Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Apr 1897, p. 7

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BA LDNESS FROM BL()\VING. An American medical journal not only demonstrates the old sad theory thnt“ half the citizens of thirty years are iiztitl (30 per cent. of that. half being bald physicians). It goes further. Pracâ€" tical musicians exhibit not only much of a. proportion of baldness as we Would expect, but more variations, for, 85‘. than would be expected. There is a ‘ science, if nota method. in instru~ inenta-t liairlessness. Players of the. Si ring land and of the pianofortes are less inclined to be liziltl than those lurk- less‘ enough to have their work cut out for them in the wind choir. The brass instruments, from Ill: tulias up to thc trumpets, are quoted ns“pzirticu mischievous" to the hair. 'l‘hehorn is a sure doom to one‘s looks. The military landsmen are [illillt\‘ in a parlous state. One announcer of this .winentalile theory has diagnoth a regular disease. that he calls the “fanfare. baldness." Ail trumpeters and ooruct players get it, sooner or later. (lime. woorlnwind comes next in (longer. Most f'autists are not to hope for hair after 3:2. A CORN Prio'tootiuennn BY RAYS 1 Shows a small kernel. covered by lay- ers of hard skin. This tiny corn causr-s -keen pain. The only sure means of ex- tracting it, without pain. in a day, is Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Sure? .Yes. Painless? Yes. Cheap? Yes, indeed] Try it. LN CONTEMPT. X RUE L‘ BIA- CUILI‘Z YOURSELF OI" ’l'la‘Af‘. The flltpllt'allfln, of Ntiiry'ilinc~â€"iiche-i pain “titreâ€"which llt'NHélSspS )lli'll 111,:ir-‘ Vellum power m‘i-r nll tic-rye pain. has [tron-ii :t routqtrkuitln Ntlt‘t'PSm‘ in rheu- nizilix‘tn and neuralgia. Nel‘Vllillt‘ acts on tho Iicrt t s. soot hos them. drives p‘lln u.ltl and >0 gives rolit-f. conv i ru‘nd. .â€" "Thc cashior of the coal office has lion. his job," “now am it lupin-iii" “IIA msth into the office and told his “lul‘loyt‘rB he. had heard a'rohin." i LiBiitiItiti’iittt's LEG. larly A Running Sore Rendered It. Use? less. He Couldn‘t Work Till He Had It Cured By Kootenay Which Contains the New lngredient. It goes withmit sayilng that. the av- erage working man finds it. (lifficulti to ply his avocatitml without the aid of ti. pair of good sound legs. :l‘o haw.- etther of his lower extremities inâ€" capacitated by disease is a serious imit- tcr. It. means lflalilillty to provide for hllnfit‘lf and tlnit-ie. depending on him for support. to which is midi-d the dis- tress and suffering both mental and physical he: is called upon in conse- quctnce to endure. M. John Uanson. a. respectable la- borer living at ’77 Joules St, Hamil- toln. Ont... states under oath: that about seven years ago an infltilnimatilon'alw pearcd upon his knee, which continu- ed to grow worse until about three That wheel. judge. said the victim‘- of yea” ago when it. got. so bad he was the bicycle thief, was the finest on the unable to work. marketâ€"â€" Sto ! cried the judge. ten ollnrs for contempt. This court rides the finest wheel on the uniâ€"rket. THE odiir ONE. Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cure Where all Other Remedies Fail- BIiIGIIT'S DISEIIITNOT Illtllllhllilili But there's only One Cure in the He tried oirntmicntq and various rcmtedies. but the sore I'll fine you continued discharging and the pains in his back were very severe. Last winter he commenced making Ryck- man’s Kooienay Cure and in a com- paratively short time the sore healed up, the pain disappeared form his back and he was able to resume his work. He thinks there's nothing can beat Kootc'nny. and he's right. _ ' The. whdie secret of the cure lies in the thorough blood cleansing proper- ties of the "new Ingredient," which is the essential element of Kootenaya It goes right through the systemant eradicatos all lunmors from .the blood and in consequence there is .a rapid mplacinig of diseased or decaying tisâ€" (sue by a healthy ht':llll]ig process. Don't World, and that we have Named. be manned into taking any substitute â€"Hundreds Testify to Cures.