Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Mar 1897, p. 5

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Fancy Dress Carnival at Thorubill this eveping. Prizes win be ggven as lollows: Best lady skater. best gent skuler, hoyu race. open race. ’I‘borulnil baud in attendance». ’l‘ms will be the last-carnival of the sausou. A! the nomination at Uuionnlle on Thursdav, Messrs. J. Slater. F. K. Reeaor, W. Hall and D. James were nominated to fiil the vucauoias in District No. 5 (Mark- ham) for the Cuunty Council. The last named Withdraw and two of the other three gentlemen will be eiented to-day. Mr. W. H. Pugsley'a cngtnge, un the cor- ner of Yonge Street and Lorne Aveuur, which fur some time has been uaed as an armoury, isnow being fitted up for a wait- ing-room and parcel-room {or the Metropol- itan Street Railway. Mr. W. G. Haskell, of Minneapolis. gave a ’l‘emeranca Address on Sunday afternoon in the Methodist Church. He spoke fluent- ly as mast. Ametioans do. He referred to she Kein treatmenk us a cure for iuebriety giving scores of instances, but he did not say what the treatment was or ,how it af- teoted patients. Mr. Haskell also preached in the evening. A neriea of meetings are [hefiug held this week to protest againat the enlorcement of I law to Comps! dalrymen to have mwa teat- ed wilh Lubarculiu before sending their milk to the cioy. A [nesting wxll be held at. York Mills this evening oommencmg at 7.30, and w-mormw evening at Hughes null, Thorn- (hill. Try a package of "Malwa" Atkinson & Switzu's special package pure Ceylon TPB, new stock just to band, Blue L'lbtl, 15 cm. The weekly meeting of the Juninr Ep‘ wor‘h League will be hold in the sch-Au» mom on Friday next at, {our o‘clm~k. 1h sutjacb of address wiil be the "characur istica of the Jew. All are Welcome. Splendid stock of stvfiab Wall Papers. Borders and Ceilings to numb an Atkinson & Switzax-s, nice Papers at. 3§ cte. pet Roll. There 18 no better Bream made in Cans.- da than the "Rose" Which is selling this week at the Coucrcte for 25 ms. New light fancy Priuts, primed Cambricn, Indigo and Fancy Prints, bhck and white Cnmbrics, Pm:th Urepona, Ceylon Salim, and Turkish Deluiues at. the Concrete; the best value in the trade. Alkinaou dz Swil- E Mormon) HILL, Miss Wiley. Corresponding Secretary of York County \V.C.T U., “as a delegate at we temperance comcutiou held in Toronto on Friday lust. The best Dates 2 lbs. for 15 cts. and the ‘3; Eleme Figs in! 10 ols. ,pezfi- lb. Askin- wu dz Swit-zer. 5 bars Richards Pure Soup for 25 cts. 6 bars Comfort Snap for 25 one. 6 bars Star Laundry for 25 ms. 5 bars Dingmans Elec- tric {or 23 cm. 5 bars Ammonia Eleclnc for 23 em. Richards Jubilee 5 lb. but for 23 cts. Daltons 5 lb. but wrapped in towel for 23 on: Athinaon 11‘ Switzer. Mpssrs. F. J. Gallanough and J. T. Me. Elroy have hem authorizad Lc make inspect- ions and issue c-zrlificates to any person anpplflng milk to the city 0! I‘m-cute. Mr. Lev; Huover huving suffered teu al- meks of appeudlcitin in we past five years droided to undergo an operation. The exitiual task wne accomplished on Tmaduy by Dr. Langdufi. assisted by D‘s. Hulcllison and Wilson. The qpernlion was. seemingly, most sneer sslnl. null hopes are entertained of .tho‘ patient!» compr Jeuovery. I Tx-ilby Senp 4 ch: per bur. Tale-phone Soup 4 ms. per but. Atkiusou & Switzvr. Tinduw slm-les with dudo Spring Rn complete for 30015. Atkinson & Swilzer Mr. Henry W. Boli'ho, formerly teacher «Parkman Public School. died at his home in‘Aumra bust. l‘imrsday in the 74th year of his age. The M. R making! u w Jesse Gw‘de New Bin ish Miliiue Mr Wu). R'rgers, L. I) , his afiice to the math side Pnrkdale. See change at page. Dr. F. J (lâ€"allm-migl moud Hillrrnfvsdanu munLh (Fair Daj) fmru all-14th \VuAimâ€"rndu‘s f: ized Inaprcmr of Dairy apectious guaranteed. Sbe “1&- 34 311.