Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Feb 1897, p. 4

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A “ sun-prim par y nature took p‘ate at Mrs. Jonathan Brillingex has a few dam agn, u hen ( number of the fair sex was this neighborhoo l, and er Hill, Headford and Vic The visimrs gave a good an selves. The sleighng has been good for some time past, but the grmmd i3 nguin be- coming quite bare. The residents have been busy hauling wood and logs, and getting in their summer Bl]p|r)y nf iCe. Mrs. Jonathan Brillinger bud a carpet has a few dam ago, u hen quite a large number of the fair sex was present fl‘nln this neighborhool, and from R:chmm~d Hill, Headford and Victoria Sullnre. THE BRADLEY GARRETSGSTWEZ L‘d., Toronto, Ont. \VANTED-~ Earnest. men and women m circulate “ The Swo‘ld uf Islam: or S fl'ering Armenia,” 3. tllriliing bm k Graphic account, of the Earner“ Question, the Turk, Armenia, and Muhamnmdzm ism with its horrible massacres. Nnnu-r uua startling illustrations taken on the spot. 448 pages, only $1.90. Agents make frum $15 to $30 Weekly. Books 0‘} “me. Prllfil‘ectlls free l.“ canvasm TS. Oh motion of Mr. ficDunaM, 8860”de by Mr. Olubine, the Buard decided tu apply to the Village Cuuncil for $3000 to be levied on the village for High 'Schoul 'purpoaqs. be the propertv of the Bndrd, subjacl: to the approval of the trustees. Mr. McDonald muwd, Dr. Hutchis'm seconded, that the actinn of the commit- tee be confirmed, but. the resolution was not, put to the meeting. At. the adjourned meeting on Tuesday, Mr. Switzer reported that the committee had purchased the Powell lot fur $300, the material in the sheds and stables tn The motion was carri.d and a cmn gultfiee consisting of Messrs. Newton, MéConaghy and the Secretary was ap pointed to make enquiries respecting the Powell lot. and report at the must meet mg of the Board. It. was moved in amendment by Mr. Harrison, seconded by Dr. IilIKChisun: that, the Hopkins lul be purchased. con sisting of an acre or more, oppcsfie the bakery. At the meeting on ‘Fnday it was moved by Mr. Newton, seennded by Mr. Mc- Conaghy, that a half acre be purchassd from Mrs. ‘Powell, being the south half of the Grand Central property. Sale ' . };‘Ol-'k,1$h: [il‘bpéill‘t'y biIuLzu (xllruy ._ . . 0‘1: 0c ', unc provided‘ Termsslu )uths. ‘Board. Of Educatlon Eckm‘dt & Prentice, auctioneers. ‘ Mozinnkluarcl‘; IStECI'ed‘Lt sale nl‘ household . urn: ure, 0., e '0) t s. ’ The Bna_rd of Edpcatlon have held two Powell, Richmond Elfin; (Va/[33190; “ll (9-1222: «meetings smce hat “sue, when most of ' TerEnsamouths. Also house and lot kumxu the members have been present. The $15,123?“ comm} Hom' D' Bé’yam‘ we". question of a site for the new High SATURDAY, March13~Mortgage sale of valuable School has been the chief topic nf dis- filfiemgpertyihnlt {that tlgicl'm' mm lioutr > . , lesou 1a 25 " ‘ n cuslon, and the Board are not yet unan~ 24', 3rd con. Vaughan. 0&1]: (:62 u'éifictkmslee imous on any partlcumr lucation. WEgu‘“ J' '1'~§1“‘“e§”’ “ucm‘uecr- . l â€" I . NESDAY, are l7â€"Credit sale of fly. At the meeting 0‘1 Fuday 1t was moved stock, implements, &c., on lot 11. 