The World ef Tuesday in discuSS- mg the need of a ’good "electric freight service from 'the city, an~ presses the hope that the Termite iailway Company will'be able to make a satisfactory arrangement “with the Metropolitan whereby an electrie‘freight service will be in- augurated. 'It is most desirable that an agreement for both pa'ssenger and freight be effected between these two companies without delay. Deliver- mg parcels from various parts of the city to the Metropolitan waiting- l‘oom at the C. P. R. crossing 153 great inconvenience to those sending 5‘) Richmond Hill arid other places along the line. at large deputation of milk pro- 'ducers principally from York County waited upon the Ontario Government on Friday and protested against the ’statute which empowered Dr. Sheard, Toronto Health oliicer, to compel those selling milk in the city to pro- duce certiï¬cates at their own expense to the effect that their herds were free from tuberculosis. Minister John' Dryden heard the deputation, ack~ nowledg‘e‘d that a grievance evident- ly existed, and promised to have the action of the statute stayed until a change is made in" theDominion law. In all probability' a GOVernmenr inâ€" spector will be appointed so that all herds in the province may be dealt with by the same responsible ofï¬cer. Sir Charles Tuppcr is one of the 'few people who dare to champion the Dominion Franchise Act passed by 't‘ie Conservative majority in 1885. The leader of the opposition, in order 'to appear consistent, is forced to sup port this shameful bill, or otherwise we believe he wouid rather not do so. He must know that the present law may be used as a strong lever in the hands of the Government in power if they are dishonest enough to make use of some of its provisions. The measure has been referred to time and again by both Conservatives as well as Liberals, as a disgrace on the statutes, and we are glad that the present Government mean to Wipe it out on the ï¬rst opportunity. Searcely has a bill ever been more unpopular with honest people. There were 724 [ersons conï¬ned 'in the prisons of the province. Of these only 214 could read well, 390 could only read moderately, and 120 could not read at all. Five hundred and nineteen could write fairly well, and 203 could not write at all. The number who had attended a High school was 59 and of these 44 had attended more than one year. Only 10 had ever attended a university. These ï¬gures effectually refute the mediaeval contention that education tends to promote crime. The Evening Star of Toronto has utered upon a crusade against de- amnental stores. The Star’s prep- érs, account only for farmers do not seem lievc in the cry agz? tion _ According to the réport of the Min~ ister of Edutation for 1896, the chil~ dren attending High schools or colle- giate institutes of parents engaged in mercantile pursuits numbered 5,834, of farmers, 7,783, of mechan~ ics, 5,812, and of persons in the pro- fessions, 2,027. One thousand, two hundred and nine entered mercan- tile pursuits, 1,112 returned to the farm, 503 set out for professions, 1,906 became teachers, and 1,807 went to other caliings. The ï¬gures res; eating callings taken up by pupils. 'm'obably except in the case of coach RICHMOND HILL. Thursday. April] The Farmers’ Sun gives the fol- lowing ï¬gures taken from the report of the Minister of Education just to hand:â€" |For Saleâ€"Walter Sumes‘ 'Nursery Stockâ€"Stuns & ’B‘htter. Eggs & Pouxcyyâ€" Clerk’s Numceâ€"Jnhn ate Clmugaâ€"C. Mason. â€%rraie :2 29 i E 451/. y New Advertisements. )uxvgyâ€"Purk, J nhu htephens fortho boys. The '0111 generally to be- against over educa~ Wellil Men or Women to travel for re- sponsible established hnuse ~ in - Ontario. Salary~$78m Dayable~$15 weekly and expmmes “Pusitiun pennareut. Refer- ence. Enclnse self aderâ€"saed stamped el vulv'ne. The Nntiunal, Stat Building. strncled to Sign the same.