New Advertisements. ' Elie glitz-MM. 4. RICHMOND HILL, Jime 3rd,i1l‘$9 THE LIQUOR QUESTIOY. Last Saturday‘s Globe gontained a second letter from Mr. 11‘. S. Spence, secretary of the Dominion Alliance, bearing on the liquor and revenue question. Mr. Spence does not seem to fear the loss of $8,000,000, which 'amount is said to be derived every year as revenue from the liquor trafï¬c, and which will not be collect- ed in case that prohibition is made the law of the land. The above ampunt seems a large sum, but Mr. openee argues that the annual loss through the consumption of liquor and other indirect losses is $140,000,- 000. The writer’s claim is that all the outlay in strong drink is sheer waste, and that the country is poorer to the extent of the money invested. Mr. Spence proposes to write another letter in which he will suggest some method of meeting the temporary deï¬cit that prohibition would at ï¬rst cause in our annual revenue. There are those who are inclined to censure the Government for their proposition to connect the question of revenue with the taking of the pleb- iscite vote. “’e think, however, that the electors are entitled to know just what they are voting for, and we favor Mr. Spencc’s method of enâ€" deavoring to show how the deï¬cit may be made up. According to the Toronto World the new tariï¬â€˜ of the Laurier Govern- ment is meeting with much favor in England. The London Times ed- itorially says :â€"-" The scheme is simple and ingenious, while its resemblance to the Davies proposal 0f1892 proves that it is no hasty. invention to dish the irate Conserva- tives. While not saying that all possible objections have been met, we do say that- he (Laurier) has made out a strong case for his pro- posals,and even should he be defeated on technical grounds, they will none the less have assisted enormously the ultimate solution of the problem.- Whatever their fate, they constitute by far the most important and effect ive contribution ever made to the commercial uniï¬cation of the Em- pire.“ the best thing'for money making you have seen for many a day. Your name and address will bring the golden information. R. P. GLASGO‘V, Toronto, Ont. Our High School. To the Editor of THE LIBERAL: N ow that the question of site for the proposed H. S. is settled let us see how much our village is to be burdened by assuming the responsibility of securing site, erecting the buildihg and equipp- ing the same. At their meeting on Tuesday the council passed a by-law for the obtain- ing of the sum of $3000 without an ap- peal to the people, who no doubt would have answered in the afï¬rm- ative and so have saved the expense of a corporate vote. The council have secured the money at four and a half per cent., all the necessary writings to be done in trans- fer free of expense to us, a rate much below and an advantage obtainable but by few municipalities. The de- bentures to be issued by the council are to extend over a. period of thirty years. Let us see What it will cost us collectively and individually as a mu- nieipality. Our assessment last year was $160,- 600. At 4% per cent. for 30 years, col- lectively we shall yearly pay the sum . of $184.17. '1 his will be one and one- tcnth mills on each thousand dollars, or $1.15 on each thousand of assess- ment. Or in other words if I am as- sessed for one thousand dollars it will cost me one dollar and ï¬fteen cents a year for the purchase, erection and equipment of the