VOL. XIX. Gmduat a of with diplnm Dental Schug Friday of em rum 1 to 3 {L Diseases of ed animals t; proved math Ofï¬ceâ€"R ER. 535m Tï¬ï¬BT‘EEfl. RA. VETERINARY SURGEON J. T. amamwg Will be in Richmo Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, Brick Hotx‘ae adjoining the Fire Proof Store For par ' ‘12. :upfly to 0f Tux-unto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany for the farmers uf York CO. RICHï¬/{OND l OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"ALSOâ€"â€" GORE, ()F GALT. 830103 I)! very accommodation to guests. Board, 31 vex-day Eu i? Oï¬iceâ€"W LEJ/Eï¬ï¬‚’g @§Ea¥£$$ ï¬WEflflw Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: House to R plu YORK MUTUAL, 158 KING STREET A First class Cash Mutual EIAAPLE. BLOOR STE ii“. M832 VETERINARY DENTIST, IHMOND HILL, ELIOND 'D e n EDGE the Ontario Veterinary College. a. from the Ontario Veterinary I. will Visit Maple on Monday and :11 week, and Concord on Friday 11:. Calls promptly attended to horses, cattle and other domesticat- ‘eabed by the lubest and most up- Business Sulicited. all 1.- :q 1v 4‘ “w rmum, 1n flieutal. and 6 to 8 HILL, 0 MOVERS H0 SR3, L.D.S. 6 m EAST. TORONTO lop T. TORONTO Hey, ISAAC CROSBY. I HILL. TAFF advance CD #3 9? [H nt. 1 Iss ML TE EFY. N OTA RY‘ PUBL} C Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, General sales of implements. furnituxre,stu.udmg timber. etc.,uttended on him shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Mn ple. \‘IONEY LINDSEY Barristers, Sol Law omce Mr, Fred. W. Gm all day even ROBI NSG East Tornntn Ofï¬ce. Mr. Grant's residence, Wuodbndre. every evening. Thornhill, each Wednesday from .10 to 12. BENBEN, BEAM & ï¬iéEéNS MACDOUGALL & JONES ALFRED MACDéUGALL‘ Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended Loon shortestnotice and at tea.- sonablerates. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York,re- upoctfully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest. notice auia. rauaouabemtes. Randalâ€"ens King Almge anmuntnfprivate funds to loan on improved farm property‘ Five per cent. in- terest. Easy terms for repavuxent. No comâ€" mission chwrged onlonnu. App! to LAWRENCE & ORMISTUN, . n... 15 TWOMO Stu Toronto A_ _‘ “:4, Or at Richmond Hill on éit‘uï¬xl'y'; Licenseu Auctioneers for the Counties of Yoxk Untarm auu‘ Peal. Goods sold on consignment Geum-alsales 0 Mock. etc, promptly accendbd to utrensonuule rates. Underlakers ck Embalmors, Funeral Fun meanings AI“ uyson “22nd MONEY! MONEY! SALEM ECXABDT, Uniouvme. ALFRED W. BRIGGS 0 STOKES 25 KING LFRED MACDOUGALL, FREDERICK c. JONES Solicitor to the Treasury of Ontario. {G}! COURT OF JUSTICE, &c Room 1, Museum Building, 8 Toronto St Torwto. GARV Barri’x‘ï¬vrs, Solicitors, &c. 33 Richmond wheel “’05:. ’I‘oronlo. WREN 10nd Hi] Saturday tcofï¬ m Hi WRIGHT BROS, $150,000.00 Eckardl a: Plonlice Barristers, Solicilnrs, 610., TORONTO AND AURORA ‘IUND HILL POST O RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1897. Tu luau at lowest rates. Stokes a: Enough. Cl‘P-IMIBSIOEBB 114 THE B an‘isters, Solicitor J . D. Rendnm n, OAN I 339.: 113.536 W, LENNOX 8: MACLEDD STREHT WEST, TORONTO. Barrister, &C.. W e 71b J. '1‘. saigeon, n11 m 10. Y CE&O AT'LO [mnnox will be nt Kelly's Hotel erv Wednesday, for the trans- uesdgv ll 'm will‘ne at Richmc Wednesday. and at 0‘ mg of the Court. 1. York 0 ‘uronm. : 81).. Bid In Es Selicit 1013\'0V,’8J.l WEST TfACC W S (my GARVIN, 0f am RMISTDN. 81 BETHUNE CHRP. *senémls, Telephone 47 ntc Street J. H. PRENTICE (Jan-ville. 1"chch ENT RATES FIl 7E D BLOUGH nrie use on TO ME every Li Hi1] Unity; in Non-Essenti puior LYfliCx' wav to Edm and his bruv informed of Richmond Bi]! and Vicinity 0n reaching Strange and his m in ashes as Hahn-ad and (he. hudies uf I This he enemy unlinmpiu undertukais found six budies all sirippi-d (If their clothing, all inure nr less mutilated and in a blzcl stuie ul de- composition. They buried ihe l‘vmains of each clusc tn where they mare fnmd. All the victims hi the iuzissucie wcru un knuvni to the: Sergeant and his lllt‘il.‘ The bl dies iii the priests in the church were uiirecognianle and cnvered with the Bull sumuldering lugs. 