Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Feb 1897, p. 1

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Graduate of the Ontario with diploma. from the ( Dental School, will visit‘Mm Friday of 81511 week. and rum 1 to 3 p. m. Calla pron Diseasas of horses; cattle a ed animais treated by the I: groved methods. 0f Manchester GORE, ()F GALT. J. 3:736: lroy, VETERINARY SURGEON VOL. XIX. AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND IEZLL, ONT. 7W :: flfi. E? ~Will be 11: Richmond Hill on Feb'y 22nd, 2“, and 24th and at regular intervals thereafter T. F. McMAHON, DR. LANGSTAF RICHMOND HILL. Bri. ‘or 1 very f3 mumszmv EVERY THUR SDAY MORNING RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFECE EIQIITRS QtolOam;and 6 to 8 p m £379 @%§E mmm, Ofliceâ€"W. Stoxey‘s, next, door to school $ 1 per ammm, Cheap Deutnl ( Repatiring w d Replacing 0F 21 HLOOR STREET. TORONTO BUSINESS CARDS. accommodation go guesfifi. Board, $1. Smiflam: Gno§pm mt fur the follow Insurance Conn master, of Londonfingn, RITISH AMERICA, .SREGE TNT-r 2. R06 73359 KING STRE T EAST. TORONTO OFFICE IHQ‘URS f the Ontario V no. from the 01 w], will visiran] lull week. and C VETERINARY DENTIST, BELMOND HILL. It IX 956‘! EDITOR 32 Pnommron Hours 9 a. m. to 6 r TORONTO, CANADA 358%. TEES? Dentisé' he nor store 9 Wicrézzm‘g 4395 Cash Mutqu A‘ w“. E. EUTE to Dr. \V. J. Wilson). Derday iacutal. MUTUAL, fl fiiizaeml WM. th mph ina stock Fire anies, v12; Rent. m advance. Good Work. Queen St. Subwuv Toronto- EEGHISBN rerinary College, urio Veterinary on Monday and mcord on Friday :y attended to Other domesticat- 5t and most apâ€" mm cnmlng TEE, 3J1. Licensed Auctioneer for General saies of implen'c timber. etc.,ubtended on at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. ( sonablerates. Failiuna Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the Couu Sales attelfded t_o on shortest notice V‘v’RIGHT BROS, U Ham-takers fir Embalm 91's, Faun-nu Furnishings Always on Hand LicensedAuctioneers for the Count: spec-M'qu solicit your patronage u influencé. sales attended on the SM an 4 a rozlsouabe rates. P. 0. udmrm Licensed Auctioneers for the Countles of Outarxo and Feel. Goods sold on consigr Generalnales‘o stock. 92.0., promptly an to atreusonabie rates. ALFRED MACDOUGALL, SALEM Ecmnn Uuiunville. Barristers, S LawOflices East TornDtn Office, Mr. Grant's residence, Woodhrldge. every evening. Thoruhill, each Wednesday from 1010 12. ALFRED W, BRIGGS Mr. '1‘. Herbert Lennnx Richmond Hill every We action of business. Mr, Fred. W. Garvin will be at Richmond Hill all day every Wednesday, and at each sitting of the Court. MACDOUGALL & JONES MON£Y TO 1.01m AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Emma, 81mm E smas HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses roievbone 2984 Eaxristers, Solicitors, ice. TorontcOPficeâ€"NDJS Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Office open every Saturday. LINDSEY1 LINDSEY & BETHUNE A G F Immune}: LAWRENCE & ORMISTON ROBINSON, LEN NOX & MACL EDD M. TEEFY. NOTA RY PUBLIC- C STOKES Money to Loan Solicitor to the 25 KING STBE MT Room 1, Museum Buildix Toronto 33 Richmond Slavic! “first 'l‘oronw. 0.6. S. LINDSEY RICHMOND HILL POST OFFI( E GA RVIN & GARVIN, Pacific Buildings, 23 Scott St. Toronto .ll‘l‘i‘fl‘l's, Solicitors, 51-. TORONTO AND AURORA. Barristers. Solicitors. lVotan'es and Conveyancers. and Dwalling to rent am? 'I'O RENE. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, [897 $150,050m Rickard! 5: PI entire Barristers, Solicitors, &0 Stokes £3 Barristers, Solicitors, &c‘ Barrister, (Soc INDSEY LYON LINDSEY CHARLES J. B. BETEUNE. J. ’l‘. gaigcou M's apply to 01 rMHXSSIONER IN THE v. u, v . \u u...