mmmmzmamw'ws -:.~-. \ - -. ~’~r. m , ~. or in {it Sigitoat his} "in... May 13m, 1897.1 .9 Dr. F. J. (lullaiiougli. V. 9., visits Richmond llill professionally lst “'ed- nesdav of month (Fair Day) from 10 0712:13idï¬lrd and 4th \Vedncsdays from 3 ‘o .3. Authorized Inspector of Dairy Cattle. Careful inspections gum-an ccd. I; (7)3 C A H 4 . Con!"- Iiichmond. A. O. 13., will meet Friday evening: of this week. Thrw ("hildreiis’ express wagons at cost at C. Mason‘s. Mr l‘eo. Trench. postmaster. East Torom paid a short visit in the v11- lage y 1» Unlc‘s lliccustomer is satisï¬ed we are not. Atkinson k Hiyitzei'. i:...â€".....;k;..’ .wiéiiosws'o. i-i. Little mid Ch is. ,lieisc took :1 spin to Richâ€" mond llill on \Vednesdaiy. Ask for what yoa don‘t. secâ€"it is prohabiy here. Atkinson t\' l‘i\\'lt7.(‘l'. Ahonr 100 trees wore planted in the Park a' .d other places in the Village on Frid i_v last, Arbor Day. Turnip and Manuel Seed at. lowest v 1 figures ll Atkinson é; Switzvr‘s. Mr. :nd Mrs. Ilf‘lli‘)’ F. Darrell of Toroni ». spent Tuesday eyeiiing with Mrs. iii-{tits brother. Mr. r. w. Garvin. “'e 11 um no one to lllly*(llll‘ goods are on. best salesmen. Atkinson 6; Switzci. The fligli School Entrance and Public ‘il'lllml Leaving examinations will coi iincnee on Monday, the 28th of June Seed. J'i‘nrnip.â€"_-\ large variety of Seeds »'1ic::pcr than Toronto prices. T’I‘duglll‘dl l!i'os., l‘llgiii Mills. Mi ('v‘mi'yin of Bi-oolllvn. N. Y.. ai-riu .i in the village iiiâ€"day io spend a niont'i with her hiother. Mr. F. \V. Garvin. Ther. is no test like a trial here, for wc are ici'c to please you. Atkinson & Swizz cr. A inc din}: of the Lacrosse Club will beheld in the Council (_‘lianilier this (Thurstay) ev ‘lllllg at 8 o'clock. A good at Lendzince is requested. Five Hintsâ€"Lard in lots of 20 lbs. or ovei 5c. per 1h. this Week. ha iglit- on ISI‘U‘*.. Elgin Mills. : 'Ville an'd Markham played a friendly lacrosse match on the grounds of the former last Saturday. Mark- liain “2.5 defeated by 3 to l. Our interest in you is not gauged by the amount of money you spend. At- kinson N Switzer. Toronto Junction Tribuneâ€"Mrs. Haï¬â€˜ey and (laughter and Mrs. Lealess of Richmond Hill, were visiting Mr. John Ilolden, junior, on Tuesday. Mr. F. XV. Garvin has removed his law ofï¬ce in this village to the tele- phone room, south-cast corner of Lorne Block. See change of card on page one. that you say when you go home we intend to make our best advertise- ment. Atkinson & Switzer. Dr. and Mrs. Godfrey and Mr. Skelton of Miinico, wheeled up to Mr. J. ‘V. Elliot’s on Saturday evening and returned home on the following after- noon. Rev. A. C. Crews, superintendent of Epworth Leagues, who preached in ;the Methodist Church last Sunday, -was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Hutchison. . Our customers are like the-revolving .shore lights, they go, but they come again. Atkinson & Switzer. The York District this year has been arranged by the Canadian Lacrosse Association to include the Clubs of the following places :â€" Richmond Hill, _ Aurora, Markham, Stoutfville and Tecumseh II. Miss Ettie Houghton’s orchestra and pupils gave a verysuccessful “musicale†at the Queen’s Hotel Hall, Thornhill, on Wednesday evening, May 12th. Everyone was delighted “with the .evening’s entertainment. The Newmai‘ket Era last week stated that a representative of the Metropol- iton Street Railway Co. was in that town soliciting the sale of bonds for the building of the road from Rich- .mond Hill to Newmarket. The regular meeting of the Junior 'Epworth League will be held in the schoolrooxn of the Methodist Church to-inorrow (Friday) at 4 o’clock. A short address will be given on The Treatment of Dumb Animals. Mr. J. 0. Steele of Newton Brook, i l was in the village on Tuesday with his ' new road planer, and showed some good work on the park track, and on some of the back streets. The mem- bers of the council andothers who saw the work were well pleased with it. At a. meeting of the Fire Brigade on Monday evening, a communication was read from N ewmarket inviting our ï¬remen to take part in a. ï¬remen’s tournament to be held in that town on Dominion Day. The invitation was accepted. " The. Il.