Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Apr 1897, p. 4

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The Register says that Dr. Trude] .lost the election “ through no fault of his own.” We are not so sure of that. We believe that had the Dr. taken a, firm stand and said that he waspreparedi to endorse the Green wayeLaurier settlement of the Man- itoba school question because he be- "lieved it was just, or had he con~ demned the settlement because he «considered it was unjust, the electors would have respectedthim, and in all probability he would have ;polled a larger vote. But what are the facts of the case? Dr.‘ Trudel stated pub- licly that, as he thought, the‘Domin ion and Manitoba‘governments had made the'best settlement of the school ‘ question it was possible to make he would support that settlement, If the bishops or the ablegatc from Rome endorsed it. But if those church: dignitaries condenmed it then he J would condemn it also. i "(The Catholic Register elaims'that. 'Dr. Trudel, the Liberal candidate who was recently defeated in Chain- plain, is being shabbin treated. by the Reform-press,-and insinuates that this paper exhibited a degree of spite in an article which appeared the pre- vious Week. We must resent the ac- cusation. The paragraph was writ- ten before the day of election, so that had the Liberal candidate been Vic- torious over his Conservative oppoâ€"; nent we would have found the same} fault with liiSeoampaign declaration; provision must be embodied in the bill to make up the direct loss to the Dominion exehequer of about $8,000,000 of revenue received yearly from liquor. It is no small problem to be solved. Indirect taxation has been pushed to its last limit, and some other means must be looked to for supplying the deficit that would arise by the adoption of a prohibitory "liquor law. The poor man’s neces- saries of life will not suffer any greater exactions, and the rich man’s luxuries already are burdened to an ‘ extent that smuggling is apparently on the increase. The plan of direct -taxation, it is hinted, may hate to be iresorted to in the event of prohibition being an established fact, and in that ’case the direct tax would not fall far ‘ ‘short of $1.50 per capita, or about $7.50 per family, annually, taking the average at five persons to a fam- ily. At present much of the current comment on the question is mere side speculation. Eventually the stern facts have got to be faced and thor- oughly threshed out. It is to be hoped that, although the element of fanaticism will pervade the temper- ance ranks to a certain extent, the more level-headed, conservative temâ€" perance advocates will not permit, in the heat of battle, sentiment to out- weigh good judgment in dealing with this politieo-moral and financial prob; lem. It is understood that the plebiscite bill Will soon be introduced by the Hon. Mr. Fisher into the House. There are already certain vague ru- ‘inors floating about as to the provis- ionscontaiucd in the measure. It is certain, however, that apart from on- acting the necessary machinery for testing the sentiment of Canada upon the advisability of adopting a prohib- itory liquor law, it will be complete in all its parts and will give, if car- ried at the polls, the means to attain the desired end of the abolition of the liquoi‘ traffic. Looking to the future in the possibility of prohibition be- coming an accomplished fact, some We admit‘that the defeated RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, April New Adflisements. 