Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Feb 1897, p. 5

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Rmauoxp HILL. Thursday, Fab 2:0. ’97 Mr. Malthew McNair w“ on Friday electeda Public Suhnnl Cl‘uustes- for this village and Uniun Schuul Section. The vote stand MrNair. 77; Moodie,54; major- ity for McNair, 23. A large number of nur ciuzeua attended the Allmui Cancer! given in Maxsny Hall on Monday Evening, r‘ld several othvrs Went to the Matinee Tuesda} uherrxoon‘ Bosnia Plunes 25:. per lb. a: Atkinson & Swilzers. Mr. A. Smufier uf Newwarket, intends nrganizing n Singing Class hernia the near {mute at which rndimmml the rry and sight. singing will be taught. Be mll aiso give private Iensnus iu Voice Culture nu} on the violin. Further particuiara next Week. A pelitinn will be preseut‘d to the man- egemnnl of Hm Nurtbem Railway, from the -reeideula of Maple. [\rajying that the rules may be lowere-i to shunt the same as me now charged flum this village to TJI‘ODIU, on the Mctmpulimu Street. Bait-way. Good Larsen Sofid ()nious for 180. per peek at Atkinson & Swilznrs. Shirfing (or 5. G. and Sc. per yd. are great value now at. Atkinson dz Switzun. The Morning Globe address from now to (b minim] Home lot 51. World will b:- smn duriu; 3100. Or :us for either LIBERAL office. Dnn't mi<.~ cbe Lacromp Carnival to-night. EMA-Kay Polo and mixer figures will be at- tractive faulmes of thn Evening. Goml patterns Crum'a 125:3. prints selling fur 9a. a! Aikiueou A: ‘swiizeru‘ Court Richmond will meet on Friday evening of this wmk. A full attendance of the members is fiquea‘em 'lfixamiue the Factory Cotton Atkinson & b‘w‘uzers for 59. per Double sizes at t The Musical Carnival by we drenadinr'a Band of Tormxm, held in the Sknliug *Riuk, 'l‘uornbill. on Tuesday o-vming was a very pleasant afinir. I'. is nredless to any the music Wflh ‘ xoelleut. The next Fancy Dress Carnival will be held in the above rink on Thursd-Ay awning, me 4x11 of March. Dr. F. J. Gannrmugh, V. S . Visus Rich- mond Hill prufes~‘i(llmlly 1s! Wednesday of mouth (Fair Day) from 10 m 12; 2nd. 3rd and 4th chueadays from 3 to 5. Bend“ monthly meeting of {he Fire Brigade nexb Mm:ng evening. A few uer of thofle 9c Bxuuma yet at the Concrete. Fnhre Ch'lulujs‘ Hague vns, “'nisl and Ski”; S value uuw st. Atkinson 61; The best pearl 'l'upwca at. 40. pal-1b., California Apricnts at 56 per 1b.. gomi clean- ed Gurmute {01'ch par 1h. are gran; value now at Atklusuu £2 Swixzm's. caused [IV the wu (sun‘s sligpum on x the eouuug of ice ‘Firet rate AhLinauu dz The best Cheese 1‘2 6: SwitZers. Some of the cinst in we West End re- poried “1211111314; on Saturday evening, but unund um. ucwuum for thu absence of thunder. Upon CUmi-vg up to Ynhge Street. they Wrre surprised to ie ru that um Silumiuatiou in the heavens “as from the eiectria light. caused [IV the \Vm-els oi the Metropmilan curs slipping on we rails, in couaegueuce of Try a packfige of Mum», Alkiusnn 6; Swit- zer‘a own package Ueylm Tea. 1!. pleases every time and customers want it .a-Q The Board of Ezluculinn held another meeling on Friday uud discnswd at length the queitiou of a Bile for the new High School, but there is nothing new to upon. A deleguliuu of rulejpagers addresiell the 'Board. The Buard declined to sanction the pnrclmae 01 [ha Powell lot for the school site, several of the members favoring the Rich- unlson pruperu‘ at the northern limits of the village. Another mceliug will be held in a few days, when it is bnped the dead lock which now exists, will be broken. Gn'iPriday at the regnénr meeting of lhe Junior League at 4 