inane]; Thursday, Mar. 4. ’97 Minn Pearl Escntt. of London, is making a visit with her aunt, Mm. (Dr‘) Hutchiaou. Mnku your money rwin long values by .rading at Atkinson & Switzer'l. H. Darn-l or Ton-3mm. spent SM. urday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrch. W. Guniu. EM flibcml. Dr. F. J. GAHNIIOIIKII, V. 8,. visits Rich- mond Hill prufearimmlly la! Wednesday 0i momb (Fnir Day) {mm 10 to 12; 2nd, 3rd Ind 4th Wednesdays from 3 lo 5. Murkbam.Kiug and Whitohuroh town- Bblpa are qmmutiued on account. of scab on sheep. You'll huVe money left for the contribu- tion be if you trade a: Atkinson dz Swit- zer'a. You can get Alkilmon a Summer‘s collars on the neck withuut hunting you. $699 the-enamvrllrd handlnd Carpet Broom you can lmv m. the Couorvle for 250. Mr. and Mr». Harvey DuLeny o! Moahrd, spent a lew days of lheit wedding tour with limit aunt, Mrs. A. Maudie. California Apxicnts fur 5c per lb. just as good u people are puging 12in for every day. Atkinson dz Swilzvr. Mrs. J. E Knox and two children of To- ronto. have been mun-mg a tiait with Mn. J. W. Ellinu. Just to band another shipmem 0! pure Lard at. the Concrete and M. 7&0. 3 lb. in 5 [3. lots is extra value. Mr. Wm. E. S. Savage and ML 0. Barber, students in Turouln Uuiversny, npent Sun- day with the turmer’a parents st, “Suuuy Hul Faun." We have been asked to any that a meeting. free for a“, will be held in the Ttmnerauce Hall on Monday evening next. at. 8 o‘clock, {or the purpnce of organizing a singing class. A meeting of the Riohmuud Hill Lacrosse Club will be held in the Council Room on Monday next, Sm inst. {or organization for the next season and genera) business. A tall attendance is requested. Miss Marv Bugsiug‘hwaite 0! Patterson. is visiting relatives 3& Bakera‘ Hill and Btouï¬viue. California qued Piums. Neotnrinoa.‘ Crawford-.E’mches and large YPrunem-cheep‘ u Atkinson & Switzer's. Splendid stock 0f Stylish \Vull Papa! Borders and Ceilings tovmnlch [tom 3,}0 per roll. Atkinson & Switzer. At Weston on Saturday the West York Conservaliws unuminated their preneut mem- ber, Mr. J. W. St. John, as onndidate (or the Local Hauae. The choice was unanimuua. Miss L. Tif‘ï¬u. Miss V‘ 8. Mary Mulbol- land. Miss Mary Teck and Miss Susy Blanch- ard, all of Toronto. took a trip to Richmond Hill on the electric car on Saturday evaning. Try our 25 and 300. Japan Teal. alnoï¬ package of Malwa. our owu brand pure Ceylon. Atkinson & Switzer. The assays read at the Junior League Ian Friday, on an-nu, were all without an 9!- aeptiun excellent papers. Meming this week as nuuul, Members are rrquested to bring that pledge cards and ’ool- lectiou. Bicben have wivgs but they suve you well if theyzfly you iulo Atkinson A: Swil- A good many t‘mugs tint Seem right ain't rjghL When you buy grooelies at. Atkinson d Switzex's you don‘t Lave to seem any- thing about it. They are the real thing and price right. A number 0! out Change purpose attend- ing the sacred concert. At. Maple next Wed- nesday evening. This is as u shuuld be, as Maple citizms very frrquemly patromze eu- textaiuments held in this village. The Dominion Alliance are protesting vigorously against the Ontario Government- amendments to the license Act. A Pro- vincial Conference will be held In Toronto on the 11th of March. Gospel Temperanco metmug next Sun- day afternoon in the Temperance Hall. The scripture lesson will be The Marriage in (Jana of Galilee: John 2. Bring your bibles. The lesson will Le followed bv a Temperance Address. The Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer together with the picéure of the Liberal Cabinet will be sent to any ,addrese in Can- ada or the United States for sixty cents from this date to the end of the year. This is another snap now oï¬ered. There we to be no more cheap tyres or bargam days in connection with the G. LR. It. will now be in order for the residents of Maple to start then proposed 'bus line to connect with the Metropolitan. Last Thursday ahernonu the Aurora Church of England Sabbath School, headed by the RPOLor, Rev. E. H. Mussen, M. A. bad a sleigh drive as (at as this village and, alter a rent and warming at the Dominion House returned home where refreshments awaited them. A public meeting of the municipal electors 