}I.F.B.C‘. held a meeting on May the limb and elected the follow-. iiigoï¬iccrs for the. coming Season :a (Tcpirzin. l". Lyons: President, H. Iii)t)})(‘!': Vice President. )1. Benson: .‘-3ccrt-t;sr~ 'l‘i'castu'ci'. (‘. llall. ('oin- mittnc of Management. 11. GloVer, J. llrowii. H. Brown, 1“. llooper. Just to hand a. fresh shipment. of Malwa, Atkinson & S‘.viizci"s special package (‘cylon Tea Blue Label at. 15c. package, extra value. (‘ourtsof Revision for revising the Assessment. ltolls of Richmond Hill, Vaughan and Markham townships will he held in the usual places of meeting: on \Vcdncsdey the Ztith of May. All parties interested are re- quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Dr. J. T. Melili‘oy. Y. S... has good puséurc t1 ir a limited number of horses on his farm just above the l‘llgin Mills. known :is the llciiiard farm. This is one of l he \‘ei-y hi st, pasture farms in ' count _v. ’1‘hci~ci.~::t running sti-cam =lrcst of water, llH‘l’l' me lots of A ti'cv and there are no wire fcnccson the place. lllll'.\(‘.\' sent for Il‘isliU‘i‘“'111lit‘lliiilt‘i'ili" spa-vial care of Mr. falciflioy, who will treat lame- ness and other (lis‘camtx’ scicntilicully. 5. Having prices and high qualities are ï¬rmly linked together at Atkinson (V Switm-i‘s. Herc are Some links for this week. Seven bars \Vondei'tul Soap for 27w. the hit: 1211*. bur Hoop forlllc. Dado “'indow Shades coni- ,chc for ZISc. 1 (1oz host spools for .‘lllc. 1(lHZ. good largo sweet Oranges for il'lc. i don. large Lemons for 15c. 5 cans liond (‘orii i‘or 25c. good (‘nlifornia Ap- ricots for Se. pci'iti. 6 bars thtl‘ Laundry Soap for 2351‘. ll ills. (told llust (‘orinncnl for Z'ic. :xpi-i'itll improved Globe wash board for llic. A iiumberof 1111' members of Rich- nioud Lodge drove to Aurora on Fl‘l- day («wining and spcnt :l plcnszlni time with the Mzisoiiic trait-ruin iii liisiiigz Hun Lodge. The l). 1).“. .ll.. ll. \\’. Bro. Aubrey \Yhitc, paid his ollieial visit on the abch occasion. and several Grand Lodge oï¬'icci-s and many (lis- tinguishcd Masons Wi-i'o present, among whom were lion. E. J. Davis. and )1 T. 11. lsi'uiiton. G.T:iii, ll. Allan. One hundred and ten per- sons sat down to 'l bnnpr-t to which 15. the town council wore invited. Mr. I). .r\. Rddcliil‘c. \V. 31., lu'l‘siilcll. \Vhai every lady .\'lllIlllllIDf7‘\\'.Â¥F01‘ 15 years the New “'illiams Sewing Machine has given perfect satisfaction. It is made to wearâ€"of case hardened steel hearings and rollers. The longer the New \Vlllinllls is in use the better it gets, lighter running instead of heavier. quieter instead of noisier. The New \Villiams costs more whole- sale than any other sewing machine 'L’Jlil'l. manufactured and it is worth more as it will last a lifetime and does not. get out, of order so often as cheap machines. Buy no other. \V. J. Clark, Concord, sole agent for Vaughan. (a) IT‘S A GIRL ! The Virginia. correspondent in last Week's T~Tewmarket Em said that Rev. G. L. Powell of Sutton. mav be heard singing,r the following ' while attendingto his daily in: Oh, st 1' the bells a ringing And fire off your guns, Blow your trumpet inside out, And hang your biggest di unis ; If anyone should ask you The cause of all this whirl, You can tell them I’m the father Of a bouncing baby girl. FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT. The Queen’s Birthday will be. loyally celebrated at ‘Veston by the Amateur Athletic Association of that place. The important feature of the day is to be a grand Football