Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 May 1897, p. 7

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Ell-JOY LIFE A. ' THEY OUGHT. Mu: m milernbla weuk Ind sickly and sufler untold m‘III’iOI through ailmanu pecul- lnr Io their 19:. ' IT IS WRONG. Moat Ill them ill: ro- uul: from womb trouble 0! some son. No we- man can rennin we“ or u! who men IILES' (Gem) VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Mlloe' Sanatlve Wash. M750 and 250. For sale by all Drum“, In:an vltgmhlnnd onggq, 9nd nah m. . .h _-.. ...-, For Constipation take Earth's Clover Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures Headache, Nervousness, Erup- tions an the Face, and makes the head clear as a. bell. Katxuo Hatoyama, a graduate of Yale. in the class of '78. has been elected Speaker of the Japanese Parliament; ShLLOh's Consumption Cum cures where others faih. It is the leading Cough Cure, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the not. BUNCOED. The elephant hruunpetted luudly. \Vharc's tbs tumble? adked the chirmr papzee._ Somebody's worked mm shell game on me, replied the hyderm, as he threw away the, bag 0 empty peanut shells which had just been handed to him. The most popular picture in London shop windows now are those of Cecil Rhodes and Dr. Nansen. 6 inch to 5 (set, trunsplanted. 2 cent: to 40 cents no): no- cording to size. finest stock in Cumin Bushy. atom tron with good root: and right color, sure to grow and please. I'd like to see a sunoessful flyihg ma:- chine invented. Oh‘, the_b«iowcfle is a. good emough fly- im'g mmbme for me. That to runove corns. warts. bunions in a, few days, all that is required is to apply the old and well-tested corn cureâ€"Putnam's Painless Corn Extrac‘ tor. Sure, safe, painless. Putnam's Corn Extractor makes no sore spots ihard to heal, acts quxo‘kly and painless» 15' on hard and. sofitl coma. Austrian Pine 15 to 36 inch, Scotch Pine same aizu. Swill Pines. Arbor-Vines of sons. Hemlocka, White Spruce 18 inch to 4 feet, Junipon, kc. Shippcd safely to any distance. Tn: LESLIE NUB!IRIIS, Queen Street Em; City China. 4 Inmbard St. Toronto. 60th year. Hle was brought back to T6119 Haube. and aftbr a most sensational trial was sent to the penibentiary for ten years, If he lives until November. 1898, he will be (released on amount of neduotion of time for good behavior. The probe»- bilities are, howevar. that he will survivn but a. few months at furth- Musgrravb, then filed. to St. P3411]. but, foolishly‘wvrote to the woman, andha. Delilah lbke. tn‘nmd the letter (Net to fiche officers. enabling them to arrest mum”, u...” .. ._, WWW»... Musgnrave returned to Chicago g’ud sought to diagume hflmsalf by 0010111ng his hair, raising a. beard. and alteymg his appearance in every may posslbde. and kept in Elia female accomâ€" plime attempted to oollwt the polioias made to her. but the insurance com- panies rejected the claims amd put the matter in the hands of detectiivea. who arnesfied the woman. and succeeded in sleggmmg a co'gfhm'ngy flung bar 1‘ u L”; llusgrave the Once Famous Insurance Swindler, Passing Away in lndlana'l Penitentlnry. Benjamin EL Museums. who was sent to the Jefferson, Ind., pelndtentiaryfor trying to defraud insurance companies. is dying. He was an Englishman by blirth and a. spendthrift by nature. Hiav'ing squandered all of his inherib- anon, he resorted to various schemes to raise money to maintain his extrava- gant mode of living. After travelling extensively he lo- cated temporarin at C’hinwgo and en- gaged in the brokerage businesa, but A K. of R wath charm. with the letters "B. R. Musgxrave.