'Ihen‘ was no time fur enremunics: the dread of an lndian’s bullet and the danger uf being cut off finin regaining the lruups acceler- and every movement. The dis-agreeable and painful duty dune, the sergeiut and his fniii' grave diggers caught up to Gen- era-.1 Siranue and his tramps just as they mere enteiing all that Was left uf Fort Pitt. Here the whule party ant-amped furtlieni.:iit., Next day a seaich was made fui lllr- body Pf Cunsiahlc Cmvun who was killed in the taking of the Fort by Big Bear. They found it. The In- dians had scalped him and cut out his heart. The bergeant was ordered to take twelve men and bury him with military honors. The ofï¬cers and trumps juinL-d in the funeral procession. Captain Perry read the Church of England service orcr ‘tlie deucL was lhu gift ( his visit in t head Strange and his troops found the \‘i'lagr in ashts an whned in a former sketch and (he. hudies uf Ihe victims of the mus sacre Lying as (My were lcf‘. by thexr mludrrrrs. Our Sergeant. Majur was ordered by the General ,Wlth fuur 111811 to remain behind and bury the dead. The mum-mum undertake†found six budies It was now thought that Big Bear and l his band were nut far off. The lrnil was‘ fresh and the tent marks recent. On the 24th day of May the pursuing party sighted the enemies’ rear and a. skirmish“ ensued which lasted several hours. i Darkness curring on nnd knowing the" Indians propensity for sharp-shooting from mnbush the troops retreated and camped on the bank of the Seskutchewun. 0n Lhe 25th rhey were prepmed for an engagement, when to their surprise, not, an Indian wasin sight. The wily foei had Vanished in the night, taking with then) their captives, M rs. Gowanlock, - Mrs. Delaney and the McLeod family. Again Mnjur Steele with 45 men under our Sergeani “as urdel‘ed to locate Big Bear’s trail. The party had with :her'n as interpreters and guides Rsti McDougall Methodist Missionary on the Stony lndian Reserve, and the Rev. Mr Mcâ€" Coy, Episcopalian from Fort McLeod. The search party found the trail guing north to what is known as the Big Woods. The enemy was extremely dif- ï¬cult to locate but a bulleo occasionally lodged in the muscles of some member of the force would indicate his proximity. (UONCLUDED NEXT WEEK) M63 x 0n the evening of Friday the 12th inst. the members or. Junior Bible Class of the Methodist Church gave Mrs. J. Sillltel‘ a pleasant. surpiiee. The mem- bers 01 this class, of which she is teacher, determined upon visiting their teacher without giving her the least intimation of their Visit. During the evening Miss M. G Lune read on behalf of the class, the following address. Miss N. :Wilsyp mum};s Elia ginsenwï¬un cf :3 Teacher‘s W the ln He Hie jor Steel Ill “ll†~‘ (ru ul Sir )Ic Ila†llans e party Thornhill une 0! Bi so Iped the I'm'su ut at It than an dinh k†Libwty ; in Rible, Revised edition, containing all the best helps and mays: 'l‘u Mas. SHUT‘ER: Teacher of the Junior Bible Class of the Methodist Church‘â€" Having had the privileges of members of your 31333 for some time and knowing the time and labor you would [necessarily have to give in preparing for so impor- tant a positinn and the interest you have dnstriuus represt Can pay a lnuSIle Unu pay a hustler uhnnl as}? a week LU smrt wilh. DRAWER 29, BRANTâ€" FOllD, ONT. SUI nd 5 ‘lll van by the O. R T. and although I as there and could possibly give you a ir acne-nut of the e1'euing's entertain- ent, but, because it was intimated to us mt. it wunld be repeated in the near Hum, fur the beneï¬t. of thuse “b0 could )t attend on account of the state of the nude. I rehaiu from an doing. I might, ‘VANTE D-Old establish- M ['3 the ab] all things, Charity.†wants Ont amznllun. Inur n xlity has been an e 19 your anxiefv for icy has won for you and regard. We a ‘ ynll!‘ eff en the be Mliznllun Other feat" vemnu Were Id on acct) refrain frc lxuwever. din our spiritual Welfare. we us of expressing our appreci- nm‘ effurts to beneï¬t us. You n the teacher of our class since iznllun. Your regularity and (y has been an example to us your anxiefv for our spiritual (has won for you our highest 1d regard. We ask you to ac- Bible as a memento of our in- “ith each other. May you ch f 'he villagers were up at week ago \Vednesiay even- 3iug Ihe Muck Parliament felt lSS dtow presentation parl were indulged it \een at {em ,rch 12lh, 1897. nude a suitable reply ex other things the deep in in the Sunday Sclmo .Maple «fun: (It the pl'ugrmnlne ere readings by Miss L. Bell Bud Miss Lane (If mavives m an dolng. l migh‘ that. some-one remark :- imparting and [e ,s ended here may a. place with the [his eternity. wu [Ion [his It)†"I 9 Mvc the d wholesale at and inâ€" rlnr games in until a ck Parlm- wuuid De y yon Master runto IUD moved