High School. If I am assessed for $500 it will cost me ï¬fty-eight cents. empty my pocket to the extent of twenty-three cents each year, amounts 1 so small that but for the agitation the majority felt the levy. Included in the above is the cost of itl‘e He kins lot. How much would be $1 .:; by building on the old lot or on the park ? Should the Board of Education pay the whole ot'the price, 1 for a trip through the 1" t'l‘ll . nothing, and it may i am just starting, If for $200 it Will’ of us would scarcely have: $1000, which they will not. the levy annually on $1000 of; _,sessrnent would be about 35 cents, on $500, 10 cents, on $200. 8 cents. Suit-1y in View of So small an outlay the Board of Educa- tion showed their wisdom in selecting a silo free from all surrounding annoyâ€" anws and capable of improvmnent as. the years roll on. Small, however. as the call will be. there is no cause for anx1- cty. It is said charity begins at home. That is just where it is: proposed to start. The council has at its disposal the balance of the Municipul Loan Fund (h-voled for school purposes the sum of $800. If this is ultlizm’l and a draft made on it as each \ early pay~ inrnt falls duo, it wills \‘I‘ :huraieâ€" payers from dipping tln‘ii ands into their pockets for the next five years. in the creel ion of the High School recently burned. in 1875. the villagzc raile in a single levy in one year the sum of $1100. yet we survived. I do not think that the pr: sent proposition to raise annually the sum (-1 :;£i.\4.17 on an assessed value of $100,000, which may be greatly increased. is going to prove very disastrous or shorten to any extent our existence as a. munici- pality. Apart from ‘11 n; of thr- acctintimidation in . the statute. the High t-iehool has nvvm' born a. heavy burden to us. Hz'orts o" our children have been t-zlumtt d iln-a v- in. It gives prestige to the village, and every loyal (-itixen should be anx- ious to sustain it. \VM. il.\niuso.\'. Richmond Hill, June 2nd. lHilT. â€"ooaaâ€"_‘-â€" A New edition of “Queen Victoria " now ready. Enlargmlithirt y-l wo full pug“ plates added. Ilv-nl history of the Queen and Victorian Era. publish- ed. The only (‘anadian book nI-r'opiotl by Her Majesty. Snle enormoln: canvassers knockng Iln-l»o1n:nloutof all records. Easy to make $310 Weekly from now until Diamond Jubilee. Par- ticulars free. TH E BRADLEY- IAH- Rli'l'HUN (‘O., L'TD. Toronto, Ont. -â€"â€"-â€"o¢-9-â€"â€"â€"-_ Vaughan. An interestingevent took place at the residence of Mr. llmn y (.‘i ' the popular assessor for the v. i stern part ofthc township, on the 23th of May. when Miss Flora t‘: on. niece of Mrs. ( Wightmi was in; ml to Mr. Josiah Ross of Bull'alo, N. Y. Rev. T. )leLacklan of Bolton otiiciatcd. only a few of the 1‘('l.!ll\’+‘.\‘ zin'l immed- iate friends being prvn‘n‘d. The newly- marricd couple left the rum“ evening States. ‘Nr. Robert Fletcher, 1d (26 years. died at the resident'n of his brother Edward, 0th concession. on Friday last. Deceased was interred in the Methodist cemetery. Voodhridge, on the following Monday. Winn a large number followed the remains to the grave. Michael Oster's will has been probati- cd in the Surrogate (onrt. The exerutorsare his two nephews. “Vil- liam and James Gster and Thomas Cook. The realty amounts to $5,750, and the personally $1.102. The whole is left to the wife and childrrn. B er Nlujesty 0nd Jubilee Carries “Queen Victoria, llcr life and Reign,†into every