Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Mar 1897, p. 8

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EVENING zâ€"Going sout above) N. Bx-Re‘uistered Lei an least Flfleeu Minute mentioned hours for c] I‘L R. R. TIME TABLE. Until further notice H: Richmond Hill Post 0km: Having hid in a. large sLoc' beligviug in small profits aware of your cusspx Newmurket 'l‘hornhil] . TORONTO Housin The Daisy. McCl E5? EARRE 7' Union .. I‘hornhill.” HICHMOND HILL ' 9213 93g connects with all trains. Ieavin House Richmond Hill. as follows Mam d; Exprossfixarth & South. Express Non-h and Mail South Monuma 'â€"Goinsz N01~th.e ' \‘Vest, inclu #M‘aple. TQ-mr} Harness Oil THE LIBERAL and \Vcekly Globe to Jan’y Ist, ’98, $1.50. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Sun to Jan’y ISt, ’98, $1.25. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Mail, I year, $51.40. THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe, 2nd edition, I year, $54 50- A un‘u‘nm . muwmarket WEI-1A1: HSON’S HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT King Did You Ever Stop To Think TORONTO Cars leave 0. RR; ( Cars leave Ricfi'u'x'oim H'm az‘s 4 p.m.. 7 p.111. THE LIBERAL and Dain World, to jam. 1’98 $3.00. W. A. Sanderson, DRUGGIST. RICHMGN D HILL. PROCTURCETKGE LINE. THE‘LIBERAL and Evening Star, I year, $2.25. METROPOngTAN -T_1ME TABLE If so 0 A large pss‘ 'nmk CURRY COME-XS & CARES POST 0mm NOTICE Between Toronto Bit‘ A Baking Powder is a chemical compound? The lady of the house if she wants wholesome food must prepare them from pure material. Our Pure Cream Tartar Baking Powder is a compound of only pure and harmless material. Health is to be preferred before a few cents. My Baking Powder contains no alum, phosphates, ammonia or any deleterious goods. Only the best and purest material used. Call and get sample. assortment‘whnle-hone. mw-h“ Java. from 10 cents each up to $2 Champion, Brist “star -‘, Water-Pr Blu‘ukets in g! [‘53 Nets RICHMOND HELL 'n HILL Leather, web, rope Snaps fall}; Dre some 5011ng GOING In great Variety solicited by \W HIE’S‘ :l'Letters must be nutes earlier than 8.49 9 .06 mac-rs includinu '1‘]on Toronto Marlins.) 1th East and We and SCI'GQ‘IIS 1great, variety. , ‘Smps PoLsh, and Gall Cure. routs, Rosette-s. and other Sweat EEFY. Postmaster and Richmond Hill SOUTH gap. 1 other Supplieg k of the y and quic s will he closed at. the as follows:â€" Duih East 9mg nt'l nu ‘EVng the Palmer r1 German. Knee hugs and Accom 1.40 Accom ‘0 am” 9.40 mm T} 12.40 above, and 1'61 H 1’125, ‘ectquy mnhill handed in the above 8.00 a m Hunting 11 mm Bicli Mail and 5.15 5.56 6.06 6.38 Late of the Village of Rivhmond Hill, County of York. Genuemau, Deneuae by given t the estaSe about the reguix‘ed tl By post prepaid to “’1 law, No. II Adelaide St. the executors of the est their names and aware: of their claims and the that after April 5th, A will proceed to distrih estate among the part ing regard only to the have then received will but be liable for '6) thereof to any person notice shall not have of distribution. 