Hm CVE" the “Hi hr-me l The Rrv. Mr. Morgnn of Thm‘nhiil, cm'ducted the special service in Hue Methndlst Church here on Thursday, the 4!!) inst . both of the reaidbnt ministers havingto attend the ayater supper uh Maple. place ll On Thursday, the 4th inst., the re mains nf the late Sunuu Shunk, Bl‘., were interred In the cemetery here. The d-a- teaued had reached the ripe old ago of 83 years, and hud lived here all his life time t1“ aann 8 years two when hu re tircp Lu Wnodbrldze. A large cone-:urse of friends assemhl‘ed to [my their last yv [\ieuurWumeum :ravcl for le- sponslble vsmbllshed huuae in Ontariu. Said!» $780, payable $15 weekly and eXpt‘llcrs. Poamon permanent. Refer euce Euciuae self addressed stamped envclupe The National, Scar Building. Richmnnd Hill, Feb To the Editor of THE LIBERAL SIR,â€"â€"Ou account. of the letter which appeared in last Issue from Mr. V . 'l‘. Stox‘ey,-some of the young men feel that. an injustice has been dune them. In order that. this may be removed we wish to say that some of thnse who went tn Thornhlli, certainly knew numbing of the disapproval of the committee of manage- ment, and while they Wmlld have prefer- red tu stay at home, they Went to keep an engagement funhfully made. Of course such did not deserve the censure uf the committee. Fullher, “hly one of those who played in the match was not a mem- 'ber; and he played only because a mem who was In play was late in arriving. The letwr frum the cumudnee therefure Cumulued a gl'nluLunLlel urrur in speak- ing of the players as members and "olh era." Y}! Men or Women to travel {or re- sponsxble established house in Ontario. Salary $780, payable $15 weekly and expenses. Pusmun permanent. Refer- ence. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Bunldmg, Chicago. Of the three byeâ€"elections held on Thursday, the Liberals captured two seats, viz., South Brant and North Ontario, and the Conservatives held East Simcoe. The three constitu- encies were formerly held by Con- servatives. may be set farther from Yonge street than formerhn Ata public meeting of the rate- payers called by the reeve on Mon- day evening, it was evident that our citizens are unanimous in their de- sire for the erection of a good High School with as little delay as possible, but as to the best place to erect the structure there is a great difference in opinion. Mr. Harrison and Mr. McNair spoke strongly in favor of the Hopkins property, Mr. Storey faVored the Park, and Messrs. Pugsley, Nicholls, McConaghy and McMahon thought that the original site was a good location for the school. Mr. Newton, Mr. Switzer, Mr. Sanderson, Mr. Coombs and others spoke of the desirability o, a good site now that we hate to build.' Asite on the Arnold property was popular, but it was learned that the proprietor did not wish to sell. Be- fore adjourning, the trustees were requested to examine a site on the east side of Yongo street nearly op- posite the Manse, owned by Mr. Me- Nair. Another meeting of the Board of Education will be held toâ€"morrow (Friday). Should the old High School lot be selected, it is proposed that the front building now used as a Public School he removed behind the others, so that the new building ‘Imago‘ Chas Cluids, who has been visiting R 10 H MO N D H IL L Thursd a Y . F eb . 