Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Apr 1897, p. 7

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A new and vary useful French com is soon to make its appearance. It will be of nickle, its value being 25 cen- times. At present there is no French coin between half a. franc and a 10- centime, or penny piece. MI. Henpeckâ€"Doctor, my wife tells me you have advused he: to go to the seaslde for two months. Physicianâ€"Yes. Mg. Hempeckâ€"Do you think she needs rest: "Having used only six boxes I can say that I am perfectly cured and wxell so that I can attend to business as well as ever I could." “I have suffered for over a year from kidney disease. the pain in my back being so sevens that I was un- “QIQQt‘l “fand .130 my. YYQI'kJ' "Noticing the Ffibiigfigd canes of what Dodd's Kidney Pills were doing for‘flthgrs Icopcluded to use them.” ‘Brockville. Mar. 8 (Special)â€"Mr. \V. H. Odell perhaps one of the best known citizens of fins town has labely re- covered from w. Jam-g continued and painful kidney allment. He tells the story of his experience to the corres- pamglept as follows :â€" A Brickmaker Listens to Reason- Uses Slx Boxes of Dodd‘s Kidney Pills and tells it Doctor. the caller asked of the dia- tixng'uished surgepn, when ordinary mo- thods faifl to hung a man from undu- the inflmenoe of chloroform. how do you proceed I . I show him his bill. can? and an}: 0 III. 01 ‘hi ' won ilvln‘. or ulo bynuDruulIu. Ex humor, nmpblnt. "Waznu’l out onch nation. "A. II. C." HEDICINB CO" 57. St. Paul St. Molina. Prloel 750 Ind 2 . The] Impspiltailly u o u 601’ . Bring to the surface ever latent pain. Rheumatism, neuralgia, umbago, and oomp‘laints of a. similar character hold revel at this season of the year amongst human nerves and human muscles. The best, the most powerful and most cer- tain cure is Nervixiine. Nothing equals Nerviline for penetrating power. Ner- viline isbeyondoomparison the grand- est’discovery for the relief of pain of- fered to the public. IIILIB' (cam) VEGETABLE OOMPOIINIJ and Illles‘ Sanatlvo Wash. Glass bricks are made extensively in Germany. They are blown with a ho]- low center. containing ratified air, and they are said to be as strong and dux- able as clay bridks. th-ey freely adxmt light. So far the glass bridks has only been used in the oonstmotmn of con- servatories. and thus been voted a uno- Physicianâ€"No: but you do One day in 1730 a beautiful carriage appeared on the bouflev‘ard of Paris with an escutcheon in the shape of a pair of corsets and an open pair of scissors painted on the panel of each door. This was the coat of arms of Rhomherg, the first man who made a name as :1 WO- man's dressmaker. Rhomber , who was the son of a. Bavarian easan from the neighborhood of Munic , owed his rapid success to his genius for concealing and remedying defects of figure. He left Enlannua income of 50,000 franc; to his eu'a. Don't carry the gloves in the hands. Put them on. It will improve your ap- pearance and be less trouble. Don't wear them unbuttoned. Don't trust to pins to hold things in place. They often come out at unex- pgcted and inconvenient times. Hooks and buttons, sewed firmly. are more desirable. Don’t. if you use a, little touch of make-up. use it carelessly. A careful touch sometimes improves. but a. care- less one invites ridicule. Don’t wear‘rubbed or unkempt shoes on the street, fancying' they do not show. They do, and a. few moments de- voted to sewing on of buttons and p01- ishing adds very much to your general apgearanqq of neatness. bodice or stuck under the belt. 'For- merly a handkerchief was for show. It is now more generally for use; besides you might lose it. Don't go on the street with the tall or hem of your gown frayed and soil- ed. Itlis not an attractive sight to masculnne eyes, and you are lessening thereby the days of usefulness of the gown. Keep your skirt well brushed and the binding neatly in place. Don't put up your hair so that the end of every pin shows. Use as few plus as possible, and cover the head well with the hair. A head bristling or glit- teljngflwith pin_s_ is_ not attractive. DON them, don‘t wear t1 They always look t price, and they are ‘ THE RA’VV CUTTING WWW )c AS WELL AS EVER FIRST MAN DRESSMAKER )n't carry th :e on the st rna TS OF WELLâ€"DRE THE