Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Mar 1897, p. 8

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N. R. R. TIME TABLE. Newmarketm Aurora. .... King, ..... anmoxn HILL Thamhill ........... TOBQNTO I'hornhilli...”.;...~..... 9.19 monmonn HILL .1326 King . 9537 Aurora.., .. 9.55 Newmarket 10.05 """ é‘diNG SOUTH ibnowTo Connects with all brains. leaving Houso Richmond Hill. as follows : Kai! & Express,k.)rth a: South Express North and Mail South. - Until further notice lluils will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" HoRNING'â€"Going North.sou|h Band; and “fast, including: Thornhill, Maple, Toronto Markhamlkc. 7.45 EVENING zâ€"Going south East and West (as above) 6.15 8. B.â€"â€"Re£istered Letters musfi he handed in It least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. M TEEFY . Postmaster. WITA'RRISON’S HARNESS » ESTABLISHMENT PROCTUR'TETXGE LINE. Cara leave 0. RB“ Crossing at 720 3.111.. 2‘40 p.m., 5 40 p.11]. Car‘s leave Richmond Hi‘l at 8.30 a..m.. 4 p.m.. '7 p.111. 1'! so chme and select from \V IIIPS Champion, Bristol and German. nap Dusterq, Water-Prom Knee Bugs and Blankets in great, variety. Harness Oil, Dressing, ‘Soaps Polish, and Bick- mate's Gall Cure. Housings, Fronts. RosettesA wha Daisy. McClain's and ache: Sweat Pads. very cheap. Bits of all kinds. and other supplies. Trunks. Valises, shgthcrups. and Hunting en 3. Having laid in alarge stock of the above. and believing in small profits and qulck returns, ashare of your custom is rcspectflilly solicited by A large assortmentâ€"whale-hone. rawâ€"hide, and Java. from 10 cents each un to $2. METROPOEITATI TM E TABLE WM. HARRISON THE LIBERAL and Weekly Gl’obe to Jan'y Ist, ’98,:15150. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Sun to Jan’y mi, ’98, $1.25. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Mail, I year, $51.40. THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe, 2nd edition, I year, $460- Did You Ever Stop To Think THE LIBERAL and Daily World, to jan. {’98 $3.00. THE LIBERAL and Evening Star, I year, $2.25. W. A. Sanderson, Do You Want To Buv 7 Union POST OFFIEE NOTICE CURRY COMES G; CARDS clubbing Rates. Between L‘RUGGIST‘ RIU'EV‘H i) i? I A Baking Powder is a chemical compound? The lady of the house if she wants wholesome food must prepare them from pure material. Our Pure Cream Tartar Baking Powder is a. compound of only pure and harmless material. Health is to be preferred before a few cents. My Baking Powder contains no alum, phosphates, ammonia or any deleterious goods. Only the best and purest material used. Call and get sample. In great variety. 1‘!) Nets and Screvns Very low. RIC" NIOND HILL Leather. web, rape and ties. Sim ps Toronto and Richmond Hill GOING NORTH Mail 4 3.30 9.19 Halters Accom 1.40 the following Accom. 11.10 11.18 11.40 11.52 Mail 6.25 6.35 6.5( 7-96 12.40 2 ‘50 the Palmer (LL. 9.40 n..m., xummm. E655666 6.50 7.00 7.07 745 Vaughan Council. The next meeting ofitheVCouucil of the Munici palic of Vaughan willbe held in t 9 Town Hall. Vellore, on TUESDAY, MARCH 9,1897, The undersigned has for sale on rear n! lats 62 and 63, Is: cnn. Whitclmrch, a quantity of Black Tartar Oats and Px-mce Albert. Peas. '3. h. LEGGE,; 2“ Jefierson‘ P 0 Saturday, March 13th, ’97, Dollar Post Office 8.156 Store with good stab!” and driving shed. Apply on the premises. 36-3 Apply at A «lack of first-class Timoth Flay, last year's cnt. Applv (m )0! 27. 