VOL. XI}; KT {HE LIBERALPRINTMG & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING DB. LANGSTAFF. RICHBEOND HILL. Slolï¬nm: Gloï¬pln DE. 5. NTEWIflm Cheap Dental ()ï¬ice. Repairing and Replating. Good Work. Ofï¬ce. lst. corner store east of Queen St. Suban \VNI. ROGBEL . Toronto. DR. W. GEBIL TRGTTER, 3.1L Dentist, 0F 21 BLOOR STREET. TORONTO, Will be in Richmond Hill every Wed- ncsday. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visil Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday tom 1 to 3 p. m. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of horses, cattle and other uomesticat- ed animals treated by the latest. and most ap- proved methods. RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE HOURS 81010;! mgnnd 6 [o 8 p m VETERINARY SURGEON J. T. SAIGEON, $1 per annum, in advance}’ Manchester, of London.Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, ‘6 Of T“ Bri: tor 1 GORE, ()F GALT, vex-y accommodation to guests. Board. 81. nerday J. T. Mc‘éélroy, Ofï¬ceâ€"W. Storey's. next, door to school BUSINESS CARDS. E. LEWâ€"QM MEY$3E EWQ‘EKW Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL, inuaa to Rent. 158 KING STREET EAST. ToncNTo YORK MUT U AL, ‘urnum Succesqor to Dr. W. J. WHSOD) OF TORONTO, CANADA. -â€"â€"ALSOâ€"â€"- OFFICE HOURS A First class Cash Mutual. Emma & chnmron . McMAHON. IVIAIJLIE . Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m , Canadaâ€"the Coming :3an- r zhe farmers uf Yurk Co. iâ€"‘flrtcrinnry aï¬cflitni. imttal. ‘rly v flibmi Snlici 'e 131-001 Store BY HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFIIIE. M. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, A G F LAWEESCE Barristers, Solicitors, 850. I TofontoOfï¬ceâ€"N015 TorontoStlccl L Richmonc Hill Ofï¬ce open every Saturday. t MOflEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES LAWRENCE & ORMISTUN. LINDSEY, LINDSEY & BETHUNE I‘el ephone 2984 Mr. T. Herbert Lenunx will be at. Kelly's Hotel Richmond Hill every Wednesday,for the trans- action of business. Barristers, Solicitors. ConveyancersJN‘otmies. «Sm ROBINSON, LEN NOX & MACL EDD Law Ofï¬ces Mr, Fred. W, Garvin will he at Richmond Hill all day svery Wednesday. and at each sitting of the Court. DUNCAN, GRANT & MEWS East Toronto Oflice, My. Grant‘s residence, Woodbndse, every evenihg. Thorubill. each Wednesday from 10 to 12. MACDOUGALL & JONES, ALFRED MACDOUGALL, Almge amountofprivatle funds to loan on improved farm property. Five per cent. in- terest. Easy terms for repavment. No com- mission charged}? L Agplygo MONEY! MONEY! 15 Toronto StIT'oronto Or at Rxchmond Hill on Baturdays. LicensedAuctioneurs {or the County of Yorktoâ€" spooï¬ully salicxt your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest notice and a reusonuberates. P. 0,1u1uxess King Licenseu Auctioneers for the Countxen of York Untarloauu‘ Peel. Goods sold on consignment Generalaulee 0 stock, eta, promptly attended to at. reasonable rates. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Salsa attended to on shortest notire and at rea- souableratea. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple ALFRED W. BRIGGS, SALEM; ECKARDT. Unlouvilw. Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘ounty of York. General sales of implemev'ts, lurniture. standing timber. etc.,attended on the shortest notice and at reasonahlu rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. 25 KING STRENT WEST, TORONTO. Money to Loan J .