Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Feb 1897, p. 1

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, ‘E’i 07'” 71 " e319 germ 1‘s PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY LIORNING] AT THE LIBERAL PRINTINGSn PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHON. moron it I’somiuron. I BUSINESS CARDS. dilution. oifii.iiiésr.zirr. RICE'MOND HILL. 015175037. "()EIEIS fi to [021 m: cm 8 p m as? if it. IIIII‘GEISOII RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE nouns GinloarmnndGmSpm (Thong Dental Office. Repairing u d Replacing. Good Work. Oifice, let corner store east of Queen St. subs-av “7". “DUB RS. Toronto. ctcrium‘y J. T. his}: lroy, VETERINARY SURGEON "-AXDâ€" VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, With diploma. from the Ontario Veterinui‘y Dental School, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday tom 1 to :3 p. 111. Cells promptly attended to Diseases of horses, cattle and other domesticat- ia-l animals treated by the latest and most ap» proved methods. EJQtwi. snares: design, 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO very accommodation to guests. Board, 31. Derdly J. T. ems-sou, DEAPLE. Agent. for the following stock Fire Insuiance Companies, viz.: Manchester, of L0ndon.Eng‘., BRITISH AMERICA, OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"â€" ALSOâ€" GORE, (IF GALT. A First class Cash Mutual. YO BK MUTUAL, Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"4119. coming com- pany for the farmers of York Co. Business Solicited. wHouse Ben: Bricl; IIou=e adjoining the Fire Proof Store. For particulars up) ly to IS \ AC CROSBY. ! 0:) fi.. rtgvioe at 5 per cent: no commission (harp I ' mint: cos pun lllLL‘Pll. Also several cnoiczi ’ .rms ‘Jr uh: in the Colluty (it )urlt; terms to suit. . A. TILLLS l. row-cot. Fit. Tornn'v‘ , I r r. C ‘ 7 .‘m . Funeral Furnishings Al“ ays [land “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; {unlit/M11535, Charity.” NOTARY PUBLIC. CIIMMISFIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ‘ RICHMOND HILL I‘OST OI’I’It E. W S ()niuxsrox L I. ll LAWRENCE & DRIVIISTUN. Barristers, Solicitors, Sec. Toronto Oificeâ€"Nois Toronto Sheet Richmcr‘d Hill Office open a G F‘ LAWRENCE every Saturday. , VIIINEI IO LOAN NEWEST CURRENT RATES G.G. S. LINDSI‘Y IiTOV LINDSEY (HARLFS J. E. TFTIII‘NI‘L LINDSEY. LINDSEY & BEIHUNE Biiri'ixtors, Solicitors, Dililtll‘leâ€"‘S nnd (‘Alll\'('_\llll(‘9l$. l‘umliu‘ I’v'zildings, 2:; Soon St , TUI'( nto. t‘elciuliouo 2931 Moneyto Loan ROBINSON, LENNOX7& MACIEOD Barristers. Solicitors. are. TORONTO AND ALIIOIIA. Mr. T. n‘l'llel‘t Lsnrmx Will be fit h'cll} W» Hotel Rll‘lllllllll’l Hill ever \VUKIUQ‘SIIIL)’,I<'I the trans- action of business. GA RVIN & GARVIN, Barristers, Solicitors, C'onveymn‘ers, l\'oturie&&c Rnrim l0. York Cllnlill‘Ol'S, 9 'l‘nrmi- ‘ to St. Turnan and lit residence, Luu'OfliccsH‘entre St, Richmond Hill, (‘\'“l'\' Jeveninghuil Dominion House on Wednesday. Mr, Fred. W. Gervm will lie at Richmond Hill all «luv every Wednesdn)’, and at call! sitting of the Court. caress, can? a. slums Barristers, Solicitors, ac" 25 KING STREILT WEST, TORONTO. East Toronto Office. Illr. Grant‘s residency, Woodhridye, every ewnirg. Thornliill. each Wednesday from 101012. Mbney to Loan Telephone 47 MACDOUGALL & JONES, Barristers. Solicitors, &c. Room 1, Masonic Building, lsToronto St. Toronto. ALFRED MACDOUGALL, FREDERICK C. JONES. Solicitor to the Treasury of Ontario. $150,000.00 To loan at lowest rates. ALFRED W. BRIGGS, Barrister, 850., 33 Richmond Street “’cst. Toronto. SALEM ECKABDT, Uniunvdle. J. H. PltENTICI-‘i. (Jarrvtllc. Eckardl & PI entice Licenseu Auctioneers for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment Genui'ulualer' 0 stock. etc, promptly attended to zit reasonable rates. C STORIES fl stokes é: Blougln. JLiceneed Auctioneers for the County or York,re- spectiully solicit your patronage and friendli influence. sales attended on the sleith notice an 3 a reesonabe rates. I’. 0.11duress King I) BLUUGE J. 'l‘. Saigeon. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York sales attended to on shortest notice and at rec.» snnublerates. Patronage solicited. Itesiduncr Maple .l . D. “can (Inn: n, Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘ounty of York. General soles of implements, furniture. standing timber, ctc.,uttended on the shortest. notice and lit reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P U address Mr. ple. .‘l V-‘.r~-.»»,-.