o‘clock, essays on Japan will be rend~Pnysical features, Duuulas Dem; peuple and customs, Jeume Sheppard; Goverummll. Beutlice Harrie; Trade and cummerce. Harald Pracxoz; cirih'ziug in- fluences of miuuatiau and religion. Eva illumbexhu; compalison with China, Violet Storey. All mo welcpme. We sell you Pansy for 24¢. better brooms fir Switzsr. Sunlight Soap, Richards Pure Soap, Com- fort Soap. Telephone Soap. ’l'rilby Song, Diugxuau‘s EAechic Soap. Ammonia Electuc Soap all h stuck at “:9 Concrete and selling M hr; lowaat figures. Epwonh League The Epworth Laugue meeting this week wi':l be c>pecidlly interesting. The su ject of missions will be presented by the Women’s Miwsiuumv Auxilmry. The program will be intemponed wizh suitable musical selections. Be) your skate straps a Wand maqu in exchnuge. See adv. 14¢){3 Ailfié. Din Dried Swnzl xg Globe will be seut to any now to (be close of the Do- ze (or $1.50. The Morning sou! during the sume lune for s for either paper taken at THE the Roae Broom for 280., the sud the 'l‘uistle for 220.. no made than these. Atkinson 1-1 and Saar Glass in large Apples t? ‘n'enn-ndent m the Or} M. Harrison, sci: wane Lini ihcrai. :1 mg L! Dem! San Mi 9 Harrison is It It. Wm Hm‘risun: Lining Colin Can elisius are speciul waizers. Lfinrrison's n H). at Atkinson yuu buy at w}. per lb. 9.8 (If Dr. Tcefy Improving. The many h'iwmls uf Rev. Dr. Teefy. President of SL Mi» [Jan’s Cnilt’fl", will be glut lo Ream that he is exeadily couvdescing and ‘hux. he aim-cm [0 be out again in the course of a frw days. The rev. doctor has been aufiminy‘ fr. m n. severe attack of the glippB.â€"Muudny'e Glohe. The Famine Fund. The Fund ut the hch o! the Montreal Star for lelllifiP Sum-Hrs in India has turned U in} five thousand dnilnrn (335 000). An average of $1.700 u dvn for meaty days, 1km largest food mud in the history of Can- ada. The chmches and schonla by the hundred are contributing to the Star Fund. To the Municipal Council of the Uurpomtion ul Richmond Hlllâ€" The petiuan of the undersigned Rate- } payers of the Village of Richmond lilll re- ‘ spicéiully sbewetb : Annual Meeling. The annual meeting of the Richmcmd Hill and Yang;- Suoe-z Agnrulmrnl S’wien will be- held in the Lorne Hull. Bivhmuud Hill,on \VeduPfitan. March 3rd. 1897, at 2.30 p. m‘ Eleclion of officers and other imuonuut business will he trunsncxed. The alt‘eudunue of all inlernsted in 1116 Welfare 0! lbs soaietyés-roqnwted. Purplevxlle The annual oystvr rupper in connection with the Methodis! Chuxcb, Purple-Ville. was a pronouncad success After supper in the Temperance Ha”. a first class entertainment Wan giV’en in me (/hurrh, at the clusenf which 7119 «ulngrapn quill prepared by the ladies of l’nwlm‘i le was sold. After all ex- pemes wen paid the sum of $83.00 was realized. A Curling Bunny-9i! [or a pair of stones to be presented by Hughes Broa. was com- lmuced in the Tboruhill rink yesterday. In the foreuonn the Mule Leafs of Scnrlmro’ defeamd rinks from Rinhmuud Hill by 12 points and in the a!“ rnnou Scarburo‘ won {mm Aberdeeus by 4 points. Aurora has been drawn to play Markham to-day and Stouflvilleds to play the home rinks m the afternoon. Showing of Eas‘er Hans and Bonnem. A novel method n! precenting me newest and freshest Eastertide creations of Paris milliums has been adnpled by The Lndiea‘ Home Journal for March. In that magazine the uew:Freucn hats and bounets will be picmred as they nrs worn. This unique diapiay is use=ful. therefore, in pointing out clearly not only Faalxiuu's decree, but the styles in headdress best suited to Saverul contrasted types and faces. The be~t