“ was found on the breast-bones at the smmched skeleton. But as no buttons ocrtraoa of clothing} and not a vmtige of flesh could be discovered. the tents of the avgipdle were grimly appagppt. ’ ‘ him made no money, and, becoming deep- ly involved, deteu'mined to mine a raise at the expense of insurance oom- paniea Havfing become enamoured with Kate Burton; hp took. her into the scheme, and insured his life for 3&000 in Saw- eu different complmias. Three ‘afbhe policies wane payable do the sedtuxntive Kate, amounting to $15,000. The other four policies; calling for $20,000, were made out in fav'pr of his mother. Another accomplice was thaales Trout, who aided Musgravp in procur- ing a. skeleton of Pmbns. & 00., of St. LouiLst corresponding in size to his own stature. and which he carried in a large vanse from Chicago to an old deserted cabin in the vicinity of Terra Hggtellnm. m .. 4,; "$175 Em]th fou' Ttourt 00 come gun lrrmg a number of former apquaugt- ancas from Term Haunts to wan: bum im‘ his retreat; in ordbr that they might be able to subsequently mow has presence at the cab'm when the further Mans oi the conspiracy would cultminate. That might the cabin was bummed. and the next (135' Trowt call- ed attention to the 011de bones of the skeleton that. had been removed [rom the "Miss and plaice-d on thargde bad to indicate that at human balm; had Weld in the mysterioug ffiirg.‘ Impanvlniny sud cumin. Ga nah ‘ho a or m " “other Sex" wgrth living. Expluntory :mphln. 'Womuzl Mullah." fun on Appliu on. “A. M. C." HEDICINE (20.. 578 St. Paul 51.. Montreal. flaky” oxyreuod to w ndduu on may, IIILES' (0am) VEGETABLE GOMPOUND and Mlloa’ Sanatlve Wash. .812]!me 1°: “1° P7 a“. Drum.“- 25,000 NORWAY SPRUCE OTHER EVERGREEN TIEEB. A DYING CONVICT. DON‘T FORGET SATISFIED. Mon :11 these ills ro- am: from womb tronhlo a! some :06. No we- man csn ninth nut or 111 who une- a mlnernbla sickly Ind dd m‘urinl tigue or strain attaches to it at all; that it: is more recreation as it were. This is not his exact language but it conveys the idea. In better lan- guage than the \Vessex peasant uses, he maintains precisely the same theoryI namely, that: writing is just sitting down an! writing, and not doing any- thing at all. a literary man taking the View of the \Vessex peasant on the question of brawn vs. brain. Tolstol in one of his tales of Russian peasants. takes just this View. He contends that it is ab- surd to call head work by that name; that no layer. or mental pr podin fa.- BRAVVN VS. BRAIN. The man who labors with his hands is given to thinking that the brain worker’s work is no work at all. The latter. on his part. is given to main- taining that his work is more fatigu- ing and Wearing than manual labor. Mortality statistics do not bear out this idea, since the average of longevity is higher among professional men and statesmen than among the masses. Nev- ertheless it is curious and rare to find King Oscar, of Sweden. .is said to be an ardent student of the higher branch- es of mathematics. Stop that Cough! Take warning. It may lead to Camsumption. A 25c. bot- the of Shiloh‘s Cane may save your life. of"1894 I had been feeling unwell. I did not speak toanyone about it, for I was (1ng toschool and was afraid it I sai anything about it to my parents the would keep me at home. I kept get ing worse, and at last grew so nervous thatI could not hold my penâ€" cil. My right side was affected most, though the trouble seemed to go through my whole system. In Janu- ary Iwas so bad that I had to dis- continue going to school, and II was constantly growing worse. I could not use my hands, because I would let everithineg drop. and fre- quently when attempted to walk, I would fall. My brother had been ail- ing for a. long time and was then using Dr. VVilliams' Pink. Pills and getting better, so Ithought as they were help« ing him so much they would bea good medicine for me. Before the first box was done I was feeling much better, and after using the Pink Pills for about a month, my health was fully restored. It is now: more than a year since I discontinued the use of the pills, and I have not had the slightest tram of the malad since. I am satis- fied Dr. Williams’ lnlk Pills saved me frbm a life of misery. and I fibufi stro 137 recommend them for nervous troub es. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills create new blood. build up the nerves. and thus drive disease from the system. In hundreds of cases they have cured aft- er all other medicines had failedo thus establishing the claim that they are a. marvel among the triumphs of modern medical science. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the full trade mark. “Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People." Protect yourself from imposition by refusing any pill that does not bear the regis- tered trade mark around the box. The readers of this paper will be plensed to learn that there is at leut one dreaded disease (bet science has been able to cure in all its teges. and that is Caturrh. Holl’e Oateth Gun is the only positive cure known to the medicsl fraternity. Ceterrb being a constitu- ional disease. requires constitutional treat- ment. Hell's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. let-i112 directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of the s stem, thereby destroying the foundation 0 the disease. and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative owers. that they oifer One Hundred Dollars or any case that t fails to cure, Send for list of testimonials. Mrs. Langtry possesses a. dressing bag which is. perhaps, the costliest of its kind. It is adorned with gold and jeweled fittings and cost $7,500. Nervousness is the frequent cause of much misery and suffering. One of the effects of this breaking uxp of the nerves. particularly among young peo- ple. being chorea or St. itus dance. A correspondent tells ofa. oung lad at Selby who was badly af licted with this trouble. Hie sayszâ€""I never saw anyone suffering so badly before from nervous disorder. She was violently jerking and twitching all the time, and could not use her right hand at all. Anything she would try to pick upwith it would instantl fall. When she would attempt to wa k. her limbs would twist and turn. the ankle often doubling down and throwing her. Lately heard that she had been cured. but doubted the truth of the statement and went out to see her. The state- ment proved quite true. and believing that a recital of the facts of the case would be of advantage to some one who might be similarly suffering. I asked permission to make them known, which was readily granted. The young lady is Miss 11'. M. Gonyou. a general favorite among her acquaint- ances. and it is thought that her trouble, as is not infrequently the case. was brou ht on by hard study in School." issGon en gave the follow- ing‘gtzitginent:_â€"' All‘ through the__fall A Young Glrl'o “to for a Time Made fill- crableâ€"Conld Not [Jae Ilen- llnndn and Found It lumen]: to Wall â€"â€" Ilenlth Restored. From the Napanee Express. Hard Study in 801100] BRINGS ON A SEVERE ATTACK 03' ST. VITUS' DANCE. Address. Ff G. CHENEY 8a 00., Toledo, 0. Sold by Drugglata, 75c. Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. $100 REWARD $100. Canadian Typographé‘onhtd. Its Bearings are dust and oil Is oiled but once a year. Will last a lifetime. Get a. catalogue. RY HMS agency Narviline [a made to Memte to film most remote nervp â€"â€"ev bane, muscle and ligament ls n‘gnde o feel its benefioent owar. Ner- v11ine is a, wonderful resme_y, pleasant to even the youngest child. yet so powerfully far readlfing in istox‘k that the most agonizing gnternaJ qr ex- ternal pain yields as If by magxo. A great cure Ind a. great teatimon : " For ten years I anfi'ered greatly from ear: Dis. ease. Flattering of the Heart and Smotherin Spelll, made my life A torment. I was confineg to my bed. Dropey set in. M physician told me to Erepare for the worst. tried Dr. Ag- new'a arm for the Heartâ€"One dose gave me great relief. one bottle cured the Dropsy and my heart."â€"Mrs. Jun. Adams. Syracuse. N. Y. Indian Agentâ€"“Well.- w‘hat do you wan-t now ?" Pour Loâ€"“Want to change pony for, bika, hug’h." , Omwlln . or Stinginw Skin Disease Ro- liev in a. Few Minutes b Dr. A3- new‘s Ointmentâ€"Price 86 outs. Dr. Agnew'a Ointment relieves Instantly and cures tether. salt rheum. scald head at; lama, ulcers. blotohea, and a." eruptions of the skin. It is sopthlpg and quiecgnqE a‘qd any lgko Sprmkeltâ€"“Did your wife run into amt-hing when she first got [her 3:113:31?” Bloomemâ€""Yes; she ran into bt." "But you said able sang beautifully " “No. I didn't." "Wlhat dld you say? "I said she was a beautiful singer." 