0! Markham Towuubip and Murkuam‘Vil- lage will be held in Victoria Hall,Unionville, on Thursday, the 11th of March, at 1 o‘clock for the purpose of nominating two county councillors for Division No. 5. to ï¬ll the vacancies occasioned by the resignations of Unnncillors Hull and Reesor, elected in Jana-av last. The candidates will in all probabilin be the same as those of January, viz. Jonathan Slaler.F. K. Reese: and W. H. Hall. I; ()(3‘ A11»:- Mr. J. Eilnbon nud Lwa daughters attend- ed an A! Hume rim cunlwulinu wuh Aiphu Lodge. A. F. and A. ".5 , No. 3H4. G. R. 0. in Toronto, un Fri‘m)‘ evening lust. The spacial “runes at. Victuriu Square clowd WM) gratifjiug resulla. The church um: quickeued and generally Mean-3d und quite n number of s-Juln saved. Al. (11“ reeepliun sank-e on Sunday unermmu 26 wera recnivo-i into the Church (In profession of him and two by let’wr. For the India Famine Fund. The Richmond Hill Village Cuuucil will hold a Grand Fancy Dress C‘u'an'nI in their rink, in aid uf the shove. fund, (I!) the even- ing of l‘bnrsdar, Much llrh. The ladies and gentlemen of Ibe village are kindly re- quested to pm, forth every 9mm to make this the most wucesnlul drres carnival of the seaauu. and a liberal patronage of the public is requested. Any nuggenlions for the success ut the carnival will be accept- able: tn the committee of management. For special attractions see pasts-n. ' J. a Saudersou,J Commitlea. Early Spring Number The Maren Number of The D- linenlor in lo huud. Numerous plates inusualing the Incoming lm-uu Modes and Fabrics render this a useful number fur drex-smakers and millmurs. Its literary menu contuiun ar- ticles by Ellen Olney Kirk, Mary Uadawaln- deu- Jun". Dr. Grace Pcckhnm Murray, Maude C. Murray-Muller and Severn] other writers‘olrnolo. "l‘be young nuke are treat- 9d In this number to a bicycle enlertnin- mam. and there are the mun! notes on new books. seuounble cookery and domestic science. For some time put the skating and car- nival season has been in full sway, and amusements on the ice have been the prin- cipal attractions during the past month or two. And while other towns have been holding carnivals galore, Richmond Hill has? had her share. This vrltage has had many successful carnivals. but that given last Thursday evening under the auspices 01 our popular lacrosse club was undoubtedly far in advance of anything previously given here. There was a large attendance as the door receipts showed something over 360. But notmthstanding the fact that the large rink was crowded with skaters and spectat- ors, yet there was perfect order, and it was quite evident that everybody enjoyed the healthful, invigorating exercise. I" can hardly be claimed that carnivals have reach- sd perfection in every detail us yet. For instance, we consider that lacrosse _playing on the ice interfered with the other skaters and might have been dispensed with alto- gether. The "Grand March" also was scarcely a success. in fact, it would be dil ï¬cnlt to make it so with so large a number. But apart from this criticism which is cï¬er- ed in s friendty spirit, there were many points of excellence in the carnival which are worthy of commendation. The " Living Cness"-wss a navelty and the ï¬gures around the "May‘vPole", given here for the ï¬nal timeI wrre well ex: outed and were greaty ad- mired by all. Many of the costumes were very pretty, and represented characters never before ex- hibited here. Scores of masquerade†and others were perfectly at home on their skates, and many graceful compliments" .ware paid to charming lady ekulcis us they went gliding sud skimming over the ice. Many ul those in coslume failed to lean: their name and churaCter rrpreeenlevi, Bu; we ere unable tugglve a complete list. A: large number were deserving ol special men- tion, foremost among whom Were Mr. Ed Forester, us Sian Claus, and his four uim- hleatleudsuh who took the place of tin) mind-er. in the persons of Masters R. Nel- son. A. livid. N. Frisby and W Lawwn, all of Victoria Square. This combination was acknowledged to be the best attraction ever seen on ice in this place. The represents- tinn was perfect. The children saw the time honored St. Nichalns as they never saw him haters, and Mr. Forester deserves