home. Persons who never sold books take orders fast. Preface the most eloquent of Lord Dutferin’s achievements. No book so highly praised. “Ce need more can- vassers. Easy to make $15 to $30 a. week. Books on time. Prospectus free to canvassers. A trial will cost till your empty pocket book. THE BRADLEY-GAR- RETSON 00., L’TD, Toronto, Ont. â€"0- King Township Oounci King Council met at Kcttlcby on May 251th. The following accounts were passed : Joseph Billings, salary for 1 month, .Yonge 55‘s.. $25; .1. C. Stokes, re. new school section. $2; H. Proctor, post cards, $1.10; Nixon Gan-row, repairing 4th con., $3.75; John Challon, blade for road machine, $8; John Ireland, repairs to Laskay bridge, $14.09 ; VV. J. W'ells, postage, $4; Jas. Kaalte, re- pairs to south town line, $8; James Ireland, repairs to 7th con., $11.50 ; G. T. R., freight, 45o; Chas. Blake, re- pairs to 2nd con., $0; A. Shanks, ~re- pairs to 4th con., $1 ; \V. Harma‘h, labor re. survey. 8th con., $1 ; \V. H. Tew, repairs to 5th con., $11.50 ; Zenas Black, balance of salary and postage, as assessor, $21.25; Geo. Norman, bal- ance of salary and postage. as assessor, $21 ; E. Tatton, repairs to 6th con., $11 : Jos. W iison, repairs to 5th con., $2.00. Leggeâ€"Armitagcâ€"that this council engage R. Hannah to operate road machine, he to furnish man and team besides himself, and to be paid $4 per da for each day of 10 hours he works. a larried. McCutcheonâ€"Armitageâ€"that this council allow during summer season for work on highway 25 cents per hour for man and team, and 10 cents per hour for man.-â€"â€"Ua.rried. Leggeâ€"Hamblyâ€"that Jacob XVal- ton, David Lloyd and T. H. Lloyd be accepted as hondsmen for J. M. VVal- tou, treasurer of this municipality, and the clerk is authorized to surrend- er bond now heldâ€"Carried. The Reeve and Messrs. Armitage and Legge were appointed a commit- tee to meet Newnxarket re. north town line; Alex. hlclllurehy was appointed road oVerseer in place of Geo. Lawson ; A. Hamilton in place of S. Lemon'; and W. Carr in place of M. Mitchel. A. Davis &. Son Were permitted to erect a Weigh scale on the roadway opposite the tannery. Thos. Davis was appointed to look after Outting’spit. s The Recrc and Mr. Armitage were appointed to examine sideline between s V :ftgéï¬xszfluitma' sesraimznaï¬wm a! l; 5 o ‘\2 * - it are . ) ‘ " ' axe-i:m‘atzuas:‘::3F.2_!.zmmm-nummrmiri â€"/r- :2 I‘V a ‘ an 1 lots 20 and 21. in tin-1111mm†and takcl, a p. use what :n-tion they deem necvssary. i J. J. Andrmvs. lot :20. run. 2. assess-1 A, _, mch ruluct-d $200: .105. Hzll'Vl lot. , v g ’ i - 1 . . : 11 1‘7 24. con. 9, assessment reduced >3200; E . “c3101; , F. Knyunngli was assesst‘d $10†(ml _,“-..._.._,__. personal property: â€" Beamish. lot 0. l con. 11. :lsse‘ssnn-ni reduced $1300: J. ,‘ Assurance in force ................... ........... .r ............. $547.55?! A. \K'als'on, \Y. Kightloy, A. “'alkcl’, l I . ï¬': ,-,â€"( .. T. (.mnqiw‘ H mum“. A. “WWâ€, 1 inual Incm ...................................................... ,, 33,735, and Luke :‘vlnnul'W were relieve-d from 3 1‘0th ASSCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,420,526 lAssurance accepted ï¬rst 3 menu" 1,162,000 (lopr tax: ll. ('r. box entered as F. S. M. F. : T. (‘airns as )1. l“. Ry-l w (lh‘ltling‘ Kine; into polling Subdivisions was trust-d. Thr- next nun-tiny; ol' the council will be held at Loch Erin on June 20111. (7. l.’.\'rrni>.so.