@IoHMOXD HILL moud H mnmh (E and 4th ‘ izm! Imp vyecriuus Standard stand 1' Switzel’s. ing, the The sums placed in the Mflhodist Famine Fund umm who'le pr Wu“ Pupars :â€" Atkiusou at Swi The Lagiklmlure itan Rnilwuy Com 'hFi: linés to all p to use steam us & cmsent uf Ihe mu Gospel T perauco Husuflq 'l‘i by Mr. SwU address, an Musoh'u Sioxey. ll wood will A meeting of the Iilclu‘nunu‘ run a luugn Street Agricultural Sock-“y will be bold m the Lame Hall next \Vedneaday afiemoon at? 30. A full attendance oi directors is requested as the prize lint as revised by the Execuaive Gummictee wi:l be presented fox approval or amendment. The best. Lard in quantities a: 7% cts. per Jb. Atkinson 6; Switzer. Boots and Shoes is larg ance Hall rm Monday night, April 5m at 8 o’cluck for the purpose of orguuxzing a sing- ing class‘ Mr. Slouï¬-ï¬'gfle teacher. will require 35 members. This ï¬rst meeting will be free for ail. A party of 18 couples came up by a Fp". cinl electric cut from Toronto on Tuesday evening: and spent. a pleasant. time an the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. G‘ Savage. They. were joined here by a few of our young people, and various amusements were inn du‘ged in emii about 1 o'clock when the car returned to the city. The young people {mm the south were uhaperoued by Mr. and Mrs. C. Savage. I‘orunm Bros, E No chance for mistakes if you decide to trade at the Concrete. Hats that Wis! make you look perfectly iovely at. A‘kiuson & Switzer's. The Aurora. Banner last week referred to an em: 0f “exxraordinmy 5128†which 3 Sharon farmer picked up in his henneyy. It measured 8 inches around the ends and 6 inches around the centre. Thia feet will um appear so extranrdmary to those who know that farmers‘ geese and hem! are gen- erally kept in the same euclosura. Eggsuuse our lack of faith. “The B. D. Spa Fowl Guano is Just the thing for mp dressing your lawns or sowing on {all wheat at this lime of the year. Try it and he jubilant at hurvest lime. Order now from H. A. Nicholls. Last Saturday's Ilvustvruted Globe gave a list of over 300 “ctoaenarians now living in the 0in Toronto. Many of the Iia‘ were nonugenmiuna and the age of a Mrs. Brown on Markham Street was given as 118. A abort skutch of the lives of some of the nged men and women is very interesling. The idea of holding a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Ualnbmtion in connection With the High and Public Schools has been approved of by the Board of Education. Mr. J. H. Sanderson “ill have charge of the pro: gramme. which will consist ot‘h‘aucy Drill, Broom Drill. Flag Drill, Dumb-bell Drill. do. There will also be other Sports and exarcises provided, of which notice will be given hate: on. Tinwnre cheap at L ‘ Every Lady should see the displav of Patâ€" tern Bonnets and Hats at the Mlllinery opening at Atkinson a Switzer’s to-day, ‘o-morrow and Saturday. All 11h Try our 30 cent Tea and our 30 cent Cof- {69, the beam va.ue now we have sold. At- kiuaou dz Swizz“. Last Sabbath the teachers and scholars of the Methodist Sunday School held their quarterly Review of the International lea- aous. It consisted of short addresses by teachers and scholars, each taking some truth 59 emphasized in the lessons taught, with appropriate singing at intervals. Ad- dresses were given by Mrs. Sivere, Miss M. Trench, Mrs. Sheppard, Measra. Hume, Switzer, Garvin and Uoombu. Mrs. Wiley. Infant Glass Teacher, addressed the School from the Lou] Cluster. A number of visi- tors were present. . The Daily Mail and Empire will be sent to any address during the whim: of the Do- minion Parliament for SLUO. Order a‘ Tax LIBERAL ofï¬ce. A meeting willbe held in the Temper; Use Bradley‘s Potato Fermizur 01‘ Brad- ley’s Complete Manure for Potatoes and Vegetables on your garden and you need have no fear of small poutoes or little onions. No barn yard mtmurr' rvquired. .H. A. Niobulls, sole _ugeut for this Mamet. ‘bis :5 Lu‘ give satlcsstLuu city prlces at C of Hardware cheap at a u! we Iiiclu‘nunu‘ Hnl & You G1†he mu imperunc 1 mm S: Shnesâ€"Our stock of BJOtS and go and cunpluo; don’t go to tour prices for cash. Nauxbtun MiHs meow. April. a maximum 0e 11: ‘O-m