REST CURE D, an NEVER FAILS GLASS BRICKS m an Ly che Should Enjoy me. How Many do 7 IT IS WRONG. The name of man I" than Ilia 'II Gllll] reach and Ithatlvely rumov by ck. [ran womAn'I modlolnu. Muy no miunbla weak and dokly. mi sufler untold ulunrlu through mlmenhpoonl- it! to their man. hat WOMEN )ne jar- leap ilet BI“ 615- mm nee- Weak and Slekly From lnfnncy nd ~Nclfllcr Doctor Nor Friends Thonth 1p- she \Vould Survlvo~DL “'llllams' Plnk Pllls Saved Her Lifeâ€"Advice to Parent-- vi_ From the Fergus Newsâ€"Record. Geo. Seales. a. Well-Known Contractor of Niagara. Falls. Completely Restored by the Great. South American Kidney Cureâ€"Thousands More Can Bear the Same Testimony. . Iwasa great auflerer for years with acute Kidney disorder and van in my aides. When almost all other known remedies had been fairly tried nnd had failed. I was advised to take South American Kidney Cure. Ono bottle did me so much good tint I purchased two more. I am now completely restoredâ€"tool better than 1 have far five years. It's a can cure; will give relii f in nix hours. and I do hi) in recommending it Lo others. Adam: Extract - One bottle. Fioischmunn'a Yeas - One half to one cake. Sugar - - - Two bounds. Cream of Tartar - ‘ One half ounce. Lukewnnn Water - - Two gallons. Dissolve the sugar. cream of tartar and yeas) in the water, add Vhe extract. and bottle: placo in a Warm place for LwanLyJour hours umii in lerments, then paw on ice, wbm in will open sparkling. cool and delicious. The ginger but can no obtained in all drug and grocery stores in 10 cent bottles to make two 231110 215. One woman in Honolulu professes to be 124 years old. She is a native. and says she remembers events that oc- curred 122 yeaxs ago. An English potato merchant offers free medical attendance and medicine to adl customers who buy his potatoes. William H. White of Portuguese Cove, Backed by the Tortures of Rheuma- tism. Is Quickly Relieved and Per. manorvtly Cured by the Great South American Rheumatic Cure. “I Hus a martyr to acute rinuumtlum for years. All the known‘ remedies and best; doctors were given a. trial. buL nothing ever gave me an permanent relief until I rbtained our granuouzh American Rheumatic Cure. I: {lag done so much fox-me than 1 g‘adly Rive my Lemlmnnyfihatother sulferex-lfrom the agoniea of rheumafli-m may take my advice and try this great remedy. I am satisfied it. willcure them a! it has me." There are at. least 200 horse butcher shops in Paris. The first one dates from July 1, 1866. since when the con- sumption has grown continuously. Keep the LiVetrr in Good Condition and the \Vhole Liachinary of~the Human Anatomy Moves Along In H‘aa-mony â€"â€"Leu: the Liver Get Sluggish and You’re Out of Sorts 8J1 Over. Dr. Agnew’s Liver Pills are taking their pdace in the trout ranks in the world of medicine. First because “they're the best. second because they're the cheapest. and lastly because they do all that's claimed for them.. 20 cents a vialâ€"lin’tle doses. In sixty years the number of Episcop- gé (:hugglies in Scotland has grown from O . Aid Cannot} Explain Whyllnactive Liver is the Mest Frequent. Cause of it. medicine that 198de m child." Dr. William' Pink ille are an all- round year medicine and are quite es efficacious in the case of children 3.3.111 adults. They restore to the blood its lacking constituents and makes it rich», red and pure. In this my they strengthen the system and erVB qut disease. There are many cases like the above in which this wonderful med- icine has restored health and strength after ‘the best medical advice had failed. The genuine Pink Pills are sold in boxes. the Wrapper rcrund which beam the full trade mark, “Dr. VVilâ€" liams' Pink Pills for Palb People." There are other pills colored ink, but they we base imitations of ered only because they give the dealer a greater profit. They should always be refuged. , = believer in the efficacy of Dr. Wil‘liaugs' Pink Pills, for weak and delicate CID-1’- dren, and I firmly believe it Was thls medicine that saved my child." going to die. Our regular physician had given. up hope of saving her life and remarked that if it were only. warm weather. (it was them winter) there m‘ ht be echance. But seven summers d passed since her birth and she had gradually become feebler. and my Wife and I