Tournament for which a $30 prize is oi’fered. Teams intending to compete. should corre- spond with the secretary at an early date and obtain full details. balance of the programme will consist ofalong list of athletic events for which valuable prizes will be given. EPXVORTH LEAGUE. The last literary entertainment of the season in connection with the Epworth League will be held in the School Room of the Methodist Church on Friday evening of this week. A very interesting programin has been arranged, among the selections being the followingâ€"Piano Solo; Essay on Shakespeare by Miss B. Redditt; Vocal Solo, Miss Ethel Switzer; Duct, Mr." and Miss Glass; Readii r, Balcony Scene from Romeo and J u iet by Mr. F. H. Kirkpatrick; Clarjonet SoLo, by Mr. E. Mason; Militzu-y Drill with orchestra. accompaniments; Vocal Solo by Mr. A. J. Hume; Reading, King Henry V’s wooing, by Mr. Kirkpatr. rick. There Will be no collection asked, but the box will be at the door for those who wish to drop in a. nickel. Those who attend may expect a rare treat at this last literary evening of the season. ,_ BOARD OF" EDUCATION. The Board of Education met ‘Ved- nosday afternoon; all the members Werepresent. An open letter was. read,'signedby Messrs. . ‘Freek and J. Einpringhaun. expressing their disapproval of the Board expending a. large sum of money for the erection of a- new High School. 03119. secretary read an agreement Signed by Matthew McNair as executor for the Hopkins estate, binding himself to sell to the board the lot on the corner of Yonge and Wright Streets, and buildings thereon, for $1000, less $165 raised by subscription, the offer to hold good until July 1st. Dr. HutchisOn suggest- ed the advisability of Mr, McNair resigning as school trustee, in order that litigation would not be possible. Motions were afterwards carried, rescinding the resolution asking the council to grant $1,500 and asking for $3000 for High School purposes. The. I pagerclalii‘e to hinders, mowers and hoiserakes, a. full line of which will be exhibited at the Spring Fair here on the 24th of May. RELIGIOUS LITERATURE. So many of the publications of H. L. iiigs has been in the publishing" business, he has issued about eight hundred tons of religious literature,- hcsides many tons of llllllt'N and good books which have been bought, :old and distributed. l FARMERS INSTI’I‘UTEN. ‘ Mr. F. \V. Hodson. filipci-iiitciidcni of: Farmers†Institutes, has issued not ices for the annual meeting of Hit" l4‘nrmcrs’ Institutes of Ontario. The date for these meetings is Tutsdny. June 1, commencing at l p. m. in each district. Full information is given in ‘ the circular as to theinziiiiici' in which [11" annual meeting is to hemu-i-iwd on. llcl'..rc lésilti, the circular ohscrvcs. the (.‘oycriimciit grant to each institute wusdcpcndcnt on the report ht‘lll to Hi» Department of Agriculture :11 the close of the year. It now dc pends on the rcport given :it the. :‘nniril im r~i-. iii::. :1 copy of which lllll>t i'cacli tin- l‘iiip‘d'llilt'llflvnt not later than June 2o, 1:497. 0n Dccclnbcr ill. ism), Hu- toial institute IllOlIll'H‘l‘f‘lilp ol' the Province was 11,020; June ill) lMl’S the. membership was 12.3% :nllhougli only four months of this year have clnpwd. the membership on May I was ] "7' From December 1. 1855. to .‘i f.’ 1. l :ibont. N) institute ll‘it‘rllllflfh' were held, the various SPSHith of which wnrn attended by ll(l,75\:pi;i<oii.~:. 