23131:: flit-em. DR. TR UDEL DEFENDED. THE FLEBISCITE BILL '22. ’97 ANTED -SEVERAL F‘AITHFUL Men or \Vomento travel for re~ sponsible established-house in Ontario. Salary $780, payable $25 weekly and expenses. Posntion permanent. Refer- ence. Enclose self addmssed stamped envelupe. The Natiunal, Star Building, Chicago. Easter meetings Wt re held at both churches in this parish or) Monday and were both well attended. The finances in both were very encouraging, present- ing a balance in hand in each exse. At King nearly $400 has been raised for church purposes during the past year and? the difl'erent organizations of the church are flourishing, especially the Ladies’ Aid inaugurated by the present rector, who proposed a vote of thanks to them for their great assistance, which was heart- ily passed by the Vestry. The books show that 6,600 persons have attended, Sunday service since list Eister, and the Thursday evening services total 1,400.; The wardens for the ensuing year are Mr. Mark Giliham and Dr. ~Burns. At‘ Maple the report shows that some '8300 was Collected in various Ways on the debt fund. This fund was considerably nug- mented by the Lenten self-denial ofler- ings made at the Easter service. More than 4,000 people have attended service and the communicants have increased to? three times the number of last Easter. The wardens elected were Messrs. G. Watson and C. H. Kefier. Mrs. Geo. Smith. of Elmvale wasr in the village on Tuesday afternoon, calling on old friends. Miss Nellie Franks, of Gnderich, is spending the holidays at her home. A number of new boiika have been ad- ded to the pnplic library. and it 1‘! in- tended to make a ‘further addition to it, very soon. Subscriptions are Solicited. On Monday, Marv, second daughter M Mr. Michael Dufi‘y, was married to Mr. Maguire of Toronto, Rev. A. Bed- furd oflicxating. Mr. R. Duffy snppnrted the groom and Miss Lizzie Gardner acted as bridesmaid. The happy couple will reside m Turonto. Rev. Dr. Jas. Henderson. of anonto, has promised to deliver a lecture here. under the auspices of the Epworth League on Monday evening, May 3rd On Sundav evening the annual services in connection with the Woman’s Aux- iliary were held in the Methodist Church. The sermon was preached by Rev. C. A. Campbell and npecial music was rendered by the choir. VV Men or Women to travel fur re sponsihle established house in ()utnrin. Salary $780, payable $15 weekly and expenses. Position permanent. Refur- ence. Euclnse self addressed stamped e: velnpe. The National, Star Building, Chicago. The General Provincial elections which took place in Nova Seotia on Tuesday proved a complete triumph for the Liberal party. In a house of 33 only 4 Conservatives have been elected. The leader of the opposition and many of his ablest colleagues were defeated by large majorities. Premier Mur'uy who succeeds ex- Premier Fielding is to be congratu- lated on his overwhelming victory. Sir Charles Tupper, it seems, has lost his grip on the Blue Noses of Nova Seotia. War has at last been officially de- clared between'Turkey and Greece, the horrors of which it is difficult to realize. Sympathy naturally goes out i for the smaller nation, but if left to themselves it is more than likely that Greece will be cut to pieces by their . fierce and blood-thirsty opponents. Several ferocious engagements have already taken place, and it is uneer-. tain what the end may yet be. If the great powers are not drawn into the war it may not be of long dur- ation, but the danger is that the ‘war- fare will not be confined to Turkey and Greece. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules: one givesreliet. didate may be an obedient Catholic, but if he prefers to place church be- fore state, his champion, The Cath- olic Register, need not feel surprised that his courageous (‘2) stand vas criticised by'inéiny Liberal journals throughout this province. ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITIIFUL Maple RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. MISS c, HARRISON, ‘ DRESS - MAKER, PRICES A’l‘ FARMEES’ WAGGONS. Wheat. white. per bush 3-0 77 Wheat. red, per bush .. 0 75 Wheat, goose, per bush . 0 63 Oats. per bush ..... 0 22 Peas, per bush .. . 0 40 Bax-lav, nor bush . . 0 ~25 Turkeys. er lb ..... 0 10 Dressed ogs.percw . 5 52 Geese, yer lb ........ . 0 08 (thickens, per pair . . 0 40 Ducks. per pmr .. . 0 60 Butter. in pound rolls“ . O 12 flggsioizesh . 0 09 ’0 a 5, per 4" . 0 18 Apples, per bbl 0 40 Huy,c]over . 0 00 Hay. timothy . 12 00 Straw, sheaf... 