“: Line, Cu a) Ea 9 'Uorbett knock 11 rounds. The proceeds nf last. night’s 1 uivul amounted to something on MLRS purtrl‘ Monday in [h- v Mrs. W. R. Pmc _ Some mow per 1!). A hi The best pure Inrd [his m‘ek in 25 1b, lot for 7 on; per 1b. Atkinson & Switzer. .Mrs. A. M: Oil: a week will) Mr. ’70)“, Mnmis who on Tuesday. rnrch lb Good duy [(111301 ('k and Fancy Rihho ry Gunds at. Atkins“ !ifnru us au ()0an Hemingwav, uf Uumnviile. in k'e visit. with her mother, Mrs. r01) uL‘m Mr ) Fluuueklts for Le hose good A pr fMihona-‘punt. h1g9. the guest. out by Firzsimmous Wnél h u rsd av ace Curtains just iirect impurt. Me of at car M the Palmer Eousa 11 horses. nae fur 6 cls. per w 1‘2 has removed the subway, d on another us and style n & Switzere 10D cuts for 50 Pdnecdny of ; 2nd, 3rd 5. Antim- Cax’eful in- skating car 91' 82.7 00. inndn' of Mr ,9 \‘Q 7 one. Mr g Toronto \H‘ I)»: danng Mrs. Whiu hvr daughu Aiired Puw Friday. In 11m over 6: herP. She old find 30! H. L. Hastings, editor of "The Christian.” Boston, Mass” issues a 15 cent illualruted c-difion of his.I essay entitled, “ ‘Vus Mnues Mismken?" Thin: Work is an Hollande- fence vi the Mosaic mi:inqs and a mastrrly refutation of current infidel ol-iwctimm. Whoever is interesth in good religiums lit- erature should Send a post card to Mr Hastings for n cu'ulr‘gue of his puLIicatinns and n uopy of “The Cmisiiau." which xbe late Rev. C. H Spurgeon declared to be "the best paper that comes to me." W. J. Clark of Concord Pr 0., is the only authenzod agent. for the sale of the New Williams Sewing Machine. the Dominion Organ and Piano and the Heintzmau d2 00. Piano for the Town-hips at Vunghan, York, Kin“I Etobicoke. Albion and Toronto Gore. On account of the great popularity of these instruments and machines. rival agents, to sell inferior goods. will tell you they can Re! you the above kinds ifyou wnnt them. The public is cautioned against this deception. See that. you buy these popular instruments and machines only, and from the lawful agent. (a) An entertainmuut undPr the auspices of Schnul Section No 6. Markham. will be held in the Temperance lel, Victnria Square, on the evening nf Fridny, March 19d). The eulerminmem will be given by Ihe pnpfls of the schcul, assiswd by Miss Lhrelta Crosby. Markham ; Mine Eva Cross, Victoria Squaw; Mr. L. R. Eeknrdt, Uninuville, and otht‘rs. Enterlainmeut m 8 o'clock sharp. All- mission, 15 cents; Children, 10 cents. Pru- ceeds in aid of School Fund. TreaQEE Cancer For some months past ex-Councillor Mortson has been suffering from a growth on his lower lip, during which time he has endt-avored 'to draw it. out by means plasters made by a. member of the Boyer family in Markham; Finding that the part was be- coming, more troublesome all the time he convulled Dr. Hutchison who, assisted by Dr. Lsugalufi, performed an operelion on Friday last. About a square inch of the lower lip was removed which bore evidence of wlml is known as smolnng cancer. The operation was apparently successful, and n. is hoped there will be no ntnru. but this de- pends on whether any cancerous cells have invaded the tissues beyond the part re- moved. Mr. Mnrtsun's friends will be pleased to hear of his recovery in the near future. The High School building was burnei durian the Christmas holidays. This is We 18m of March, and there is practically nothing done relative to building. The Board of Educulion pasied a reeoluiion by which they. decided to rebuild on the old lot. Then why not. commence hauling sand and other material at once when farmers and others having teams are not busy. ‘To get.‘ teams inseediug time will cost about. twice as much as during the winter soason. The Merci enromeu- 1., pose um Prin mwnsbips and Thom Luunic 55,500 from In of the LI)” road millee mnt the lhrir views. I gram-in“ tpficia municimnlilies, from whwr mv [Dent rdnsvd H and North THY Sewing Off. The huhmce r! winter slork, men's felt bookaJelz stockings. and shoe pucks, and men's heavy Mmimha rubhers. at. can! and below, m make mom for a large spring spring stuck cumlng in. RoLert Siverfl. The entertainment under the auspices of the Enworlh League last Friday evening was wholly arranged and carried out by the ladies. In this respect it was unique. The chair was txth filled by Miss