pure lard 7:}0 quantities “1115 Week ul Ark The rifle club of this place met for their aemi~moulb1y shoot on [119 afternosu of Feb'y 2021), with scores as inflows: 100 yds. 200 vds. T'l R. Agar . . . . . . . . A. Smith . . . . . . L. G. Smuleubur Epwoxth League The Junior Epwmm League £8"? an ex- ceediugly inlvrssiing emcerminmentiu the school room of the Methodist. Church on Friday (evening It was a umuicnl service emi=1m1“Fnr the Master's Sake"; Iu i: The Compliment-my Banquet tendered by the Bafurm ASsociuLiun of Manhnm Luwh- uhiu. Marklmm‘yllluge sud Scuxbow’ M. the qy Mr. W. U. Rcesor, and Mr. (1'. R. Vuuzunt fined the vice-chair. The hpuak613 of the evening were Messrs John Richardsuu MI’PW [-1.1% Fraukluud. Hon. John Dryden, Hon. E. J. Davis, _G. B. Smith ex-M.PP., H. l’. Cl‘USEJV ex Ml’P , \V. J. Hill, Rueve of York; W. Scou, Reeve ul Mankhum Tuwm-lup; R. uhiu. Markhum‘yllluge sud Scuxbow’ M. the heme!” Home lust evemug to John Rich- ardson. MIT. and ex-Aid. H. R Frankluud was a grant. sucuess. 'l'Le chair Wan owupxed Auuia. Can Jnfideis be Reached? C J. Whilmore, 11 Landon minister, nuaerls that out of twenty prumiueut infidelu of his acquaintance. sixteen bud renounced infideiity and become Workers for Uhriu. This fact afiords sufficient evidence Linn iu- fidcin can he reached. Iunteud 0f refusing to talk with a [nun who does not. believe the Bible let us familiarize oursuives with [he Hrgumeuts fur Uhrisbmnity so as to be pre- pared to show 'lufidvls the weakness of infidel objections. H. La. Huntiugs, the prominent "anti-infidel“ of Boston, who 18 m uuLhcrity on this subject, his essuys having an im- mense circulation. Lays than Iutidels are bold becnuse Chlistiuus are Limuroua”. Let us, therefure, be able to meet. infidelity with sound reasoning and exhibit its Weakness and absurdity. spread House 'Tlml from leliuble Fources information has reached us that. millions of our f-fllnw- creatures iu‘Iudiu are in a sum of urination in,.cunsequeuce of_£he,rcpealud failure of the crops upon which they chixfly depend, and nppeuls are being made thronghuut Curiateudum In the (muse ol suffmiug hu- mnuinglo lake immediaie steps In; aid in re- lievmg them in their distress. Therefore. we, the undersigned ratepayers, pray your Council to make a grant in aid of one huud- red dollars. or such othu‘ sum as your Cuuucil may deem mlvmubla to aid in {he relief of the sufferer: in India, and to authorize the Vlllage chusurel’ to furwurd such sum to tue person 01' persons properly uuth-‘rized to uceiva it And as in duty bound your p miouers {in ever pray. Quanlz Scott. . . Scou, Reeve ul Mankhum Tquléhlp; R. Gibson. Uuuuty Uuuucillnr; 11‘ Kennedy. H. MCKn‘l-Zir‘. Free. St. I’uul'a .Vam Ru- m Association: Simpson Rennie. Levi Iuia. W D. Gregory and others‘ The read prtpared by Mr. Pints of [he Tremonh )use was one of aha best. momou Hili, 24th February: 1597. iei Penman to be Circulated. Compiimentary Banquet Bonspeil at Thornhill Vlctoria Square. l‘h (the pvt lb. in 5|b. iuwn dz Swixzel‘L ieut Jn of 200 vds. 42 36 36 35 33 31 T'l lrly s ery impart- service In H . du: I5 ETNAS -» Goal, Cussidy (paint, uovur pomt, Lawson ; forwards. Pencuck, Henderson, Burlry. JEFFERSONâ€"Goal;JLLIIJBEOD; point, Mun.