â€" to St. Toronto, at residence, Centre St, Richmond Hill, every evening. and Dominion House on Wednesday. rlicit‘ors. Conveyuh cers. Notaries. &c 209p) _1_0. York Chambers, 9 'I‘m-nn loan at lowest rates. I). Houdma in, Treasury of Ontario Emu! “In. Essentials, Unity; in »x will be atKelly's Hotel 7eduesdny, for the trans- WEST. TORONTO. )L‘ the County of York,re- patroz‘mge and friendly .A A“ A. .A ,i A A - the County of Y arts, furniture.nag the shortest notice [1 on the uLortest notic} P. 0‘ adaxess King th? Cguuty of York Blougln. address M1: me W S (HIMISTON L L B mg, 18 Toronto St FREDERICK O. JOKES diéitad M1011 consignment promptly attended ‘gmaéz ISAAC 1‘1 Telephone 47 Msmeyto Loan :1. PRENTICE, Cm-rville. D BLOU Residcfigo York we post or sergeant by Uul. lrwiu, to keep peace and tranquility among the employes of the U. P. 11., this being the first )uar of its C| nstructiun in the North West 'l'crritorirs. On October 27th he was ordeer to Regina, now the capital uf the North West Territory, then tut a prairie wnhoun a. 5|“ng house. The pulice lived in huts and. built the that 'puhce barracks. On the 7th of August, 1883, he paid his first visit; to Calgary. a trading post on the Elbow river. \Vhiit is now u city of 3000 inhabitants, with well linéd streets and hunds'nne build- ings, consistvd of a. half (1‘ zen shaks occupied by half breeds. When statiun- ed at Calgary the sugeaut made a couple of (hflicult airests. Sixty miles distant east of Calgaiy there We .4 camped a large bdlld ut Blackfeet Indians. Among them was concmled a bluod lndian who Wu‘i wanted by the police fm iiwse steal,- lug. ‘1‘..lilllg nizti them an lnturnretel‘ ‘-u.,l v1 p0-t00f flLlll‘ men an(‘ a wagon IJ bu Vvl'llill a. “Illa (it t» I‘ilifin face Is not untunnlmr to muny nf us, the funnly residence and farm known as Drynuch being summed about four miles north of our vulaac. Anivmg at the New Furl, Toronto, he joined the company there formed Much cunsisxcd or 84: men and Tli homes wuh anus and ammunition. Among the num- ber uhu ware in for in short time of aCUV' my and adventure was another of our pupulul‘ cmz-st known to us as Col. Muburn, Mwse cxw-rience is not devoid of inlerest and to whom we may haw: again to refer. Ten years apprenxiCeship *0 a. wander- ing hits, the constant change of scene, the ever varying Change of cnmpamnu- ship and the excllemcut cunsequent, on a soldier’s life cmnbmed, tend to unsettle the minds of the must of men Who en- gage in military pmsnlts fur sedentary hie and~quiet uccupatlnns, The Impulse to bu on the move secmes Irresistible. Having a previous knowledge of Can- ada and being prepumessed In its favur the subject of these sketches of a soldier’s life, tank passage on board the Hlbernia at bond-.ndeny and landed at Purtland, . 7 "N" 7, Maine, UH lhe 11th of April. 1875. Taking the Grand l'iiiiik our soldier, whose tiiie 0t :ergi-aut IhpSfd WiLh his term, arrived at Brlleville where he re- mained with relatives until Miiy, 1879. Here he “as rccniuiiieiided to Cu]. Mac- Lvud fur a pi-aiiiuii ull ihe force of the blurb West, mounted police. Gui. MacLend, iihuse activity iii iho afl‘aii's uf the North West, wan an nfljcer whose Richmond Hill and Vicinity No. 49. On the 19.!)ufMay,1879,theonmpuny 31 II E NORTH VVEH'H‘. BY WM HARRISON. Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity? ll‘ were Fort The were Jsun, J. McKInnun, \Vui Kirby, 0;. V]. High. J. H. Knby, J. A. Stevmson, T. Jackson, W. Watsun, J. Kinnee. N. Watson, J. Bell, R. Harvey, T. Witty, John McKinuon, W. J. Hill, Dr. Mc- ‘Lean, Frank Danton, R. J. Gibson, Dr. Hutchisun, T. F. MuMuhuu, J. Beaten, H. Creighton. Aftex reading the minutes of the last meeting, and the treasurer’s report, officers were elegzed fur the ensuing year as fullowsi President. D McDonald; 13*. V‘rhl’n‘M-Im‘ R Harvev: WANTEDâ€"Old established wholesale house wants one or two honest. and inâ€" dustl'luns representatives for this secziuu. Can pay a llusxler about. $l2 a. week to start. with. DRAWER 29, BRANTâ€" FORD, ONT. ' v The Vaughan Township Reform As- sociatiun held its annual meeting In the Town Hall. Vellure, on Monday last, the 15111 )nst. There was a large attendance. the fullowing baing among those pusent; D. Mchnald, F. Smith. J. R Campbell, L. Rmhardann, R. Rumble. W Rlchurd- C. H. Kefler, R Rumble, L. Richardstm, J. Hanna, W. Richardson, J. H. Kirby, J. Kaiser, J T. Saigeon, D. Jnhnstun; Patterson Lodgeâ€"*Rev. W. \V. Bates, R. S. Thnmpson, J. E. Francis, \\'. Edev, J. Ellston; St. George Lodgeâ€" Alf. Gaunt. R. J. Gault; Harmony Lndge â€"R. l. Beeuead, A. B. Clark; Simpson Ludgeâ€"J. L. Webster; Rchoboam Lodge --F. C. Cules. \V. G. Eukins, District. Secretary Stevensml Ludge, anOutoâ€"J. Watson J. Lenka-,5]. G. \anson, E Egan. C The Freemasons of this village and vicinin spent. a pleagant‘ time together [AM Monday evening. On that evening R. W Brn Aubrey, D. D. G. M. of the 11th Masonic Uh-trict, paid an official visit Ln Richmond Lodge, and there was a large assemblage of the fraternity pres sent from sister lodges. The following were among the guests, nearly all being rilhkl‘ Mafiters nl‘ Past, Masters: envelope Chicagn, Sal euce some special business. The party waized until dark, their object being to get their man without arnusing the camp. The interpreter’s duty was to find in what tent the criminal was located. their object being to avoid waking the sqimws for it once aroused and they began to beat their tom toms, the Indians would be cume excited and the arrest perilous. They got their man, but before they got him to the wagon the war-cry went up followed by a whooping crowd; they only just got away, reaching Calgary, making 120 miles in twenty-four hours. The Indian’a name was Red Dried Meat. The prisoner was tried by Col. MacLeod and got six years in the Stony Mountain Penitentiary. On another ()CCtlSlOll they were not so fortunate. They were sent to arrest an Indian who had «escaped from the guard room at Fort MacLeod. Proceeding as befnre they got their man and handcnfl'ed him, but before they could get him to the wagon, the eqnawe alarmed the whole camp. Hundreds of Indians crowded around and the prisoner was reamed. The police Were armtd. but a shot at that moment. would mean death to tlie‘fnrce. l’rndence on this occasion being the better part of valor, they returned and reported at head quartets Next day the sergeant re. turned With 22 men, entering the tents at (uninight, they quietly secured their man and made a sate retreat. apt 2nd ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL Men or Wmuen to travel for re- nsible established house in Ontario. ary$780. payable $15 weekly and uenucs, Position permanent. Rafe!- e Encluse self addrwsvd stamped clupe. The National. Scar Building. Vaughan Reformers Masons Meet (To BE CONTINUED n‘, R Harvey; cm, ligauz' ". VWllson, Sirsley The place formerly km west of the village, is to claps state of cultn'ation On first mortgage at 5 per cent; no commission charged ; mortgages purchased. Also several choice farms for sale in the County of York; terms to suit. JONESâ€"Ac Putts-risen, on Saturday, Feb‘ the Wife of Robert Jones. of a. son. The undersign'ed will Grin (51 in the week at Bnyle‘s Mill, at 5 Oats 4 cents a, bag. Skates ground an '5 cents a. pair \VV Men or Women to travel for re- spuusible established house in Ontario. Salary$780, payable $15 weekly and expenses. Position permanent. Refer- ence. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chicago. HAR'Fâ€" In Richmond Hill, on Friday, Feb'y 12th Johp Hart. aged 82 years. 10 months. mountings Apply to Mr. L. Richardgén has again seemed the services of Mr. Thomson. as businesx is somewhat, brisket. Miss Eva Johnston of Toronto, is spending the week wnh her parents hereo , r___-.-.. u... v 7 Mr. 8. Thomson hérsi been appoin ed postmaster her:- in place of Mr. Hood who resigned the p'Isilion. dunalmn party was held at the Rectory, King City, on Monday evening. About. fifty of the members of St. Stephen’s were present. A few of our young people attended a, surprise party at Aurora one evening last week. They enjwyed the drive very much and arriwd home in time to go t9 work next morning. The funeral of the late Mrs. Thoma: Rumble took place on Tuesday afternoon to Maple cemetery and was largely at- tended. Bcfore the interment a service was held in Patterson church. Mr. Rumble and family have the sympathy of the cummuuity in their bereavement. The English Church concert held in the hall last \Veduesrlay evening was fairly Well attended and an interesting programme given. A dunalmn parhv was held at the ILEE carnes “ Queen Victoria: Her Life and Reign ” into every home. Per- sons who never suld books take orders fast. Preface the most eloquent of Lord Dutferij’s achievements. No book so highly praised. We need nmre canvass- ers. Easy to make $15 tn $30 a week. Buuks on time. Prospectus free to can- vassers, A trial will cost nothing and it may fill your emptv pocket-bunk. THE Toronto, Ont Treasurer, J. McKmuon; Secretary, F. Smith. Chairman of each polling enbdlvision l. W. H. Clnbine; ‘2. G. F. Legge; 3 W. Dalziel; 4, J. R Campbell; 5, J. A Stevenson; 6, J. McGillivray; 7, H. Creighton; 8, P. Devins. The meeting was unusually interesting, and stirring speeches, in which weft ably discussed the questions nf the day, were delivered by Messrs W. J. Hill, the candxdute f0: West York for the Lucal Legislature: Dr. McLean, of \Vuudhrldge; Lawyer Frank Denton, of Torontn; and County Cnnncillor R. J. Gibson of Deer Park. Short, speeohes *""J) T. F. McMahon, L. Richardson, Mr. Norton and others. Many references were made to the success uf the Liberal pagty in June last, to the ability and popularlty of the Hon. Wilfrid Laurier and the Hon. A. S. Hardy, and to the prospective legislation in the near future when the Dnminion Franchise Act. and the Gerrymander will be wiped “If the statutes. Everybody luuks upnn Mr. Hill as tPe right man in the right. place, and every confidence was expressed for the success of the Liberal party in West York and in the province at. the next general election. Torontn; and County Cnnncillor R. J. Gibson of Deer Park. Short, speeohes were alsn made by Mr. Pearen of York Township; Dr. Hutchison, R. Harvey, '1‘ U n1_nl I, may fill your emptv pocket-bunk.- THE BRADLEÂ¥~GARRE1'SON 00., Ltd., @1133. MAJESTY’S DIAMOND JUB For Exchange. $50,000 TO LOAN Farm to E 234 f 194.115 figimfiiw ma. ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFL‘L {was Tabules cure 4:.“ 3:1 mugs cure bi! w g of Single Harness, new, thh nix for cordwunu. either green or dry WM. HARRISON. Harness-Maker, Richmond 1 [Single copies, 3 cts A. WILLIS, 1 Toronto St. Toronto erly known as tho I .ge, is to rent. In is DEATHS ES"?! ESS. 1 will Grind Grain every day lyle‘s mm,“ 5 cents a. bag. Niaple Mm] y_ _t_o W. R. PROCTOR‘ $381113. \V. MAGE No ] {gum ‘kIe 34

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