One X; Alligator That Caught About a jllllonaMore or Less, at a Time. "Tfhfl his alligator in our menagerie." {be old sirens man said, "didn’t always take his fsgd very well. Somatimes he wouldn't opera his mouth at feeding time. and than me had to resort to time, anti then :re nan to resort. w strategy. Alligators are very senrsi- tive about the nose. When this alliâ€" gator wouldn’t open his gouth we used to rub the top of his nose very gently. Tihat always made him :ead. and he’d throw back his upper jaw like a cellar door on hinges. Then we'd throw a. chunk of beef, maybe five pounds or so, down his throat, and down would come the cellar door shut againw and he would swallow the. beef. In that way we used to give him about twenty-five pounds of beef at a feedâ€" ing without much difficulty. ‘The old alligator was very fond of flies. You might think a fly would be pretty small game for a twelveâ€"foot alligator, and one fly would be; but this old alligator would throw his up- per jaw back and go to sleep. appar- ently. Flies would light around inside Hm alligarnr'q mouth just the same en’tly. Flies would ligh‘t arounu msme the alligaior'e mouth just the some as they would anywhere outdoors. and when there was about a million there the alligator would shut his upper jaw down with the [lies all inside. Pretty soon he'd throw the cellar hack and set the trap again. "I've often ilmught that alligators would make good fly traps for houses. Of course you'd vmnt to keep any small children there might be in the house away from them, but if you looked out for that I should think they'd be great. I should say that about [our twelve-foot alligators could keep a moderate-sized house free of flies all summer wirtihout the slightest trouble." This is always the case when Nerviâ€" line is applied to any kind of pain; it is sure to disappear as if by magic. Stronger. more penetrating andquiokâ€" er in action than any other remedy in the warld, pain cannot stay where it is used. It is just the thing to have in the house to meet a sudden attack of illness. Dodd‘s Kidney l’llls Ac! “pen the Female Organs as Well as Upon nae Kidneys- Many a Woman Suflers Needlculy. Women suffer more than men. From the time a girl-child turns the corner into womanhood, she has more troubles than men ever dream of. \Ve ‘look‘ upon women as weak and fragile. but; considering what they endure they are stronger far. 1 The king 01E Siam is to visit Queen Victoria next summer in his 2.500â€"ton steam yacht, Maha. C'hakvri. which was built for him in). Scotland four years ago. i J -V\'om\eln suffer many times more than they need to. Partly because they don't know What ails them at first; then: becaixse they are ashamed to tell a doctor; latterly because they hate to be a. continual source of expense [0‘ their husbands. "Female Weaknesses" are what we term the diseases peculiar to the feâ€" male sex. They are oflen contounded with female Kidney troubles, and Kid- ney troubles are often mistaken for other troubles. All those delimle orâ€" ans are closely connected. What af- ects one affects the other. 'What (mites one, cures the others, too. 'DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS, which are a sovereign cure for all Kidney ills, act Lo regulate and control the female or4 guns and to relieve Iuh‘eir difficulties. This is worth while for every woman (’0 remember. Mrs Lucy Crabbe, Chomlmrs, P. 0., says;â€"â€"â€"“ For years I was a sufferer from weakness peculiar lo my sex, vom- bined wiiih kidney tnouhle from all of which I was completely cured by two boxes of Dodd’s Kidlney Pills.†Mrs. Elmevna Ady. \Valkerlon, Onl,, says:â€"" For a long time I have suffer- ed from a complication o[ Kidney Trouble and Female Disease and run glad to say have no pain or ache since, lulsimg Dodd's Kidney Pills." Troubled With Weakness Peculiar to their Sex. HOW THEY MAY BE UUHED. DODD’S KIDNEY PI’LLS, cure Kid- ney Disease and Female weakness 'Dry Them. They are on sale art 11111 drug- glsts. Price 50 081115 per box. 6 boxes for $150. Dodd’s Medicine Co.. Ltd†To- ronto. Ont. George Brandes, the noted navian literary critic, has rec ceived the cross of the Le Honour. ' IT IS WRONG Most all these inn ro- Iult from womb lroublo of some sort. No wo- ’~ «In . @MPOUND mm mm“ HILES' (0am) VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Mlles' Sanatlve Wash. Prim: 750 and 256. For aalo by all Druulnp. minivan vltamy and energy Ind mks un so! “I. " Mother Se ' worth “Vina. xpkntory “whiz. “Wanna Triumph." it" on nppllu on. “A. M. C." HEDICINB (10.. 