‘ " ' - “can -' 17V}! GE BROS, O STOKES Underlakers & Embalmcrs, Faun-ran a; m makings Anna) 9 on “and 5.6. B. LINDSEY Solicitor to the Treasury of Ontario Paciï¬c Buildings, 23 Scott Sn. Toronto Room 1, Masonu‘ Building, 18 Toronto St‘ Toronto. GARVIN & GARVIN, Barri-"Ts. Solirll 33 Richmond Sireel West. 'l'0l'0lll0. Burrisbera, Solicitors. Notaries and Conveyancers. $150,000.00 TORONTO AND AURORA lickardl & PI (-nliru Barristers, Solicitors, &c., [NDSEY LYON LINDSEY CHARLES .7. B. BETHUNE. RECHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, [897. OUMHISSXONEB IF THE Barristers. Solicitors, &c‘ To loan at. lowest rates Stokes & “tough. Emma 10. York Chambers. 9 Toron- to St. Toronto. and at residence, Centre sc., Richmond Hill, every eveningand Dominion House on Wednesdav. .l. D. Readlnan, Barrister, &c.. LAWRENCE 53RMi§TUN J. 'l‘. saigeon. Erma. W B Unmxs'ron L L B Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ;. in all things, Charity.†FREDERICK O. JONES‘ Money to Loan Telephone #7 J. H. PuENTxcE Cux'rville. D BLOUGE \V. D131, member nf llm Local [ugh- lallne. Amung the ï¬rst mrlvals III the hlstnry of the: Village “we xwu prir-uts, Fathels Marumnd and Fartzu'd. These formed a Caxhuhc Miasinn and erecwd a. small church In which BrrHCB was regu lal'ly held. liming all Ihe inturcourse of the pcuL-le with the Indians the greatest kindnesnes wcm exmnded to each other. The Whltc peuple gave the Indiana fund and supplies nhcneven they reqm-ated them, and the Indians brnllght than) .ï¬sh, gzune and benles In return The vnluge was surrounded by two kinds of of Indiansâ€"the Wuud Grace and the Plain Ulecs The Wuuu Crees ubuul 20‘) In number hced on \he reserve, warn peacdul and Induslriuns, emailed saus- licd “1th their cundmnn and eumiuued Richmond and Vicinity Father Faft rd to come over to them. [Shots from the rifles were then flying all NO- 51' 1 around them. The priest knelt. down 1 uk t th . . H 'd 'lï¬r Frog Lake Massacre. e " edymg mm 6 w ’ pmu‘ bruther [ think that you are safe wivh Gud.†As the words died upon his line he receiVed his death-wound and fell lifeless across the body of Delaney. (TU BE CONTINUED.) BY WM HARRISON. In the sketch given in last week’s' Y____. _ IL , J .I_»‘ ...l»._.. .l‘.‘ In the sketch given in last week’s‘ IJBERAL it was mentioned that. when the police ulniel‘ General Strange and their ieinftvicenients had reached Edumntun the) there heard that Big Bear and his band had burned up Fing Lake Miamou and killed the whites. We shall for a. shun tune leave our soldier and describe the (“Vtfl' of which the company had blell into mod. About thirty miles from Fmt. Pitt in the Albeitn district is a beautiful sheet of water twelve miles lunu known as Frog Lake. Fiom this lake runs arivnlet. culled Frog Creek. ï¬rm a few years ago there sttmd‘u picturesuiie Village. The ï¬rst. building erected was by the Indian agenr, Mr. Delany. A few other buildings fulluued and.the hnmlet was known as Frug Lake srtilclllbllt. The scenery aruiintl the little settlement is surpassingl-y bountiful so that it was not long before others were added to the small community. Among these Were Mr. Gmimlvck «if 'l‘uionto (bother to the Aliteimaii), and wife. Mr. Quin, and Mr Gilcrist, and a trader of the name (if lJill, brnthur uf J. W. Dill, member uf the Local Lagis- latiii'e. Among the ï¬rst all'Ians in the history of tilt: village new two priests, so. Their other heighburs, the Plalu Crees, were dmsatiatitd, revulzgeml and CIUcL In their Imbns Lhey Wel'ei-tleund Wurlhless and under 81;; Bear were the cause of the numtqueu! Humble. The ï¬rst intimation that the settlers receiVed of any disturbance among the Itidlai-B was on March 3Uih, when they heard of the massacre at Duck Luke. \Vord was immediately sent to the Gow- anlocks who hired a couple of miles from the Mission to go at ones to M r. Delaney’s and set out for Fort Pitt for safety. 