TORON l‘homhill.... monuoxn P. King ..... Aurora ‘ . . ‘ . . . Newmarket Newmarket Aurora... . ï¬xonmoxn HILL Tï¬bmhill . I‘OBONTO Union . UODHEI Home 14 Mai' 6: li Express Until further notice ll: - humml Hm I’ost Olï¬c u hens mentic PRUCTORK’S’TKGE LINE. Cars 1611‘ Ours leave Itichmg MORNING :â€"G_5 EVENING METROPOLITAN WM. HERRISON’S HARNESS It so Come and select fr Harness Oil The Daisy Lap D1 Huvin bel c A large f Trunk WEE. E THE LIBERAL and \Vcekly Globe to jan’y Ist, ’98, $1.50. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Sun to Jan’y Ist, ’98, $I.25. THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe, 2nd edition, I year, $54-50- THE LIBERAL am Mail, I year, $51-40- THE LIBERAL and Daily World, to Jan. 1’98 £143.00. Did. Yam Ever map To Think THE LIBERAL and Evening Star, I year, $52.25. W. A. Sanderson, DRUG GIST. ILV‘U‘V‘KTI) HILL. Uni POST MEIâ€"CE NOTICE CURRY CO Between To _â€"Registered L6 3 Fxfteen Minut‘u ‘ned hours [01' c You Want To Buv ‘? M; Efï¬ERESQE‘! A Baking Powder is a chemical compound? The lady of the house if she wants wholesome food must prepare them from pure material. Our Pure Cream Tartar Baking Powder is a compound of only pure and harmless material. Health is to be preferred before a few cents. My Baking Powder contains no alum, phosphates, ammonia or any deleterious goods. Only the best and purest material used. Call and get sample. :ts with 3,“ trains, leavim ichmond Hill. as folloWs xpress,1\arth & South... North and Mail South... 3 HILL RICIIMOI‘a’D HELL g in sm '5 of y yeather, we «rtmenbâ€"wlm ,. from 10 cent icing North! West. inclu Mup]e.'1‘oroy o Aflauï¬KEu'AUJ-Uaka 8.1 all hi): GOT Nets and Screens GOIâ€" . TIME TABLE ENE ESTABLISHMENT W ING NORTH Mail 7 A El :lLettars must be handed in nutes eavlierthnn the above VFHEKPS um 10L 9.0‘ Ve ry Sam gas ‘hth F. RIBS M.- TE SOUTH iCI'S in: will be closed at the 3 as followezâ€" ‘soulh East and udiny 'l‘hornhjn, 1 Richmond H leaving the Palmer ï¬ME TABLE at 720 3.111.. 9.40 a.‘ .111 7.45 ‘t and West (as EFY, Postmaster ety iBosettcs. other Sweat Pals (‘3: CARES Acoom 1.10 ue. raw-hide, and :11 up to 6‘2. d Germ an er supplies. )5, and Hunting Accon 11.10 11.18 11.40 the following DOE 12.46 S ties. the quic 31-, and Bick‘ \Veekly above. and ; re; urns, 11 mm Mai] 45 One Genet-L1 Purpose Bav Team a SaleJO and u years old. Price 540‘ Apply to “1 . ~r mun un'n methods {c packed um new Vuriei being cam] molmrds cl Dominion. ruit & Ornamental Trees 700 ACRES SHRUBS. NOSES. VINES AND SEED POTATOES Special attention given to Bouievard orders. Estlmat‘ plying entire orchards. Why buy of foreign cancel AGENTS WAHTED T0 REFRESH“ US. Why bu when you zen better Our 8190! Latmog catian. Saturday, April 10th. ’97, The next meeting of th: of Markham will be Late of the t)‘ Naiice ta 35'Eiiiifli’8 Notice in that t are require signed solicilcrs their names, nddrasse§ and 0c- cupations, with full particulars oi their claims and statement of their accounts and the nature nf all security. it any, held by them. And notice is herebv given that after the said 15m clay of April, 1897. the administratrix will Dl‘Ocebd to distribute the assets of the said deceased anion: the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which s"e shall have notice and flat the adminism‘ntrjx will not, be liable for the assets or any part; tbereal to guy person or Black ’1 market SEED GRAN. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. FONTHILL '_NITRSERIISS. The Leading Canadian Tree Men MILLINERY OPENING APRâ€. 6, ’97, Invites her friends to inspect her stock of new and choice goods. 15th 6. Naiiae m Greï¬imrs Late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York. Gentleman, Deceased. Dated at Auinml ROBIN SON, LI Pursuant to R. S. O. 011313.110 notice is hereâ€" by gweu that all persons having claims against the estate of the said John Hurt, who died on or about. the 12th day of February. A. D. 1897. are required to Band on or before the The undersigned has for saJe on rear of rand 63, 1:51; cou. Whitchurch, a. quantity luck Tartar Gun: and Prince Albert Peas, Iarket. prices. n. 1' vv‘nn'r.‘ YAaA_~w.D By post prepaid to Widiam Cook, barrister-atâ€" 1&W,No. 1, Adelaide St. East. Toronto, one of thrâ€" executors of the estate uf the said deceased, their names and addresses with full particulars of their claims an i the nature of the security (it any) held by them. Notice is further given that after April 5th. A. D. 1897, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the poi-ties entitled :horeto. hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall have then received notice. and the oxecumrs will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any nersnu ul‘ pewons (-1 whom claim nut-ice shall not have been received at tlie Lime of distribution. ".ioï¬is’ HRR’TjM‘Ime HART, WILLIAM COOK, Exocuuors. 37-4 ' Dated at the ci‘ M81011. A. D. 1897 [E have the large: the very hug JOHN H. 40- 1 Clerk’s Eotice. FOR SALE Em. flag. Shumr ï¬lm desttiï¬cmmta. T303}? EELL 5th day of Aprll, 1897. 1 bvpnst JOHN HART, 97-4111! is hereby given1 ehalf that all n he estate of the e ired on or before In the matter of the estate of valu’e. k 15 Canadian Er Aurora ’6 the largest assortmentpmd employ very latest and most improved rrprn‘pagnting. All stock carefully jar our personal supervisnon, and an lea testedat ou‘r trial farms balm-a- ogued. These are the only testing Junected with any Nursery in the In the matter of the estate 01 rtrFJJVghsh or Fre :orai, Solis Adminiatr H And fullowing day a ay of April, 1897 At 10 Ichase as c prepaid or dehver to ‘ their names, addres full particulars (:1 t1 If their accounts and “my, held by them. that: after the said 15‘ .dministmtn‘x will 1: :sets of the said decea JOHN STE PHENSON Cle‘k WALTER SOULES. Ne’w Lon Broc T. H. LEGGE. Jefferson P. O iven to Park. Cemetery and ‘stlmates furnished for sup- ._()N __ _. A1; of Torrnto the 5th day of annncil of theTownshi; held at Unionville on aids for J. H. Dubson, atrix of the sauna of John . Dobson, Deceased. :lock mm ch 200‘. 