Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Apr 1897, p. 4

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Now.‘Mr.,Editor, these men who have been selected to represent us on the *School Board have to my notion b--en derelechiu their duty. If, instead of having meeting after meeting and doing nothing but quarrel over sites, ~&c., they had gone to work wuh a will and been nuaninwus‘ they might, havehad at this time all the material on ~tha ground at, veryl‘lckle ensLi as On my certain knowl- edg'a nearly a” the nwners of tel .413 in Um. .nculiLy hml volunnnly Qfl‘crcd thnr ce now far the pug-pose»! hauling lrcick, it is that“ the Board of Educatiun do not go to work and have tha site of the old High School cleared up? We have mm a number Inf Citizens walking our streets who would be glad of a few days’ Work at, this time of the~year, ‘who, in a week or so from now, \vlll have plenty of work gardening, d‘cl, and then, as a matter of cnurae, when work is plentiful wages will be high. To The Editor of THE LIBERAL: SIR.-â€"~I take the liberty of enquiring Fihfnllgb the columns of 310m paper why ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL MouorWomen to travel for re- sponsible established home in Ontario Salary-$780. payable-$15 Weekly and expenses. :Position permanent. »R~fer- ence ‘Enclnse self addreSScd -stamped envelope. The National. Szur Building, Chicago. [We do not hold omselves responsible for tho opmions of our correspondents.â€"ED.] We do not know What; stand Dr. ’Trudel’s opponent has‘taken on the school question, but true Liberals throughout Ontario will not express deep feelings of regret if they hear of the former’s defeat at; the polls. It is not often that a politician in this Country puts himself in such an unenviable position as that in wlfich Dr. Trudel now finds himself. Dr. Trudel is the Liberal candidate for Champlain, and he is reported as hav- ing given utterance to very illiberal statements'in his canvass for votes. He says that personally he approves of the Laurierâ€"Greenway settlement of the Manitoba school question, he lieving it is the best that could be obtained. _But he goes further and says that if the ablegate from Rome does not approve of the settlement, then as a good Catholic, he (Dr. Trudel) will disapprove of the settle- ment. This goes to show that the Liberal candidate is a Catholic first and a citizen afterwards. Such .a declaration is evidence that some men don’t do their own thinking. ment. Would that be fair? The Sun must: know that such a bill ‘would practically exclude all newspaper men from accepting any position in the gift; of the govern- It would be absurd to tie a man's 'hands at an election who probably only drew a few dollars from his position, and the Ontario Govern- ment did right to vote the measure down. The bill referred to by The Sun was far too extreme. It would not permit any public officer to engage in any contested election to the Legislative Assembly, by canvassing, speaking or acting in any way on behalf of any candidate. “ To shonr the inconsistency of our Reform friends look at the action of that party in the Legislature in voting down a bill making; a fine of $200 for any civil servant participat- ing in politics and then the action of that same party at Ottawa in firing Conservative civil servants on the ground of offensive partizanship.” The above appeared as an editorial note in last week’s Markham Sun. Surely our eastern luminary can see a difference between “ firing ” Conservative civil servants for offensive partizanship, and inflicting a heavy 'penalty on. officers who might take only a very modest part in election contests. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday. A pril 8 Changeâ€"Atkinson & Switzer. Changeâ€"A. J. Hume. ' Engageâ€"The Sbeele-Bnggs See For Saleâ€"J. W. Elliott, or Robt. See. Vaughan Councilâ€"Ins. M. Lawrence. Canada Life Assurance CO-HH. A. Nicholls‘ Changeâ€"Atkinson & Switzer. The High School. New Afivertisements. Qfiummuuirntiunfi. IS IT INCUNSISTENT. Richmond Hill, Apri1,7ah,’13’:}‘7‘ " l Hopng to hear from others in your next. issue, and thanking you for the space you have allotted to me in your vulmrble paper, I remain, Yours truly, ISAAC CROSBY. Dnnbzlesa some .may object to the change on account of the expense. but why not spread the cost of site and building over a number of years and let those whocome after us bear a share of the burden. 