1 1,, ’97 me uf M the We Sigime '. A kmsm: lethudinc L A N'I‘ED ~SEVER AL FAI'I‘HFUL ghhurhu AN {ELL-SE VERAL ‘FAITHFUL New Advertisements. l‘vspect to him departed, remaina to their last n Justlce to All [day Hm nus been usng in (I for sume time, returned Edgely cuuducted L119 service: in huzch here on Sunday ONE OF THE EIGHT 8:]: 12597. med, aid sa resting )rt At low prices, and the old stock is greatly reduced in price. A on†sulicited. r r v '1 beauuhul Ilrusrmted, largest circulation or anvmien flcgmu'nal.weeklymermswflfla en ' flwUuu monhs. Speulmm copieauld D Buox m- PATENTS sent. free. Addreu MUf-lH & CO . Pnpeï¬xiféfltrinke'xi itï¬ï¬vuvxh“ :é‘a‘ei've npecm) notice in the SGIENTIFJG AMERIGAN, ‘ . _ . _ ‘ . A . . 7 . . . 'W‘ ‘ DESIGNS. COPYRIGHTS to. Anyone sending a sketch and descriptlon may quickly. ascertain. free. whether an invention 18 probably patentuble. Communications strictly conï¬dential. Oldest agency for securin pageants lnDAmericn. LWe‘puve ‘a yyaabiqggp ofï¬ce. -4“..- L f4 TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS. nnnvnlnuvc A... Also a full Groceries ah Prices right E. CHAPMAN. GRGGERY STORE. . Wld'IWR. k’nsuiuns are worth frum $101! to $2500 per aux-um. We have paid several canvassera $50 we» kly {nr years: Many have started [war and lwcmne nch with us. Particulars upnn applicmion, and if sa'isfactvnry and new-nary, a pur- sunal interview may be arrunmd. Tins is an honest advertisemem, and it yvn wane tn bener your pusxtwn, write her fore ynn slwp. State salnly t-xpucletL Neither luafern nor lipwnra m-rd :amï¬v. THE BRADLEY GARREISUN 00.. Ltd., Turuum, Om. book km lawyers, students widcms. to $2500 WE CAN GIVE POSITIONS to per sons of all grades nf nbllllv. Agent» Mrs Darling was vi~iling In Toronto last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mitchell l-f King, has bs'en the gaosr of Miss S. Pearson fur the past few days. M rs‘ W. B frnm spending a relatives in New Last Friday evening about 30 uf our young people thunght they “Quid take advantage of the sleighing whuie iI lastvd. We are informed that the drive ‘0 To- ‘ ronto WHS splendid. There they spent 11 most enjnyable sucial eveth g at the home of Miss Arbuthnohafnrmer teacher in our Pubhc School. Pulur ' of ererv descnptinn Were at, the mammal of the visitors. The l‘uirv-‘hmenls, provided by the gnnd pelrple of the h 'us», wexe uf a. very high nrderâ€"all that Gnuld be do sirrd; and needless to sav eVervnne did justice to the same Tum: fur deuurtuw alrived far tunnnnn and 2:11 expu-ssu-d themselves as having sple a must daâ€" lightlnl evening. 'I‘hmwh the ram full hvavily durng the relurn drive, yet. b'lr disagreeablenwss of the wealhr-r was fur unfmn in the remembrance uf [he jovml time of Ihu past fuw hnurs‘ Mr. E A: Jauws spent Sunday last with fliends in Turvnm. A vary pfeasanc time was spent. at the regufar meeting of the 0. R '1‘. last Wednesday evening. The emertam- ment consisted nf nmsi'c, recitauuns and a debate on the subjkcl: “ Reached that the United States 18 a. better Cnulxlry to live in than Canada.†The sneak- a on the aï¬irmauve were Mr. E A James, Miss Pearson, Mr. F. Be“. and Mr. J. McKee; for the negative Mr. I). Boyle». Miss E. Clubxne, Miss M. Clubino, and Mr. J. Drury. After a lixely diet-"salon, the chalrman, Mr. A. Pearson: gave hm dccision in Janu- of the new: “We. Candies, Raisins, Currants. Figs, Dates, Nuts, etc. AH new Fru the 1 361 l night. ~ Terms Cash. ’atronage SoliCItcd. euera, clerks. f , mechanics, I.h\‘sicl 3, married and a rihe Lame 1w Langstaff uv. New York, hlhine two “'6ka mmer nud line of General ays in stock. ruit. way wwmrymmmm B)! HIE has returned Viuil. wnh King, for your Sew AND THUï¬YE‘M‘i’ ï¬FTEï¬NBDN Band in Altondauce SKATING RINK Monday, axe RICHARD THOMAS, 1‘ The full Ripans Ta Ripam ’ Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure river troubles. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripuns Tabmescure torpid liver. Ripans Tabuleas cure dizziness. Rip-ans Tabulwsz one gives relief. Ripans Tabuies: gentle cathartic, Patrmm; mice i9 ï¬reï¬imi's Jlm'v STONE CIHH’PER WWW And Wi 999.90.00.0090090900696642 ‘ "06996906 U‘Vc The only food “1" that will build up a weak cons- Baby “ titution gradu< ally but surely is The under And 4 15th day of Fe'b’y CHARLOTTF' THOMAS, uch ( Med During the ï¬lm 1 i1 H PIN RY M A RS Fï¬EMEï¬S 0F .lm in. t1) martin 5 Cardinal Food 3 simple, scientiï¬c and highly nutritive preparation for infants, 9 I ' (ieEicatc children and invalid::. g thmg 1n the past. \‘Ve are Shh,me a mu range of Felt '\ Z" ’ “"730†a c" - “WNWâ€? Boots, Stockings, and Rubbers, different prices ; also \Nest. Mon‘rnl‘l - ~ ~ maoooeoM-MAN . . . gate Overstockmgs for Ladies and Mtbses. f Ihave much pleasure in cailing your attention to my Marge and well-assorted lines of Boots 8; Shoes, that include the best grades of different kinds for man, woman and child. The stylegt are the very latest and quaiities ahead of an)â€" ONGOOM Tut‘srlavs :11 when mm-e THE RICHMOND HILL "$1.00 'oer Year. SKA Will be open for evemu or [lohw 4' the est Give lmi Wednesday, RKJNI’IJHC ‘n 10 estate (ATENG Martin’s LIBERAL that he has mhip at W? .1 on or nbnu veiling» IV 19 VA" ined :ents utur m. us and Children riu and Saturday ,he aw mill at Childrr M lkuters on the will 16 um fu “wit utor 30 n. from VAQEHAN spe LIFO the caretaker ed a ï¬rstâ€"class Sin :1 l‘dny Ill EL" 6 Stl hnvm m'l‘h 1897 guaranteed uts :ludiug vpervision d by them nd Ceylgn 30 rant St the EH. inform ,. can be bï¬t' thé lays . 0., aims mamas: & SEGE Fancy Children’s Chairs, Ladies’ and Gents’ Rockers, Arm Chairs, in fact all kinds 0: house fumishings. Picture Frames made to order, Photo Frames in Stock. At holiday pxices. Usual stock of Groceries on hand. Room Paper at bottom prxces. Paints Oils and Glass, all sizes, always on harde All Skates at 60st. O. l‘y’IASON. ~ RICH A130 Rube Trimu Hardware. Stoves, {ï¬rmnitewara Tin- Ware, Eavetroughing, Furnaces, Table and Peaks: Guilery, RICHMOND HILL. ï¬aflwwe SEGEQ . †THE LiEBERka †OFFEQE Respectfully requesting a continuance of your esteemed favors, We remain, â€"â€"NOW IN STOCK Horse-clothing of all kinds ; VVuOl é Custom work a specialty, inq neatly and promptly done. gagging at Eiéggmge’s Gets up Harness that. can't be beat in qnaiiry an GGK OTTOM PWC QASM. And everything in the â€"Robes tnmmed and lined cheap. JOB PRINTING Repairing cheaply and promptly done. Emma 84:, M The two very best Robes made fur the price ing and Lining. Leaxher Mlhs, lined and unlined, from 200. up 51M EM FEE Repalrix‘g promptly attended to. 3 lbs. of3 inch Nai Very truly yours, NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE To My Customers N EW/ STG Sells all kinds (£130. N!cl)(DNAIJD ROERT SEVERS. DONE A'I 1D €§§§§é§33 WEN? S anc EEEOND 1nd Hardware line 1 Friends 2'; cents. Rubber Knee Rugs; CK .zm=mn ‘3.†Ln“ I an UU!‘ OWH main: epair- )\L