9th Cour?! 16y Mrl. Newton, seclmded by Mr. Mc- lifll‘lklhulnithsllrfmel‘ty of Christ Hare SMe ona ‘ lhatala] a ‘ a dc ock, lunch provided. Terms 8 9. y, 1 f "6 be Pu'c'mssd months. Eckarut dc Prentice, aunts. from Mrs. ‘Powell, being the south half Mol‘ilfigij,l‘r1urchlflâ€"Erellltsale of farm all-ck, A: LLA 1 n VV Men or Women to travel for re- sponsxble eatablished house in Ontario. Salary $780, payable 315 weekly and e'xpé‘nses. Position permanent. Refer ence. Enclose self addresxud stamped envelope. The National, Star Buildiny, Chicago. The Board adj mrued The Bradford Witness-News comes to hand in a new dress, and is now 'one of the neatest papers among Our ‘exchanges. We congratulate our South Simcoe cotem. on its evident prosperity, and 110pe that its new {suit will not prevent it associating 'with those of us who have yet to content ourselves in appearing be- fore the public in our somewhat ‘threadbare clothes. rge Henrick on week, wh 11 ab With such excellent location and many advantages, with an electric railway at our door, Richmond Hill is a most desirable village in which ’to settle. Aurora . . . . . . . '. . . .555 68 Newmarket . . . . . . . . 6 26 North Toronto . . . . . . 12 81 Markham . . . . . . . . . 6 24 Toronto Junction .. .20 00 Weston . . . . . . . . . . . 3 40 Richmond Hill . . . . . 2 74 it can be séen'that the ta‘Xes 'per head are lower in Richmond Hill than in any other municipality in *the county where a High School is situated, and lower than any town or village along the line of the electric railway from Toronto to Newmarket. ’purposes per head are lows: 'The annual report of the Bureau 'of Industries for 1895 gives the names of the towns and villages in York county, the taxes imposed for 'all purpo'ses, and other useful inform- ation. The taxes imposed for all RICHMOND HILL. Thursday. Feb 18, ’97 N @112 (gi’asml. ANTE Dâ€"SE VERAL FA ITHFUL New Advertisements. Dairy Town a! the re uoh820mT u626 w 1 W32 0 .¢ .- ket . )ronto . . n . . . Junction .. . é'11i1'1'. cry llea nce of ~sent frum Rmhmord la Square. 4) Of them- given as fol- $5 68 6 26 12 81 6 24 20 00 3 4O Hg M r At luw prices, and the aid stock is granny reduced in pzice. A call solicited. Post Office, '1 am now prepared tn furnish my putrnns with almost everything to be fuund in a general sturo. I have a new stock of EGG-E REE S E. CHAPMAN Miss CTH‘A‘RREfiNf DRESS - MAKEI i STQRE 'Huving bought the property from Mr. XV. A:»»Cl21rik, known as the Sherwmwd VV Men or Women to travel for re- Iwusible established house in Ontario. Salarv»$’280, payable $‘5 weeklv and expenses. Position permanent. Refer euce. Enclose self addressed stamped envelu-pe. The National, Star Building, Chicago. implements and furnitun on ma , con. 2. West, York, the property of W. M. Jackson. Sale at 10 o'clock; much at noon. Terms Smouth. No reserve. Eckardt‘fi Pientice, auctioneers. L‘sParties getting their bills printed at this Office will receive a. uutice similar to the above FREE or CHARGE. E°§¢WWWo§asg¢g Procrastination “M ' is the Thief of Teeth Neglect is the prime cause of bad ‘teeth and big dentists’ bills. Little ‘cavities cost less than big ones, and early filling saves the teeth. Any filling costs less than crewning and bridging, and crowns and bridges are more comfortable and convenient than plates. The triumph of modern dentistry is our crown and bridge work \VEDNESDAY, Ma stock, implem on lot 8, rear 4 belonging to H Anderson. N( lunch at. noon. & Prentice, an RICHMOND HILL. - CALL - SOLICITED. SATURDAY. 'Feb'y filoâ€"Credit sale of farm Stock, harness, vehicles. die.' at, the Richardson House,Mapie. Sale atl (i‘clovk. Terms 8 months. Parting having stock to dispose of may bring same on day of sale, J. T. Sai- geon, auctioneer. THURSDAY, Feb'y ziâ€"Credit Sale of farm stock. implements, &c., on lot 23. 