â€" Never 8. Failure Recorded. It lasted do be said, "If Briightt’ Disease}. It Won‘t blei long be- fioro people are “milking sltow. belhi-nid yblll." \ l " Bright‘s Disease affects brainy men 3, (mnplimamt last evening,- mtiouilarly. ’Ilbie brainier and more h'ml for Ryckmun's Kuotcinay Cure. If your druggist docs not keep it. send $1.50 for a bottle to the Ryckman you have. Medicine. 00.. Hnnitititon. Ont. Chart book sent fre eto any address. One bottle lasts over a month. Robertâ€""Miss S’weete paid me quite Onie of these you loaned activle a main, the moire liable hie is berths eventing Mimi?" to Bright’s Disoasc. Bright’s: Disease is a. disease of the Kidneys. It is the name given 110 tthie fatty dogetnemtion of bimbo ongans. fit is c‘a'imetd by ex-. oessivo use of alcoholic drinks. It is mused tby excessiivte ehiti‘mg of rich mood. Tt may the mtusieu by exposune to cold and moistnilnei. It maybeoaus- ed by municipal- itiiiiinig. $i00 REWARD $100. ' The raadera of this paper will be pleased to corn that there is at least one dreaded di<eane hat science has been able to cure in all it! tnges. and that Is Ustarrh. Hill's Catarrh 'tlre it: the only positive cure known to the .lCdIOBI fraternity. Catarrb being a. constitu- ional disease. requires constitutional treat- »tcnt. Hall's Catzirrh Cure is taken internally, wting directly upon the blood and mucous sur- :1“)?! of the system, thereby destroying the f’“l“d-’\II"H of the disease. and giving the But it‘s wt w'mh the cause we have patientztrengbh by building up the constitution to deal. tIt is with. tlhe outre. It used no he Uhougthlt that Bright's Disease wtas incurable. We know bet- ter ntonv. Restore the Kidneys 'ihcallulr, .atnd ylotu. misty can what you like, drink what you like, work as (hard or be as active as you like. and bid dfeIIB'DOBt tJo dealthedcafliinig‘. Bright‘s Discount But We to the mbln mum doesn‘t talkie. care of his Kiltneysl When they cease to filter the blood! that blood: weeks with poison. Urine acttually floms in this VWIDB. You die a linger}- ling dieatht ’Ilhie spline atnd extremiâ€" tJiteis first; this brailln lillEti. this bottom while living! alt the topti Bright’s Disease my be cured by DODD’b‘ K‘IDNEY P111151, mhiiuh re- StJOI‘le the Kidtnieys. milking Ullbe fil- ter the blood properly". DODD'IS K.le N‘EY I’ILJJS are, the. only specific for Bright‘s Disease. They are. com-poundâ€" all first for that purpose. Tiliey hate cured hundreds of cases; They will cure your Kidneys. Try them. F _ a. box. For sale at all dnuiggists. Wm. G. Wade, 940 Queen East, Tor- onto says:â€"â€"“I have used t.h.'-.rty~st.x boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and am cured of Bright's Disease after all else had failed.” ’1‘. E. Craig, 769 Queen East. Toron- to sayszâ€"“Never expecthg a cure of Bright’s Disease, I have been agreeably disappointed by a few boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills.” ‘ Miss Maude Cotterell, BelleVLlle, Ont., says :-â€"“I have used two boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Ptlls and have been cured of what the doctor said was Bright’s dis~ ease." F Mr. James Went, “I began to use Dodd’s about six weeks ago. have taken three tween Toronto. . I boxes which have curred me perfectly principal points in Ontario, of Bright’s Disease. PHOTOGRAPHING HEART BEATS. A method of photographing the sounds of this heart has been communi~ Gated to the Academy of Science by M. de Holowiiuski. The sounds are. trans- mitted by a sensitive microphone to an optical telephone, the diaphraqu of which produces Newton's rings, which are then photographed. Every “‘ Woman Should Enjoy Llfo. How Many do '2 Many an miurnblo IOIII and lickly. and suite: untold alsoriu . through :itlmonupacul' ' in to their an. IT IS WRONG. The ounce of molt all then iii: is null] roach Ind effectively umov by tho (rut vomm'l Indium-o. .1 POUND ' IILIB' (can) VEGETABLE compound) and ulles' Sanatlvc Wash. Prion 75c and 25°. The] import vltnllty In an"? and inch the lilo of tho “Mania wort it For sale by all Druulltn Womnn‘l Triumph" vim. Ex 1mm bl t. " i... I... a. 3335...“. "A. M. C." HEDICINB co.. "0 St. Paul 8!... Montreal. iDyinIg at Eight Yonrs‘ ifty cents DP- and asuistiux nature in doing its work. The proprietors havo so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list Addresu. F. G. CHENEY k 00., Toledo. 