Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jan 1897, p. 7

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Artiule VlI.â€"â€"O’bjecticms shall not be made to the jurisdiction of the tribunal except t'lius: If before the close of the bearing of the claim the tribunal shall decide, upon the motion ofeither party. that the determination of the claim of necessity involvesa decision ofa disput-v ed question of principle of grave gen- eral importance affecting the national rights of such party as: distinct from its private rights, of which it is merer an international representative, the. jurisdintion of the tribunle over the claim shall cease and the same shall be dealt with by arbitralion under Article VI. vollved concerns a paw territory of the Umted sident may appomt a 9r justice of circuit Courts, to be nom- mated 'by the President of the United States. The other three members shall bejudges of the British Supreme C‘qurt. or members of the J ud'uciwl Comrml‘ree of the Priivy Coumcil, to be nominated by Vthe Queen. Their award by a maâ€" ij’grmzy of not Less than five to one shall anaIl. If there is less than] the pre~ scrilbed majority the award shall also be final, unless either paer within 't'hree months rotests that the award is erroneous. f the award is protest- ed. or hi the members of the tribumal are equally divided, there shall be no recourse to ’Lostifle measures of any description until the meditation of one or more friendlly powers shall have been invited‘by one gr _the_ other psrty. THE TEXT OF THE TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN. Details of the Agreementâ€"Made Io Settle all Inspulvsâ€"llow me Arbitrators are m be (‘llusem Article V.â€"-Any subject of arbitra- fiwn described in Article IV. shall be submitted the tribunal provided [or in Article III. the award whereof. if Lun- ammonia, shall be final. If not unanâ€" imous either party may within six months fiom the date of the award demand a review thereof. In such case the maxi ter in dispute shall be submitâ€" tedto an arbitration tribunal consisting of five jurists of repute. no one of whom has been a, member of the tribunal whose award is to be reviewed, and who shall be selected thus, namely. two by each party, one to act as umpire. by these four and to be chosen with- Ln_ three months from nomination. Faleg to choose in time; the umpire shall be appointed by agreement of the nominating bodies in Article III. ‘ln ca§e they do not agree upon an umpire within three months of the date apâ€" ‘lied to ‘by the partiesthe umpire shall selected asinArticle X., the person so selected to be resident. The award of a. majority shal be final. ’ 1 Article VLâ€"Any tontroversy involâ€" VLng the determination of territorial olalmsfihall be submitted to a. tribun- al of 31.! members, three of whom. subâ€" ject to the judgment of Article VIII.. shall judges of_ the Superior Court. Article I.â€"The parties agree to arbi- traw, subject to this treaty. all ques- finms in difference which they may [aid and adjust themselves by diplomatic ne- gotiiatinns. Artilole II.-â€"A1i pecuniary claims or groups of alaims. which in the aggreâ€" gate do nut exceed £100,000 in amount and do not ian0'1V6 the determination of territorial claim, shall be dealt with mud decided by an arbitration tribunal constituted as provided {or in the fol- lowing articles. Article III.â€"Each party shall nomâ€" inate one arbitrator, who shall be :1 Wrist of repute, and the two arbitraâ€" tors so nominated shall, wiuh/in two months of their nomination, select an "Empire. In the event of their failing to do so within the limit. of time. the umpire shall be appointed by 381‘“? ment between the members of the Suâ€" Preme Court of the United States and the members of the J udiciaal Committee of the Privy Council of Great Britain. Each nominating body shall act by l. majority. In case they fail to agree upon an umpire within three months. the umpire shall be sele in the manner provided for in Article X. The person so selected Shall be president of the tribunal. The award of a major- ity of the memlnrs shall be final. PECUNIARY CLAIMS. ArticleIV.