2nd con. West; York. the property of W. Li Courtice. Sale at 1 o'clock. Tex-ka months. Eckardt & Prentice. auctioneers. FRIDAY, Feb'y wâ€"(‘redit sale 0! farm stock. im- plements. household furniture, &c.. on lot. -12, con. 3, East York, tbc property of Messrs S. d: J. Blain. Sale at 1 o'clock. E12] t mouths'credits. Eight per cunt. per aunnm for cash. Eckm-db & Prentive. auctioneers. FRIDAY. Feb‘y 2(Jâ€"Credit sale of fin in stuck. in..- gmments, &c., at Lloyd's hotel. )(lgely. ale a.“ o’clock. Terms 8 inuunbs. J u. Rewmun, auctioneer. TUESDAY, Marcia 2â€"Creht sale of farm stock. implements, &c._ on lot 15. 4th (501.. SCRI'LYUIO, the m‘operw of Wesley Uruiemd. Sale at. 11 o'clock. Hut diuuer at DODIL Terms 8 months. Eight per cent. per annum for cash. Eckardt & Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, March 3~Auminn suio uf farm pronerty being the west. Dalia! lot 2'). libh eon. flax-khan], occupied by John Grills. containing 107 acres more or 1655‘ Sale at Pltbs' hoiel, Markham Village, mi. 2 o'clock p. m. Eckardt & Prentice, aucbioueers. inqnspn’. March 4â€"Credit; SIHE' of mm) stock implements. stage In Richmond Hill. the Proctor. Sale at 12 o’cl a: Prentice, auctioneers FRIDAY, M'chh 5â€"Cred1t implements, &c._, on )0! Elle pyoperty of John H H. A. GALLOWAY, Dentist 'of p‘m‘ise ft)! the success of the party. â€"VW7» WANTEDâ€"Intelligent men with good educatinu to whom '36UO and exuensw fur 'the first year would be an “dun-mam Write with full particulars. THE MAN AGER, 49 Richmond St. \Vest, Turuutn, Out. 12 o'clock. Terms 8 months. Light Let cent pernnnum for cash. Eckardt S: l‘rcubice auctioneers. Uzsmthm-ch Mredifisale Lf farm stock, implements. household furnitme. &c.. on lot14.2ud con. Markham. the novarcy of Fred W. Jackes. Sale without reserve. Pale at 1 o’clock sharp. Tammi) monthfi. Eight vger cent per annum n!lowed tor‘ cash ‘ckardt dz Preufiicn, auctioneers. of p‘m‘ise ft)! the success "irom this place, Richmond Hill, Sher wood, Barrie, ()sk Ridges, Victoria Square, Hesdford and Buttunville a:- sembled and spent an enjoyable time. About, 20 Went in a sleigh load from Dairytown and vicinity, and enjoyed the ’drive and the dancing Very much. "he ladies were very generous and DFUV ded Well for the appetites of all. The mom delicue person could nut refrain from partaking of the delicacies which had been provided. Before bidding the inns! and hostess gimd b)e a hope was ex pisssed that i: wuuid not be hung unii) another such (Vening could be spent to gather. The Mix-:Ses Hemick are m be congratulated an the phnice "Ill ic rvnd» med 0"!) the pinno. Heinrick's ul‘cimstl‘n Was ‘in attendance. on the t-ccasiI-n. :ui‘i rendered excellent, music The cmn mitte‘e of management are also desei vian ANTED - SEVERAL FA I'l‘HFUL my, March implements 8.1‘enr 4th c< SaJe Register. uctioneers. Sâ€"Credn sale of farm flock £121, on lot 13. con. 7. Markham of John H. Gowlnml. Sale at -Credit Sale of farm stock, ,on lot 23. 2nd con. West; :tv of W. L‘ Courtice. Sale Credit sale of nurses and pronerty ’clock shm‘l xfW. MflIa'ékEbJ.’ at noon. Terms :ckurut‘fi Plentics, use of bad ’3 Is. Little ', ones, and 8th. Any 1 avning and ' widges are ’ ‘ :onvenient ;; of modern 'idge work -‘" )entist Toronto "1 1am; stock 1 stages at w. R Eckanit to be -nd- Istra uni MESS M. BGSS. Also a full line of General Groceries always in stock. Prices right. - Terms Cash. Patronage Solicited; Is the place to go for your GROCERY omn‘n‘ The undersigned Hill SVutinn, Balm Whole Cum and Gr FEED for SALE Season Tickets may be had from the caretaker J. Brownlee. Special Car every Saturday will leave 