Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Apr 1897, p. 1

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or hi 351 p anuum, in advance] VOL. XIX. Ki 6‘ ac #zlle r g 7’ wt gamete. IS I‘UBliisliler EVERY THT‘RSDAZ NIORNI‘NTG lllE LIBERAL PRlz‘lIi:-!G 3-; PUBLlSHllZBHOUSE L RICHMOND HI L, ONT. ‘1‘. F. IIIcIIIAHON. E-meun it: Puccini-trek DR.LINGSTAFR RICHMOND HILL. (PF J’ECE HOUR“; $3 to i0=n m: 23:. I 3‘9 Gioépm ll. IIIIGEISOEI :lSLi'JCI-54m' to Dr. W. J. RICHMOND HILL, Ont. GE‘FHJE nouns S to It) a :22: mm? 6 to S p in initial. \Vilsnn l, VVM.BUGERaIQDs. Office mecinllr adn‘pte'l Im- ienairine re- pl‘aiinu and llluliing tuneup )wrniu- nent tu’t‘n nu iowesa prim-s. (mm! fitting, &c. Ofiiceâ€"Turlidale ' nth side of Subway, aul n il'Utl: toucpnt. fill. ill. Elf-55055. IEIEIIEE’, 3.. Fl. 'Dentist, {9F 21liLOOZ‘. SI MEET. TORONTO, Will be in Richmond Hill every \Nedâ€" nesday. Officeâ€"JV. Smrey's. next duor to school. Huin‘s I) u. in. to G p. in. 3. it“. Ialcglrcy, VETERINARY SURGEON ~â€"--AND â€"â€" VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND , HILL, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Culleac, with diploma. {min the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, Will Virgil Maple on Monday and Friday of czwli week, uml (‘uncurd on Friday rum 1 ‘to 3 p. iii. (Sells promptly attended to - Discasns of horses, "little and other :lomostir'nv ed animals treated by the latest and most ap- pi‘ovell methods. ‘92 Lewem cell'ch 2158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO very accommodation toguests. Board, 81. vei'day J. T. SAlG EON, EKALPLE. Agent fur the following stuck Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, 0F TORONTO, CANADA. “ALSOâ€"- GORE, ()F GALT. A First-class Cash Mutual. YORK IIIUT UAL, Of 'I‘urnnm, Canadaâ€"Illa coming: Cum- paily fur the farmers of Yuik Co. Busincs: Snlisitz-d. Hon-3 tc Rent. 1 Brick H"“$'l :u’leiniuz the Fire Proof “0:63 For particum. ".1133 a - FAA?» Cisx)‘ BY. rem-Wanamame “an rpme l l l l l RIC Ei‘ulil. BE .. '1‘ KC 1331935.. NO'I‘A RY PUBLI {‘7 . ('IIHMZSSXONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, cc. caviar: ‘1 n 'F -- ‘ I lbs of it .riage nimwe. IIICIIMOKI) HILL POST OFFI! E. l1 P? by... A G 1’ LAWRENCE \V S URMISTON L L B ' LAWREN Barristers, Solicitcrs, 85c. TorontoOIficeâ€"«Nods Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Office open cvuy Saturday. llfillEl’ T “I? «l- _0__. O LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES G.G. 5. X.l"l)‘~‘iY LYON LLN‘DH‘ZY ( HATiLl-ZS J. E, BFTHI‘NE. LINDSEY, LINDSEY & BETHUNE IKLI‘i‘lSlL‘l'S. Suiicitors. Eateries and (lunvcyunreiu. Pacific Buildings, £33 Scott St., Turnntn. FeleIIh-uic £054 lurineytuLuaz’. ROBI NSdN, IENIIbiâ€"I MACIIIIIJ Burriflci‘s, Solicitors, are. n v)\4 . TI RON'IO AND A011 ‘. '1‘. PA rlmrt [cimnx “'lll he nt’Kcl‘j".c flute] vrill‘ liiZl every \\ mlimsduyJur Ilictninsâ€" artixzn oi l:u<inc.<s. GARVI N 8: SARI/IN, Burristere, Solicitors, Conveycnuers,hotziries, (kc > Rn‘un 10. York Clinnvlici‘s, El 'Fm'nn- l to Si. Turnutn. “Rd at 'idencc, . Lawofiices 430mm St.. Richmond 1:; . every I 'anlngnnd Dominiuu liuiibe on ' \I'clnesdwa'. Mr, I’ve-l. W. Gui-yin will he at Richmond Hill all day even- '\\'o«.lncsdu.y. and at euLli l rlttll;;! U! the Court. v m- tieâ€""me ,3 . : nlbag‘ég G ‘ Barristers, Solicitors, &c., it 25 KIXG S'IIIIC'T WEST, TOIIONTO. East Tux-ante Ollicc, Mr. Grant's residence, V:'u«)vi.‘..iiics«, rvcrv evvnina. Tllul'nlllll, renal. {u m 10 to 1‘2. Itinlli‘f lu L-ifin Telephone 47 IIIAEDOUGALL & JONES, Ii (.1) istere, Solicitors. (i'c. {com 1, Mas. lllt' iuild'uig, lb Torontu St. 