a Vute of thanks to all who had taken part, which was carried unanimous- ly. He also reminded strangers present of the religious aspirations of St. Andrew’s crmgregaliun, the members al- ways keeping at least. one eye heaven- ward {for fear of falling plaster), but this would be remedied in time since the pro- ways keeping at least. one eye heaven- ward {for fear of falling plaster), but this would be remedied in time since the pro- ceeds of the concert were to he applied in repairing. and beautifying the church. After the concert thnse who took para “ere entertained by Mrs. (Dr.) Sisley, and a pleasant time was spent with sing- ing and recitatinns. Miss Juan Keith of Lindsay, and Miss Ethel Flavel of Turnuto Universtty, were visiting at, Dr. Sisley’s last. week. Miss Hattie Risebrough of Newton Brook, was visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. R Campbell, this week. A ' Mrs. E. 'B Caldwell spent last week at Oztkwnnd. The fuutball concert on Tnesdav even- ing, was a success. Mr. Fred Wray was the pvlncipal performer. Songs were given by Mr. J. Blough of Teston, and the Maple szrtette. and violin solos by Mr. A. McKay left on Tuesday for the- Nunlh West, where he intends to reside in the future. His wife will follow him in two or three weeks. OWng to the severe storm on Sunday, the attendance at church was small. Sarv1ce was held in the basement. A number of bunks have been added to the S. S. lubrary. We hope the young people will take advantage uf the gnud literature provided for them. Salary $780, enée. Enclose en velupe. The the Magfle Mr. Sam. Mrs. \Vm. Thomas and Miss Annie Thonmsxemrned home last. Saturday, the fnrmer frnm Visiting at Torontn Junction. and the latter at Torunto and Streetsville. Mrs. G. J. Coï¬k and Mrs M. Thaw son are visiting friends in Toronto. ‘ The remains of the late Mrs. Rubert Junes nf Pdttt‘l's‘in, were interred here on Wedmsdny afternoon. \VANTED~Iuwlligenl mén with good educaliun ll) whom $600 and expenses fnr 1hr,- ï¬rst year would be an inducement. \Vrite with full particulars. THE MAN- AGER, 49 Richmond St. West, Toronto. Um. The Council of the Municipality of Vaughan met. at the Town Hall on Tues« day, Lheï¬9lh of _Mru‘<§h. The Reeve in the chair. Members present: Messrs. Bryson, Kirby, Watson and Boyle. _ A Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Bryannâ€" Rubyâ€"that the Treasurer be and Is hereby requested to pay the ful- Iowing accounts: To T. H. Rubinson, M. D , for visi‘s made during 1896 re.’ Board of Health, as per accmmt render- ud, $45; to P S Glbsnn, for surveying tuwn line, Vaughan, °,l7,â€"Czu‘tied. 0n mutiou the Treasurer was instruct- ed to pay accounts amounting In District N1L1tl‘flh0ub$313; in No. 2 aboua $500; in Nu 3 about $464. The uuditurs’ report of the treasurer'n accunms was examined and passed by the council. A petition was presented asking the council to support a petition in the Outul‘i') Legislature asking that certain bv-laws [NIEde by the County Council in behalf of the Mulrupolitan Ritiquy be ratiï¬ed, and fur funher privileges. Thn wave was instructed to support the prayer of the petition. The cmxncxl-udjnumcci to meet; on the 13th of April. VV Men or VV(un1el) to travel for re- spunsible established house in Ontario. Salary$780, payable $15 weekly and expenses. Pusiliun permanent. Refer- ence. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Buildï¬xg, Chicago. hleago, The return match between the Union‘ villa and Victoria. Square clubs was shot over the latter'a range on the afternoon of Wednesday, March 10th, resulting in a victory for the.home club by 39 points. The following are the scores: vxcronu SQUARE UNIONVILLE 100. 200. T1 100. 200. ’11 W. Scott ......... 46 39 85 S. Rennie ...... 41 3-3 73 W. Mustard ...a9 26 65 J.Da.vism)“ ..87 31 “8 A. Quantz ...... 46 4s 89 B. D‘xon ...... 45 45 90 J. (T. Jenkins .. 45 ~12 87 R. - :mniug . 3h La} 70 R. Azm- ...... 35 {H 64} E. Dixon :9 :2 61 W. Scott ...... W. Mmtm‘d A. Quantz ,I‘ n, Jenkins R. Agar ...... U“ A NTEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL Men or Wumen to travel for re- ihle established house in Ontario. r$780. payable $15 weekly and. sea. Pusimm permanent. [hier- Enclnse self addremed stamped A NTEDâ€"SEVERAL FA ITHFUL Vaughan Uouncil [Single copies, 3 cts. Victoria. Square \ Hope If Addressw stamped atiunal, Star Building, 85 S. Rennie .. 65 J.Da.visou._ 89 B. D‘xon .. 67 R. Ownniug 66E. Dixon .. 1'1“ Hmwl N No, 38