0. Sold by Druggists, 750. Hall's Family Pills are the best. “- Fond mommaâ€"“Bobby. Bobby. what- to of testimonials. Ever makes you so restless t" Bobbyâ€"1 Having to keep still so iniuch. I sup- pose. , » . .â€" mam RELIEF. Hanging Between “its and Death With Acu 9 Heart Disease ~And in 30 Minutes After Taking F'lx‘st Dose of Dr. Agnew's Cure For the Heart Relief Comesâ€"What it Did For Alfred Couldry, West Shefford. Qua. it. Can do For Any Suflerer From the Same Cause. “I had been suffering from acute heart trouble for over four years. When doctors had tried. and failed to give me relief, 1 procured Agnew's Cure for the Heart. In thirty minutes after the first dose I had relief. and although mine was a. case of long standin eight bottles eflected a permanent cure, an firmly believe. after knowing what It has done for me, that there is no IIOI'OIOSH case while this rent cure is to be had. I cheerfully sanc- tion Elie use of my testimony in whatever way it may do the most good." “Is yoiiir litiliy intelligent ;" “Intel- ligent! \Vhy, say, if she wasn’t she'd mover be able to understand the lan- gtuago my wife talks to her." FAST LINE TO NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. The Lehigh Valley. R. R., in connec- orm'la‘ 03:“ says; tion with the Grand Trunk Railway. Kidney Pills have the first through train servtce be- Hamtlton, Lon-don. and to New York City. Only line running Pullman buffet sleepin cars. Time two hours ahead of all 0 her lines. Passengers for Europe. etc, via. this lino are. landed in New York at Desâ€" brosses or Cortlandt Sis, in close proximity to all European steamship docks. Don't fail to ask for tickets and sleeping car accommodation via Le- high Valley route, at all Grand Trunk offices. ‘Tis here; that cinbarrassimg season '\Vhon diffitiiilt ’iis to choose Avid say with reliable reason \Vhicli bicycle suit: is whose. t FILES Ollitlill ’I‘06 NIGHTS. Dr_. Agnew's Ointment will cure all cases of Itching Piles in from three to six nights. One application. brings comfort. For blind nnd bleeding ich it is peerless. A130 cures 'l‘et- tor. Salt. heum, Eczcma. Barber’s Itch and 'l‘ry it. and be l. ' Richardâ€" . dgl v i [lRlPPLEijtllt LIFE. so DOCTORS SAID CONCERNING i RICHARD B. coLLiNs. . ._â€"- lie Spent Months In the Toronto llospllnl Without Any “PIIPIIt-l’lllk {gills flue lllm After All Ollicr Trcnlmcnl l-‘nllcd. From the. Echo, Wiarton. Ont. 'l‘hic Echo presents to its ruddersthe following plain statement. of fact. with the simple minimum that a medicine that. can perform st) rcniarkulile acute is. simply invaluable. {Lllil it is no \vonâ€" tier lhit. the aggregate of its sales throughout the country is cnortnotis. I, Richuxfl ll. Collins. hen-by make the following stunninanwhich can be confirmed by any nuiulwrof witnesses in this section of the country. I first ‘bagan to complain about five years ‘ago. I hml then been “'UI‘IKiJIg in a ‘fish shanty. and was wet almost tho. “I‘llan time. summer anti winter. I was thipn confine-id to the. houxc for three ‘monlhs. This was my first attack and (in getting better Icoiiiinoncotl work .agaiin the. first of the. following Febru- lnrv and continual at it until ihenext Jtiniumry, when I Took a. much worse join-wk. The docth pronounced it lrheumiitism and after treating me for until about that disease the. first of Maythey discovered that my trouble ,wns disease of the hip joint, and ad- visotl to gain an hospital. I went. to tToronto and stayed in the hospital five .weoks and than returan home. I. ‘lrmw-vor, did not recover. mnd was ‘oomptilled during the following sum- mer to go buck to tho hospital where. I -Wmn.i.n~ed three, months. yetting worse l‘all the time. I was told could not be ' cumd and when I-Ieift was only able to walk by the aid of crutches. I then. lemme home anvi was not there long be~ fore I was taken to my bed. I con- trnu-ed in this state until January folâ€" lowing. when I was advised by several friends to try Dr. \Villianis' Pink Pills. _I took their advice and before I had fin~ ushed the fifth box lbngmn to improve. andbythetime Ihad completed a doz~ en boxes I was able to walk without crutch-es, and have. never used them Stare. I was able to do light work in a. short