-..' v WRIGHT BRO 1' Y Undertakch & Elnbnlnu-rs, 0“ I r in TO RENT. Store and Dwelling to rent. in the Village 0 1:“;"lli'u'l’l'. hill. y. â€" [n.rtlsululs apply to F ti 1: 4C 013L175! manner n.4â€" ' RICIIIDOILd II 11.7 and Vicinity tl‘leslllvll drawer was opened. and quite No. 47. MA L'I‘A. liy \\'.\i HARRISON. Apati iron" the levI'llllt‘. iiiisfoituiie of following My ny-oiy of LI l'll' companions Ill place i.) the lt‘ullllt‘lll DI foot and L" our svvldit-i' i:j.roi:iliy Malta was very for “"4” Lu lug .i uixugleealilc place to (pier [er in. Yl'lit‘. clliimte was (’XCt‘t‘dIllgly hot but, was gieaily modified by :i plezisuiii sea lll't‘kZi‘ which ulwuys set. in during the ore-mug hours Although acting as a lion Commismoned nflicu' in one of the most ss-xeiely discij lined inilitnrv posts in Llir “lill'l l'lll‘8(hd1t‘l'fl)|llld plenty of time to visit the foriiiiCatioiis by which he was suiroumlrd, the strongest and must mag- lllflCr‘lII in the. World. Its thousand pieces of the heaviest ("(llllll n pointing in iill diiections, Ila immense stores of shot and Nllt‘ll and its huge iiiugcztiios l‘f pow- der, its ('Xlt‘llSlVB graiiaries cut in the sol- ui rock containing provision for the cal" i'i-soii in lust for Ii) years in case of Hugo, its grand hospital capable of :tccmnmotln- ting 2000 paticiils, MINI its church of 5!. J- llll “Nil 2. trout of [ill feel in wlt’llll and it'll) Iert Ill Ivngih one of ihe most henu Mill and paths] 3 the Inigvst Ill the World, were to Iiiiii olijvtts of iiiteiest and alien- iion. Finn» an «Ievullnii of one tlious and feet above llie sou u inngiulicrnl. vch of the liuibnurs could he uhinimd “here at. all limes could be 891‘” riding at unch- or the Mediterranean fleet of two sail. \Vliile sit Malia the till li regiment of fruit new. but a small purl of ii fHICc of sewn (Ii-.uszind English troops, besides a MaIA (use regiment of Fencihh s the 4.h Bri- gade of artillery “uh right batteries and scores I-f Sappcis and Rnan Engineers. Here besides the British irizops and the mono Maltese were a noxid ll ullilnde, representing all nations. Jews, Clerks and 'l'uiks, Egyptians, Italians, French Gei‘iiians and Russians. At any time as he passed along the ever windiii; lhr-rouglifares hr- cinuld hour a confused jungle. of unintelligible sounds and Wlllless gesiiculatiuns that. uuuld raise his risihle frlUllllll‘s to the point of explosion. During the uhole of his stay of two )edis in Adults every day brought its attraction. in the shape of Military manoeuvres, Chumh processions, Parades and naval displays On one (lccanion he witiirsscd the placing on the fortifications by the aid of eiioimons machinery and several hundred men, a hundred ion gun. The first time the gun was fired it smashid eveiy window in the town with- lli ii mile. The two years spent, in Malta were the most pleasant of his soldier ex- perieiico. One day there was quite an excite- I I I anus .nliii-ii’ [mi rrslliig mm. of iin- Ell Ii intent. in the bill‘l‘flck room among his companions. Word had been received from the Horse Guards, London, to hold themselves in readiness for Canada. Rumors had reached England that the Feiiiaiis wrâ€"re getting active, and were meditating disrurbunce which suggested that Canada needed military protection. Almost immediately the order came. lhe regiment boarded Her Majesty’s troop ship, the Tamer, and on the 28th of July. 1867, arrived at Montreal, and Cninped at. Logan's From, 800 in num- ber. During their stay in Montreal there were quartered there reiidv fur nctionata moment’s notice, the 78th Regiment of Highlanders from Gibraltar, 900 men, tuo battnllolls of the Queen’s Boi-deieu. the mom Roan Canadian regiment, the let battalion of the 60th Rifles, the 30th, 53rd, and G9Lh regi- ments of loot, to be reinforced by the tllst regiment of foot from Dublin, which, however,caine only as far as Quebec, when it was ordered to Bermuda. Here then Were gathered a force of about It),- IIUU men sent by the Home Government for the protec1ionuf Canada, but. who arrived only to find that the dreaded Fenian had been driven across the border bv a handful of Canadian Volunteers. While at Logan's Farm, Mi utrunl, our soldier who had previously by his good conduct arisen from a full private t1.- 3. Corporal, received the promotion as sergeant in Her Majesty's 29th regiment of foot, with pay to the amount of fifty- two cents a day and soldier supplies. (Tl) BF. ()oNTiNUEn.) â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-¢o.â€"â€" ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL Men or Women to travel for re- sponsible established house in Ontario. Salary $780, payable $15 weekly and expenses. Posmon permanent. Refer- ence. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chicago. ' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-.o.-â€"â€"- Eogciy Quite a number from here afforded the oyster supper at 'I'estoii last. puck. and “3va a. good time. At. the meeting of the Y P. S. C E. Inst “tl'Kl'. rh l'fJB "05 made in thel of undue-lug the BeerCU. A, .1 large number of questions were asked. I'Iie Rev. Mr. Sanderson answered them \m’l an interesting time was spent. A series of special services were com- menced hereon Tuesdity lost. We are pleased to see Mr. C. E. Smith able to be out again. Miss (‘hilils of Toronto, has been the guest of Wm. F. \Vliilmoro for the past couple of weeks. The Rev. Mr Mcllricn preached last Sunday in the Methodist Church hereto a large and appreciative congregation. The skating rink continues to grow in popularity, if we can judge by the crowds that pntl'vlllZ-B it. The curling rink is also an interesting feature of our Village, and great interest; is taken in this pastime also. #a‘...â€"â€"-â€" \VA‘NTEDAYuung women and men. or “I‘ll r ones if slill young in spirit, of undoulned character, good liilkeus, mn- hiticiis .uid industrious, can find employ- ment in a. good cause, uith $00 per month and upwards, according to ability. REV. T. b LINSCUTT, Toronto, Ont. â€"â€"â€"â€"-o-~â€"â€"â€" Vellore. Report of S S. No. 9, Vaughan, for the mouth of Jdllllllryl Foo-Iii clzissiMiltou McDonald, Alex. McNaughton, Geo. Huiiier, Chou. Man- muij, (loo, lli'ouhlce, Dun ILtit, Peter McNaughton, Jus. Stuiiiforth. Senior third classâ€"Willie Cameron. Bulllllce Witty, Chas. Farr, Nelson Jurrvlt, Howard VVntson. Juniorlhird classâ€"James Brownlee, Annie Funwick, Katie McNaughton, Blunt-on Brown, \\'in. Snider, Herb. Fair. Senior second classâ€"Alex. Cameron, Lfllllc Snider, Dave Julisn, Ollie Snider, Anni». McDonald, Ada Dsi'ker. Ella O'Connor. Number of pupils enrolled, 40. Average attendance, ‘29. Number who attended school every dry (luring the month, 4. H J. sinuses, Teacher. â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"4. Maple Aiteralingering and painful illness, Mr. \Villiaui Bulle passed away last Saturday morning in his TUrh year. The remains were interrrd in the Maple cem- etery Oil Monday afternoon. The family have. the sympathy of all iii their and bereavement. Rr-v. A. Redford exchangrd pulpita with Rev. E. Mclfitieii of Fairbuiik, on Sunday last. Rev. J. C. Speer of Broadway Taber nacle, is announced to deliver a lecture at the open meeting of the Epwbrtli League next Monday evening Mr. T. Culisiiis is having a large quantity of brick hauled from King for his new shop which he purposes erecting next summer. ’ Mr. A, Shiink took a sleigh load up to the oyster supper at Tesmn last week. They all seem to haVe had a. good time, and no doubt they did their share to- wards milking the oysters less. The new ushers at the Methodist Church are falling right into line, and performing their duties admirably. The annual S S. sleigh ride is to take place on Friday afternoon. After tea a programme will be given by the children. One of Mr. H. Marsh's [canisters bud his arm broken on Tuesday by the up setting of a load of logs. «coâ€"w “QUEEN VICTORIA; HER LIFE AND REIGN "; great historical wnrkz, sells on sight to thousands. Lord Dufl' crin introduces it to Canadians in glow- ing words. Easy to make $130 a week; some make twice that. Many make more in spare time than during day at regular employment. This year’s great Semi-geier Celebrations are booming it. Books on time; prospectus free to can- vasuers. Ti-rritorv going fast. THE BRADLEY-GARRE'I‘SON C0,, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Headford The supper and entertainment in Cun- neciion With the Methodist Church nn- iiiversaiy were held on Monday evening last. The crowd was as large as could be conifortnbly accommodated and all seemed to enjoy the treat provided. to the supper it is sufficient to say that the Bradford Det'pln wall sustained the reputation they have earned for satisfy- ing the appetites of hungry men and Women. The intellectual feast was rich. It eoiisisted of a speech by Rev. J. W. Morgan of Thornhill; and singing and rscitatious by a. number of talented young llllllt-lr', Each number on the pro- griunmo was well given. ' Unitt and D. D. G. M. Asl terlaincd with song were Miss Lick of Toronto, and Miss Scirliorougli of Rich- mond l:IilI. Both did themselves great credit and highly pleased the audience. They were called upon to