei Kindly give me a share of your patronage. R. I. Pangaea '- I? £15133? “193 melanin P .. t ‘I Ho 3 34...“; “If only one magazine can " invaluable," and †indispens The Editor's “ clear. rightly proportioned vi ive subjects. Month " present the important that have been written in ever chronological records, and OF REVIEWS will miss nothin throughout Ike v. 5:11. 53 RENEW OF REVIEW any ollzer magmzfm'.â€â€"-Board of Library Commissioners of New Hampshire, 1896. @HIS magazine Is, in its contributed and departmental features, what its readers. who include the most noted names of the English-speaking world. are pleased to call 'absolutely up lo date," “(borougth abreast of the times," with timely portraits, views, and cartoons. are of immediate interest, by the best authorities on lhcir respect- race during the current month. and most important books are carefully reviewed. cerlainty that the reader of the REVIEW significance that is said or written or done [7! taken. we won]! ruqce'xf 1.7:.» S, (I: [("'"7‘i"i.":' #137? gram"! t/zzm able." It is profusely illusirated Its original articles Progress of the World" gives a cw of the history of the human The “Leading Articles of the parts of the best magazine articles y part of the world. The newest Indexes. other departments complete the g of great Send IO Cents in Stamps for S;ecirnen Copy .... THE REVIL i7 OF REVIEWS CO, 3 Astor Place, New York. Copy, 256. : 3 Mr. B. Gram IlflV‘lllil gone our of the huones in Map 9.. I .iiii [in-um 1 rqvarml tn nunply Customers on alltll’tt‘sf notice. A Postal notes promptly attended YV.II.JÂ¥ICI§SCH§,E&AJ?LJB Protect our Ideas: they ma bi-inr on we lr Write J HN WEDDERBURN Ia C0..sP}atcnt £2.02: neya. Washington, D. C., for their $1.800 rizo offer and list of two hundred inventions wantped. ' ' eieimnm (}ROCERY STORE.. Is the place to go for your Candies, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Nuts, etc. All new Fruit. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Also a lull line of General Groceries always in stock. Prices right. Terms Cash. Patronage Solicited. Miss Ell: Boss. Initial; SWEEP. Having bought the property from Mr. W. A. Clark, known as the Sherwood Poet Ol’ï¬ee, I am now prepared tofuruisli my patrons with uluiost everything to De I have a new found in a general store. stock of GRGGERILES At low prices, and the old stock is greatly reduced in price. A Call elicited. I E. CHAPMAN. Trial l/ive 171012165», l _ | I will anode l‘ -"_T‘/7""" ' 7.7."â€" l I Its my. 522.5. ‘Cii 0' ’3 we: .11. .4 5385: and Best a“ V C9 THE SUN is th: Canada Fai‘meis‘ Sun rcâ€"orgzi . It is strictly inaltqw -r.t. {uni “ . Bystander" is a frgtlidl 1. >flII‘iL'llIOI‘ to its columns. iiiurlâ€"Lem repurts aclmow‘lcdz» ed to be the folks: and incst accuraie lpulblished in Canada. I It gives the b-JSL ‘ the Dominion. ' It contains a short story from Lon- }don Truth. \i‘eekiii'. I l | 87-3 {Lirmers' page It gives an uni-mgr; of 40 columns of ,bright reading in each issue. This paper will he scut- to any address in Canada Louiside o‘.‘ "l‘orontol to the end of '97 for 50 cents. Three copies will 'be to any three addresses (outside this city), for the some period for a dollar. The tun niid W’eckly Glob» combined will he sent totizo end of 1897 for One Dollar. Address all orders to '9! 3'? I1 {Hi i . THE Sim Phiiillllh Cuiï¬l‘AllY. Lâ€- '1‘ R rNTI). Agents Vi'anted. “'i‘ite for terms. and hear how to secure a gold watch or parlor clock. without the cost of '4 dollar. ‘ 5‘5 ire-3 on applicauOn. W,,, V. F325)???" "" mw__‘_“-.._4_- The Sun and The Liberal, $31.25. luau Financial Corporation sent ._¢._._ Capital Authorized, S 500,009. Capital bubsuribed. ~. JAN). sad Ofï¬ce, 86 King St. E., TORONTO. I m. DIRECTORS E.J. Davis, M.P.P., Pres; Vike-Prem Robert Mi-l'lnin. 7 Jun. Richardson,M.I’.P Daniel Spry, Edward Uronyn. .l. K. Kerr. Q. C. George Dunstan. General Manager Richmond. Hill. Branch. Deposits rennived an-l interest allowed at curren rates in the Sayings Department. Special attention given to the (-cllection of sale and other uures. 310110)" to Loan C. J. §.i.INGS. Manager Farm tangent. 'I'lin :Jizu‘c “urn; ily lilll-‘n '- ;lllr I’owoll farm, I West. of iii; ,4» i» ‘ I i. .ii in a illustâ€" l classl>in10 oi c.11Li,.;.i on. A A1...va in '3 I. I W. ll. I‘llOUTOll. fl. ' Ev gs, H n z. 1 i. > v I: n.3rï¬LaE. 'I'lu’ llll‘lt‘l'rllfllflil ..i Hil“ (iv'uel and i ' l 1Hriiilolgooiiiu..1.y. 'I in; 3 J. '..~ perv u, a bone; Lucas. “MLâ€, iivadiord I‘ i‘: ?- I\’i"‘\ I"~‘