518 St. Paul St" Montreal. Hubbu- upreuod to m udduu on or“, SUFFERING WUMEN. 6 (WW Few A LIVING FLY TRAP. 8 IF BY MAGIC ‘Y PI’LLS, cure Kid- ‘emale weakness 'Dry on stale art 3.111 drugâ€" ENJOY LIFE A3 THEY (NIGHT. Many are miserable weak 3nd sickly, and enter untold miseriel through ailmanta peoul lar to thelr lax. IT IS WRONG Women outdoors. and 11111an there his upper jaw mside. Pretty very sensin- n this alli- §outh we nose very : him Rad: upper jaw a mllernbl sickly, an rid minn‘en gt 1y non zueen. )O-ton h was years cure. Mr. Taylor is an1 engineer on the Dominion Atlantic Railway. his run being between Halifax and Kent-‘ ville, amd he iq one of the mos/L popular“ drivers; on the read When askedhy . ‘ the reporter compel-hing his illness he said: "It- was in: the Spring of 1896 that I had a severe attack of kidney troublehrough! on] bycontinuous run- ning on the road. and I suppose it is caused by the oscillations of the loco- motive. Itr affected me but slightly at. first, but gradually grew worse. Icon:- sulted a doctor and then tried two or three varieties of so-ralled cures. Some helped me for a time. but after stop- pinlg' the use of them I grew worse than ever. I had noticed numerous testimonials in the papers concerning Dr. \Vill-iams' Piznik Pills. and reading of onecure that wee. almost identical my own I decided to give them a trial, and purchased (our boxes at, a cost of 32. But it was :52 well spent for I was completely cured bythe use of the pills and have not. been trou- bled with my kidineys since. I can therefore recommend them to others similarly afflicted. r . : nda- L of L be Eoot but up- LIFE ON A RAILROAD CONDUCIVE T0 DISEASE. w‘hdch. very frequently annex railway traith-y is kidney disease. which up to a late period has been looked upon as a disease difficult, if mot impossible, to totally cure. Although there exist numerous remedies claimed to be cures, the truth is that ntoth'mg had been. fau‘nd to successfully cope wit-11 this; terrible disease until the advent of the mow wor’ldrmmed Dr. V‘Villiiams' Pinu'k Pills. Clhancing *to hear one day that ML Wm. Taylor. a reaidem‘t of this town; had been cured of kidney trouble through the agency of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, a reporter called upotn [him at his home tohear from him personally What he thought of his Mr. Wm. Taylor. of Kev-twine. Attacked with Kidney Troubleâ€"So-(‘ulled Cures Proved Useless. But Dr. Wllllams' Plnk l'lllc Restored Ills Health. Frmn the Kentvi’lle Advertiser. There are very few employmdn;t1 more'Lrying to tame heaflth than that on a railway engimeer. ’Dhe hours oflabor are frequently long. meals irregular. n†A-_‘_LAJ gum“. -_, ___...n_ , V. _, The experience of years has proved that there is absolutely no diseasex‘udue to a vi'tiated condition of the blood\ or shattered nerves, that Dr. Witliams' Pinlk Pills will not promptly“ oure,and those who are suffering from such troubles would avoid much misery and save money by promptly resorting to this treatment. Get the genuine Pink Pills every time» and do not be persuaded to take an imitation or some other relmtedy from a dealer. who for the sake of the extra profit to himself, may say is "just as goodi.†!Dr, \Vi'l- liams‘ Pink Pills cure when other medicines fail. Dir, Oharlles E. Jakeway, whose r‘ioL‘ic poetry has heravn widely q by the megs and pflatform of C: for. many years, is issuing a v-olu his verses. The Writings of th‘ that have elithed flai'ten'ing lri iron; high places in this countr: in England. The hook is being published by ’Iiam BTiggs, 29-33 Richmond St Toronto.» $1.00 posipuid. :The J. J. Hanratty, Inspector for the Stark dard Life Assurance Co. 8.1: Peterbor ough, Cured of Muscular Rheumatism by the Great South American Rhea: manic Cureâ€"It turns the Midnight oi Sufl‘ering into the Midday Brightness or Good Healthâ€"These are‘hla words. Toronto.» $1.00 posipu and the Lilies. and 01h the title of [he vol‘ume ready _early in April, am year of the Queen's Di: is a fitting time, for il> Friends of Francis Murphy claimthat he I‘losed his recent two-months' tem- perance campaign in Boston with a. record of 13,000 tom! abstinence pledges. ’ V‘Ve offer One Hundred Dol'ura reward for uny cme of Cutarrh ihnt cannot be cured by Hall‘s CaLmrh Cure. 1“. J. ' HEKEY & CO . Props. 