1897. OK & MACLEUD DOBSON, Vaughan, in 61145 Conn er. Deceased. the Wu and achimaced. uch) free on nppli ms or of middlemen vheaply from us and Hunt to m s h m; we!" to tt and the nature am. And notice in 15th day of of Horses for the statute ing clmms not have Dub‘ under )ts M7 If not,_ why not? It Is said to go farther than other bread you get and costs no more. We have the following kinds to choose irom : EUREKA FLAKE FRENCH FLAKE VIENNA ROLLS GOLD'CRUST HOMEMADE Wantedâ€"an idea Protect gout tdetm: theflI may bring you wealth Write J HN WEDDERB RN 8: 00.. Patent Attor- neys Washington, D. U.,tor their 31.8w prize 00‘s:- and hat 0: two hundred inventions wanted. 1.. -up unna- n FIN 551' TEA THE FINisT TEA IN THE WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP " Monsoon " Tea is packed urdcr the mlpcrvkion ofthe Tea growers, and is adverï¬svd and sold by them an a sample of the best qualitie; of Indian and Ceylon Teas. For that reason they see that none but the very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. That is why “ Monsoon; the perfect Tea, can be sold at the same price as inn-rig: tea. It is put up in sealed caddies of K “1.. 1 lb. and 5 lbs . and sold in thrcr flavours at 4°C., 50c. and 60:. If vour grr‘ccr dries not_hecp it. Rli‘him to write m ST LEI. HAY'l 15R Sc \,0., u and 13 Front St. tn ST East. THE SUN Life Assurance Co. Assures on all the modern planerand is 91.18 of the most Drvspel‘ous qud progresswe compamua in exxatence. New life upblicutinus In 1694.. "9103290304110 Asse's. 315i; Dec., 1891 4,616,419.63 Life assurancn in force. 1515 Jan. 31,628.569.74 Premiums low, policies unconditional and nouturfeimblo. Take a policy with the district agent, LIBERAL OFFICE, _ eeth, While You Wait can!» 1 it} «u m \ ......u........v...-., . ....... . t N.E. Cur. Yongc 5: Queen Sts.. Toronto ' ’ ' W V " Groc< Ripans 'l‘abules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. IN ITS NATIVSAEE Agentf xperlme‘ To be xnct yu them. That xtra in our Clothing “ vur customers wh 1y Xlul them to an N“ further xp! b3 xacted. You can’t ml: Xuc X'uuinatinn WHth they are xtraordin For a more convenient season, may get in such a condixion as to be al- most beyond repair. Don't_ put it off. Just is soon is your teetH need at tention, have them attended to. Wheh you have them attended to come here. Why ? Because here you ï¬nd the most expert operators and the most mndernA methods, painstaking and Eu; “HAW 1m Toronto X Rays Are Not Needed 1 A It, is xtremely xasperating erimeut with xpenaive arm d not Xperiencr xncl. aatiafr 1. Tnke clothes for xam} THE PERFEQT TEA REGHMQND HELL. H. A. GALLOWAY, Dentist o be had only at for Parker‘s Dye Works OF CANADA. 'Eailor. TI ) McMAHON, SOULES’ ry {53% t ore RITICUMINA RITV :mys whefller nary or nun. u must “ear qualities xist 9 know from ) xhilaratilzg- xtrcme xtent. anation need fur xaluple. ‘Lly even by RICHMOND Elm)" Who can think of some simple thing to patent? l The regular “ JUDGii’Pï¬ I ~- In Demorest Publishing 00.,110 Fifth. Avenue, New York. Date E 3 WV NEWM And will be prsparefl t on ’luesduvs and F1 when mare co (omens. 9.: Patronage aolicined. HE N RY Jun’v 21. 