0n athvmg at Delaney’s they found Big Bear shaking hands With all and making Inn-sell particularly friendly. assuring them ihai the rumors in refer- ence to Duck Lake Were talse, and that the villagers were qu‘te safe. Their excitement was somewhat calmed. Next morning they found that all their horses had been stolen by the Indians. Their escape was cut ofl'. In a few minutes Big Bear and his Indians dressed in war paint and yelling at every step took possession oi the houses and Went through all the cupboards iii search of something to eat. They then made Mrs. Delaney get breakfast tor them and during the ineal kept telling the whites not to be afraid but to eat plenty. After bleak- fast they made a piocession and esCorted ‘ ‘ them over to the little church. Mr and Mrs. Gowanlock arm in arm and Mr and Mrs, Delaney and the others walking behind them. When the procession reached the church the priests were hold- ing mass. Wandering szritn Big Bear’s friend and really a worse manâ€"sat on his knees at the door as they entered, his whole countenance covered with a ï¬endish look. The inenacung look of the Indians and their contemptuous glances at the sacred surroundings alarmed the priests so that they could not continue the service. The lndiaos all to go out of ihe church, the whole ; gang escorting them to Mr. Delaney’s house With yells and violent gestures, as many as possible of the noisy crew crowding into the building. An Indian then came and told them they Were wanted outside. As they went along with fearful preiuonitions of evil they heard shots troni behind. The ï¬rst to fall were Quin, Dill and Gilcrist. An old man of the name of Williscraft, seventyï¬ve years of age, while running received a shot that knocked off his list. He cried out, “ Oh ! don’t shoot l †The Indians ï¬red again and he fell dead among the bushes. Mrs. Gowanlock on seeing: this began to cry. Her husband tried to comiort her saying “ Mv wtfe be brave to the and.†when an Indian from behind shot, and he fell dragging his Wife with him to the ground, Mrs. Gowunlock expecting every moment to share the same fate. When Uowanlock fell Mr. and Mrs. Delaney wire walking arm in arm just behind. As she was shut to rpesk to her husband his arm dropped from hers and he txcsimed, “ I am bit-"L, too ! †and tell. Hi.) Wife raised his hesdupm her lap and bCCliutit‘l ta. then ordered ‘ WANTEDâ€"Intelligent men with good education to whom $600 and expenses for the ï¬rst. year would be an inducement. VVrHe with full particulars. THE MAN AGER, 49 Richmond St. West, Toronto. Ont. 0n the evening of Friday, February the 2Gih, the Langstafl Chapter 0! the U. R. ’1‘. gave a farewell supper in honor (IS ML 0, Appleum, who was about to leave for Kuulenay, 8.0 On that even- "IE 3 goodly number of the members vi the Order assembled at the home of Mr. 1). James. The supper prepared by the ladies of the order surpassed anything they had eVer given before, as shown not only in the preparing Hi the oysters in many dif- ferent dlslws, but in the litany delicacies placed on the table. The board being cleared, Mr. S. J. McKee called upon Miss E_ Ulubine, on behalf of the Chap- ter to read the fullUWing address, and Miss Gt Darling to present Mr Appleton with a Past. Ouief Sponsor'Jewel: DEAR Sm AND: BRO ,â€"Having heard with regret, 0! your intelldrd departure from our