‘:. J. (Yummy. ‘It is the oldest, large st and cheapest 01 Com ianics and in its n'otzt results has no su'mrior ’ l . Canadian :1) (‘7‘ ._.. sâ€"J O in America. All latest plans of insurance. (lurk. Reeve II. .53.. :‘IEQIEE (hfriï¬â€˜si, rhgen: Also repreSentative 101‘ 1m: 1 been}; l‘n‘c Ins Co and Do» News Notes. minion Building and .%.::s<,.rc.ation. M loan at lowest rates on real estate secur' Nomi-vol was again visited earthquake last 'l‘hursday ni hi. 1 4 damage was done but the citizens WK 1“ l thorml’flilvfrightened. Shock wa-o? felt in lhclsmne city on the gird and 5 26111 -.,i' Marrh. “Almighty Voice." the indian mur- (lt'l’l*l‘()fH<‘1'f_;‘1. (‘olebrookv nearly two years ago was pursued by mounted police and shot and killed three more men nearlbn-k Lake. N. \V. T. He . was alter-wards shot and killed by his lids for sale all l\'1.-il(l5 Oi jllll Slll'l's. a ' ~ « .:E~iardtvare, i‘inwar Milk Pails,"Lill’ï¬ifi‘.'f"33-;l":{.2',3.i‘3i’§f“fl Pans,“ amers (all sizes and {3271lt'ititï¬â€˜t‘ii. ‘5:"L1113:31:?"i;.r...“l.‘.l“il§ff§3 prices) ails, Him ges ,Lo eke, Eerie-1 and Barbed "Wire 'OCKH't'l'. L owest prices. Furnaces at" the Best Erialtes. Stoves, Eavctroughing, and everything in the Tin and Hard- ware line at small profits and quick returns. ~. 1â€"17.Aml_w.l um mumsâ€""mm "sow-WM RICH 35." E.) ITILL 8'10 HE "A woooï¬ Markham Township Court of Revrsion. Markham Township (‘ounr-il met as a. court of revision on May 20th and disposed of the following appeals :â€" In West hull’. G. F. t‘itivcr, Frank Sliver, “'m. l’adget. jr. 11. F. Vl'ilson, J. (il'lt‘o, .‘lppt‘alotl as being assessed ‘ hiu‘l . A k: l.' l'si istl. Mrs. H .. l\llli-li’1nu'sion. slilliiltb (lie DJ.“ Irving; Charing and rodueml $100. Two ' ' " 0 llumli'otl dollars was struck off ll. .1. li‘rant-r-y‘s :lSSl'SSilll‘llliil house and lot on lot ill), (-on. -l. and :Issossctl to \Vm. A. Hannnond as tenant. Robert I)nf1iold was put on as joint tenant Eadie for 25 cents. Repair i ng promptly done. mum . with T. Hagcrman. lot 13, con. 5. _ _ Arch. Stephenson, lot 13%, con. 3, F. S. C A S E}; â€" iâ€"l D and M. F. F. Donnie, lot. 21-, con. 5, ' ' i and Leonard, Lepard. lot 19, con. 5, M. H 7;.5 .1 . fl . _i.-. . .. . 7.. W _ V, RILHMOND "‘“M‘ F. wercaddcd. 1n east halfâ€"P. L. Barkey‘s assess- ment was reduced .5100. T. Tran was put on as tenant to C. Heisey. John Pipher and Hiram Pipher \verc put on as owners of lot 32, (on. 10 and \Vil- liamson and McCullough struck 011' r the list. Dogs were struck otf tho Harness or all grades, assossmcnts of John Pike, A. Forster, L ‘ T John “'ideman, Chris. Lunau and D. Buggy Dusters, I‘ ly cls, HILL '7" a: * ,» # asï¬ï¬‚iflï¬gg 83$ 53%? Is the place to go for ï¬rsbclass' Tt'ideman, the same havino' been . y v_ . killed. Samuel Penny had bitch \VODl and Rubber knee Rugs, VVdeS, struck oil‘ and a dog added, and the And all Horse and Stable Supplies. Also in stock a iull line of Trunks and Valises. court adjourned. â€"â€"¢¢.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" The High School Deben- tures. , O . Everything at prices as l: vw as can be taught anywhere else. Call and see me Thn Readers of Tim LIBERAL can _ . l v . s 1 form an est rte of the amount that lNâ€"o 3 t lendEd t0 K,» 4 "'3?" chztizirg pp ruptly each ratennvcr will be rcouircd to pay ~ ‘ W ~. . ~ . a; re s as his proportion to meet annually, V I‘eEQDOI‘W :‘hIJlE‘. on account of the High School Dellf‘1l«;f 7 _, , , 7,, 7 , , _,‘_-‘-' “'7ԠWWW", .WV. "fl. .