6 00 Special attention given to Park. Cemetery and Boulevard orders. Estimates furnished for sup- plying entire orchards. Why buy of foreign concerns or of middlemen‘ when you can purchase as cheaply from us and can better value. Our stock is Canadian grown and acclimated. Catalogue (English or French) free on appli- cation. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. FONTIIILL NIIRSERIBS. The Leading Canadian Tree Men. 14-97-4111 X, E haw the largest assortment and employ the very latest; and must improved methodsforprnnugnmmg. All stock carefully packed under our pexsonal supervmon. and all new vnrieties tcsbmlab our trial farms before being catalogued. These are the only testing melmnla connected with any Nursery in me Duminlonl AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT US. ruit & Ornamental Trees 700 ACRES SIHEUBS. ROSES. VINES AND SEED POTATOES Premiums may be paid quarterly, half-yo: annually. A Canadian Company framed in harmony Canadian Laws. P1 ofits divided after 5 years. Pvlicies non-forfeita'ule sfters yearn Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules curaflatulence. Ripans T-abules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabt‘iles cure'headache. Ripans Tabules cure biIiousness. Ripans Tablfles cure torpid liver. RipansTab‘ules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabnles assist digestion. Ripans‘Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules: for-sour stomach. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans‘Tabl‘Iles cure bad breath. Ripans Tabuies'cure’ indigestion. Annual Rate W; 11- Apply to Head Office or to ... A ."vnn Head Oflic We Efiamhanis Life to 21 ASSOCIATION Enruntu annrkctfi. SENT! \‘I'ANTED. 5m advance for $1000 insurance with profits:‘ Jno. Dry Howorth w. c. MURRAYJnspectm, {Penance INCORPORATED 32 Yonge Street Arcade Toronto (AC 46 26 90 Extensive c ‘ President . Manager $1 54 4;! 56 fifi’fifiag 30W .0” .08 0% 0m ooooo $§888 harmony with half-yearly or {‘17 ANNUALLI 40 50 43 62 46 98 50 58 32 34 14 00 7 00 mu 6 30 0 09 0 60 150 98 110 of P. G}. SAVTAGE, - Biclnlrond I-lill “THE jl_-:|<B‘E“R]0(‘|_"’ fO’FFIQfE. We have again on ‘hand the largest stock of Wall Papers, Ceilings, Borderings and Decorations ever shown in Richmond Hill and will be sold at the lowest possible cash prices. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Mixed Paints in all shades and colors. Paint, Whitewash and Kalsomine Brushes in all sizes. and can’t be sold cheaper. SaskatchewanwunhwesiufialuRobas The two very best Robes made for the price. Also Rube Trimming and Lining. Leather Mits, lined and unlined, from 200. up. N. B.â€"Robestr1mmed and lined cheap. G. REASON, ' RICHMOND Stoves, Eavetroughing, and eveJything in the Tin and Hard- ware line at small profits and quick returns. Hardware, Tinware, Milk Pails, Pans, Creamers (all sizes and priees),Nai1s, Hinges,Looks, Fencing and Barbed Wife at lowest prices. Furnaces of the Best Makes; HARDWARE STRE Gets up Harness that can't be beat in quality and price (all our own make). â€"-â€"NOW IN STOCK Horse-clothing of all kinds ; \Vuol & Rubber Knee Rugs; e51 game gigglegriggs 3m figs. unified? 130-132 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO hfifihfimmwmmww LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE @fififlflfifiéfififififlm 8 1b. 3 in. Wire Nails for 25 cents. We are headquarters for Clovers, Timothy Seed, Grain, 66c. Has a. distinct nnneamnve; roots are r shouldered. small top free from co and has HILL Is tt Usual Stock of Groceries OUR SELECTED MAMMOTH TOP SWEDE JOB OUR IMPROVED SHORT WHITE CARROT IVA LL PAPERS ./ a. OUR PRIZE MAMMOT VERY BEST EZEDS. 3 FIELD Andeverything complete, for cash only. unrest croppI-‘r. the heaviest yielder and the very best field mum in existence RICHMOND Repalrivg promptly attended to. £1 GEO. DICDONALD ECIJlC-IE R14} (it Try the Swele-Bri NEAT «AND ATTRACTIVE The Steele-Briggs Seeds are the gRepaiIing promptly done. Has for sale all kinds of Hamegg gimp Constantly on hand. Is a prize-Winner everywhem‘ The very best see 15 are t1 DONE .AT PRINTING ‘fll‘Sx buy the less 13.1 qumlh LONG ,eele-Br SEEDS. RED MS llent f MANGEL broad

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