thought it was just a matter of time unltiil the child would be called to her home. About this time Dr. Wiilliams' Pink Pills were prominently broughit to our notice through acure they wrought in a neighbor‘s child. I thought I would give them a trial amid so informed the doctor. but he only laughed at the idea of them helping her. However I bought a_ hox of the Pink Pills, and began giving them to her, half a. pm at a. time. After a short treatment there was such an impmovement that neither her mother not I cotu‘ld doubt that Dr. William’ Pink Pills were helping her. and I decided to abandon the doctor's services altogether. The Pink Pill treatment was continued and although the progress towards health and strength was necessarily slow, it was allotted price of such snaresahe num- mu'm price being '75 centd per share on the par value of $1 per share. This stock, the management urges, will soon be at a premium, as the 10 per cent. dividends will not only be main- tained but will likely be increased. Prospectus and forms of tender can'lbe had at the company‘s offices, 34 Ade- laide street east, Toronto, and Colum- bia avenue, Rossland. B. 0. A clergyman in the wedet of England recently prayed “that sparks of grace might be watered with the dew of bias.- ung from on high.“ THE RICH SLOCAN . ¢ â€"_ Interesting Talk With 31 Westernei‘. Regarding This VVeatlthy District. v .Considering the very recent inspec- tion of the development of the Slocann district its advancement in pubilic favor IS remarkable. ‘A well-known mining‘ man, from the Sllocan, who was recent- ..."5 -Aw- :_+......-L:__. in .‘n nunâ€"Amt“ DO YOU FRET? THE NARROW ESCAPE OF' A FERGU MERCHANT'S DAUGHTER. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. str Mr MIRACLES TO-DAY dang Adams“ Ginger Beer RECIPE. SAVED HER LIFE. M ffer Mr. Post was a resident} Hi9 story is substantially My daughter had been: from childhood until. tars ago. ankl the money ioctor bills madq gne poor. t, fruit and confection:- A'mdrew, street, Fgrgus. {tg a. repAresenltatlyepf a sad story of the nd sickness ofhyis his only child. now ' little maiden o! .t the time of the These are the famous models that won the only gold medal at the Austrian Exhibition, ’96.â€"â€"â€"The highest grade bicycles in the world listed or sold for loss than $100 Models 27, 28, and 292 Price $100.â€"Pronounced by expert mechanics to be the nearest attainable perfection in cycle construction. Call and inspect. i @®@®@ SALESROOM: 169 Yonge Street. H A G 0 ~ I II II I IISTRATFII FACTORY : Toronto Junction. The Gald Mada Wheels "How do the values of the galena. ores run in the Slovan‘l“ ' “WeLl, they vary. In some mines I have visited the gale-113 ore has as- sayed 97 ounces of silver to the ton and 65 ounces of lead to the ton. hav- ing a total value of about $100. On the Ibex itself I have seen 8 ecimens of ore which ran 270 ounces 0 silver and 68 er cent. otf lead, with a total value 0 $214 per ton.” “Is’it 36,‘ can be now Siocan V" "One favorable feature of operations in the S‘looan district," he went on. “is that the valuable veins of galena are much more easily and economical- ly developed than the sulphide ores of Trail Creek. In fact. the cost of min- ing in this region is a. mere fraction of what it is in Rossland. Here mines like the Ibex pay frdm the grass roots, and heroin lies the reason why the Sloan} has not been as widely adver- tisedas Trail Creek. Mining operations being inexpensive, comparatively small capital is required [to develop the properties. and therefore owners have not found it necessary to throw! large blocks of stock on the eastern market or to extensively advertise their properties in any way, a "No, a false impression as to “this appears to hold in] the east. There are hundreds of prospectors and mining men with lots of capital already in the Slocan, and it is now becoming difficult to pick up good valuable prospects within easy distance of any mining centre or with anything like good ship- ping facilities.