3111 @iï¬m a; STON an.» ï¬mï¬ And Mr. W. B. Gram havmg gone out of ï¬le business in Mup!e,1 mu again 11‘bpm‘ed to bupply customers on shortest, notice. Postal notes prompuly attended The un And 01.1 W. H. JACKSON, 1‘ L“ “mm Haanaiai Head Oï¬ce, 86 King St. E., TORONTO. Robert MPG)an J. K. Kerr. Q‘ C. Pros Deposits received and interest allowed at curren muss in the Savings Department. Special attention given to the ccllaction of sale and other notes. E‘OR FAE Mahmud Hill Bram gulsmr subscription price of “ Demorest‘s Magazine “Judge's Library.†and "Funny chtures †)S ï¬loney to 140311 mozms’r's Iv: AGAZ RN! PICTEYHES " is at it. All ch lains a {revs pane GREAT Mammm TO de‘ Corporation ESLUU DST ENRY MARSH $555513 [3? ch» an Capital Authorized, 3.2500301 Uapiwl Subscribed. $627,400. Durinel‘ Spry, Edward Cronyn‘ George Dunstan. General Manager ellin at C. C. BILLING-S. .Eiï¬ DIREC I‘ORS 5H3 EWEESEEEE RENT. red $2 0!) pleas and Funny Pr ‘Yll C R A i: aw mil! at magazines are handsomely Cut t HO added a. ï¬ E. J. Davis, M. P4P†ViceJ’res: Juo. Bighardson, M.P.l‘ Vhï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ E'Eumï¬ arm 18’ Jr in the Village 1y re re and return Cuupc any 3AA CROQBY i1 guaranteed †_is a monthly nmquzine‘ Wlb an 1 humor. 'Its coutr *1“! PE send Demoresb‘ ‘ures for one ye Ml INE †wich the? c Ofl’ice another hum Manager inform url nah. (£3 “’0 win 50nd :13 for on: your 1103' munlï¬is far 59!. Wh till k Wantedâ€"An hie sgég’amé'? Protect gour ideas: the?r may bring you wealth. Write J HN WEDDERB RN & 00.. Patent Anor- neys. Washington. D. 0.. for then- 81.800 prize ode: and list or two hundred Inventions wanted. DOOR, SASH, ' ATE} Haviu 0N MONDAYS Anyone sending a. sketch quickly ascertain, free. th probably patentabkh Com conï¬dential. Oldest 21.2930] ’11) America. We have :3. Patents taken through special notice in the SCIENTIFIC I beautifully illustrated, lamest; circulation of any scientiï¬c gamma], weekly, terms $3.00 a veal" 1.30 six man 115. Specimen copies and HAnui 00K 0}! PATENTS sent free. Address The uncle Hill Stamina, of all kinds. 30-h! Two Brick Dwelxings next; donr snutb of THE LIBERAL cflice to ram at reasonable laces. For further particulgs Emmy nun nv . n The E‘ï¬ea‘chanis Life Annual Ratesm advaHCe {or $1000 insurance with proï¬ts: l J tteu u Premiums may be paid quarterly, ha annually. A Canadian Company h‘amad iu haw Cmmdiuu La“ 5. Ploflts divided after 5 ya; Policies uou-ful‘feitu‘ule after'a Head Ofï¬ce: 32 Yonge Street Arcade Toronto g. Ignites &: S§O"IS~ Apply to Bum! on; W . nily Mu 11â€"3-6111 BIC AGE or each wee §8~tf ASSOCIATION 361 Broadway. New York. 28 29 25 26 ‘17 21 ,ti'm, Bile Fri-ind Grain Hon‘ Jno. Dryden. President. J. G. Hmvuxcb. Gen. Manager AGENTa ‘W'AN’E‘ED. MUNN 81.77601 HMOND HRH iii To Beat AN NUALLY $12 12 (INCORPORATED) WEDNE SD aould n‘ ad has for sale at Richmoqu 1 Hay, Whole Corn and .Grmn l4 ND FACTQRY fer gï¬L-Er ".5 a??? NT) HTTJ COPYRIGHTS 56c- Qh apd descflp’ciop may EAST 'NI'CEOLLS EMERIGRH E’()l% U RRAY, [nape a} fln'pp to you $2.00‘ or (7’- E32 'ule aft'er'a years ND SATURDAYS nnble rates. AGE id in hunncny With J. P... CAMPBE LI at :1 every lina GU this chance iizbhmimd Hm muons in American strictiy pgepts 'm‘ï¬ce. receive A NN UALLY ses and $17 fâ€"y with or there shiuu Toxan 20 21 22 ‘25 Ga 26 2% 27 78 so 60 32 40 34 GB 40 SO (3 62 46 98 50 58