â€" Carried. The clerk was instructed to purchase a car load of news-r pine and also to pre- pare a bylaw tn war-range the polling subdivfemns. T. H. Legge was appoint ed a commitbue to engage Joseph Biliings fwr hue month to Innk after King’s share vgf Yonge Street. T. H. Legge was ap: DlIillN’d a COIIImiHl-‘Fl with S. H. Ar: mirage to meet the Cuuncii of East Gorilâ€" limbury at Pyphers’ Hotel, Newmarkat, nu April 10th next. at ] o’clock p. m. to arrange re. imprnvenwut of townliue be- tween the respective municipalities. M. 'l‘. Doyle was appuinied pathmaster in Lluwdtown in place of Ram. Lodge, deâ€" Cvased. By~law N0. 56 forming a new schm-l spc'ion out of parts of school sec~ Linus N-L'2, 6. 10. 11 and 23 was passv ed,_ Moved bv J. Humbly, wounded by S. "\V" Armimge, that this ‘ Council pay Thos' Holt the sum of $20.01) in full fur damages ailegéd to have hecn sns‘ained on aideiiue between lots '20 and 2] in 5th ton. of King. This I ï¬'cr is made with out prejudice -â€"Carr-ied. 1897. ' CHAS PATTERSON. ’ Clerk. Chicago. N-exfméeting nf Cuuucfl-will be held at Dnyle’a Hotel, Lloydwwn. April 24th King Council met at Nobletom March 27th, 1697. The fulluwing bills were passed: Ina. Ballard, repair gran-l tools, $2.00; W. J. Field, printing, $5 00; Juhn Plingle, moaning pit, 3‘ 5‘); LA'Vi VVMSHH. upelr my. pit. $4.35; A. Bruwu, rep-ail 5th con. $11.09; A B andaun, m school arbib mun... $3 00; R Atkinson. gravel, S73 7“; F. Jackson, gravel, $27.20; A, (mlham, gravel, $15 92: Jns. Billings, labor Yange SL0. $1 00; Jan Cherry. ex- pense m 'I‘l-rrmtn, $8 00; Ira Dudds. tile, 3! 00; Neil McDonald, grant, 200.32; 0. J. Sturdy, gravel. $56 432; Neil McDon- ald, Rubin?!“ in pi', $4 50; P. “7. Fear- m-n, nervvd as auditor, $8 00; David: Rlnngh. served an auditor. $8.00; John Egan. repair I)â€: cum, $1 00. med by T. H Legge, seconde hv J.'Ha.ubly, that the n.1(“l()l"fl rerurt of the freasnrer’s accounts as now prvsent- t-d fur the year ending Due 3191', 1896 he. and the same ma herobv andite.) and allowed and the reeve and clerk be in strncled to Sign the same.â€"Carried. ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL Men or Women to travel fur re- spnllslhle «established huuue in Ontario. Salu-y $780. payable $15 “Inky and expenses. Prxaitinu permanent. R fer- ence Enclose self addru‘svd stamped envelope. The National. Star Building, Chicag-n Mr. John Richardson, East York's Local Member, has introduced a bill in the Legislature to amend the County Councils Act passed last year. The proposed bill provides for a commission to divide a county on a petition from the council, states the time when the commission must do its work, and provides for the ex- penses of the commission. The Act will form part of the Act passed in the year 189(‘. quite willing to fall i1 jority and have the erected as speedily as The Liberals made a pretty gocd sweep on the 23111 of 11st June, and they have added several supporters Since that date. In the byeclections the Conservatives have carried but one seat, viz., East Simcoe, whereas the Liberals have Won North Grey, Queen’s, N. B., Brandon, Saskatch- ewan, Cornwall, S. Brunt, N. Ontario, Bonaventure and Wright. The Tory prediction that the Grits would not be in power six months is not being veriï¬ed. The *ellairman of the Board of Education was quite within themark at; the meeting on Friday when he reminded some of the members that it; would be unwise to re-open the discussion as to the site for the new High School. As he pointed 011E,1flle 'Bozn‘d already have made their dc~ cision, and although