'l‘he deli-gates Rent. oiit by the depart men? delivered 2.]33 mhli‘t'sst s. and 1m :vl lllt‘ll 5'32. making the total number of addresses delivered (lui in;~ this pui'iwtl OUR SPRING EXIl lltl'l‘ltï¬l. The following is taken from tl'v‘ posters which are being distributed this Week announcing the annual ~‘l‘i'iin: exhibition and concert :w The llichuioud Hill and Yong†i'iticcl Agricultural Society will hold its nual spring exhibition in 1111' tll'lVill'h’ park. Richmond llill, on Monday. May 21th. 1807, when awards will be g‘l‘H-ll for Horses. Cattle Sheep. Swine, l’oulti‘y. Dairy Produce, indies’ \Vork, (ii-:iiii. (Va. amounting to nearly $1000. ‘1 i’lll‘st‘s of $60 each will he oti’crcd l'oi' ‘ ’ :inopcn and a. 2.50 trot or pace, in addition to prizes for farmers“ trot and running,r race. Also Bicyclo rat-cs niiderC. \V. A. rules. At 10 o‘clock sharp a. football tournanent will take place. First competition open to all. for which $16.50 in cash or goods will be given ; second competition open to , junior teams for a prize of $5.50 in cash or goods. Other Sports consist- innr of Foot-racing, Jumping. &c., will take place in the afternoon. The Ancient Order of Foresters of Toronto, under the auspices of Court Clinton, No. 7670', will rim an excursion chr the Metropolitan St. Ry. to Hi inioiid , llill, for whom special sports will be provided. Richmond Hill band will In, .11 attendance. In the evening a Grand Concert will be given in the Agricultural Hall, for which the fol- lowing excellent array of talent has been secured: W. E. Ramsay and Harry Rich, the two popular comedi- ans from the Merryâ€"making School; Miss Florence M. VVright, Cl’iampion Lady ball-thrower and club swinger of America, serio-cornic Vocalist and Mundolinist; Miss Constance Falls. lililiiOI’OllS Elocutionist and dramatic Hastings of Boston have been reviewed > in these, columns that our readers may ‘ ' - be interested to learn that during: the ', '1 thirty-two years in which Mr. llasiâ€" 35" reciter; Mrs. W. E. Ramsay, musical directress. The entertainment to conclude. with a. screaming farce coin- cdy by the inerrymakers. BIRTHS. Runnyâ€"At, Richmond Hill, on May 0th, the wife of Thos. Riley of a. daughter. LEGGE â€"At dichmonil Hill. on May 11th, the wife 0: Jas. Legge, of a daughter. DEATHS ARNOLDâ€"At Nashville, 9th concession oi Vaughan, on Saturday. the 8th of May. Samuel J. Arnold, Reeve or Vaughan, in the 49th year of his age. iYoiirs for Pearly Teeth. GOOD SETâ€"Or TEETH FOR $5.00, And guaranteed for ï¬ve years against accident and-breakages. Painless exâ€" traction free of charge. All opera» tions are (painless and are performed by the ai of electricity. Special at tention to crown and brid re. work. My charge is $5.00 a. toot i. Comâ€" fortable. apartments modernly ap~ pointed. H. A. GALLOVVAY, Surgeon Dentist. ' N. E. cor. Queen & Yonge Sts., Toronto. tinruutu minimize. PRICES AT FARMEBS' WAGGONB. Wheat, white. per bush 8 0 '77 s O 78 Wheat. red, per bush .. 0 '76 0 77 Wheat, goose, per bus 0 64 0 no Oats. pet bush ..... 0 24 (l 2.3 Peas, per bush 0 43 0 4d Barley. per bush 0 26 0 00 Turkeys, per lb ........ 0 11 c 12 Dressed Hogs. per :wt. 5 50 6 75 Geese, per lb .......... 0 US 0 C9 Chickens. per pair. 0 30 u 50 Ducks.per pair . 0 40 0 80 Butter, in pound roll 0 15 0 16 Eggs, fresh 0 1.; 0 0 Potatoes, per h 0 ,30 0 00 Apples, per bbl' . 0 40 1 50 flay,clover 00 0 00 Hay. timothy . .. 1?. (.0 13 75 Straw, shenl.... . 700 7 50 Sub scribe tor- The LIBERAL- Wain/AV .L J ha Who has the expense of 451‘. . ' maintaining a. family ful- Warm, ..- a; d», 137 realizes the import- ., . ance of saving on the necessities of life and right here comes our strong hold with shrewd people. a a. a.†. thiflï¬ï¬li . l g-rtc‘ ml . ,2 that, râ€"rrn-zu: v. t u. ‘3f3N“.‘.\r q: a .g-w . d». iï¬â€™irf.‘ “.5 », a J: ,. as - "9?? I, K, ,-;n5§’"2 We are showing a ï¬ne stock of SPRING a SUMMER liltll SEW SETS & SHGES Of the latest styles and reliable fl in quality. We ï¬t any kind of feet! Kt, it '2‘.“ “Ea Broad or thin feet, narrow or plump feet, long or short teet, high or low ‘ instep. Call and examine the stock. No trouble to show goods. You will ï¬nd the prices right. †Spring Goes THE TROO GROCERY STOCK COMPLETE GLASSWARB AN D _ [CRO’C’KER’Y A Large Assortment. ZJSAAC CROSBY.