0n Church Street“ Apply JOHN H um“, COOK, Executurs‘ Being the west part! Ist coucessmn or the ’1 minim: by admeasur 1m enty-fivo acres. Po 2nd day of April next. Applv to J‘ March 10th. 189‘ VALUABLE REAL ES Pursuant to instructions received Exacutors of the Estate of the late M Lelliatn. deceased, there will be 0591' by public nuctnon by J. ’1“ Saigeou. on the pramxses in the serve t Th'R chase 1 the ba' out int W 01‘ to DUNCAN. G1 Date tabs following prop All and singular that cermin of land and premium situate, 13 the Village of ’l‘hcrnhill and be part of Lot No. SP, in the first c Township of Mnrklmm in the being better known as the west Lelljotb lot, having :1 frontage l one Dated at the Mmch. A. D. 11 m Eeééarchams Life Annual Rates m advance for 51000 insurance with profits: Premiums may be paid quarterly, half-yearly or annually. A Canadian Company framed in harmony with Canadian Laws. Plums divided after: years. Pulicxes uon-furfeituble utters years. Apply M Thursiay, April lst, 1897, 15w Head Oflice: 32 Yonge Street Arcade Toxouto. Two Brick Dw Apply to Hea§_0t}ice 03-330 1141-6111 At the hour at ten o'ck VILLAGE OF THfififiHELL ‘lll‘ AGE balance interest ur (mum Ml rfu Hausa to Rent Farm to Rent JO} ith day of ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) 35 Barn for Sale 31m MS kuctien Sale on 171 Hon. Jno. Dryden, President) J. G. Huworth. Gen. Manager AGENTS \VAN'E‘ED. ll In it 1d by th In the Village of Thornhill 'ti VALUABLE mlf SO west parts 01 lots 43 and 44 in the m or the Township of Vaughan con. admeasurement one hundred and acres. Possession can be had on the AN N UALLY To SAL} L11 pe W. C. MU RRAY, Inspee_tor, ie ,‘Mmfiarmmts. 3 86 ,4 16 14 46 .4 76 5 U6 icy of Toronto the 5th day of rticulars ,r cicular the estate of the said decaased, mlui'esses with full particulnvs ad the nature of the security ahem. Nubice is further given 3613, A. D. 1897, the executor? Lisu‘ihube the assets of the said 3 parties entitled thereto. 11sz- o the claims of which thev shun ived novice. and the executow ifor the said assets or [my part crsnu or persons nl' whose claim have been received at. Me Lime n bhu‘ty \‘VLLLIAM HART. WILLIAM Itrihute tbs partles out the claims 'ed nomce. later of the estate of JAS. M. LAWRENCE. Richmond Hill _oF_ NT & sKIn’AIx‘S FI n5 THE LIBERAL OFFICE lim)‘ Rent at KES & BLOUGH H A RT. up. _1!0 notice havuuz cimuas ANFI apply lay AGE 11537 nn mraw. i‘CHOLus 8‘). West late cent .nne A. L. SKEEY \vh Mr m. t1 TATE ANNUALLY #17 16 17 76 18 36 18 96 from f (.11 Tmbntc raste 26 28 27 78 30 60 32 40 34 68 :57 56 40 50 43 6‘3 46 93 50 58 ‘12 :3 for sale tionecr, in the [In 08 ‘ront '1 Hill râ€"ab Lil the The undersigned has for sale on rear of hts 62 and (3, 1st cun. Whirchurch, a. quantity of Black Tartar ()uLS and Prmce Albert Peas. '1‘. h. LEGGE. \Ve have the following kinds to choose trom : EUREKA FLAKE FRENCH FLAKE VIENNA ROLLS SE Wantedâ€"An idea Protect gout ideu' thew may hrlng {nu health Wrne J HN WEDéEuuuRN _& co” figteqt any. fié'y'JVVVIEéiuinéiJn. D‘ 0., for ‘cEeII-‘sififi prxié'bixér and hat 0: two hundred Inventions weaned. Wfifiifiigifi Him-HE! i If not, why not? It Is said to go farther than other bread you get and costs no more. AND THURSDfiY AFTEHNDflN Season Tickets may be had {mm the caretaker, J. Brownies. Special Cm‘ avery Saturday will leave 0. P. 1 Crosslug at 6445 p. 11). Return fare. including udmisswu 1,0 rink, 30 cents. THE RICHMOND HILL SKATING RINK Monday, Band In Attendance Saturday Eveningfi. E®@%‘@W “ \‘@\@E] % Experience 33% {E NE. Cor. Yungc 5: Quatu $15.. Turontu J Cow 2 Cows 2 Two 2 One OLD CRUST HOMEMADE TRITICUMINA Admission 10 cents; Children 5 came. Yuu