timo, and in January last, 1897. I commenced working in the woods and have no trouble from. the liip un~ less overâ€"exerted. During the. last it‘hroe years I have spent $300.00 in doctors’ bills, and. medicines, trying i everything recommended, but without |any good I‘QS‘llll'S until [took Dr. \Vi1~ tliams' Pink Pills, to which I owe my imstored condition, as the doctors gave. up all hopes of over. seeing me our of bed alive and well. I may say that: before I began taking Pink Pills durâ€" ing my last attack, I put in many a night so bad‘that Inoven expected to be alive in. the morning." Rheumatism. sciatica, neuralgia, partial paralysis, lo.toniotor ataxia, nervous 'heada~he.nervous prostration and disease depending upon humors in the blood, Such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc, all disappear before a. fair treatment with Dr. \Villiams‘ Pink Pills. They give a lhealthy glow to pale and sallovv cotmplexionsand build up and renowthe entire system. Sold by all dealers antd post: paid at 500. a. (box orsix boxes for $2.50 by address- ing the ‘Dr. \Villiams‘ Medicine 00., Brockville, Out. Do not be persuaded to take some substitute. t v ‘6’ SUCCESS IN SIGHT. Dr. Hie-widow is one of the luckiest mom I ever suiw. , Lucky '2 I don't know how you llh‘lkft i him. out lucky. this to bet tried. for her- iesy. and may lose his pulpit. ' 'l'hat's just it. Hit) wrote a book a. ,foiv yours ago, that has never been ‘ board of since. it came from the pint» Iishors. Now that he. is to be tried, it. will, of 001.”th be. one of the literary sensations of the day. ' ‘V.P.C 865 THE ADVANCE ’ GENT. OF HEALTH A .T’F‘"’ ‘ yr.» â€". -' R's‘si'ez‘wng" Wig-‘1‘ THE \VABASH RAILROAD. If you are contemplating a trip to the gold mining country. phase con-, suler the merits of the “dumb railâ€" road. the Short and true route via Do- troit. Chicago and St. Paul. to till points in the Kootenay districts. Passvnigairs leaving Toronto by early morning trains reach at Paul next day at own. where direct connection is made for all points . in the gold fields. Qttiukcsl. and best route to Hot. Springs. Ark. ()iil Mexico, California and all western points. 'l‘ick- i eis and timc~talilcs of this great, rail- iway from any railroad agent. or J. .L 'Riolmrrlson. Canadian Passengur Ag-i ent, Northeast corner of King and Yonge streets, Toronto. , Sheâ€""they have. struggled hard to hoop up appearance." Heâ€"“Yes; that: is put what has kept them down." Catarrh of Long Standing Relieved in a. Few Hours. It is not alone the people Of our own countr . and romlncnt citizens like Urban Lip e. M- - of .olictro, Qua, and other mem ers of Parliament, who. having used Dr. Agnewa Cstarrhal Powder, renounce it the moatoflec- tlve remedy they gave ever knowri. but peo- . plo everywhere are expressinifi their grntlflc« ‘ nation at. tho effectiveness of th a medicine C. G. Archer, or Brewer. Main, says: "I have had ontorrh for several years. Water would run from my e an and nose days at a. time. About! four men its use I was Induced to try Dr- Agnew s Catarrlml Powder. and since using the wondcrtul remedy I have not had an at- l tack. I would not be without it." It relieves in ten minutes. "H‘o reasons a circle." “Ahl Thatt account‘s for his arguments never comâ€" ing to an end.” . ’ Adams’ Ginger Boer RECIPE. Adams Extract - One bottle. Flolsclimunn'l Yeast - Ono bolt to one cake. Sugar Two pounds. Cream of Tartar One half ouncq Lukewarm Water - ‘ Two gallons. Dissolve the sugar, cream of tartar and you» in the water, Add ‘he extract. and bottle : place in a. warm place for twenty-four hours until ll fermrntrl, then p a -c on ice, when it. will open sparkling cool and delicious. The Rlnger boot I can .6 oh‘nlncd in all drug and grocery atom i in 10 cent bottle: to make two gallons. i “S . _ rm DOCTORS RECOMMEND '~â€"-â€" M LEAD PACKETS ONLY 250, ‘00, 500 8 600. Ceylon Tea. Splendid Equipment and good solid work have placed th‘ at the top. It I’lllfl more teachers. more students. and ID slats many more young men and women iut‘o politionl than any other Uaiiudlun Businou School. tact portion inn. Entermy tune. Write W. H. SHAW, Principal. DROUfilP EQNOE C011. 