0. We the undersignud have knownF‘.J.Cheney for the 1 El? 16 your». and believe him perfect- 1y htuor: b'o in all business transaction _uud ï¬nanciany ab)e Lo run-y out. any obllgahons made by Iheir ï¬rm. WE '1' at TBUAX. Wholesale Druggists, To- ledo, 0. “'umna. KmNAN 8c M mvm. Wholsale Dx ug;‘.st.s, Toledo, 0': i). hm": (‘nmrrh Cum m taken in‘ernal y, (\cL- ing directly upon the blood and Inn ~uus bur t. (:03 of Lh ï¬stem. Price Tic p :x- bottle SOId by all Druggisw. Tow mnniu s free. Hall’s anuv Pills m- -. L. e nu~t lar riders in the Si 4 in., weighs 220 lbs. land model. N0. 29. “ which he swears by C. ‘5. \\'e115, by placing to the credit of the Maltese Cross of the Bay City Wheelmen izn the Club Cup race at the, recent indoor tournament held in San Francisco has now gained the honor of being hailed as the 'indoor king," which was formerly by Jay Eaton. \Vells, who is one of the most popu- lar riders in the States. stands 6 ft., 4 in., weighs 220 lbs. and rides aCleve- land model, N0. 29. weighing 19 1-2 1135., busy bees, hmg judges I was a great sufferer from muscular rheu- matism in my arm; so much so that for day: at n time I could not sleep. I walked the floox in psin the greater part of the night. I pro- cured a bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure and found great relief after a tow doseis. It's a sure euro and I heartily recommend '2. Ali Te etwe delplgin AN ENGINEER'S STORY. AN INSURANCE MAN'S STORY. DR. J AKE\VAY'S POEMS st and 5 en runs '5' has heravn widely quoted: '55 and pflatform of Canada. ears, is issuing a volume of! The Writings of this au- elithed flzli'ten'ing tributes Mates in this country and. HOW'S THIS ? has been looked upon icu’ht, if mot ‘impoesible, Although there exist adies claimed to be h is that {nothing had successfuflly cope wit-h: Sease umtil the advent ‘fldrmmed Dr. V‘Villiams' inning “to hear one day rlle Advert'mer. r few employman xle heailth than] thatoi :r. T¢he hours of labor mg. meals irregular. m hurriedly snatched One and 06 D13 mc 113 an )f irly snavtched the troubles .. "The Lion' 1' Poems." is It will be. certainly the nond Jubilee appearance. egiégm‘ï¬f R Scriver. Carpenter. of Rustin s. was of kidney 0. Great Sufferer from Kidney iaease (1-...» A.......z..n... truly...“ "nu... mm...“ whose patâ€" ,ely fluctng : railway which up \" il- \V. . The Merits of the Great South Amer-1- cm Nervlne Withstand all the As- saults of the Oredulous and Scepticu «When they are Converted to its use in their Personal Ailments They be. ggme its best Friendâ€"for it never fails em. Mr. Uinwoodio of Campbelltord, 0nt., says: I recommend South American Nervine m Ivcrybody. I consider It would be truanh to the best interests of humanity were I not. to do >0. In one instance I convmced an avowed ceptic to all remedies of its curative powers; ‘0 procured a. bottle and in has been or such beneï¬t. to him that, he continues to purchase and use it, and hm proved its great worth as a stomach 2: ml nerve: 01110. It. has done won dere for me and I kee it. constantly in my house. An Occulonal one acre Ma. prevent- lVe 3mg _keepa me well and strong. I: in â€"South American Kidney Cure Effect ed a Quick Cura~ It is a. Speciï¬c Rem~ edy for 8. Speciï¬c Diseaseâ€"It Dissolves and Eradicates All Solid Matter from the Systemils Safe and Permanent. For many yrs I have been troubled with kidney disease. necessitating the taking of much in the way of remediea Two years ago they became so had that I had to seek Lbs aid of a physician. My urine was more like blood than anything else. and was very painful. Just an that time I began using Scum Ameriâ€" can Kidney Cure. It. gave me immediate relief. and from that time till now I have had no difï¬culty. I can safely and honestly recom- mend this great remedy to all persons suffer ing from kidney trouble. Heâ€"Can you play The .