__._ ture. Debt of Richmond Hill. The ' ‘1' u special assessment for this purpose L fid/L‘g R g / The total 1 .i a as J k . will be $184.17 each year. assessed property on the Roll for no? is $100,600. The ft.)llo\ving table ex- hibits the cost yearly to each ratepayer assessed for the sums stated below : .llé cents. ‘vVe have again on hand the largest stock of Viall Papers, Ceilings, Borderings and Decoratlons ever shown in $100 special rate . ' _ 2: Z: 2 Richmond Hill and wrllbe sold at the lowest 400 “ “ 2'46i “ possrhle cash prices. . , :2 f: :: Paints, Oils, _Varnishes. Mixed Paints in all shades and 7'00 “ “ lent “ colors. Paint, Whitewash and halsomine Brushes_1n j: :: :2 all sizes. and can’t be sold cheaper. 10â€â€ “ " 1'1†“ LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE And so on according to each assess- ment. Constantly on hand. Usual Stock of x Groceries And everything complete, for cash only. . P. G‘r. SAVTAGE, - Richmond Iiill halite inertial: câ€"â€"â€"â€"~t tallion Reglster. ST. LnGERâ€"Pure-bred imported Clydesdale. the ‘ propertv of D. (3. Steele and 1). Watson. Home stable Marie. Will travel through Kleinburg,‘ Nobloton, Scnoniberg, Auroru‘ Richmond Hlll. Terms 3511. 1). Watson, manager. HANNIuALâ€"Pure-bred imported Yorkshire coach Stallion. ti 6» property of D. Watson Home Will travel with St. Leger. stable Maple. Terms $10. KING or Annuacnoss-Purebrod Clydesdale the propertyof Smith & Thom son. Will stand at his own stable, Golden ion Hotel TO KNOW THE NEWEST and EEST Lancing. Terms 10. ~ . MoNo’roNYâ€"Thoronghbred stallion and race 0 OPP 01’ tilt-l on horse, the proper"); of F. J. Gallltmoltfgh, V. S]. , r\ r ,w t . Home stable, lhornhill VA 11 ca. 6. 3n You nlust see our samples of Con. East York; Cherry’s Hotel; Richmond Hill; 2nd (ion. West York; Jackson's Hotel, Yonge Street. Terms $12. .1. Chatterley, manager. Hover-m â€"’l‘he Kentucky Bred trotting stallion, the property of Time. Cannon, home stable Aurora, will travel through King. Whit- church. Newmarket dzc. Terms 510. TONY \VILnnsâ€"rltomlster stallion, the property of John McBride, mil make the season at his own stnhre, lot 7. 2nd Con. Vaughan (town line). Terms $10. Capital Authorized, $2,500,001; Capital Subscribed, $627,400. New Raymond Sewing Machines, Head 0ï¬ce, 86 King St. TORONTO. " "“ While speakingwithasewing machine DIRECIORS agent who had handled several differ- J_ K. Kenn _ C. E. Junavis My?“ . ent kinds of machines (he 18 now out 5-93.; 'Vice‘he‘sv; Robert McClain. Jno. Richardson,M.P.P of the'business) he said the New Ray- Daniel Spry Fdwmd Crown , , mond is the best machine made in Apply to 4%,“ A' 1" SKEhLE Canada. George Dunstan, General Manager . n Don’t fail to inspect them and if prices â€"' v are not right, don’t buy. . . . ,- Blehmead Hill Brazen. ill Sound Teeth? If so, call on us. We will crown your tE‘J-h, using pure gold or porce- lain, for only 85 a tooth. Our setts ‘ teeth are a. work of art and guaran- teed to last. Painless extraction for plates, free. All work ï¬rst-class. H. A. G‘ALLOV/A‘x’, Dentist .'\'.E. Cor. Yonge 6: Queen .Sts., Toronto : 1 Deposits received and interest allowed at cur-ran rates in the Savings Department. w. 'r. STOREY, AGENT, RICHMOND HILL. Subscribe 161- , The LIBERAL. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabulesflor sour stomach. Special attention given to the ccllection of sale and other notes. Money to Loan C. C. RI LLINGS. Manage?