the thanks 0! the village for the pains he took in assisting the lacrosse carnival. ,Be- fore leaving the ice Old Santa made a neut little speech, as he always now. in which he explained that Owing to the absence of slrighing at Christmas he was uneble to bring “his favorite little boys" their usual presents, and he would now do so. .He then made several presentstmns. .The Band gave lots of music and acquitted themselves in the most satisfactury manner. The Carâ€" nival on Thursday night was another de- monstration of what this section of country will do in support of a popular local insti- tution. A smile of aatisfuution 00qu be seen on me countenance of Plesideul. Garvin. omens of the club. and. members of the commiuee all the evening. Baum (Hum? present to Master Donald Atkinson was a bunuuful spuuwl which no- compaured the interesting quiulene. The "good little boys" remembered by St. Nick. were Jimmy Bruwulea, Peiey Savage, Joey Hun, Georgie Mquunld, Benny Mo- Dunald. Welly SAudursuu, Jubnuie Paimer. Wally Proctor, Bessie Nicholls, and Gassie Morrison, The package Was from the Island of Cuba. and ï¬ns highly flavored. As our poeuc editor would in; 0! Santa Ulnar: He was chubby and plump, Those who saw him Well know; And the heard of his chin Was an wmte as the snow. Ed's little prancen were meant for deer and they were den. Everybody said 50. MAY you: COUPLES. Mr. Walker Hull and Miss Ethel Switzer ' H. Brown “ " Edith Swuzer “ W. Treuoh “ “ F. Moodle “ H. Sanderson “ “ J. Palmer “ T. 'l‘reucb " " E. McNuir “ E. Mason “ " F. Powell “ T. Lyons "‘ “ S. Cliï¬ord “ R Moodie “ “ A.Sourbomugh Queen, Miss J. Maudie Knight, E. Cuombs Cnslle,3§‘. ann’ison Blackthg, .W. Trench White Kluu. C. Hall Pawn, Curl Storey, Chatlie Wilev, Balsa] Palmer‘ King‘s Jester. R. Rtnrey .Players.Frauk and Will Storey. Lacrosse Carnival 2Vchoria Square ICE FIGURES. HESS push-n. Palmer, Movna Ethel Switzer Edith Swuzer F. Moodle J. Palmer E. McNuir F. Powell 8. Clifford A.Sourborough A. Wright, The ï¬rst man-h in the series {or the Swim med»! was plnged in who rink on Fndny evening. As one player on each side was absent. the mulch «as played with three meu on a side. The following is the sewn ;‘â€" Epwonh League. Special anemic!) is called to the Ru“ Call at me Epwnrtb Lougna on Fnduv evening. Tue duly of being preuenl and of taking part in Hm service is urged on all. The pledge will have a prominent. place in the service. Cumumilh ns and enjoy nur meeting. Sacred Concert at Maple. The managers of St. Andrew’s Church. Marla, pulpnaargiving a rare hear. on Wed- nesday. the 10m 01 March. This will be a soon-d concerl‘in which the following arm-ls will appear:-â€" Mikael Lulu Dundau. Toronto; Annie Scarborough. «Edith Swilzer, Rich- mond Hill; Kale Elder,Elders Milli; Annie Mchil. Vellum; all the Toronto Conserve. tory of Music. Also Messrs. J. Campbell, hurnuue: and E Muwut, tenor; both of To runlo. The abuvs will be assisted by an able elocmiouiat, and anthems will be .given b5 the Muple Couvrnkion Choir. :Doonn open at 7 o’clock; Concert to commence at 7 30. Tickets ‘25 and 15 cents. See bills. The Universal Book The lollowiug extract from an article by [1. L. Hunting. of Boston in “Fireside Read- ingsJurvHappv Homes" presents us with one of the unique features of the Book at “Home books are for the young; some {or the old ; some for the rich ; some for the poor; some for the wise; some for the ignorant; some lor the well; IOIIIG for the nick ; some [or the joyous; some {or thu sud; some {or the living; ‘me for the dying ; all are circumscribed to special classce.â€"lhe Bible alone is a b0nk for all, and contains something titled to o'er} need, and “swing-Joinery hem-tin ovary eon- ditiou." A Funny Dreu Carnival will be held in the ekalinqrriuk. Thornhill. thisll‘buraduy) evening, when‘prizes will be awarded for Lady's beet representative costume, Girl‘s beet repremlnuve costume, Gent's beat. mp- reaentutive costume, Boy‘s best representa- tivl costume and {or an open race. Ice roc- served for Masquenders from 7.30 to 8.30. Admission: « Mnnqnuradere, free; spectator- nnd children, 10 cents; skaters, 15 cr-nts. No black faces admitted. Electric Cars will leave C.P.R crossing at. 7 o'clock. Return fare 1mm crossing. including admission to rink. 30 cents; York Mills, 25 cents. J. H Brydon F. Grainger T -F. McMahon W. Hall W. '1'. Storey. sk. .16 C. McCunaghy, 5k. .14 Mummy for Storey. 