0. R Crossmgac 6.45 p\ In. Return fare. including admission to rink. 30 cents. AW THURSDAY AFTERNBUN “and in Attendance Saturday Evenings. Monday, That is \\' sold at the 53‘ It is ut slbs ,an soil If your g1 on STP >0§the T very fresh leave THE FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD I IN IS \V j Emma WW Patronage asi. A‘U 30-“ STONE Candies, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Nuts, etc. ! § m1 will‘bc Admission 10 cents; Children 5 cents THE RICHMOND HILL iifi’i‘ING {INK And others that he has added a firstâ€"class The uhtfe'rsigned wougl respbctfullv ‘in'font t e IN ITS NATiVE FURIT FROM THE TFA P Martin’s Cardinal F9991 § 6”“ MOOOW 3 nutritive preparation for infants, fidelicate children and invalids. §a simple, scientific and highly Q KERRY WATSON A c0.. Pnornln'ons. 6 MONTREAL (Sex- A. moeoooooomooooé @00 00000000000 0000090000 During the skating season, from to 10 o'clock H TC FARMERS 0F VAUGHAN Monsoon “The Lorne will bn‘prepmed to grind 11m 'l‘uesdnvs and Friday's, an when more convenient towers, at lowest pri Huge solicited. Satisfacti‘ ndersigned has for sale at Richmond Linn. Balad Hay, Maize (com) Maul JYD and Grain of all kluds. ......... 5mm, ally but surely is Will be open {or skaters on the cVemugs of SKATING All new Fruit. For Ladies and Children Baby Wed 1: esday G IVC ERA 131410 N RY M A H STORE. . the his saw mill at and Saturday CH 0 PPE R, 5m- [-3 THE TEA cur The only food that will build up a. weak cons- titution gradu~ J. 1V. CAMPBELL y. grain ofl'ered my other days ml sold by11iefi Han and Ceylon L inone but the Spp¢r\ sion 1 1b. and ’c. and 60:. uamnteed Trio write 30 Fancy Children’s Chairs, Ladies' and Gents’ Rockers Arm Chairs, in fact all kinds ot house fumishings. Picture Frames made to order, Photo Frames in Stock At holiday prices. Usual stock of Groceries on hand. Room Paper at bottom prices. Paints Oils and Glass, all sizes, always on hand. Bargains at Savages FOR XMAS. N. B.â€"â€"Robes trlmmed and lined‘cheap. Saskatchewan a aarihaaai afialafiobas ESETEDP WWWMA jfii‘é M _, ,. RIEHMGND HILL 5% I“,H"‘"W y E The two very best Robes made for the price. Also Rube Trimming and Lining. Leather Mits, lined and unlined, from 20c All Skates at Cost. gammmmml Hardware. Stoves, Granitewaxe, Tinâ€" Ware, Eavetroughing, Furnaces, Table 35ml Pocket filiiew, RICHMOND HILL. Emdwwe Stare . . Gets up Harness that can’t be beat in quality and price (all our own make). NOW IN STOCK Horse-clothing of all kinds ; Wool & Rubber Knee Rugs; THE L‘IBERflcL ” OFFEGE Respectfully requesting a continuance ofyour esteemed favors, we remain, I haVe much pleasure in calling your attention to my large and well~assorted lines of Boots & Shoes, that‘include the best grades of different kinds for man, woman and child. The styles are the very latest and qualities ahead of an)- thingr in tlre past. We are showing a lull range of Felt Boots, Stockings, and Rubbers, different prices ; also \Vest- gate Overstockings for Ladies and Misses. Custom work a specialty, seWed and pegged. Repair- ing neatly and promptly done. . MASON, - RICHMOND HILI EQQTS And everything in the Tin and H 33:? Repalring promptly attended to. $1 GEO. DIQDONALD jOB PRINTING K BOTTC} Repairing cheaply and promptly done. 8 lbs. of3 inch Nails for 25 cents NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE To My Customers and Friends: 3ry truly yours, NEW STGG‘K Se'l'l's all kinds of CASH. ROBERT SEVERS. DONE AT M ?R§ 11‘ ES are Ime

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