- sou; cowr puiuh, Michael; forwards, Wait. HULudny, Patterson, McMahon. Darwin‘s theory of the “ Survival of the fine-av." is that the weakly die and the strung and robust. live. The vegetable and floral Lingdums have illuulruied this grand mer In every person planting vegetable LII!!! flower seeds. Il is not necessary to be familiar with the writings of Darwin. Hux- lay, llapciml or Lucuunla to prove how essential it is to plant needs which mum-e. assumed by science, has AVulVed into the highest state of periection. The great serduneu. D. M. Ferry If Cr... Windsor, Ontario, have done more In the practical evolution 0! needs than any ntbrr used home in the world. They produce and send out semis that not only grow but aun'm a high type “(Perfection ; for nearly {ortv years they huve devoted their best. skill and enâ€" ergy in this direction. We are just in re- ceipt of their beautiful Sued Anna 1] fur 1897, which is full of practical information for uu'. only the Bkillod gardener but. for the amateur. We note, wnh pleasure, Hie en- tire absence in this book a! exaggerated and Impossible proaucla linled by Seedemen as nUVellieu, They ofiar to send this ex pensive work free to all who npplv for it. Ferry 5: Co's seeds are sold by all first-class dealers i! your merchant. dves not keep (hem, send direct (0 them. Hockey Match. An interesting hockey match was played in the rink Saturday afternoon. bulweeu the Mums ui ’l'uroulv, and the Jrfleraon team. As Ibis was the first time [be gnme was ever played here were was naturally a large at- teuduuoa of bulb sexes to wituegs the spun. The cny players proved too strong {or their uppuueuls. and defeated them by a some of u gun-vs to 3. Mr. C Coles Was umpire for the [Eu-ma, Mr. T. Ryan was umpire fur Jv-fie-l‘son, and Mr. J. l’ritchbrd acted as remap. The play was exciting and the spectaxuxs grew very enthusiastic as the gum“ progresned, but. the referee was com- pellvd to In quemly cuuuun one of the J4 firnou players {or roughness. The fol- lowing ure Lhuse who took part in the match: ETNAS -» (103', Cussidy; puiut, McMulleu; Last Sabbath the Gnspe! ’l‘umperauce Meeting held in the Temperance Hall was upmed by Mrs. Smrey, Superintendent. of the Evangelistic Department 0f the W. (J. ’1“ U., and praver by Mr. J. A. E. Switzer. Rev. Geo. McCunloch rend the 1U3rd Psalm us the scripture lésaon. Commenting there- on he BhuWed that the natural impulse of every honest heart prompted it to express gratitude for inors reccivcd in Words oi thnnlifulnees and praise. The man who possessed no sense of gratitude was an ob- jcct of pity. In reference to the temperance question the rev. gentleman said that ever) young man present should be thankful for the privilege oi being yunng With all the glorious mospcc‘n of the intnre before him. ‘l‘hesu remarks w-ire followed by an excellent solo by Mrs. Swinex‘. Dr. Rleh Lnngalufl then presented the tempuranuu quesliun Lu lhe audience from a medical standpoint. Illustrating his rammks by well hrrunged din/grams he showed the evil (fivcls of al- cnhu.ic bevsruges on the phyeicul swung. Unnfining his remarks principally to their natillu an the .ivur, no showed the mm and \lé‘lgili of that organ in its natural state. tutu its ubnu.uml w-naiziou Ihrungh the 1H: nf lu'uxicauts. Ho that Sbufit‘u Lnr unnuiuml culmgamrnt 01 1h: ll'-e:l' fro-h. tutu iLs ubuu.umi w-uaizxou leruugh the 1H: nf lu'umcauls. Ho that shuaeu Lur uunuiuml cuiulgi‘mrut 01 1h: nae:- {(ULI (.Lu: lmuituul lb: 9! ucer and Men the cou- u-acuuu ui Sue mum organ [rum indulgwm- u. utiu-r kmda ox inn-menus, nu runer case: their use guurlull! g and dc‘elo‘,ing the gem-u of diwusc. In his thougmlul and exumem remarks the DucYur proved that evgu in we muucxute use of ardent. spilits (in: manila Were unjurioua to those who in- dulge. Dr. Luugutufl was attentively listen- ed Lu by n large uud appxecinuw audience. Mr. England Mason ended the pr-Igram by ELWcil xcciuveu solo. In compliance with the request of