2nd con. Whitchurch, or Box 3% Newmxu'knt. 35-3 Servant Wéfited Lot 46. lsb can. Markham. containing 100 Mres pmt of whlch is m the Vintage of Richmond Hill is to rent. fur a. term of years. nuâ€"uv ".1 "on Loaf. on Saturday night, Feb‘y 20th. from the late electric car between Richmond Hill and I‘oronto.aBlack Leather Grip. containing a. Pair of Skategand twq Red Sweaters. L “I: u. um. Finder will b.- suitabl‘yri'éwarded by leaving at THE LIBERAL OFFICE, or 35-“ 353 YONGE ST.. TORONTO Late of the Township of Vaughan. Farmer. “.4..- Pursuant to R, S. 0., Cap. 110, notice is berebv given that. all pemuns having claims against the estate of 11)? said David Caxuegie. who died on or nbfiuh January list, 1895,241‘6 required to sand. on or before the 15th day of March, 1897, The next méeting of Eheicounci'l of the Township of Markham will be held at Bniommle on Retina to Grediiers By past prepaid, to Leeds Richardson. Maple P. 0., Ontario, administrator of the deceased, their names and addresses, with lull particulars of their claims and the nature 01 the security, it any, held by them. Notice is further given that alter March 15th. 15:97. the administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which he shall then have received notice. and the said admin- istrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of'distribuniou._ u .,,,, “in ‘nAL 34-4 uh hue luu‘c v) ul>3vnlvu4nv Dated at the ’l‘ownsnip‘gi Vaughan the 12th day of February.» A. D. 1897. WILLIAM COOK. 34-4 Sohcitor for Administrator FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage. which will be pro- duced at the Lima :1! sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at. the Richardson House, in the VILLAGE OF MAPLE In the Township of Vaughan. by l T. Snigeon. Auctioneer, on Saturdav, March 13th. ’97, At the hour of two o’clock in the atteruoon. the following lands and premises in one parcel, viz; All that. certain parcel or tree: of land and premlses situate. Iymg and being In the Towa- ship at Vaughan, in «he County of York, and be- ing composed of the south half of the west hall 0110:. number Oweutyvfour, in the third cou- ceuaiuu of the said Townsl‘ (p of Vaughan :save and except the portwu heretofore sold to the Railway and Catherine (utter), containing by udmeasurement forty-«sight. acres be the same more or lees. A com! sen mouumuaa, {c Apply, to Upon {fig-property are situated a. house, good “1111119 barn and good frame stable. and gum! Wei 3. For further particulars and otuer conditions of se.\e apply to Mulock Millerfirowther. Montgomery, Dominiun Bank Chambers, Cor. King and Yonge streets. Toronto. 34-3 Sohmtm‘s for ma Vendor Dated at Toronto this 13th day Feb'v. 189']. 1 he farm is a sandy loam. fairly fenced and is situaced about. one~half mile north of the V11- lage of Maple and convenient to railway,schoola and churches. TERMS:~â€"Ten per cent of the purchase monev at the Lime 0! sale and the balance with- in one month bbureaner.or at the purchaser's option, to be determmed at time of sale, ten per cent. as tune of sale and rutficxent thh emd ten per cent, to redul'e tna balance to one thousand dollars within one month therefrom; the bal- arms of the purchase ulouev to be secured by first mortgage on the property, with interest at fivg peg ce‘nb. Der a._nn}xm hall: yearly. E'Il‘hlaifiioperty will be sold subject to a. resexved 1 . Good General Servant at once. Good wages. Apply at THE LIBER 3}. OFF“)? Apply to Mortgage Sale DAVID CARNEGIE, For Exchange. Clerk’s Notice. anew @dmtimmmts. Barn for Sale Hay for Sale FOR SALE Farm to Rent. 1n the matter of the estate of -â€"â€"OF‘ VALU ABLEâ€"â€" At 10 o’kflock a..m LOST JOHN STEPHENSON Clerk m: 10 a. m ngw J. M. LAWRENCE. Clerk