re hm: given the Metropol- mpnuy permissmn to extend points on Lake 81111009, and a motive power with the uuuicipalitiea. uys from ESL ' Dairy Cattle teed. Thu rsda élzrumh 'for “18 India. Inter! to $17.50. nun Meeting in the Tem- Sunduy at. 4 p. m. as 6 Reading will be given v. A. J. Paul will give an will be a solo bv Mr. eroled that. Miss b‘ilvet- enveklpes last Su_n.lny a? 9y buckward goods at Atkinsonï¬ ii! we 10!. next Monday even madam;th 00 be ï¬ rsicluss memm W per Roll up ril é 9 $9 Mason's Ant in the The nvuil liuot Bosh. Urilic Mlllinery opeuiuq at. the Coumele to day, to- marrow and Salurday. Fine display of novelties: AIkiDEun d? Swhzer. Mr. E. G. AudreWa, of Maple. is circulat- ing a Somewhat smrthng spring circular with the above beading, but the war he re- tera’ tu-is the war he is making on high pri- ces. He advertises that he is selling at close mices, and gives the public a number of pointers in dry goods, groceries, Deals and shoes. Dou‘n fail to luuK in and see hm swck of merchandise. The Bradley Fertinzvrs are made of the beat mutérinl. and after 36 years‘ actual ex- perience in the manufacture and sale of name are prnnounced we hex-t iu the world. Buy a trial sack from H. A. Nicholls and prove this for yourself. The following are the oflicera of the East York Plowmon‘s Assnciulion for the present yeahâ€"President, Wu]. Milllkeu. Vice-Pres., Jubu Lawrie. Seo'y-Trens., Thom Hood. Directors, J. Slater, J, Lime. S. Rennie. A. Daugherty, 1‘: Gormlay, R Pe'cb. A Quautz, J. Morgan, \V. Sliver, F. Marsh, “V. McDonald, G. Forester, R. McLean, F. Wier. A. Priugle. GentsJeave your order now at Atkinson 6: Switzer‘s for a. Stylish Pliuca Albert, Mom- iug or Sucque suit. Grand Liberal Rally. A meeting will be held in [he Temperance Hall. Woodbridge, on Wednesday, Apr†7th 1897. at 7.30 p. ml for the pu'pose uf com- pleliug organizalion work and elecliug oï¬i- 0 rs for the Young Liberal Club of \Voqd bridge and Vaughan. W J. Hill Reeve of York Tuwusbip and Liberal candidate, and F. B. Demon, Barl'isler. Toronto, will be present to address the meeting. H. E. Irwin of Weston. in also expected to attend and give an address on "A New Ideal in Politics.“ All Liberals are cordially, invited to be present. 1“ Why complain of hard times when by using the world renowned Bradley Fertilizar you can double your crops. Results last year {mm Using it 2% 1.64 tons m' hay to the acts and 69% bnah. of outs to the acxe. For sule by H. A. Niobolls. Another meeting of the Board of Educa- tion was held on Friday when after consid- ering the various plane it, was decided to acoupt that of Architcct J. F. Brown, of To- ronto.for the new High School. Another meeliug will be held this afternoon when it is expected the architeca will be present, and will make some changes in the plan at Lhe suggestion of the Board. The proposed building which will be of red brick, will cost in the neighborhood of $4,000. The plan shows a handsome elevation. ll H. L. Hnsjugs. editor of "The Christian,†mlou. Musu., publisuos an essay on “The 00k of Daniel in' the Light. 0! the Higher rilicism" Hint oomplrtely demolisbes the aims of inï¬del: and so-uallod "Higher mics" concerning the uuthentiomv 01 the '0phccias of Danipl. Price, 10 cents. The Famine Fund sent to the Montreal ‘ Star has turned ï¬fty thousand dollars. re. presenlipg subseriptions from upwards of two hundred thousand persons, one hundred L thousand soboor children and nearly one hundred thousand church members of all ‘ faithstesides & great many small subscrip- tions from thousands of private citizens. We do not remember ever to have seen so extraordinary a subscription anywhere. For many years to come the remarkable spon- tensity with which this subscription was supported, its almost universal character and the right good will withvwhich the sub- seriptinns were bestowed for the cause, will the looked back to by ull Cinudinns with i genuine pride. Besides the relief that this fund provides for IndieI it provides a sub- stantial evidence that Canadians have a real interest in the whole Empire and it thus serves the double purpose of philanthropy and patriotism. We do nut believe