can't tell xnctly even xu'minmiun wn‘hX rnya \leetl they are xbrumdinury or nut. To be Xucr you must we them. That xlra qvm‘ ire x in mlr Clnlhiug we; know fr nur customers wlw xhilarati 1y xrul them In an xfrume in N" further xplauation 12‘ Agent for Parker’s Dye Works During theEsknting seagon, from 7.31) to 10 o'clwx FOR. SALE Erroce with mlf bv her side; 5 due about 1st of April; year old Jersey Heifers; year old Jersey Helfers. It is xtr ‘Prllll SKATING Will be open for skaters on the evemugs of E53 GRAEN. In a. professional life is.every- thing. The man who makes a study of a particular line is the man to see When you want that class of service. Have your teeth attended to by a specialist, and save your re- turn farc to Toronto. A. GALLOWAY. Dentist H ave you tried For Ladies and Children Wednesday, IIEEERDII 3'. Rays ‘ J. LAHMER. Lot 17, 5th con. Vnugpjm, 'l Iii emcly xanperating to with xpensivu articles eriunce xac‘ Bath-fact- ec-lnthea for xample, 30mg o A Row. ‘v Ssizore and Saturday EEME, ctly only at In... Who can thlnk of some slmple thing to patepp? LES Jefl’erson P 0 Velfore P O In Bi -~ DENIOREST’§ nnaazma “ JUBGE’Q Li “HAIRY ” “ FUNN‘ Pit Demorest Publishing Co..110 Fifth Avenue, New York. The regular subscriptiov price of “Demorest‘s Magazine," “ judge's Library,“ and “ Funny Pictures " xs $3.335 Date. . VV. H. JACKSON, MAPLE Mr. W. B. Gram havmg gone out of fhe businea in Maple, I am again prepared to supply custumers on shortest notice. Pasta! notes prompuly attended A (cod 53$ of Si 10 Harness, new. W)ch nickle mnuufings. furcor wq eith :0}! pr dry. fl. Wflfiiik .3. Away to For Exchange. fin! EFOR is none of on and literatur pretending tc mains 9. free 1' caricature an w1ts and. lllus of it. All three of they to secure them For the enclosed $200 please send Demorest's Family Magazine, Judge’s Library (a mag Mine OI fun). and Funny Pictures for One year as per your ofie‘r. W‘UWE WM. HA umsnx, Banana-Maker, Richmond Hill 18$ T'URES ” is another humorous monthly; there uei Efifigg waaggu EH23 I32 KING ST. EAST, similm s« tern coup Name ‘3 magazines are nundsomely gotten up. You should n‘ “A RY ” is a monthly magazine of fun. plate with wit uni humor. Its coutnbutors 1'1 Cut here and return Coupon properly filled out CHOICE BECLEANE hlie fully n \xhich fl Post Ofiice an ()‘krfl‘i’si W is by fur the best family magazine publishen; there ‘eaut‘iful and the useful. pleasure auu profit, fashion as in Demonâ€"956's. ’l‘rere 1's. in £22.03, no publication )se which can compare with in. I'Terv number con- State “7e Wm 592321 for one your months tor :51. ERIK (Lugfl EHQPPEE‘W WU. And will be prepared to grind any grain oflered on Tuesduvs and Fridtws. also other days when more convenient. to cus- tomeis. at. lowest prices. Patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. THE LIBER Stare am Malling Jun’v 21. am Store and Dwelling to rent in the Village 0 Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to 27-tf ISM CBOQBY STONE CHOPPER The undersigned wouild respectfullv inionn t e And others that he has added a. first, class FARMER?) 0F VAUGHM H EN {Y MARSH EELUU DE A P14 33 To his saw mill 8.1: N IE WV ‘05‘ RENT '06? NTO l homh wish illustrations in the best of Amencau 1*“ 01% laugh in every line at miss this chance flea-m- [0 you HUI EAL . O

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