midst, we felt we cmnld not, let. you leave us without. some expressiuu of the god will and good fellowship which, we feel luwards you. As "guudlle knights†and “ï¬ayre hdycs" we have learned to appreciate yuur llstfflllleï¬ï¬ in our midst and to re- spec! ynu both 111 the Chapter room, where yuu Were always faithlul to your dunes and in our enry day Comings to~ gelher. We are sorry that you are leaving us, for a time, but before You go, because we as a chapter, esteem you so highly and appieciate your past Work, we ask you to tiCtept this Past Chief Spoiigor’e Jenel, hoping that it may in some measure help to perpetuate the kindly feeling that has elisied between us in the past. We are aware, though, that no gift which we could give Would be prized by you as much as the assurance that, in your absence, you will be kindly remembered b) and: of us. Our gather iiig heie ihis evening is a manifestation of that. feeling. As you go to seek for yourself a home in the west we know that you leave Dehind many things lhat are dear beCause of their ielationa and associations. On these we will notdwell, but conter on you the honor of modern chivalrie and Wish you farewell with that quaint. and noble phrase, goodbyeâ€"God bless you . .v .m 7 snngd by the members of Laugataff Chapter, Nw 772, this alxth day, ZULh, second month 1897, In reply Mr. Appleton thanked the Chnpter for thi‘l token of good will. Ho referred tn the many plensant evenings spent. With the members of the Order and the buneï¬c he had derived from such a connection. On behalf of' the Chapter Mr. D. Buyle made an eXCellent speech, in which he referred bu the regrets fell: by the members in Buying farewell to nheir must highly esteemed Brother. Having known Mr Applrton from his buyhuod. he bespoke for him a succusful Career among the Ruckma. In replying tn the toast of the host and hostess, Mr. D. James referied Incident ally Lu his various cunnecuuus Wllh Mr. Appleton during tha past two years, and in closing made mention of these three great telnptatmnsin that new country: Sabbath breaking, the card table, and violations of the principles of the Order. Mr. J. Drury flespoudmg to the toast of the ladies made Luannun of the op’ pnrtunltiva uflurded them to make homes pliasant and ~happy. 1 ‘ r The toasts being all Concluded, games of variuus dascriptium were indulged in uuul a. reasonable hour. All returned home well pleased with the Knight’s adventu re. WANTEDâ€"Old established wholesale house wants one or two honest. and in- dustrious representatives for this aectiun. Can pay a hustler about $12 a wet-k to start with. DRAWER 29, BRANTâ€" FORD, ONT. VVANTEDâ€"Old established wholesale house wants one or two honest. and inâ€" . . . dnstriuus representatives for this section. glans; 1" me ireasm‘ers hands 0‘ Can pay a hustler about $l2 a Wfll‘k to ' ‘ . Ofï¬cers were elected as lollomstâ€" isgï¬DYIBhï¬T‘DRAWER 29’ BRANT_ President. W. H. Clubina; Vice‘Prea- identa. T. Lluyd and W. H. l’ugsley: Sec’y-Treas.. H. A. Niclmlla' Directors VNeWS Nones' J. Palmer, J. H. Sandersnn,’ I. Crosby: . .G. ' - ‘. . -.