that any person ever imagined that it was possible for any one agency to miss so large a sum and to enlist the sympathies of snuh an en- ormous number of people as has been done by the Star. Printed Cambrica, Printed Crepons, Cey- lon Sntins, 'l'urkluh Delnines, Indigo rand Funéy Priï¬ta, splendid stock 'at the Con- crate. Cashier Teefy. On the ï¬rst of next month R. B. Teefy, at present the cashier and bead bookkeeper for the Slucktun Milling Company. will be- come the cashier of she San Joaquin Valley Bank. In his present position he has found many friends, and the number will not be lessened in the change. He has ever been popular with the people with whom he has had dealings and he Wlll bring business In the bank with which he is to be aseociuleï¬. Stockton, Cal. Independent, 24th March ‘97. though! lhv infant smothered in the bed lers. A doctor was sent, hr as soon m adlncowry was made, but. it Wns of m ail as it. wus evident :nut life had bevu ex at. for :mm- time. Orders are coming in freely now for Gents ï¬ne Suits at the Concrete. We will give you just. as good a ï¬t. as Toronto and 20 per cam. better value in Cloth and. Trimmings. Atkinson and Switzer. This Week at. the Generate: 3 lbs. Lard for 23 etc. 23 Lemons for 23 eta. The Pansy Broom, next. best to lha Roam for 23 01.3. 5 bars D'mgman's Electric Suap (or ‘33 Ms. 1 bar Dish Cloth Soap to: 23 cts. Jubiiee bar Soap for 23 Ms. 6 bars Trilbv 803'}; for 23 ate. 5 i ll). burs Castile Toilet Soap for 23 ota. 5 ï¬ lb. bars Oatmeal Toilet Soap !or 23 era. 4 run Crntal Izzan Rice for 23 oh. .thven m (ind mum-ts ~uul pric [10m 3 u the time lew stuck ‘ East York Plowman WnE dead. 1 about two I War ! War I A Notable Event. Plan Accepted Lb :1 {mm ceilem E JX‘ RID!) r berm albvr and lumber o‘clock they were ir baby. abt-ut. six The mother had lwurs before, and it mum-ed in the bed- mL fur as soon as l r0 sszy of the East the present . VicaPrem, ,‘hoa Hood. z in Wall rgu quun- pantry or . wul he the home [)0 Indian Famine Fund Acknowledgement. GuVEnNMEHT HOUSE, Tonomo. March 23rd, 1897 SIR,â€"I am directed [:7 Hi9 Honor the Administrator, to acknowledge with thanks me :ocvipl of your letter of the 20th in; smut. accompanying a post nflice ordpr for Fifty eight dull:an and eighty cents ($58.80) from the Council of the amputation of the village of Bichmuud Hill. I have the honor to be. Sir, your obedient selvuut, Yuu can‘t but. you can and uoap at The Ganadagraph. The Entertainment Committee of the Public Librnrv anl have made arrange- ments for a novel and unique entertainment to be given in the Masonic Hall next Fridny evening, the 2nd of April. The combination will include the wonderful (‘nnadugrnph, the l’honogrnpb and Living Pictures. A- mJng the performers will be Tommy Baker, the noted comedinn; Howard Fletcher, the popular entertainer; 'Otto Schneider, the elm-tricnl wonder; J. Leslie: Lyon the descrip- tive vocalist and oibera The Canadugraph issaid L0 be the most wonderful invention ever placed before the public. Dours open at 7 30. Tickets, 25 and 15 cents. The proceeds of the entertainment are to start a fund to purchase a piano for the use of the Pants and Shirtsâ€"We huva a special line of Men‘s Pants and Shirts; a snap for cash paying people. Naugbtou Broa., Elgiu fund u village puym Mills. This number cmmins a splendid nssorlv menl. of Styles and Fuhrice that. will be (ash- ionublv during the season. In the Literary Department. a theme of parliculer interest to most wnmen is instructively treated in Margaret. Num‘se's article on The Art. ol Preserving Youth. The second paper by Mary Cadwaluder Jones maintains the in lerest eie xled by her March contribution on :he Evoluvion of Dress. Mrs. Theodore Sutro discusses Law as a profession for her sex; J. Bell Lundfesr describes a pretty “Rainbow†drill for children, and the gen- eral interest in Bievcliug is shown in an FIO- count of the latest. attire therefor. There i»: a deligblful sketch of Easter in a Southern Tom}, and timely directiona fur the making of Easter Egg Novelties, as well as for the Delft Embroidery now no popular. There is also another of Mrs. Haywood's papers on Ecclesiastical