respond to on- con-s. The chairman was Rev G. Mc- Cullnch. He was in a particularly happy mood and succseded in making the whole entertainment pass ofl" most pleasantly for all. o*â€"â€"-â€" Laid to Rest. No external sign was necessary to show the high esteem in which the late Mr. W. H. Glass was held in this section of country. He was respected, trusted and honored by all who knew him, for his lovable disposition, his sterling qualities and his christian character. But if any outward mark of regard were needed It. was evident from the large concourse of people who gathered at the risidence on Saturday nfternoon to pay the last iiibute of respect to the deported, and follow the remains to the village cemetery. Many beautiful finial wreaths and anchors were. placed on the casket, one from Mr. and. Mrs. R Pugsley, another from Mr. and Mrs. A. Pugsl~ y, another from Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pugslev, another from Mr. T. Clayton and another from the Ep. woith League, The pull-bearers were members of the Board of Education, of which body he was chairman. About 50 members of the A. U. U. \V., of which society deceased was a. valued member, marched in procession, brethren being present from six or seven city lodges, and from Eglintoii. York, Tliotnhill, and. Maple. Rev. G McCulloch and Rev. J. A. (I act Conducted the burial service at the grave, after which Giaiid Master F. \Vm Hodgson read the funeral ceremony of the A. 0. U W. After the interment Rev. Mr. McCulluch del \ered an excellent sermon in llle Methodist Church from the words “ The just shall live by faith.” During his remarks the pastor referred to the in.- tellectual and spiritual gifts of his dear friend, and gave words of counsel and encouragement to the bereraved family. In the death of Mr. Glass the Village loses an active and successful business man, the Church one of its leading spirits, the School Board a. valuable ad- viser, and the Sabbath School one of its most active promoters. He was called away on the very threshold of a life of usefulness. but while all mourn his loss it is consoling to know that he led a. con- sistent life, and died the death of a christian. WANTEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL Men or Women to travel for re- sponSibIe established house in Ontario. Salary $780. payable $15 weekly and expenses. Positiuupermauent. Refer- ence. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chicago. Board of Education A meeting of the Board was held on Wednesday afternoon. Members pres- ent: Messrs. Storey,Newtun,McConaghy, McDonald. Buyle, Lynett. Harrison, Clubine, Swinzer and Dr. Hutchison. As this was the annual meeting, the Secretary announced the business, the first being to appoint a chairman for tho yenl‘. The following officers were then up pointed: Chairman, M. Nnnglilon; Stacy-Twas” J. Switzer; Committee of Management, Mess”. Newton, Storey and Boyle. Mr. A. E. Coombs Was reâ€"appoiuted a member of the Public Library Board. An account for seats and desks for the High School from the Novelty Company, Ncwmarket, amounting to $177 was, on motion, ordered to be paid. The Secretary was instructed to write to the Prime Furnace Company relative to the account for the furnace in the old High School. The minutes of last meeting showed tlint the Secretary had been instructed to deposit the $2000 cheque, received for insurance, in the Bank nf Commerce. A resolution of Condolonce to the ber- enved family was unanimously carried relative to the (Trail) of Mr. \V. H. Glass, late chairman oi the Board. Mr. Harrison reported to the Board relative to available Blues for the new High School. Those referred to were the old BILH, the paik, the Arnold prop- erty, Richardson from. Stuckdals’s and Auibler’s. The inrlllbelfi «f the Board. thought the paik Would be likely select- ed, and saw-rail advantages and disad- vantages in their opinion were referred t”. It was finally ivSolved that live Reeve As clocutiniiisls Missvs Silverwood and Lane did nobig', but little Irene Lane was especmlly «ppreciuisd. She was greeted with enthusiastic applause and several t'u-cs l‘t'SIV'i'ldt‘d Lo eucores. It was mild or. itll suit... inn; Illitl 3.: any, girl is a bum eLcLuticuis: Those who en- bc requested to (' .II n public meeting of the rel-payers So that the u'is'iits of llze people I". Liie selection oi .i. site can he nhtiiiiivd. (Jo umliim .Im Sr'l'ltlufy was instruct- .d h. 1.x“ the now High (leeks, Alta, iiisurcd [u tll' ‘ mum: of ‘SJ’JU. SQIW-u]

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