he was at ï¬rst in favor of another site, he is now osition is to tax each department as a separate store. It is contended that as business is being centred in a few channels, where it was formerly done by hundreds, the few who have taken the business from the others should pay the taxation which the large number formerly paid. The Star’s move, which is a hold one, is in the right direction, but; whether any good will be accomplished re- mains to be seen. King l’ownshlp‘ Council ANTED~SEVERAL FAITHFUL in with J AS. CHERRY, Reeve. possible HOW passed: 105 $2.00; W. J‘ uhn Plingle. urann. open she 1‘ [1C bu 1'6 11] El. Having hnuuht the property from Mr. W. A. Clafk, known as the Sherwood Post Olï¬ce, I am now prepared tn furnish my patrons with almost evocything to be found in a general store. I have a new stock of GROCERIES At low prices, and the old stock is greatly reduced in pxice. A call solicited. SHERMSB SWRE MISS U, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. (lest H'A IRIS. BLACK‘VELL (30., Ltd. 40â€"13 TORONTO. BUTTE-3, EGGS 89 FSULTEY IE3 I’m-tie; Ollice will re Ellâ€""EN'S! PI‘ECOG Ohminod. Rmurns Prompuy Rimlo. Stm'w, she SATl 0n Church Street. Apply uuvti: Tam:st E. CHAPMAN, W} “he Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans ’I‘abules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules care dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripana Tabules cure indigestion. 15. 1W1 Mc(.‘lul monblm LIICLL IV IIL uuluu up a weak cons- titution gradu- ally but surely is Martin’s Cardinal Food References our shippers e': ywhera Correspondence«muted. a. simple, scientiï¬c and highly nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. Hon se ’50 R er†.0 F CHARGE :an \HATSON Q CO.. PaoPnIEYonn. Q MONTREAL 9 "-“3-900960060006900M 64390969060009000¢9¢¢02 \Y. Agni! lOâ€"Auctmn e, furniture. &'c., at She Vaughan, the properL} urn. Sale at 1 o‘clock Give 5!ll)s¢5(fl'§1)(3 101- (Tu; untu ‘11}: the bbl Sale OUR SPECIALTIES on, nuctiope etzing thgu give a. uunca ‘llI wt. &Bl {egisne ‘ï¬â€˜am‘lzcm. The only food that will build up a. weak cons- titution gradu- ally but surely is hills printed at this similar to tho above ERAL. 2r A. In SK? ELF r John R Terms ca ttle 11 \lary Ann enua an ll’E u L [1118 laugh. And everything complete, for cash only. P. C}. SA‘TAG-‘rE, - Egiclnmond Ilill \Ve have again on hand the largest stock of Wall Papers, Ceilings, Borderinqs and Decorations ever shown in Richmond Hill and will be sold at the lowest possible cash prices. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Mixed Paints in all shades and cclors. ‘Paint, Whitewash and Kalsomine Brushes in all Sizes. and can’t be sold cheaper. C. MASON, - RICHMOND HILL Saskatchewan & ï¬mmsiuï¬aia Babes GEEO. BIQDONALD N. B.â€"â€"Robestr1mmed and lined cheap. The two very best. Rnhes made fur the price. Also Rube Trimming and Lining. Leather Mite, lined and unlined, from_SCc. Stoves,‘Eavetroughing, and evejything in the Tim and Hard- ware line at small proï¬ts and quick returns. Hardware, Tinware, Milk Pails, Pans, Creamers (all sizes and prices), Neils, HingesLooks, Fencing and Barbed Wire at lowest prices. Furnaces of the Best Makes. HARDWARE STORE Gels up Harness that can’t. be beat in quality and price (all our own ma‘m). N0\V IN STOCKâ€"â€" Horse-clothing of all kinds; VVuol & Rubber Knee 'Rugs; LARGE STOCK 0F FURNITURE 8 1b. 3 in. Wire fans for '25 cents. THE LIBERch †OFFIQE. Lucerne or Alfalfa Usual Stock of Groceries JOB PRINTING IVA LL PAPERS / ‘odoge um] and heuvy ES? Repam'vg promptly attended ‘alk MM EELS. ï¬ï¬ï¬â€™Ã©ESS 3H5? RICHMOND NEAT 'AND ATTRACTIVE CHOECE REC] Repaixing promptly done. Has for sale all Constantly on hand. DONE Aâ€"T kinds of ANED €894? up,