Embroidery. H. C. Wood, tells about. an original Leap Year Party. In addition to the regular article on Seasonable Cookery, the-re is a practical paper on the Chemislry ol Fol-as,by A. B. Longstreet. Household Sanitulion from a popular stand- pointI Witherspoon’s Tea-Table Chat, a Re- view of new Books, and novel contributions in Fancy Work, Knitting, Crocheting. ane-‘ making elc. are among other features. This week at the Commentâ€"Two 3 lb. bars Wlme Star Soup for 25 cts. Two 3 lb. bars Our Own Suap for 25 cts. 6 bars Com fort Soap for 25 ate. 6 bars Star Laundry for 25 ms. The Star is heavier than any of the where and qnulhy just as good. try It 5 Cam gnnd Com for 25 ate. 5 lbs. Burma}: Rice for 25 cls. 6% lbs. Tnpmnn [or 25 (1:5. 121bs Dried Apples for 25 ch. 5 lbs. Cal» lforuiu Aplicots for 25 cls. 7 bars Telephone Soup fur 25 018. 5 yds. heavy Factory Cut- mn for 25 cls,‘1'he Rose Broom, best. made in Canada. for 25 cts. Atkinson & Swilzer. M. TEES 3R“. John Morgan of 'l‘hornbill. preached in the Methodist, Church on Sunday evan- ing. Mrs J. Mchahy of Orillia. is spending a. few days With her fame! and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Teefy. Mr. and Mn. W. J. Hamilton of Toronto and Mr. J. Milgute and MISS Nuwton 0! New- mnrkel, spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Soules. The York County W. C. T. U. Conven- tion In being held in Weston to-day. Mrs. Grant is the delegate from this place. Mrs. Switzer. Vice Prerideut. and Miss Wiley, secretary, are also in attendance. Miss Laï¬e-rny of Chalham who is attend- ing the School of Pedagogy, and her friend, Miss Barfnoz of Cbatham. who has boen vmiiing friends in Toronto. were guests 01 Mus. J..ti. Sanderson over Sunday. Mr. T. H.Lennpx. ol the law ï¬rm 01 Robinson, Leunox & Maolcad. Aurora, is in the ï¬eld for the preSIdenoy of the C. L. A. Mr. Lannox is wall known in lacrosse circles; furnwrly played with the Torontos, and if elected will make an excellent preeldenl. He will no doubt be ably supported in this section of country. ' LELLlo'rTâ€"On Suuduv. March 28th, Samuel Lellnott(Elliobt),aou ot the late William Lelliott, Thornhill. aged 55 years. Mr. James Newtun waq in Montreal las' week when the shock from earth- quake was experienced. flu says Hun the dishes and glassware rattled in the BahnumlHntel where he was staying, and that there .was .general excitement in that quarter for some time. The ï¬rst impression was that an explosion had taken place in the city: TheAPeople in this {flace are anxious to knnw when we are to have our post of- ï¬ce. But the chief discussion this week is about the Canadagrnph entertainment to be given in Richmond Hill on Friday night. The question in dispute is wheth- er the canndagraph or the pictures are alive‘ -S'-me say one and some sav the utilel‘. The debaters are to decide the bet bv goingduwn and see for them- selves. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tahules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules; tor sour stomach Clrlk am PERSONALS. make good hummus ' Atkinson dd Switzer’s the nuke good April Delineator. Elgin Mills. mm Treasurer umoud Hi' DEATHS D C LAW, Commander R. N. Oflicial Secretary pickles out of soap, hummus in pickles NGUNCEMEN‘E’ Wish to announce that their spring stock is qcmplete con- sisting in part of Builders’ Hardware, Mechanics’ Tools, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Window Glass and Putty. American & Canadian Coal Oil. We quote you 3 to 6 in. Wire Nails $2.60 a keg; 6 in. Cut Nails $2.13'a keg; Oiled and Annealed Wire $2 per 100 lbs.; Barbed \Vire, all kinds, $2.65 per 100 lbs. ; Daisy Barrel Churn $2.50 each; 5 gals. Water White American Coal Oil 20c.gal.; 5 gals. Water White Canadian Coal Oil 17c. gal. A full stem of Blacksmiths’ Supplies. If you cannot call on us, write for prices. "I‘llos. DIex-edith & 00., 156 'King E. Next door to Clyde Hotel. THE FIRE GLASSWARE FA N D ‘CROC‘KERY Ladies will ï¬nd this a. favorable opportunity to select: their patterns and leave their orders. GROCERY STOCK COMPLETE New Spring Goods THOS. MEREDITH & CO. f1 SAAC CROSBYO A Large Assortment. NOW ARRIVING AT SPRING Atkinsazzé & Switzerf