2. The following.resolution of condolence has been forwarded-to Mrs. W. H. Glass and Emily:â€" DEAR MADAK_-â€"*Wb0refls it has planned Almighty God in the maniiesmtions of His Divine Providence to cull home your be- loved husband and our late Brother, we are instructed by the oflicerl and members of Ivy Lodge No U4 A.01U.W., to extend to you and your respected family, their deep and sincere sympathy in yours and their bereavement. We know that as a husband and father he was ever affectionate and kind, as alrinnd became over two and sin- cere. and us a Christian he was ovrr careful and conscientious in the examples shown by him in his daily life and although removed lrom uurmiJnt we feel that he has gone to thatblisaful abode where death cannot enter and there will await the coming of those dear ones whom God in his men-y has seen ï¬t to take him from. Again assuring you of our profound sympathy We commend you to the tender care and overshadowing lave ol Him who has promised to be a Friend to those who mourn and will ever comfort and sustain all who put their trust in Him. Tbe Tboruhill Bunspeil was .=ï¬nisbed on 88 unday aud reaulced in the Maple L- a! C ub of Eilaamem, winning Lbs handaume pair of curling stones given for companion between the clubs in the County, by Hughes Bros. The following are the scores:â€" Cummittee: Hall". HOPPER, I. CROSBY, lLE.LA~W. 40 16 Majority for Maple Leaf, 24 In we afternoon the Maple Lvafs pin) ed ‘l’bnrn‘lill wmning by 6 shots. The fulluw- ing are the scores; 1-] Thompson S. Dunn H. Green J. H. Mnrgsn W. Chester DI“ Names A. Paterson, skip..14 J. Morgan. skip.. 19 J. Chester H. Harper J. Trauma J. Wilson G. Chester F. Ualluuouflb R. McGowan, skip..21 R. Clark, skip. . . . 10 Maple Lea! _ Vb‘carbom' Club H. Thomson J Maxwell,.jr. R Gwen J.‘Vickexy Wm. Cheater G. Elliutt A. Patersou,ukip..21 D. Blown. skip . . . . 7 J. Chester A. Fleming J Teesun J Ramsay G. Chester R Malcolm R. McGowan, skip..19 Jus. Maxwell, skip.. 9 Majority for Maple Leaf. 6 Mr. J. Ulurk oflicialed as umpire to the antisfuction 0! all parties. PBENTICEâ€"At Carrville, on:Ma.rch lst, Ihe wile of John H. Prentice. ore. daughter. MURPHYâ€"Ac Elgiu Mills. on March 211.1. the wile of James Murphy, 013. daughter. W'AN'I‘EDâ€" Earnest men and women to circulate “ The Sword of Islam: or Suffering Armenia,†a thrilling, bunk, Gmpliic account of the Eastern-Question, the Turk, Armenia, and Mnhauunedan- ism with its horrible massacres. iNumer- uus startling illustrations taken on Ache spot. 448 pages, only $1.90. Agents make from $15 to $30 Weekly. Books on time. Prospectus free to canvassers. Ltd., Toronto, Ont. THE BRADLE YvG ARRETSON 00,, Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabulee: gentle cathartic. Resolution of Condolencc Thornhill Bonspeil Curling Mmch Gnnd Carnival BIB'I'IIB. (-irraniteware. We have lately added to our stock a full {line of White Graniteware in Pails, Basins, Tea. and Table Pots, Pudding Dishes, &c. This ware is equal to china in appearance and unbreakable. Say Buckets and Spouts. All patterns supplied. Get our prices. Cutting Box Knives. We have reduced price of these and quote you a. No. 4 knife, warranted temper, $1 each. To clear stock we offer Cut Nails $215 keg, Wire 3 to 6 in., $2.65. Barb & Plain 'I‘Vvist ‘V ire, Special lot at $2.75 per 100. DIixe'd Paints. Weather and Waterproof Paint covers most, looks best, wears longest. Galvanized Steel Pails 20 cents each. Ilorse Brushes ‘8: Curry 0 Olnbs At reduced prices. THOS. MEREDITH & 00., Nails. FEBRUARY SALE .Allowed on Canadian and Imported Tweeds. \Vorsteds Blankets, Flannels, Men’s Shirts and Drawers, Boys’ Ready-Made Suits, Salisbury Suitings,‘Dress Goods and :Prints. Arbi- tration Dry Goods Atkinson & Switzer, A TKINSON é SWITZER’S ADVERTISEMENT. WINTER GOODS ISAAC CROSBY. Discount of 20 Per Cent. FIRE PROOF. Will hereafter adjust all differences between Brit- ain and her Colonies and the U. S. We arbitrate Prices by putting them so low you can’t help but buy. Are Trade Induoers. Our Prices Direct Importers. G‘r RE A'l‘ __0F-._,.. AT THEâ€"â€"