'i'ui‘untu. I ALFRED MM DMVGALL, FREDERICK C. JONES. Solicitor tn the Treasury of Ontario. MOtEer’MoNEYI ziigc amount(,.fprivatefnuds to loan on lilllll'thc-llihl‘lll property. Five per cent. in- :L. I ‘lcl‘waor repayment. Nu courâ€" ie-d (“31011115. Apply to LAWRENCE & OltMISTUN, _ 15 Toronto 812., 'l’ui'unto Or at Richmond Hill on Saturdays. "$150,000.09 Tu loan at lowest rates. ALFRED W. BRIGGS, Barrister, 800., 33 Richaiiond Street “'est, Toronto. SALEM Ecmnn'r v J. H. PIIENTICE Lniunvule. (mrrville. Eckardt a: Plenum: Liceneeu A‘uctiunoers for the Counties of Yoxk Ontario anti l‘ef-l. Goods sold on consignment Genaralselce a stock. 91.0., proniptl) attended to utreusonunlerates. c cronies D 131.0175}! stokes é‘l; Bieiiglz. LicenaedAucticueers IOL'theCuunt)'olY01-k,re- exuectlully' sulicit your patronage and Iriendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest notiw under reesouube rates. P.0.&dlli’u§b lgng .1. 'l‘. Saigeon, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest native and at rea- , SODRIJlUl‘fltBS. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple .l‘. D. Reallmn n, , LicensedAuctioneer for the (‘ouuty of York. General sales of implements, furniturextanding n.t reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Mn pie. int“.- or: infirm; dc Embalm area, Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand 33ml; .--.. 5-; a" “94...”, (“5. a. & ORMISTON.‘ timber. Pto..uttelllled on the shortest notice and , “In. Essentials, Unity; i'i‘z Non-Es'sem‘ials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” .1:â€" , . w... â€"»-u...._,.-.~:... . . , v. HMOND HILL, THURSDAY, APRIL I, l897. List of Experimebs for 1897 Mr. C A. XWIYZ, Dircctnr, Agricul- tural Culiuu', Guelph, lizia sent wit, a ciiculnr r: lufivu tn cvw-ner-«Live «XpI-r iuwnra in ugliculturu. The fulllxwing is a list. nf expririiuunls for the picseut year: 1. Testing nitrate of Sula, Sllprrlem- lha'e, muruue uf pumih, mixtiLe, and ht) n-auuic Willl Guru. 2. inking nitrate uf smlu. plnnte, inuran uf punish, nn manure with Manguls. 3, Testing six leading varieties of End der Guru. 4 (,li-uwing three Leguminuus crops for (like!) Fodder. 5. (Jruivmg iluree mixiures uf grain for Given ledr‘l‘. ll. Testing funr Varieties of Grasses fur H ay. 7. Testing four varieties of cluvers fur Hay. 8 Testing three varieties of Buck “limit. 9. Testing four Wheat. IO. Testing fulll‘ varieties of llu'lcy. pnpt’rpllus. mixmie, and Varieties of Spring ll. Testing; live varieties uf (his. ' l2 'l‘i-mng fuur varieties of Pens. l3 'l'usling llxroe vurielins 0f Beans. l4. 'l'vsting five varlvlles «xi Carruls )5 'l‘usting live vane-Mes nf l‘lullflf‘l". ll}. 'i'islinu fuur \‘iillb'tlcfi uf 'l‘ui'niilu. lllhl‘efiled persons in 'Ontarm \vhu' wish to lull: in the \iurli, may fil‘lt‘ct :n.y (‘IIC of the (lxpeiimenis for 1897 and in {mm the (linelur at. 0|le! oi tlmel‘mico‘ made. All mnurinl “Ill be furnisli- (ll entirely free of charge to each applicant, lint he Wlll he t‘KllkC‘Cd tn cmuli‘ct thi- ti-st accurdiny tn the lustructmns sent. with lllt"8t‘(‘(l3, and tn report the results of his test as suuu us puseible after but veet. Malei'icl fur cithur Nu. 1 hr Nu 2 ex- perimuut “ill bu sent by express. and fur each cf the «there It. will be iurwvmdetl by mail. All it lllllZFl‘s and :‘owlu \vill l’n- aunt in guml llmu fur spring Stwllll'J, [Pu riding the :q-pliculiniis are [\L‘thUJ 2.1 an early date. -â€"â€"-â€"*09â€" AN 1 EUâ€"HE V nitâ€"l L FAI l HFUL Men m‘ Wumen In lerPl re ‘ snuusrble t'“('ll)ll:\l|£‘.tl house in Univ-rim. Snlury $780, phyuble $l5 \ierklv ‘-=lhl expenses. l’usitiuu [lexmaueuL Rtf} r ’H-i‘ cllce. Eucliae St‘ll izddieseerl stumped envvlnre. The Niillnlifll, Star lluzlduu, (linen-6”. (n Division Cour the his “'lwn Judge