‘ Prayer, Miss VVaback? She, with a‘lacrityâ€"Oh. yes] Heâ€"VVell, please don‘t. wonderful médicine‘ >TEHE HOME OF DYSIPEPSIAJ. San Francisoo seems to be the na- tural home of dyspepsia Physicians there my that texnv out of twelve of the inhabitants suffer from indigestion. The. unily explanation suggested is the fact that the cilimate allows fruit and. vegetables to he had almost the year, around, so that there is not the en- forced change of diet that re§idents of other regions have. ‘ Immnm LIKE SUFFERERS ONLY KNOW. CONVINCED THE SCEPTIC. HIS REQUEST GHEAP BIGYGLES The true aristocrats among bicycles, whose chic and dash are most appareht wheqin full motionâ€"ladies’ and gentlemen‘s wheels bearing impress of the best mechanical genius of the age. --.-â€"â€"â€"w â€"â€" rIII- â€"'- . ...-â€" v- -- So beautifully equipoised and calculated are these models (gentlemeh'e and ladies' wheels) that they were awarded the only gold medal at the Austrian Exhlbltxon â€"â€"the high- est grade wheels ever offered to the public at less than $100. SALESROOM : 169 Yonge Street “"0" ’ TORONTO. Toronto Junction. CATALOGUE Agents Wanted in every Unrepresented Territory. Are “fated for destruction," and the worst of it is they not only destroy themselves», but fre- quently destroy their riders. W.I’.C 862 The Maiden’s 'l‘lle Safest, Speediest and Most Bumble Mmmt in the World. Lozier&ï¬a. 1897. MDDELS 27, 28 AND 29. PRICE $|00. MDDELS 22 AND 23. PRICE $75. Exactly describes the 0 hard or soft corn to w Painless Corn Extractox plied. So quickly does tractor cure that its act ical. Try it. Just on: this season of ‘the‘ ‘year when so many intending purchasers are look- ing around and com bhe different grades and makes 0 wheels 3. word of advice would not be out of place. There are many who imagine a wheel is all right because it happens to lbok' pret- ty. but varnish and ehnrity arei synonâ€" omorus, both cover a. muhtitu¢e of sins, so it is a good idea. to enquure and if possible inspect the facilities that the maker has at his command for the .manuiactuire of the wheel which he sells. Recognizing this fact H. A. Lozâ€" ieir & 00.. manhiaotlumars of the Cleve- land bicycle have thrown open their factory at Toronto Junction to all who care to inspect for themselvves the manner and care which enters into the construction of the Cleveland bicycle and a hearty invitation is extended to, all intending visitors to Toronto to call on H. A. Lozielr & 00., Yonge St, where they will be iven the privilege 'of in- specting the actory. The visitors and delegates at the annual meeting of the C. W. A. are specially invited. on H. A. Loz they will be spect'mg the d‘eiegates at C. \V. A. are King Oscar blf Swedeln i tasted student of maubmn-a came to inspect manner and ca: construction of and a hearty "1 all intending vi fï¬ï¬‚ï¬l STRUCK AS BY LIGHTNING BE WIS Eâ€" BUY Aâ€"â€"â€" STRENGTH ogni Zing manmap 1e have Toronto J. D. KING GB. Ltd., Ask for this Boot. Buy this Boot. 3 Ba 00m fortablo. You will be Pleased. A real flexible. strong. light ind durible took HOSquonk. No Tacks. No Halls. The Patent Sleeper Inscle- m does Putnam‘s I 5 action seems m2 audition hich Pu For Weak and Inflamed Eyes, or Chronic Granulation of the Lids, Ulceration of the Glands. RUNNING qualities are pre-eminent in the high grade " SUN.†You need not be afraid to have it geared high. The bearings are perfect. A moo wum. FOR sss.‘ seems mag- : Putnam's .s bean 3p- 'year when s are. lookâ€" Le different a. word of G. T. Pendrith & 00., 73-8I Adelaide St. W, A NEVER FAILING REMEDY 3m int e‘r 18 Is not the coming boot: it is here alreadc, within your renr‘h. Mada w1th the SLEEPER IN- {OLE n’n'd ï¬tted with Cork throughoutzthls means dry fleet and solid comfort. n in a bicycle is the leading char acteristic of the “ SUN." Ex~ perience has shown that the “Sun†excels in strength. is the word to describe the symmetry of form and the artistic ï¬nish of the “Sun†There is no more beautiful wheel. ONTARIO. f‘ Splendid Equipment md good solid work have placed Ihl ToRONTOâ€"-Germrd and Yonge $t.s.. M. the top. It. hm more teachers more mum“. in! n um. many more young men and women ln‘o poslflo than any other Csnudun Buslnesa School. Get Dung hrs. Encarany time. Write W. H. SHAW, Princip. AnllkSend for Circular glvlng mu puma oulura of McDowell‘s. New Yerk, Gannon! Drafting Machine. The Wonder of the are. Don't. be without. in. Address. Toronbo On In. School. 113 Yonge St. Ceylon Tea. A feature which is so essential Adams‘ Ginger Beer ILLUSTRATED EASY TO ORDER SEND FOR RECXPA Tho only Inmflm In limit d av ALL canons 25c, no. 500, 600.