“ “No,” he replied, "'Dhre annual reâ€" port of the Minlnter of Mines for Brit- ish- Columbin, showed that at the end of 1896 there were 47 shipping mines in the Slocam and since then nearly a. dozen; have been added. bringing the total number of shippers up to nearly five dozenJ." "And it is to he remembered here again that the Slocaan in a new dis- trict, in its earliest infancy. It is just beginning to attract the attention of the world anti before the close of 1897 the position] as the richest silver pro- ducer of tflifis or any other continent will be conceded." ‘ "Do the twelve minim above referred to constitute a full list of the Slow shim? V.” nuerfipd. the“ reporter-. Said he: "No longer ago then 1893 it was declared by mining men than the Slocau country was worthless as a mining r ion, that the veins were small and t at they would not hold out to any great depth. These detrac- tors had it all their own way them but now the practical results. of min- ing aparatioins in that section have shown the croakers to have been {an out in their calculations. "To give an idea of the resuLts that. have been already obtained in the Slmn. twelve of its shipping mines alone now produce on an average 800 tons of silvor~lead ore per week. This represents a. vahue of $175,000 a. week. orurgéaflx fqur_ million dollprs az y_ear. Considering the very recent. inspec- tion of the development of the Slocann district its advancement in pubtlic favor is remarkable. ‘A well-known mining‘ man,fr01n the Sllocan, who was recent- ly in Toronto, gave some interesting facts goncerning this weadth-produtk ins rayon. A clergyman in the wedst of England recently prayed "that spanks of grace might be watered with the dew of him.- mg from on bright” deep assayed $12.90, and a. later assay yielded $17 to the ton. The company now own eight ciaims in a. groufi. and with the View expediting won- and procuring the most improved mach-in- ery the managament is offering for sale by tender 3 limited number of pre- ferred shares and have made arrange- manrts with the Toronto Financial Cor- poraLiom whereby dividends at the mile of 10 per cent. per annum are guar- aanfteed for a period of five years on 'the 31110th price of such. sharesfihe xmni- mum price being 75 cent: penetrate on the par value of $1 pea" share. This stock, the management urges, will thie sates Weir Depaf the Navy 1 group gmd mines on I north of Rosamund. B. C ed forward. The ma Japan {has added up III with Chime. and Don’t be a. fool; ‘know whatfl you want 000,000 'off um's safe. nen’u work on the i mines on rMurghq Der MODELS 22 AND 23, PRICE $75. was asked, "that claims easily picked up in 1116 md only painless corn crem- BE WARNEDx mt hen they attempt to iuc‘ung gubstitutes _f_or silver dollars. Time spent 171,000.000 and lent 40,000,000. . 0.; is'being management 1 a. shaft 23 3f “1'8 15h; JAMES LAUT. It 3. 3300.000 mine is over-capitalized. say for 81.000.000, the chances for Krofltnblo invest- ment are mi. But if a. 81.000.000 mine he conitnlized for 8300.000. so much t e better for the shareholder. The Ibex is capitalized for 0300.000. In such Slocan Galena mines u the Ibo! Group which pay from the very surface, and are opernted at a mere fraction of the cost of the sulphide ores, there is absolutely no excuse for throwmg lnrge blooke of stock on the market. Especially is this true where the mine has been brought past the risky and experimental “ pro- rpect ” stage. and has been thoroughly developed and made a shipping mine before stock has been offered to the public. The Ibex of Siocen is a developed shipping mine. Hundreds of expert mining men with ample capital are already on the scene, end rich roe cots are no longer to be had for the picking up in any of the mining centres. The beat in of a. minin Investment is a developed sh: ping mine where biz profits will accrue from increased vain or the stock and from dividen e. A fact worthy of mention in this connection is. that not on. share of each he~4 been given away to the “Powers and Principalitiefi " in order to secure ornamental nnmrs for the prospectus. There have been no “rake offs " in order to boom the stock. the owners considering it for too valuable to give away or to undereeil for any urpose. ’I‘he Ibex will be operated by the present owners. Time and time again they have can ap- rosched by the representn tivee ot Enqlieh syndicateu. and asked to put a. price on the property. gnly one reply has ever been given : “ That the Ibex is not on sale." Officer- :â€" Presidentâ€"Maia- Samuel B. Steele. Supt. North-West