â€"-All pecuniary claims or groups of claims exoeeding £100.000, and all other matters in rmpect whereof either of the parties shall have rights agaimst the other under the troaty or otherwise, provided they do not inâ€" volve territorial claim shall bedecided by the tribunal constituted as follows:â€" mbernatic Art hole )DS “A. M. C." MEDICINE $0., 578 St. Paul 33.. Montreal VIII.â€"-\Vhere 1h rnal expr and t g. DON'T BELIEVE particular YOU DO BELIEVE that you are went 3nd thus you can 0:3in re- guln hanlth. “row and vigor? asses the In quack medicines. Stages judlciz lube nation in- Stabe or the Preâ€" J offiwr ncnp 1t Jf not The Mosque of St stantinople. was built The Mosque of St. Sophia, at stantinople. was built with mortar fumed with musk. It was erected years ago. yet the musk smell is aiacrity, when an over-zealous sentry, mistaking the gardener's approach for, an evidenca of hostifity, shot him dead within a tow fieet of where the Em- peror stood, Vt’hether the story be true or not, the occurrence is unfortu- nately not too improbable, considering- the high nervous tension of every 0L- ficial of the Russian Court. and the ever-present thought of assassination which. if the face is any index to the fears within, was never absent from the mind of the Czar himself. 1 Chrotniole is Ulla/blé to furnish accurateâ€" ly. It seems to provide for the with»â€" d_rawa.l of the treaty in the event of anther party notifying the other that changes in existing conditions make Withdrawal desirable. Article, XII. provides for each party paying its own counsel and arbitrators, but in the event of essentiwl waiters of difference it is the right of either ty to receive disavowadis or apologize or acts of the other not resuming in au’hstantial pecuniary injury, the inâ€" bunal finally disposing of the matter direct Whether the unsuccessful party bears any other expense. Article XMLâ€"The time alnd place of meeting and. all questions of procedure shall be decided by the tribunal itself. This article also deals w'mh the keeping oi the records amd stipulates that a deâ€" cision shall be made if possible Within three months from the close of the follow story at Tz‘ sidea. the is; This article also deals wihh the keeping of the records amd stipulates that adeâ€" cision shah! be made if possible within three months [tom the close of the arglumwts. . v Article XIV. prbvides that the treaty shall remain in force five years from the date it becames operative, and um- tifl a. year after either party shall have nfrthied thieotxher of its wish to term- mate it. r . Article fiveâ€"The treaty shall berati- fied by the President and the Queen. the {atfioattions to be exchanged. {at Washington or London within all manths of the date thereof. Gents:-â€"I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tgm. I was troubled with Constipa- hnn. Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thor- oughly that I rapidly regained health and strength Mrs. A. Sweet. Hart.- tord, Conn. Sold by all druggists. “Climb up higher to competiltiom." has been the Centre)! Busimess Co to, The result is that largest and best patron {its kimd in Oanadu. hr of actual business trainir complete equipment, and a. fuml staff 0- seven exp era are some of the adva by time many young pea] t‘hvils opwiar and progr sr-hoo . It well deserve: place among Lbs competi "Sure. That balloon sleeves With this example in wiew. why should there be a single woman in Can- ada tottering on the brink of the grave, or going about he: work dragged dawn, diggyited, _despondent. fwdfiisgouraged? Kidney diseases are fatal. They mean slow death. if not cured. But there is a cure. and it is the purpose of these lines to demonstrate it. Here is Mrs. AQy's‘ testimoqia[:â€" Gentlemenâ€"I have been troubled with a complaint called women's weak- ness and Kidney trouble. I read of the many cures DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS had done. I consented to try them. I have used one box and I am completely cur- ed. No pains or backaches have ever come back. I can highly recommend them to all women. You may publish this so as to helgorthegs. PILLS. If your druggist should be out of them. address the DODD'S MEDI- CINE COMPANY, Toronto. Price