3:163; 313' Fifi? EEnEAI'ix-abauon or tlié no?J p or rashes during mobbing time. 86 cent. a ox. Adams Eur-ob - - Ono bottle. Flolaohmann‘l You. - On. In" no on oaks. Sugar - - - Two pounds. Crenm of Tartar - - One half ounce, Lukewnrm Wgtnr - - Two ggllons, Dluolvo the sugar. cream of mm!- and you: In the wnter add theextrnct, And homo; vim In a warm Rhea for twenty-four hours unul n hrmcnts, b en 9150a on ice, when in will open spurklinq, cool and daltolour. 'l‘he ginger boot can be obtained Ln all drug wd grocery «or. u. 10 gent home- to nuke two canons. Buffalo. N.Y.â€"â€"Gents:â€"From my per- sonal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Shilob's Cure in cases of advanced Consumption, I am pre- fixed to say it is the most remarkable medy that has ever been brought to my attention. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. The King and Queen of Wurtemberg' upd the Princess Pauflina have become bmyclists m POWER OF ELECTRICITY; WHAT DR. A. E. SALTER SAYS This in a. word, is expressiva of the reputation enjoyed by the Dropsy Cured With One Bottle. ITOHINO, BURNING, CREEPINO‘ MANUFACTURED BY THE WINDSOR, ON '1‘. Adms' Ginger Beet BIOIPI. THE TRUE. SIGN]. W.P.C 868 FELBPHONF 216]. DOCTORS RECOMMEND â€"â€" Ceylon Tea. kw‘o'if‘fi'i $1?" All application for stock, subject to increase in price, to be made to WILLlAM C. FOX, Mining Broker, mmnmm "6.. 21 Adelaide St. E., Toronto. It is surrounded by several of the best known Mines in Rat Portage District, namely, the Sultana, Pine Portage, Norway, Triumph, and the Haycock, and only 7 miles from Rat Portage with every facility for economical working. i The Company is formed on a business basis, only $500,000 and the Treasury stock is nearly one half. 190,00q shares only of Treasury stock (Fully paid and Non-assess- able) 15 bemg offered, proceeds to be used for purchasing necessary Machinery. Stamp Mill, etc. This stock is going well. If you are looking for something safe and Sure. BUY NOW. These shares will soon be PAR, for the Sweden will be a SURE DIVIDEND PAYER. “SAMBA” And a sure dividend payer. It has allrthe necessary buildings, Board- ing House. Blacksmith Shop, Shaft House, etc. Three shafts, on. nearly 100 ft. deep. 5 large veins already opened up, all rich free mill- ing quartz, which is being taken out and placed on the dump ready for Stamp Mill. In snares of $1.00 each. Fully paid and Non-assessable. Sweden Geld Mine E THECOOK’S Bis TRIEN‘B -_...-.._ a . FOB TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. A WORKING MINE, the more worfifimfifike brighterfi Busy wives who use SAP Q L! 0 ngng seem to grow old.Try o. caukcaou a- Groeon omen lubstllnto cheaper good. for SAPOIJO. to mnko I better prom. Send Incl: Inch mlolaa. wt mum on having Jul: w“ you ordered. A complete wreck of domestic happiness has often resulted from badly washed dishes, from an unclean kitchen, or from triflel which seemed light as air. But by these things a man often judges of his wife’s devotion to her family, and charges he:- with general neglect when he finds her careless in these particulars. Many a home owe! a large part of its thrifty neatness and its consequent happiness to SAPOLIO. THE FOLLOWING TELEGRAM HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED : "Struck rich body of ore. AVERAGE assays Forty One Dollars, Lancesr'SALE m CANAEA" fl 1 \\\\uu ~""'m.,,/IZ// 50mg vaz§§ ' Capital Stock, $500,000. PRACTICAL MANAGEMENT. (Signed) CHAS. E. CARBERT. Hotel St. Charles. Finest Hotel on the Coast. Directly on the Bach. Bali) and Fresh Wgcer in Every Bath Write to: Booklet. I. 0. "JAN, JAM“ B. RUBY, Hangar. Propan w Inn-warn“; gamut Skin runtguo’sfie mo cumming my B Secy. Sweden Gold Mine." ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. £325}? p vi’ILii'eEE'a'HEB'éa‘Fa'i‘T' msxmmiml QRWW" @ME C0. 1:2 «unit “(Mama

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