the I Gqul‘uurUeut-lul the reeve of the village unilcd a meeting of Thuse wuo sympathize with Lidia lu he dieuees. Quite a large gntuullug ol the ciuzeue, iubiuliiug muuy xlAAJiLn u‘. the Village, met last evening in the Presbtleriuu Church. P. G. Snags, E~q., in the almir. The chairman gutted the ulrj lot at the gathering, null unheated the Rev. G. MuCulloch to address the uu'lience. In his remitrke he unutruered the favored inhuman of the peuple of Uuuude with ‘ thuee 12010:?! the sen, showed that the popu- lunuu a! India wee 300,000,000, one third of ‘ whum were on the verge of starvation. The ‘ Dfllluu wne nu agricultural people. Lert yenr'e crop rue nu utter failure. If the ex- peered spring Drop should turn out equally hell. it meant that 72,000,000 would be the victims of discuss and death He stated lhul the English (inverumeut bed endeavor- ed to avert the calumlly by Spending $100.- UUU.UUL‘) on public Wurks. yet the IlleHGSE wee ullpulllug. Tu xuoreuee the terribleuees of the uhlumlby the “ Black Death " had eet that the people died by Ihuumhue. He Concluded by atuting that the appeal was tn the whole world. and that it would take the geuewaity of the who a world to counteract the terrible clients of the dread- lul acuuree. The Rev]. J. A. Grunt edu‘rese- ed the me ling by surfing that eVery neWe~ paper hruumlt ue luau to face with this Most dreadful calamity. As an agricultural peo- plv to them the lore of their grein L'er Would he an outlook of misery. This hue occurred on a most extensive male. The desire L.) hex-lat them in their hour of need seems universal. Whatever is done must he uo'ue at once. 'lhe deetiluriuu Wue uwrul. I‘ile ulject u! the meeting was to devise the Duet giants of rehdrt‘iug help The meeting was addressed by Messrs. Testy, Suitzer. A. Newton. Conner, Grey, and Rev. A. J. Furl, It was decided on the suggestion of Mr. 'l'erfy that the council of the village be ueked to grant the nun: of 5.51.00. A pelitiun tu lre drawn up and lert iu the hands of Mr. Teefy, postmaster, for siguuiuns. '1 he municipal gilt Will he subsidized by private liberulrty. Rev. W. \V. Betas and Bev. P. McMahon Sent regrets 0! Unit inubilny to he pruSeht, and expressed their warmest symprthy for the object of the meeting. Protect our Ideas: the may bring you wealth. Write JgflN WEDDERB RN & CO. Patent Attor- neya Washington, D. 0.. for men- 3i.soo mm 0391.- angl hat of two hunched Intentions Wanted. Wanted-An Idea Gospel Temperanc Darwin‘s Theory. India‘s Famine e Meeting Who can think of some simple thing to patepy? PriLchnrd (1} ram itexval‘o . \Ve have lately added to our stock a full line of White Graniteware in Pails, Basins, Tea and Table Pots, Pudding Dishes, &c. This ware is equal to china in appearance and unbreakable. Say Buckets and Spouts. All patterns supplied. Get our prices. Cutting Box Knives. We have reduced price of these and quote you a No. 4 knife, warranted temper, $I each. To clear stock we offer (-Zut Nails $2.15 keg, Wire 3 to 6 in., $52 65. Bill‘l) & 13lain 'I‘vvist VV ire. Special lot at $2 75 per 100. DIixed 13aintss. Weather and Waterproof Paint covers most, looks best, wears longest. Galvanized Steel Pails 20 cent»: each. lion-Se Brushes & Curry 0 onlbs At reduceJ prices. meg. MEREDETH & Nails. FEBRUARY SALE Allowed on Canadian and Imported Tweeds. \Vorsteds Blankets, Flannels, Men’s Shirts and Drawers, Boys' ReadyMade Suits, Salisbury Suitings, Dress Goods and Prints. ~ MT 3 WW S A Difsceunt of 20 ‘Pex Gent. ISAAC CROSBY. FIRE PROOFD (i 1% E ACE 603â€"â€" AT THEâ€"â€"

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