THE LIBEB AL OFFICE amass, new, Wlih nick“ I, mt‘unr green or dry. M. HARBYSON, ‘s-Maker, Exchmcnd Hill JOHN PALMER NASMITH BREAD? If not, why not? It Is said to go farther than other bread you get and costs no more: We have the folIowing kinds to choose irom : RICHMOND HILL. Ԥ\ '1‘31101‘. {$1 (itwsw EUREKA FLAKE FRENCH FLAKE VIENNA ROLLS GOLD CRUST HOMEMADE TH: FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD " Monsoon " Tea is packed undev the supervision ofthe Tea growers. and is :udvertisvd and sold by them a: a sample of the h-: .: qualifies of Indian and Ceylon Tens. For thnl reason they see that none but the wry fresh leaves go lnlo Monsoon paskagL-s. That is why “ Monsooq.‘ the perfectTca. canbe sold all the same price as inlcrior (ca. 7: is ut up ln sealed caddies of 54 lb.. 1 lb. and 5 lbs ..m sold In llir-x. flavours 314°C” 50:. and 60c. If your {371‘ {otlt‘eep it. tell him to write x ,, EMA; or East. Toronto Look to your own interests and come to the RICHMOND HILL ROLLER MILL Chopping daily at 5 cents per bag. Oats crushed suitable for horses at 4 cents a bag. All kinds of R. L. PENFIELD For sale at the. mill. Kindly give me a share of your patronage. 3 27353 E 4%! @Effléflé. ’ $1.88 W ADVANSE. CHOPPING & GRISTING. F1;! x} find 13 Front St. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripins Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabuies cure dyspepsia- RipALS Tabuks cure bad breath. (}l'()(‘(‘1'y Store FROM h is xfremelv xaspvrating to xverimenl with xpensive articles and-um xpenvnce xnc' antinfnct- Flour and Feed Inn'. Take clothes for xample. Yuucau’l tel! Xuctly evmn by ruminatinn mthX rays whether they an- xtmurdlnary or nut. To be met you must wear (ham. That xtra qualities xist in unr Clothing we know frnm nnr cuatmners wh-n xhilarating- 1y xtoT them In an xtreme nent. u . . . . r r, EL; us Tabu‘vea cure indigestion. NH further xplanation need b3 xacted. Agent for Parker‘s Dye Works. ITS NATIVE PlngY THE PERFECT TEE X Rays Are Not Needed FARMERS To be had only at Have you tried THE TEA PLANfiT TO THE TEA CUP '1‘ ailor. . SOULES’ With your . HUME, RITICUMINA Rammfi p P S Ta 1 richer c PLANT to“ big] mating vom- p1 Mely m healthi ions tux Is abon for evew fur Dou Ema Steele; Briggs Seed 69. Limaieflg 130.132 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO “J‘kafifizflmfiflfitfifzfiwwj Ffiame Pump Works SIJIN (3} A Mr. W. B. 0mm havmg gone out of the busmes in Mame. I am again pupal-ed ta uupply customers 01': Shortest notice. Formal notes promptly attended W. H. JACKSON, MAPLE Wantedâ€"An Idea Protect gour ldeu- the may bring y'ou health Wuer EN WEDQEBB gm”: pg: Rggeqc Aunt: neyl Wublngiou. D. for Vtiâ€"el‘rfisififi blitzeiofler And has at two hundnd lnvomlonl wanted. Season Tickets I. AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON Special Car every Saturday will leave C. P. 1 Crossmg at 5.45 p. 1:). Return fare, including admission to rink, 30 cents. SKATING? RINK Monday, Band in Alleluia-Ice Saturday Evenings. MTANDARE PLANT FOOD To produce a healthy, luxuriant. growth, earlier and more abundant blnuonw, 01 a richer coloring. it. is necessary to feerl your plants. The STANDARD FOOD FOR PLANTS is Ina-ls expi‘esmy for plants grown in the 11mm and cannot be recnmmonded mo highly for this purpose. In is free from ouvr, clean to handle and in adnlnion to pro- moting a strong, healthy grnwuh mid a. pmlwic: uf‘blom’n. ifi materially aide in keeping your plants free fiu‘ifu vé’r'nfii). The Plumb Fund will keep any length n! time, is immedi- ately soluble in water and ready for the plant, to take it up. thus prailuviuga. quicker and healthier growth than can be (mt-lined from any ntliei fertilizer yet. introduced. Direct- ions fur use on each package. Price per package 10 cents; largo package 25 cams. 15 about the size of wheat and can be fed like any other {or for every five fmvls daily or every other day. In either mm for poultry at a.