\'l- , . . The rï¬celpts at the Montreal Starofï¬ce ï¬cElrfyc-lï¬elrgeug £380]: fL‘H the Famine Fund has already reached ' Smele K Ema“ W. Eym. D. Lyman, $361‘00' l W. Scott. J. Slater. J, Clark. R. B. The auditurs’ report showed acnsh 0._â€" Mr. Gen. E. Reynolds has been ap'» pointed Baihfl' for Division No. 6, in place of Mr. J. W, Crossley. resigned. Mr. R. \V. Cape“, of Jefferson, has purchased the stock of Mr. J. C. Jenkins, of “Cheapslde,†Victnria qumro, and pnrp.’ and carui g . h 'licr business as ,.. JLE‘ Langstaï¬â€ r 7A sacred cmrcert is to be given in the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday $ evening of next Week. Mr. H. Marsh had a horse killed in the weeds on Monday by a tree falling on it. _ As no more market tickets are to be issued at the station here on Saturdays, it. will pay the people to go out to Rich~ mond Hill and go to the clty by tbs electric rgilway. ML. W. G-. Richardson of Toronto Normal Schuol, was in the village over Slipday. Rev. F. E. Fletcher, a former esteem- ed pestor of Khia place, passed away on Sunday murnu‘.g at. the residence of Rev. G Browne. Markhun $5., Tornnm. Rev. Pruf. McLaughlin of Victoria‘ University, will preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday morning. and Rev. M Chapman of Strange, will occupy the pnlpil in the evening. Quit'e a number of our villagers are on th sick list at. present. Rev A. Bedfnrd hus received a. call from Stuuï¬â€˜vi'le am! has accepted In, sub- ject tn the appruml of the stationing Cummittee. ANTED SEVERAL FAITHFUL Manor Wuuneuto travel for re- sponsible established house in Ontariot SAIM‘V $78k), payable $15 weekly and expenses. Poamon permanent. Refer- slice Enclose self ‘addrossed stamped rnvelupe. The National, Star Building, Chicago. Repnrt of S. S. No. 9, Tuwnahip of Vaughan, for the mouth of Feb’y: V Fourth Classâ€"Alex. McNaughton, Milt. McDunald, Chas. Manning, Geo. Bruwnlee. Peter McNaughton, George Hunter, Dan Hart, Jag. Stanifnrth. Senior Secondâ€"Alex. Ginnemn, Louie Snider, Ollie Snider, Dave Julian, Ada. D;-.rker, Annie Mchnald, Ella OiCogpor. Senin'r Thirdâ€"Willie Cameron, Bea- trice ‘Wimy, Chas Farr, Howard Wat- son, Nelson Jarrett. Pmrï¬oted to Senior, Secondâ€"Kate Cameron, Gordon Jarrett. Jlluiur Thirdâ€"5'43. Brownies, Kate McNaughton, Annie Feuwick, Munson Brawn, Lesly Espey, Wm. Snider, Herb. Fur. Prnmoled to Junior Secondâ€"Minnie Bishop, Sam McDonald. Avarage attendance for the month. 29. H. J. SAIGEON, Teacher. VV Men or Vaneu to travel for re- spnnsihle established hnnse in Ontario. Salary $780, payable $15 weekly and expenses. Position permanent. Refer- euce‘ Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chicago. The full Board at twelve members held a meeting on Mnuday. After a. long discussion on school sites the fulluwiug resolutiuns were carried: Moved by Mr. McCuuaghy seconded by Mr. Storey, that all furlnér resolut- ions be lesciudvd as regards lute for building High Schnol. and that the fol- lowing be substituted in their place. and resolved that. we bvild the High Schooh on We old lot, to be placed where the Buardv approves. A... . .- Moved by Mr. McCuuaghy. seconaed by Mr. McDonald. that the former rean- luuon asking for $3000 be rescinded, and thut the Board nuw ask the Village Cnuncil for $1500.?» assist in building the High School. WMVJVZd 5y Mr. McDonald, seconded by Mr Clublne, that Messrs. McNair, Smrey and Newton wait on Mr. John Harris relative toa plan for the new Hugh Schnol. The annual meeting of the R. H. J: Y, S. Agricultural Society was held yea- Lerday aftemuon. Steele, R. Elliott, \V. Eyer, D. Lynett, W. Scott, J. Slater. J, Clark. R. B. Elliott, A Qmm'z, I’. Unyutou, G. W. High, J. Boyle. A. Cuneron, T. Cook, .l. H. Kirby, G. Dibb. C. Norman, J. Morgan. An Executive Committee was also eluded consistim: of 13 members. The Board udjnurneti AN TEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL Board of Education Agricultural Meeting [Single copies, 3 ctsv Maple Vellore. eullng I) hruWVednesday iu'A No‘ 36 wi 11