fifty cents a. box; six boxes for $2.50. Femala Complaints Combined With Kidney Troubles are Fatal. Conaented to Try Dodd's Kidney Pills the Premier of Proprietary Medxâ€" cines. and is Now Strong and Well ~Oue Box Cured Her. I Half a dollar is the price of a box of DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. One box of these {abiamed and justly~famed pills was enough to put Mrs. Elwena Ady on her feet. when she was very ill with female complaint, combined with Kidney trouble. Garryâ€""Jack thinks I‘m fickle." Lena â€""Tl1at’s probably the'reason he does- n't propose a. second. tume.” WaJkerton. Ont, Jan. lB.â€"Half adol~ lat saved a. woman's life in this town not many months agoâ€"only last August to be exact. Sign August 8 Ar MORTAR MIXED égy» agggisc has DODD_'S KIDNEY AN OVER ZEALOUS SENTRY WOMEN'S WEAKNESS. LUCKY WOMAN I allarly 'm able. Aoudon correspc 'ing remarkab is that whille arkoe M10 Czar gardener Ike 5: rounds. The leighâ€"' .ondon corr DREADFULLY NERVOUS. KEEN COMPETITION TI Int m an [flows 15 (mm RRITORIAL CLAIMS ate tobe one of the arbitra- higher to get. away from ' has been the motto of] Busiiness College of Toronâ€" sum is that it is now the best patronized school of Improve/d courses (mess training, modern and i ment, and tin: servicas of 1 seven experienced teachrâ€" of the advantages enjoyed young people who attend and progressive business 'ell deserves the foremost) Lbs competitors. i meat, and tm \- seven experiue of the advanta young people Balloon sleeves were bound t_he end." \Vagleigth-a : 15} why they were named provides for each party counsel and arbitrators, at of essentwa matters '. is the right of either MRS. E. ADY Ar I‘I paragraph V 5 to furnish vm‘ )ndeut relates the >13 incident. The walking ina park summoned to his 1w working about man obeyed with nominating as 3 and5 nav gm V‘Valkerton. Ont WITH MUSK B90 APED appoint a! f the arbitrar it njoymeut Tamer Shall Sweden. which the accurate- the with BBC 1.000 still itishi 'lies all all ars of his illness he would be vet: ence would prove someone else to From the Mag, Que., News. Mr. D. A. Bullock, boatbuilder, of Georgev‘fllle, is well and favorably known to all the residents of that vil- lage. ‘He has passed throwgh a very trying illness from which his friends feared he 00qu not rewver, but her is once more happily enjoying good health. To a correspondent of the Magog News Mr. Bullock recently gave the particul- ars of 'his illness and cure, saying that he would be very glad if his experiw ence would prove helpful in enabling someone else to regain health. He sayszâ€"“There is no ‘doulbt In my mlnd that Dr. William’s Pin-k Pills brought me from the horrors of death to the g’llad cheerful world. Some ears ago. owing to overwork and trou e I was reduced to a weak state of health, wherein the heart failed to dc Properly, and not unnaturally ach became inactive. I had 1 three doctors, but without be suits. The medicine given three doctors, suits. The m1 them caused prostrated me Wrrwrrrrwmmr tryimg Ulr feared he once more To a, corre Mr. Bu-Hoc thme doctors, but without beneficialvreâ€" suits. The medicine given by one of them caused a. nervous shock that prostrated me for several weeks. The last one who treated me gave me a preparation of stryuhnine which upset: my kidneys to such am extent that) I was confined to the house and 'daily growing weaker. I had to keep stimul- ants constantly at my side to 'keep the heart at work, and even with this artiâ€" ficial] aid its action was very faint. Then I began] in try advertised med- iclnes, but still without any good re- gults. I lost strength, {Leah End‘hope iclnes. but still without any good re- sults. I lost strength, flesh and hope I was advised to try lDr. Williams’ Pink Pills wall that reminded me that, I had a. box of them at my place of bueiness, which had been lying there for more than a. year. \Vithowt very much confidence in them I decided to give the pills atrial. The result I must confess seemed to be almost mm- gical. I had not ltaken the Pinl; Pills long when I was able to rest in my chair and take good refreshing sieep. something that had not taken place for months before. From