Mvreziu arrived in village by electric car on Mnnduy firat quesliun «as: "What nit-ans this crnwd uf pimple.” “We. be learned that Ihl'ee ur fuur hundred pcuple from . the surrounding country were attracted by the CELSHS It) be hean in court he was 0(1113lilui.ibly surprised at his reception. The “learned friends,” as they are re feriad to by each ether, who were pres enl: un behalf nf clients, were l‘vlussri. A (lr. F. Lawrence, F. W. Garvin and J. Clary. They badurred each other good- nuluredly and gave the spectators luts of fun at the uxpcnse of the witnesses on the opposite side. There Were over twenty cases on the dI-cket, but inure than half of them Were either settled or put off until next court. The fulluwing is a synOpsis of the prin- cipal Crises heuid:â€" ‘ Palmer v. VI asliingtrnrâ€"An account fur $12.00. Plaintifl cuuld not. sustain the case in [mint as there was a inismke in dates The suit was amended and the plaintiff was allowed his full claim, lessI 2.00 for defendnnt’a witness fees. blislup v Thumsnn â€"Clulm for wages for $45. Defendant] bud paid iutn court something over $30. and kept balance as deicndant luid nut fulfilled his Contract. The judge awarded $37 50 With costs. Sbuter v Burna.â€"Amnunt of a. $100 note. Defendant said that the nute was outlawed and claimed the statute of limâ€" llullou. 0 use aljodrned tu ith court. tn allin plaintltl to try to establish his claim. Rankin v. thmer â€"Claim for wage-s 35‘daya at 40 cents a. day. The judge allowed $8, each side to pay its ouu 008's. Cable v. Wrightâ€"Cable sued fur $35 I fur dluglng Well and putting in pump. ’ Wright reiuaed to pay, claiming that. the pump head was defective. The judge advised the plaintiff to put in a new head when full claim would be paid. Dean v. Harper.-â€"'l‘he inrmer purn chased frum the latter six hugs at $6 60; per cut. The latter agreed to deliver the hugs in 'l‘nruntu‘ but instead of doing this he sold them for $6 75 per cwt. Dean aired for $5 The decminn hinged on whether the price of the hogs amount. ed to over nr under $l0. Defendant had evidence to prove Ilia! the marks on the driving aired damr chum-d 3. \reulit which at the pllue- auld brought $40.04. It was held ny defundux t‘e’ lu’wyer that a verbal :igrcenu‘nt was not binding wlivn the Himan involved was over $40. Judg- munt tor plaiulifl Olivant v. Hardingâ€"Claim 825 as - Teinperanceville uu balance of wages. vavndant’s eunten- Hon was that. ()livanf h-icl injured une of Lislmrses while plowing. l‘luiulilf (le- ulfll curulcswess but admitted to the judge ll 't he agreed to :lll=IW his em» ployer _ when they settled up. This lust the plaintiff his suit. This (‘iidcd the day’s proceedings. During the hearing ()f the EPVeral cases the judge rmnurked that several uf the anus slmuld have been settled by the parties themselves. llis Elmer’s l'e~ nmilis alivuys gm to discourage people frmu sippemiug before lllln, but .1: he said (in Munduv “If yuu are bound to dance yuu must, pay the fiddler.” ..__‘.,_,_ ' ANTEDâ€"Fairnere’ suns or nthnr industriuus persons of fair edu- cuiiun tu whom $60.91 mnnih would he an inducement. I cuuld also enunge a tow lziiliun at. theiruwn liquies. T. H. LIN- b'ULJl'T, 'l‘umnto, Unt. Q0 Maple Rev A. J. Paul of Richmond 11.“, pry .chul in the Methndlst Church last. Humlny iimrning. His Sul‘ulilil “as able and liiipthSlVe and was cnjwyed by all wlm lisIt-nvd In it. The subject. was “l‘hu Value uf Man in Cumpensun uilh Glllll,” Sunday after-noun at 2 30 a. re\ie.v of the Sulih itli Schnul lesaons fur the past (punter \w-re taken up in the church, 'l’lwre was a large turn out of scholars and parents. Mr. Urndduck, the super- liitumIHIt, bud charge cf the review. In the ext-Hing {he RN. A. Bedfurd pl‘8\Cil< ul niieufa SeI'It-S uf scrumns on The Prmligul Sun. This was said to be unc uf the heat Srl‘lllulls ever delivered in the church Uu Ilie evu of Apiil lllli he will 0 mclutle Illu arrl'es Willi the subject, rl ‘it' l’iutluul’u intliur. ()u Suinlay. April the 4th, the Rev. Dr. Hmuezsun, Aaalstalll Missionary Secretary, “ill preach morning and evan- Ing. 