50:: or: lb aw r r... ,Dzrmciianam/xaA/MA'. The Brat and Cheapest ' [at (ancesfilufb hunthcsl‘ mo (.8 wttPniusm ‘ . Stun rnn‘CAniofiE CARRIAGE TOPS Whoa you buy a carriage mlk‘ sure that tho Top ha: a. Roller Cur- tain. Some un- SCH) ulo a do 1- am or t e n. o of a lltclo extra profit may try and sell you it common top. In- sist on h-vlu onboy Roller t. will at all time- ond under all con. ditionc 10 you sntlsfac on. FOR. crwnivr Yâ€"SEVEN YEARS. DUNN? BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIENB LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. 3 OP- A Ntvutiiima REMEDY For Weak and Inflamed Eyes, or Chronic Granulation of the Lids, Ulceration of the Glands. s.«â€"- an- by 5.11 Drug-guns- Models 22 and 23 “THE GOLD MEDAL WHEELS," CLEVELAND Price $75 The famous models that won the only gold medal at the Austrian Exhibition, and we pos itively guarantee them THE HIGHEST GRADE BlGYOLES IN THE WORLD LISTED 0R SOLD AT [£88 THAN 819 Bleveland Models 27, 28 and 29, Price $l00 Pronounced by exp cycle construction. ert mechanics to be the nearest attainable perfection in Call and inspect. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. H. A. LOZIER & 00., TORONTO; AGENTS WANTED IN UNREPRESENTED TERRITORY. w, donsolidated Mi RATHMU‘LLEN ning and Development Co. Ltd. (Incorporated under Imperial Act, Oct. 1862.) ‘0' The property at present owned by this company consists of a group or TWELVE MINERAL C AIMS bavtng a. combined are“ of about SIX HUNDRED acres 3 tuated in the great KETTLE RIVER MINING DIVISION of British Columbia. HARRY GAGER, Esg., M.E,, reports re~ garding this property : “I feel that I can tecommend In the highest and most posi- tive manner the property of this company as an opening for the investment ofcapital, it being certain to give in my opinion high. and permanent returns on the capital invested in its development. There are at least six well defined velns running through this property, varying in width from Sixi to One Hundred and Thirty-five feet in Width. The Rathniullen group will rank among the best as it is at present among the greatest in ex- tent of B.C. mining properties. MR. C. E. HUFP, M.E., of Spokane, ls most emphatic in his report. He says I “ I can say absolutely that in my opinion no better roperties exist in the Province of British qumbia, or claims more sure to repay the investment of heavy ca ital. than the above group owned by the all” mullen Con. Co. Ltd. I have examined this group closely, and my inveltlgation has brought me to the conclusion that at least Six of these Twalve Claims , Will make mines, while ore undoubt- edly will be found on every claim Wm.” in the group. I have not during my thirty years' experience in Western America examined a property that I can more em! phatically recommend as a safe Investment than the property ofthe Rathmullen Con. M. a. o. 00., Ltd., North Fork of Katie River, B.C. This Company possesses one o fthe most comprehensive charters ever issued to a Development C0,, and the interests of both the company all eruptions of the skin. 35 cents. ‘Holisonrâ€"“VVhat‘ do yoiu think of tho. part the PO‘VBI‘S are. playingr in tho Orotan problem?" Unisonâ€"“Think it's a sort of coutinluous performance." OUR. KOO’I‘ENAI MAP Is ‘25 inches long and 18 inches wide. 'l'limt tells the story. No spectacles or magnifying glasses needed. Our new edition gives all statistics to January ISL. 1897. tells how to locatei a mine, and gives a lot of other information. Call at Northern Pacific Ticket office, or write to Geo. \V. McCaskey, 83 York St. Toronto. or Thus. Henry, 128 St. JCLJDCS SL., Montreal. Miniature Fac-Stmile. and the shareholders are especially safe guarded by the articles of incor- poration issued to this company. The company has been bought out by practical miners who are giving their especial time and attention to the interest ofthe company. Ihavo been appointed Broker for the Rathmullen Con. Co. Ltd., whose stock I recommend with the utmost confidence. Treasury shared ABSOLUTELY NON-ASSESSABLE. Present Price talc per share, in.block.s of 100 and upwards. Subject to withdrawal or increase in price Without notice. Prospectus on application to WILLIAM 0. FOX, MINING BROKER. 2t ADELAIDE ST. EAST, TORfiNTO.

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