150 feet, dxafinage qniié snflicient and just exactly 132 feet from the centxe of the village. My first choice is the Richardson lot, but a gran, many think it is too far north for the pupils to walk, being thlee- eights of a mile from the centre of the village. Next in under to my mind is the Hopkins lot, which is more than large enough to suit the requirements of the law, being one and a quarter acres, with the advantage of being a corner lot, with a frontage on Yonge Street of about As a ratepayer I take the liberty of, placing my views. such as they are, be- fore the public. Of Course in making a selection it is desirable to have a site. large enough to satiufy the requirements of the law. SIR,â€"As it is possible that the Min- ister of Education may not sanction the building of the new High SCl’lonl on the old site, would it not be advisable to have a little discussion about other sites that may be available, and assist the trustees in making the best selection possible. To the Editor of THE LIBERAL lanes. they should have had a chance to earn a dollar, when there was work (hut onuld‘he done during the slack time and before the busy season \\ hen perhaps they will have plemy nf wmk elsewhere. Pardon me, Mr. Editor, for taking up so much of your space, but I could not help erect a first-class ‘Publio Suhonl and be done with it. There has been time wast- ed that we might. have put to good use in getting the sand and so forth on the ground which we could have got for next to notlnng when the teams were idle and many of the farmers In the neighborhuud were willing to assist us. On behalf of the worklngmen, many of whom next fall will have to help bear the burden of the Or perhaps they do not intend to builr a High Salmol at. all. If not, then let u' Now Mr. Editor, it seems to me there should be something done. If the trust. ees cannot get over their bickeri 1g and get to work they should resign and let the citizens have u chance. four months since the building was burned and practicafly nothing has been done. With such umgmficwt weather as we have hut], and so many men out of work and nothing to do to earn for them- selves and their families a living. surely the trustees might go so far as to clean up the site and pile up the bricks so as to‘ leave a clear space for building uhcneur they can get ready. To the Editor of THE LIBERAL SIR,â€"â€"The Ratepayers of this V‘Hage would film to get some infurluwion from you or the Board of Education what is tn be done in regard to the rcbnilding of, our High Suhoul. It, is now L’"ill2 on educniun, whu want to better their 00 sitiuns, and would be content fur 21 yea! with $000 and expe'nses. \‘Vnte us, witl description and nccupuninn, and we wil': make a pruposilion for now on the future Also needed reliable men fur Australia \Vrite tn-day, fnr we are in a lmlrv THE MANAGER, 49 Richmond St \Vest, Toronto. Ont, WANTED. sand, «Sm, but now when they have their own work to do on the farm it Would hardly be conelstent to ask them to turn out to a bee to help on a vsork which would not materially benefit very many of them. One of the trustees, remarked at the Public meeting that one reason why he was in favor of rebuilding was that it. would give employment to many in our midst. I am sure the truu'ees will receive no thanks for (ll'ermg Work to a man when he can work at a (11 Zuu different. places if he wants it, but If in the latter part of the winter they had re- ~ceived a few days’ work they wl‘ul’l have paid the extra tax in the fall with a bet« ter grace and would have lo: ked upon the members of our School Buaxd as men of forethought and possessed of Some business capacity. I am only echoing the sentiments of many in the village when I Srty that. if the Board are nut very careful the nut- cmne will be no High School at all and in that case the twelve "true and trusty” men will Have to shoulder the whole of l the blame. It the Board do nut ferl capable of undertaking so great a uork as building a High School I can submit the namescf three men in our "llddb who would in less than three months have :1 High School builtund ready for occu- pation. It is not often, Mr. Editor, I feel called upon to make use of your cull, umns, but passing the old ruins Ito-(lay and seeing the rubbish as it "In leti muntlm ago. indignation gm. the better of mo and I felt compelled to give Vent to it. in some way and I thought. the col- umns of your valuable paper Wuuld do as well as proclaiming it from the house top. Thanking you for space, I remain, Yours trnlv. Richmond'HiH, April 6th, 1897. An Explanation VVanued Richmond Hill, April The School Site. remain, yours, 1N SELL“; MEN with better their ntent fur a ATEPAYEF I gfifld r p0» year ., with a will uture. ENT OH V‘PIIICES AT FARMEBS' WAGGONP. Wheat, white, per bush Wheat, red, per bush .. Wheam, goose, per bush.. Oats. per‘ bush ..... Peas,per bush ” Barlsv, net bush . Tu:keys, Dressed Hogs. pet cwt. (ieese, per lb ........ Chickens. per pair Duckmperpau.... Button-in pound rolla.. liggs,fresh ............. Potatoes, p'vr 1mg Appios, per bbl Hay, clever Hav, timothy Straw, shoal... Ococoooomoa 9a m m « oo8o585388~85 .â€" o...- SATURDAY, April lOâ€"Auction sale of horses, cuttle. furniture. ac” at Sherwood. rein- 3rd con. Vaughan, the property of John Mc- Enchem. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms cash J. T. Suigeun, auctioneer. WEDNEHDAY, April QBâ€"Gl'edit sale of horses, vehicles. household furniture. at the Palmer House, Richmond Hill, the property of John Kelly. Sale at 11 em. Terms 7 months. Eckardt & Prentice, auctioneers. E‘I‘mrties getting their bills printed at this 011106 will receive a. notice eimiler to the above FREE on CHARGE. ' ANTEDâ€"Fuunem’ sons or othur industrious persons of fair edu- cation to whom $60 a month would be an inducement. I could also engage a few ladies at their own homes. T. H. LIN- SCO'l‘T, Toronto, Our. Signed on bchhlf of the congregation. WM. THnMAs. WM. KNIGHT, T1103. MCCOHMACK, Tins. O. NIXHN. Mrs. Couk was completely taken by surprise and replied briefly, thnnklng the friends for the nnlm-ked for wken nf esteem. Mr. Cunk ulsu made a short speech and then called nu Rev. A. Bed» fun]. Mr. Bcdfnrd said that he fully endorsed all that was Contained in the addrtss. He) also commended the spirit of unity and fellunship that seemed to exist among the members nt this appoint- ment. Various games and amusements were then indulged in by old and young, which all seemed to enjoy. After a bountiful lunch provided by the ladies, all departed for their homes, having spent a most delightful evening. Sungs of Zion in the church beluw, may We all meet as n congregmiun around that great white throne, there L; sing Gnd's praises in the great eternal Chull’ forever and ever. We hope that, you may long be spared to continue your Wurk axnungst us, and that by our combined e‘lhvrls we may further the illtems's uf Christ’s kmgdom in this place. We feel that we should he indeed ungrateful if we dxd nut show in a more substantial way than by mere words that we are indehtcd to you for your services. We thercfel'e ask you to anaept this rocker and this music cabinet as a slight tnkeu of the efleem in which you are held by us. and to shvw in a measure that we appreciate the serviCes ynu have rendered us as a chlnch and congregation. And when our work here is dune and We have finished singing the DEAR 1"RIEN1),â€"\Ve, the members and friends of the congregatiun of How church Wish to take this Opportunity of expressing tn you our appruclatinn of yuur sezvices as urgnrist in the church. For many years you have held that position, and by yuur untiring pe-sever ancc have succeeded in making the serv- ice of-song attractive and prulituble tu all. Though yuu have many times met with difficulties and diacuurugemeut in your work, you have always been at ynmr post, and (landed much of you: tune to practice and training of the Clluil‘. Drescuratirm Nixnu, Miss Thomas respe dress xx as rem To M RS. ‘ DEAR I and friends church wish past ieut and hunk ‘lll |l( Enrnntu 3313mm. E1 Sale Register. huh u»ch nd by enjnyablc lime, the evening Mrs‘( mist in the church HIE Jud in making the s: ctive and prulituble u have many times and diacmlrugemeut nave always been at y d much of you: tune ning of the chuir. you may long be spa Wurk aumngst us, I Ibined efforts we I Knby, and Iy. The ft Miss F10. T â€"W (IK Wits lIAil‘ birch x bim-t. a 280 4 w504mol mm 050000000 [rs‘ 000k, who me!) for the Me the recip~ roukmg chair Man a lovely lies. Miss Miss I )110 win 3 members llllCh met we may hi ungm '6 should wing $073 072 063 In th mww 0.00 150 0 42 0 30 " ll ad “ TH E LIBERch OFFIGE. P. (11-. SA‘TAGE, - Richmond I’lill \Ve have again on hand the largest stock of Wall Papers. Ceilings, Borderinqs and Decorations ever shown in Richmond Hill and will be sold at the lowest possible cash prices. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Mixed Paints in all shades and COIOrs. Pa’int, Whitewash and Kalsomine Brushes in all sizes. and can’t be sold cheaper. Saskaichewan & Narihwesifiufiaia Babes N. B.â€"Robes tnmmed and lined-cheap. C. LEASON, - RICHMOND The two very best Robes made for the price. Also Robe Trimming and Lining. Leather Mits, lined and unlined, from 20c. up. Stoves, Eavetroughing, and evelything in the Tin and Hard- ware line at small profits and quick returns. Hardware, Tinware, Milk Pails, Pans, Creamers (all sizes and prices). Nails, Hinges,Looks, Fencing and BarbedVVire at lowest prices. Furnaces of the Best Makes. HARDWARE STRE ' NOW IN STOCKâ€"â€" Horse-clothing of all kinds; \Vool & Rubber Knee Rugé; LARGE STOCK 0F .FURNIEJZURE 8 lb. 3 in. Wire Nails for 25 cents. Gets up Harness that can’t be beat in quality and price (all our own tank‘s) We are headquarter§ for C}overs, Timothy Seefi HILL Usual Stock of Groceries OUR SELECTED MAMMOTH TOP SWEDE JOB PRINTING OUR IMPROVED SHORT WHITE CARROT WALL PAPERS .7 @ 3mg; flags 3%} $3. Egfiéfiedg , 2! 130432 KING ST. EASI‘, TORONTO 5233? Repalrir‘g promptly attended to. $3 GEO. DICD‘ONALD OUR PRIZE MAMMOTH LONG RED MANGEL “ f The Steeleâ€"Briggs Seeds are the And everything complete, for cash only. 3 FIELD GEMS RICHMOND :NEAT AN ATTRACTIVE Repaixing promptly done. Has for sale all kinds of Eagmegg Constantly on hand. Is a prize-wmnor everywhem‘ -I?s?c}1(;r(u}s=fi @EJEED§. Bri “The verybast see is am the DONE AT keepin RICHMOND 's Seedi; buy the Steele-Briggs Seeds very best field carrot RH regular in xcellent fe mag yen broad

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