'i'lze elinir hill Iclidcl‘ anthems, L‘lHHIlHer‘, il'c. Rev, J. \V. Sir-“art of Sundeilund has bi't'll [endured and has accepted an ill- wry-lion to Mule cucut fur the next urn: in place of va. A Bedfurd who lim- accizpn-(l an llIVlllitlnH Ln Sui-Eville, l‘mth c.. .s lining subject tu the Appruml uf u-e S‘Atl-illll‘g Cuminirtce. icv. R. S E. [urge (if \meul'la College, has barn ten-.icied and has accepted an lllvl- tutu)“ to Maple circuit fur nexv. year. A free Pllllhlllirii ui horse (ruining, by the r-f Mir CHIZPIIU, is gIVen on the streets emery afternnun. (lm merchants are sending out circu- lure advertising spring guilds at a. very lmv lignru. The streets are getting: quite dry here already, and bicycles mill such be in UM: iignén. Mr. Thus. Chalbnrn has traded his famous trutier. Benny R. to Mr. Geo. Wilson fur a Brantfuid Bicycle. ANTED -QEVERAL FAITHE UL Men ur\\lu|nen tu ti'aflel for ic- suunsible Psfabllalled house in Uutzillv. Salary 53780, payable $515 Weekly and expenses. Position permanent. l‘tcfci- ence. Eucluse self addressed Stulllpk‘Ll envelope. Chicago. The National, Star Building, Edgely Removals are the order of the «lay. Mr. R. S.u\d=-ii has gum-i to the sixth and 'l‘histlethwaito goes tu Fleslieiwn. Mr. Scrivener of Lansing llils rented the farm lately Vaemed by Mr. Anderson. There is a gear rlenl ul Slukili’ss in our neiclilmrliuud at present. We liupe 3mm [.0 see the sick ones out. again. Miss M «Aggie Anderson left. last wvek fur Tliurold. She will be missed by the young people uf the neigliburiiuud. The streets of our town are in rather poor condition. “13 have gund aidekas but some of the buys say they are [on narrow. We see by a notice that. there is to be a meeting in the hall next Satur'dny evening tn reurgauiza the Fuuthull Club for the season. Dun’l. fuiget to attend. The Glee Club attended the Supper at Monday night and i‘epurt a. gnud time. o- ANTEDâ€"~vauasers. "Queen Vic- toria: Her Life and Reign," has captured the British Empire. EX‘IEL- urdinary testimonials from the great men; send fir cupy free. Marquis uf Lorne says, “The liest popular has of the Queen I have Bern." Her Majesty sends a kind letter of appreciation. Selling by thoua ands; uivrea enthusiastic satisfaction. Cost a. mint of muney, but large circu‘ latiun justifies low retail, $3 00. Lots of historic illiistratiuw. Large bunkâ€"«weer all 2x671-x10i; inches. Men and w-uueu nl summing in the cniuiuunity making $15 to $40 a week. Exclusive tcriwtmy, Pruspectus free to agents. time. THE BRADLEY GARRETSUN 00., L’TD., Torul;.0, Out. Langstaff The 0. II. T. has just clnsed anntltcr Rllchauful 8689!)”, There has been an in~ creaae in Illcnlburthlp this winter and the rrgnlar weekly meetings have been of an educational character. Perhaps it Would not be out of plice to say a unrd or mm in filell‘ of similar so~ Cletlt's. They have :i social influence iii. (‘Ichtlilflfl- friendly feeling in the lucal- ities where they are found. But their literary \‘ulue Its still broader in its effect. 