Storey. The Bible Lesson was read by Miss Rogers. Several young ladies sang the round. "Soot- land's Burning" and "John Browu's Body" with grant feeling and effect. Miss Scur- borough sang a. solo with her usual good style. Misses S. Trench, Ethel Switzer and Jennie Wiley also pleased the audience with a trio. Reoitstions wore given by Miss Silverwood and Miss Birdie Elliott. Both acquitted themselves very credit-ably and were attentively listened to. A paper on “The pecu'iurities of Men" was read by Miss 'l‘rench. This was much applauded by the ladies. It painted man as the women see him.snd showed clearly that there was much room for improvement in him. Th!= ten minutes of. conversation and the relresh- ments were much enjoyed as well as every number on the programme. The whole sl~ fair was well arranged and successtully carried out. In April The Ex turn] Sonic h) be MIME Re- ('UU er Ag new UL b 21 The Ladies Held Forth Was Muses Mlslaken ? ‘st 1 lhe cunu'y for beds, in Elm 1 the Government It. was pnime nicim‘i'lvs mkwi nitrvnatiwr lhe cunu'y for the :nninlmmnce beds. in Elm nflornnou n (mm- ,he Government and txpressed It. was pointed out than by vcialle-gislmion to time oflhe emyimilnr claims wnu|d fulluw nmnicimlmes. The GUVPI‘D- J me request 0! Seurburo‘, Yurk [‘uruulo. Wihbrs fox u {nmiijh Get a Move on. Entertainment ts Life- Assumvxce are giving uH-H fur inaurunce a: win he Inc-mm”. nu Hammer pege. mmuul pumium (0 mass Important 1mm leld Hl' ‘h u! Mar. 'l'l fled to 1h» ms on (be first We mtwe of the may Mum-n fur the Ann h n. city on Tuesday municipality tr the "my mm is $12.06; Profiks divided ture happ :islnli‘e unci: in ding of jute-lay Ml i»: na nu of nl The AttornPy-General was on Tuesday inn niewed by the directors of the Metro- pniimu Railway Company in relvreuce to the franchise asked for over the Turunlo lime to the Uninu Station The Melrupoiitan wish llw privilege of running curs lrx-u: mu 0. 1’. R. crowing to points within lhe city m a rate m be fixad by arbitrmion. 'l‘hp (my Ilnu 11;»:an cu nempposed lo such an ar- rangement being made. JONESâ€"At Patterson, nn Monday, March 15th, Sarah June.beloved wife of Robert Jones, ngeu $6 yenrs. Thornhixl. The Rev. Wilberforce Lee “We an excel- lent lecture in the Presbyterian Church, 'l‘horhhill, on Mission Work in Alrica Mr. lire has been sewn years n mlt-zlihlI-n‘y in Control Afriru, and during that time has travelled through a good part of the coun- try, and the story of his chutful experience- during these your! in that new country is Very inn-resting and instructive. For UVrr two hours he held the lurge audience spell- bound as he rvlntid one after another the lill'liilllg adventurr-a that are peculiar to the life of u missionary in the Dark Continent. He first spoke of the climate, which, on ac- count Hi the prevalence of fever,1s very hard on the constitution of the Whine man. He next described tue mode of. truvelling through the cuuntry. Travel has to he dune in the early part of the day as after twelve o'clock the limit is very intense and when night falls travel is dangerous because of wrld uninmls. There are no roads through the country as we have, Only foot paths through lilelhrglP. and the misslonury has to rme on the hack of a mule nl' ox, or carried in a kind of hammock suspended from the shoulders of two natives who will trot along (or two hours on a stretch up hill iind down dale carrying it heavy man who feeln quite oomfortahle as he is thus trans- ported. He next gave a description of the e'taillleliiug of mission statiom. The natives live in villages built of mud huts; one or t\Vu hundred of these huts compose a wiluue which is surrounded by a mud wall. A number of these Villages are built nenr each other and they form a community of summiines five thousand people ruled ova by a chief. The missionsrv pitches his camp near one of these villages and al‘ though at first the people are a little shy of him, after a time he gains their fsvur by showing that he has come to do them good. The missionary is always accompanied by