M. P.. Mm! Alberta. Vice-Presidentâ€"R- W. Bryan, 3118‘... Kaalo and Sloan Rallwny. Kaalo, B. . Treasurer-Frederick Steele of Steele of a: 0., Winnipeg. Secretaryâ€"David W. King. Publisher “ Kootenaian." Kaslo. B. C. Su orintendent and Consulting Englneorâ€"Wm. J. Trerhewey. E. M. Solicitorâ€"Charles . McMann, 0.0.. Kaslo. B. C. The Ibex Group includes the tollowlngolalma : “ The Triangle." "Ibex." "ledeadalo," and “ Gilt; Edue " The three that were located under the old law. which permits the owmertn follow the dlp beyond his claim. From the Ibex Mine of Slocan has just been received. showing the value to be eighty-five dot lars and fifty-one seam-s ' 1â€"1pm: ((913. TM; is an exqellenashovyi‘ng. t'lge aygrago sure] 1â€",. -A‘..-_N 1..-... an-" (1-, Few shares on the market, in case of proved mlnas. alwsys mean hlgh prices for the tow holderv. as in the came of the Famous Le Roy.ofl’ering only 100.000 shares.and now nnobtainsblo under $7.50 per share; and of the Great Centre Star. whose shares cannotbo bou ht. at any prl bo-day : of the: Slocum Star. aelllng $2.50, and all the other big producers. 0n y one-sixth the Ilzgx sggglrjiofigraq to the pulghq. 7 A Shipping mine. Smelter returns give $85.51 value per ton. CAPITAL STOCKâ€"$300,000. Divided into 1,200,000 shares ofa par value of 15 cents each. Stock may be secured by depositing $6.25 (25 per cent.) on each 100 sharesâ€"the balance being payable in 30 days. Certificates may be sent through any bank with draft by express. C. O. D. for balance due. ls thefrlend In need. It wlllrcduoethe inflam- that the gr! on the tissues 0! the blood-vessels In reluxe , and the urlc acid In sent on Its way out 01 the body. Another eigh seams. to be re don is now B.( 80 years of at: lug returns 'from Trail Cféeli unfitâ€"{s Hewi'ng only $35 per tokâ€"Rovels-t-orl'xie fiemld, - 1y)»xg'~‘jyl"'_.jv'.~’_.- $.12 .’ In p 41¢ , . I; _. I SMELTING RETURNS OF THE FIRST LARGE SHIPMENT 0F ORE The Great Ibex of'Slocan Principal offices at Kaslo, B. O. Mines at Whitewater. 3.0. The Sun YOUR CHOICE OF OOLOR, SADDLE, AND TIRES. 47 CANADA LIFE BUILDING, TORONTO, ONT. age, named Stee FACTS WHICH SPEAK. xteenth â€"Appllcatlons tor Shares should be sent toâ€" vent G, T. Pendrith & 60., 77 Adelaide St. W. the wheel you ride is essential to your comfort and happiness. Freed from anxieties as to your steed you can drink in the pure, fresh air and the beautiful scenery with neifect satisfaction. ‘ has won the confidence of all its riders: you can reiy on it bringing you home in safety and good humor every time. Visit the " SUN " at its home or send for catalogue. .C 861 Financial Agent Ibex Mining And Development Company. of Siocan ashlon Elba. Mammoth Méfiégf1fié§3rÂ¥2fi3;ihtzr 750. 5 " Cham ion Pur cTo Swede for 750. 91gb. Va 6 bleaâ€" eet. cans. parrot. Melon, ninn nan Doc‘h‘k m-..-¢_ .. ‘ 4.. 5., 7,7,7. . _ -7..~.-â€" “may. «vs-um. anlvh. anew“, Onion I’eas. Radish, Tomato eto., for 26¢. Bpkta. Flowery-Sweet Peas, ignonetto,, Candytuft, Bahama, Phlox, em, for 250. ABOVE gouscnans av mm. POST mu Wm. RENNIE, 10mm OONBOY'S ROLLER CURTAIN will guarantee ptrrect success when used a. cordial to dllecniuus, as will be found on eao box. It prevents scarf and so lb. and render. the wool bright and clear. IL is put; up in ti boxew, prlce 30 cents each. One box is numcien for twentfi ordinary sized sheep. It only r04 (1311.188 39 e_ trlgq _t9 pgovo ltqelf all that in c‘mmedtour. >o1d'by'd’ng iszé’én'a Manufactured hy G. 0.8?! GUS & 81 King St. West. Hamucan. Ont Leicestershire Tick and Vermm Destroyer It: efl’e rub. n “ THE CLEVELAND." dfl qung (amino sfininm und f3] the aim " ILLUSTRATED CATALRGUE- flee the animals superior to othe oId'by'd’ug‘ isté’izn’d’gfiééri y_AG'.__C.rBi_BfiGuAS 4!: sons, Lperim‘ to omher preparation. " purpose. Tre proprietor- rrect success when used so- us, as will be found on each 9(3an and so xb. and render. d clear. IL is put. up in ti 3 each. 9119 box iSijciOD work With Human! lnz mam It i: rustin- llly forcing t e Old Topl, with HIM. objecfionnble loam“. out of the maid. When you buy I Ogrri 5. mike 2 Lbs). 3 T9 in” Bollaibuxtnfi; l SHEEP. GATT“ AND HORSES Iers and Wool Growers : W ranted '11:.- ever In >Topo. Th. 9 hu '0! (Ion of an Cnrrhl‘ They u' | their be:

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