that day with the use of the Pink Pills I continued to gain in strength, and em to-day a strong and healthy man. I belieVe that evan Pink PilLs shlould be assisted in their good work on the system. and that Msan is exercise. and this exâ€" ercise I “look from the time I began to regain my strength. I have now evâ€" ery faith in this medicine and believe if those who are sick will use it. health will be the reward. Cure the Cough with Shiloh’s Cure. The bvet Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly. One million bottles sold last. year, 40 dose»; [or 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. Mm Oldfieflable. @ --u-...-. E WHERB'is only «ms way _by viiâ€"id? N.Y. Beware 70f imitamicms and suwb; stitutes alleged to ‘be "just. as good." laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri- fies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. Sheâ€""Time Misses Brown usually sing due_ts, do they not lieâ€"“Yes: they duvule the responsiblllty." Great Danger Involved In Weak Heart Action. First ariistu'WVhere did Scratchwell get his artistic education ?" Second art- ist. savagelyâ€"“At some school for me- chanicajl drawing." Kai-1'3 ClgverARoot Tea is a. pleasant Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills strike at the root of the. disease, driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength. In cases of paralysis. spinal troubles, locomo’tor ataxxa. sciatica. rheummtism, erysipelas. scrofulous troubles. etc.. these pills are superior to all other treatment. They are also a. specific for the troubles which make the lives of so mamy wo- men a. burden, and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks, Menv broken down by over- work, worry or excesses, will find in Pink Pills a. certain cure. Sold by all dealers. or semt by mail post aid. at 500. a hot, or six boxes for $ .50 by addressmg the Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Biockville, _0x‘1t.,l 01" Schenectady, I suppose there were some bright things said at Mrs. Lioqunter's liter- ary dinner party last nLgthM’ A few. “7110 got off the most interestingfl The butlerâ€"when he remarked that dinner was ready: ‘ Karl's laxative. fies the Easy t9 Be Not Deceived. A (cugh. Hearse- ness or Group, are not. L0 be trifled with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save you much." trouble. Sold by all druggists. u any disease can be cured, and that is by removin! the cause. what‘- evcr it may be. The great medical authorities of the day declare that near- ly every disease is caused by derangcd Kidneys or Liver. To restore thesc,therefore. is M the only way by which health can be secured. here Is where J, and by placing them In I healthy condition, drlves disease and pain from the system. Its repu‘ationâ€"“ Twenty years of success.” In four continents. Warner's Safe Cure (20.. London, Roches- ter, Frankfort. Melbourne, Toronto. has achieved it: great repu- tation. It @fii ACTS DERECTLY UPON THE KIDNEYS AND LIVER we Magog, Qm . D. A. Bullock gevfllle, is Well n to all the resi He has passed g illness from ‘ [1 he coufld not : GUN OF THE EVENING HEART FAILURE. 29 A AAAAAAAALS to do its‘ work xrally the stom- had vislts from STATE OF Omo, CITY or TOLEDO. 3' Luau COUNTY. 5 FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that: he 18 the senior partner of the firm 01! F. J. CHENEY 8: Co.,doing businessin the City of Toledo. Coun- ty 7mm State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (or each and every case of Catarrb that cannot: be out-ed by the use of HALL‘S Canaan 0mm. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mer’and subéoribed' in flay presence. this 6th day of Decem ber. A.D. 188&. A A. W. GLEASON. { SEAL } Notary Public. Hill's Cntan-h Cum la taken internally and acts directly on lhe blood and mucous aux-{anus of the systog. ~ Sand for testimonials! (gee; "Mem generaflly admire business sense in a woman. don't they ’3” "Yes; but they admitre mt om‘ly in other men‘s wwes mud daughters." ' W.P.C 852 lead rackets Only All Grocer- “bu-kjlnd nged 7 25m. 40m. 509. Saga-gummaimcm-mh For N ervcus Restlessncas. Wind. on the Stomaolflrcgfi‘c. and con: laints from Teething, or other Causes. g‘Foz- sale by all rug law. The resul‘ o! more than twenty year: “valence as Pbsuicim and Hume. had: in Europe In Amer!