Christin] natives who are sent on Sshbalh to tellthn people that the white man is to' speak “the Wont” They come and listen and in many instances profitably receive the truth as it Is in Christ Jesus. In con- clusion Mr. Lee spoke of the rzuod work that is being done by the Missionaries in that part of the world. Thgir labor is not in vain. There are. he said, amongst thsse dark colored Africans converts to Christ- ianity who are as faithful nnd self-~3crificing as you will find in any country: As an li~’ lustratiou of the faithfulness of some of thesein his own stttion he spoke of two lads who. after nightfall volunteered to go a journry of over thirty ,miles through lilt- jua gle to bring a doctor to Mrs. Lrt', who was i I. On their return nhtn oi}. red is present for their frithfui service, with tears in their eyes they rviused-to take it saying; “Mrs. Les had come is long way to givs‘ then) the knowledge 01 God and had sufirred much for 'hcirjny." At the close of the lecture Mr. Lee sang In the native dialect th‘i hymn “Art thou wesried, art thou lunguid." The lecrurer had a number- of photographs and curiosities Illustrative of lecture which were shown at the class of the lecture. Canadian Child Savmg Work There bus recently came into Mr. Watch's (mm M Brighton, Gun, 8 number ufchildren suilnble for adoption cases. The must of thvse are buys, there are also a few of very uicv gulu. Tue ngun are h-om one up to nine ur ten )ems. Plunoa of the children can be sent on application. Funds and clothing are required for earning on this work of cnung for me needy children; it. is Mr. Wesley Bone has .hired tn Geo. Deudman for 9 months; wages. 85H? or $13. per month. L. Albin hired to Mr. Thus. Cnnk for one year; wages . for the year, $130. Mr. Oscar.AppleLnli and his brother Olander have gone to British Cnlumbiu; their smiling faces will be much missed among their‘many friends both young and old. We wish them health and prosperity. Mr. 'l'hna. Baker will soon be changing from lot 16. 3rd con to 13. 2nd cnn. Mr. John Deadman Jr.. whose sale takes place next Thursday, will be likely to remove from our midst. \VANTEDâ€"- Earnest men and women to circulate “ The Sword of Islam: or Suffering Armenia,” a thrilling book. Graphic account of the Eastern Question, iheTurk, Armenia, and Mohammedan» ism with its horrible massacres. Numer- ous startling illustrations taken on the spot. 448 pages, only $l.90. Agent-s make from $15 to $30 Weekly. Books on time. Prospectus free to canvassers. THE BRADLEY GARRETSQN ,Co.., Ltd., Toronto, 0m. There are several men lnoking for places for the snuuner now about here. Last Sunday being such a stormy day. the attendance at church wan Verysmall. work of cnung for me needy children; it. is «ulner u wurk of love. Appnuunts should alum): send Ilw name and uddrvss of their pasLn‘. Addmss all letters to Rev. C. W, Watch, Brighton, Ont. Carrville DEATHS g3 27 inch Gingham for 5 cents per yard. Factory Cotton that weighs 4 2-3 oz. 3 yard for 5 cents ' a yard. 3* Hine Turkish Delaines for 12% cents per yard. E34 inch heavy Flannelettes for 7 cents per yd. ,34inch g 3A27inch Factory ( fr ran itevval‘e . To clear stock we offer Cut Nails $2.15 keg, Wire 3 to 6 in., $2.65. Barb é: Plain "I‘vist VVVire. Special lot at $2.75 per 100. l‘lixed Paints. Weather and Waterproof Paint covers most, looks best, wears longest. Galvanized Steel Pails 20 cents each. Ilorse Brushes & Curry C ombs At reduced prices. THOS. MEREDITH & 00., ‘Ne have'lately added to our stock a full line of White Graniteware in Pails, Basins, Tea and Table Pots, Pudding Dishes, &c. This ware is equal to china in appearance and unbreakable. Sap Buckets and Spouts. All patterns supplied. Get our prices. Cutting Box Knives. ' We have reduced price of these and quote you a No. 4 knife, warranted temper, $1 each. Nails. THE WEE PROOF GLASSWARE SAN D ‘CROCKERY GROCERY STGCK COMPLETE New Spring Goods ISAAC CROSBY? A Large Assortment. NO\V A RRIVING AT Atkinson & Switzer. 156 KING 81‘. EAST

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