'lhey give the members an appurtunily in cultivate their musicul talents, to im- prove in eluculiun and Lu take part iiitele lipently in discussions. l‘lie debuzua, mock trims and parlia- ments help greatly in this respect. These cause the participant to read; this gives information; information leads to kuuw- ledge, and knowledge assimilated, pru- duees educatiun. They also procure for him cwntidencze, and ease and eccuracy vi: ('XPI’L‘SSIHI]. Many of our great orators have made their first attempt at speak- Ii.g in some small Literary ui‘ Debating Club. Were there inure uf such societies in our tuwus and villages they would be: of inestimuble benefit to those who hue not an oppnrtuiiity of attending pn-pei‘ training sclmms. They Wuixltl awakui much dormant talent which. when active, would be uf vusl. seivicc directly UI‘ indi- l‘eutly tn the prosperity if our fair Du- minion. Miss H. Buynlon of Victoria. Square, snent :1 few days lust week with her sla- ter, Mrs. B. \Vuldrick. Mr. \V. Link of Toronto, was the guest of M rs. N. Chapman Sunday lent. .-__¢...â€"_. News Notes. Mr. Mulnck's bill abolishing superan- umnun was introduced in. the Dominion HUUSU. A Dispatch from Bombay says that the plague has bullish out among the Britiah troupe at Culiiba. It is sail lh-it at the approaching con- vncatiun {If Queen’s L'niversity Lady Aberdeen uill be made an L b. D. Representatives of the C P. R.tele- graplwrs uie lll Pylnntreal discussmg the I'l'le‘VflllL‘es at the men With the railway uutlmiitits. The Manitwa fund fur the relief of the India I-‘..iinine Sullerers now reaches 517, 560,73 ml which nearly $2,000 is fium lllc :L'llUUl Cllildl‘L‘ll. Mr. J, A. Kinsella, instructor of but- tnmakiu-g at Ihe Kingston Dairy Schnol, has bum] uppnltttud as assistant to Prui. Rnherteuu, l).-miuiun Dairy Cummis. sinner. A! the annual meeting of the vtock- holders cf the Amvrican Bell Telephune Cumpany the directors were reelected, and it. was mng to increase the capital. stuck from $23,643,000 to $26,015,000. The Gurerument has granted $300,000 tn the Grand Trunk fur the improvement nf Vietv-ria. Bridge, the conditiua being filial. llle_IiIf.t-lc'llnlilzll is to have running; Bucks on . powers nVei‘ Ilie road from Levis Montreal. Mgr. .lerry del Val, the Papal dale. gnu». tn 0 mad I, arrived in Montreal from New Yuk nu Tuesday. and afterwards proceeded tn Q iebec, where he was given I grant "Pet'ptinn, and escorted to the Cardinal's palace. While Blihll’ Gulldly was taking a nrizmllei‘ Iliimud Ferrel frum Gudei‘ich to Klugutnll Penitentiary fur three years fur raising nukes. Furrel leaped from the inileng express one mile west of Brlglitnu. The express was running at the speed ui 40 miles an hour. He ha: ilul yet been fuuiid. DU. It was decided in Ottawa, on Tuesday by a meeting of military authorities that. the jubilve regiment will be made up of volunteers from the diff-Tent cnrps. They will leave Muntreul nn June I by atroop< ship for Liverpool. whence a train will cnnvey llliflll tn Aldeiuhut. Two weeks ,will be spent there and one in London. Sid news has been received from Lon- don lo the eflrct that. Lieut.-Govei~iiv-r Kirkpatrick’s cunduiun is hopeless, and that his life cannot lung be spared. Up to a recent (late it. was thought that the operation performed for cancer by the famous surgeun, Mr. Herbeit Ailingham, would he succvsslul Much sorrow will be felt tlll‘ullglidllt Ontario as the Gover- nor has endrurcd himself to the people , by his muny virtues. l l Mr. Fi'zpatrick introduced his bill to repeal the franchise act by substituting the Provincial franchises, in the Home of Commons .llr. Gibson also intro- duced his If” 'u .mienl the railway act to make the wag: ' nf mrn employed and the cnst ui' Willie-1‘] -l I‘Ltd (:1) the con- , utructinn uf any milwuy a fi-st lien on the \xuik Sir {i haul Carl.“ right’s ape. ch on the addi‘uso‘ \\ as the piiuciyal layout of I‘m (1.5;.

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