“ seasons of the year. Pnce 8 lbs. for 25 cex This is the most imnurtant article for the poultry vm‘d through the winnerunu be hbernlly supplied in the town. In summer. when let: to run at. large, thev cu thair own she“ making material; but. when everything is frozen over rr revere: snow they must. be helped out If eggs are Wanted. Price, 12 lbs. for 25¢; 190 the. : l No. 2. weight M‘Z lbs. Capacity g lb. tn llb. or minute. We recommend this size and scvle Im- ull who have 2» limited number of owls behaving lt to be the sunpfnxt and most. ecmmmicalmuchme that can be made {my cotnerting green bones with me meat and grlsfile attached imo poultry food. The machine weighs 142 lbs. The kui- 9.4 are mads of the finest tool steel nnd mm be easily removed and sharpened when nrcessmv. Price each 521. No. 1, weight 5511‘s. Its Wul'k-nq parts are bimvmr to No. 2 but of mmller size and capacity. Can he lemllly attached to a mbza. bench or stand and will ‘ue found profit- able and convenient for cutting bones {or poultry whn'e BU hens or less are kept. Pnco Makes hens hwy when eggs are high priced.» Trade (The Flew P'ersuader) Mark. (Circulars on applimtion). A scientific combination of Rubstance whirl] when assimilate-1 by {owls produce eacsmlumare, growth and develnpmcut, exactly as certain foods ptoduca milk in cows or fertihzera incrmse craps. 1: contains in m’tliuinn valuable tmn‘cn and remedial aaents whichvassnre perfect assimilation and robust bea‘th,w-im om which the best re- sults cannot be attained. It makes hens my in summer mu Winter. Lb. pkcs. 25 cents; 2/} lb. box, 50 cunts; 61b. box. 51; 10 lb. box. $1.51). Draft can be run into mow at any height. or price and particulars apply to E. A. JAM ES, During the skating season, from 7.30 to m'clock luxission 10 cents; Children 5 cents THE RICHMOND HILL SKATING Will be open for skaters on the evenings of For Ladies and Children Wednesday, MANN‘S STANDARD BONE CUTTER GRANULATED POULTRY BONE CRUSHED OYSTER SHELLS. Ist imnurtant article for the poultry vm‘d through the winter and should lad tn the fnwm. In summer. when let: to run at. large, tbev can find hm. when evervnhinu is frozen over rr revered with uhhn: “\nfpria 9 had iv. ;.m the caretaker {row :1] W, and Saturday RUST’S EGG PRODUCER 1" D 1”()I{Ii Czkli 1? IE I} - Lot 3 Who can think or tome slmple thing to pump}? 34, ' day. I; Either mum)” ii'f11rumhea V‘ Pnce 8 lbs. for 25 cents; 100 lbs. fut s2 GRGCERY STORE. . Is the place to go for you: All new Fruit. Also a full line of General Groceries always in stock. Prices right. - Terms Cash. Patronage Solicited. And will be prepared to grind any grain offered on Tuesdavs and Fridays. also other days when more convenient to cus- tomers. ab lowest prices. Patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed Jan'v 21. 31:1 THE LIBERAL MISS M. ROS-S. BHBPPING MILL STONE CHOPPER The undarsigned wouLd respectfullv inform t e And others that be has added a first-c133: FARMERS 0F VAUGHAN H ENRY MARSH Candies, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Nuts, etc. IThe Lorne DIAI’IJIE 1 in griffin. about one Y I)” To his saw mill at NE‘V t une handful valuable food

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