“ ' 50c. and $1.00 at :11 druggfsts. OWWWMWMO E of Cod-liver Oil . . . . . because it keeps the sys-- 3 wit fies tern in such good condiâ€" 3 h Hypopbospb tion that things are not 0 9 Prevents Consum tion 3 ==â€"--â€"--=v-â€"-â€"-.â€"-â€"=â€"â€"â€"-â€"====â€".E-_-=== favorable for the growth of the germs of that disease. A THE J. 0. RIM: 00., LTD., gamma. ON‘I‘A THE MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASSDCIATIUN, AzenféQHxi (Ed. Agents wanted in‘ all unrepresented districts. Circulars sent if requested. A. R. McNICHOL. Manager {or Munitobl. Britiih Columbia. and NorthJVest Turritoriaa. McIntyre Block. WinulPeg. Mun. ; D. Z. BESSE‘I‘TE. Manager for Quo- bec. 2 Place d'Armes. Montresl. qua; W. J. MUIZRAY, Manager for Nov: Scozia. Ha 31.x. NAB. W. J. McMURTRV. Manager for Ontario, Freehold Loan Buildmg.’l‘oroutu. Ont. Pays Prom ptly; Life Insurance PROTEGTIDN 'ONLV his” tarSold Emmi-mm; TRADE It in the lax-gee: nniurAlâ€"gagemlum lite sssooln. tion in the world. H has a Reserve or Emeraennv Fm"! A: I! has a Resérvo' or Emergency Fund of over thirty-four hundred thousand dollars, It has paid policyholders over Twenty-seven Millions of doJars. Magus“ THE MpNEYMAKEF r RIBBING NADA!“ 11$ MONTE'S BABY COR-DIAL Prondes Cash ' ' When Cash is moatnood Ia what the Family Nroda when the “bread-winner II can LIKE MY WIFE TO USE i. B. HARPER. Founder. '. A. BURNHA M. President. Ceylon Tea ml menu nun Luruuuuuxum Anna. E 'J. can up; a co., Toiedo. o. J. M33 89. m, Ask for this Boot. ‘ Buy this Boot. Be Comfortahla You will be Pleased. a. real flexible. strong, light and durable loco, NOSqueak, No Tacks, No Nails. The Patent Sleeper Insole. Vlanuer {or Manitobl, British 25% Territorial. McIntyre Block. BESSE’I’I‘E. Manager for Quo- anntreal,»Qp’ W .1. NET CASH mum mg»; MONEY MAKER mucus (mm $15, $20, $30 CREE-WAN 3308. - Georgetown, Ont. KNITTING-7“ MACHINES . a It is not the coming boot: it is here alread ‘, within your reaoh. Ma r“ with the SLEEPER 1N- FOLE and fitted with C rk thruughoutzthiameans ry {rent and solid comfort. THIS IS FOR YOUâ€"Clothe your family from head to foot with our car For Typewriters write us ‘81 rapid increase of cheese factories and {Eli}! wages a lead) demamtii for boxesdai payin 9 co. ace yum-or or «fly an major 11.939. ?eneon- Nearly, every “3.0! up“. W, . WATEBOUS. Brantford. can» This is a developed claim, with shaft 110 feet deep. and all in plying nre. mill tests showin magnificent results. Report of M135”! Mlnes very favorable. 'Send to E0. MAURER. Sec’y. 34 Viacom Skeet. Tot-ant“ for PRosrnms. V ORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL. Yoflli men leamt-ocuu no better trade. Wt“! for circuiar gviu full information Q13 agents for Mo owe 1's Ladies Garment b: in Machine. “3 Youze an. Watson’s Dough Drops sttho tap. lthaa more teachers, mom eh: eats. and assume many more yonnn' men women into good position. an any 0 Canadian Business School. at panama“. Enter anytime. Write W. H. SHAYY.‘ Peeling or Veneer GOLD “HUNG AND MILLING 00.,51‘41'0. Fully Paid-up shares, only 25¢. each. In block: or no! less man one hundred share. Uusiness college CREEWLPW-z mam . r538». Btrntford, Ontario A large. finely flayed. old-mbflshod unionâ€"NONI IT IR IN CANADA Business Educatm: at Lowes‘l Poutbbm Gnduam 31's I “Keen-aha Wdta a; catalogue. . J. ELLIOTTLEH'DM §v66d Eâ€"sdiéifilé.'"Wiite‘izk‘iéfdéi. FHEQQQKS BESI’FRENE Splendld Equipment and Good Solld Work Ling; placed theâ€" Minted with laments of Oh red Accountant Bend for Emdaoma Frgs'gs ea annoy; Pruidani. n J’sfism SMUGGLER LARGEST SALE IN Chrfixfl E23. TjVELNTY-SEVEK YEARS. B, a ’l‘. W. Stumped on each Dun, To BONTQâ€"Gorrurd and huge 'su, ritishAmerican OLD AND RELIABLE itnbllshod [879 TRY Cod-Liverme 145;}! Moog, Shrug tha ypop as a strengthen nerves. The only Manufaowm In Canada cl » Goodyeu Sewnu vto-da ‘ goods. be ver Meet. the be and most 00 fer-cable boon made. quick fix r0; 0 va r.‘ The nm a. v profitable? V 85 B m e 11 35-13393“ MACMNEB 0%. Principal MARK

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